PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MKM'OKP. Oh'IXiOX. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1G. 1922 INBWV1 !S LATEST L ANBELES STUNTIiil - By WILLIOM G. CAYCE, International News Service 8taff Correspondent. LOS ANGELES And now comes dancing with the mind! I Many funny things have happened : fifty pounds or perhaps a little more, with the passing of time, and once for the market, but now one of them there was when a young woman who , scarcely ever seen anu n seen at an dared to dance publicly with anythins s teMs at t2ie SunnyEide. Mr. Young v-'.i.T ;.'ih-,' a i.::riU.- (' tonn t,f c-.iii .-a the .S innyside hitel for Mr. Hn!-br--ok that ha had raised on Mr. Young's land, in the Hutte creek bot tom and it is as fine a lot of corn as 1 remember seeing for a number of years. Mr. Hoibrook reports that the average per acre was right around bushels, and It was raised irrigation. Jhe farmers are beginning to realize the necessity of observing-scientific rules fur farmlnB, not only in agricultural lines but in I the line of raising fruit and In the i matter of raising stock and poultry. I It ured to be a common thing to see the farmers come in with a load of rajzorback hogs two or more rears old that would weigh one hundred and Ukrainian Orphan Adopted by A. R. A. Relief Worker fi-el lu 1,1k id. - 't-!.:', -t UX. t.) or, V. U. to V"j of sec. . twj. except her feet was subject to an Im mediate trip to the hoosegow. but times change so has dancing. J Miss Irene d'Anueile has arrived in Los Angeles to teach dancing with the wind. it will bee back in the hills, and when seen or if they hear you will give a boo and be off in the brush. Now we find the farmers are taking pride in raising the pureblood breeds that will weigh two hundred pounds by the time they are five jor six months old. I remember that during the life of Dancing is merely an expression of John w. Smtn wno liveu on th gam9, primitive instincts unless subjected to the refining Influence of mental pro cesses," says Hiss d'Annelle. "There Is a philosophy In the dance of peoples just as there is philosophy in their religion, art or literature." it is to teach this philosophy In the formation of a club that Miss d'An nelle Bays she has come to Los An geles. This club, which 'will be for working girls, is to bo more than n refuge for tired bodies and a rendez vous for gc islp, she claims. In .pointing out the possibilities of dance philosophy. Miss d'Annelle said that It the working girl Is given an appreciative,, understanding of the beauty or movement and the benefits of co-ordinate .muscular action she will find a new Joy in her work and new capabilities, which had lain dor mant through poor blood circulation and Improper state of mind. "There la the dance of the warrior farm where his son Art Smith now lives that he sent back east and had a Jersey Red sent out and kept on ac count of how much ho gained each day, weighing daily, and ho reported to me that his average gain in weight for a month was three pounds dally and he finally became so fat that he could hardly get up when ho was down. Mr and Mrs. W. Marian of Derby were transacting business with pur merchants about mid-week. MrB. Wm. Von der Hollen who is at present stopping in Medford, came and took dinner. W. M. Thompson of U run ty Pass and a stranger came in for dinner from Central Point. He came In with a truck load of household goods for a man by tho name of Tho mas Smith who moved into tho house owned by F. J. Ayres, and formerly oc cupied by Clifford lllckson who has few mlMWw ! the peasant and tho priest. Why not moved to Ashland. It is the rule here the dance of tho stenographer, tho clerk, tho cook?" bIio nskB. "Through nn appeal lo tho working girl's lovo of beauty of face, figure and expression more can bo accomplished than by tho Ineffective methods of precept and much-abused tenets of duty-to-self-and-omployer; cults." SALE THIS WEEK AT THE BUB CO. - Three Dollars aud Fifty Cent Shoe Sale at Tho Hub Shoo Store. Threo "' big days Thuraday, Friday and Sat urday of this week. One lot Of Women's Dress Oxfords and Ties; values up to $12.50, will . be placed on sale for three days, at Threo Dollars and Fifty Conts per pair. , -r v . Ono lot of Women's Dress Shoes, brown and black; values up to $15.00, ,i wjll be on . sale for three days Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week,' at one price for any pair In tho lot, at Threo Dollars and Fifty Cents. Most all sizes, in high Brudu, hand turn shoes. 203 THE HUD SHOE STORE. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS . A. C. Howtatt now if a fumlly moves In anothor must movo out, so to the hotel or camp out In a tent, for every house In town Is occupied, even tho upper part of Geo. Drown dfc Sons store und the hard ware store. There were also five strangers here for . dinner the same day. 11. M. riush whose home Is in Ash land, but In tho employ of Paul's Elec tric Store, Medford was here and spent the night, and reports that ho Is on n deal to extend tho electric line from Just above the town where the rock crusher Btood up to the Lemon Char ley farm about three miles above llrownnboro, and that he would close tho deal very soon. Henry Debug of Central Point, also came in later for dinner the same day and lator Mr. Luke 'Walker and Win. Cottrall came in for dinner. Mr. Walker Is a stocknlan from Klamath Falls and was on a deal witli Mr. Cot trull fr boet cattle. I see that I havo omitted to say any thing about our election. Well It passed so- quietly that It scarcely caused a ripple, for there seemed to bo a fixed determination on the part of the voters to vote regardless of party lines, for Instance In ono neigh borhood, whero they wero noted ns wnile with ttio American iteuei A'!-;aoie to find parents for, dui me gin ministration In Ckralnia, Mr. Uabcock ; he has adopted himself, and will bring found three littlo children; a girl and ! her to his home at Morristown, X. J. two brothers, In a starving condition. I They wero photographed In Eaton Two of the children, the boys, he was' Square, London. ous vote. The entire board of elec tion officers, W. C. Duley, T. F. Nich ols, A. J. Florey, H. E. Campbell and Jerry Lewis were at tho Sunnyslde for dinner and made arrangements with the hostess to serve supper for them in the election iiall. It took them until 0 a. m. to count the votes. James Jackson of Butte Falls, has boen spending a few days in the val ley and taken a few meals nt tho Sunnyslde. James McKey and Thomas Hiley, Jr. camo in for supper Tuesday evening. Mr. McKey is a professional poultry raiser und has charge of i hos. Riley, Jr.'s poultry yard on his farm on Antelope creek. Wm. Ilrown and wife and B. II. Wil liams of San Francisco were here for dinner Thursday. George Averill, ono of our old navy veterans who lived on ,hls homestead on tho. north side of Roundtop near the P. &. E.. K. It., while ho and his wife were away from home had the misfor tune to havo their home and all of Its contents burned to Mie ground and left them with nothing more than what they had on, and all of their winter provisions destroyed. Among tho passengers on the Butte Falls stage Thursday morning wore Mr. Palmer of Ilutte Falls, R. V. Teffer and Frank Simpson of Brownsboro. Mr. Tcffor is from Medford and Is now ing of fact and conclusions of law. Decree. loabelle Rowley vs. City of Medford. Demurrer. L. R. Raymond vs. Hazel E. Ray mond. Demurrer. State Hank of Portland vs. A. J. Crose. For money. Ethel J. Curran vs. Frank Curran. Notice. Earl Roberts vs. Charles F. Roberts. Chattel lien. Earl Roberts vs. Carl H. Loveland. Chattel lien. w. 1) !. I'.i Bri.-k Pi.r.-.ei-MV id:i M. Tu- k t f NV. SW 1 r 2 i ili-a Day Canfield to Julia Hop j pin canfiold, W. 1). to land in hn-. ii. iw ji. C5., v. . trsv Charles C. Million et ux to Mary E. Sutherland. Lot on Oak street, Ashland Mary E. Sutherland to Chos. C. Million et ux. Lot on Oak street, Aashland Fern Vale Ranch to J. R. Bowen. South half of NE. east half NW. Sec. 2 7. Twp. 35 S. R. 4 West Richard P. Campbell to Ceo. O. Ogg et ux. Lot on High street, Ashland Jackson County Building & Loan Association. Part block 3, Galolway's addi tion to Medford Henry McCabe to Albert Mc Cabe. South half of NW. NE. of NW. and lot 1, Sec. 16, Twp. 35 S. R. 1 West Hugo C. A. von der Hellen et ux to Clarence Blake Allen. Land In Sec. 13. Twp 36 S. H. 1 west A. Trudell to Frank Roth rock. One acre in block 2, Orchard Home Addition.... Minnie K. Ropp et vir. to E. A. Hildreth. Jr., Part block 26, Bluff addition to Butte Falls J. S. Lydiard to Charles Dun lap. Land in Sees. 3 and 10. Twp 30 S. R. 2 west.... J. S. Lydiard to Charles Dun lap. Land in Sec. 10, Twp. 36 S. R. 2 West John R. Rocho et ux to A. O. . Bennett et ux. North ahlf lot 2, south part lot 3, .block 19, Medford Charles Kell et ux to Frank Childers et ux. Half inter est In lot 9, block 25, lot 3, block 26, Gold Hill , 10 10 10 10 10 740 7,000 10 37i RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER went solid for Kelly, while scores of democrats, and many of them lifelong democrats voted and worked for C. M. Thomas and it was the same way with regard to other names on tho tickets. There was a general turnout as there wore two hundred and soventeen votes polled. , - Wo cannot toll who wore elected for the town offices, ns wo have to wait Lewis Sager of Trail was a business ! until the council meets next Tuesday caller and took dinner and spent tho i evening beforo tho result will be night at the Sunnysido. known, but It Is tho general opinion iNick Young, ono of our native sons' that our present mayor, H. E. Camn and W.- P. Hoibrook were among tho bell is re-elected by almost a nnanim- boing solid republicans, I understand j tho architect and chief mechanic on rom me irst taste you'll like it life ..inn, ' Ttenl Kstato Transfers. Luke Bonnfn, ut ux, to Joseph M. Shoemaker, et ux, W. D. to Intfi IS nnrl in. Tlnllnvlnw Tract i 10ihe will gladly return your Nettie Clnrk, ot al to A. O. Ben nett Q. C I). N. 25 feet lot 2, and H. ,3"Vj feet lot 3, block .19. M"dford ...... V. J. lk-aijli,. et "ux, to Robert A. Miller. H,nx, , deed to land in sec. 2S and 29, twp. 37 S., It. 2, West y Find J. Holt et ux. to Lulie Davit., W. D. to lots 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, S. 0, 10. block 21, Dekum's . Jinn-iivi.Mi nuu, lit Killl run .. I Susie I.. Allen to Fred Denrdorf f et ux. W. D. to land in Ash land . t Kale K. DcnniHton to Edwin II. Jannoy. W. D. to S'i lot 13, block I, Park Add. to Medford A. V. LiniHey to Chan II. Ony the now house being built for George II. Hi-own of llrownsboro. Among tho diners at the Sunnyslde Thursday wore Earl Miles and his mother, Mrs. J. Doubleday of Ilutte Falls, who wore on their way to Med ford, and Mr. Smith who is one of our orcliardists and successful farmors on Deep Seated llc Acid Deposits Are dissolved and the l'.hcuiiintie Pol son Stnrtfl to Leave tho System Within Twenty-four Hours. Every druggist In this county Is authorized to say to every rheumatic sufforer that If a full pint bottle of Altenrhu, the sure conqueror of rheumatism, does not show the way to stop th-a agony, reduce swollen Joints and do away with even the slightest twinge of rlieumatic pain, monev witnout comment. Allonrhu has been triod and tested for years, and really marvelous re 1 suits have been accomplished Id the i j most severe 'cases where tho suffering- and ngony was Intense and pite ous and where the patient was help 10 i less. j Mr. James H. Allen of Rochester, N. Y., the discoverer of Allenrhu, who ; for many years suffered the torments of acute rheumatism, desires all suf ferers to know thnt he does not want a cent of anyone's money unless Allenrhu decisively conquers this worst of nil diseases, and he has in structed druggists to guarantee it as above In every instnnce. All drug elNtn enn supply you. ' Ad. 10 1 The experience of almost three quarters of a century lias made l?olger's Golden Gate "different in taste from other coffee and better." ' - -You'll like that flavor -which is kept for you in a vacuum tin. Tellyourgroccrthat it'sFolgcr's Golden Gate Coffee you want. --. i-l ! t dinner. O. V. Eblen of Iltitto Falls also camo In lator. Ho had just come in from Trail with a lumen of his horses that had been worklns on tho Crater Lako highway nbovo Trail. Mr. Barker, tho Butte Falls banker camo In Thursday evening and took supper, then went on out to Medford. Thero wero threo men came in from Fish Luke for late supper and beds and report that tho snow was fifteen inches deep when they left that morn ing. They went on to Medford next morning. Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) JACKSON COUNTY BUDGET NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 118 General Laws of Oregon, 192f, notice is hereby given thnt the County Court of Jackson Countv, Oregon, will meul in the Circuit Court Room of the Court House in the Citv of Jacksonville Oregon, on Thursday, tho 7tli day of December, 1922, at the hour of 10:00 o clock a. m. of said day, and at the said time and place opportunity will be given for a full, and complete discussion of the estimate of the amount or money proposed to bo raised bv taxation for ihn nnoninn- v Big Stlckey, and later In the afternoon herewith, by any taxpayer subject to such tax levy when made, in favor of or r. uauzow ana lour outers irom sii any m mo proposed tax levies nerein ns tho County Court may deem Butte Falls camo in "ami called for tor the best Interests of Jackson County.. ino (.ounty Budget Committee for Jackson County, Oregon, has prepared and submits tho following: An estimate of tho amount required for each de partment of County Government, County Office or County Orficer, each County Improvement, the maintenance of each County Building, structure or institu tion, the salary of each County officer or employee, Including those whose salaries are fixed by statute, for the Improvement and maintenance of public highways, roads, bridges, the construction, operation and maintenance of each public utility and redemption of outstanding warrants; and estimate or the public receipts of the County from sources other than direct taxation upon the real a Md personul property in tho County during the period for which such tax is to be levied and the amount of bnlunces on hand in the funds of the County at tho timo the levy will be made. Expenses For the payment of the following separate Items of expense: Crater Lako Highway Bond Interest J lg 000 00 Pacific. Highway Rond Interest Fund ; 20 000 00 General Rood Fund "" 41700 00 Ashland-Kluniiith Falls r.oad Fund iiViinnn County. School Fund , 70,000o0 .-iini! i.iuriiry rutin High School Fund (to be levied on School Dlstriclts"not"maTii- tabling High Schools : Redemption of Pacific Highway Road Bonds! Ten Year Series Firteen Year Series ... .. . . 0 1 wenty-tivo lonr aeries 4.761.90 1 amy ienr oeries 3,846.15 General County Fund For rayment of State Tax (estimato only 10 mills) 278 000 00 Miirket Road Money (1.5 mills) 41,400.00 Circuit Court Circuit Court, general expenses including bailiffs, Jurors, reiorters, special. counsel, witnesses, fees, mileage Countv Court and Commlxaionunt County Judge's salary, $2000; traveling expenses, $200; fees and traveling expenses (Commissioners!, $2000; other expenses, in cluding supplies, printing, postage, county court bailiff, express- telephoning, telegraph, Jurors, witnesses, and mileage, $1000 5,200.1)0 Juvenile Court Jurors, witnesses, mileage, etc., $250; widows' pensions, $6000;- other expenses for commitments, probations, and truant officers, etc., -$400; Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society allowance, $120; delinquent and neglected children, blind, deaf mutes, feeble-minded und insane. $250 Justice Court Fees of justices, constables, jurors and witnesses, etc County Advertising Advertising County Resources aud State Fair Exhibit as tho Countv Court may hereinafter deem advisable 1,500.00 i'ir nins or an ninua, printing or notices und delinquent tax list, sales of property, county court proceedings 1,500.00 Care of the Poor Salary for superintendent for Poor Farm, $1500; maintenance of Poor Farm and hospital, $5000; tubercular noor. $150: Inrilcents not at Poor Farm, $7000 Bounties on Wild Animals Payment of - . . Sheriff's Office '' """" Sheriffs salary. $2500; traveling expense, $1200; telephone and telegraph. $;I00; fingerprint work aud photo supplies. $250; up keep on motorcycle. $100; handcuffs and billet. $30: premiums on bonds. $210; speed cop, $600; 1 deputy, 12 months $1518; 1 deputy 12 months, $1320; 1 deputy 12 months $1116; 1 deputv 12 months, $1020; 1 deputy $960: stenographer, 12 months $900; extra help n tax receipts. $100; extra expense on delinquent tax matters, $2000; extra office help, $600; 35.000 combination tax receipts, $120; 14 loose leaf binders, $31.50; I tax turnover Marriage Licenses James E. Ityno and Loretto S Owens. James 0. Paxson and Dolly Brown. Admit- Return Probate Court Charles N. Shaver, estate, ted to probate. 11. It. Patterson-, estate. on order. DeedrU-h I.ohners. el al., estate. Pe titions, order, proof of publication. Wl.ll.un P. Meniey, estate. Final report, order, proof of publication. Puvlil Ivy, estate. Return of sale. Est. G. W. Howard. Inventory aud appraisement. Est. Antono Rose. Order. Est. Davis, Vawtcr and Howard. Bond. C. E. Gates, G. A. Gardner. F. P. Far roll incorporate as '-.The Southern Ore gon Camp Slto Protective Association ' Circuit Court Frank Messino vs. Walter Woods. Judgment, cost bill. City of Medford to Wm. Wells, et III. To quiet title. l.uey West vs. George M Summons. Arceiitm-e of service. Francis ItoKitui vs. John W. lioaqul. Summons. Howard ,1. Oden vs. Talent Irriga tion IMsl.. et al. Summons. K. J. Kdwards vs. Jesse- o. Bun- yard Proof of publication. Ethel S. Fl-eoinan vs. John C. l'l-eeinnn. Proof of publication. Lillie N. Kins vs. Jesse King. Find- Bit tie West. 750.00 20,000.00 16,666.66 9,090.90 260.00 8,500.00 7,020.00 2,000.00 13,650.00 1,000.00 10.6S3.0') 3,600.00 10,723.50 i ledger $'"2 50; 3 loose leaf binders, $45; 500 turnover sheets, 5- --tamped envelopes $26'); Humps, 103; stationery and envelopes $M; misc. forms, $50; misc. supplies, $400; fillers tor tax receipt files $25: files for service records, $50; number ing machine, $li.50; check protector, $58.50 Jail Expense Jailor, $600; matron, $200; laundry. -0; board of prisoners, $2400; reoairs. supplies, etc., $200 Court House Salary' for Janitor, $750: other expenses, Including lights, water, fuel, furniture, repairs, fire Insurance, eta,., $4000 - 4,4 50.0) Assessor's Office Salarv of assessor. $2000; traveling expenses $300; 1st deputy, J1320- 2nd deputy. $1080; 3rd deputy, $900; field -, deputies, $3500; tax extensions, $500: supplies, printing, postage, express, telephone, telegrams, etc.. $1123.50 - Clerk's Office riro-w-c ciifirv I'OOO: first doDtitv's salary. $1500: 2nd deputy, $1320; 3rd deputy, $1080; 4th deputy, $936; 0th deput, $900; Cth deputy $900; 7th deputy. $S4U; extra help, $700; office expense, tele phone, $100; express, $25; printing and record books, $1250; postage, $500; miscellaneous supplies. $500 12,501.00 Coroner's Office ; Fees of coroner and physicians, jurors, witnesses and other expenses 500.00 Fruit Inspector Salaries and expenses! of inspectors 3,000.0) Pathologist ' Payment to state for extension work, county agent, $3602; demon stration agent, $1900; Club work, $1600 7,152.00 School Sunerintendent's Office' and Department of Education . Salary of superintendent, $2000; Rural supervisor, $1440; stenogra- pher, $1020; Printing, telephone and telegrams, $000; supervl-( sor's expense, $90; traveling expense, county superintendent, $200; rural supervisor, $500; teachers' exams, $15; 8th grade examining board, $S5; expense county Institute and county educational board, $450; County School Fair and Club work, $100. Total : G.600.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures Salary and Traveling expenses - , 400.00 ... Stock Inspector Salary and exponses and tubercular cattle 500.00 Water Master Salary of Water Master. $1S00; Deputy's salary, 2 months, $260; Hvdrographer, 4 months $520; Water Master's traveling expense $360; Deputies' mileage, $140; Hydrographer's mileage, $200; office rent, $120; phones and stationery, $110 3,510.00 Surveyor's Office Surveyor's salary, $400; stenographer, $600; misc. expenses, $200...... 1,200.00 Treasurer's Office Treasurer's salarv, $1800; traveling expense, $70;' deputy, $1080; extra help, $300; premium on treasurer's bond, $325; misc. expenses, including record books, postage, telephone, express, etc., $751 . 4,351.00 ' Miscellaneous Expenses County Physician 1,000.00 Red Cross, $50 per month 600.00 Emergency fund 600.00 f County Library outside of City of Ashland (.2 mills) 4.983.00 Fire warden, one-third expense, 1922 - 460.00 Elections and registrations 5,000.00. For payment on Armory in City of Medford 8.100.U07 Expense of examination of books and accounts 400.00 Payments for reporting births and deaths - 150.00 County Fair' - 2,760.00 Tax refunds, double assessments, errors, etc 1,600.00 County nurse, salary, $1500; contingent expense, $450 2,250 00 District attorney s office expense 600.00 Redemption of outstanding wni-rants against the general County Fund , T 13,170.00 Recapitulation Mills. General Road Fund 1.6 Ashland-Klamath Falls Road Fund 1.6 High School Fund (on all property not in High School dis tricts, estimate of valuation $14,300,000) 1.4 County School Fund ($6S,750.00) ; County School Library Fund ($750.00) 2.5 Pacific Highway Redemption Fund 1.5 Pacific Highway interest Fund '. 0.7 Crater Lake Highway Interest Fund 0.7 Market Road Fund to match slate money 1.6 General Fund, which Includes Market Road and State Tax.... 10.0 Current Expenditure for running county, including redemp- , 27.1 $729,409.11 $ 41,700.00 41.700.00 20,040.00 09,500.00 41,700.00 19,460.00 19,460.00 41.700.00 278,000.00, $730.503.60 ' 20.3 ' " $712,240.50 ' Total Levy inside High School Districts 25.7 mills Total Levy outside High School Districts 27.1 mills No balances of present fund anticipated by the time this levy is made. Estimated Receipts Two per cent daily balance $ ' 7,500.00 Fees County Clerk's office 13,000.00 Foes Sheriff's office 1,000.00 Sale of lands, Sheriff's office O.OOO.OO Refund on bounty claims 800.00 Slate appropriation for County Fair 1,600.00 From rent of forest : 8,000.00 From 5 per cent sale of timber 150 00 Penalties and interest on delinquent taxes ..i.i.. 10,000.0') Auto licenses 28,170.00 Total ; .- ' $ 75,120.00 State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss. .Wo, the undersigned, County Budget Committee " for Jackson County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the above is a true, fair and complete estimate of the probable expenses of said county for the ensuing year and probable receipts from sources other than direct taxation upon real and persoiial pro perty in its jurisdiction during the ensuing year. We further certify that the estimate of expenses of the various institutions of the County, of the amount required for publio enterprises, roads, bridges, etc., and of all other expenses of the county as therein set out, is just and Is based upon a careful study of the expenses of the county during the past threo iV years, and a thorough examination of Its probable needs during the year for which such estimate Is made. That each and every item therein Is believed to be necessary for the proper transaction of the business of the county, the protection of its property and interests and to be for the public welfare. Thnt every expense estimate is in accordance with law, and is a legitimate charge y, against the county. ' , Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, October 31st, 1922. G. A. GARDNER, Chairman. . VICTOR BURSELL, Secretary. JAMES OWENS, Committeeman. - . C. H. VAUPEL, Committeeman. W. H. GORE, Committeeman. . GEO. W. STEVENS, Committeeman Apples! Apples! Apples! GET 'EM NOW! ' '. All Varieties- '; All Prices ' " Special This Week Winter Bananas 50 cents to $1 boX'- Spitz, Newtowrus, Black Twig,- Arkansas Black, Jonathan, Bellefleur, Ben Davis. Oregon Growers End of North Central , Phone 128 TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25, , MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. Medford 2:0ft p. m. Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. .. , MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE DAILY EXCEPT 8BNDAY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. mi,- Br00 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m.,'5:D0 p. m. ! STODAY ONLY Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. -Lt. Grant Ps 10: 00 a. m 4: SO p. m. ' We connect with stages for Portland. Harahfleld and Crescent City. . . .- -. .,.,.. f INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. , Phone SOU .