VJttV. - TEN MEDTOP.j) liLTO TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREfiONV JIvRmAY: NOVEMBER 24. 1023 ,(. STARTS UP IN i By Mary O. Curoy. EDBN PHECiXCT, Nov. 23. ' There Is a new, 'building boom start ing up In 'the northern onil of Phoe nix. This bids far to bo new bUBl "incss center, ,And the nume, New " Town has b'oeii suggested. , There is S one new store, belonging to Mrs. Kd Wilder and a-now residence or two. Dr. Malrtigren of Phoenix is having a a residence which he o-n-ns In Ashland if painted. . Noah Chundlcr, our North 1 Talent painter, Is doing, tho work. , Mr. Chandler also painted tho bluck Jjj boards in tho Phoenix school build ing, tho last ot last week. Cirandma Holdridge of Talent has been in a very poor state of health tho past ten days. Dr. Malmgron has been with her a great deal of the time. Heart weakness Is her ailment. Tho Kadlophone man, from Paul's Electric store was out demonstrating - Mlth his auto radio. Many of the cltt- . zens along the highway were treated to a short portion of tho evening's program as sent out from The Mull Tribuno each night to those at a dis , tunce. Although his radio, is in his f uuio and is so near the ground, yet ' every word was plainly audible. Walter Allen has been buying him I self a Uulck car. It is not really new ; but we predict that Wultor will clean j. it up and in a . few days it will hum like la new one. Walter is hard to beat when it comes to overhauling an engine. Many a new cur soon :j looks old from neglect and want of 1 proper caro. It looks like old times among the gardeners along Hear Creek between Talent und Phoenix, to see them harvesting- their beets und corn. S. S. . Mtephens has sotucuof the largest hulf S sugar beets that have been raised 2 here in many years. One of these mammoth beets is on exhibition in " the window ot the Phoenix Mercantile ( company, weighing 22 pounds. .I.E. Fish of the I. X. L. Garden Is harvesting his field corn, and It is of the best of quality and tho yield is upwards of fifty bushels to the acre. There Is much complaint among all of tho poultry people around Phoenix, that their hens ure not lay ing as largo a per cent as they have heretofore. They should be getting at least fifty per cent and none of them .hnvo been able to bring their flock up to that avcrago, yet this full. All of them have pullets and they ure now of laying age, yet they do not start laying us heavy as they should. Mince the orchardlsts have found that the market price on apples will not justify the shlpping'out of most of their fruit, they are selling a great deal of it to the Talent Cannery Co. There has been truck load after truck loud hauled to tho cannery this week. Tho cannery is running with a big working force. Telcphono communication on the one six lino was supposed to have been put in good shape last Friday, but Sundny tho service was out again and tho subscribers were out looking fur the trouble James Harvey of Myrtle Crcok has his household goods shipped up to Phoenix, but lias not boon able to find a sultnblo locution as yet. Ho nays ho may ship them back to his former homo county, as ha llkos down there belter than this pnrt of Oregon. Jim was onco a resident of Kden Precinct his parents owning what is now tho county farm. Mr. Sloan of West Phoenix wa trading In Medford last Friday. M: Floan has a small ranch west Phoenix and keeps chlckons und gar dens. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fish of tho I. X. I,. Garden ranch on the Pnclflo High Skin Ablaze 7bittr Eczema i Constant Itching Almost Unbearable! V know hr It one thing that ttftpt rovuM, boh mac is mora ra-Diooiciiil X 8. 8. buildi them by th million! You ran Inei-MM your rrtl-bluorl cells to tha pilot whero It li practfcallr Impniilklt fyf tcKma to ox lit. Wo know that aa Mrtort.ftlta fnrreta in nnmbir. feint.. 1m ' purli-lta vanish! We also know that nliM 'iillowi Any. Both lira facta! Hut hurt , jrnu, rnsema luffttrcra, ever actually tnkrn arirantaff ot tbla wonderful IVtT Ttaon - sands just Ilka yon hava nerer thought ' ahnut HI ftfclo erupt tens, acapnia with all Its flrijrvaktn-dlKKtnir torture and Its soul- f.trnrlntri .unreachable Itching, ptmplVi. .. bUrktioaas and bolls, thtj all park up and v an, when the tide of bloodrHls taln to mil In I Blood-rHIa are the flKhtlitK-atante ' of natural 8. & A. builde thorn kr tht i, million I It baa been dolnc It slime lS2ti! H. ft. 8. fa one of thm greatest blood!, bill liters, fcaiod-clrawwra and nod r build era known to us mortslst Wbfn you put ibrsa fuels togtM her, then to continue to litiro erreiua and akin eruptions looks ' more like a sin than a disease. Mrs. Arthur N. Smith, Tearl fit Newark, Ohio, wrllMi 'Mw UtiU girt ksa a nr M mm eevfms. 5A ktgan taking 8. 8. 5. mni it ifrii mow. I thank iron ry mveH. i Utt fny fritwlt hat a good mtdicin (I Is. i rutin, talk to muck mbout it, ft 1 knsw ft is O. A'.w . - Tier la your opportunity. 8. 8, 8. eon tulna only vet:etalilft niedU'lnsl Inaredlenta. HfH'atifta H. 8. H. des build red-blocd-rells, ft runts rheumatism, builds firm flesh, fills ont hollnw cheeks, beautifies the coin pteiion, builds you up when jun are run ilowo. 8. 8. 8. la sold at all drnr stores. In, two alr.ef. The larger alM bottle la the 'mora acenoaiU-ali way south of phoenix, was trading In Medford Buturdny Tubs Hughes of Ashland was haul ing, wood from his brother. Lent Hughes' ranch In Fern volley, Inst week. Tuss Was healed of a lninc arm during tho Dr. Price meetings, and now he uses tho arm doing all kinds of work. Mrs. ltelmer of the state experi ment station nt Talent was In Meu ford last Friday attending the guild ot tho Episcopal church. Mrs. Douglas Steadman of Phoe nix was a business visitor In Medford last Friday, as also was Mrs. Kob Furry. Mrs. Magglo Moat, of East Eaden, was at the home of Miss Johnston of North Talent. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS A. C. Howltlt Mrs. Maude 11. Dunnell of Ranclierla Prairie, Butte Falls, came out on the stage last Friday, took dinner at, the Sunnyside hotel and went out to Med ford remaining until Monday. She does not seem to appreciate the kind of roads we have between here and Butte Falls aa they are beyond de scription. J. H. Hlgnby who has a family living here while be Is working on the Von der Hellen contract on the Crater Lake highway, came out to visit his family and took two of his boys to Medford and treated them to a new suit each. He is one of our Stirling citizens that came In from eastern Oregon about a year ago and has managed to keep busy ever since. Some people com plain that they can't find anything to do but he always does. They are of the class, perhaps, such as I heard complaining a few days ago about the wages offered for work, three dollars and forty cents a day and board your self. They would rather lay around and go In debt for their board. There Is no excuse now for anyone to be out of a job, If they are able to work, for work has now commenced on the main canal for the Eagle Point Irrigation Co., and If the weather will permit, work will be obtainable for the next year or more, as not only the canal is to be dug, but the laterals, and they, several miles in length, will be dug and that Is no small job, and the con tractors are already at work on them. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stllle who are living on the old Lane place west of Eagle Point, were trading with our merchants Thursday. Charley Humphrey and wife and Mrs. Ward Dunlap and daughter Miss Ada Dunlap, all of Derby, came out and wont to Medford Thursday and on the homeward trip brought out a load of goods for the F. J. Mcl'herson store. Charley is one of the live wires of tho Derby country that never gets cold, for he is always up and going. Will C. Counter of Ashland, sales man for PnrkBmen, Portland, was here Thursday for the night and so was Mil lard Robinson and Earl Wood. Leo Edmondson ot llutto Falls was a passenger on the Btage on his way home. He had been out to Medford on business. Mr. Kingery of Antelope, was doing business here last Saturday. Mrs. James Urleve, the hostoss of the Prospect hotel, was a passenger on the (Untie from .Medford to her homo Saturday. S. a. Palmer of Butte Falls, was a passenger for his home also and Hov. J. E. Kay and wife were nlso home ward bound on the same stage. Mrs. Wm. N. Anderson who came out with Mr. and Mrs. Day had already gono up home the day before Pearl Stowell and Joo Hoskins of McLeod were here for dinnor and J. F Johnson and family, Theo. A. Glass and Thos. L. Timmons of Kansas City Earl llcchdolt and Ed Gomez wore hero Saturday for dinner. Among the callers Sunday woro Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Callaghan, agents for the Vacuctto Distributing Co., Med ford, Ore., John Wilkinson, B. S. Moo maw, throe children, and slstor Mrs. Duslo Wilkinson, Frank Worth and his brothor-ln-law, Carl Richardson, night and dinner. Charles Clark of Medford, travollng agont for Wntklns Products, was here Monday for dinnor, nnd Ed Gomez spont tha night. The road district meeting held at the homo of the rond supervisor, Wni Perry, resulted In levying a spoclal tax of five mills. At first the proposition was to mako It nil oight mill lovy but that was voted down nnd thoy finally agreed on a fivo mill tax. In tho Uutte FallB district they voted a five mill tax which will mean raising about 10,00.1 for that district. Among tho guests at the Sunnyside Monday noon woro Mr. and Mrs, Wil liam Porry. ho being our popular road supervisor, and ho reports that the work is going on quite satisfactorily although thore are soveral places whore work Is much needed, but owing to tho fact that tho people nt tho lust cloctlon votod down tho bill to lovy an additional tax of $100,000 for road work tho county court appropriated ns much money as usual to our roads in this end of the county, so Instead ot having $10,000 to apply to his district the coming year there will be but five thousand dollars plus the amount raised from tho general road fund so we will have to put up with what we will get, and the rcador will bear In mind that five thousnnd dollars will not go very far In as largo a district as tho one he has to caro for. In addition to those mentioned who were horo for dinner Monday there were also Mrs. Rosa Smith, Mrs Perry's slstor, W. E. llammll, ono of the directors of the Eagle Point Canal Co., and Mr. Perry who ! also one of the directors. Fred Pettygrew, the sec retary of the district, joe llnsklns Geo. Lewis. Wm. lllgham, '.'erry Fos ter and Ollvir Adams of Sutn Falls. The contracts are beln lnt to cleir the rltiht of way for tni rana! from iv.& putte to the Iprmina'. (he Nichols ttnp. nnd alfo the different laterals, as well as tho digging of tho laterals, rnd some of tho contractors are establish ing their camps. Mr. Pettygrew told mo this Wednesday morning that the company was establishing a camp at the C. H. .Natwlck place and were go ing to make some of the laterals them selves, bo by the time I write my next letter the dirt will be flying In earnest. Minstrels may come and go but the Famous Georgia (Minstrels seem to go on forever. For the past thirty-threo years, this orgurytzntlon has been rec ognized as one of tho leading road attractions, it has a following equalled by none but envied by many. While other minstrel shows are clamoring Tor talent, this company has no trouble in securing the pick of the profession, itc financial standing Is as strong as the j-ocks of Gibraltar, its methods as near perfection as experience can make it, so the ambitious performer makes every I effort to bo countod among its roster. They will be at, the Page theatre to night. x For All the Family ; Rupert Hughes' latest picture, "Re- membrunce," is being presentod at the Rialto theatre.) The, story deals with just such, a family as can bo found in any Amer ican city a family that has achieved social and financial success and is branching out with an ambitious flour ish. Only the father, "Poor Old Pop," the man who built up a small business Into a successful department store re mains unspoiled. Pop is expected to'work and pay the bills while the rest of the family have a good time. This is the situation when he collapses under the strain and suffers an Illness that threatens his life. Pop is a beautifully sympathetic figure. He sacrifices himself uncom plainingly and the mother and children accept everything regardless of cost. No oue can see "Remembrance" with out profiting by the story of loyo It unfolds and the warning against self ishness. Claude ,Gllii;water gives a memorable portrayal of the father. "Nice People," Page "Nice People," the sensational New York stago success, has been made into a big production under the direc tion ot William C. De Mille and is to be No. 3 of the Big 8 series at the Page theatre, beginning tomorrow matinee at 12:30. It is one of tho first of the big Para mount l'J-3 productions. . In the cast ot this play aro Wallace Rcld, Bebe Daniels, Conrad Nagel und Julia Faye. This quartet would put any picture over. , The picture opens with a series ot lavish scenes showing just how many ot the dobs and subdebs ot the "400" in the city while away the wee sma hours. The cabaret scenes are a la Japa nese and unusually lavish. Tlio danc ing is decidedly modern. Tho Amer ican costume ball and tableaux are tho last word In beauty. The night party is very realistic. Those scenes and those which follow In -a country home are decidedly now and will be tho talk of the town. CHE has never tasted other chocolates quite like Tan Jar, II. M th it a n if n-h.rv.r th.r ll ft rod cftltdr. Corns Vanish When Touched With (&9ts-iT' A pone nbsnrbii nlor. i dnea "Octt-lt" ahforb and draw ou . nnr tonder corn. I.IK or lllil,.. nil n- , r., orriifut. Il ni-vcr inll. ' O.-U lf ll llir original wra and rallus pwh-r. Bo anre to aak forll by namn nnd rfin! tub.'t. lute. Moncjr ha.-k If not Btlnd. m.n S'lL 'r'n,rrv''-.'UorM. K. lAwronc d tv . Mfr- Cbicaa-o. 1in Tl. rlnskliia Strang's l'nig Slote !sb. :JranJar jTTT V MilkXhocofatos 1fiU 1 XOrtjpnCnwriet 'it VBraxir Nut. 7, A. !B. BIG WEDNESDAY;?, NOV. 29 th STORE CLOSED MONDAY and TUESDAY NOV. 27 and 28 The Biggest Sale Ever Store Open During This Sale From 8 A. M. to 9 P. M., Every Day Except Sundays and Thanksgiving Day ' ' ' ' ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE GOING AT A SACRIFICE Shoes for Men, "Women and Children; Dry Goods, Jleavy Moleskin, "Wool lined Coats, $12.00 value. Blankets of all discriptions, Underwear, Hosiery, Now : : $8.00 Gents' and" Ladies' Furnishings of every kind. Men's, Wool Pants, regular . $9.00. Kow, while Trunks, Suitcases, Rubber Boots, Rubbers, Rain lev asj. gej qq Coats, Mackinaws. Prices slashed regardless of cost. , -,, , , m Oregon City Woolen Mills, all wool MackillaWt . s A. A. Cutler Shocs.16 ,u,-h top.. $9.9o, best grade $9.50 Ladies' Hiking Boots, 12 inch top $5.95 ' Men's Leather Vests, regular $10. Now ........$6.00 Outing Flannel, yard 12 1-2 While they last. R. & G. Corsets, regular $3.50. On sale at $2.50 You Can't Afford to Miss These Bargains Lay in Your Winter Grocery Supply at Bed Rock Prices Remember! Sale Starts Wed., Nov. 29th 6 tLoansto Farmers Under Federal Supervision Money for to refund existing Mort gages; buy more land; provide build ings; Improvements, equipment; live stock; or for somo other agricultural purpose; on a non-maturing mort gage at 6 per cent interest for a term of from 20 to 33 years; under an amortization plan; with privilege ot paying any or all payments after fivo years. We have over two millions of avallablo cash on hand, and can give prompt attention to applications on good orchards and farms in amounts from $5,000 to $50,000. California Joint Stock Land Bank BAN FRANCISCO Kor applications and particulars Sco K. If. Kurd, 40'J Medford Dldg. Medford, Orcfron. DON'T LOSE YOUR TEETH Thousands of people are wear liiK false teoth todny because of the ravim-s of PYORRHEA. Pyro-Form a newly discovered scientific remedy 1b Riinrnnteed to givo permanent relief in any caso of pyorrhea. Your druggist will rvfund tho purchase, prlee If you are not entirely nalisfled with the results obtained, lliisklna Itrug; Store, Medford, Oregon H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Siirrosnr to Wecks-ConRor Medford, Ore. EVANS' S STARTS ALE' 11 A. B. EVANS Central Point, Oregon THE BEST SUIT VALUES IN TOWN are right here! Come in and make me PROVE IT. I'll show you SOME FABRICS pure wool or worsted; patterns that are choice; and i iLuiiriij witn a conscience. YOU'RE RIGHT I don't make much on these suits. I call them my "MIS SIONARY" Suits. They go out in town and MAKE FRIENDS FOR ME. And I am SATISFIED! '83HD3 PHOTOGRAPHS for Christmas SWEM'S STUDIO 17 E. Main fit. Medford CANVAS by the yard Med. Tent & Awning Works Opposite S. I. Depot LOOK Everything Reduced Held in Central Point Turkeys By Johnson Guaranteed Plan liast year turkey raisers received vrjothiioro in money than if they had sold to local dealers nt their so- called market price. Wo linvo the same plan this year. Not with tho Farm Bureau LOCATED AT 2-11 N. FIR ST. Medford Phone 07 ' GLM CHU3G China Herb Store . This is to cerUrj that Olm Chung of Medford. Ore., has cured me of goitre' and stomach trouble. B. M. Leonard, i J tit., Grants Pass. This la to certify that Olm Chung of Medford, Ore., has cured me ot rupture of four years' stsndlng. K. Q. lshanv 413 S St., Grants Pass, Ore. Medford, Oregon, Jan. IS, 1917. This 'la to certify that 1, the under signed, had very severe stomach trouble nd had been bothered for several years and last August was not expected to live, and hearing of Olm Chung (whose Herb store Is at 214 South Front street, Medford), I decided to get herbs for my stomach trouble, and 1 started to feeling better as aoon as 1 used them and today am a woll man and can heartily recom mend anvor.e afflicted as I was to sea Olm Chung and try his Herbs. 9ignea w. it. juiintjun, "Witnesses: Win. Lewis, Eagle Point. V. L. Chlldrelh, Eagle Point M. A. Anderson, Medford. 8. B. Holmes, Ragle Point. C. K. Moore, Eagle Point. J. V. Xlclntyre, Eagle Point Geo. Von der Hellen, Eagle Point Thna. R. Nlehnla. Ka-I Pntnt Advertise your needs In Sun classi fied columns and get tvsults. .: Remember! Sale Starts Wed., Nov. 29th Our equipment as s u r e s thorough work 110 . wear promptness. Try us. WE ARE ISFIE.D UNLESS YOU ARE' Christmas Sailings i to Europe ;;; ' from St. John, N. B. !! S. S. TunlBian to Llve'rjJo'ol .... .. December B S. S. Mellta to Southampton Cherbourg December 9 S. S. Montcalm to Liverpool December 12 S. S. Metagama to Glasgow December IS WEST INDIES CRUISES Twin Screw, Oil Barnlnl S. S. Empress of Britsln sails from New York In Jsnusry snd February on drllshtftll cruises olWcst Indies, Panama and South America. Fastest Steamers to the Orient Four miBnlneent Canadian Psrlfic Em rrm Steamships link Asia with America. Fortnightly saUin8i from Vsocourer and V Ictona. B. C to J.pio, Cbioa and the Philippine. Information, Reservations and Tickets at Canadian PacificTicket Office I lilts' llriil, trims' ram, Irtsitu N I.I. Inch, Isi'ltlKl NOT'!WySAT !