Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 18, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAflti TWO
ocf and
8 ny'fy
a. v
'A'il !i ! !l - -Mi .-'i mi ;r- ;;;.!.. :: n !
. ll. ! a!.- ,; . t.hlav I . I.- tin'
l.Kit lit'iultiinl cut' ot th.- t-a iy vi!ii-r
Kt"-aSJ iiiaHiliiich as it 1' '11 uvt'il a '('!,
(if cold or rainy am! clumly weaflnT.
Fair weather is the pi (.'diction f or Sun
Hay. Tlits morning's mininimu was
.'is fleres folliswiuK tlie maximum o:
I-ri'lny of 5tj (U'sroes. hut a year nun
this morning tlitj weather was quite
mid with a temperature of -1 derives
Danre at R-isle Point Sat. nlte. 217
Tlie JaoLnoii County IiuiUliiix and
l.oau lius several thousand dollars to
loan. L-lu"
The new vault doors of the Mudi'ord
National bank are heins installed.
Tht'RO iloora weiifli five tons each nml
are efiiipfied with modern burglar
alarniR. They an; the largest doors of
the sort in this part of the state. Til"
finishing of the Improvement work
now Ruing on in the hank will be com
pleted about the first of December.
It's time to have photographs made
1 )r Christmas. S'-vom's Studio. jo.'r
liy mistake the name of Ada T.
Klorker was left off the story in last
niclit's paier entitled ".Splendiil Trib
ute t Prisoner of Zenda."
"The Protestant Consciousness" Is
the timely subject of n series of Sun
day evening addresses at the First
.Methodist church. The Odd Fellows
attended in a body last Sunday, and
the KnlKhts of Pythias will attend to
morrow evening. The series has at
tracted exceptional audiences.
Thanksgiving ball! Pavilion! Nov.
I'.mh. Don't miss this. 2"
The Jackson County I'.uildim; and
Loan has several thousand dollars to
loan. 210
The county hcIiooI superintendent,
Susan Carter of Ashland, was In this
city today buying supplies for the rural
For Sale Automobiles -from $i0.00
up. Gold Trading Canter, next to Far
merH & Fruitgrowers liank. Phone
4H5-J. II
..Mattress work all kinds. Modioli!
Auto Top Co. Phono 104. tf
Mrs. Robert W. Clancy arrived home
this morning from Seattle where she
had been visiting her daughter, .Miss
Wlnnlfred Clancy, a student ut the
1 diversity of Washington, for a week
or so.
Wanted Women workers, itogue
III vol- Valley Canning Co. 2115
liavo you tried that big milk shake
at DeVoe's? tf
O. O. Alonderfer is among those who
drove up to see the big football game
.Masquerade at Lake Creek Thanks
giving cvo, Nov. 2'Jth. ,
Tlie Jackson County Building and
Loan lias several thousand dollars to
loan. 210
"Judgo Gardner has bought from
Luke ltyan the two-story brick build
ing on lower Main street, now occu
pied by Judge ilagshnw us u law oi l Iff
and 'J. Weis as un upholstering shop,"
f.iivb the Jacksonville Post. "This Is
one of the best buildings in the town.
Just what the building is to bo used
for later on we have not learned, but
we understand that no change is to be
made in the near future"
Ladies' silk hose, values to $2.00,
while they last 9Sc pair. Hutchison
I.umsden. 20a
Wanted Women workers. Hogne
Itiver Valley Canning Co. 20a
Miss Frances Orel), who touchos
school at Butte Fulls, Bpent today In
iMedCord shopping. ,
Oregon Journal service, phono 811.
Wo liavo purchnsor for tho best
tnodorn bungalow which you can offer
ror $:!000. Call J. V. Dressier Co., 12;!
Fast Main streetopposlte 1st Nation
al Uank. Phone 285. 205
Real "home-made sandwiches and
rakes accompanied by steaming hot
coffee will be served at tho pavilion
dancing party tonight and throughout
the winter months. This addod fea
turo will doulitlosa prove vory popular
with tho patrons,
(let your winter supply of Spllzon
borg apples now. Gutlirlo Packing
house near Jacksonville. 211
Vhe Vacuetto Vacuum Cleaner
$2!).8I. Why pay more? Call Mrs
Callaglian for free trial. Phone C27-X
Woman Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound
Makes This Offer
Cumberland, Md. "My mother gave
me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
tiound when I was
ictwecn thirteon
and fourteen years
old and was going to
school, because 1
suffered with pains
and could not rest. I
did not have any
more trouble after
that until I was mar
ried, then I always
was troubled in my
back whilo carrying
a child and could n,.t
do my work until I took the Vegetable
Compound, lam strong, do oil my wash
ing and ironing and work for seven
children and feel fine. I always have nn
easy time at childbirth and what it did
for me it will do for oilier women. I am
willing to answer nny woman if slia
will write asking what it did for me."
Mrs. John Heieb, 53 Dillcy St.,
Cumberland, Md.
During girlhood nml Inter during
motherhood Lydia liu Pinkham s vege
table Compound brought relief to Mrs.
Heier. Her case is but one of many we
constantly publish recommending our
Vegetable Comound. She is willing to
power your later, Write tv her,
"The Healing Ministry of Jesus" will
lie discussed at the Presbyterian
church Sunday evening by the pastor.
Such points as the lare plate it had
in His ministry its ili.poi tance, was
it c encai in His ministry, its pin
1 1 1 s c an l til-- ii'oit.iti-uis .f this inira"-
iilniis clement in his ministry, will be'iii!-.
taken up in the study. At tlie morningj Greug review-dictation
service tile mixed quartet will sm j
two numbers entitled "Oh Word of';
God Incarnate" by Scott, and "Oil
Taste and See." by .Marsden. Stewaid-'otheis
ship win lie me sunject oi ne morning ,
! sermon. The mixed quartet is already;
; hard at work on the music for Christ-t
mas and are planning one of their high
trade saned concerts for that night.
They have also planned a musical
evening for Sunday evening, Nov. -.
IV Molay benefit dance, Monday
night. Fair Grounds Pavilion. Fverv-
body invited. 2'Mi'
Automatic windshield wipers, $"p.o0.
Ilittson .Motors. 210
.Mr. Lyman of Gold Hill was a Mod
lord business visitor today.
Have you seen the stationery at $1
a box displayed in , the windows of
Swem's Studio. . 20.")
Ileautifiil one acre, lots fronting
Rogue river at one of its most roman
tic points. Very aecessable, close to
Pacific highway and only thirty min
utes from ' Modiord clean free soil
plenty of water on the property.
Prices exceptionally low; small pay
ments down; hnlance covering period
of four years at 5 percent Interest on
deferred payments. No taxes till 1024.
Plat now open for your selection of a
choice location. Several lots sold the
last few days. J. W. Dressier Co., 121!
Hast Main street, opposite 1st Nation
al bank. Phone 2S5. 20.r.
Polk Hull returned last Tuesday
from attendance at the G. A. R. en
campment ut Ues Moines, la. The en
campment next year will be held at
.V.lwaukeo, Wis.
Masquerade at Lake Creek Thanks
giving eve, Nov. 2!ith.
Don't forget, big dance Dot Springs
Sat. nlte. Good floor, good music. 205
I j. C. Schaerer of the Table Rock
district was a .Medford business visi
tor today.
Marincllo Shop, Medford Hotel. 220
System Service Co. writes Fire and
all other Insurance, strong companies.
Office 2nd floor Medford llldg. tf
Tho Misses Lydia Deuno und Jose
phine Koppes, students from tills city
at O. A. C, have as their guest during
homecoming week at that Institution.
Mrs. Norman J. Normilo of Portland.
This ofrice Is prepared to prlnl
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on tho
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Modford. Phone
us and we will call. tf
Get an uutoniatic windshield wiper.
$3.00. Ilittson Motors. 210
R. F. Farmer of Farmer Pros, garage
returned from Kugene Fridayevcning
whero ho had been on business und
visiting his father and mother.
The Jackson County lluildlng and
Loan has several thousand dollars to
Ipan. ( . 210
! There's a busy Business Collogo In
yoiir home town. OWN. '
Harry H. Hart was among the Med
ford people In Grants Pass on Thurs
day on business.
Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat.
There's no place like Holmes fo
complete Insurance service. 1
The Salvation Army .will hold a
runiinago salo next Wednesday morn
lug from ! to 12 noon. Shoes und arti
cles of clothing sold very low to those
able to pay something for thnin. Cloth
lug given I'roo to deserving and worthy
poor iiuabli) to pay.
Joo O'Hrlon's now linrbor shop at
Medford llotol. tf
An automatic windshield wiper will
keep the rain off of your windshield
$5.00. Ilittson Motors. 210
"At a meeting of the directors of the
Community hospital held last evening
Mr. Inburn, who now owns !8 per
cent :r tho stock of the company and
has leased tho hospital from tho board
of directors, announced that tho instl
tutlon was now open to all surgeom
and physicians In tho county. Letters
have been written advising all Hiirgicul
and medical men of the change that
has been made. Ashland Tidings,
Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat.
ulte. 205
I.lnio for spray. Medford Lbr. Co.
Among tho Medford men who will
attend tho big V. of O.-O. A. ('. ganio at
Corvallis Saturday Is Kddio Durno.
ccaeh of the local high school teams
and former Oregon basketball star
Milk anil cream at DoYoo'a. tf
Hard times made easy, buy nineties
without money, pay with sharo of crop,
like reut. Gold Hay Realty Company.
Otto L. Ciintrall, formerly of the
Applegnte and Jacksonville Is now re
siding at Atlanta, Ga., whore ho Is
employed as ail electrician.
Sash ami doors. Medford Lumber Co
T. G. Urudley of Copco is a business
visitor In Medford today.
II. Chandler Kgnn, olio of tho best
known amateur golfers In the world,
and Dr. 0. F. Willing, stale champion,
will represent the Wiiverly Country
club In the exhibition mutch against
Walter Hagen and Joo Kirkwood, to
bo played over the Waverly co.
Saturday, Nov. 25. according to nn
announcement made Friday by C. II.
Dnvls, Jr.. president of the club,
selecting F.guu, President Davis made
n good move, as the golfing public of
Portland likes to see the former nn
tioual champion III action. Several
years ago Kgan played for Waverly in
the exhibition match against Ted Ray
and Harry Vardon. Portland Journal.
Kill rats and mice with l.einan's
Kxterinlnator not a poison but sure
to kill. Monarch Seed Co., 1117 Fast
For Sale Land bordering Rogue
river, $50 per acre and up. 25 minutes
from Medford. Fine fishing and hunt
ing. Fine Rarden and chicken ranches.
Gold Ray Realty Co.. 15 No. Grape St..
next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Dank.
Phone 405-J.
I 0. V. Myers, Russell Sherwood and
! W. A. Aitken left by auto at about S
I o'clock this morning for Corvallis to
; take in the big football game there
litis afternoon.
, You can lift it at DeVoe's. tf
; I lance. Hot Spring.'), Sat.
Night school
,Medford Business t ollege. loo
- W. J. Small of -iian Francisco is aj
guest of the .Medford hotel. Among
staying there are R. C. Vi'ilcoxl.e
oi I'liiiadeipnia, John Fox or Seattle,
.Mrs. Geo. Dodson . Mellingham, Wn..
-Mrs. 11. L. Harte .'.' f'ortland, W. Doti-
bio and A. K. Sitclu -g of Vancouver,
II. C, .Mr. ami Mrs. II. Collins of Gas
ton, III., :. Cox anil Z. M. Iloyer of
Pat's Second Hand sotre will pay
highest prices for all kinds of house-!
hold goods, clothes, rags, and metals
41 South Front St. Phone 41. 22:
Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat
Why drain your radiator when you
can get denatured alcohol, ilittson
Motors. 210
Rev. F. R. Leach, pastor of the First
ilaptist church, announces a theme for
Sunday evening which should attract
tho outsider, as he will discuss the
popular question, "Are Church Mem
bers Any lietter Than People Outside:
or Is Religion' Worth Saving?" Many
attending this church are enjoying
Prof. Carlton Janes' inspirational vio
lln solos, which ho Is rendering from
Sunday to Sunday. Some good music
is on the program for both services
Sunday. "Christ's Message to the
Weak" Is the helpful morning subject
Dance,' Jackson Hot Springs, Sut.
nlte. 205
Special priceB on high school type
writer practice paper at this office, tf
Auto Insurance, llrown & White.
Jean Narragan, Virginia Du, Helen
Condon and Ruth Flrod left Friday to
attend the football game in Corvallis
We liavo Installed u hemstitching
machine at Deuel's and are prepared
to do first class work guaranteeing
satisfaction. 20S
For Diamond coal bricketts, phone
Valley Fuel Co. Phone 70.
O. M. Cornitius lias removed his
office to 1st Nat'l Hank llldg., room Ufl'j
W. S. McCulllster of Portland arriv
ed in Medford this morning to spend
a few days on business.
Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat.
Dance at Kaglo Point Sat. nlte. 217
Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial
"Why Should I Cry Over You?" A
big lilt! Hear It played by the Pavilion
orchestra Sat! 205
It. F. Antlo and Carl re
turned here Thursday from a hunting
trip in the Klamath Falls vicinity.
O. M. Cornitius has removed his
ofrice to 1st Nat'l Hank lildg., room 2o!i
Wo are giving away ladies' silk and
wool hose worth $2.00 and $2.50 for
$1.20 pair. Hutchison & Lunisdon. 205
To keep your, radiator from freezing
use donaturud alcohol; Ilittson Motors.
Johnson is tho most popular name
on tho O. A. C. campus, us 00 students
are enrolled by that name. Although
the Joneses usually are considered ut.
the head of nny list there are only 12
this year. Millers and Smiths each
have 25 to their credit and tlie 10
Andersoiis come next. The Drowns.
Davises and Petersons have tiud In
their efforts to outdo the others, with
i;i each.
Dnderprleed ladles' silk hoso worth
$1.75 and $2.00. They aro yours at !)Sc
pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. 205
Plant Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi,
Crocus In the garden now. For winter
blooms plant in water or bulb fibre.
Monarch Seed Co.
Hear those "Highbrowin' Pines" at
the fair grounds pavilion Sat! Honest
folks, she's a lulu! 205
Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vaughn
a seven and one-half pound boy on
Frlilijy at 20li Cottage street.
It's wonderful! That superb dance
music by the big Pavilion orchestra of
7 pieces! All the latest popular hits,
too! Follow tho crowds to the pavilion
Sat. nlte! ' 205
Why not buy your homo sito lot
now? Let me show you a beautiful
location In Fast Main Addition. Very
low' prices; very reasonable terms.
See the largo sign on this Fast Main
street property. J. W. Dressier, 12:1
Fast Main street, opposite 1st National
bank. Phone 2S5. 205
Ned Vilas, Ralph Pollock and Ralph
Hardwell left last night to nttend the
Corvallis game.
DeniitiuV!l alcohol wllV keop your
radiator from freezing. Ilittson Motors
Pacific Package goods still reduced
25 per cent. Handicraft Shop. 201
Layettes, children's clothes and
underwear luado to order ut tho, Deuel
Art DepL 207
Dogs will have their share to play
In tho Winter Fair at Ashland next
month, a department for canlneo hav
ing been Inaugurated this year. Last
year a number of dogs were shown at
tho fair and proved one. of the most
attractive features. For this reason ii
was decided to create A department for
dogs alono. Liberal prizes will be of
fered for flue pedigreed stock.
Thanksgiving ball! Pavilion! Nov.
:10th. Don't miss (bis. 205
Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat.
Wonderful values In ladies' silk and
wool hose, regular $2.00 and $2.50
values, now $1.2! pair. Hutchison &
Lumsden. 205
Miss Cecily and Miss l'ditli Creed
and Herbert Strung left Friday even
ing to attend the football gaum in
When better automobiles are built.
Itulck will build them. tf
Kows keep up on their milk better if
fed Kow Kare every day. Sold by
Monarch Seed Co., "17 F.. Main.
Provide against lo;s, insure" with
Kcudeu and Canada)'.
Peter J. Gorman, agent for the
lnights of Columbus has been spend
ing a few days in the city calling on
the local council.
Lime and cement. Medford Lumber
Co. '
Take your kodak films to palmer-')
Studio. First cl.'t-i-j w.nL- mill ni'omot
jscrvit.e If,
Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat.
William H. Feigensoii of Portland
in of Lindstrom and Feigensoii
contractors who were recently award
ed the contract for building the new
city reservoir, is a guest of the Hol
land hotel. Among others registered
there are Paul Gurley of Copco, K. w.
Hurt of Sitokune, Wash., F. Stone, K.
J. Cook, Mrs. P. ('line and Mr. and
.Mrs. George Wesley Tarr of Portland.
A real buy $4.50 spotlights at the
Kleetric Shop. tf
Dance at Fugle Point Sat. nlte. 217
Auto insurance, llrown cc While. .
Mary Lee of Central Point, spent the
day in Medford shopping.
Thanksgiving hall! Pavilion! Nov.
Mth. Don't miss this. 205
Trade everything you don't want for
everything you do want. Gold Trading
Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrow
ers liank, 15 N. Grape St. Phone 4ti5-J.
Vernon Vawter, It. F. Antle and
Harry Prlngle left last night for Cor
vallis where they will see the Oregon
O. A C. football game this afternoon.
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 10S. 711
East Main.
For rent Three room modern fur
nished apartment. Gold Ray Realty
Co., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers
Bank. Phone 405-J.
The public market of this morning
was a very good one with an especial
ly big trade on apples und squash.
There was also a big supply of chick
ens, fryers and stews, which soli! five
cents cheaper than the prices recently
prevailing at tho 'market, as well lis
quantities of beef, pork and goat meat.
When in need ot sash and doors,
call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to
711 B. Main street.
O. O. Alonderfer, Leon H. Ilaskins
and Ralph Woodford left Friday even
ing for Corvallis where they will at
tend the football game today.
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108.
711 Fast Main street.
Launspnch's pavilion orchestra will
be heard In a nitmljer.of the up to date
dunce hits at the pavilion, party to
night. One feature number, which has
won approval In the east, is that new
foxtrot, "Highbrowin' Hlues." A num
ber of Ashland young people are plan
ning to attend. . -
Music Trust busted. Ji'ictrolas.
Hrunswlcks, Columbia, Sonoma and
Pathe phonographs and all records at
reduced prices.- Music Shop, next to
Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. Phone
I05-.I. tf
Millions ror UoimIh.
HPOKAN 10, Nov. 1 H, Itcommon
datlons that $2,SM)0,000 ho -xiH-ncled
next Neunon on highways of the
Cascades wcrn made hy Frank Cluil
bert. president of tho eastern Wash
ington Kmd roads association, ut a
conference of the organization here
0 en I lemon :
Wo . ate supplying the ware
houses down town with lime nml
sulphur solution. It will ho solil
from there at $8.75 per barrel
siime price minus hniilnco from
our Hear Creek plant.
It you tire out ior a saving,
read this. Here's why Liquid
Lime Sulphur is far cheaper than
I lie dry, besides better.
You use 10 lbs. o tho dry to
.10 gals, of water, or G-l lbs. to the
lank at 8 l-L'c. per lb. is .5.44.
Our liquid at $S.T5 per 00 gal.
barrel equals 17 t-2c per gal. At.
(he strength of S to 1 this repre
sents d 1-1 gals, to the 00 gals, of
water, or -0 gals, of lime sulphur
to L'OO gal. tank at 171-2e equals
1.;IS. -.ll (dry) minus 4.:JS
(liquid) stives you $1.0(1 per 25
gals. l?ut eaeh barrel has 50
gals or the equal of two tanks.
Therefore, 2 times $l.0G equal
$2.12 you save per barrel.
Haulage can bo eont ranted for
at. a small fraction of this!
Yours for economy,
Rosenberg Bros
Se per yard.
'Work finished when you
want it.
Cor. Main and'Bartktt.
') Huntlay t'wninK at T::10, Dr. I
Wilson Johnston of l'ortlaiul will (
snenk to the eons relation rt St. 1
Mark's chuivh. A roniVremv vi!l .t
lu-hl afifr the i-ia' c on mutters of:
to the ehurtii.
f'HU'AOO, Nuv IS.. Forty-one'
engine companies arly todiiy fuiiijh:
a fire in the heart of the stockyard..;
where the front part of a foiir-ytory i
huildhiK occupied 1y lhr canning and
hots I: iiliiiw depart merits of Armour
and ( ninpany va nutted by the
flame;-. j
Armour officials said they believed
about 1 ;.0i0 hos perished. The
daman" was estimated at not more !
than yiriiUHM). I
Latest Arrivals at
Auto Camp Grounds
Five cars and twelve people nre
registered at the .Medford Auto camp
today. They are as follow-s: J. .1.
Mines nf Oakland en route north; !
William Herbert of Oakland, en route I
north; C. W. Kmart of Aberdeen.
Wash., returning home; J. K. Fisher
ot Ocean View, Calif., K'dntf to Hed
diiiK and Kdward Uicket of Oakland
en route north.
CHAtiHIX Mrs. Julia Cliaiibin
(lied ut the Satred Heart hospital
November IS, 11122, at the ae ot 74
years, 10 months nml 2.1 days.
Sho was born In Montreal, Can
ada, Doc. 20, 1S4S.
Mrs. Chaubin leaves to mourn hor
absence besides the Sister3 at the
hospital, who attended, her during
her two yours' Illness at that place;
two daughters in the east and one In
Seattle, Wash.
Funeral services were held Novem
ber IS, in the chapel at Sacred
Heart hospital by Father Meghars.
Interment at I. O. O. F. cemetery,
FOlt liKNT-
-Six room house.
FOlt SAI.10 llicyclo nt a sacrifice,
one year, new tiros. Call 417 Jay St.
TAKEN VP nny colt two years old.
star in face. Owner can have same
Tor payinK damage. Phone 7SS-J or
see Hay Yost, Itoss Lane. 207
LOST Airedale pup one year old.
Answers to the name of Uoh; loun
haired. Howard. Phono S.S2-I.. ai'.j
ITandlcrart Shop.
So per yard.
rtiittonB coverod.
"Are Church Members Better
Kev. F. It. T,cnoh
Some people talk about the value of saving
That's Jawbone
Some people wish they had saved, or were saving
That's Wishbone
Some people resolve to begin saving now
That's Backbone
Jackson County Building and Loan Association
O. M. Kini, President.
f 'oiilhiuc.iis Performance
, j
A Drama of the Present Mad Age
' with- .
See Our Ad in. Tomorrow Morning's Sun
Today Only
No better picture could have been selected to herald the
coming of a Greater Movie Season
'IJrtty' Playing
Than People Outside?"
You will want to hear this discussion with the special
music and baptism.
SUNDAY 7:30 P. M.
A helpful service and you need the message at 11 A. M. on
"The Friendly Church" -
-T -T
anil '! :::nori'ou. 12::10 to 1 1 :00 V. M.
ll Is siilit mat 60 per
i'iil of tin" iM-oplo of tlie
. fniliil States nni resnlur
utttmlaiits at llio film
Iliralivs. 'ManslauRlitcT"
will InU'iest pi-ople who
liavo never Wen Interest
ed Ijofoit'.
"A production which
clialli'iiKOS coniparlsoil.
A Bi'iiulne screen
i-be-'sln lias arrived ut
last." Hamilton Wayne
ill (t)C. Oll'KOIllUU.
- Musie You IjOyc to Hear.
-and do it-
O. O. BOGGS, Secretary