! ! .f!F TUT). Focal and iLd Personal Mcilfonl lius two repiesontiitives Jit the Southern l'aciric-Centnil pacific ( uuiuerger hearing now cn before the Interstate commerce commission at Washington. D. C. K. A. Welch of the Bedford Grocery company is there as ihc official representative of the local 2 chamber, of qomiperce, and . 11. lliddle, tlie retired railroad official, is attending the proceedings as an incll ... vldual. , . - . . . ' J Riverside (iarae has lnstajled a , i new brake lining machine which shor ': tens (lie time of rellnlng brakes won derfully. We ere going to give pur .' customers the benefit of the saving in ' time. See us and get our prices on Tour brake lining Job. tf , ., Pance at FJagle Point Sa;, nite. ill" Of Interest to local fruit men show- Ing that the brokers in fruit don't make all the money In that business is the fact that lxmis Taub, a New York fruit broker, recently failed for from $::0u to $100, and that the fall or the market was the cause of the failure. Tsed tires and chains for sale, price - right. Exchange Tire Co. 213 Yesterday a man had a chance to save fourteen dollars had lie pur chased five barrels of the liquid lime sulphur Instead of the dry. Let the plant, 8-11-1, know your needs. Spot rash only. You enn save the price of an Xlnas present. 208 Order Knglish plum puddings and fruit cake now. Mrs. W'aturmun, phone Slil-X. 212 County Judge Gardner of Jackson county and Commissioner Owens. are looking niter highway business, before the state highway commission. Port land Journal. Don't miss this! Llaskcl social, -proceeds to go toward purchasing piano for llebekahs. Dance afterwards with good music. Odd Fellows hall, Koguu River, Friday, 24th. , .. . . 209 .For Sale Automobiles from $50.00 up., Gold Trading Center, next to Far mem & Fruitgrowers Dunk. , Phone 405-J. ...... tl Hiram F. Meador spent TueBduy in Jacksonville attending to business matters at the courthouse. Mattress work nit kinds. Medford Auto Top. Co. Phone 104. tf Wrapping paper, cut to fit any size paper holder, from white print paper, 'nt this office at prices much below the regular wrapping paper price. Cull at once or phono 76. - ' tf Attorney Jnines T. Chlnnock of Grants Pass, transacted legal business In the city and county seat Tuesday. For sale Bargain on attractive five room modoru home, close In. Terms 243 N. Ivy, 200 Have you tried that big milk shake at DoVoe's? - tf Mr, and Mrs. Alex Sparrow arrived home lust night from Yosemlte nntlon- al park where Mr. Sparrow attended I he conference of Die superintendents of the national parks and the .conces sionaires of the same parks. On leav ing the dcK)t hero after arrival the Crater National park superlntenden hurried to the parking place where his car was stored, to get the muchlne with which ho and his wife planned to hiiBton homo to Klrtland Farm, when he discovered that the crunk was lost or mlHslng. This fact drew forth from him strong . comments covering the Near KuHt and the railroad unmerger situation, nnd conditions In general. Umbrella repairing and covering. " Liberty. Shop. . . 214 Illg turkey shoot Sunday, Nov. 2U, one mile north Phoonlx. 211 " Illg turkey shoot Sunday. Nov. 2tf, one in lie north Phoonlx. , , . 211 '. Several local radio fans roport excel lent success during the . cold clear weather of the past few duys. -,. For Salo Good sound SplUenborg apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxos Also extra fancy Newtowns, pnekod, $1.73. K. F. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. 212 Masquerade at Ijtke Creek Thanks giving cyo, Nov. 20th. ,. . .., 'A decision by the stato supreme court In the appeal In the enso of Juiuen (Shine) Edwards, convicted In the circuit court of this county on n bootlegging charge, is expected within the week, . , , Tlie Jackson County, llulldlng and f.o;in has several thousand dollars to loan. , . 210 ' Tho Jnclcmm County Building and I'oan bus several thousand dollars to loan. 210 Kill ra(s, and mlco with I.elnan's Uxtonnlnntor not a iblmin but sure tn-UIII. .Monarch Seed Co., 317 Bust Main. - - ; . WOMEN! DYE T j. rViot Kimofiaj Draperies .Jtlrtt ' .' '''"italn Clnghtmi ptoito. . , Gwtaters Stocking 'Drt65ej Coverings Everything Diamond Dy Kadi 15 cent package of "Diamond J)0", contains directions so mm ln any woman can riyo or tint lnr old, worn, faded lliinfis new, even if slip Iir never dyed before. , Buy Diamond l)ye no Other kind--tl:en perfect home dyeing is guaranteed. ; Just, tell your druggist whether the material you wiih to dye is wool, or ailk,' or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Iyet never streak, spot, fade, or nil I Coach lnirr.o of the liteli school has 'started tlie basketball s-piads of the ricliool t'i work, and expects to have tin- inter-class khihcs ovt-r by Christ I ni;is. Coach l)unv lias tiie entire male I poimlation of the city schools goiim through physical motions, and the fit- ( turo generation in these parts are sure to have good wind, as they run about ten miles a day, and take un interest in athletics. There will he a dozen or so basketball teams going at once, when the season starts. Oregon Journal service, phone 814 210 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. . Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Fox of Lake creek, an eight and one-half pound daughter, yesterday, Nov. 21st, Clark Rawllugs who has been In at tendance nt O A. C. since the latter part of September returned to Med ford .Monday evening. For rent Three room modern fur nished apartment. Gold Ray Realty Co., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Dank. Phone 4a J. Masquerade at Lake Creek Thanks giving eve. Nov. 29th. ' W. C. Srhuppel who has for the past 'eight years been agency supervisor of the Oregon Life Insurance company, has been promoted to assistant man ager. Mr. Schuppel's favorable acqtialn tance over tlie state of Oregon and his unusual qualifications as a thorough life Insurance man will without a doubt,, result In the Oregon -Life at taining Its usual accomplishments. Mr Schuppel spoke at the chamber of com merce forum last Wednesday and was received with much favor. Duster Drown "and -his dog will be nt the Golden Rule tomorrow, Thursday, from 4 to, 6 p. m. and wants to meet all the boys und girls In Medford and southern Oregon. From present Indi cations he will have lots of company. There will be a regular communica tion of Kennies chapter No. 6G, O. E. S. Wednesday evening, Nov. 22, Masonic hall at 8 p. m. 207 The new compulsory educational bill will he explained In detail nt the Jack son Parent-Teacher circle Friday aftor- noon ut 3 o'clock. Tho "Wee-Wees" will entqrtnln with Thanksgiving selections, there will be music, and plans for spending the money earned by the oporotta will be discussed. Re freshments will be served during the Bociul hour. The membership is In creasing to a degree that Is highly gratifying. . , Got your winter supply of Spitzen berg apples now. Guthrie Packing house near Jacksonville. " - 216 Automatic windshield wipers, $5.00. illttson Motors. 210 "There Is a now development for Oregon. You are on the threshold of groat achievements," declared Irving 10. Vinlng, speak or today noon betore the Salem chamber of commorce on "Enthusiasm und Achievement." -(Salem Capital Journal). Prof. Vlning Is a resident of Ashland with a nation al reputation ns a speaker Marlnollo Shop, Medford Hotel. 220 Noel L. Einklne gives piano lessons nt pupils' homos. Phono 729-W. 212 It was roportod yesterday by tele phono from Prospect that the Crntor Lake highway is now open through the park. Key fitting. Liberty Shop. 214 Phonograph repairing. Liberty Shop. . 21 1 Tho Oregoninn's premium offer ap plies to Medford un well as to Port land nnd suburbs. Orders for Thanks- giving turkeys will he Issued on local meat markets. For particulars phone 1035. 20S Glen Luldley returned tho end of Inst week from Prospect whore he has been for somo time with the llureuii of Public Roads, U. S Dept. of Agricul ture. C. K. Wallace, auto mechanic, many years with' Ilulck and Nash factory branches, has opened a repair shop nt 220 North Grape St. . Work on all cars and trucks solicited. 211 System Service Co. writes Fire and all othor Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd floor Medford llldg. tf Tho Juckeon County Jlulldlng and Loan has soveral thousand dollars to loan. , , 210 . W. A. Gore, banker of Medford, Ore . and former member of tho legislature. In which body ho was on the roads and highways committee nnd had a hand in devising the Oregon stato highway system, Is at the Imperial. Mr. Goto says that there was a good pear crop this your in tho Rogue rivor country und thut thero was a good price but not. such a favorable roiiort can bo made regarding tho apples. Portland OroKonian. , , This office Is proparod to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., usod on the bookkeoplng machinos. Don't givo your ordurs to traveling mon nnd have (hem printed out of Modford. Phono us and wo will call.. . tf Get nil uutoiimtlo windshield wiper. $"i.00. illttson Motors. , 210 When hotter automobiles are built. Ilulck will build them. tf Kox .Lampmnn, former editor of the Gold Hill News, and famous as a poet, is now engaged In writing descriptive articles for Irrigation and othor devel opment projects In Novnda, tho same to be submitted to tho next session of the legislature for consideration. It Is evidently figured thut tho poetical style of Lampman will do moro good Ui un coin-tassel oratory by tho aolons. During the campaign just closed Mr. Luiiipniiin was manager for a candi date for congross. Turkeys Get our prices. We will perhaps pay more for A No. 1 turkeys than you can get elsewhere. Jackson County Creamery. , 209 The Jackson County Building and Loan has Bcveral thousand dollars to loan. , . . 210' For Salo I-and bordering Rogue river, $50 per acre and up. 25 minutes from Medford. Fine fishing and hunt ing. Flno garden and chicken ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 15 No. Grape 8t next to Farmers & Frullgrowers Hank. Phone 45J. MIRDFOTCD MATK TRrBUTR. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H Walker at 3')5 South ivy street, at il: -I., this morning, an eight pound boy. Reduced round trip fall excuruion fares between various points on iu lines in California, which were put into effect by the Southern Pacific- company during October and Novem ber, will bo extended until December 31. Music Trust busted. Victrolas Ilrunswlcks, Columbia, Sonoma and Pathe phonugraphs and all records at reduced prices. Music Shop, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 405-J-. - tf There's a busy Pusiness College In your home town. GWN. There's no place like Holmes for complete Insurance service. Harry Childs, who has been packin apples at Peshastin, Wash., returned to this city Monday, and will remain here until the first of the year. O. M. Cornltius has removed his office to 1st Nat l Hank Dldg., room 209 209 Joe O'Brien's new barber shop nt Medford Hotel. . .... tf An automatic windshield wiper will keep the rain off of your windshield, $o.00. Illttson Motors. 210 Miles Cantrall of Ruch spent Tues day In the city on business and visit ing friends. Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Dance at Eagle Point Sat. nlte. 217 Freeborn Garretson who has been here for tho past several months with his sister, Mrs. Herb Launspach and family nnd on his homestead In the Forest Creek district near . Jackson vllle, left yesterday afternoon for his homo in Vullejo, Calif. Trade everything you don't want for everything you do want. Gold Trading Conter, next to Farmers & Frultgrow ers Bank, 15 N. Grape St. Phono 405-J. tf Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. Provide against loss, Insure with Redden and Canaday. , A crew of section hands are repair ing tlie Southern Pacific right-of-way through the city In numerous places removing gravel and Installing new ties. . , i All kinds of rough and dresBOd lumber. Wallace Woods, phono 108, 711 East Main street. When in need of snsh and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or como to 711 E. Main street. . , . A pleased customer Is our best ml- vertlscment. Wo are making .ChriBt- mas photos now. Medford Studio, 22S East Main. , 213 A move is being considered to have the officials at the Thanksgiving game between the Medford and Ashland high school football teams, from ref eree to water carriers from either Stanford or the University of Call fornla. Tho projectors of the plan figure that thusly they can get away from tho partisanship thut - always rages around the contest. It Is cus toniiiry to have officials from tho O. A. C. or tho U. of O., and he Is generally a former gridiron hero, und it Is good advertising for tho educational Institu lion. Hut there was considerable complaint after the Armistice Day gitmo from Ashland. "Nlsh" Chapman who refereed the Rosoburg game Ib suitable to Modford for rofereo, but not to Ashland, nnd so on ad lib From the way tho fooling and Interest is growing, whoever is In charge will have a thunklets tusk, und wants to be sure ho knows vho rules, . Hazanr at Jacksonville, nt I. O. O. F. hull, Frldoy, Nov. 24. Chlckon dinner in the ovenings. Adults 50c, children undor twelvo. 25c. , , 209 You can got it at DeVoe's. tf Pat's Second-Hand sotre will pay highest prices for all kinds of house hold goods, clothes, rags, and motnls. 41 South Front St. Phone 416. 222 According to the Portland Oregon Ian of last Sunday. Representatives Cowglll nnd Carkln of this county nro plodged to vote for K. K. Kubll of Portlond for spoakor of the houso. Kubll is a formor well known Jackson ville boy. Dancing class. Legion hall, Saturday night. , . 211 Why drain your radiator when you can get denatured alcohol. Illttson Motors. 210 Special prices on high school typo writer practice paper at this office, tf J. W. Jacobs' Huugalow store on North Riverside was entered Sunday night but nothing of value was takon ao far as can be nacortnined. Local pollco report that tho lock on the hack door was picked und that tho only damage discovered was Unit n few cigars had been scattered on tho floor. A crow of men engaged In laying the new concreto nt the Associated Oil. company's now sorvlce station climbed out of bod lust night about midnight and covered the. now paving with shavings to provent it from bo- coming frozen,. . Auto Insurance, Hrown & hlte. . For Diamond coal bricketts, phono Vnlloy. Fuel Co. Phone 76. . Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garago.. Tho electrical doalors ot the Roguo River valley held , their periodical mooting nnd dinner Mondny night at Ashland. Among the Medford men in attendance wera.lt, W, Paul and H. L Wnlther. . ..... Medford Nost No. 13 of tho Amer ican Legion desires to express Its Bin ccro iippreclatlon to those who asoiut ed In mnklng tho Armlstlco Day cele bration tlie splendid success which it was. Tho goneral spirit of cooperation which wus evidencod by so many per sons and organizations makes individ ual mention almost ImiHisslble. how ever, tlio post particularly desires to thunk the ..management of tho rnlr Grounds Pavilion ror. their generous donation of tho pavilion, nnd through this -generosity the post was enabled to participate In the entire proceeds of tho dunce. 208 A renl buy $i.Hft spotlights at the Electric Shop. tf MEDFORn. OTJECION. Deer have no fear of man nor beast, once they get Inside tlie city limits c f Ashland, according to rifsidents of upper Terrace street, who say that fawns and does come nightly into their orchards and brouse about taking all the leaves from the trees which have not already fallen. The fence about one orchard In this locality is down for a short distance, and the deer have made a path over tho fence, and new tracks are to be seen every morn ing, Ashland Tidings- O. M. Cornltius lias removed his offico to iBt Nat'l Hank llldg., room 209 209 Dance at Eagle Point Sat. nite. 217 Auto Insurance. Hrown & White. The regular monthly meeting of the Golden Link Bible class will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. G. Hlbbard, 319 South Laurel street. All new and old members are urged to be present, To keep your radiator from freezing use denatured alcohol. Illttson Motors 210' Plant Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Crocus in the garden now. For winter blooms plant in water or bulb fibre Monarch Seed Co. , Denatured alcohol win keep your radiator from freezing, illttson Motors 210 Walter Bowne, proprietor . of the Busy Corner Motor company, left last night for Portland where he will at tend the funeral today of his uncle, General C. F. Beebe, prominent Port land citizen who died suddenly Mon day morning. Prof. Reimer says it takes four pounds of dry lime sulphur (at 8 Vic) to equal 1 gallon of liquid ut 17c. Bear Crpek Plnnt H.R1 Layettes, children's clothes and underwear made to order at tho Deuel Art Dept. 207 Kows keep up on their milk better if fod Kow Karo every day. Sold by Monnrch Seed Co., 317 E. Main. Lime and cement. Medford Lumber Co. , Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt sorvlce. . tf Latest Arrivals at Auto Camp Grounds Nino curs nnd twenty-three people stopped ut the City Auto camp last night. Those registered are as fol lows: Howard Estes nnd two others from Seattle enrouto to San Francis co; L. M. Orton and one other from Troy, Ida, enrouto to San Diego; C. A. Robson und one othor from Ashcroft, 11. C, enroute south; S. O. Langdon and party of four from Yakima, Wash, enrouto south'; Thomas Camels and party of two" from Camels, Ore., en route south; C. J. Schumacher and one other froiil Underwood, Wsh., en route to Medford where they may lo cate; Fvlt. Pettlt and one other rroin Portland enroute to Los Angeles; J. P. Bevery and one other from Portland enroute to San Diego, and B. E. En field and one other from Portland enroute to Sacramento. OBITUARY IIARR Louise Hair died at the Community hospital early Wednes day morning, aged 60 years, 9 months. She was b -rn In Albany, N. Y.. June 22, IS62, and moved to Skyland, Nebraska, at the age of 11 years, whero she grew to young womanhood and was married, in HSS Mr. and Mrs. Harr moved io Wyoming, whero thoy lived until 1S90. From there they movad to California, where thuv lived until iS9 l, coming to Oregon and tho vi cinity of Applegute, where t'tey had resided since. . Funeral services will be held at tho Perl Funeral Home November 23, 2 p. m. , f . , . ... ' ' Not'ice School Iilstrict No. Y6 hereby calls in "II outstanding warrants against Districts No. 51 and No. Ttf. Clerk of School District No. 7tf, 210 Eagle Point, Oregon. .. Attention, Odd Fellows Special meeting of Roguo River Encampment at I. O. O. F. hall, Thurs day evening, Nov. 23, at 7:30. Grand Patriarch W. E. Wadsworth will be prusent. Work in Patrlarchial degree. Refreshments. J. L. READ, C. P. 209 Attention, National Guard Every member of C. A. C. National (! minis will report at armory at 7:30 tonight. Special recruiting work. 20S CAPT. H. A. CANADAY. There will be' an Order of De Molay meeting nt 7:30 Thurs day evening at the Masonic 1 hall for officers. Practice work In the second degree. - ' 20S Safe Milk For lnfantt. invalid A Children The Original Food-Drink 'or All Arcs. QuickLunch.t Home.Offic. Fountains. fenm. NouriiWca-Nocookini. Avoid foliation and Substitute! Handicraft Shop., Hemstitching. Plcotlng - -8e per yard.' '--Buttons covered. 7 J6ttij. "WEDNESDAY, XOYEMDEft ONI EXPLOSION E BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 22. More than 100 men were reported en tombed late this afternoon by an ox plosion in number three mine of the Woodward Iron company at Dolomite, near Bessemer, according to word re ceived ut the offices of Corrner Rus sum here. Not one of the men trap ped had been removed, the report stated. The company's office at tho mine lr-te this afternoon bore out the re port that there "were more than 100 men" in the mine when the explosion occurred. The mine is said to he one of the safest in the Alabama fields and hopes were expressed ut the mine that tlie trouble was not so serious as was at first thought. Unless the explosion created great damage, It was explained, most of the entrap ped men could be rescued, It was be lieved. The bureau of mines station rush ed every available man to the res cue. BIRMINGHAM, Nov. 22. At the local station of the bureau of mines it was stated that a roport had been received that "upwards of four hun dred men," were entombed. A fire was said to have followed the explosion. It was reported to have cut off exit from the main opening Into the mine. . ' It was said that an effort would be made to reach the entombed men through mine number two, adjacent to number three. J. PLEADS FOR S, P. CONTROL OF t P. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 Important expansions and betterments by the Central Pacific railroad are immediate ly necessary to meet the demand of wostern commerce, Julius Krutt schnitt, chairman of the board of the Southern Pacific, testified today be fore the inter-state commerce commis sion and will be made with capital ob- jtained by the credit of the Southern Pacific if the supreme court's decision ordering a dissolution of the two rail roads is set asldo. If the commission will permit the Southern Pucific to retain the Central Pacific system under lease, Mr. Kruttschnltt declared, while projects for general consolida tion of railroads are boing worked out, the capital necessary will be raised immediately on Southern Pacific credit, but if the merger is not main tained, the Central Pacific will be un able to carry through the enlargement expenditures demanded alone. All ex penditures for Improvements have been restricted during the last ten years, he added, because the litigation seeking tho separation of the two com panies "clouded the title of tho South ern Pacific to the Central Pacific." "The goneral Increase In traffic has now mnde it imperative to undertake a number of Improvements of a press ing nature at once," Mr. Kruttschnltt said. "Tho Central Pacific as an indepen PAIN GONE! RUB SORE, RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS Stop "duHinR" rheumatism. It's pnin only. St. Jacobs Oil will atop any pnin, nnd not one rheuma tism ense in fifty requires internal treatment. Hub Boothing. penetrat ing St. Jacob's Oil right on the ten der spot, and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheu matic pnin and distress. St. Jacobs Oil is n harmless rheumatism lini ment which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stifness from aching Joints, muscles und bones; stops scia tica, lumbago, backache and neural gia. Limber up! Oet a small trial bot tle of old-lime, honest St. Jacobs oil from any drug" store, and In a mo ment you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer! Hub rheumatism away. Adv. Hemstitching, ' ,;; Tccoting 8c per yard. . "Work . finished when you ' want it. , THE VANITY SHOP Cor. Main and Bartlctt. H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER 1 Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. ' Medford, Oro, ALABAMA IN 1922 dent company has no credit in the financial markets of the world. H separated from the Southern Pacillc it could not raise the capital necessary for the improvements now needed nor the huge additional amounts required solely on account of separation and which would otherwise be unsatisfac tory," the Southern pacific chairman said. Mr. Kruttschniit offered to show exhibits that separation of the South ern Paelfie and Central Pacific would increase their annual operating ex penses about ii.iou.000 and .would nccesyitnte additional capital expendi tures of J20.H42.000. H. A. Scamlletl, of the Union Pa cific counsel, in cross-examination, asked if the Union Pacific. Northern Pacific and other roads were not con tinually engaged In joint use of ter minals, bridges and trucks without discrimination or difficulty. Mr. Kruttschniit siiid that tlie joint use Cecil B. fci-- 'iiMWiiiT I rt TOMORROW r I I . ' .." . Cecil B. De Mille's B Pi - ANSLAUGHTER with Thomas Meighan and Leatrice Joy in the picture that has been the sole topic of conversa tion among theatre goers this week. Coming Friday Night GEORGIA MINSTRELS No. 3 of the Big 8 Saturday "NICE PEOPLE" TIIK liKi S COMINU ATTHACTIOXS: "lthioii nnd Sand," "To Have and to Hold," "Tho Old Homestead" "J.ovc.s of I'liarnoli," "liiirnlng Sands." SEATS NOW SELLING P A H F FRIDAY NIGHT X Xa. VJl J 1 HH :30 Curtain I'KK'KS: 55c, 8."c, "rf.'try. .SMS OA SHOW op in IN THE WORLD ony in the Portland. Heatlle und 'i'aconia territory worked "all right except for inn-cased ep uses and lessened ef lieiem V." POLICEMAN TESTIFIES IN SOMERVILLE, N. J., . Nov. 21. (By the Associated-Press.) James Ciirran. one of the first policemen to view tlie -bodies of Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. Eleanor R. Mills, after they were found slain on the Phillips farm lest September, was the first witness called when the county grand jury today bogan Its second day investigating the-double murder. What a Wise Woman Knows The woman who takes pride in her baking and is watchful of the family health is nvr won away from ROYAL Baking Powder. She knows that it is abso lutely pure and depend able that for over 50 years it has been used in the best homes in the country.' It Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste De Mille's $1.10. Includes War Tax. It &ie5&Hwu& GEORGIA wmrnw Wand and FOR THE STREET