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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1922)
BRINGING OUR FUTURE fbNVT DON'T THINK IT CONNK BE LON, wt r Market News . , Wheat, Goes Down. CHICAGO, Nov. 23.--Vltb Idea! wcuther cur shortage ubaling and nn upparent lull In export buying, the wheat ninrket had a downward ten dency today during the early dealings. The fact that stocks of grain afloat nro larger than wan the case n year ago attracted attention also, inas much as recently the comparison was bullish. Talk of plans for United States gov ernment help In financing sales to foreign countries failed to sllr up any important new buying. The opening which varied from unchanged figures to c lower, with May $l-10'-i to $1.16 and Julyjl.07 to $1.08 Vi was followed by a moderate further set-back. Corn nnd oats declined with wheat. After opening quarter off to il like advance, May- 70 to 70c, the corn market underwent u general sag. Oats started unchanged to c lower. May 42 to 43c and later continued to ease down. Provisions lacked any aggressive support. ' ' livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 23. Cat tle weak; receipts 190. Hogs steady; receipts 31. Sheep nominally steady; no re ceipts, i .. DuUor PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 23. But ter steady to firm. Butterfat steady to firm. Prices unchanged. Son Francis Markets SAN FRANCISCO, . Nov. 23. (State Division of Markets.) Broil ers 2a5Scj...,-s.-. Port bind Wheat PORTLAND, Ore.. , Nov. 23. Wheat: Hard white, ' bluestem, Baart, $1.50; soft white, $1.23; west ern white $1.22; northern spring 11.19; western red $1.13. "" Today's car receipts: Wheat 54; flbtir '3; corn 2; oats 2; hay 0. " " Colored Minstrels Are the Best There have been many colored m!n strel shows which were unsatisfactory In their entertainment because the col ored performers were self-conscious and did not act natural. The Famous Georgia Minstrels have always been fortunate in having as a manager one who was familiar with the peculiar ities of the negro and knew Just how to get the performers to exhibit that peculiar humor so well known among the southern darkles. Mr. Arthur Hockwald, the present company man ager. Is a native of the south and has assembled a company of performers that are not posers, but real entertain ers. They, will be at the Pago theatre to morrow night. . - : v Drawing Big Crowds, Page Tier is bo lessening of interest In Cecil B. DeMtlle's great picture, "Man-slaughter,'-which' is now in its. last day at the Pago theatre. Thomas Melghan is the star of the production, with Leatrlce Joy and Lois Wilson fea tured, and a cast of thirty or more prominent motion picture players In the cast. "Manslaughter" is one of the Big 8 Pictures, booked for the local "Greater Movie Season," a thing everyone who Is Interested in bettor motion pictures should see. Its story is dignified and carries a warning to .reckless speeders along the mart. . PERL FUNERAL iiUSIE At Your Service Day or Hlftil Istftrrnntflnrr Oorrllslly GlTea u Oar. fltn awl Uaaaale UP FATHER OH' I IOW I VslbH I WUZ- EACK IN AMERICA, EATirs CORNED frEEF WITH johnV clears: "Remembrance" at Rlalto We have had heart appenl In mother pictures, such as "The Old Nest." and now comes an equally sympathetic story of the father of a family In "Re membrance," a super-feature which is being presented for four days at the Rialto theatre. It is a remarkable picture, unliko anything heretofore at tempted on the screen, and is bound to interest all classes and ages of theatregoers. The reception accorded "Remem brance" at its first showing yesterday, proves beyond a doubt that Rupert Hughes, the author and director of the picture, has struck upon a popular theme. "Poor Old Dad" is the herd of this story and all the sympathy goes to him as be toils to meet the demands of his extravagant family. The mother is a social climber and so are the sons and daughters, but Dad retains his simple tastes. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this Blip, enclose with 5c anil sail It to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial packages containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in aides and back; rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. Ladies' High Shoes At Hub Shoe Sate Ladies' high Bhoes for cold weather at very attractive prices at the Hub. A choice of a number of styles of high lace boots are being offered for two days at three dollars and fifty cents. You cannot afford to pass this opportunity. They , are . real, values. At the Hub. 209 Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Jackson. . :-. In iiie .natter of the Last Will and Testament of Mary B. Orr, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Mary B. Orr, deceased, to present them properly verified .to the under signed, at the office of O. C. Boggs, 30 North Central Avenue, Medford, Jack son County, Oregon, , within six (6) months from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, which date is the 23rd day of November, 1922. ABBIE K. THOMAS, V Executrix of the Estate of - Mary B. Orr, deceased. i Notico to Contractors Jackson County. .Market Jtoad Con struction. Sealed bids for the grading of the Butte Falls Market Road, Rocky Hill Section, will be received by the County Court of Jackson County at the office of the County Judge in the Jackson County Court House, at Jacksonville, Oregon, at ten o'clock a. m. on the first day of December,' 1922. v Length 1.36 Miles. 18,000 Cu. Yds. Excavation. Plans and specifications may be ex amined and proposal blanks received at the office of the Resident State Highway Engineer,. 300 Medford Na tional Bank Bldg., Medford, Oregon. All proposals must be-made In accord ance with instructions and must be accompanied by proposal Guaranty In an amount equal to live (5) percent of the total amount of bid. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or accopt DRAIN IT TODAY Are You Buying Lubri-. cation or Just Oil? This In ho time pf year when you should drain out tho 'Heavy oil from your crank' case and replace it with lighter oil. It saves a hnrd strain on your bat tery In starting. Being an Independent service station we are nlile tn plrk the oils that nre real lubricants. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to" 'Nat. MEDFORD MILL' TRIBPNK, THERE ANY ONE AROWD HERE THAT n THESE fie bid deemed best for the interest of Jackson County. JACKSON COUNTY COURT. C'hauncey Florey, County Clerk. HELP WANTKli MALE WANTED By young man, full or part time employment. References. P. O. Box 55". 211 WANTED Boy over 10 to work in shop. Must be energetic. Pullman Bakeiy. 1 WANTED Gardens to plow. Phone 027-M. 209 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Housekeeper, family. 330 S. Fir St. three in 211 WANTED-Teacher to give girl pri vate lessons (0th grade). Address R. R. Cox, R. 3, Medford. . WANTED Stenograprmi, general merchandise, phonograph and piano sales people. 1'. u. isox ltm. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Washing or house work by the hour. Phone 705-W. 212 WANTED Work by single man at any light employment, city or coun try; only moderate )ay asked. Ref erences Address S S S, Mail Tri bune. 209 WANTED Dressmaking. Prices rea sonable. Mrs. Bennett, 604 N. Fir St. ; 210 WAX'TKIl Aplirui trirl ovpnlnira nnfl 8attirdFv for board, room and' wages. Box C C, Mail Tribune. tf WANXRD HInnuUAirEOCS WANTED Heavy matched team of . .......... . I, 1 liu lAOl ril.n..,. ' ,uuB ... x . . xu... . WANTBD-JAngorii grfats. . Write Box : 840, Medford. 210 WANTED By refined couple, no chil dren, well furnished modern home of 4 or 5 rooms for winter months; must have possession this week. Box . 888, Mall Tribune. 210 WANTED A second-hand saw with belt and attachments. . Court Hall. WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. Upstairs 22 S, Grape. 237 WANTED Boarders. 129 N. Central Ave. - Home cooking, close in. . ,211 WANTED Second hand harbor chair antl mirror in good condition, cheap for caBh. Box 15, Mail Tribune. 209 WANTED To exchange gas rango for wood range. 323 S. rwing St. 209 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hldos, wool and rurs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St.. Phone 97. , tt WANTED TO RENT A piano In good condition. Give make and price. Address R. W. R., Mail Tribune, tt WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488 X. WANTED Small house 1 can buy like rent. X23 enre Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real eBtate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Bouses. Brown ft White. tf. FOB RUNT A1-ARTMENT9 FOR RENT 3 room modern furnished apartment. Gold Ray Realty Co., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 466-J. BUNGALOW HOME FURNISHED , . , . 3 Acres Garden Land Irrigated i v i ; .;, $1,000 cash $3,000 terms . ,-S: 1 Ixienlod less than One Mild from Medford, five room bungalow, fire place, electric lights, bath, sleeping porch, Rood barn, flno well. Very best loam soil. Horse, liny, wood, furniture. ETcrytlilng , goes. '-' " Never before priced so cluenply. ......... PRICE $.1,000. . t, i. ij Phono 784-Tj , 4 -. 1- A DANDY CITY HOME ' FURNISHED R-roorn modem Bungalow, on the EAST HIDE, nicely furnished, pretty fireplace, lotffOxloo, best of soil, gnnign antl wood-died; lotH of fruit, berries, grapes, rosm and xhrulibery j cement nnlk. This is the home you wnnt and In iIki best residential part of Motlfonl. Wo will sell tills homo nt bi sacrifice and throw In tho fur nishings. SEE TS TOIMV. THE FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY , . t Real Estate Hiislnrsn Opportunities .' Insnranre Modfortl llldg., Modord, Oregon MEDFORD, ' OKEflOy. TTTTRsDAY. XOraiT.Ett 2:1 LEAVE HIM ALONE - HE'S tONNA TAKE off; 0 FOR KENT FTTRTilHHKD ROOMS I FOR RENT Sleeping room, bath and Bhower. 222 S. Holly. Phone 247-M. 211 FOR RENT Comfortablo furnished sleeping room with bath prlviiuges. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tt FOR RENT Sleeping rooms with bath. 204 N. Jvy. - 210 FOR RENT Comfortable rooms with neat, men oniy. rnone joa-i. sto roK KKNT HOUBEKKKKUiO ; BOOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 211 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, kitchenette and bath in con nection: steam heat. CO" B. Central. Phone 674. ' FOB BENT USCKijLAXKOCH FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. t( FOR RENT Bearing orchards, alfalfa, grain ad stock ranches, some irri gated, some on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tt LOST LOST Black leather keyring folder. Reward. Return to Medford Hotel. W. P. McCrackeii. ' 209 LOST Black and whiifl bitch Fox Terrier with .black coliar. Finder please return to 219 N. Central. Reward. - 213 . Bf siNBS5 orportTCTNinns pQt sALiMjuncn counter doing nice for-Tighfpartyr nmnll- cash Invest ment. See Cassldy, Brown & Brown Cigar Store.1 210 FOB SALE lilTKSTOCK ' FOR SALE Four dry cows, or will exchange for fresh cows nnd pay d 11'- fcrence, or oichnngefor heavy youug work team. Jas. Campbell. Phone ' 17-F,2l.-. r. . ' 211 FOR SALE r- Registered Hereford bulls, good stock, right prices. Jas. Campbell. Phone 17-F-21. . 211 FOR SALE Will exchange thirty head young stock cattle lor a mincn of sheep. Jas. . Campbell. , Phone 17-F-21. 211 FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, 7 years old, giving milk, $40. Phone D72-R-1. 209 FOR SALE Soven Duroo pigs. Phono 867-H. 210 FOR SALE Twelve to fifteen tons alfalfa in stack, $14. Apply Frank ; Reed, Talent.'. 210 FOR SALE Puppies, real beauties. Phone 691-R-l. . '- . FOR SALE Durham and Guernsey cows giving 6 gals, per day; Jersey, .' 3 gals Address R. 2, Box 75, Control . Point, 'j - - . 209 FOR SALH; Fresh Jersey cow. Phone 600-R-2. . 209 FOR SALE Two horses, 1 cow, 1 Bulky plow and a set of harness. Inquire E. R. Oleason, Central Point. 209 FOR SALE Weaned pigs $1 each. 685-R-fl, phone C. C. Hoover. FOR SALE Young saddle mare and saddlo, electric or gas hoist. Inquire 15 N. Grape St. tf FOR SALE Six beautiful fresh milk cows.- Walsh's place, ono mile NE of Medford on Crater Lako road. 212 WORTH $5,000 See 3. C. BARNES, .1 , Nash Hotel Corner I "bPEAK KE WELL. TELL l LITTLE. 1 U-b-WHYDlO ") ME U KEN - tOO TAKE THEM OFF - V ' --.y ARE. WE. r1 Copyriiht IV22. by Int'l Feature Service, Inc. , , . , ' FOH SALE AUTUMOBfLICS FtVll SALE An Ohlsmobile "ti" tour-1 ing car, A-l mechanical shape, good I finish, good upholstering. A bargain. j Address "uiuonionile, Alan i rinunn. 209 FOR SALIC Automobiles from $50 up. Gold Trading Center, next to Far mers & Fruitgrowers Bunk, Phone 4G5-J. FOB SAMb noaiES FOR SALE Furnished House. Ad dress P. O. Box 1037, City. 211 FOR SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood hoiiso. Terms. See owner. Phone 4S8-Y. 220 FOR 8ALE Douses una bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. 8. Butterfield, Medford National Bank BUlg., Phone 889. . ' FOB SALIv KKAli ESTATE FOR SALE At sacrifice. Improved and lurnished 0 acre tract close in. Terms. Address Box 30, Mail Trl- bunc.!-: ' .-, , , . .,,'. , . 210 FOR SALE Land b'irdering Rogue river, $50 per acre and up. 2o miu I'.tes from Medford. Fine fishing and hunting. Fine garden and chick en ranches. Gold Ray Realty to 15 N. Grape St., next to Farnifrc & Fruitgrowers Bunk. Phone 4d5J. FOR SALE Eearms orciiards, alfnlfa, grain and stock ranches, sonio irri gated, 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone ?28-R. tt FOR SALE 280 acres logged- off land near Butte Falls; will sell cheap and give terms. . Big Pines Lumber Co. - FOR SALE Ford Sedan, two milk gouts and two kids. Phono S35-X. 211 FOR SALE OR TRADE One five pas- 1 annnp mirn niiA l.tnn trailer. 252- egg incubator, one 2 h. p. motor, ono 6 h. p. motor, I 4-inch hydr. rnm, one 3-in. Iron wheel wagon. Box 67, Mail Tribune. ' 215 FOR SALE Geese. Phone 591-J-L - .... 1. .... 5 .i FOR SALE OR TRADE Good $500 mortgage. Liberal discount for casli. ,W. A. Guilders, Jacksonville. , , 211 FOR SALE Fat geese, 36c per pound dressed. ' Address . 1?. U. Lucas, Beagle; Oro. 210 FOR SALE-r-At halt real value, child's pony and saddle, . $30.00. is, r Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. . . , 212 FOR- SALE A few boxes extra faucy Bose 'pears. - W..J. Hartzell, 468-J-l. .. 209 FOR 8ALE-r-Young turkey gobblers and nens ror nreeaers, seiecnun from large flock; Btrong laying strain. Mrs. D. W; Luke, phone 539-J-l. : . 211 FOR SALE Cheat), now sowing mu chine. 712 Palm. ; 213 FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycln, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. STALKS5! The Best Used Cars in Town - . . 1 v. 1 1 . . 1. , ., s vv PEERLESS TOl'RIXO "' WestlnKllouse Shock AIsorlirrs,,AVIiid Deflectors, IlumiX'rs, fpot LI;'H. 0 Wire Wheels, 0 Tin's, New Paint 1021 Overland 4, new paint new tin's - $.!. Hi 1021 Chevrolet, like ,new,.$'"3.0l 1010 cWvrolct t......t..2IM.0p IOU1 Ford Touring, Hturtpr....f:tl3.0l 1030 Kurd Touring, Hfnrtcr ....fWO.OO 1010 Ford Touring, Hinrtnr....$l!lW.OO 1018 Ford Hodnn, now pnlnl $:l."0.00 1017 Touring, ovVrhnulcil.... 105.00 1010 ToiirlnR, pverhntiled... $170.00 Sluilclmkcr Nix,' nmr top nnd pnlnl $2r0.00 i. Oirrlan.1 101.1 $10.00 C;E.CAIESAUT0C0. 1022 By George THEY COULDN'T HANi, XOU WITH THEbE ON - THAT -5 WHY V TOOK H FOR SAIiR MIMCttLtiANKOl'li FOR HALE Piano. $100. Bargain. Inquire ut Root's Music Store. 210 FOR SALE Oil TRADE Kor chlckons $75.00 auto knitter. Write or cn:i T. J. Yocum, 81" Second St., Med ford. 211 FOH SALE White wleknr baby car- n.vge and wiuto wic;:or uussinoitn. 11 Ui lu very good condition. Owner t wn. Call liO-J-2. 209 FOR SAI-0.isillne drag s-w, 40 acres timber with srnll bullf'in;;n 8 milt'B out. or wiil tv.i '.o ii:aco for good cur. In.'iulro o'.S Realty cU. 210 FOR SAI.Er Turkeys for Thanksgiy- ing. live or rt:csw.l. J. .Nary, l'h"ti W2-L. 211 FOR SALErSaWwin o;n;:;s. Plrmo 7-F-4, ,: . 301". FOR SALE :-uhic Incited, vie- tro'.us. V'rur.swiclto. Columbiu, Sono ma and Pathe pbou'Jgraphs and all records ut reduced prices. Music Shop, next t I anuerB & Fruitgrow ers Bank. Phcuo 405-J. FOR SALE Baled alfnlfn hay In warehouse. First clasj and cl3an, $25.00 per t n. Roguo River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 231" FOR SALE Finf class iilfnlfn hay, any amount. 1'lionu 591-K-l. . 2l FOR SALE Trade everything yn'i don't want for everything you , do want. Gold Trailing Center, nt C farmers &. Frtiitgrownr C.tink. IS N. Grape St. Phone 405-.I. if FOR SALE Spitz, Newtown nn 1 Baldwin apples, nU gradaB. (unnern Packing House. ; ' .1'lW- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractw MURRAY ' BROS. CIRICKNE- Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 urnl I No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. ' . the only completo Tiit Syttem In -Jacksiir County, , ' ' Abstracts of Tltlt ano Title Insurance. ' llulldlng Materials MEDFORD - CEMENT BRICK BLOCK .WORKS Specialize In sl kinds of cement building product Cor Vr and Tenth Itreoti. Asm yer - F. WCAflNAHAN-Metallnrglst, En gineer. Mnangeinent. 114 N. Central, M oil lord, -v - - attorneys . O, C 8O008 Lawyer. -. Speolallrof In Roal Estate and Probate Law 30 North Coutrnl Ave. - . A. K. REAMES Lawyer, ofUce In .. Liberty Building.- - , ' E. E. KELLY Lawyer.-' Resumed practice of law. Office with Porter ' J. Nnff, Medford Nnt'l Bank Bldg. Export Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll son, C. P. A. Attention given to anj thing in accounting and Income Ttt requirements. Look Into our slmpU fled accounting method. Libert' Bldg.. Medford. Phone 1CT-R. IIOOOCOOOOOOGOQC SACRIFICE '., ;.. ;-.V ' U'- Oakland 6 Good rubber, repainted, good interior trim,: a real buy at S650.00 V;- Will trade or give terms BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. . .. 1 - i Main and Riverside Medford, Ore. WOE SEVKT McManus -23 BUSINESS DIK UUXUUK Chiropractic Physician UR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro. pnictiti and Electro-Therapy, 427-28 Medford Bldg. Phone 905. tt 1r' ""a" R. HEDGES Neo-Eclt?t!c i'hysu lun. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me dium) Therapy, Spondylotherapy, I ihmI Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Stewnit lil.lg., 235 E. Main St I'hmies: Olfiee, 170; Res. 170-J-2. UK. (3. W. HO l-'KM AN Chiropractic t'liBioli:n. Orrice hrs. 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Thursilny excepted. Suite 203-II4-05-O0 Liberty Building. DR. GEO. J. K1NZ Chiropractor, Examination free. Tenth year sue, cossful practice of straight ' chiro practic methods. 408 Medford Bldg . Chono 700. Dentists UR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 E. Main . St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.-6 p. m. Evening nnd Sunday by appointment trHrm Loans . FEIiEKAL FARM LOANS NOW 6V44 ... -VnuM'-itinns xhould be on file by Nov. 22 for November appraisal. f. il. Hind, Secy-Tieas., 402 Medfora Illdg. - . Mnuuments 'I UK UKI'UON GRANITE CO. Mom. inn its. E. A. Hicks, general manager. V. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 101 E. rilxtn St., Medford, tt Osteopatlis ' ' , - ' Ml. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS ; CARLOW Osteopathia. Physician ' 41H-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 90W-K H.'Bulcnoo 26 S. Laurel St. !rl VI. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Pli;. Bieinn. Special attention gives. 10 oys. ear, nose and throat. 3C4 Llteny Building. Phone 496. '.'Physicians and Burgeons ; (Y VR. ' J..J EMMENS Physlciau (U4 . ' iimiteon.' Practice limited to' eye,- ear, nnse and throat Eyes sclea, liflciilly tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for Si P. R.: R. Co..'Mdford Bldg. Phone 667. ' ' af -i OR, ,WM. W. P. ' HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Office Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Qene St. Phone 16GJ-2. Olt A. : DURSELL Physician and Hitrgeoti, 312 to 814 Medford Bio. En tranco . 3G N. Central. Special attention to spine.' Phone 29. . DIL LINCOLN K ALLEN X-Ray speoV in! 1st. ' Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment. Wliomtorles, 211-213 Liberty Bldt Office hpurs 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-5 p.m. : Teleplioue:' Office, 61; : residence, 614 -; -'. i ;-, f ,;,'. Plana Instruction ' - ' s . FRED ALTON Ii,JGHT-r-Teaqher.'o1 Piano and Hurratmy. ( Composing, Arranging. . Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phono 72. '-'"-...-.:. ..V ,. y 1'i-lniern and Publishers . M EDFORD PRINTING . CO,, ha he oust cquipiieu printing oi rice in Southern Oregon. . Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, , etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St, - Rug Weaving''. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old sod worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M-- 10$ Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE) CO. Office 4S North Front Bt Phone Si 5. Prices right Services guar anteed. . 5 . . , .. DAVIS TRANSFER AND 8TORAOB CO. Anything moved- day or night. . Service guaranteed.- ti 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206. 'tf TTpholsteiins ' J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. ' We dollver and will sail snd show samples. . . Phone 301. Jankaonvllla. Ota 4 , -4- A. N. TH1BAULT Unliolsterlng. re- glueing and retinlshlng. Work dons at your home. Tolophono ; 969-R. R. 3, Box 44A, Medfonl. 1 231 n , , -L . i-u Aud!Hr4 t Accouivrma ? hYSTEMlCRVICElO; Bnd floor- .' Medforrl Bldfj J". ... mm" OOOOOOOOOO9QOOOOOgOOQOO0