1 I SrEDFORD MATT, TRTBUNE, MEDI-foftfij OKEC-OX. MONDAY, XOVKMUKK '20. 1022 FACIE TTIREE 4 INSIDE AND OUT . AS11LAXD, Nov. 20. Contractor Greaser has mac-e notable improve- ments on the Granite City Hospital property, both as regards exterior and Interior. The grounds also have been receiving some care, instead of the neglect which characterized former years. A commodious garago willj also be installed, as numerous carsj are rcuuently visiting the establish-; tnent. which is to be known hereafter j as the Community Hospital, a gene i rallzatlon more broad in significance. iThore has been a new deal in connec tion with tho management since Jesse AVinburn assumed control through purchase of practically all the stock, it being a tentative plan of his to do nate the property to the city under certain restrictions, this not being a matter of late news because such an nouncement has been made before in these columns. A former matron of the hospital has been fired literally . "resignation some term it and an other one employed. Tho institution is being supplied with all the equip ment which implies the last word ' along progressive factors, the plan i being to make the institution a typi ''; cal one as representing the highest ' ideals applying to both medicine and - ' surgery, physicians from any part of . the ounty being welcome to take ad ! vantage of its privileges upon pay ment of merely nominal charges. ; Neither will patients who are unable to pay certain fixed charges" be (le i nied a refuge, as it is planned to make the hospital, just what its name im I pties, a haven of relief and rest. The local horticultural Quartet, Messrs. " Frost, Carlton, Wiley and 1'orter, excelled in apple exhibits, not only, at Medford, but also in connec tion with the big show in Portland recently. Spitz: "Winesaps, Winter linnnnas and Delicious were in the prize-winning combination all rank ing as delicious, however. Fred Por ter's Spitz exhibit was sent to Presi 'dent Harding. The next Missionary Society school sossiori of the Presbyterian church will be' a Christmas tree event, held at the home of Mrs. C. li. Lamktn, corner of North Main and Hush streets. The high school annual play last week proved a huge druniatic success, tho big audience receiving the actors enthusiastically, unmindful of a cir cumstance which' might have trans- ' I posed the light comedy into a heavy tragedy. At the last moment it was discovered that a specific costume, ordered from Seattle at grout expense. had failed to arrive. Equal to nny emergency, the Jolly' boys and glls made a requisition upon Shrine head quarters with the result that a trous seau in complete hnrmony with the chief villain's environment was speedib forthcoming. This costume wa sa novel composite one, reflecting tho vagaries of stylish habiliments as depicted in tho latest fashion plates of the Moor, the Bedouin, the Arab and even tho unspeakable Turk. In custlng lots for the requisite stage ap parel, a pair of Zouave Knickers, 60 inches in circumference at tho waist, and baggy in flowing proportions, was drawn by Hugh Bates, leading man In the- cast. Now. Hugh is more than nominally tall but his bust measure Is only 20 inches, plus sweater ami overcoat. In this dilemma the girls all graduate students in the purt tlmo schools of millinery and noedlo cruft in general, roso to the occa sion. The curtain was also to riso at 8 o'clock and here it was going on 7. A stitch in time mor o than, saved nine. Denouement: Exit anxiety and enter the hero of "As a Woman Thlnketh," replendent in Oriental costume which would have been a fit ting one for even a grand farewell prcscntntion.of the "Arabian Nights." In round figures, tho annual roll call membership of the Ashland lied ...... 1 ...I, ...111 n,,n.l..,.. Tfln ninril itr leUR. Extra donations, also pro ceeds from the sale of Christmas seals later on, will, it is hoped raise the fund to nearly $1000. - . . Mrs. George Dunn has been inl Eu gene of late, summoned there by the illness of her father, Itev. llr. Bur nett, who was seriously Improved In being struck by an automobile during the prevalent foggy spell prevailing up in those latitudes. . Hobert Hathaway, son of Mrs Hathaway, who formerly resided here, has purchased, a lot of equip ment at. the Ashland mine, on behalf of himself and business associates, and will move the same this winter to what is known as the Barron Mine, u quartz proposition from which sam ples of ore- have yielded fine results. Last week, C. C. Welsenburgor, local, contractor, completed work on the fine new dental offices of Dr. F. H. Johnson, nt Medford, tho same being Ideal as to conveniences and equipment. Augustus Hays nnother local carpenter, assisted In this work ', fitting up Mrs. Susie Allen Is IT'S TOASTED one extra process which gives a delicious flavor LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE ruum In lur Mink on Ninth Main street, near the I'htza, for a meat market, and bout Nov. 1. It. O. Chai ns, a newcomer here, who bought the "Eagle" establishment, will move the same to the new location, preferring a south Hide environment instead of a north side one. Although Moses was not discovered in the buUrushes at Masonic hall. lust SatuiMuy afternoon, nevertheless the daughters of the Nile held an im portant business and interesting so cial session on that date, about 35 being present as members of Zuleima Temple No. 13. visitors from Medford it twl flrnntH Puss heinr pntertliined .., ,i, Pt mntincent. The next Htntcd session will bo held at, Grunts Pass, Dec. 2. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney have re turned from Portland, whUher they went with n party of other focal resU dents to visit the big livestock and horticultural show, and note other attractions in the metropolis. They report tho fog situation in the "Wil lamette as formidable one, rendering auto touring throughout that section us extra hazardous. , Jesse "Wlnburn is leasing a sulto of rooms 111 the Hotel Oregon apart ments, over what was formerly known as the Vaupel store, these ac commodations being fitted up with every modwn convenience regardless GAL TWO CHANGES of expense. "Do we Inhabit other worlds while asleep? is a query which is troubl ing the modern theosophical mind. Well, tt depend On occa'ssions, after indulging in the average lodge "ban quot" at the midnight hour, with strong coffee as a chaser, there is abundant evidence that "there is a shifting of the consciousness of the human being during intermittent wakefulness from hls objective world to the subjective realms of thought and feeling," so far removed from this planet that the relative dis tance is a long ways and the restless ness ani equation which defies analy sis. - Dean Robbins of the state univer sity, will bo the speaker at the Cham ber of Commerce forum luncheon Tuesday, Nov. 21, his topic being "Boosting the Winter Fair." ' ' Job Tozer has received word that none of tho triplets born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kalcn of l'cta luma, have survived. The mother was formerly Ivy Tozer, daURhter of Bert and grand-daughter of Job. Election expense returns indicate that John ltlgg, of this city, demo cratic candidate for the legislature blew in the wholo of thlrty-i4ne dol lars and s6me cents incident to the campaign. In behalf of Pierce for governor, but nevertheless ns op posed to the compulsory school law. Jesse Wlnburn, nlso of this city, drew his gilt-edged check for $7132 plus two bits, to be exact. How about Kelltfy, Thomas, (Hanley, et al? Kollin P.eaver lind his mother, Mrs. Mary Beaver of Salem, were visiting numerous relatives hero last week, on their way to Los Angeles for the whiter All these Intel-allied fami lies were originally from old Ohio. and to the manner born as ' Native Buckeyes. T AT PAGE Many who see "Manslaughter'.' this week at trte Page theatre are going to say that the great American photoplay is with us at last. 'Manslaughter" is tho first story in a long time to come to life on the screen with such vividness, such poignancy, such perfection of fulfill ment that It far overreaches tho pub lished story. "Manslaughter" might be thought of as merely a story on the arrogance and Indifference to life of the rich speed maniac. In Cecil De Mille's hands It bocomes a masterpiece reflecting American life at its best and its worst. The bare theme of the story has to do with the careless killing of a motor cop by the haughty, rich, impetuous young woman, Lydia Thome, and of the details of her prison term ant' final regeneration. There Is the young district attorney in love with her, and who resigns after he lias had her sentenced. As a minor theme, which swells 'into an important and highly dramatic denouement, there is the action of the haughty young woman In sending her maid to prison for stealing jewels in order that she, the maid, may have money for her sick child, and the subsequent meeting of the two in prison, with the maid "trusty," and bossing the rich young woman. $ Of course, Mr. De Mille's trademark Is seen in some very torrid scenes of Roman revelry, brought in for the sake of illustration, but so skilfully that you feel that it is quite natural anil that the picture would lose color with out them. , Every player to the least seems to live his role, not to be playing -t at all Leatrlce Juy's work as Lydia Thome entitles her to a place ,in the cinema sun. Her Lydia is a creature of flex ible mood, of dramatic shadings, allur ing, vastly vivid, yet so natural that you feel she may be living next door to you. Then there is Lois Wilson: As the maid, her fine . intensity of emotion In the scenes with her child later with her mistress,' when she for gives her the wrong done her, reveals the fires of genius. - Thomas Meighan deserves endless praise for the manner in which tie lives the djstrict attorney's role. You don't realize until afterward the real mentality and dramatic atmosphere he has brought to this role. Julia Fa ye and Jack Mower play the motor cop's wife and the cop In key with nil the rest. DEATH CF BACON, ACTOR CHICAGO, Nov. 20. Hundred of i thousands of America's theater-going ; prices they ' do. A noon day parade public, .rich and poor alike, actors will bo Riven dally and tho flashy np u'ntl nctrcsscs, today mourned t)io! pearance of the people and the death of Frank liacon, "Llithtnin 1 -jazzy" music, all will start the tickets iiwi" who won wiue lame in mu imuj of "Lightnln' preparations wer el being made for the memorial and fnitnivii ,-ni'vii.Aii ai.hi.ilnlefl for Wed nesday. The famous actor died Sun-j day morning, a little over one week? after retiring from the rolo in which ha hill mil, emoil nlmost two thousand times a record run for any one play.! ' " Wednesday morning the body will lie In state at the Hlackstono theater where ho appeared dally as "Lightnln Hill," for nioro than a year. A short eulogy will, bo delivered by Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, high com missioner of baseball, and afterward, funeral services will be observed in the Christian Science church, of which Mr. Bacon was a member. The body, his family nnnounced, will rest in a vault in a Chicago cemetery until next summer when it will ho removed to Mountain View Ca4., Mr. Bacon's boyhood home. Messages of condolence from pub lic men and nctors and actresses, hundreds In number hnvo been re ceived by members of his family. NEW YORK -It was announced by the Amateur Athletic union that Joie Ray, Joe Loomls and Prank Loonils have been suspended on charges of ac cepting "exorbitant" expense accounts for participating in athletic meets here In 1921. TACOMA Walter Hngen, British open golf champion, and Joe Kirk wood Australian open title-holder, were de feated by local professionals one up in IS holes. ' POTTS VILLE, Pa. Disregard His appeals for firemen, ten thousand peo ple continued to watch a football game at Coalville, when told a house nearby .vs burning up for lack of volunteers to light the flames. ' CORVAIIIS, Ore., Nov. 20. The Oregon Agricultural basketball team will go barnstorming in , California during tile Christmas holidays, ac cording to announcement here. Tho trip Is expected to put the team In condition for the regular conference season to start curly In January. The conference games are on tho Aggie schedule. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 20. A featherweight elimination tourna ment 'has been announced by the Portland boxing commission for Tues day night with Weldon Wing of Portland pitted against Matty Smith of Hacinc, Wis.; Ad Macke of Port land against Danny Nunos of Sacra mento. Cal.; and for preliminaries, ,ev Belt against Chick Uocco, Joe Hoff against Kid Johnson of Olym pla and a curtain' raiser whose par ticipants are yet to be named. TOKIO, Nov. 20. (By tho . Asso elated Press) Tho touring American baseball team, starH from tho major leagues, suffered its first defeat in Japan yestorday when tho Mlta club, mndo up of graduates of Kelo univer sity, won 9 to 3. .Tapancsn writers say tho Ameri cans allowed Mita to win. Mrl Vinson of Corning, Calif., Is hero visiting his son and family of lieaglo. Mrs. Georgia Hanson of Medford, was out this week looking after things at the Beagle hall. Myrtle Chapman left Saturday for Yakima, Wash. Ellis Clark of Central Point, was out in Beagle and the Meadows hunting his cattle tills week. A road meeting was held at Moon vllle Tuesdny to vote a road tax which was voted down 47 against and 7 for. Mr. Juin who has been working on the Butte Falls roads all summer, lias moved with his wife back to his home stead in the Meadows. The new school house at Antiocli is finished and Mrs. McKinney and pupils took possession Wednesday, Nov. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Weiss of Cen tral Point was out in Sams Valley and Beagle Sunday. A box social and entertainment will be held at Antiocli school bouse Nor. 24. Everybody welcome. BREAK A GOLD IN FEWHOURS "Pape's Cold Compound" Acts Quick, Costs Little, Never Sickens! Kvery druggist hore guarantees each fiackage of "Tape's Cold Compound" to ireak up any cold and end grippe misery in a few hours or money returned, rftufliness, pain, headache, feverish ness, inflamed or congested nose and head relieved with first dose. These safe, pleasant tablet cost only a few cents and million now take them instead of nii-krning quinine, - SPORT BRIEFS Georgia Minstrels Friday . The poimlurity of tlio minstrel form of entertuiument will never die as Ions as such ctompanies as the famous Georgia minstrels of forty really clever anil talented people provide the enteitnlnmemt they lo for the nonulur entntr i They are at tne raso theatre Friday ! night. Flash and Flood, Rialto Lon t'lialiey'8 triuinv: go on apace. Tho uolnr n-hn fblulleil liii voiilna In - -v - ' i j.ho Miracle .Man" and "The Penalty" vitl . . . , as distinctive as it Is appealing. "Flesh land Mood", the current attraction at the Rialto theatre, is an out of tho ordinary ptcry. It jolts the heart and thrills the system. And certainly It Is different in its portrayal, l.on Clianey sees to that. A story of a man who lost tho world anil regained it by fore giving his enemy. He realized that ho could not stand In tho way of his daughter's happiness. Hence ho re turned to tins prison, grateful that he had lookod upon her fair beauty and found her smiling with love. Truth revealed Itself to him In a startling manner. It Is this truth so visualized as to make this picture a real achieve- Unent In the annals of screen produc tion. NEAR EAST PEOPLE WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 President Harding was asked In a message to day from the administration commit tee of the federal council of churches of Christ In Ameri6a to recommend to congress such special amendment to the restrictive Immigration law as will permit tomporary entry into tills coun try of Greek and Armenian refugees from the scene of war operations In the Near East. I BY WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. No record of an earthquake ut Hilo, Ha waii, was found today on the seismo graphs of tho weather bureau or the powerful Instruments nt Georgetown ,,U...utl Thn imwni- nf Ihnun In. I struments' was said to bo so great that hnd an earth movement of magnitude occurred in Hawaii, It certainly would have been recorded R. A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32. Regular convocation No vember 21st, 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. A. P. NOTH, Secy. 207 Representative Medford Business Firms Mason, Ehrman & Co. Tobacco Cig'ars 1 Cig'arettes, Etc, Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston Medford Iron Works GENERAL FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP y MANUFACTURERS OF QUARTZ MILLS MEDFORD BLACKSMITH SHOP Repairs and builds springs All new springs guaranteed. General repair, Blacksmith ing. Only Spring Surnace in Southern Oregon. 118 S. Bartlett. Phone 183-J THE CLUB Confectionery, Cigars, Soft Drinks, Pool, Milliards AHEAD FOR ROSS REFUGEES, KOREA SKOl.'U Korea, Nov. 20. ly the Associated Press) With bitter cold aproaehing in northern Korea the condition of 7000 Russian refugees at Lcnwin is puinuio, according 10 in- tho age of 81, today was persuaded rivals from there. 1 1 penult two medical men to give Those ashore sleep on the bare.hlm a thorough overhauling. Alter ground or under clapboard sheds. . ,, examination thev pronounced the while the crowding aboard tho ships . vigorous old tiger as fit as a man of in tho harbor is reminiscent of the t fifty. Hating hells of the old galley slave J -- w.. ,)rPmier of Franco decided days and the Australian convict to 1U. ,iinsclf In the hands of l,,,lL-o ,., l.'l.l.. 1.1 . - . . . , ... .. I uum ion vessel, more man iuuu men I are herded, some on the decks, others below. The hitter sleep seven men to the berth, taking two-hour turns at lying down. ' I At Gensan the severely wounded I among the laillvostok exiles are segregated, but the convalescent nod , ailing are crowded with tho rest. The sanitary arrangements are such that an epidemic seems certain. The pro visions are so Inadoquiite that an epidemic seems certain. The provis ions of the ships practically aro ex haust od. Cluing Tso Lin. tho military dic tator of Manchuria, still refuses the refugees pnssagc through .Manchuria. News Summary of Last Night UltUSSELS Cardinal Merclor. pri mate of llolgium was reported ill with influenza, PARIS Sarah Uornlinrdt nurrowly escaped injury while motoring to San Uemo when tho reur axle of her auto mobile broke. WASHINGTON' President Harding proclaimed the week of Decembor 3 to 9 as American education week. CHICAGO The opera 'Parsifal" by Richard Wagner, was sung in Germun for the first time In America since the war. NEW YORK Georges Clemencoau, war promlon of Frnncc visited Oystor Day and laid a wroath on tho grave of Theodore Roosevelt. LONDON Tho appointment of the Marquis of Crewo as ambassador to Kranco to Biiccced Huron Hardlnge was announced. WASHINGTON Represcnla 1 1 v o Zleh! of Maryland may become chair man of the house labor committee in place of RopreBontntlve John I. Nolan, who died Saturday, republican lenders nnnounced. Williams Slated to Be Treasury Official WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Ralph Williams, of Oregon, vice-chairman of the republican national committee, is slated to become assistant secretary l"f "la treasury succeeding Elmer ' Dover, resigned, according to reliable , Information here today. Mr. Williams possesses all the quali fications for the position and his ap pointment would he a recognition of Oregon republicans who havo given a ' republican majority for years. It Is ! doubtful If Mr. Williams will accept as he refused tho position onco before. Vilmo and Harmony Flour STRICTLY GUARANTEED. Ask your dealer for one of these brands. ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. BE A BOOSTER FOR HOME When purchasing any kind of products or havink any kind of work done, always insist on having home products or using home labor. NICK YOUNG HORSE SHOEING 104 S. Fir St. Phone 754 TIGER PRONOUNCED FIT BY NEW YORK, Nov. 20. (liy the Associated Press) Georges (Memen ceau, who arrived Saturday to begin a lecture tour of the United States at members 111 Ills own pi'Olesslon all 'he hud liiosed smile ernwls nt ilnctitrs jn t-enernl. When llr Pmn!. T.eeh.r.m,. r,r Morrlstown, N. J., whom tho slates- mini hud known vein s iil-ii In l'ni ls. began to expound' to him. dining the Wlry lm.ning call, discoveries which mi,.,! nrolonc human life. M. I'lem- t'ncoau urtfod ht'inKH atone hnpny." him to leave human und "K-t them die Hut Dr. I-edoi'iiuo insisted ho ouht to pa to Or. Frederick Allen, a spec ialist and kco if nil was well with him Tho doctors after a 45 miiuito exam ination, complimented Clcmencoau on hlH heallli. Hut they drew blood. It was for a blood lest. There was a friendly controversy aa to who should retain tho souvenir. FOOD COSTS INCREASE WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. All Indi cated increase of two per cent In tho retail cost of food to the average fam ily in the United States during the month ending October 15 was roorted today by the bureau of labor statistics of the department of labor, based on the prices of 43 Articles in 61 cities. Hy cities, San Francisco led with an increase of six per cent, while Boston. Los Angeles and Philadelphia showed four per cent, and Dufl'alo, Cleveland and New York threo per cent. No city reported a decrease but the increnso In a number, Including Chlcngo, Indian apolis and Milwaukee, was less than half of ono per cent. Of the food articles. 14 showed an increase, which was indicated to.be largely seasonal, such us 21 per cent for fresh eggs, and ten per cent for butter, while 19 showed a decrease and tho price of ten roiualned un changed. r "Cascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Casoarols. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indi gestion, sour, unsdb stomach, anil all such distress gono by morning. Nicest physjc on earth for grown-ups and chil dren. 10c a box. Taste liko candy. Automobile Springs Merriman's Blacksmith Shop THOMAS T. MEREIMAN, Proprietor. 20 South Riverside EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. t Phone 315 Thin? Rim-down? Sure Way to Get Right Weight Increase Your Red-Blood-OIU. Thatf the Sure Way! S. S. S. Builds Blood Cclli; This Means Strength! Do jrnu know why In mi ranee com fa ntm n-fusp to Insure a irrrat many men herauHe they are imtler weight? Simply because to be under weight often prM low flMIng-power In tho body. It often nirmifl you are mi mi a nervo-powcr, minus rctj-ri'lla In your blood, minus health, minus energy, minus vltnllty. It Is se rious to he ml mi k, hut the moment you iiifreaRo th uuuiher of your ri'U-nlood-ct'llB, yon begin to been me plus. Thnt's why M, S. S., slur has Jiennt to thourmnda of underweight men and wnmon, a plus In their strength. Hollow chocks fill out. You stop bring a calamity-looker. You Inspire confidence. Your body fills to the point of power, your flesh becomes firmer, the nee lines that come from thin ness disappear. You look younger, firmer, happier, and you feel It. too, all over your body. Mora red-hlooil-cells! S. 8. S. wilt build them. Ladles and gentlemen, a penky, bony fnco doesn't mnko you look yery Important or pretty, does H? Tuka S. S. B. It eon tn Inn only pure Tegetnble medlrlnnl Ingredients. 8. 8. S. Is sold at II drug stores In two sizes. Tbo larger slz bottle la the more economical. 'makes'tfoiCfeal hkt yourself again GM CHUNG China Herb Store This la to cortlry that Oim Chung of MoUford, Ore., has cured me at goitre and stomnch trouble, S, M. Leonard, 609 J St., Grants Pass. TlilB Is to certify that Qlm Chen of Medford, Ore., has cured ma ot rupture of four years' standing. F, Q. lshani US B Ht., Grants I'ass, Ore. Medford, Oregon, Jan. 18, 1917. This Is to certify that I. the under, signed, had very severe stomach trouble and had been bothered for several years and lust AugUBt was not expected to live, and hearinit of Gtm Chung (whoee Herb store Is at 214 South Front street, Medford), I decided ti get herbs for my etouinch trouble, and I started to feeling better as soon as I used them and today am a well man and can heartily reoom mend anyone afflicted as I woa to sea Gtm Cluing and try his Herbs. (Signed) W. R. JOHNSON. Witnesses: Wm. Lewis. Ragle Point. W. I. Chlldreth, Eagle Point. M. A. Anderson, Medford. 8. B. Holmes, Ragle Point C. E. Moore, Eagle Point. J. V. Mclntyre. Eagle Point. Geo. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point. Tho. V. Nlehnln. TCiurt Point-. COURT HALL 1 Shipper of Apples By Box or Cnrlond. I Kxtrn large culls 00c per box, with out box. Special grade nnrt slio for retail' trndo Office Phono 335 520-B30 8. Front St. Modford, Ore WATCH YOUR BATTERY PIIEST-O-LITK BATTERY STATION For Quick Service Fhone 110 We Guarantee our work at all times Experts in Cleaning and Dyeing The Pantorium Phone 279-J Veterinary Hospital AND Sale Stable DR. G. A. GITZEN 111 N. Fir St Phone 551 PHONE 75 for First-Class JOB PRINTING