J PACE STX ftfEDFOT?!) MSTT TTtrBTTNK MEDTORT), ' OREOON1. SATURDAY; NOVKMBKR- NOW AT $2644 T-J Thy business men of Mcdford arc still the busiest men In Medford, carrying forward the work of the fi nancial program of the JackBon County American Hd Cross. Last niKht showed that the quota then obtained was $2,044.00. Some splendid cooperation fron( Individ uals and business firms has been ex tended to this work, which is a coun ty wldo undertaking and which Is carried forward this year with the primary purpose of providing for the pressing local needs of our own county. The subscribers rcalizo that it Is a privllogo afforded to them to Join in this work which is developing the social efficiency of tho county. People of Medford are aHked again to como forward with their voluntary subscriptions which may be paid either to tho treasurer, Mr. n. E. Harder, at tho First National bank, or may bo paid In the Hed Cross of rice, Sparta building. It Is possible that in covering all districts of tho city the working com mltteo may not reach some who are anxious to do their purt in financing n project that Is for the welfare of Medford and all of Jackson county it is therefore advised that they take tho (nltlatlvo by making their own raymenls. Tho outlying towns nro also busy. Central Point, Kogue River, Jackson ville and Phoenix nro all actlvo. Ta ble Hock has already completed its program and has turned in $1.1.00 aB its quota, which is a fine evidence of the progreBBlve Bplrlt In this active little community. Enulo Point has been very effec tive In its co-operation In the JnckHon county lied Cross financial cam palfrn and returns show that IS8.00 has been collected nml brought into .Medford hcadiiuaitum by this enter prising committee. Special commendation Is due to the chairman of the lucal financial com mittee. Mr. Itoyal Hiown and to hi'i' able as.-istants ill this work. Mrs. I.. '. Wilcox was one of the solicitors and obtained $17.00 in .sub scriptions just usiiiK tin' toll-phone to Kt't in touch with the HuliHeriliei-H, as her two small children kept her at onu. Mrs. Louis I:. Kceve and Mrs. cene also collected J17.00. inakiuK persnal calls on the suliscriners. -u s. Edith Weidninn, captain of the teams. ollvcted $51.00. It is a fine evidence of the spirit or Entile Point and of its earnest co- peratlon In the work of county welfare. Through tho efforts of Martin Bow- rs of Ciold Hill, Medford sport fans will probably have nn opportunity of seeing a genuine all-star boxing card l this city next Thursday. Johnny arisen will bo pitted against a I'ort- ind boy In an eight round main ovent which will he a show In itself. Intro uclntf the main event Hauling Krlck, who starred at tho Armistice day smo ker will tanglo with Joe Walters, the long-armed Bcrapper who walloped Kightlng" Joo lllnckburn ut Gold Hill not long ngo before the scrap had hardly begun. This mix is scheduled for six rounds but both boys are hard hitters and indications are that it won't last that long. Two good preliminaries to arouse tho Interost of the spec-tutors hnvo been arranged, ono featuring Hoy llyrcley. Taking it all In all tho card miks llko a wo-ld beater from start to rinlsh and Medford fans are hoping that Dowers' plans for Thursday's smoker niatorlulizo. Keep Your Dollars Working at Home Keop your dollars at homo. Why Import food stuffs into our county, when we have the rttw material and tho very best facilities for convert ing them Into tho finished products . . Every dollar spent for Jackson county products helps, your own fi nancial condition ono hundre dper cent. ,. Wo purchnsed tho Central Point Flour Mill Septomber 1, have given It a complete overhauling, ndd tho very latest in flour making muchln try both from a sanitary and econ omical point of view huvo uIbo modem food plant, whoro wo can re- clean, grind and roll all grainB and produce a flnlshod product second to none. Wo are now on tho market with a full line of (lour, cereals, ground ' rolled and milled feeds. Wo do cub ton feed grinding and will do cub tern wheat grinding In tho near fit ture. : Give ub a trial and help build up an enterprise that will bo a boon to Jackson county. Adv. MOKTOX & MOIITON Continuous Ferforniiuice to duy and Tomorrow 12:110 to 11:00 I. M. R I ALTO G; HILL MANSLAUGHTER AT PAGE MEDFORD DEFEATS Prof. Einstein Says Sun Eclipse Photos Prove, Light Theory BY 80-6 SCORE Medford high school football team defeated 'Crania Push high yesterday afternoon nt Circuits .Pass, by a score uf 80 to ,ti. Grants Pass' only score came about 10 seconds before the end if the final period; A Grants Pass hack plunged through the Medford lino for fiO yards before he was downed. On the second down Grants Pass took the ball over for their only touchdown. In the first quarter. Medford made threo touchdowns and kicked one goal. The second uuarter, Meuford again took tho ball over for three more touchdowns and two goals. The half ended with a score of 39 for Medford and GraiUs Pass, 0. The third period Coach Durno changed the lino and backfield by putting In several second team. men. Mcdfnrd registered two touchdowns and goals In this quarter. Tho total score at the end of the third period was, Medford B3; Grunts Pass 0. The fourth period the first string men were put back on the Job and in this quarter Medford look tho ball over for four more touchdowns and three goals. The main feature of the game was, Williams. Medford halfback, kicking the ball from tho kick-oft over and between the Grants Pass goal posts. The lineup: Grants Pass, Medford, 80 JobnHton IMpgruss Dressier ...... Htcwnrt Nicholson .... Ktockhum .... WntHon Ileeney A. Ncff It. Slngler ... Williams :. Substitutions: n for Williams 1. e. r 1. t. 1. g r. . g. 1. ... r. t. 1.- . . . i e. 1. q . . f .r h 1 h. ... Medford, Hendron . . . Lacey . . . ltryan Mogurglc , . Ilarnes . . llillick ... llarns . . . Smith , Crockett . . Stevens . . Itime liaugbma HERE TOMORROW LON CHANEY supported by JACK MI'MI.Vr.f, KDl'JII ItOllKKTS WII-FUKI) I.VCAS HAI-PII U'.WIK XOAII 1IKKIIY III 'Flesh and Blood' Horc'a a real all-star picture, and ono of the lesl Chancy ever did. It has nil tho pathos or Ills "Miracle Man" and nil Hie punch of his "Penally." TONIGHT "The Siren Call" with DOTtOTHY DAI.TOX I)AV'I1 I'OWKMj MlTCHKLli U:VIS Cecil R. DeMillo's "Manslaughter," which begins Its fifth week at tho Imperial tlioaler tomorrow. Tho picture has boon shown six times every day, three of tho porfor- tullanccs selling out and the other throo' playing to un average of 'one third of a houso. The Imperial Boats 1500 people. Throe capacities are 4500 and threo houses of 600 each add another 1500, making an average of, G000 a day. Some days attendance1 has been 8,000. Ill money the takings will represent about $100,000. This run has passed and broken ovory record for attendance In a regu lar motion picture theater. "The Mir acle Man," up to this tlmo held the honor. 'Manslaughter has a splendid story taken from Alice Duer Miller's novel; It Is finely produced, well directed and magnificently acted by tho most Im portant cast yet Boen In motion pictures. Thomas Melghan bonds tho list of players, appearing as tho District At torney, to whom falls tho painful duty of Bending tho womun he adores to tho penitentiary for tho death of a man killed bocauso bIio wus Bpeedlng her automobile. Lontrice Joy plays this woman and plays tho part wonderfully. And there are twenty or thirty othor actors of big reputation In the picture. Snn Frnncisco Chronicle, Nov. 1st. ".Manslaughter" was chosen for the second of the "Hlg Eight Pictures" which opens a five dnyB engagement at tho Pago thontro tomorrow nintlneo. Itny Slngler for Johnston; Hatemnn for Nicholson Perl for Dressier; 1). Neff for A. Neff Von der Ilellen for Plpgrnss; Hurt for Ktockam: Fabric for Ileeney; Daily for. llailghinan; Williams for Rudy Slimier: Huehter for Stewart; Itiddl for Watson. Grants 1'ass: Wyrick for Hrynn. Several others not corded. Ashland Wins. ROSEBURG, Nov. 17. The Ash land high school football team de feated Rr-seburg 12 to 6 Friday af ternoon In a hard fought game. nnnrYT nmrrn II F K KKHrN I Ul VI W ISIMkl J KOBE, Japan, Nov. IS. (By tho Associated Press.) Prof. Albert Einstein, sponsor for the theory of relativity and proponent of the doctrine that rays of light bent to the attrac- Hon of the great heavenly body as they -pass, declared today on his arrival from Christmas is- land, that he believed observa- Hons of tho September solar eclipse would prove his conclu- slons correct. Professor EiitBteln suit! he un- derstood the scientific expedi- v 4- Hon to Australia to take photo- graphB during the solar eclipse had been successful and he be- lieved these photographs would vindicate his teory. He declared that the expedi- Hon to Thursday Island, com- posed of German scientists, had met with complete failure, as tho sky, during the eclipse, was overcast and tho making" of nhotogranhs impossible. GEN. WRIGHT, NOTED IE WEIGHT TO BATTLE IN RAIN COnVAU.IS, Ore, Nov. 18. Vni- verrtiiy of Oregon and Oregon Agri cultural oollogo will face each other today for their annual "big game" on tho Aggie .football fiilU. Against whatl generally conceded to ben he Huperior Hpeed o Oregon tho AggieH will oppose their excess weight . a.nu driving pnvcr. , Rain was the predic tion for the day and tho prospect wbh for a heavy field. The general esti mate was that this would favor the Aggies, but Coach Rutherford, who is training the team,, declared he did not think so. "A dry, fast field wan what we were hoping for," declared Rutherford. Word from Eugene was that Coach Huntington of the Oregon team was not over-confident. Practically the whole student body from the univer sity is expected to accompany the team and the greatest football crowd yet assembled in Corvallis, Is ex pected. The tentative lineup: l of O. O. A. C. Spear . lo .... McKadden Campbell tt L.ocoy 1ft. 1322 . ... . mail I I I r III ! W.WJAtUUriN TEXAS RACE WAR ami enrolment blanks of the I. W. W. 1 i ..,,iKS on uaieu iiiii-ubu. uu- 1,1 Mnti him to initiate ! ii the 1. W. members W. , BRECKIN'PIDGE. Texas. Nov. IS- One arrest was made yesterday, by ,.iiv ..oii.o ii ml mate ransers sent here by' Governor -Neff in the delicate situ- . ation resulting from a parade by a crowd of men Tuesday nighr through j the Mexican and negro districts. At that time alleged threats and in-j ilmi.l.nionH were made to the resi-' cover dents of the two sections which ,vas ; e, PLAINTIFF I WAGE SUIT TURNS KILLER GALT, Cat.. Nov. 18. C. IX Crook ham, plaintiff in a civil action to re'- wages alleged to be oweu iy 1j. Andrews "f this lown, tuuay nere uuiuik '- . .. . . . ... ... ,.v,iii,t . in muiiee i-uuil lotloweu tne ncn "y ,i' J , ,..) killed Mcx cat s An, du o 1Jowman, rested were found papers, literature ! tustiee of the peace. A. Shields Calllson . . . Shields . Vonderuhe 11. Brown Chapman . Gram King K. Latham Ash . .. lljelte . . . . Clark Mickolwnlt Seott . . " Garber lh Miller rh .mil tb Tousey lg c . rg it re lb LIEGE Eugeno Criqiri, bantam weight champion of Europe, knocked out Ben Calicott in tho second round. MEMPHIS! Tonn.. Nov. IS. Fu neral services for General Luke 1; Wright, former secretary of war and former governor general of the Philippines and at one time United States ambassador to Japan, who died at his home here last night, will be held Sunday nt St. Peter's ltnmnn Catholic church. Burial will he In Forest Hill cemetery. Hundreds of teleginms of condo lence from men of national promi nence are being received by General Wright's family today. Genernt Wright was a Confederate veteran, and was 70 years old. In politics he was a democrat, and was first ap pointed to federal office by Presi dent McKiniey, who named him a member of the Philippine commis sion In 1U00. He later served as vice- governor and governor general of the islands. .He resigned from tho Philip nine post In 1106 to accept an ap pointment bv President Kooscvelt as ambassador to Japan. Following a year in Toklo. during which he was called upon to act on tho California protest against the "open door" nnd other Important dip lomatic situations, General Wright returned to the United States to ac cept the post of secretary of war in President ltooscvelt's cabinet, resign ing in 1U09. CUNO UNABLE TO FORM CABINET LONDON, Nov. IS. (By tho Asso ciated Press.). Wilhelm Cuno, re cently asked by President Ebert to form a new German cabinet, Is de clared In an Exchange Telegraph dis patch from Amsterdam based on t telephone message from Derlin, to have nbandoned his efofrt to get a ministry together, owing to the op position among the political parties. PIXEHURST Harry Hampton, Detroit professional, and Jack Davi son, Now York amateur, won the an nual amateur-professional best ball golf toynament here. CHICAGO Tho day for tho open ing of the major league baseball sea son was set back . a week in an nouncements by President Dun John- Bon of tho American league and Presi dent lleydler of the National league News Summary of Last Night WASHINGTON Dr. Import Ulue former head of the Vnlted States pub lie health sorvlce was selectod to at tend the Luusnnno conference as a tochnlcal ttdvlser upon the question or mnrltjnio quarantine in tho Near East. MOUNT VEKNON, N. Y. Hurton Orocn, composer and pianist, died. Helped His Back Backache, rheumatic pains, dizzi ness, and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney trouble. "My husband had bad back," writes Mrs. M. McCttf nigh, EnBton, Pa. "Wheg he Bat dowr he could hardly get up and then he would be drawn over to one side. He tried Foley Kidney Pills and they cured him." Foley Kidnoy Pills auick y relieve kidney sjid bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. Adv. BERLIN, Nov. IS. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Wilhelm Cuno, the premier-designate, is reported to have written President Ebert that he Is encountering considerable diffi culty in organizing a cabinet and that it is doubtful whether he will be able to complete his ministry. Presi dent Ebert, in reply, is said to have requested Herr Cuno to persevere In his efofrts to bring about a non-politic n I cabinet. The Weather. WASHINGTON, Nov 18. Weather outlook for the week beginning Mon day: Pacific states Gonera-ly fair In California, local rains in Washing ton and Oregon; normal temperatures. BOSTON, Nov. IS. Tho trado be tween tho Detroit and Hoston clubs by which the Ked Socks give Dorrill Pratt, second baseman, and Kip Col lins, pitcher for Ehmke, pitcher; Holllnc pltchor, and Herman, first baseman, was confirmed by President II. H. l'razeo today. COURT HALL Shipper of Apples By Box or Carload. Extra large culls 00c per box, with out box. Special grade and slzo for retail trade Office Phono 0.15 .W0.B30 8. Front St. Slodfonl, Ore CLEMENCEAU WELCOMED (Continued from Page One) SYRACUSE. Dr. Charles Wesley Flint, former president of Cornell col lego, Mount Vernon, lown, was Inaug urated chancollor of Syracuso university. Nu DrnrliiMtnn. Plnfl f.aitt When (he cast for the new produc tion of "Flesh and Blood," was assem bled, n group of lending mon aud u-nmnn u-iirn piven the nrhiclmil UartS. This photoplay Is coming to the Rlnlto theatre, for three days, beginning to morrow. Lon Chancy Impersonates nn escap ed convict whoso fear of 'the law is so grent that he disguises himself nnd becomes a helplesB cripple. His por trayal Is vivid and compelling one P1ilch extracts tho utmost svmimthy. Edith Roberts and Jack Mulhull take earn of the romantic interest, tho for mer playing the daughter of the con vlc, the hitter, the son of tho financier who sent the unfortunate man to prls on. Ralph Uwis Is tho conscience- uiiMcknn mnituuta while Noah Beery enacts a cunning Oriental to tho man ner born. A detect Ivo Is admirably limned by, Do Witt Jennings. been extended u more stately welcome than was accorded him when ho was taken from tho steaniBhlp Paris in the harbor and landed on tho his toric Battery wall. The Tiger round thousands or peoplo waiting for him on tho tip of Manhattan Island. Thore wero cheers when he stepped ashoro and then, headed by tho po lice department band M. Clciuenceau and tho commllteo which welcomed him, Bturted up Broadway for his of ficial reception nt the city hall. Tho aged statesman was carrying a red rose in one hand when he began his motor trip up the great canyon. Occupants of office buildings leaned I from windows and blew kisses to him. He replied by waving the roso In a courtly ninnner. Tho welcoming committee oh ar riving at quarantine on board the stoumor Macom found the Tiger peer ing through a window on the prome nade dock. He was wearing a gray outaway with a gray fedora. Escorted to the grand saloon byl the captain ot the Paris, the commit tee was presented to M. Clenienceau by J. J. Jusserand, French ambassa dor to tho United States. Robert Woods Bliss, assistant sec retary of state welcomed the former premier lo America in behalf of Pres-I Ident Harding and invited him to vis it the president nt Washington. Clemenceau accepted, expressing his I delight. 300 WIVES. WEEP (Continued from page one.) world monarehs since the time of the prophet. Messages from Angora state that the determination of the grand nation nl assembly to place tho sultan and his cabinet on trial was based on Its decision that they were guilty of a crime against the Angora government In accepting tho allies' Invitation to attend the Lausanne peace conference. X1 . oT If 0UALITV HH JTI, - I -v l III POWER. COMPANY J That la whnt nrevalls " uuu .u. i ;,viwu HI above the rest e I I sunrantee our work ,1 youk i'akinkrs I I I and our material, ou 1 1 1 HI in progress I II are fully protected I 111 WllCU lll''llillB ncrc' I j j HI . I l l I III aneatmgeo. ll I I Snni-tii lihli!. Phone 020 lll l II LU ' ill fro -''9 1 1 an T-yrr v7y mm I I Our equipment as- . I j ! s U r e s thorough I I work no wear I I t rr..a III l, lH.lllllllt.-S3, 1.1 j uo. Ml W 'II mi i in VV ll rTA ' I 1 UHL.ESSVOU ARE FOR SALE have sold my business and am leaving for Southern California the first of the month and for a quick sale these-articles are priced right. Home and Furniture 4-room house, 75x100, corner lot. Will give good terms on house. Heating Stove .$30.00 Painted Breakfast Set, 6 pieces . . .$15.00 Wicker Chair (fibre) $10.00 Solid Mahogany Chair $20.00 Overstuffed Chair .$15.00 Mahogany Bedroom Suite, 4 pieces $100 Ivory Bed, wooden $6.00 Ivory Chiffonier $17.50 Ivory Dressing Table $15.00 Ivory Bedside Table .$4.00 Fibre Rugs . ! . .$10.00 Wilton Rug, 9x12 : .$40.00 Kitchen Table .$6.00 Coil Springs $12.00 Mattress ....$12.00 Electric Heater $7.00 Charter Oak Range, good as new . $85.00 9x12 Rug $18.00 Many Other Small Articles SEELY V. HALL 446 S. Central Phone 673 SERVICE More and more the public is learning to appreciate the value ' ol Lighting and Power Service the Service that is ready at hand every minute in the year; that is part of the intimate affairs of every day; that makes work easier, hours of leisure brighter, and living more worth while. The Electric Range is an exponent of this Service. Once in troduced and installed, it is a constant reminder of the important part whie4h the Lighting and Power Company plays in each life, and adds materially to the good will which the best of Service has earned. Electric Cookery is also correct cookery. It is controlable, cool, clean, convenient and cheap. It is worth-while ask any owner of an electric range. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY