MEDFORD MATL THTBUE, MKDFQTvD, QTlEflOX. TUESDAY, XOVEMflEK '21, 1022 PA OF. FTTT! 3 HA11 AID 10 REGULA PROMISES-FARMERS R SESSION J WASHU'f :TC1X, Nov. 21. Vrenii dent (larding. In Ills onnual message to the regular session of cohbioss enfly: in December will recommend the brondcnlng of credit systems tinder government provision and con trol with n view to relieving nerirul tural distress. . The, prudent announced this in tention to congress today at the con clusion, of his special address dealing With tho merchant marine bill. He Bald thot while this" congress and the tliecutlve branch of the government lind dime much which had proved Kidney and Bladder TroDbles Conquered or Money Back For 40 years, saitl Dr. Carey, I have b6n prescribing liiy Prescription Xo. 7Tt. (kjiow' tor years as Marahroot) fr;;feldney and bladder sickness and rio$i' I have retired from active proctitH 1 have made arrangements wltfc rlrntlinfr druKiTint.s to dispense lit Id Wonderful prescription at ft mod erate 'price, on the money back if dissatisfied plan. n fteWaro of kidney die.iKe Ihoun Oflds;fc. of it every year who ousht to ,bii . enjoyinpr the blessings of life and health. Watch tho symptoms. If you. have specks floating before the yes,' jittffy eyes, clammy feet or liolst palms, backache or sideache, you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's famous Prescription No. 777 right away. H has wonderfully benefitted tens of -thousands of cases of kidney and bladder troubles and is tho medi cine 'you can always depend upon. JtcRuUs are guaranteed.. ' . NOTfc Dr. Daniel G. Carey was a practicing physician for many years and .his exeat Prescription No. 777 aided thousands of. sufferers from kidney -nnd bledder troubles. Here after you can always eet this effec tive prescription in both liquid and tablet form at all reliable pharmo ciaitt the 'country over. Adv. iiHpfuI to the farmers, attmiUctily U had nut Un emuh. ml aid to tho farmer? was highly essential to the jKitiomU welfare, ho addnd. Him- might safely boast the cood fortune which the farmer did not share. The declaration . was applauded and senate and house members of the farm bloc expressed much gratifica tion afterward at the prospect of a more detailed recommendation later. EX-GOVERNOR NOT GUILTY PEONAGE l'EXS.TOl A, F!n., Nov. 21. (Hy the As oc'ated Ptci-,) Following deliberat'oiu lasting only nine mln-ut.-s i jury in the Cnited States is tri"t ,'ourt nere l:ttc lost night, found Kidney J. Calls, former governor of Florid". n t puJPv pf the chtrge of having held In a state of peonage John Henry Kogers, negro. District Attorney . Cubbcrty Indi cd.-d shoul. after -the verdict that he v otild move today to nolle prosse an Indictment against. Mr, Cfttts, ofiarging peonage relating to Kd Brown, another negto, said to have been employed hy Mr. Catts at the .a tie time .s It .ge -v HOT DEBATE MARKS TANGLE ( Continued from Page One) question ot divorce of corporate owner. ship had nover been considered. Ter minals in one city are Owned hy one of tho two companies and the lines leading into tho terminals are owned by the other in many places, he said Where lines paralleled each other thore had been a. tendency to let the Southern Pacific build the feeders while the Central Pacific owned the trunk line which carried the bulk of the traffic. Separation now would force a con s'derable amount of new railroad construct '.on, Mr. Burkhalter eaid, as each company would endeavor to fit Itself for Independent operation while in many other places there would be a surplus transportation capacity left idle. A further difficulty, ha added would be the necessity, for breaking up the operating organisation of the employes. He asserted that a disso lution would necessitate both the eroction of new shops and the leav ing vacant of existing shops. -4 Taste flty A EXPECT WINBURN TO APPEAL CASE U is generally thought that Jesse Wlnhuru of Ashland will appeal to (ho supreme court from the decision tendered in circuit court last Sat urday by Judge F' M. Calkins in which the latter affirmed the judg ment of the lower court In Its levy of a $200' fine. In the case of Win burn, pialntiff, against the city of Ashland and others, defendants, on ft charge of picknicking on tho Ash jmtd water shed. . Judge Calkins' decision was partly as follows: , "This cause canto regularly on for hearing In open court upon the writ of review heretofore Issued heroin slid the defendants' return to said writ. The petitioner appearing by F. P. Farrell, Heataea & Reames and E. E. Kelly, his attorneys, and the de fendants appearing hy W, M. Briggs, their attorney. And the court hav ing sat and heard the arguments of respective counsel, and now being fully advised In the premises. It is ordered that the judgment of the lower court be and hereby is In all things affirmed." MAKEGOWTKTS DECEMBER FOURTH . Cow testing for tuborculosis will start In this county on December 4. A federal inspector will ho on the job to wake a clean-up of the county as far as possible; Dalrym&u are requested to take note of this and if their names are not down on one of the petitions cir culated this summer phone to or write at once to County Agent Gate's office. This should be done promptly If dairymen want their testing done so that the itinerary may be made up completely while tho work la being done in this territory. . Three years' passing federal in spection entitles a herd to entry on the accredited list. .. .New Books at County Library OBITUARY VAUGHN Meliisan Vaughn died at the home of his son, W. H. Vaughn near Central Point, Nov. 19 at the age of SO years, nine months, five days. Deceased was born in Gloucester shire, England, Feb. 14,1842, where he lived , until ha was about forty years old, .when he was married and came to California in ISSl. He lived there two years and came to Willow Springs, OreSou, where he lived but a short time before moving to Ashland and was employed on the railroad for 14 year's. Leaving Ashland he came to the Central Point vicinity where1 he passed away. He leaves to mourn his loss beside scores of friends, Charles Vaughn, a son, In Linton, Ore., Stanley, William and John, sons, In Central Point, Mrs. Geo, Porter of Medford, Mrs. V. llar denburg of Courtney, Idaho. ' Funeral services will bo hold Wed nesday at 2 p.- m. at the Perl Funerai Home, Rev. Millard officiating. Inter ment In Hargadine cemetery, Ashland. Latest Arrivals at Auto Camp Grounds . Among those who have stopped at tho Medford City Auto camp within the past two days are; W. V. Iake and one other from Ccntraila, Wash., en route south; Bert Harris and five others from Yakltna, Wash., en route south: P. Becker and ona other from Alberta, Wis., en route south; I. Atichair and party ef four from White Fish, Mont , en route south; A. J. Sanford from Redmond, Ore., en .route', home; R, Lounsberry and one other from Wenatence en route south; Wm, Saners and one other from Seattle en Touta south; Roy Denning and one other from Tacoma, Wash., en route south; A. It. lang- ham and one other from Tacoma en route to Los Angeles; E. D. Burring ton ,and party ot seven from River side, Calif,, en route to Bandon, Ore.; J. H. .Corbie from Eagle Point, Ore., en route to Klamath Falls, Ore.; B. F. Gilbert and party of three from Portland, en route south, and D. D, Mann and three others from Tacoma en route to Fresno, Calif. DACGHERtY IMPKACH31KXT CASE COMES VP AGAIX WASHINGTON, Nor. 21. rPlans to support the resolution introduced in the house, by Representative Kei- lar, 'Jlinesftta.' republican, ' fof im peachment of Attorney General Daugherty was under consideration here ioday Tjy the executive council of the American Federation of Labor. Liggett & Mvms Tobacco Co. Used by Three Generation "I use Foley's Honey and Tar per sonally, give it to all my children and now to my grandchildren with the same good results. I tried many kinds af cough medicines, bat never want anything but Foley's Honey and Tar,' writes Mrs. E. K. Olson, Superior, Wise. Foley's Honey and Tar was established in 1875 and has stood the test ot time serving three generations. It quickly relieves coids, coughs and croup, throat, chest and - bronchial Fiction. Shoe-bar Stratum, Ames: Flowms Gold, lieaeii ; When the vst rt as Young. Ttechdolt: live Nfuhts at the five Pines, liaul: One .Man In Ins Time, Glasgow; Tho Ulur Circle. Jor dan; Wintermven: a Tale of the ltj- constructlun i-aing: Habultt, Lewis; tin a Passing Frontier, laiidertnan; The I led House Mystery, Milne: Cer tain Petmle of Importance. Xorris; Two Shall He Horn, Oemler; The Itealj Diary of the Worst Fanner, Shuts; Gentle Julia, Tnrkington; Merlon of the Movies, Wilson. Xon-l"Ution. Contemporary Uritisli Literature, Manly & lUckcrt: Comfort Fouml tit Good Old ilDoka, Fitch; An Introduc tion to PhHosoittiy, Windeltaml; TiH'S Freudian Wish and Its Place in F.thics, Holt; iteligion and HuslnvaW.) liaison; The Five Ureal Philosophies j of JJfe, Hyde; Man and the nivewe. iMiigo; Philosophy and th Social Problem, Durant; Manhood of litl-j manity; the Science, and AtE of JIti- man KuBineering, Korzbyskl: !hei Federal Farm Ixian System in tie- ration, Wiprud; Crime and Criminal,' Merrier; The Modern - itailioad, Hungerfnrd: Historic Costumes. Uit chett; Ktnstein's Theories f Itela- tivity and firuvltntlon. Wrd; is Amer ica Safe for Democracy? MtOHfitHl: Wild Flowers ot the North American mountains, Hcnshaw: a Short His1 tory of Nursing, Dock & S!iva,i; The i lunula MochanJsm, Hough: Vita- mines, essential food factors; Heart Troubles; Their 1'reve.iUca and Ite lief, lUxhon; Electrieil MacMr.try, Annett; The Element of itaitrcad Knglneering, aytnond. Practical i;o;ui iiuilding. Foots; TIi'j 1 o-.uicn, Cod structlun and Malntcnnaco if IlraJs, Cfoodeii; Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation H-stems, Harding: The Farm Uureau Movemcn. Kile: iiraift aj( Engineering, Murphy: ProdUctlv Small Fruit Culture, Sears; Tiie Gar den Yard, Hall: Putnam's Household Handbook, Croy; Materials for the Household. V. 8. Standards; Naft-iy, for the Household. C :i. Standards; A Textbook of Simpla Nui-tiin,! Piti cedure for Cs in High Hciiools, I?cpe; Uadio Kngineering und Opei'titioii of: a Blmplo Homemade Ttinlio Keceiv-i ing Outfit, U. S. Standards; lindia m struments and measurements; Prin-: clpies of the telephone, Janchy Falter. Kidder, Building construction and superintendence; Nolen, New ideals in the planning of cities, towns and villages; Mills, Your national parks; Collier, Basket making; KHckmnn, The modern crochet book; Morto:!, The art ot theatrical make-up; Ferris, Producing amateur entertainments; Frost & Wardiaw, Basket ball and In door baseball, for women; Lang, His tory of Knglish literature: Conkling, Wilderness songs: Lincoln, Hhyraes of a. homesteader; Maekaye, CaHbaa By the. yellow sands; Storm, - Minstrel weather; Nathan' & 'sloncken. The American credo; Curie, This world of ours; Steiner, Oid trails and new bor ders; Tyndaie, An' artlBt in Italy; Busbey, Home life in America; Austin, The laud of little rain; Hawthorne, Na thaniel Hawthorne and his . wife; HcBcrmann-Liiidacrome, In the courts! of memory; Meeker, .The busy life of j eighty-five years; LumltolU!, New; trails in Mexico; Bancroft, Htstcry of Oregon. Pamphlets j V. S. Bureau of Agriculture: !isi-i uess methods of marketing hay; -ereal foods; Common white grubs; , Cotton tail rabbits in relation to trees and farm crops; Currants and goose berries; Duck falsing; Fermented; pickles; Goose raising; Home .tan-, ning; Onion diseases and their con-! troi; Stock poisoning death camaa; j Tractor on southern farms; Vsca oft rural community buildings. i U. S. Chemistry bureau; Inssjection of fruit and vegetable canneries. j I'. S. Education bureau: The district: owned or controlled teachers home, j U. S. Forest Service: Oleoresia pro- duction. . , Oregon Agricuiturai College Ksperi meot Station: Fattening steers. j Sooks for Children 1 i Barbour, The Turner twins; Beard.! Little folks handy book; Bryan. A treasury of hero tales; Carrick, Ple-s ture tales from tha Russian; Dole, The new American citizen; Fitzgerald, j Prhjeitla jnniors basketry book; Jud-S son, The yottns American; Macks y, Plays of the pioneers; Skinner, The ; garet story book; Ttirpiu, Whistlittg Jimjis; Wilson. The whits Indian boy. the story Uncle Nick among the Sho shones; Ziegier & Ja quelle. Our com munity, good citizenship in towns and cities. 1 TL 3. &s INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly! "Pape'sDiapcps'm" Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest The moment you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is gone. No more distress from ft sour, acid, npset stomach. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or muery-making gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist to overcome stomach trouble. PHOTOGRAPHS for Christmas SWEM'S STUDIO 117 R. Main St. Medford FORD TOPS RECOVERED 8.75 to $10.00 For10Days. Med. Tent & Awning Works t S, !, Ttwnot r - rLJ and g Comfortable -30 via e Shasta Route mim i Sunn v Ynr ftunfort is the first ton Kidrratioii of Soatlirrji Pacific cmploj-j who liav-e built up an CBvtnblo ripuiafi3ii for t)rU'os ami efficient service. Equipment of Southern Pacific trains is modern ta ap pointments and eoatain all the features conducive to com fort and luxury. Observation cars and sfafipins cars with sceitoas. drawing rooms and compartments facilitate the esjoymeni ef scenery. They afford privacy, rest, sleep, relaxation, and pleasure. Excellent meals tastily preparwi and served in attractive " dining cars appeal to the most fastidious. Fcr LOW HOCX1J TBUP FAKKS, Train Schedules, Sleeping Car Reservations, and beautiful folders, ask railroad ticket agents or write. JOHN M. SCOTT, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon I ( i-Tnesj J TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. Medford 2:80 p. m. Lv, Bosebarg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE DAILT ISXCEPT SliSDAY t,-?, Medford 10;0 s. m., 2-.S9 p. m 6:58 p. m. , "l Lv. Grants Pass J:S0 a. tn 1:00 p. m 5:00 p. m, BVXDAY SLY L. Medford 18:00 . in., 4:30 p, m. Lv. Grants Psbb 10:00 a. in., 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages tor Portland. Marahfield and Creuat . City. - - 1 INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. - i Pbone 800 Buster Brown Is Commi Next Thursday, Nov. 23 Is the Time! Buster and His Dog WILL ENTERTAIN THE BOYS AND GIRLS OF MEDFORD AND SOUTHERN OREGON WITH HISOWN FREE SHOW AT THE Nat Thursday NOVEMBER 23rd, 4 TO 5 O'CLOCK AH Boys and Girls in Southern Oregon Are Invited to Be the Guests of the AT THfs SHOW GET FREE TICKETS AT THE GOLDEN RULE STORE TUES DAY, NOVEMBER 21ST. trouble. Sold etrerywaera. Adr, ( . , X f4