TMCrTC TWO MF.DFQIvD MATL TRTBUXE, MEDFORD ORKfiOX.- FRIDAY. XOV KMIUTJ 17. 1022 i m Focal and Personal The fire department was called out shortly arter miilnislu last night t extingiiiuh names which had broken cnu In the kitchen of the Godlove Imni" on North Hartlett street, and which before gotten under control had caused damage to the interior of that part o.' the house and its furnishings of be tween $400 and $:0u. It is til jurist that the fire started from an electric heater which had just been installed a short time prior. Tonight lb the night of the Jackson school operetta, "In Little Folks Land." iTho pussies will dance and the tallies tiWill sing. High school auditorium:!. Admission 25 and roc 204' For Sale Automobiles from lOo.OO up. Cold Trading Center, next to Far niers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 4U5-J. tt There has been quite an exodus of .Medford and valley alumni and former students of the O. A. C. and V. of O. since last Thursday to attend the UlK homecoming of the O. A. C. and the football game between the teams of those institutions tomorrow afternoon. The majority of local folks went by auto. Wanted Women workers, liogue Kivor Valley Canning Co. 205 Have you tried that big milk shake at DoVoe's? tt' Those having odd jobs to be done for them will please call the Salvation Army, phone 35G, as Captain Ford suites there are many applications fur ' employment for deserving and worthy men and women. Some have families to support. The cooperation of the publlo is requested. . . . " . . Doughnuts and cider will be sold at the Jackson school operetta tonight. High school auditorium, 8 p. m. 204 .' . Ladies' silk hose, values to 12.00. while they last 98c pair. Hutchison ft Lumsden. 205 . Much rain fell during last night and this morning, which together with the cloudy sky and frequent showers gave the lie to the weather prediction yes terday by the weather bureau for fair weather today,. Rain Is the prediction for Saturday. Wanted Women . workers. Kogue Illver Valley Canning Co. , 205 . Oregon Journal service, phone 844 . 210 Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Wortmau arrived home Thursday from a three weeks absence at Portland during which they visited friends and rela tives and took In the livestock expo sition. We have purchaser for the best modern bungalow which you can offer for 3000. Call J. W. Dressier Co., 123 Kast Main street, opposite 1st Nation nl Bank. Phone 285. 206 ... Dance, Applegate hall. Nov. 18th204 Mrs. O.-A. Cole of this city has had as her guests for the day her sisters, Mrs. Lee Cook and Mrs. J. V. Smith, both of Gold Hill. With her until Saturday Is another sister, Mrs. M. ,J. McAdams, who will leave on Satur day for San Francisco. Grants Pass Courier. ' Clot your winter supply of Spltzen berg apples now,. Guthrie Packing ..lwiuso near Jacksonville. . 21G i, Automatic windshield wipers, $5.00. .Hlttson Motors. 210 . . Itobt. W. Kuhl who Ib in Portland today on business, will attend the font ball game tomorrow at Corvallls be tween the U. of O. and O. A, C, and 'will return Monday. . , , Riverside Community Club dance Friday nlto. 204 'Fresh grape Juice, while it lasts, $1 per gallon at Bod a Works. Phone 22-R. .. - ; I; Harry Rosenberg and Jack Kerry left this morning fur Corvallls to see the football game Saturday.' . . , Gift novelties of ribbon. Handicraft .Shop. - - 204 ; Have you soon, the stationery at a box displayed' in the windows of 'Swem's Studio: s 205 Say "Bayer" and Insist! , .! Unless you sec ihf name "Haver" on , paikagn or on tablets you re not gut. ;:iinc the genuine Haver product pre- ijtorihed bv physicians over twenty -two 'tftisxi ami proved safe by mi I Mora for Colds , ,. ,i . Headache M1 Toothache-, j t Lumbago r m rKaraehe. " w - Rheumatism '.it 'Keunlgfttf v 'Pain, I'aln f Accept ."Bayer 'Tablets of 'Aspirin" ;'nly. lCnch unbroken package contain rfroper directions. ' Handy boxes ot 'twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also Bell bottles of 24 nnd 100. Aspirin is the trsdo mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacet .icacidcrtcr of Siilicylioacld. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng , . Ro per yard. P ii Hons eovurnd. j CELLULOID In Your Curtains Med.' Tent & Awning Works Opposite s, r, Ppo Miss AiiK-liu Hartley returned fr.mi .i visit iu .New Vork this morning. lH-.;uuiful one acre lots fronting KoKue river at one of its most roman tic points. Very accessable. close to Pacific highway and only thirty min utes fitm Medford clean free soil plenty of water on the property. Prices exceptionally low; small pay ments down; balance covering period of four years at 5 percent interest on deferred payments. No taxes till 1924. Plat now open for your selection of a choice location. Several lots sold the last few days. J. W. Dressier Co., 123 Kast .Main street, opposite 1st Nation al bank. Phone 285. 205 The Vacuette Vacuum Cleaner 2&.Sj5. Why pay more? Call .Mrs. t'allaghan for free trial. Phone 627-X. 206 G. II. Hill, Chanslor & Lyons sales man, and P. R. Knickerbocker, Good year salesman, both of Sacramento, were cut and bruised, and Mrs. V. J Daly of this city sustained a broken leg and cuts und bruises when a Uuick rcauster drive; oy Hill at 12 o'clock last night ':raliel squarely into the timber supports of the Southern Pa cific viaduct on Esplanade, partially wrecking the car. Klamath Falls. Masquerade at Lake Creek Thanks giving eve, Nov. 29th. Don't forget, big dance Hot Springs Sat. nite. Good floor, good music. 205 . The rain of last night and the evi dent desire of the small turbulent element of this section to be good re sulted in the police enjoying it very quiet night last night. Marinello Shop, Medford Hotel. 220 System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd floor Medford iMdg. tt J. J. Mc.Mahon, deputy state motor traffic officer, who had been working in this locality for a short time past, left yesterday for Corvallls where he will assist in handling the big crowds incident to the homecoming celebra tion and football game. This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone us and we will call. . . ' tf Get an automatic windshield wiper. 5.00. Hlttson Motors. 210 The Medford high team, which played the Grants Pass high team in Grants Pass this afternoon, and the Ashland high team which played the Rosebiirg team at Roseburg, also this afternoon, had wet und Bloppy fields to play on. Many new Christmas suggestions and charming designs at Deuel's Art Dept. ' 203 Dance at Engle Point Sat. nlte. 217 Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Roberts accom panied by their two daughters left by auto for Corvallls at 3 o'clock this morning. This early start was made to avoid the four hour wait which results from the one way traffic thru canyonvllle. ' It's time to have photographs made for Christmas. Swem's Studio. 205" Mattress work all klndB. Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tf Articles of incororatlon have been filed with the corporation department at Salem by tho C. F. & T. company of Grants Pass, with a capital stock of $24,000. The members of the corpora tion are 0. A. Colby, F. E. French nnd J. R. Thompson. Mr. French recently moved to Grants Pass from Ashland, having been owner of the Ashland laundry for several yours previous to his leaving the city. Masquerade at Loke Creek Thanks giving eve, Nov. 29th. There's a busy Rusincss College In your home town. OWN. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prug of Portland are guests at tho Medford hotel. Among others registered thero are Al Folgerainn of New York, M. F, Brondy of San Francisco, W. M. Norton of Chicago, J. H. lloyd, Miss Boyd and W. 11. Thornold of Spokane, W. I.. Wolf and C. A. McGee of Portland, F. W. Hubor of St. Louis, and A. C. Gagg of Salem. Thoro's no place like Holmos for complete Insurance service. Joe O'Brien's new barber Bhop nt Medford Hotol. tf Mr. Harvey of tho AUa Vista orch aid at Kagle Point, spent today in Medford attending to business. An automatic: windshield wiper will koop the rain off of your windshield, (5.00. Hlttson Motors. 210 Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. nlte, 205 Two 1. W. W. wore arrested Monday night by tho railroad police aud were taken before Justice Gowdy Tuesday, where thoy pleudetl guilty to the charge of trespassing on railroad pro perty and wore sentenced to 30 days each In the county jail at Jacksonville Tho arrest of the two wobblies was made after they were found stirring up other hoboes and endoavurlng to gut them to stage, a scene in the city Chlof of Police Hatcher gav thorn a ride to tho county seat this afternoon whore he turned them over to the sheriff. Ashland Tidings. Lime for spray. Medford Lbr. Co. Dame, Jackson Hoi Springs. Sat. nlte. 206' ilr. and Mrs. Fny Diamond nnd Miss Oris Combes left this morning for Cor vnllls to attend the O. A. C. and V. of O. game tomorrow. , Grogg rovlew-dlctation. Night school Modiord Business College 105 Why Women Get Despondent Arc not women naturally as light. hearted us men? Yes. certainly: but a woman's organism is essentially different from ti man's, more deli cate, more sensitive and more exact ing. Women in delicate health ure more dependent more nervous, more Irritable and more despondent. "When a woman develops nervousness, sleep lessness, bac'kai'hes, headache., dru'-t-glng-dow-n pains and melancholia she should lose no time in giving I.ydi.i IS. rtnkham's VeKelnhlc Compound n fair trial, as It will uu li-k ly dispel such troubles. This root and herb medi cine contains no drtiKs nnd hn been the standby of American womanhood for pearlv fifty years, dv. Mis. J. F. Redely returned Wednes day from l.os Angeles where she had been spending several weeks. Denatured alcohol will keep your radiator from freezing. Hittson Motors 210 Pacific Package goods still reduced 25 per cent. Handicraft Shop. 204 Tho Salvation Army will call for castolf or outgrown clothing, under wear, shoes, etc., on Tuesday, Nov. 21st. 1922. Please notify the Salvation Army's office, phone 356. Beef and pork at booth 14, Public Market, Saturday. Order turkeys for Thanksgiving. Edwin J. White. 201 Pal's Second-Hand sotre will pay highest prices for all kinds of house hold goods, clothes, rags, and metals. 41 South Front St. Phone 416. 222 Mr. Gage of the Hill Construction company at Trail, spent Thursday In Medford. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Gage, who will spend the rest of the winter in Medford. Party going to Los Angeles has room for two or three passengers. Box G, Mall Tribune. 204 Riverside Community Club dance Friday nite. 204 "The Wai'feloofua club held its an nual election Wednesday night," says the Medford HI Times. "Those elected were: Frank Perl, Imperial Nut; Har old Riddle, Royal Goof; Johnnie Wat son, Guardiun of the Slumgullion; Joe mills. High Mogul; George Stewart, High Seagull. Russ Hibbard was initi ated to take Hie place of the departed lOddio Moore." Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat. 205 Dunce, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. nite. 205 Mr. and Mrs. Frnuk Roberts, Miss Phyllis Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Uutterfleld left this morning to attend tho annual football classic between the U. of O. and O. A. C, which will be staged Saturday during O. A. C. homecoming week-end. Special prices on high school type writer practice paper at this office, tf You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Why drain your radiator when you can get. denatured alcohol. Hittson Motors. 210 O. V. Myers will leave early tomor row morning for Corvallis to witness the V. of O.-O. A. C. football games. Auto Insurance, Brown & White. For Diamond coal bricketts, pbohe Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. O. M. . Cornltius has removed Ills office to 1st Nut'l Bank Uldg., room 209 20fl Roy Prultt left today for a several days business trip which will take him to Klamath county. But one ticket being .nominated not a great deal of Interest was taken In the city election and nil of tho old of ficials were re-elected by the .usual large majorities. The only new mem ber elected was Frank Llndley for councilman, taking the place of Vf. A. Bishop, who did not wish to be re elected. Mr. Llndley also received a fow scattering votes for mayor, as did also Alt Norrls for councilman and Amy Dow for recorder. The vote on city bonds carried by a big majority. Jacksonville Post. . Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat. 205 Dance at Eagle Point Sat. nlte. 217 Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. J. Alex Holt of Seattle is a guest of the Holland hotel. Other gueats in clude J. Frank Carson of Butte Falls, H. Whltt of Soattle, C. S. Howard of San Francisco, John Kcopke of Eugene Mrs. P. Cluie of Portland, J. C. Hamp ton of Handle. Wash., George Davis of Astoria,- Redd Boos of Seattle nnd Joseph Boos of Seattle. "Why Should I Cry Over You?" A big lilt! Hoar It played by the Pavilion orchestra Sat! 205 Lime and coment. Medford Lumber Co. Take your kodak; films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt sorvlco. W Paul McDonald loft Inst evening for Corvallls to tako In tho big game Sat urday. Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat. 205 Thanksgiving bull! Pavilion! Nov. 30th. Don't miss this.,,- 205 Riverside Community Club dance Friday nlte. . 204 Featured among the ninny new danco hits at the pavilion dnnco Satur day night will bo "Why Should I Cry Ovor You" and "Hlglibrowln' lllues." Curl Lovelund, soloist, will be support ed by the entire pavilion orchestra of seven pieces. , O. M. Cornitlus has removed his office to lBt Nut'l. Bunk Bldg., room 209 , ,209 Wo nro giving away ladles' silk and wool hose worth t-2.00 and $2.50 for $1.29 pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. 205 Yarns for sweuters, scarfs, caps and slippers. Handicraft Shop. 204 Mrs. W. T. Lee nnd Mrs. Lovl Mc Donald left on the morning train for Medford where they will meet W. T. Lee who will drive thoin in his cur to Corvallis, where they will witness the football game between O. A. C. and I'nlversity of Oregon on Saturday. From Corvallls they will go on to Port land for a brief visit. Lee has been there this past week attending the tax commission conference. Klamath Fulls Herald. To keep your radiator from freezing use denatured alcohol. Hlttson Motors. 210 Vnderprlced ladies' silk hose worth $1.75 and $2.00. They are yours at 98c pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. 205 Plant Hyncintlis, Tulips, NarcisBl. Crocus in the garden now. For winter blooms plant In water or bulb fibre. Monarch Heed Co, C. C. Kelly of Salom was a MedTord business visitor Wednesday nnd Thursday. Hoar those "Hlglibrowln' Blues" at the fair grounds pavilion Sat! Honest folks, she's a lulu! 205 Goodrich tires nnd tubes nt Colonial Garage. Thanksgiving ball! Pavilion! Nov. 30th, Don't miss this. J. II. Applequist of Los Angeles has been visiting (j. A. Johnson of this city for tlio past few days while enroute to his home from the east where he has been for the past several months. He left yesterday afternoon for Los An geles. Pavilion dance, fair grounds. Sat. 205 Knights of Pythias attention: The D. O. K. K. band will give a dance at Castle hall, Friday, 17th, at 9 o'clock. Music by the band and a good time promised. . 204 Wonderful values n ladies' silk and wool hose, regular $2.00 and $2.50 values, now $1.29 pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. 205 Wilbur Hartzell left this morning with Dave Whittle of Ashland in the latter's car for Corvallis where the two young men. both former students at O. A. C, will witness the annual football clash tomorrow. ' It's wonderful! That superb dance music by tho big Pavilion orchestra of 7 pieces! All the latest popular hits, too! Follow the crowds to the pavilion Sat. nite! 205 Why not buy your home site lot now? Let me show you a beautiful location In East Main Addition. Very low- prices; very reasonable terms. See the large sign on this East Main street property. J. V. Dressier, 12.') East Main street, opposite 1st National bank. Phone 285. 205 Kill rats and mice with Lelnun's Exterminator not a poison but sure to kill. Monarch Seed Co., 317 East Main. Mrs. Lester Callaway and daughter left today for Medford to visit with relatives. Eugeuo Guard. Pavilion dunce, fair grounds. Sat. 205 Knights of Pythias attention: The D. O. K. K. band will give a dance at Castle hall. Friday, 17th, at 9 o'clock. Music by the band and, a good time promised. ' 204 For Siile Land bordering Rogue river, $50 per acre and up. 25 minutes from Medford. Fine fishing and hunt ing. Fine garden and chicken ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 15 No. Grape St.. next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Campbell or Oak Bar, Calif., were visitors in Med ford the forepart of this week. Layettes, children's clothes and underwear made to order at the Deuel Art Dept. 207 A real buy $4.50 spotlights at the Electric Shop. tf Dance at Engle Point, Sat. nite. 217 A. F. & A. M. Regular Communication Med ford Lodge 103, Friday even ing No. 17. 7:30 p. m. L. E7 WILLIAMS, Secy. 204 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Puppies, - real beauties. Phone 691-R-l. s FOR SALE Fresh Jersoy cow. Phone 500-R-2. 209 FOR SALE An Oldsmobile "8" tour ing car, A-l mechanical Bhape, good finish, good upholstering. A bargain. Address "Oldsmobile," Mail Tribune. ' 209 -4- WAN'TED .Man for janitor and door man, Page Theatre. Apply 10:30 a. m. 204 FOR SALE Two horses, 1 cow. 1 .sulky plow and a set of harness. Inquire E. R. Uleason, Central Point. 209 WANTED Laundry work to do at home, or wilt go out by the hour. Phone 705-W. 20'i ncinstitching, Pecoting 8c per yard. Work finished want it. when you THE VANITY SHOP Cor. Main and Bartlett. Romance! YES, surely there are romance and dreams In a' Pox ot choco lates 9uch a box as i Whitman's Pleasure Island frnm "lofle storied islands II U 111 0( tne Spanish main come the materials, the sugar, chocolate, nuts, spices, vanilla nnd fruits that are chunged by tho doticato processes of the modern candy maker Into the veritable treasures of taste that go into the Pleasure Island Package. There's a breath of romance in the pictured package with its suggestion of adventure, and thero's a charm In tho arrange ment of the contents, In tray and bullion bugs. Just like a pirate's chost. For a gift unusual, possessing a charm foreign to the ordi nary "box of candy" we sug gest that you send, or better, take Whitman's Pleasure Is land Chocolates. HEATH'S Drug Store 10 U, Main Phone. Fight Kight- FomV 'QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigarette, Lirai or (.hewing habit j "Xo-To-Bac" has Helped thous-i ands to break the costly, nerve-shat-1 t tiring tobacco habit. AVhenever you have a longing for a cigarette, ciyar, pipe or lor a chew, just place a j harmless No-To-Uac tablet in your mouth instead, to help relieve that I awful desire. Shortly the habit may) be completely broken, and you are! better off mentally physically, finan cially. It's so easy, po simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and if it doesn't release you from all craving for to bacco. In any form, your druggist will refund your money without question. Adv. A GREATER MOVIE SEASON. Continuous Pei-fomuuirc Tomorrow mill Sunday I2:.'UJ to I t:O0 P. M. "The most bril liant screen achievement of the century" is the unanimous verdict of the multitudes who have seen by Antliony Hope with music you love to hear NOW PLAYING! 1 No. 2 of the Big 8 Pic tures COMING SUNDAY 14 MANSLAUGHTER" The dazzling sensational Suc cess produced by CECIL B. DE MILLE from ALICE DUER MILLER'S story of the present mad age with Thomas Meighan, Leatrice Joy and Lois Wilson. Other Alt ructions included in Tho liKJ H mo "Nica People," "Blood and Sand," "To Have and to Hold," "The Old Homestead," "Loves of Pharoah," "Burning Sands." Bum iThe V of the Uki Big 8 ff& i ik . Winter Nelis Pears We are offering one lot of good Winter Nelis Pears at 75c per box Winter Nelis Pears are good keepers and this price is very low for this grade of fruit. Order now. Personal Attention Prompt Service H. E. Marsh Phone 252 See Window 100 Aluminum Self Basting Roasters, large size, American Maid, pure aluminum, worth $2. Go on sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. One to a QOr customer . . . . 100 Double Boilers Tea Kettles at Other Bargains Men's Leather Vests at $4.00 Big Heavy Ruff Neck Sweaters at . . . . 1.49 Men's Work Pants . . 1.49 Heavy Blankets at . . 1.49 Men's Work Shirts . . .69 Men's Work Sox- . . . . .10 Men's Wool Sox ... .25 Men's White 'Kerchiefs .05 Men's Garters ... .15 2nd Hand Dept. One Baby Bed - - - $ 5.00 One Electric Range - 65.00 One Large Steel Range 25.00 One Wicker Baby Buggy - - - - 7.50 One Baby Walker - - 1.00 High Chair - - - - 1.50 50 feet of Hose, 50 Steel Traps Wood Heaters, Electric Heaters Oil Heaters. Just hundreds and hundreds of bargains. Have a look. That's All Today WILL H. Cheapest Store in the West Apples! Apples! Apples! GET 'EM NOW! All Varieties All Prices Special This Week Winter Bananas 50 cents to $1 box Spitz, Newtowns, Black Twig, Arkansas Black, Jonathan, Bellefleur, Ben Davis. i . Oregon Growers End of North Central i Phone 128 11 GROCER . 98c 98c WILSON Phone 252 See Window at