Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 22, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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, Two young women, strangers In the
city, through their efforts on Armis
tice duy in selling ribbons stamped
"Armistice day." the proceeds of
wnicn sales mey ciniincu were 10 u
to the American Legion, were unwlt
ilniy rlnnora nf nnnroxlrnatelv $10
each to the Hod Cross and Salvation
Army. The American Legion post
last night voted to turn the amount
collected by tho women over to these:
two charitable organizations. One of
tno women nuemptcu to sou a riBooni
, 'h ,ivln,i vi-h,. inin,n,.,i
they were to be given to the Ameri-
ran I-eglon ho notified post authorl
ties who nccepted the money nfter
some argument on the part of the
The post last night Initiated throe
new members and henrd nominations
for officers for the ensuing year.
Following tho meeting the members
were guests of tho ladies' auxiliary-
SALEM, Oro., Nov. 21 Rev. Dr.
A. A. Morrison, EptRcopul clergyman
cf Portland, was toduy cleared by a
decision of the state supremo court,
upholding tho Multnomah county
court of a charge that, ho had pro
fited by a salo of 100 acres of land
to the board of trustees of a school
for boya "While be was a member of
the board. ...
Remembrance" at Rlalto
"Remfembrance," a photoplay, with a
ueautllnl theme. In which tho father
of a family Is made the hero, is the
story at the Rlalto thoatre, beginning
today at- the Rlalto theatre.
"Pop'l drout Is tho real hero of the
story.. From an humble beginning he
has deVclopod into a big department
storo owner, but he. lias remained an
liumblo, hard-working man, whllo his
wife and ' two of his throe daughters
and a couple of sons huvq grown away
from the old man and developed Into
selfish,' self-centered beings who- be
lieve that all that their clad is good for
Is to shell out the shekels whenever
they want money.
: The younger of the daughters falls
in.lovo with. one of her father's clerks of thq' family, with the
oxceptlonvof her dad, come down on
lief like ii ton of coal. Dad, however,
wlien his wife Insists thnt tho young
man bo-' discharged, arranges to have
him take over a small shop that has
boetr offered" to him.
Just as the details nre about to bo,
closed, tho old man suffors a .break
down.' Claude. Gllllngwator as "Pop" Grout
gives a performance that 1b socond to
none in Bcroen history. His support in
this picture Is a delight. Patsy Ruth
Mlllor. as the younger dnughtor and
Cullen Liwdls as the clerk, Richard
fucker as one of tho soiib, and Kate
Loster Is the society-loving mothor.
.With it on this big bill nre a now
and, lively Mermaid comedy, "Kid
Love," tho International News, ntu!
special selections nfturnoon and ovon
iug'by Alice Jny nt tho organ.
Draws Big Crowds
"Manslaughter," the popular Cecil
B. de Millo film drama, has gone Into
Its fourth day at- the Page theater,
with interest and attendance still tin
nbated. Few pictures of recent dato have
attracted as much nltentlon as this,
combining a dramatic story and a cast
of unusually cnpable players.
Thomas Molghan and Leatrico Joy
bavo the principal roles.
In addition to theso two stars,
"Manslaughter" has In its cast such
oxcellent actors ns Lois Wilson,
George. Fawcett. John Mlltern, Ray
mond Hat ton, Edytho Chapman, Jack
Mower, Julia Faye und others.
A Correction
John E. McMnsters who broko his
parole Monday morning, steullns $25
la cash from Mrs. Smith, and departed
from tho home of Sheriff Terrlll, was
tbe confessed thief of one auto, und
wis paroled by Judge Calkins. Char
ley O'Connor, confessed thief of three
autos from Medford and vicinity was
sent to the reform school some time
WJO by Judge Gardner. It was inror
rectly stated in Tuesday's Mall Tri
bune that Mc.MasterB had been sen
to'itjjed by Judge Gardner.
Court News
,.i (Furnished by the Jackson
County Abstract Co.)
I ; , circuit Court
Ethel- S. -Freeman vs. John C. Free
ma;h. , Affidavit, proof of mailing, motion,-default.
AC' M, Beaver vs. Wm. Humphrey.
Motion, default. Judgment, cost bill.
. ..'iJohn 8. Horn vs. H. K. Cbllders et
. u.. Var-mfiney. t;
' 'L. M. .Lafiglpy ft., fijkr.own heirs of
, - i
I Frederick Ritschard et l. Answer,!
' motion. I
j Karl H. Timiy vh. Tim Security Insiir-
aix.'e Co. Cost bill.
i Grants Pass Irri
Dist. vs Charles
jN. Dean. Judgment. - i
Talent Irrig. Dist. vs. A. Ii. Brown.
Talent Irrlg. Dist. vs. E. B. Barron!
el ux. Summons.
Talent Irrig. " Dist. "-vs. Homer W.
Barron et ux. Summons.
State vs. C. II. Owen. Notice of ap
G..T. Logan vs. T. S. Brandon. Sum
mons, writ of attachment.
Chas. K. Spauldlng Logging Co. vs
Conley. Summons, default,
judgment, cost bill.
W. C. Clements vs. S. II. Courtney
- fet Ki
Findings and conclusions.
,, u. is. misinger vs. C. C. lionu et ux.
c. W. McOrow vs. Clara McGrow.
Krnnccg Boa(U vs. Jonn W. Bosqui.
, 0rdorj notlce.
Lf"ia Welshor vs. Omer S. Welshor
et Objections to findings of fact
- ,and decree.
City of Medford vs. W. B. WcIIb et
al. Summons,
R. S. Murray et al. vs. E. T. Morris
et al. Alias Summons.
Frances Stockford vs. Max II. Stock
ford. Affidavit, order.
Ira D. Plttmnn vs. Allco Pittman
Affidavit, motion, default.
Ida E. Dressier vh. Pacific Record
Herald Publishing Co. Motion.
Lee Robert Raymond vs. Hazel
Edith Raymond. Order, default.
W. C. Clements vs. 8. II. Courtney
et ux. Decree.
Oregon Growers Cooperative Ass'n
vs. L, II. Hughes et al. Dismissed.
Lloyd L. Sparks vs. Tbolma A
Sparks. Notlco and order.
L. L. Leodom vs. K. G. Narrcgnn.
Chattel lien.: .,
State vs. Ilarvo Howard. Satisfac
tion, of judgment.
Hazel E. Ward vs. Harry E. Ward.
Affidavit, motion, default.
P. W. Thomas i vs.: If.- T. llaswell.
Chattel linn.
Medford Servlco Station vs. V. , T.
Haswoll. For money.
Lona Welshor vs. Omor S. Wolsher
et al. Findings and conclusions, de
creo. ,
Josso Wlnbtirn VB. City of Ashland
Ordor. ' '
W. C. Foster vs. Chas. E. Wolcolt
et al. Ordor.
W. C. Fostor vs. IS. II. Bander et al.
Probate Court
Est. Nicholas J. Mltcholl. Admitted
to probata.
Est. Maude II. Bennett. Adjudica
tion of abandonment.
Est. Frances Hellnm. Report of salo
Est. Chas. M. Root. Proof of publi
cation." . .
Est. WilborI,, Jacks. Proof of pub
lication, docroo.
EBt. Calvin Nonce. Proof Of post
ing, final order.
Est. , Oscar 1 Thompson. Receipts,
final order.
Est. Ernest S. Wolgamott. Proof of
debt, petitions, orders.
Est. Squire S, Aiken. Petition and
1 '- Marriage Lloensss
Harry D. Forao and Eleanor Byorly.
Real Estate Trensferi '.
Wm. S. Crowell to W. C. Bollou
et ux, lot 7, blk. 2, Laurolhurst
Add. to Medford 10
J. W. Borrlim et ux to W. C.
Bollou et ux, lot 7, blk. 2, Lau
rolhurst Add. to Medford 10
Isaac Neuborgor et ux to J. J.
Hewitt, land In soc. 8, tp. 40, S.
R. 3 E. : 10
L. E. Cochran et ux to John F.
Whlto- et al, lot on N. Orange
St., Modford 10
L. J. CJulgloy ot ux to W. Days,
lot 2. blk. 38. Medford 00
Mia. L. M. Ring vs. J. E. Durkco
et nx, land In soc. 28, tp. 35, S.
R. 3 W. ....i s... .-. 1
W, J. CummlngB to Ixsna Cum
' tilings, lot 5, Midway Subdivis
ion ' 10
W. J. Cummlngs to Lena Cum
mlngB, land In Enorch Walker
Subdivision 10
Florenco Hall to Amos C. Whit
worth, land In sec. 24, tp. 39,
8. R. 3 W 1
W. F. Smith et ux to S. F. Kelly
et ux, lot on Ilolmnn St., Ash
land ;.. 1"
Jackson County to J. I. Grove,
land In sec. 3, tp. 30, S. R. 1 W. 700
Ell. A. Von dor Hollen to J.
Henry Von dcr Ilellen et nl,
land in tp. 36, S. R. 1 K. and W. 1
G. W. Brooks ot ux to F. S. Car
penter, lot 7, Perry Subdivision 10
W. 11. Pentor to E. M. Penter,
pt. blk. 11, Ashland 1500
John B. Renault to John 11. Re
nault, Jr., lit. blk. 41, Medford ' 10
Louis Niedernioyer et ux to lien
Hilton, pt. D. L. C 58, tp. 37, .
S. It. 2 W 600
H. O. Volnoy Dixon et ux to F.
Wilson Walt, lots 8 and ft,
Davis Subdivision IP
Thad P. Coleman to Jennlo E. ,
Coleman, pt. blk. -I, Ashland.... It'
In the human body If you will use
Trunk's Prescription. It Is ridiculous,
absurd and preposterous, in fact, ii
Is a pity find a shnnin to suffer wltl.
Inf lumnmtot-y, mucsulnr, sciatic oi
any other form of Hheiimntisin.
Trunk's Prescription sells foi
$1.75. This prescription DOES KOI
ruin the stomach, It DOEH NOT de
press the heart. Knt all the meet
and good food you wish while taking
Trunk's Prescription. It IX) KH NOT
contain harmful drugs or narcotlci
of any kind, but It positively over
comes any kind nf Rheumatism oi
lout on.j-nrtli. WHAT MOKE DC
YOU WANT? Thoro Is nothing Jus
ns good, nnd it Is Impossible to tri"
something better, For sale at Has
kins' Drug 8tore, Medford, Ore. Adv
County Court Proceedings.
The following is u schedule, of ex-
mil i ui-un or Jackson county, Ore-
iron, umetner witn u i st or the cia in-
a"'s au(' ai'ieles ' service for which
uie ennui is uiauu uuu wuicu were
passed upon by the county court of
Jackson county during the month of
Senteniher. 1922
The following hills were allowed
with the exceptions shown
County Court and Commissioners
G. A. Gardner, county
jude's salary ....$ 166.06
j Victor Dursell, county com-
mmsioners salary and
expense 78.00
James Owens, county com-,
missloner's salary and
expense 94.00
Home Telephone and Tele
graph company, county
judge's telephone bill for
July 4.75
Homo Telephone and Tele
graph company, county
Judge's telephone bill for
August 7.73
Medford Book Store, coun
ty Judge's supplied .SO
Western Union Telegraph
Co., county judges tele
grams .91
Total $332. 37
Circuit 4 ourt
F. Roy Davis, court report
er's salary .....$ 116.66
Homo Telephone & Tele
graph Co., circuit judgo'a
telephone for July 5.1
Home Telephone & . Tele
graph Co., circuit Judge's
telephono for August..,...- 3.7
Total tl23.56
Justice Court
II. C. Burgess, justice juror.. f
Ed Blnns, Justice Juror
Wm. Bays, Justice Juror
F. W. Emorson, justice wit
ness ;
Mrs. F. W. Emerson, jus
tico witness
Lawrence , Funnan, juBllce
Florenco 1'unnan, justice
A. B. Funnan, justice wit
ness .'
Lucilo Funnan, Jimtlco wit
ness W. H. Gowdy, Justice court
J. W. Hatcher, Justice court
Carl Henry, Justice witness..
Mrs. Wm. Moore, Justice
Wm. Moore, justice witness
Orlando Nelson, Justice wlt-
Victor Q. Pottos, Justice
witness ;
Mrs. Victor Q. Pottos, jus
tice witness foes
Ralph Jolley, Justice juror...
Frank Reed, justice witness
Mm W. E. Stennctt, justice .
witness :
W. E. Stonnott, justice wit
ness ;
F. F. Stone. Justice juror....
(I. O. Taylor, justice fees....
O. O. Timothy, Justice fees..
A. W. Walker, justice Juror
Mrs.- Fred Putman, Justice
. . 1.60
Sheriffs Office
C: E.. Torrill. sheriffs sal- ' "
ary $ 208.33
Goo. B. Alden, deputy sher
iff's salary and expense....
L. I). Forncrook, deputy
14 8.41
Bnnriti s salary 'p
Li, d. if orncrooK, tingor
Print Work .........
Edna Suvder, dopuly shar-
lff's salary -
Hazel Tetherow, deputy
sheriff's salary .:.
Dal (on Terrlll, deputy sher
iffs salary
Doris Klelnhammcr, work
lit sheriff's office
F. J. Newman, work on tax
Daily's Taxi, sheriff's office
L. D. Forncrook, deputy
shorlffs travollng expense
Homo Telephono & Tele
graph Co., sheriff's Mo
phone for July
Homo Telephone & Telo
graph Co., sheriffs' tele
phone bill for August......
Modford Mall Tribune, sher
iff's printing ..!.;'.
Modford Hook Store, sher
iff's Afilco supplies ...
Nash Taxi, sheriff's ex
pense Postal Telegraph Cablo Co.,
sheriff's telegrams
Dalton Terrlll, deputy sher
iff's expenso
C. E. Terrlll, sheriff's ex
pense Western Union Telegraph
Co., sheriff's telegrams....
63. 00
Total '.....$1349.83
(lerk's Office
Chauncev Florey. county
clerk's salary $
Mildred Nell ' Florey, dep
uty clrk's salnry
Delllla Stevens, deputy
clerk's salary 110.00
Ruberta Pearco, deputy
clerk's Balary
Alice M. Poor, deputy clerk's
Mattlo Stevens, deputy
clerk's salary
Lucile Koonlz, work In
clerk's offlco
Irma Martin, work In clerk's
John Harris, work in clerk's
Dan M. Penrce, work In
clerk's office
Channcey Florey, freight
and stamps for office......
Home Telephone & Telo
praph Co.. clerk's tele
phone for July
Home Telephone & Tele-
graph Co., clerk's tele
phone for August ...
Medford Mail Tribune,
Clerk's offlco printing
1 5.35
Total ' $933.46
Treasurer's Office
. C, Walker, county Irons- .
urcr's salary- 150.00
Dorothy lledwell, deputy
treasurer's salary 90.00
Ashland Tidings, county
treasurer's printing 3.60
Home Telephono & Tele
graph Co.. treasurer's 4l
ephone for July i..,.. 4.35
Home Telephone. A Tele,
graph Co., treasurer's tel- .' .
I ephone for August 3.3.1
Geo. J. Kuuzninii, treasur-
er's hii )lioH 2.20
A. C. Wulker, stamps and
I express 1 1.25
Total ...$264.93
School Suix-rintendcut's Office
Susanne II. Carter, school
superintendent's salnry.... 166.66
Elizabeth Burr, school su
pervisor's salary 120.00
Lucile Goold, school super
intendent's assistant 73.00
Susanne H. .Carter, school
-' superintendent's expense 30.93
iHome Telephone & Tele-
graph Co., school superin
tendent's telephone, July 3.C3
.Home Telephone. & Tele
graph Co., school super-v-'intendent's
telephone for
j AUgUSt , 6.2:1
Susanne II. Carter, school
exhibits expense 100.00
Total .." $502.59
JKruit Inspector':; Office..
E. R. Oatman, fruit inspec
tor's salary and c.pcnue..$ 1S9.00
Howard E. Warner, fruit in
spector's salary and ex
penso 189.00
Big Pines Lumber Co., fruit
inspector's expense 9.30
Total $387.30
Assessor's Offlco
J. B. Co!omu,n, assessor's sal
ary $ 166.60
Linnle Hunscam, deputy as- '
scssor's salary 110.00
Ray Coleman, deputy asses
sor's salary 90.00
Clair Coleman, work In as
sessor's office 81.00
Amy C. Dow, work in asses
sor's office 60.00
Elva C. Mitchell, work in
assessor's offlco . 69.00
Grace V. Pcarce, work In
assessor's office 01.50
J. 11. Coleman, assessor's
traveling expenso 15.00
J. B. Coleman, stamps for
assessor's office 14.55
Home Telephone & . Tele
graph Co., assessor's tele
phone for July 3.0C
Home Telephono & Tele
graph Co., assessor s tele
phone for August
Jacksonville Post, assessor's
office printing
Medford Mull Tribune, as
sessor's office printing....
Medford Book Store, assess
or's office suppllos
Jno. -M. Williams Co.. as
sessor's offlco supplies....
. Widow's Pensions
Mrs. Juanlta Butler, wid
ow's pension $ 20.00
Effle Mario 'Bacr, widow's
pension i...... - 25.00
Alice P. . Howell, widow's
pension -. 25.00
Mrs. Ina Huson, widow's -
pension 51.00
Mary Roberts Higglns, wid
ow's pension 15.00
Mrs. Dolly Love, widow's
pension '.- - 25.00
Anna Prescott, widows' pen
sion ' 10.00
Mrs. Gladys1 Itowett,! widow's
pension '..:..?r.r........... 20.00
Rotha M. Rielmrdspn, wid
ow's pension '...... 32.50
Lydia Sanders, wUIow'b pen
sion i7.'.o
Mrs. Eliz. Sevey, widow's
ponBlon '. 17.50
Mrs; Ro3o R. S'inglcr, wid
..ow's pension 32.50
Adtlio Webl) Shanks, wid
ow's pension. , 10.00
Citllia Card, widow's peiiBlon 14.40
Mrs. Nettio Green, widow's
pension 15.00
Amy R. Thorn, widow's pen
sion .. - 25.00
Total $358.40
Cam of Pool-Not at I'oor Kurrn
A. D. Beardsley, ergular in
digent - 10.00
MrB. G. R. iBrobeck, regular
Indigent 8.00
Nellie Boardmun, regular ln-
dlgent 25.00
Mrs. Kate Copple, regular
Indlgont 8.00
Mr. Castile, regular indig
ent - 8.00
Dave Daniels, regular Indig
ent S-00
Millie Dealer, regular Indlg
ont in.""
A. M. Ford, regular indigent 6.00
Mrs.- Goldle Gates, regular
' indigent -, ; 15.00
Mrs. Hudson, regular in
digent 8.00
J. W. Ingram, regular lu-
digont S.00
Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Kane,
regular Indigents 15.00
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe,
regular Indigents 8.00
Mrs. Lona Lee. .regular In?
digent S.00
J. Meece, rognalr indigent 8.00
Mrs. Carrie E. Miller, regu-
lar Indigent 10.00
MrS. 1. A. Montgomery, reg
ular indigent .i - 8.00
.Mrs. Mary Price, regular in
digent 8.00
Mrs. Margaret Noble, regu
lar Indigent 10.00
Doc Parsons, regular Indig
ent 8.00
Elle. Patterson, regular in
dlgont , 8.00
James ,Pough, regular in
digent 10.00
T. D. Stafford, regular In
digent 7.00
Mrs. L. Schlefflln, regular
indigent 6.00
Mrs. Jean Ross Smith, regu
lar Indigent S.00
Nancy Slsemoro, regular in
digent 10.00
Annlo Watltlns, regular In
digent . 8,00
Alex Wilson, regular Indig
ent 8.00
7., Wolgamolt, regular in
digent 15.00
Albert Johnston, regular In
digent ., 8.00
Chas. Arnholt, indigent sup
plies 10.00
American Red Cross, indig
ent expense 52. SO
Emanuel Hospital, indigent
expense 64.50
A. B. Evans, Indigent sup
plies 10.00
Godward Mercantile Co., In
digent supplies 33.59
Jlutehison & Lumsden, ln-
dlg supplies 10.00
Dr. Lincoln Kallen, Indigent
expense ,.i;:......a 13.00
Louie's. Cash Grocery, -Indlg- -
out supplies 24.20
Mrs. M. M. Mlddlebusher,
indigent supplies 8.00
M. .M. Compun, indigent
supplies o0.43
Phoenix Mercantile Co., in
digent supplies 10.00
Sacred Heart Hospital, in
digent expenso 4 4.28
Talent . Mercantile Co.,' in
digent supplies 8.00
E. -M. Thurbei, indigent
supplies 8.54
Alice L'lrich, rent for indig
ent 9.00
Jno. M. Williams Co., indig
ent supplies 30.23
AVill II. Wilson, indigent
supplies 10.00
Weeks-Conger Co., indigent
expense 20.00
Total :.......$6S3.59
Cure of Poor at Poor Farm
Dr. W. W. P. Holt, county
physician's salary 75.00
Mrs. Irene Wells, superin
tendent's county farm sal
ary 125.00
Ed. iilimSr, meat for county
farm 6.90
Cal.,-Ore. Power Co., lights,
county hospital 16.2 I
Hubbard Bros., county farm
supplies 4.80
Albert Crane, Nursing at
county farm 10.00
Cad Ellis, county farm sup
plies 39.00
Hutchison & Lumsden,
county farm supplies :.. 74.07
Husklns Drug Store, county
farm supplies .4.75
Mr. Geo. Hartley, county
form supplies 13.70
Jackson County Creamery', '
county farm supplies 45 00
Mann's Dept. Store, county
farm supplies 3.38
Medford Furniture & Hard
ware Co., county farm
supplies 8.70
Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph Co., tolephone for .
county farm 2.65
S. S. Stevens, wood for
county farm ..'. 325.00
iliu. Mary Wedge, labor at
county farm 4 0.00
Total $796.19
Court IIouho Expense
B. Ii. MoBes, janitor's sal
ary ; $ 62.50;
City Treasurer of Jackson
ville, court house ex-
ponoo 28.6"
Cal.-Oro. Power Co., lights
for court house 8.26
Fred J. Fick, court house
expense 9.10
Fred Tedrick, wood for
court hoUBC 600.00'
Total $703.48
Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights
for Jail 2.93
Godward Mercantile Co.,
jail supplies 3.00
Optimo Cafe, meals for pris
oners 4.15
Anna Schmidt, meals for
prisoners ..: 177.80
C. E. Terrlll, expense for .
prisoners 47.26
Jno. M. Williams Co., jail -
expense 18.6,5
' Total ;........$ 2 5 3.19'
, Juvenile Court '
Bert- Moses, Juvenile ex
pense , ..$ 20.00
Advertising ami County. Printing -
H. -S.. Glelm, advertising '
expense 10.00
Medford Mall Tribune, coun
ty printing .....r 134.80
E. R. Oatmun, advertising
expense '...., 6.60
Southern Oregon , Hard
ware Co., advertising ex
pense 1.25
Tonilln Box Company, ad
vertising expeuse 10. 0t!
Ashlund Tidings, printing
. court proceedings , 62.15
C. C. Cate, advertising ex
pense 200.00
Total $424.80
- Ilndlgeiit Soldier
O. A. 'Stoarn8, Indigent sol
dier relief ; $ 40.00
Weeks-Conger Co., indlgont
soldier expenso - 60.00
Total -.: - , $100.00
Election Expense
Mrs. Ernest McKeo, work on
canvassing board ..' .....$ 10.00
Murtin McOonough, work on
canvassing board 10.00
Ashland Tidings, election
Supplies 117.50
Dan. Bagskaw, delivering
ballot box 7.64
J. L. Kershaw, delivering
ballot box , 6.60
Mordoff & Wolfe, election
expense 3.2 5
Medford Mail Tribune, elec
tion expense 2 7.50
Samuel Mathls, election ex
penso 5.00
W. 11. McGpwan, election ex
penso , 9.54
Elmo Throckmorton, elec
tion expenso 3.00
Western I'nlon Telegraph
Co., election expense 6. SO
Sarah J. Hall, election ex
pense 5.00
Total $215.52
I&oad.s nnd IIIu1iv-iiys
Cal.-Oro Power Co., lights,
P. and E. crowing ...$ 1.00
County Nurse
Medford . Service Station,
county nurse's expense .... 12.30
Surveyor's Ofifce
Eva Hooker, surveyor's
stenographer 40.00
C. Frank Rhodes, surveyor's
office expense 12.00
Total '. $32.00
Soiilcr of Weight), anil Mewsum.'
E. A. Bond,, senior of :, ..
weights and measures sal
ary $ 27.07
Watw Master
Fred N. Cummlngs, water
master's sulary . 125.00
Fred N. Cummlngs, water
master's expense : 88.45
F. R. Frey, water master's
qiense 10.00
Wuller Marshall, deputy
water master 108.00
F. E. NlrUols, deputy water
master 198.00
F. K. Nichols, deputy water
master's expense 98.00
Total '. $537.45
County Attorney
Medford Mail Tribune, dis
trict attorney's printing....! 33.50
Rnwles Moore, district at
torney's office expense.... 53.00
Rawlcs Moore, district attor
ney's traveling expense ...
Total $121'.0'J
Prohibition Enforcement
S. B. Sandeier, prohibition
enforcement expense $ 60 1.43
M. L. Dallv. prohibition .en
forcement expense 6.00
J. H. Leggltt, prohibition en- I
. forcement expeuse ' "
Bert Boses. prohibition en
forcement expense 46.30
Standard Oil Company, pro
hibition enforcement ex
pense 6 1., 7
Total $7
County Avnt
(State of Oregon, payment
of county agent $ 936.25
County Library
E. Fay Woolsey, librarian's
salary 08 66
E. Fay Woolsey, current 11-
brury expense 20.00
Mildred .Bliton. assistant li
brarian's salary 70.00
Ma rjbrp Myers, assistant li
brarian's, salary ' 25.00
Medford Book .Store, library
books 3.20
W. G. Steel, library books.... 8.65
Total $193.51
(Jencral County Fund
Conrad J. CarstenB, grand
Jury witness
E. W. Hoffman, grand jury
witness ....
Leona Hanna, grand jury
Howard Hill, grand Jury
H. C. Stoltz, grand Jury
Lyman Wm, grand jury bail
iff ..,.,...,....
Total '.:.'.::..
Road Fund ,
Road District No. 1 '
Jack True, payroll, market
road No. 1 $1097.42
Harrison Bros, expenso mur-
ket. No. 1 , 5.95
Medford Concrete Construc
tion Co., expeuse market,
No. 1 ., - 204. 18
Paul B. Rynnlng, , expense
district No. 1 - 22.74
Standard Oil ' Co., expense
Market, No. 1 v. 109.33
Roland A. Smith, labor, dis
trict No. 1' :. 48.39
Fred A. Smith, luhor, dis
trict No. 1 32.20
Lester E. Smith, labor, dis
trict No. 1 37. 10.
ThOB. II. Simpson, expenso
-Market, No: 1 474.15
: Total ..;..:.: !2031'.82
- Road District No. 2
Wm. Bruin, payroll district
No. 2 $ 759.25
Marvin Abbott, labor, dis
trict No. 2 : 3.50
Dave Dorn, labor, dlBtrlct
No. 2 3.58
Paul B. Rynnlng, expense
district No. 2 . 15.16
Thos. Roseberry, labor, dla-
trict No. 2 6.00
Roland A. Smith, labor, dis
trict No. 2 4.84
Fred A. Smith, labor, dis
trict No. 2 3.23
Lester -Ev Smith; labor, dis-
""trlctNo. 2 .:.:...'...::...'....:.."'' 3.71
Total .'..: $799.19
- , - Rami District No. a
Wm. Perry, payroll district
No. 3 ......I $ 788.43
' Road District No. 4
W. Tetherow, expense
district No. 4 8.70
Big Pines Lumber Co., ex
pense district No. 4 11.90
Freeman Wiley Co., supplies
.district No. 4 9.00
Medford Service Station, ex
pense district No. 4 5.00
Total $34.60
Itond District No. 3
F. J. Watson, payroll dis
trict No. 5 $ 102.09
Itoad District No. a
John Walsh, payroll Market
No. 6 $1415.17
Hugh Jones, labor. Market, -
No. 6 22.00
, Total . $1437.17
Koad District No. 7
C. H. Natwlck, contract
Market, No. 7 $ 200.00
C. Frank Rhodes, contract
Market, No. 7 S023.62
Wm.- Fox, labor district
No. 7 77,00
M. T. Hodgos, labor district
No. 7 77.00
R. Knight, labor district
No. -7 , , 63.00
J. J. King,, labor , district
No. 7 129.50
Paul B. Rynnlng, expenso.
district No. 7 ;.. ' 7.58
B. Turnbough, labor district
No. 7 75.25
0. I. Tracey, labor district
No.. 7 83.75
J. A. West, labor, district
No. 7 201.50
It. Wright, labor district
No. 7 63.00
Fred West, labor, district
No. .7 129.50
Total $9130.70
Itoal District No. 8
II. L. Gregory, pay roll dis
trict No. S $ 137.3
Charley & Hanson, lumber
. district .No. .8 . 594.40
Standard Oil Co., supplies
district No. 8 12. S
Total : :.....$741.60
Road District No. 0
R. B. Vincent, payroll dis
trict No 9 $1032.4 3
Road District No. 10
A. L. GooUman, payroll dis
trict No. 10 ...... 47,1.17
Rlee ft Smith, contract Mar- ';
ket No. 10 2637.25
Marvin Abbott, labor, dis
trict No. 10 28.00
Ike Coffman, labor. Market
No. 10 3.5ft
Jno. Cantrall. expense, dis
trict No. 10 30.00
Dave Dorn, lamor, Market
No. 10 r 45.50
C. E. Gates Auto Co., ex
pense district No. 10 .3
5, L. Johnston, expense dis
trict No. 10 78.4C
Thos. Roseberry, labor. Mar
ket No. 10 . 96.00
Mathew Ray, labor Market
No. 10 35.00
Robert Ray, expense. Mar
ket No. 10 61.?0
F. M. Rowden, labor. Mar
ket No. 10 n.OO
Standard Oil Co., expense
" district'No. io v...'..:r.'.'...;.-:. ' 98.35
Owen Womack, labor,. Mai--
ket No. 10 5.25
S. L. Johnston, expense,
Market No. 10 264.4 1
Total $3S6.57
Chas. Magerle, payroll dis
trict No. 11 514.37
F. G. Honner, expense dis
trict No. 11 16.18
Total $530.73
ltoiwl District No. 12
W. L. Van Houten, payroll '
district No. 12 $ 954.35
W. L. Van Houten, payroll
market No. 12 470.23
Total - -.$1424.78
General Roads
Jack Thrasher, payroll gen
eral roods ? 010.90
T. J. viCard, truck . driver,
general i.; 90.00
Ashland Jron Works, gen
eral road expense 25.75
Associated Oil Co., general
road expense , 61.60
Beaver Cement Co., general
road expenso 364.00 0
W. J. 'Burbldge, labor, gen- ''
eral roads 132.30
Elmer Burtloson, labor, gen
eral roads 67.50
Carl R.' Beebe, general road
expense j. S.00
Busy Corner Motor Co., gen- .
eral road expense 19.10
Wm. Corwin, labor, general
rourtf) 105.75
Chanslor & Lyon, general
road expenso 29. SO
Clyde Equipment Co., gen
eral road expense 22.25
Crate- Luke Automotive
Shop, general road ex-'
pense 5.35
Henry Dooms, labor, general
roads ....j... 40.50
S. W. Davis, labor, general
roads :. ... 72.00
Geo. Dussatilt, labor, general
roads $ 27.00
Dave Dorn, labor general
roads 10.50
Electric Shop, general road 4
expenso 2.41 "
Freeman Wiley Co., general
road expense 200.29
Fred J. Fick, general road y
expense 25 5 3 '
N. D Grtshom, labor, gen
eral roads 114.75
Hubbard Bros., general road
expense 43 35
Heath's Drug Store, general
road expense 6.30
Htttson Motors, genoral rood
expense 8.00
A. W. Johnson, labor, gen
eral roads 52.50
Elmer Morse, labor general
roads 135.00
Flevd McKee, labor, general
roads 19.00
Medford Iron Works, gen
eral road expense 2.00
Medford Furniture & Hard
ware Co., general road
expense : 86.00
Medford Service Station
.general rood expense....., . 188.80
Oregon State Highway Com
mission 169.11 ,
Roily Rinaburger, labor, r
general roads 126 00
Earl Reynolds, labor gen-
eral roads : U. 126.00 '
J. E. Roblin, general, road , ,
expense ' 4.00
Riverside Garage, general '
road expense . 74.60
Earl Reynolds, general road
expense 1.02
Standard Oil Company, gen
eral road expense ;.. 8 IS. 33
Arthur Shaffer, labor, gen
eral roads ;.. 176.00
Southern Oregon Hardware
Co.. peneral road expense 1.73
Sacred Heart Hospital, gen
eral ronrt expense 27.73
Southern Pacific Co., freight,
general roads 17.91
Strang's Drug Store, gen
eral vond exnense 2.00
Trowbridge Cabinet Works,
general road expense ...... 1.00
Tomlin Box Factory, general
road exnense 12.00
Union Oil Company, general
road expense 1 87 96
Elwln Vroman, labor gen:
eral roads 07.30 i
Vallev Fuel Company, coal,
general roads , ' 44.80
Willamette Equipment Co.,
general road exnense : 290.05
Youne's Machino Shop, gen
eral road expense 2.60
Carl Shoemnker, labor gen
eral roadK .:. -72 00
W. L. Childreth. general '
road expense i.oo
Total M75H.23
Ashland Khuiuilh Kails Road
State Highway Commission, .s
payment Ashland Klam-
ath Falls rpi.d 10.0fl0.o5
Mpdford OVnter liOke Itond
Ed Ash, right of way Crater
Lake road 179.89
Blue Ledge Road
W. L. Van Houten, payroll,
Blue Ledge road 1672.03
A. L. Goodman, payroll, Blue
Ledge road 161.00
Hu;h Jones, labor. Blue
Ledge road 88.00
J. W. Opp, gravel, Blue i
Ledge road 949,05
'Total ......$2873.07
Bounty .
Thos. D. Ross ; $ 2,30
Bert-Rlppey1 7 on
Carl Qnackenbush 3 Oil
W. F, Stotts ...1 a. 4i0
1.. A. Wright 1 10.00
Glenn Darhv 2 O'l
Daniel R. Conner ,.-. 4.00
Walter Charley ' 2 on
John 3. Clll ....:... 4 no
Lee Peachcy v ::.nft
A. 1; V'rooman 3 tin
JY W, Pruott ..'...::..'......;. " i'oo
. Total '....S4S.50
County Clerk. '
For Oniric Service Phone 1IO
for Christmas