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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1922)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORECiON. THURSDAY. XOVlvMP.KI? 2,, 1022 ocal and Personal The contraclitiR firm, which Iuih tbr contract for building the new resnrvoir lor the city has been busy assembling mavlilnery at the site, the crew of laborers lias all been eiiKUKed am! construction work will be Ikjkuii with in a few days. It in expected that it will be between three and four liinnthB uafors the Iiuko now reservoir of two million gallons capacity will be com pleted. The new and old reservoirs . will adjoin each other about lli feet apart. O. M. Cornltlus tias removed his firrice to 1st N'at'l Jlank illdB., room 2011 Come to the big vaudeville and lan tern slides lit llrownsboro school house Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 8:00. Everybody woleome. Only 25c. 210 County AKont C. C. Cate who was on the program of speeches for the OreKon State Horticultural Society an nual convention which convenes It " three days session at Corvullis today will he unable to attend because he has a bad cold and in addition one of his sons is ill. Harry Hunenljern another local man on the program will also be unable to attend. Hance at Eatflo Point Bat. nlte. 217 Phono 21G Tor choice Home lleauty apples delivered 75c a box; Spitz 50c a box. 210 The business and professional Rirls of the V. W. C. A., will have an elec Hon of officers tonight, anil all girls are especially urged to be present Other Important plans for the ensuing year will he discussed. Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Two baud-made Bayberry Dips with Christmas card. . You could not send a more fitting gift of peace and good cheer. Handicraft Shop. 211 The school committee of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Illte Masons spent $12,033.47 in suport of the coin pulsory school bill In the recent cam paign, according to a stutement filed , with Secretary of State Kozcr by tioorge U. Cellars, treasurer. Make your plans to attend the Lin coln school program at High School auditorium Friday evening. 309 To keep your radiator from freezing use denatured alcohol. lilttson Motors. ' 210 Ui Will Astonish Medford People The QUICK action of simple ' uh mixed Ui wivopuK yo woka, u' surprlso Medford. people; One mini was helped Immediately, after suffer nff with, sore and red eyes for 15 years. An elderly lady report Iji voptllt streiiRtheni'd her eycH so jfhe can now read. One' small ' bottle uiiuully helps ANY ' CASK ' weak, .Ll)j.ln,.rl r iiifld nipil nvuM. A hmilu niu eye oiip jrRE. Leon.l B. Huskjnsjj TONIGHT Final Performances and then ' Cecil B. De Mille's Dazzling Masterpiece Will pass into history as one of the greatest film successes. Tomorrow Night Georgia Minstrels Coming Saturday No. 3 of the BIG 8 "NICE PEOPLE" Big 8 Attractions Coming . "Blood and Sand" "To Have and to Hold" "The Old Homestead" "Loves of Pharaoh" "Burning Sands" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pelouze, former well known ' residents In the Kagle Point district, who have been located at San Mateo for some time past, ar rived In the city this morning by aut'i, eiirouto to Portland, In which city they will visit their son Robert and prob nbly locate. Mr. and Mrs. Pelouze will remain in the city for a few days or so visiting friends and while the former looks after business matters. Plant Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Crocus In the garden now. For winter blooms plant in water or bulb fibre. Monarch Seed Co. The Mncoln school has obtained use of the High School auditorium for its annuul Thanksgiving program, Friday evening. Admission, adults 10c, chil dren Gc. 20UV Colonel' and Mrs. Gordon Voorhles and Misses Margaret and Marion Vcorhles returned to Medford yester day, motoring down from Portland where they visited relatives and friends for ten days. Denatured alcohol wni keep your radiator from freezing, Hltteon Motors 210 Diirtod Snow flour, 10 sack lotB $1.90 4-sack lots $1.35, single Hack $2.00. Vllmo or Snowy lluttn, 10-sack lots 1.C0, 4-sack lots $1.(15, single sack $1.70. .Froe city delivery. . Hutchison & l.umsdeii. 21-1 The present nice weather bids fair to continue for a whilo as the predic tion for Friday's woather Is fair and no Inclement weather Is yet in sight The nights and mornings continue quite chilly, and this morning's coldest temperature was 26 degrees above. The men's and women's bible class of the First Christian church will have a special business and social meeting at the church, Friday night, Nov. 24th, to which every member of the class, former member and man and woman who would like to become a member are earnestly requested to be present. 210 The Albany Evening Herald Is authority for the statement that Bert M. Moses, secretary to Jesse WInburn of Ashland and author of "Sap-an-Sult" is a possibility as private secretary to Governor-Elect Walter Pierce. Kows keep up on their milk better If fed Kow Karo every day. Sold by- Monarch Seed Co., 317 E. Main. Remember your friends with greet ing cards. Handicraft Shop. 211 Oscar Ellston of Gottville, Calif., is spending a few days In the city at tending to business matters and visit ingfrlends. Lime and cement. Medford Lumber Co. Good eats, good program, good laughs at Lincoln entertainment, High School auditorium, Friday evening. ' , ' : 209 Attorney ' Frank P. Farrell has moved his offices from the Justice of tho peace courtroom, to the Jackson County Bnnk building;, In the quarters occupied by Circuit Judge-Elect Charlos M. Thomas. Take your kodak fllma to Palmer's studio,. First class vork and prompt service. tf Now is the time to buy flour. Hutch ison c Lumsden are soiling Vllmo and Snowy Butte nt $1.70 per sack, Drifted Snow at $2.00 per sack, 4 sacks 5c less, 10 sacks 10c less. Delivered at your house in town. They have Just re ceived n now lot of home-made sor ghum 10c per' lb. ' ' 214 Apples ot such nice quality at cheap prices have not been sold in Medford for years, in the history of the public; market, at which, already hundreds of boxes have been sold and several hun dred more are coming In for sale from local growers. . Itlversldo Garage has Installed a, new brake lining machine which shor tens the time of relinlng brakes won derfully. We are going to give our customers tho benefit of the saving in time. See us and get our prices on your brake lining Job. tf Place your order now for Thanks giving flowers. Choice home grown chrysanthemums, roses, carnations violets, potted plants, ferns, etc. Maddux & Honney, phone 843, The Shasta, or 374 Greenhouse. 213 O. C. UogRg Is among tho business visitors ot Medford thlB week at Port land. Dnnee nt Kagle Tolnt Sat. nlte. 217 Henr "Posies" on the nccordlnn. Hot Springs Saturday night. 211 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowne who left Tuesday night for Portland for the purixise of attending tho funeral of Mr. Uownes uncle, General Chas. F. Beebe, prominent resident of the state metropolis, will return driving an Olds mobile brougham to be delivered to Port Moses of "Sap-and-Salt" at Ash land. Used tiros and chains for sale, price right. Exchange Tire Co. 213 Enamolne for decorating purpoaos nt Deuol's Art Dept. 210 Jlonua claims and loans from the stnto fund to ox-sorvlco men so far ap proved by the state bonus commission Bggregato approximator $10,000,000. Cash bonus claims approved number 19.401, roproaontlilB $4,381,000. Iioans approved total , 2212, representing $5,502,000. Order English plum puddings and fruit cake now. Mrs. Watorman, phone J21-X. ' ' 212 Placo your order now for Thanks giving flowers. Choice home- grown chrysanthemums, roses, cnrnatlons, violets, nottod plants, forns, etc. Madilox ft Bonnev. nhone 843, The Shasta, or 374 Orecnlionso. 218 Coriiin KdRell, Floyd Cook and H. O. Tronson left yesterday for Willows, California, tor a fow days duck hunt ing. Don't miss this! BusVet social, pro ceeds to go toward purchasing piano for Kcbeknhs. Dance afterwards with good music. Odd Fellows hall, Hogue River, Friday. 24th. 209 Dance nt Jackson Hot Springs, Sat urday night. 211 Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Norton, Mrs. C. H. Demarey and Mrs. Wilford Allen motored over to Jacksonville early Tuesday to spend the attovnoon. Giants Pass Courier, Mrs. Vivian Barto whose husband is engineer at the Hotel Medford, hUH moved in from Rogue Hlver and will spend l.ho winter ut their home on West Second street. ; : , We have Installed a hemstitching machine at Deuel's and are prepared to do first class work' guaranteeing satisfaction. 'Miss Snedicor and Mrs Carl Bowman. 21 4 For Sale Automobiles from $50.00 up. Gold Trading Center, next to Far mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 405-J. tl Flags on the National Guard armory at Portland will be flown at half mast Until after the Interment of the body of the Into Brigadier General Charlos F. Beebe, put of respect to the memory of the departod guard officer, undor orders Issued by Adjutunt General White Tuesday night. The order ulso provides 'that all officers of the Ore gon guard'slmll wear a knot of crepe on their saber hilts, for the noxt 30 days, as a murk" of respect. ' Phonograph and piano for sale cheapj Easy terms. P. O. Box 607. 214 Mattress work all kinds. Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tf Mrs. Delroy Getchell has returned from Seattle where she was the guest or Mr. and Mrs. Reginald H. Parsons. P. W. Hunilll and T. Slater Johnson leave tonight for Portland, where they will visit friends for a few days. Mr. Hamill will return to Medford while Mr. Johnson will continue his Journey to Rochester, N. Y., where he will spend Thanksgiving with his family. All prices of pottery reduced 33 1-3 percent. Handicraft Shop. 211 Wrapping paper, cut to fit any size paper holder, from white print paper, at this office at prices much below the regular wrapping paper price. Call nt once or phone 75. . tf Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reed, J. 1 1. Snarr and Ben Wood of Seattle are guests at the Hotel Holland. Other guests include Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Dllley of Weed, Barney Miller of Eugene, E. J. Kellogg, M. Coturl, Joe Keller and Mr. and Mrs R. V. Ruske of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pelouze of San Mateo, Calif., and A. Stewart and II. L. Britt of Roseburg. Veal, mutton and pork, chicken, pork sausage. Booth 14, public Market. Orders taken for turkeys. 13. J. White. 210 Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's? . . . tf Miss Claudia Klum who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Sacred Heart hospital two weeks ago has returned to her home and is ex pected to be completely recovered within the next few days. Turkeys Get our prices. We will perhaps pay more for A No. 1 turkeys than you can get elsewhere. Jackson County Creamery, ; 209 Umbrella repairing and covering. Liberty Shop. 214 Three- cars containing nine people stopped at the city auto camp last night. All three cars were from Pa cific const status. Dance at Jackson Hot Springs, Sat urday night. 211 Big turkey shoot Sunday, Nov. 26, one mile north Phoenix. 211 It cost Frank L. Tou Velle of Jack sonville, former county Judge, $358.02 to run for state treasurer on the demo cratic state ticket, for he has listed that sum spent in his report of cam palgn expenditures Just made to the secretary of state at Salem. Another supplemental report has been filed with the same official by Jesse win- burn of Ashland ot $6G8 Bpeut by him In behalf ot the. candidacy of Walter M. Pierce for governor.. Veal, mutton and pork, chickens, pork sausage. Booth 14, Public Mar ket. Orders taken rr turkeys. E, J. White. 210 , Big turkey shoot Sunday, Nov. 2G, one mile north Phoenix. 211 Al Bunnell, Klamath county ranchor is a visitor In Medford and expects to return to Klamath county the end ot the week. For Sale Good sound Spltzenberg apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes. Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed, $1.75. E. F. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. 212 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. Kidney and Bladder Troubles Have to Go Ctnirwd up Kidney Deposits are Dis solved anil tltM lVnins (Poisons) Completely Driven Out. DrugglstR Told to GunnmU'c it in Every In stance. "Your very life." says Dr. Cnroy, "depends upon tho perfect function ing and health of your kidneys, ho whatever you do don't ncxlnct them." llr. Carey's famous Prescription No. 777 (known for years ns Marshront) is not recommended for everything, but wo cannot too strongly urge Its use. If you suffer from annoying blad der troubles, frequent pnsslng of wutcV. nlBl and day, with smarting or Irrltutlon, brick dust sediment or highly colored urine, bloating, Irrita bility with Ioks of flesh, or any other tendency to Brlght's Disease. Dia betes or Gravel, for kidney disease in Its worst form may be stealing upon you. Don't wall until tomorrow to begin the use of this wonderful prescription new, obtainable In both liquid and trthlot form If you have any of the shove symptoms. Kidney and Blad der troubles don't wear nwny. They will grow upon you slowly, stenltlilly aiul with unfailing certainly. If you even suspect that you aro subject to Kidney Disease, don't lose n single day for every good druggist has been authorized t return the purchase money on the first lug bottle to nil who state they have re eeived no hene flt. 1 Adv. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching I'lcotlng So per yard. Button! coTerJ, Charles E. Dole of Phoenix, appear ed berore Justice Glenn O. Taylor this morning and pleaded guilty to a charge of speeding. He was fined $10. The arrest was made bytDlstriut Game Warden Patrick Dalley. Masquerade at Lake Creek Thanks giving eve, Nov. 29th. Dance at Jackson Hot Springs, Sat urday night. 211 Messrs. J. C. Thompson and P. O. Crawford returned yesterday morning from a brief business visit In Portland. The Jaokson County Building and Ixian has several thousand dollars to loan. 210 The Jackson County Building and Loan has several thousand dollars to loan. 210 Miss Sadie Amann of Oakland, Cullf , who has been visiting friends and rela tives In Medford and Talent for the past fow weeks is, this week, visiting her brtoher, Eugene Amann of Wolf Creek. . Kill rats and mice with Leinan's Exterminator not a poison but suro to kill. Monarch Seed Co., 317 East Main. Oregon Journal service, phone 844. . 210 Shoe Sale This Week at Hub Big two days shoe sale at the Hub Store. One lot of women's dress shoes, brown and black, welts ; and lurus. Values up to $15.00. On sale the last two days of this week at three dollars and fifty cents for any pair in the lot. . 209 A. F. & A. M. .. JL , Special communication Med vfy ford lxidge 03, Friday even- ing, Nov, 24, 7:30 p. m. Work in E. A. degree. L.E.WILLIAMS. 210 ,.. Notice , ! School District No. 70 hereby, calls in nil outstanding warrants against Districts No. 61 and No. 76. Clerk of School District Nb. 76, 210 Eagle Point, Oregon, Powerful Skin Remedy Discovered Dries l'i Eczcnui. Barbers' Itch, and AII 8kJn Eruptions In a Few Days; Absorbs Wens, (ioiter and Piles. Maiy thousands of people ' know how speedily and painlessly Muone's Emerald Oil .reduces swollen .veins and bunches,. .ftndlhow powerful pene trating and safe it is. This wonderful surgeon's prescrip tion now known all pver Ameil.-.a as Moono's Kmi'Liild Oil, is so efficient Inthe trentmentof skin diseases that the Itchihg of eczema stops with one application; the eruptions dry up and scale o.ff 3 A few 'applications and the moat pci-BluUxht case of piles is absorbed never to return. It absorbs goitre; dissolves wens, and in tho treatment cf ulcers, nb cesses, cnrbuncles, varicose and boils It is supremely efficient. Moone's Emerald Oil In the origi nal bottle is dispensed by pharma cists. It is not a patent medicine, but a wonderful prescription of a prac ticing surgeon. With each bottle com plete dlrecfioiis for' use are enclosed. Your druggist nlwnys has Moone's Emerald Oil on hnnd. . Adv. Hemstitching, Peooting " 8c per yard. Work finished . want it. when you THE VANITY SHOP Cot. Main and Bartlett. LEARN TO DANCE Pnncing class every other Saturday night, beginning Saturday, Xovem- . ber 25th. Private Lessons, 210 K. Slain Street. IKS. IHANOHK CKOSSOX, Instructor. HOUSE APRONS AND DRESSES Just received, a now shipment of the very latest models in Dainty Aprons and House Dresses. Xobliy patterns and popular colors. I'rieed riht for Christmas buying. TINY TOT SHOES Our showing: of Tiny Tot Shoes in soft soles and first steals, direct from the factory aro models of quality and style that will appeal to any mother. Sold nt popular prices. OUR MAMA DOLLS, SLEEPING DOLLS Miiwaphil Indestruetable Dolls, Mechanical Toys. Animal Toys of all kinds, that produce; the most, wonderful and natural voices imaginable are going, fast. Tall and see our display and make your purchase earlv before the Christmas rush, ' ' . . . . , : . . - ; , BOYS' SUITS In Corduroys, Jerseys, Serges and Tweeds, make a most practical Christmas gft, and we are offering special values in this line. , . Xnias Cards Birthday Cards Fleisher's Yarn the Best IF SICK, TAKPCASCARETS" Clean Your Bowels! End Headache, Biliousness, Colds, Dizziness, Sour, Gassy Stomach To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take CaBcarctsI ' You want to feel line; to be quickly free from sick headache, dizziness, biliousness,, colds, bad breath, a sour, acid, gasv stomach, constipation. , One or two Cascarets, anytime, will start the bowels acting. . When taken Friday and Saturday SPECIALS Folger's Steel Cut Coffee, 2 lb. can . 95c 1 lb. can 39c M.J. B. Coffee, 3 lb. can . ..... . ..$1.18 1 lb. can 41c Swift's Jewel Shortening, 8 lb. pail $1.44 4 lb. pail .66c 14 lbs. best Rice 98c 9 lbs. Sweet Potatoes . : :25c Fancy and Extra Fancy Spitzenburg Apples, per box . . .$1.50 and $1.75 GOOD POTATOES $1.15 per 100 lb. WHITAKER'S CASH AND CARRY GROCERY 318 E. Main SEATS NOW SELLING P A H F ' TOMORROW NIGHT 8:30 Curtain i 1' ; .i I'BICES: i Mr, 5c, $l.JOV, Includes War Tax. '. . SEASON WILY SHOW OFIT KI1D IN THE WORLD -UZF III Ar L n i i December Kxeella Patterns now on sale. of the December Monthly Fashion Sheet. SHIELDS at night, the bowels work wonderfully in morning. Cascarets never sicken or inconveni ence you next day like pills, calomel, salts, or oil. Children love Cascarets too. 10 cent boxeB, also 25 and 50 cent sizes. Any drugstore. GEODGIA Qpdkeslm VfATCtt FOR THE. STREET Call for a copy 222 W. Main Medford Xmas Boxes WILSON'S : SALE PRICES Chippewa loggers Selling in other stores as high as $12 - - going at $6.50 and $7.50 Dayton loggers! ; $6.75 Ladies' felt : ' slippers 9$c Heavy ruff-neck sweaters $1.49 Mes work " shirts 69c Men's canvas gloves 10c Men's jersey gloves 15c Men's leather -r gloves 50c Men's wool sox 25c Heavy camp blankets $1.49 Men's work" pants $1.49 MpnV whlfp hdk. 5c Men's all wool suits $17.50 Men's leather vests $4.00 Trunks Suit cases and Bags ; Note- , You can save from $2 to $5 on a pair of shoes., You can save $5 to $10 on a suit or overcoat. You can save 5 to 10 cents on a nanaKercmei or a pair of jersey gloves you can save on every thing you buy here The Cheapest Store in me vresi The Store Without Competition . Will H. Wilson P.S. A lot of good 2nd hand overcoats $2.50 and 13.50 '