PAGE SIX MKDFOTID MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREfiOX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2?,, 1922 T ft .) Oil K fa): .11 J l! - i 10! tr ail ' 41 V in i l fill-. "! -O -J r.; I: - t r SI. E -A delightful nnd highly IntorostinK program vai given by the music stu dents of Ut. -Mary's Academy last night before a large and appreciative audience. . It might seem unfair to nuiko spec ial 'mention ognrding program such nit was hoard when every numbor (0I6V ' faultlessly- rendered! "tuowi ever, -in the "Salute to the Colors,' brilliantly played by the academy or chestra, every note was so vibrant with . earnest, youthful patriotism, that a responsive echo must have beep awakened in the heart of every Hstenor. The Instrumental numbers, Includ- TO LET I : HAIR FALL OUT 3 5c "Danderine" Saves Your Hair Ends Dandruff! -; Delightful Tonic X - (.uickl Don't wait I Every bnld head started with just a few falliiip; hair and a little dandruff but soon the hair appeared tiling sornjrply,- and then the dreaded bald spot. H seems a sin to let hair fall out or tolerato dostrtio-tivp- dandruff when you enn quickly correct all such linir trouble with , a bottle of deightfuj Dnndorinc. :,' Million of inert nnd women know the mngic of Dandorinc; how It corrects oily, dandruffy, itching Bcalps and help the hair to grow lonii, thick, strong and luxuriant. Danderine is not sticky or greasy. It Is the largest selling hair corrective anil tonic in the world becatuo it is not a humbugl Oct a bottle at any drugstore. InK pluno, harp, violin and 'cello solos, were remarkably well rendered. The various vocal selections displayed a color and finish seldom attained by ufitatftirs. A pretty flag drill by sixteen young ladies, a comic song by tho boys, a reading by Miss Marlon Ness, and a pluy by the little folks -were espec ially attractive numbers. Following iu the program Jn full. "Salute to tho Colors" .Kert Anthony Academy Orchestra , "A Musical Wrnnglo" . Hy the youthful musicians "Venetian Carnival" ...Emll Bronte ' Choral Class ' "Robin Adair" Harp Solo -....Pinto Anita Fitzgerald'' "Polonaise" Frank Eyer Margaret Burroughs, fileanore Oith, Alice Lynch, Lornlne Kofbeck "Evening" Harp Solo Standley Esther Palmer n : "Song of the Brook" Preston Elizabeth Mary Evnnson "The Big Brown Bear" ..Mana-Zucca Song by the Boys "Norwegian Bridal I'rocosslon" Ortig Dorothy Ness "The Llttlo Tin Soldlor" . . . Priscllla Sawyer Illchard Dugar. "An Irish Love Song" Murgaret Ruthvcn Lang - . Vocal Trio "Turkish March" .......... Mozart Lola Blackford Flag Drill "Alpine Violets" Ludwig Andr'c St. Mary's String Quartette "Old Black Joe" Rathbun Evolyn Wold "The Owl Critic," Reading ....Field Marlon Noss "By tho TVaters of Mlnnctonka" . . Thurlow Lleurancc Catherlno Coyle "Andnnto ReliglOHO," Harp Solo . . , Hassolman Patricia Mlkscho "La Baladlne" Lysberg Piano 1, Dorothy Ness; Piano 2, Marlon Ness - ! Three attempts were made last evening to cntor Strang's Drug storo from the rear, a - "jlmmle" being used to raise two windows while It wks also used in attempting to enter the rear door. -'It Is believed that the thieves did Dot make their entrance as nothing had been-disturbed. The first at tempt was made at 8:30 lust evening, and , Virgil Strung .who . was In the store at the time paid no attention to the noise, thinking it was a rat invading the rear of the storo. When he returned to tho store about 9:30 one of the windows was up about eight inches. Tho police were called I and Officer Adams, accompanied by A, Stewart, a Southern Pacific detec tive, made an examination. This morning when teh store was opened up the other -window was up about an inch and marks of a "jlm mio" were seen on the edgo of the back door. Sevoral drug storoa have been rob bed lately! in cities north of here, quantities of narcotics having been taken. It Is believed that last night's prowlors were In search of morphine or some similar substance. Mr. Strang states that, he handles a small Btofck of narcotics. TRY TO IDENTIFY Sheriff C. E. Terrlll and the lead ing victims of the automobile hold up on Blackwell hill last October, will go to Grants Pass tomorrow to see if they can Identify Dewey and Oregon .Tones, held In the Josephine county . Jail under $5000 bonds on a charge or highway robbery. The two broth ers were arraigned at Grants Pass Wednesday, and bound over to the grand jury, for the alleged hold up nnd robbery of a party of autolsts from Croscent City, Calif., last Sep tember. The local authorities telephoned to Grants Pass yesterday aftornoon, and Shorlff Terrlll says that . Sheriff Lewis of Josephine comitv told him, that the two brothers denied all com ; pliclty In the local affair. Sprague ' Reigel of Gold Hill, and Walter Smith and William Schultz of this city, three of the bandit victims, will ' attempt to identify the voices of the pair accused, without their knowing of their presence. Dewey Jones is well known In this city, and was a witness In the Lurk Evans trial, a couple of years ago. THANKSGIVING PLAT AT Less Meat If Kidneys Bother Take a glass of Salts If Back hurt or Bladder troubles you, your Under the direction of Coach Durno, the local high school football squads are undergoing stiff workouts each evonlng and are adhering strictly to the training regulations In preparation ' for tho Ashland game, Thanksgiving Day at 2 p. m. at Ash land between Ashland and Medford high schools. With the exception of Donovan, Medford's loft end who has been indisposed since several days beforo tho Armistice Day came, the mon are In excellent condition for tho coming contest, which Is icgard od as a hard, battle. It Is understood that Principal Foi' sythe of the Ashland high school has written Andy Smtlli, coach of the Gulden Bears, for information lead ing to some unbiased, disinterested officials, California or Stanford men, who will be agreoable to both Med ford and Ashlnnd. Thanksgiving comes but once a year and the people of the Lincoln district always look forward to a pleasing entertainment to celebrate the event. This year is no exception, and the teachers and . pupils have been - busy- preparing a varied pro gram -, There will be Bongs, folk dances, plays and dramatizations, be 1 sides enough to satiBfy tho greatest epicures of the day.dandy;, cake and coffoe, pies, cookies and even I "hot dog." Tho Lincoln Carnival 1 company will appear at tho high I schosl auditorium Friday evening. Bargains for Ladies At Hub Shoe Sale Ladles, attend the big two day shoe salo at the Hub Shoe Store, One lot of women's oxfords and ties in brown and black welts and lurus. Values up to $12.S0. On sale for two days of this woek at ono price for, any pair In the lot, at three dollars and fifty cents. 209 No man or woman who eats too much! meat -can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Big meat eating may develop uric acid, which excites the kidneys; they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood; then we get sick.. Rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, . nervousness, didiness, sleepiness and urinary disor ders often como from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys, or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, step eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be foro breakfast and in a few days your kidneys may act fine. This famous salte ie made from the acid of- grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys ; also to neutralize! the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus often ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia . water, drink, which everyone should take now and then to help keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby often avoiding ser ious kidney complications. Order Your Christmas Studebaker Now! In order to have a Studebaker Light-Six Sedan at the door when the family comes downstairs Christmas morning, you should, place your order now. The Sedan is the ideal gift because it will provide happiness for all the family all the year and the years to come. , The sturdy body of the Light-Six Sedan, like the chassis, is built in Studebaker plants. It is constructed to give long, sat isfactory service. Only the finest materials are used. Craftsmanship is unexcelled. " It is cradled on long, strong, semi-elliptic springs. The nine-inch seat cushions, up holstered in mohair velvet plush, are rest ful. The heater, cowl ventilator and the wide windows, among manyotherfeatures, add to its year-round comfort and utility. The reliability of the Studebaker Light Six Sedan has been proved in the hands of thousands of enthusiastic owners. It is strictly a quality car. Its low price of $1550 is possible only because of complete . manufacture in one of the most modern ' and complete automobile plants in the ' world. Thi3 means the elimination of middlemen's profits, and the savings are passed on to you. And back of the beauty and dependa bility of theLight-Sixandits completeness, its advanced design and precise workman ship, is the Studebaker name, which after 70 years enjoys public confidence and resrject more than ever. Heater. Eight -day dock. Thief -proof transmission loefc. Cowl ventilator. Side coach lampi. Rain visor and windshield cleaner. Inside locks on three doors and outside lock on right-hand front door. Silk roller-curtains. Four doors that swing wide open. Dome light. Mohair velvet plush upholstery. MODELS AND PRICES-, o. b. factories LIGHT-SIX I SPECIAL-SIX j BIG-SIX, Ill' W. B., 40 H. Pi 5-Pass.. J 19' W. B., iO H. P. I 7-P.s... US' W. B., (0 H. P. Touring ; $ 975 Touring $1275 Touring ?17a0 Roadster (3-Pass.) 975 Roadster (2-Pass.) 1250 I Ipoedstor (4-Pass.)..lS3i Coupe-Roadster ' Roadster (4-Pass'.) 1275 ''oupe (4-Pass.) 2400 (2-Pass.) 1225 Coupe (4-Pass.)J 1875 Coupe 5-Pass.) 2530 atm 1 550 (tartan , ?nsq '-iedan (Special) .:. 2750 Non-Skid Cord Tires, Front and Rear, Standard Equipment ffittsora Motors 36-40 S.Pir St. Medford, Ore." THIS I S ST U DE B A K E R Y. E A, R Early Shipments of TOY Now on Display at Mordof f & Woolf TOYLAND 's -V- A MOST COMPLETE DISPLAY, INCLUDING DOLLS. TEDDY BEARS, STUFFED DOLLS AND. ANIMALS, AUTOS, TRAINS, MECHANICAL TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, CHILDREN'S DISHES, TINKER'TQ Y SETS, BUILDINGSETS, BLOCKS AND GAMES, ALL TOYS REASONABLY PRICED. CALL AND SEE THEM. We Are Also Showing Displays of 1 Parlor, Dining-room and Bedroom Furniture TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDS, CHINA CABINETS, CHIFFONIERS AND DRESSERS, OVERSTUFFED SETS, DAVENPORTS t RUGS AND LINOLEUM, KITCHEN RANGES AND HEATERS Don't Forget Our Exchange Dept. Trade in Your Used Furniture for New J- : ' v. ., r.',- - MORDOFF -& WOOLF ' iofe Comnlfite House Furnisher Ay II .'. rr,-. ,). .- -...:-... , . . -..