BRINGING - M I wondf.R if. T ' Tt.mS taK ano Tr.o c- '! r 00 you bss: an ) ho w-ucan F I ' , , .-v..,, a L . . nj T,-r . ft THWT FOOL. U I VAITIN FOR HI . TH FINE AN WERlCMs CCE MWN APJOUKO I . . j '' w IVuL.ll 1 Zg lirrn HinOnrilin TO IturkPyH 32 to 40c: clresaod 35 to 47c; HELP WANTED FKMALE 1 I ' TAKEN IP . j . FOR SALE flOMTSS FOIl SALE M!MtT:l.UtKOVS KUSIXKSS mUKCTOUY Kttu tUKurtAni u CLEVELAND, Nov. '0. Enough' American and Euroean imliiHUial and social life must be taken to Jerusalem to make u basis for a .country before Palestine can be mnde the nucleus, of a Hebrew nation, Habhi Mayor I!er lln, president of the Mi Karachi Zioi- ' 1st organization, declared yestordny in an nddrcKs at the opening session of Ha five-day convention here. In discussing the' $(!. 000,600 foun dation fund being raised for rehabili- I tation work In Tnlestine, Itabbl Uer- I lin said it is "our plan to found a ' Jewish nation of 1,000,000. bur we must an-fmge to care for tln-so people ,i before they start buck." Rabbi Herlin said that 30,000 mem bers of - hiH race had mu back to ; Palestine since the world war and that many more are ready to go if the country is situable for them. In nil, he said, there are only about 150, 000 Jews in that country. FILIPINO RIOTERS TO SERVE LIFE TERMS MANILA, Nov. 20. (By Associated Press).' The , death, sentences of 11 members of tlieFilipino constabulary convicted at murder in connection ' with rioting December 15, 1920 when lI ten persons Including six members of "the Manila police force were killed, may be commuted to life Imprlson- ment . F The board of pardons, appointed by Governor General Wood, has recom mended that the death sentences of these men be commuted to life impris onment nnrt that long prison sentences meted out to G6 other members of the . constabulary for their part in the af fair bo reduced to seventeen years, four months. It is understood the gov- ' ernor general will follow the recom mendations of the pardon hoard. Market News - I i l Livestock . - ' S PORTLAND,! Gro Nov. 20. Cat tle weak: receipts 3155. Choice steers (7 ff 7.C0 ; medium, to good $G.25i7; fair to medium 5.80fl i 6.25; common to fair ?4ri5.50; choice V heifers $585.25; choice cows and heifers ' $4,550(12 5; medium to good $.1.60iffl4.50: fair to medium $3S3.50; common cows $213; canners $1.50 (12; bulls, $3fp4.50; choice fecdeu t $515.50; fair to good $45; choice ' dairy knives $7 W 7.50; prime light $77.60; medium $0.507; heavy, -K?5.50. c" Hogs Weak; some fancy; lots nt $9.75; receipts 2268. Prime light 9.25ffr9.75; smooth heavy 230 to 300 lbs., $8W9; 300 lbs and up $7.00iH 8; rough heavy $687.50; fat pigs $8.75ffl9.25; feeder $89; stags, $4 6. !; Sheep steady; receipts 1489. East - 'of mountain lambs $11 ffp 12.50; choice .valley $111)12.50: medium $10(8)11; common $910; culls $6.751)9; light ' yearlings $99.50; heavy $8.5089; light wethers $7.50fS.50; heavy $ ; iff 7.5-0; ewes $2iij. ; Butter. 1 PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 20. But--ter steady: extra cubes 41j)42c; '-undcrgrades 3S!M0c; cartons 47c; vprlnts 4'fic. lluttcrfat steady; No. 1 .churning cream 48S49c f. o. h., , ! Portland; 45c at stations; under ) grades 45(547c. , San Francisco Markets. .J SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20. (U. St S. Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomics) Eggs, extras, 62c; extra 'pullets 48c; undersized pullets 41',4c. J SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20. (Slnte Division of Markets )Fryers 28 . to 30c; broilers 28 to 40c; young roosters 28 to 30c: old 14 to ISc; hens 18 to 3no: ducks 18 to 2"c: live PERL FTXERAtj HOME! - It IS! 1W At Tonr Service Day or MKht Information Conllnlly Given Cur. Oth and Oak dot ; UP FATHER turkoyH 32 to 4flc; dressed 3ft to 47c; hjirt'H, lb. 1ft to 18c; miunbs, doz.-n, $3 to 3.50;' jack rabbits, dozen, $:! to $2.50. Order In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson. County. In the matter of the- Guardianship of Francis George Clausing, Arthur Roland Clausing and Walter Orvill Clausing. Minors. To Francis George Clausing, Arthur Roland Clausing and Walter Orvill Clausing, Minors, and to George F. Clausing, guardian of said minors, and next of kin thereof, and to George P. Clausing. Yqu, and each of you, are hereby or dored and cited to appear before the undersigned Judge, In the court room of said Judge, In the court house at Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on Mon day, the fourth day of December, A. D. 11122, and thou and there show cause, if any there ho, why a license should not bo given to the said George F. Clausing, guardian of the said minor' children, and their estate, to sell the following described real property, lying and boing in Jackson County, Oregon, belonging to the said minor children, to-wit: Lot numbered 4 in Block numbered 17 of the city (formerly town) of Med ford, Oregon; also beginning 25 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 5 in lilock 3, west Medford, as design ated upon the plat of said sub-division now of record In the office of the coun ty recorder of Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence east 189 feet; tttence north ICS feet; thence west 189 feet; thence south 108 feet to tho place of beginning, all boing in Jack son County, Oregon. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my band and caused the seal of the County Court ot Jackson County, Oregon, to bo hereto affixed, all on this '1th day of November, A. T). 1922. G. A. GARDNER, r.tT.County Judge. (Seal of County Court) WANTW) KUBURajUAWKOUB WANTED To buy galvanized tank between 400 to 1000 gal. Must be cheap for cash. Doesn't need to he watertight. Phono 3-F-3, Frank Scherrer, Phoenix. 207 WANTED A good dog; will pay good price. Phono lid-J evenings. 20s WANTED Small place in country, 3 to a acres, will traue good house and lot -in Medford or might buy. Itox M H, Mail Tribune. 208 WANTED Our patrons to know there will be turkey and good old fashion ed dinner at Summit Ranch on Thanksgiving. Hours from 12 io 2 p. m. and from 6 to 7 p. m. Please drop us card if you wish a table reserved. Summit Ranch, Siskiyou, Ore. 207 WANTED To rent furniBhed bunga low at once. Adults only. Phone 512, Mr. Tarr. 207 WANTED To exchange gas range for wood range. 323 S. St. 209 WANTED Cash paid for polts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED TO RENT A piano in good condition. Give make and price. Address R. W. R., Mail Tribune, tf WANTED Houso moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 4S8-X. WANTED Small house I can buy like rent.. X23 care Tribune. WANTEii Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos. records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. la N. Grape t.. next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. Phone 4C5-J. tf DRAIN IT TODAY Are You Buying Lubri cation or Just Oil? This is the time of yenr when you should drain out the heavy oil from your crank case and replace it with lifjhtcr oil. It saves a hard strain on your bat tery In Btarting. lioinff an independent service, station we are nble to pick the oils that are real lubricants. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat.. MEDFOTCD M3LTC TRIBUNE, WANTED Hy competent girl, general housework by the month; would be ready to take position Dee. 1st. Ad dress 11 13, Mail Tribune. ' 207 WANTED Stenugrapr.ei,. genernl merchandise, phonograph and piano sales people. P. O. Box 1094. HELP WA.VTEI MAIiK WANTED Gardens to plow. Phone 627-M. 209 WANTED Box makers. Apply Ore gon Growers Packing Corporation, Rosoburg, Oregon. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Family washing done by dozen; work ' guaranteed; prices reasonable. Call 100 Almond St. 207 WANTED Laundry work to do at nome, or will go out by the Hour. Phono 705-W. 200 WANTED Dressmaking. Prices rea sonable. Mrs. Dennett, 504 N. Fir St. . 210 WANTED School girl evenings and Saturdays for board, room and wages. 1 Hox C C, Mail Tribune, tf WANTED A position as cashier. Write to 420 A St., Ashland. , 207 POK KKNT BOUSES FOR RENT Six room house. Phone 292-Y. 20f. FOR RENT Completely furnished home on S. Oakdale, furnace heat, garage. Phone 220-R. 200 FOR RENT 5 room modern bungalow P. E. Wynkoop, 423 S. Newtown. FOR RENT Houses. Brown ft White. tf FOR KKNT HOUSE. KJEBKINO ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 200 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, kitchenette and hath in con nection; steam heat. C07 S. Central. Phone 574.' ' tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Comfortable furnished sleeping- room with bath privileges. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, sleeping porch, radio heat. Two blocks from Washington school. Phone 905-M. 207 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms with bath. 204 N. Ivy. 210 FOR RENT Comfortable rooms with heat. Men only. Phone 3 55-Y. 209 FOR RENT Large front room. Men. Phono 3C4-J. 207 FOR RENT Furnished room with bath. Phone 401-J. 322 S. Riverside. 206 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, also storage for cars and trucks. 124 King St. - FOR RENT MISCEIJjANEOUS B'OR RENT Garage ut 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tf FOR RENT Bearing orchards, alfalfa, grain aryl stock ranches, some irrl ' gated, some on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 room modern furnished apartment. Gold Ray Realty Co., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 405-J. , BUNGALOW HOME FURNISHED 3 Acres Garden Land Irrigated : !, 1,000 CASH $2,000 TERMS T " " 'Located less than One Mile from Mwlford, five room bungalow, fire place, electric lights, bath, sleeping porch, good barn, fino well. Very best loam soil, : Horse, liny, wood, furniture. Kverj tiling goes. v Never before priced so cheaply. PRICE $:l,000. WORT ,000 ' See J. C. BARN ES. Phono 784-L' Nash Hotel Corner A DANDY CITY HOME FURNISHED fi-room modern Bungalow, on the EAST SIDE, nicely fiimiNlied, pretty fiieplnco, lot 50x100, l-st of soil, garage and woodshed; lot of fruit, berries, giapiw, roses and shrubbery; cement walks. This is the home, yon want nml in thn-brst residential part of MolforI. We will sell this home ut big sacrifice and throw in the fur nishings. SEE IS TOHAV. THE FOUR-SITE HALES AGENCY Renl Estate HiiHncss Opportunities Insurance Mwlforil Bldg., Medford, Oregon MEDFORT), OltKCiOX", MONDAY, NOVKMTiET '20. w TAKEN UP Hay colt two years old. star in face. Owner can have samel for paying damage. Phone 7S8-J or I see Ray Yost, Ross Lane. 207 FOUND FOUND On South Central Ave. small brown fur collar. Owner may have by paying for ad. 200v FOUND Overcoat on . Jacksonville i road. Owner can have same uy calling at Tribune office and paying i charges. liOST LOST A small umber comb set with brilliants. Ihone 041-X. 20ti LOST Between Medford and Rogue River Ranch, Indies' purse contain ing fiMir rings and school warrants on District 84. Leave at Tribune office. Liberal reward. Mrs. Wini fred Stewart, Trail, Ore. LOST Saturday between Siskiyou .Heights and Medford Hotel, a child's wool overcoat. Reward. Call 86S-J or leave at Tribune office. 200 LOST Small white female dog, brown on head. Phone 926, Medford. 207 LOST Fox terrier pup. Finder please notify W. F. Diddle, Tel. 313-R. 207 LOST Hrbwn card key and papers. Tribune office. case containing Return to Mall 20C FOB SALK ACTOMOnriiES FOR SALE An Oldsmobile "8" tour- ing car, A-l mechanical shape, good finish, good upholstering. A bargain. Address "Oldsmobile," Mail Tribune. 209 FOR SALE Oil WILL TRADE in two Fords. Phone 9G or 878, Medford. 207 F'OR SALE OR TRADE Truck almost new. Dodge, Ford, Roo, Ford deliv ery. Clark Motor Co. 207 FOR SALE Automobiles from $50 up. Gold Hading Center, next to Fur mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. ' - FOR. SALE Huick Six, excellent con dition, cheap. Phone 90G-H. 207 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-17 months old registered male Duroc. Call Chas. Ray, 13-l-Y, evenings. 208 FOR SALE Good milk cow, price $50. Phone 132-M. 207 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Phone 500-R-2. 209 FOR SALK Two horses, 1 cow, 1 sulky plow and a set ot harness. Inquire E. R. Gleason, Central Point. 209 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Feeder lambs, choice ewes, two span work teams, fresh young cow. Phone 292-Y. 20G FOR SALE First class milk goat, guaranteed to milk 10 months. Phone 1021. 200 FOR SALE Cow, will be fresh in two weeks. Phono 371-W. . 208 FOR SALE Fine young Jersey cow just fresh,' with heifer calf. J. B. Stevens, Tolo. 200 FOR SALE Weaned pigs $4 each. G85-R-G, phone C. C. Hoover. FOR SALE Young saddle mare and saddle, electric or gas hoist, Inquire 15 N. Grape St. tf FOR SALE Six beautiful fresh milk cows. Walsh's place, one mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake, road. 212 FOR SALE Furnished house. Ad- dress 1'. O. llox 1037, City. 211 FOR SALE Four room furnished house, $1050. Terms. Seven l oom - modern 2-story bun galow, nicely furnished at a bargain. Good houso, large barn and 15 acres Hear creek land at a real low price. C. S. Hiitterticld. 20ii FOR SALE Three room house, good location, furnished or unfurnished, Hox 10, Mail Tribune. 20ii ' ' run HAi,r; -Musi sen, uiiraciivo nvo roon bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood houso. . Terms. See owner. Phono 4S8-Y. , .220 FOR SALE Houses una bungalows. furnished or unfurnished; also acreage Insurance. O. S. Hntterfleld, Medford National Hunk llldg., Phone 389. FOR SAltC HEAL KSTATR FOR SALE Three fino residence lots, ono on Rose Avo., one W. Ninth St. and one on i)ak'.ta-.Ave., paving and all improvements paid. Prices only little more than original cost of city improvements. Ensv terms if you wish. Phono 152-L, it. K. Carley. 20S FOR SALE Splednid 20 acre ranch and neat house 4 rooms and sleeping . porch, rich black soil, plenty of water, $1000, quick salo. E. M Palmer. Seo Drown & Whito. 20i FOR SALE Land bordering ' Rogue river, $50 per aero and up. 25 min utes from Medford. Fine fishing and hunting. Fino garden and chlck . en ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 15 N. Grape St., next to Fanners & Fruitgrowers Hank. Phono I0D-J. FOR SALE Kearmg ormaras, alfalfa, grain and Steele ranches, some irri gated, 5 to 20 years time. Gold Rny Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf FOR SALE 280 acres logged off land near Butte Falls; will sen cheap and give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. TOR SALE Hy owner, good vineyard land five nines irom nieiuoru, in, or 40 acre tracts, $25 per acre. Luke Ryan, 215 E. Jackson St. Phono 381-R. 20G FOR. SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE lG-inch manzanita wood. Phone l.'i-1-Y evenings. 208 FOR SALE Dressed turkeys for Thanksgiving. Cull Chas. Ray, 134-Y evenings. 206 FOR SALE OR TRADE For chickens $76.00 onto knitter. Write or call T. J. Yoconi, 817 Second St., .Med ford. 211 FOR SALE Plymouth Rock chickens. i'hone 969-R. ZUi FOR SALE-Apples, vinegar and fresh pure cider at all times. W. J. Mes senger, 317 E. Jackson St. 207 FOR SALE Beef by the quarter, 12 Vi and 10c; young steers. H. E. Conger, Phone Jacksonville 21-F-ll. 207 FOR SALE Pullets. I'hone 437-R. 207 FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cyclo, 2200 voltage, complote with compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. - Big Pines Lumber Co. $ TALKS ! The Best Used Cars in Town , - i ? - , PEERLESS TOl RI.VG Westlnghouso Shock Alworlmr", Wind Deflectors, Hiinipei-s, Spot Light, 0 Wlro Wheels, 0 Tires, New l'nnt- 111:21 Overland -I. new paint new tiros , $;l(in,H . 1021 Chevrolet, like new...... $:I7."1.0I) 1010 Chevrolet .....$21.00 1021 Ford Touring, starter... .$:ll.1.0ii 1020 Ford Touring, Klarler....:i(IO.(IO IIIIO Ford Touring, Ktarler... $2!).-.(l(l idlH Ford Sedan, new paint $10.00 IOI7' Touring,' overhauled. 1 0.1.00 1010 Touring, overhauled. ...$170.00 Sliidchuker Slv. new top anil paint , $2.10.00 Overland 1013 ; $10.00 C.E.GAIESAUT0C0, By Georg'e I'Oll SALIC At a sicril'k'o. rnnned fi.iit, practically nt'v wntorp-iwcr washing machine, tub, boiler and child's sncl crib. Plume 132-M. 2U7-' FOR SALE '.'ombination wood and ro:ii heater, like new. 97.VR. "oi. rain ft. 20; KOI! SALE r.aldwin apple. Ph'uie 7-F-l. . 201" FOR BALK ""ipi ies, real beauties. Phone 3!1-!U. FOR SALE A 4.V,l;ilar reel luiliy buggy good lui new. $2i. Also Du !; , Six just ovi'lutiiic , ciiuippcd wltii cord tlmi. $ 1 On. Lftivinu- town. Call . 90U-1I. 20 i FOR SAL'.C liuic "vi:-.i busted, vic trolas. liru!isv;:-l:s. Columbia, Sono ma and Pathe plum igra'dm and all records nt redact! pri:es. Music Shop. uc::t t I'anncr.'i Ji Fruitgrow ers Haul-;. I' Hi",-.I. FOR SALE OR T!lii:, -Violin, cam- I era, bicycle, (Hii Pino St. . 20:! j FOR SALE lialcd alfalfa hay in wareliouso. l-'i: i-t class and clciiii. I $25.00 per ton. Rogue River Va leyl Canal Co., 201 S. Fir St. Phono i 129-J-2.. . 221 ' FOR SALE First eb'Ksvnlluira huv, any amount. Phunu .V.ll-ll i. 21S FOR SALE Trade everything yon don't wuntfor everything you do . want. Gold Trading. Conter. nevt In farmers & Fruitgrowers Hunk. K- .. N. Grape St. Phone IG.1-.I. . If" 1 FOR SALE Spitz, Newtown an! Iluldwln apples, all grades. s I Packing House. - 2ns- j BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , Abstract an MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. ' Rooms 3 and n. No. 32 North Central Avo., upstairs. Jackson County ., ABSTRACT CO. . The only complete Titi System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance, i. BnildlnK Muterlnls MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products Cor Ftr and Tenth ftrnntr. Assnyor P. W. CAUNAHAN Metallurgist, En gineer. Management. 114 N. Central, Medlord. ttorneys 0. 0 HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAM ES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. E. E KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Offlco with Porter '.I. N'nff. Medford Nnfl Bunk Bldg. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll son, C. P. A. Attention given to anj thing in accounting and income Ta requirements. Look into our aitnpll fled accounting mdthori. .. Libert? Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R SACRIFICE Oakland 6 Coupe Good rubber, repainted, good interior trim,- a real buy at $650.00 VJill trade or give terms BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Main and Riverside ; Medford, Ore. VAC.K VVT! McManus Chiropractic Physician UK. HARVEY i COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427-28 I cdford llldg. Phone 9G8. tO DR A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectic Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me rlnii'i Therapy, Spondylotherapy, .1 Sciences, C hiropractic. Office: Si. -wan lilclg.. 2;;5 E. Main St l'li.iii. s- Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. lll. K. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic I'liysiclan. Olfice lira. 9 to 12, 1! j tn 5. Thursday excepted. Suite ' 20" n 0:1-011 Liberty Building. ; PR (H'.O. J. K1NZ Chiropractor, i Examination free. Tenth year suc- ccssful practice of straight chiro I pi actio methods. 40S Medford Dldg. I I'lione Ttiu. Pi-mists ill. O. .1. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 E. Main St.. over M.' M. Dopt. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phono C09; res. 1002 Y. orfice hours 9 a. m.-U p. m. Evening and Sun lay by appointment Farm Lonus lODERAL FARM LOANS NOW 64 Aiilli-ati'ins should be on file by Nov. 22 for November appraisal. 11. Hard, tiecy-Tieaa., 402 Medfora llldg. .Monuments !IK OREGON GRANITE CO. Monv. toe its. E. A. Hicks, general manager. ' ,M Kershaw, sales manager, 101 E. Sixfi'i St., Medford. tffc Osteopaths it. V. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physician. 110 -11 s Liberty llldg. Phone 904-J-K. ItHsWeaoo 20 S. Laurel St. H. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic I'by.sii-l in. Special attention given lo ev3. ear, nose and throat. SOI Liberty Building. Phone 496. . i'h) 'Icluns and Surgeons 'RJjT EMMENS Physician an Sin goon. Practice limited to ey ear. nose and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 1G5. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phono 1G5-J-2. DR. A. nURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance - 3S N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. DR. LINCOLN K ALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. . Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboralories 211-213 Liberty Bldg. Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-5 p.m. Telephone: Office, 61; residence, 61-J-2. - Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 313 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. . . . Printers nnd Publishers MiDTCuiM"7n7NTiNG CO.", "has "the best, equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose -leaf ledgers, billing systems, . etc. . Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE Co! Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315, Prices right. Services guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE! CO. Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phono: o'flce 644, or resi dences 617-R or 06. tf Uphofcitcrlng J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full lino of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show, samples. Phone 201. JacksnnvillA. Or A. N. THIBAULT Upholstering, re glucing and refinishing. Work done at your homo. Telephone 9G9-R. It. .1, llox 44A, Medford. 231 Aud:tlr-J Accou-vrltv- J YSTENERVICE(p' Irvsurajxcc ggf IrwestnvecJs- v p. minneTr- 2nd Moor Medford Hldg 4kUc 8rript Phop t OOOOOOOOOOOQOQOgOOOOOOO0