Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 24, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    MEDFcmn m'Ate trtbunr. medfotw, omwox, Friday, xoykmuku 2-1, 1922
TY11H l(of to itt Ouk'k Ili'lli'f
I'runi llciul-Culdh. It's SpU'iullil!
In ono iniiiuto your doEt'd nos
trils will open, tliu uir imsimgi-'S of
your head will clear and you ran
breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuffling. blowing, headache, dry
ness. No trui;t;ling for breath at
nlBht your cold or catarrh will he
Konc. ...
Oct n small bottle of Ely's Cream
Halm Jfrnm yijim druggist now: Ap
1'ly a' llftlo of , this; fiiiKi ant antiseptic,
healing' cream-, lu' your - jiostrils: . It
pene'tialcs through' every'alr .passdifo
of tho head, ttoothes the inflamed or
swollen'iuuuou.s membrane and relief
cornea Instantly' 'm: '
It's Just fineV Don't stay stuffed
up with a cold or" -nasty catarrh Ite
llcf cbmi'S FO'tiuickly. ' ' Adv.
Sea Ik Selling
PItirKH: 55c, 83c, $1.10
Includes War Tax. '
Tlie second edition of the year of
thn Medford 111-Timns. llm official
the local high school made its appear
unco this afternoon at the high
school building. The editorial staff
promise that the next Issuo two
weeks hence, will be the best ever.
The men's and women's biblo class
of the First Christian church will have
a special business and social meeting
nt thn church. Fridnv nii?ht Vnv 24th.
j to which every member cf the class.
former member and man and woman
who would like to become, u member
are earnestly requested to be present.
Masquerade at Lake Creek Thanks
giving eve, Nov. 29th.
Dance at Jackson Hot Springs, Sat
urday night. 211
The Jackson County Building and
Loan has several thousand dollars to
loan. 210
High school authorities at Albany,
Ore., have agreed to suction the wear
ing of peon trousers by boys during
school hours, provided all decorative
buttons and loud colors are removed
and the trousers are worn sans sash
This action followed a student body
vote of 107 to 100 against the wear
ing of this garb. In view of the fact
that only half the student body voted
and that the division of opinion was
nearly equally divided, tho compro
mise was voted. Three Ugh school
boys had attempted to wear the nov
elty trousers a week ago, with tho
result that classrooms were tempor
arily disrupted.
Now is the time to buy flour. Hutch
ison & Lumsden are selling Vllmo and
Snowy nutto nt $1.70 per sack, Drifted
Snow at $2.00 per sank, 4-sacks !c less,
10 sacks 10c less. Delivered at your
house in town. They have just re
ceived a new lot' of home-made sor
Khum 10c per lb. 214'
The Jnckson County Building and
Loan has several thousand dollars to
loan. . '210
Kill rats and mice with Lrinan's
Exterminator not a poison hut sure
to kill. Monarch Seed. Co., 317 East
Main. ' ,
Oregon -Journal service, phono S44.
Princeton Proffessor First to Scale Peak
1 1 wV&X1
The Ashlatid Winter fair will bej
held on December 5-6-7-8. Tho Poul-
try-Rabbit and l'et Stock show will
be the largest and best ever held In
southern Oregon. The show will be
!ielil In tho Armory and Nntatorlum. '
A splendid program of music and
taudeville will be given each evening
with lectures by leading suenkers of
! tho state of Oregon. I'remlum lists
I may be obtained from the secretary,
J. 11. Fuller, Ashland, Ore.
Veal, mutton and pork, chickens,
pork sausage. Booth 14, Public Mar
ket. Orders taken for turkeys. B. J.
White. . 210
ltlg turkey shoot Sunday, Nov. 2G,
ono mile north Phoenix. 211
For Salo Good sound Spltienberg
apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes.
Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed,
$1.75. E. F. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville.
Hig turkey shoot Sunday, Nov. 26,
one mile north Phoenix. 211
A big turkey shoot 'will be held
Sunday on tho Lamport placo ono
mile this side of Phoenix. Doth rlt'lo
and shotgun competition for the birds
v.ill be held and a large number ot
valey sportsmen are expected to bo
present to participate in the event.
Dance at Englo Point Sat. nite. 217
Key fitting. Liberty Shop. 214
A pleased customer Is our best ad
vertisement. Wo are making Christ
mas photos now. . Medford Studio, 22S
East Main. 213
" After being twico driven back by
tumblingrocks released through melt
ing snow, James W. 'Alexander, assis
tant professor of mathematics at
Princeton university, accomplished
the seemingly 'impossible In penetrat
ing tho heretofore inaccessible Chasm
Lake approach to reach the summit of
Long's Peak, in Rocky Mountain Na
tional park, Colorado. Near tho top
ho crawled along a narrow ledge over
looking a sheer drop of 2000 feet. He
cut seventy-six steps in the Ico to
cross a glacier at the foot, and on
reaching, the summit scrawled his
name in the register of the Colorado
.Mountain club. Chasm Lake is shown
in tho foreground. Mure mini shrinks
into insignificance before tho granite
thrown, four times as high as the
Washington monument.
l3 Chcofaies -N,
took for Thlj
Shield It's
Your Guarantee
for Thanksgiving
"Home" Day
When the young folks are back from
college when sons and daughters once
, , ., .i t .
more gather under the parental tooi
and all are aglow with the excite
ment of the annual home-coming let
Krause's Stellar Chocolates
sweeten the day for all. Each $1 box
contains 1 6 varieties of the finest
chocolates each piece a surprise.
Glorious creamy centers, some with
minced nuts others smack refresh
ingly of true fruits and others well,
that would be telling!
Try Krause's Stellars and see.
$1, $2 up to $5 the Box
Ask for Krause'i
by Kama
j Obtainable Wherever High-Class Candies Are Sold j
fJgs' thanof higher Jg
1 $1111 SAME PRICE f,
Wm fr more than 30 years
fill 85
(t (&i5i5j5jt2W( Millions of pounds bought by the fjr
0 government. QUALITY the best, A
The Christian church orchestra
had a pot luck supper last night and
cold storage venison was furnished
for the crowd by Rev. D. E. Millard.
Following the supper the members
of the orchestra held a rehearsal
while others present washed dishes.
Riverside Garage has installed a
new broke lining machine which shor
tens the time of relining brakes won
derfully. We are going to give our
customers the benefit of the saving in
time. . See us and get our prices on
y-ii brake lining job. r tt
Place your order now for Thanks
giving flowers. Choice homo grown
chrysanthemums, roses, carnations,
violets, potted plants, ferns, etc.
Maddox & Bonney, phone 843, Tho
Shasta, or 374 Greenhouse. 213
Dance at Eagle Point Sat. nlto. 217
A number of University of Oregon
and O. A. C. students are expected
homo next week for the annual brief
vacation afforded ' by ' Thanksgiving
day. Many who wpuld otherwise
spend the several days allowed In
Portland ui some other city in the
northern part of the state will return
to Medford this year because of the
lively Interest In tho Thanksgiving
Day football gamo between Medford
and Ashland which will be played at
Ashland next Thursday, afternoon at
2 o'clock.
For Sale Automobiles from $50.00
up. Gold Trading Center, next to Far
mers & Fruitgrowers Dank. Phone
465-J. : -:tt
Phonograph and piano for sale
cheap. Easy terms. P. O. IJox 557. 214
Mattress work all kinds. Medford
Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tt
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 10S.
711 East Main street.
G. A. Gardner, judge of Jackson
county, and James Owens, a commis
sioner, with W. H. Gore, banker and
civic booster, returned to the south
last night after urging the highway
commission to designate the Blue
Ledge road as a regular ronte. Mr.
Gooro had an Inspiration and sugi
gested that the commission name as
a state road the county road between
Medford and Jacksonville, tho county
seat. Highway Commissioner Bar-
ratt observed It would be cheaper to
move the county seat to Medford
from Jacksonville than to take over
tho county, road and have tho Btate
pave It. Portland Oregonian.
All prices of pottery reduced 33 1-3
per cent. Handicraft Shop. 211
Wrapping paper, cut to fit any size
paper holder, from white print paper,
at this office at prices much below tho
regular wrapping paper price. Call at
once or phone 75. tf
Veal, mutton and pork, chicken, pork
sausage. Booth 14, Public Market.
Orders taken for turkeys. E. J. White.
' . 210
C. K. Wallace, auto mechanic, many
years with Bulck and Nash factory
branches, has opened a repair shop nt
220 North "rape St. Work on all cars
and trucks solicited. . 211
An audience of children and their
mothers packed the small hall at the
Nat yesterday afternoon when Bus
ter Brown appeared to tell tho ad
vantages of Buster Brown shoes sold
by the Golden Rule store In Medford.
There wbb standing room only and
the children listened to a descrip
tion of tho manufacture of the shoes.
given by Buster Brown after which
they were all presented with souven
irs and sent on their way rejoicing.
Turkeys Get our prices. We will
perhaps pay more for A No. 1 turkeys
than you can get elsewhere, Jackson
County Creamery. . 209
Danco at Jackson Hot Springs, Sat'
urday night. , . 211"
This office Is prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone
us and we will call. tf
System Service Co.' writes Fire and
all other Insurance. Strong companies.
Office 2nd floor Medford Uldg. tf
Mrs. H. L. Edwards of Grants Pass
arrived In the city yesterday after
noon for a several days visit.
Marinello Shop, Medford Hotel. 220
Noel L. Erskine gives piano lessons
at pupils' homes. Phone 729-W. 212
You can get It at DeVoe's. tf
Phonograph repairing. Liberty
Shop. 21 1
I Yi Yl iT '
! k . I
New Raisins, Cluster, Seeded and Seedless,
Nuts, Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, Can
died Pineapple, Cranberries, Apples, etc. A
full line of fresh vegetables always in stock.
Free Delivery
Phone 271
We are Agents In JackBon and Josephine Counties for
Stephens service and parta Expert Ropalr Men handle all
repair Jobs. .
SO South Front St.
Medford, Ore.
vi ng
; w
The Thanksgiving Season
is almost here and we are
ready to do our part toward
making the Home Coming
Dinner a great success.
Heinz Mince Meat
Libby's Mince Meat
None Such Mince Meat
Home Made Mince Meat
Candied Citron
Candied Orange Peel
Candied Lemon Peel
Candied Cherries
Black Figs
White Figs ,
Layer Figs
Pulled Figs
Imported Edam Cheese
Imported Swiss Cheese '
American Swiss Cheese
Camembert Cheese
Parmeson Grated Cheese
Pineapple Cheese
Heinz Plum and Fig
Boiled Cider
Crystalized Ginger
Preserved Ginger
C & B Orange Marmalade
Shelled Nuts
Tea Garden Cherries
Mrs. York's
Home Made
Fruit Cake 1
Seeded Raisins
Seedless Raisins
Cluster Raisins
Cleaned Currants
Package Dates A
Stuffed Dates
Libby's Best
Plum Pudding
Personal Attention
Prompt Service
Phone 252
Phone 252