MBDPOIM) MArr; TftTBtrNE. MEDFORD OT?F,r;0T, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMnKR 22. lf2 Bedford Mail tribune BAD POLITICS VS. GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP. PAGE TOUR AN INDKl'KNUKNT NKWHl'A PKk "OBUSBKD EVKH AFTERNOON EIC'W'T SUNDAY, BY THE HEUt'OKU I'RINTINQ CO. Ti. Madford Sunday Monihur Uua it furnlahed clucrlbera desiring kvo daj daily uawapapr. Otff Mall Trlbunt Building, 1S-S7-IS North Uut. Pfaon 76. A eooaolidatlon of the Democratic Tlme, the Mxiford Hall, Uie Medford Tribune, the Snuthem Urearoolan, The AaliUnd Tribune. ROBERT W. HUnL. E.iltor. ' 8UM1TER S. KUITH. Uanager. T SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: BT MAIL In Advance: DaHy. with Hunday Hun. rear 7.f'l vauy, wiia nunaay n,in, moritti : Dally, without riunday Him, year fl.'ii' Dally, wltboot Hunday Hun, month fl., Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Hun, one year J ni Y OAHKIF.B -In Medlord, Aabland, Jackaon- lille. Central Point. I'lioenlx, Talent anil on High ways: Daily with ftunday Hue, oiontli 7.' : Daily, without Sunday Hun, month 0i Ually, withvu Sundav Sun. yeur 7 f.o Dally. with Hunday Hun. our year 8.60 All terma byn-arrlrr, eaah in advance. Official VHfl i,l ihe ('Hi of Mi jford. Officii p:i)'vr ot .lai-kii.'iii ('oiiulx, The only nai,r he racrmimiito. f'alit . e iiist.nn'. -jf (Air film mil. Kiicnc. Ore, and aaetl , ire Aim i.tMi I'lt-.s Si-rvii.e Ito-d Ptered aa aeivnd clan, irurri-i ur i llreyun. under, the act of March S. J87W. HE ELECTION" is ovir. It is tlieivfore uttfr follv to continue' U'l'tioiiwrini'. " liy tills we do not mean discussion of fun-: damental principles. Nothing is settled perimtnently until settled j right. But we do mean political horse play. This newspaper talk in Portland about a Republican Legislature depriving Governor Pierce of his appointive power is political horse' play. Such nn idea from a Republican standpoint is not only poorj business, but poor polities. Governor Pierce has been fairly elected. Ho will be responsible' to the people of Oregon for the state administration the next fourj years. If the new administration makes good, Pierce will get the; credit, if it fails Pierce will get the blame. Therefore, Governor i Pierce should have the same power to determine the personnel of his; administration as his predecessors had. '' To cull this a return to the spoils system is to return to the po litical clap trap and buncombe of the late election. It is nothing of the sort. It is merely good business and good sense. fyssssm HOPPE IS AGAIN CHAMPION JAKE IS BEATEN NEW YOKK, Nov. 22. Willie Hoppo li TO EARN A LIVING Ily I". A. W iny. IliU'riiutliiiiul Ni'ivH Service SUiff CtrresMndcM. LONDON. Nov. Kind sympathy is asked for the poor retired admirals und vice-admiralx of Great Britain. There are 3.13 of them and one o them is reduced to selling flowers to pay his way. Hear Admiral Sir Sydney Eardley Wllmot, late equerry to Kintr Geome. Is again the 18.2 balk line billiard u, the ,'ast barriers of aristoercy. On champion. He regained tho title lant;- table outnide his old-fashioned cot- Govcrnor Tierce mhouM have llie UKUHVlKh OK THK ASKOCUTCO I'REKH. I'ltt AkktIjIviJ I'remi Im excluiilvflv entitled to tlif t.iHS for republication of til r.ewn olnpatrlieN r""'-"i m it, ur not omerwiue crpfliu-d tu tlili Pmimi, and hIro to tbt local opwg publtfthfd umu. All rights ot rvpubli ration of special dis patches herein ire also roterved. - ' - . - --r.r , Ye Smudge Pot y Arthur Perry. : A call has boon isnnod for the repub lican party to "harmonize," when what they really need is a new spinal column. William Dross Lloyd, tho nation's richest heltralser, Is now where he should have been several years ao in the hoosgow. The gent cavorted around the parlors, and preached homo fried anarchy. Ho was strong for tho Russian form of government, but never went there. OU! LAI LAI (Roseburg News-Review) WANTKD Housekeepor wonts place to work for single man. No objections to children. Call or addreBS M. Collins, Hotel Douglas. Tho Bklll of a hennery chef In cook ing potatoes, any stylo, is beyond mere words, and lie does the sume kind of a Job, on pumpkin pies. night in the final match or tho Inter same right to cllOOSe llis as- national 18.2 billiard clmmnlnnahln sistants as has the manager of any large business corporation. If lie defeating Jake Sclmefer, title holder, jilays politics and chooses officials not for their ability, but for' 50 to 283. their political availability, that is his own affair and one might udd' IIe won ,ast nKht la the -twelfth his own funeral. He will fail and deserve to fail. j i,,ni,lg with an "nni''eu "in of 10fi. Hut to try to keep in officials of a defeated administration, by re- ,D"r"," to,,rn"nient Hoppo ,, ... ' strained a ligament In his right arm moving the governors appointive power, . absurd. An adm,n.stra-i couW not mako a ma9ae hot wUh. lion should be harinonious, and to be harmonious, there must be per- out great pain and deliberation. He sonal responsibility and personal control. j never complained, relying on hanking, -, 1; , .1" , , . . -iT.il driving and forced draw and follow dive Tierce the same chance his predecessors enjoyed. Let him's1()ts keep the men he wants, fire those he doesn't want, appoint those he! Considering that, he played the open does want. Then if he succeeds he will be given the credit and de scrvc it and if he fails he Will be given the blame and deserve that. This political shadow boxing is ridiculous..' The Mail Tribune opposed Mr. Pierce in the campaign. But now that he has won, there is only quo thing for all participants in the contest to do, give the winner n free chance to make good. Quill Points game almost exclusively Mils runs were remarkable. Immediately after his victory he put to rest reports that he would retire. "I'll certainly defend the title," he said. The silver lining of a cloud is on top. The under dog can't sec it. One of the saddest sights of the age.is a bobbed head half way back to normal. Money is the root of all evil, to root for it. but it is much less evil when one has Let's see; what great moral principle wants his capital back? is violated when the Turk The reason lots of peopl trying to find easy money. Turkeys born and roared right horo In tbe valley nre now In the prelimin ary stnges of having human teoth planted in them. The post mortomui revealed every single one, to huvo their urgent need of pruning UGDa 1C1J 1U1IU Ul glilW! Ullll BtLllU. miss Kasy Street is because they are The most striking thing about, some of the great family trees is Slkl No Gentleman PARIS, Nov. 22. M. Hellers, man ager of Battling Silti, In an Interview published In L'Auto, says he accepts tho action of tho FVench boxing fed eration in withdrawing the license of the Senegalese and asserts: "liy my work I made him a world champion; I, should have liked, by my advice, to make him a gentleman." Tho newspaper learns that Siki's license was cancelled because of the boxer's assault on the manager of Maurice Prunler and because of his be havior in public places in Paris and in tho provinces. t'ctit Parisian says Siki ha3 been approached by a German motion pic ture concern with it view to , having him appear in. a film but that he has not yet answeredj j tage, known as tho Old -Malt House. .Mariow, stand bunches and bunches of beautiful flowers, all freshly cut from his old-world garden roses, annuals, perennials and bearing the legend: "I'-ine Flowers, sixpence per bunch." Outside tho house is a big poster: I'MJWKHH FOll HALK , Why not tnko a bunch home She'd love them. Aren't they jolly? Take a bunch home with you. Fresh picked and fragrant. And the boating parties from the Thames tome ashore and 'buy the vice-admiral's flowers as fust as they cun be picked. Not that the rear admiral does any gnCdenlng himself. That, of course, would be below the dignity of a re tired senior officer of the Hritish nuvy attempting to augment a slen der pension. Hut ho has an ener getic wife, son and daughter, all en thusiastic gardeners and they do all the work necessary to produce the flowers. The business is growing fast. Mrs. Itear-Admiral is now exhibiting flowers at the local flower show and, ambitiously, she looks forward to tne time when she will bo sending her flowers and vegetables to tho Lon don markets, cither by automobiles or aeroplanes. It Is stated that another retired ad miral is seriously considering going into the shoe-shine business and set ting up a series of stands through out London. i A LADY TALKS I'll tell you what kind of a hairpin I am. I had a day off yesterday. I went down town, and I've got a heart j bn me as big aa an ox. I love my fol-j lowman, with tho exception of a bll- lion. And bellove me, nothing gets my: nanny like a kid. Well, sir, standing out In front of a window full or toys, is three kiddles with their Ma. Their mugs need scrubbing, but the moral , welfare of the nation needs going ovor. And the ktddios have their faces glued I up to the glass. And oh boy! the look! in their eyes. Right then and thero I go under, and say to the little follow that Is nearest: "What does the Rood little boy want Santy Clnua to bring him?" "Don't you start them brats blatting about Santy Clans. Why don't you got some of your own? You tend to your own business. I run my own family without assistance from flip stran gers." pipos up tholr Ma. , I gave that woman a look she'll not forget. I ain't used to that kind of treatment, and can't say anything ex cept, "Ttiey suro look ' it. Madam." Then she, called me an impudent fo nmle. ! This knocks me for a henhouse, nil right, but my heart don't harden, and I says to mysolf, like people will, may be Elsie's brother would like to have a tin horse, and I goes into the storo and look i ovor tho do-dads. A clork comes up and flirtingly says: "Some thing?" . 1 says: :"IIow much Is that tin horse, next the set of dishes." Well, I get it again. The nnimul was priced at more than it would cost to put a new roof on tho Liberty build ing. I said to Mr. Valoutlno, Jr., "Ho Is a fancier nng than I took him to be; did he win any races at tho county fair? Havo they run out of tin money In this country?" All ho could say was, tho workman ship can't be beat. I came, right back: "Neither can 1." I figured It would be cheaper to buy Elsie's brother a horse that eats oats, nnl walks on the lawn noxt door. When I went out ho snorted like- one. I like Christmas, everybody is hu man, though It must strain 'em. And they ain't fooling me any, I'm tolling you; lots !of socks won't have anything in them lint what's In 'em now, if that much, Cobb Average lloostctl. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. Ty Cobb, manager of the Detroit Americans an nounced here today;tliat lie had been unofficially . informed bis batting i average lor 11122 .is .over the .400 j' mark, indicating..,. li.o was allowed a J disputed hit in, a -giine(.at New York j last May. Cobb Is.Jbcre as a delegate i from his -home, state, Georgia, tu tho southern commercial congress. I This .100 afcerago. makes Cobb's - - j third season nbovtf that .figure, tying. , , , ii -ill tile major league record of J, Burkett inve a used ear, but will marry a girl who f rivei,i i n, ,,i.i N,.ti.,..i league in the late MiO's. Cobb will not know the exact figure of his avorago MOTHER, QUICK! GIVE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP FOR CHILD'S BOWELS One effect of the longer skirls will 'be that tho word won't cover so much territory. Funny a man won't has been kissed by every Tom, Diek aiid-Ilai'ry. "ankle he Somehow, we don't enjoy hearing a man cuss the country unless has been hero long enough to outgrow his foreign accent. Kvcn a siek ehiid loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your liild is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a tcaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours jou can, Ben for yourself how thoroughly it works ail the constipation-poison, sour -bile and waste from tlio Under, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea spoonful today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fie- Svrnn" which hna illriM.. until tbe season batting totals are nn-! Hons for babies and children of Wl aces ...,,...,.1 1... 1I..O. .(.!..' Inl.... .l.n , , ., ... . Correct this Nentenee: "She lived with the second ono seven years, and never once mentioned the fine (nudities of her first." nounc.cd by President Johnson of tbe American league. NEW YORK WOllinm O. Trout, representing the New England asso ciation, wns re-elected president of the Amateur Athletic union. CHICAGO Tile signed contract of Orover C. Alexander, pitcher of tho printed on bottle. Mother! You must say t nlifornta" or you may get an lati tat ionTnryTup. Another good way to study tho American language' is to listen tor!'1.'s' w"a rL'lL'lveu ut tho president's a defeated candidate who is footing up his campaign expenses. One fears the collapse of civilization; and then one meets a man with plucked eyebrows and wishes it would. Of course we are for this brotherhood Isadora about, but can't we have it and a few clothes, toot Duncan talks vc shudder to think what tho American press would say about Standard Oil earnings if it wasn't "subsidized by Big Business." ; Still, the farmer is about as enthusiastic about a merchant marina as shipping interests arc about doing something for tho farmer. i:. - - ' ' Adam had one advantage.' AVhen Kve had a ease of nerves, she couldn't threaten to go back home. A man never gets too wicked to purr with delight when some woman tcNs him he is "such a good num." i INTERRUPTERS ' 1 (Oakvllle,' Ore.,New) A, tiumbor of people from Oak- vllle-bave gone In at different times to hear the evangelist In Albany. It was last Monday. We rattled Into Glen Ellen in mid-afternoon. (Albany Democrat). The police are working on the theory that the auto used was a Cadillac. ' J. P. Moricnii Uns a CoW. ' LON'noX, Nov. 21. J. P. Morgan repdrtert last tiluM o be. Ill W Wal ford, a suburb was" nt tho office of Morfcsn, Oronfell and company today. His secretary said he had a Blight eold. RippIingRlujross at won rioion Jrfl i iii -tfr THE HEADACHE. am, mi 1 . .f CHICAGO Baseball Commissioner K. M. La lid is started an investigation of reports that Hill Tiercy. pitcher of tho Itoston lted Sox and "lied" Old ham, Detroit, were alleged to be vio lating tbe rule prohibiting barnstorm ing by playing winter baseball on the Pacific coast. CINCINNATI Austin McHenry, outfielder of the St. Louis Cardinals wns reported seriously ill. No more TW. 1IKADACIIK saves us many hours of boredom and dis tress; with it we shield our divers bowers from long drawn weariness. When from my window I look out, to note the signs of ruin, 1 see approach a windy scout, who gives my soul a pain. Then to our servant maid I say, "Oh, Janet Kose McGinn, 1 have a headache fierce today, so let no callers in." My aunt attends a lecture course; she'll sit for hours on end, and listen to some speaker hoarse the Volstead act defend. Anon she says to me, "Ods pie, wilt thou not come with me!" "I have a headache," I reply, "and must drink some boneset. tea." AVhen I am asked to fix a chair, or hoe or dig or sweep, I summon headaches from the air, or from the vasty deep. Xo doubt my neighbors think the aches that thus infest my head are hollow mockeries and fakes, but nothing have they said. For they have headaches too, at times ,protecting them from foes, and from tho tawdry ta'ksmith crimes our bankrupt culture knows. The headache is the greatest gift to mortals ami their wives, by kindly gods designed to lift some shadow from our lives. prom pitrjace, mother! S. S. S. Is the Great Builder of Red-Blood-Cells and Rheumatism Mutt Gol Jutt Try it! "RhpiiraatUtnT Me? No, Indent. all Rone, every bit of It! It s Ruosbitie ana joy for me now for (be first time ia years. I feel a notidrfut jlory agula iu tbe free mutton I use! to bave wbcn wy Oqts were younger, 1 look at my hand bud tbiuk of tbe twima ami swolliiifis tbey used to hure. I hpnil -ny ovor to tbe floor. I bHvcti't ltn able to do tb.it In iminy years. I can thank S. S. S. for It all! To me It wua a rising bud of joy and liberty. Hrotbera and sisters In misery, do not close your ercs and tblitk that bcnlth, free motlou nnd strenslb are;"" from you forever! It Is Dot &. It is bere and now for till of voti. S. 8. S. Is wait- i liitf to belp you." Tbere Is a reason why . S. S. S. will beli you. Wben you tlHTcast I tho nun. her of your ret! Mood evils, the 1 entire system urnltrEe a tremendous , rbunee. Krvrydiimc depends on Mood-strt-ncth. llKurd wblrh Is minus uff Ictent red-itlis Irn.l to a lonff lUt at trouhle. ' ItheumntlMu H one of tbein. S. S. S. Is ; tbe (tieat blood-tleansrr, blood-builder, ' system ftirenibrtier, nvrvo Invlgorator. It stops skin ctujitious, too, pimple, black heads, aene. boils, eon-ma. It builds up ' run down, tired men and women, betiuit fie -uiuptexions, makes tbe fiesta firmer. Start N. li. S. today, li U sold at all drug i stores In two P9. The larger slsa bottla ia mo more economics 65 make yon feel is? IktFa l3 1 kite yuurirc again Monday Nov. 20th Is the Day! to get early Xmas gifts in pottery. . . A good selection and all going at 33 1-3 discount. THE PLACE IS The Handicraft Shop is the reflection of radiant health To be beautiful, all many women lack is the well rounded figure, sparkling eyes, curving cheek, cherry lips and clear rose-tinted complexion that come with vibrant, glowing HEALTH. is nature's great health builder OVER 30 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD Quality Feeds ,i. We recommend to you 1 -; ; ' , ; : ; y Madrcna Egg Producer Madrona Scratch Food . Albers' Milk-Flo ! Alber's Molas-o-Meal Buy these proven feeds and be Sat isfied. The prices are right. The ,: feeds are better. WE DELIVER Monarch Seed & Feed Co. 'Milk-Flo gives more milk" Phone 260-529 317 E. Main an biz: GIM CHUNQ China Herb Store This is to certli-y that aim Chun or Modford, Ore,, ban cured me of goitre And stomach trouble. S. M. Leonard, 609 J St., Grants Pass. Thia Is to certify that Glm Chuna; of Medford, Ore., has cured me ot rupture nf four years' standing. F. G. Is ham, 413 8 St., Grants Pass, Ore. Medford, Oregon, Jan. IS, 1917. This Is to certify that I. the under, signed, had very severe stomich trouhle mri had been bothered for Mpvaral Vtnr and last August was not expected to live, and hearing of aim Chung (whose item siore is at zn voutn i-ront sireet, Medford). I decided to et herbs for mv stomach trouble, and I started to feellna letter as soon as 1 used them and tod?o im a well man nnd can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I whs to a (Jim Chung and try hfs Herbs. S1gnedt W. R. JOHNSON, Witnesses Wm. Lewis. Kngle Point. W. s Chlldreth, Eagle Point M. A And rson. Medford 3. H Holmes. Ragle Point. C E. Moore. Eagle Point J. V. Mclntyre. Eagle Point. 0o. Von dtT Hellen. FAgl Point. TUos. E. Nichols. Kala Point. Turkeys By Johnson Guaranteed Plan Tuist yonr turkey raisers received $1200nioi'o in money than if they lmd Bold to local dealers nt their so callod market price. Wo hnvo the same plan this year. Xot with" tho Farm Bureau LOCATKD AT Medford Christmas Sailings to Europe from St. John, N. B. S. S. Tunisian to Liverpool December 5 5. S. Melita to Southampton Cherbourg DtniW 0 S. S. Montcalm to Liverpool - December 12 S. S. Metagama to Glasgow - December IS WEST INDIES CRUISES H",81""' 0 Bumlua S. S. Emprew of laaies, Fauama and Smith America. Fastest Steamers to the Orient P)nnnt ranadiao Pacific Em- B Xi?.?n,'B-'.. to Japan. China and ihM i iiuirpintMi. Informntion. Reservations Canadian PacificTicket Office 6S Third Stroat, rorllitial nn: BtoiH.., 10 W. U.Onc... o..'l I...I 211 N. FIR ST. I hone H7 , . .... . 1 1 , , TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT., 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT Sl'XDAY ' Lv. Medford 2:00 p. m. ' ' '' Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE I DAILY KXCTUT SIXDAY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Lt. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. in. SUNDAY ONLY Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 n. m. We connect with stages for Portland, Marshflnld and Crescent City. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Itione 800 WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. .. -i-" -i