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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1922)
Hkdfobd Mail Tribune HELP THE BED CROSS. Kti INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER nmUHHKD KVfcSY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY THE UEDFOKD PRINTING CO. Th Medford Sunday Morning Sun ii furnished ntMcrtberi desiring a seven day daily newspaper. Otftf Mail Tribune Building, I5-S7-S0 North it utrectt. Phone consolidation of the Democratic Times, the St-atord Mail, the Ut-dford Tribune, the boutheru legoDian, The AkIiUikJ Tribtuie. RnilKRT W. HI'llL, Editor. 8UUP1KH H. hlll'lll, il-nT. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: BY MAIL In Advance: Daily, with Sunday Sun, year $7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, month 75 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year 660 veiiy, without ounuay oun, montu o Weekly Mall Tribune, one year t.00 Sunday Sun, one yeitr 8 00 wY OARRIKR In Medford. Ashland. Jackson- rllle, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent ud on niKnways: Dally with Sunday Sua, nonth , .76 Dally, without bund ay. Sun, month 6f Daily, without Hunduv Sun. year 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60 Ail terms by carrier, cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. Sworn dally average circulation tor six month sliding April l, iv ri, sfZH, more tnan auunie Ibe eneulutlon of any other paper published oi etrruUteU in Jackson County. Kntered as second cln irmtcei at Mcdford Oreyuu, under the act, of March 8. 1878. IIKMIIKRS OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS. The A4Mociatfd 1'rtfM la exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news olaputches ctedited to It, or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also to tits local dwi published berrlo. All rights of republication of special dla- patcnes Herein are also reM-Tvea. " ' i ;.Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Many people are palnci to learn that Mr. Dill, the new US. senator from Washington, is not the stage partner of Mr. Kolu. IT IS A l'LKASSl'KE to turn from the nmdiiess of political clap-trap to the sanity of constructive effort.; The Reel Cross campaign for funds which opens tomorrow, is something every citizen of Jackson county can fret behind , with' enthusiasm" and good will. ' Only those close to the activities of the local lied Cross appreciate what this organization has done tin- past year, to relieve suffering and want, to aid tilt; ex-service man in need, to earrv on the siilendii and necessary work of constructive charily in this community. This work must jro on. Disregarding all sentimental considera tions the continuation of the work, is merely (jood business, good business from the standpoint of the individual, good business from the standpoint of the community. For a citizen in need is a citizen dissatisfied, a man or woman or child without the, jieecssitics of life,. is a community liability. The lied Cross, under its present efficient miimfcumunt, concentrates not upon mere riviiifi, but upon 'intelligent assistance, upon prevention, rather than cure, upon transforming the .dependent nto a useful member of society, rather Hum cnccnirAinif dependency, ly merely aetinjr the role of n happy-no-lucky Santa 'C lans. '' " ' 1 ' ' Moreover, donations to the local lied Cross arc devoted entirely to local benefits, none of the donations being sent to Washington. The individual' who makes a donation can therefore, know that the money will be spent here to better conditions in his own community. It has also been decided to have a regular audit of expenditures published, so that those who give their money can know, just how their money has been spent. Acting more and more in the capacitv of a JJureau of Associated Charities, the local lied Cross, certainly deserves the.. assistance of every resident of Mcdford and Jackson county, who can afford to give something each year to those who are in need. It is not only a duly. Viewed rightly it is also an opportunity and a privelege. BEATS COCHRAN lS&To. ...... , If only everybody would read that" A crowd ot music lovers, that lacked nothing but numbers, assembled at tho Page last eve, to hear tho execution of Indian songs, and gained an insight Into why tike Indians, as a race disap peared so fast. None of the sonatas portrayed the noble redskin in his hap piest state full of firewater, which tho Great White Father won't let him possess, unci he uses lemon extract instead. It whs nulto evident that the biters of dust In dime novels, havo not lived up to tiic:r songs. Not a cus tomer referred to tho uborlginos as Injuns. The Chippewa ode to tho hoot owl left T. Hill Isaacs enthralled and open-mouthed. There was no yelling In P-mnj0r. A unlqiio number of deli cate nrtistry, was the bucks praying for rain, In the full of tho moon. Un like tho farmers, they got Immediate results. YOU SHOULD 8EE 'EM " (Ad Lit. Dig.) Some men have worn nothing but Nettloton's shoes for upwards of twenty-five years. , -Lawyers havo agreed it will bo no violation of tho Volstead Act, to erad lente the spurs of tho Urnnil Canyon, in the Main 8tem, West. This stupon ous engineering feat would take two hours and four sucks of cement. Ouill Points This is the season when a cold bath can be improved by the addi tion of a little hot water. Cleanliness may be next to godliness in some localities, but in others it is next to impossible. NKtV VOltK; Nov. 13. Kii. h Hae cnlaeher, i-hampton of Germany, yill meet "Velker Cochran of San Fran Cisco in the matlneo game of tho in ternational 1S.2 balk lino billiard tournament tills 'afternoon. Tonight two .winners in tho initial contests Jako Schaefer of tho Unit ed States, pruHcnt champion and Koger Contl, champion of Franco will moot. I a Contl won from Cochran 500 to 370 yesterday ' afternoon and Willie Hoppc, former world's champion, de feated Kdouard Horemans, llelgian champion, 000 to 177 in tho evening contest. TO LIKE HIS TEAM It seems probable that every living mortal knows how to cure a cold except the chap who has one. "We shudder to think of the comment that would be made on the official acts of an American named Honnr. It won't he such a bard winter after all. Fewer European celebri ties are engaged to lecture us this time. Another advantage the bachelor litis is that there is nobody to 'fix" his tie after he gets it properly adjusted. Correct this sentence: "As she stepped high to board the street car, the cake-cater with her turned away his head." - If the California papers had any self-respect, they would not say n word about the earthquake in Chile, There has been considerable violat ing, locally, ot tho Kansas nntl-pottlng law. . Dazed citizens still maintain the new gov. is going to appoint u Republican to nn office. Tho now gov. hns no desire to unchain mad nnnrchy. . Tho lntorstnto Commorco commis sion will decldo, nt nn oarly date, whothor tho principal crossings of (he municipality will bo blocked by atiuth cr railroad, or just tho prcBcut incum bent. Tho 1). Antlu gruudson has been equipped with 2 new tooth, making a grand total of 4. Ho will uso them on anything, Including his 1'aw. ' Owing to tho ca:in conditions exist Ing at home and abroad and all around choirs ought to be able to slug an thorns about "Pence on rJiirth, Good Will to. Man," with some gusto this Christmas. A GET-TOGETHER MEETING (Albany Democrat) Meeting culled to order 3:45 p. m. Mr. Wnlberg read special notice and .made motion that Mrs. llunlcy take tho chair. Mrs. llunlcy refused, said Mr. Walborg was to hold offlco until after tho meeting, so Mr. W'alberg presided. . Voted on 4 acres of ground for school, votes carried B yoH to 4 no. : Votes on 'i plans for school houso, on Churchill plan. 4 votes, on Cran dall plait, S votes'. Was discussing money for school when Mr. llunlcy said Ilring meeting to a close as it wasn't legal and put In a legal chair man Uiat had brains enough to run the meeting. Decided to elect a director. Martin Pickens was nominated. Then Bverott Wntters was nominated, when Everett Wattcrs wns nominated Mr. Hunley said he nominated "Joe" (Mar tin I'ickens' dog) so we would havo a pair. Votes curried 4 to 4 tie. Mr. Walberg voted- for Everett Wattcrs and Mr. Hunley jumped up and wanted to know "Do any of you want to start a rough-houso?" repealed soveral times. : No reply. Called all and said to go outside and he would clean up on tho whole D. hunch. ' Mrs. E. O. Wutlors said Bho thot Mr. Walberg had a right to voto as he paid taxes and had children. .Mr. II. told her that didn't irake a d n bit of difference. Motion made and seconded that wo adjourn.. Chairman didn't dismiss us ho we adjourned anyhow. i Fortunately, however, mother isn't sophisticated enough to under stand the naughty part of I ho books daughter buys. BERKELEY, Calif., ..Nov,,. 13. California could have defeated, any team in tho country last ;6aturday when It burled Washington under a 45 to 7 score at Seattle, according to Andy Smith, coach ot tho Bear eloven. "The California team' of Jast Sat urday was better than tho Hears of 1920, which cleaned up the coast and afterwards whipped Ohio Stato-28 to 0" Smith said. Washington's team. Smith said, fought harder than any eleven Cali fornia lias met this year. Tho Bears, however, he added, outclassed the Huskies in every department of play. Commenting on a 70 yard run through a broken field mado in Seat tlo by Don Nichols, halfback. Smith said it was the greatest run ho had ever seen. "Tho California men clipped bo perfectly that not a Washington man was loft standing when Nichols cross ed tho lino," he declared. "It was perfect footbull and H is not seen often." . . Faith is belief in the unknown. For instance, a great many people believe these -United Slates havo u foreign policy. The first severe frost is noticed when effort is made to solicit money wherewith to pay a small town ball club's deficit. AVe may as well confess that we are invariably impressed by the seeming importance of tho man who gnaws savagely on his cigar. Our idea of an impudent child is one that .knows how lo work a problem and yet asks quest inns to expose his poor old dad's igno ranee. "What Khali we call a woman senator?" asks an editor. Well, for chivalry's sake, something less violent than we call men senators. After all, it's a fair arrangement. The power is delivered to the rear axle, and the advice conies from the rear seat. AVouIdii't it be a good idea, also, for the driver to make some special signal when he is preparing to be an ass? Another trouble with detectives is (hat they spend too many weeks expecting an arrest, within twenty-four hours. sv Walt Mason JOm IP WINTER COMES. IF WINTKK vonws, tuul snow nlmumls, and there nro novelties in aU'i't, some chaps will utter doleful sounds as I hey traverse the frozen street. "We didn't lity in wood or eoa! before the balmy days were past, and now that aretie tempests roll, our beards are frozen hard and fast. We didn't for tho r.old prepai?, we let things slide, as oft they've slid; we've only Palm HcacU clothes to wear, ns through the drifting snow wo skill. AVo didn't fix the holes and cracks through tluv fierce .iwinda enter in. we didn't bank our divers shacks, our spuds are frozen in the bin." If winter comes the prudent man will cry serenely, where lie stands, "Now shriek as loudly as yyu uHU, O bitter blasts from arctic lands! Iy larder's stocked with wljoltssoiue slaw, and pies,, the kind all men desire, and with my brondax and my saw I whacked up wood to feed the fire." If -( inter come.sAVifll sec once more how produce wins o'er heedless sloth; it keeps the lean wolf from the door, sustains our aunts -with chicken broth. If winter comes the thriftless chap will say our government's a fake; he has no mush to feed his map, the while his neighbor lives on cake. May Hoyeott Mhm'r Ianicim'S. NEW VOltK, Nov. 5. A pmpnnal that tho A nn' ri run league boycott the minm IcaKncs whMihavn hold ont against tho draft will bo mado by Han .TohtiHon at tho Deoomhqr mooting of tho junior circuit In fw York ac cording to roporlH huro'today. Tint draft, quoatlon has boon Kltnt iiiK' banohal! for tho last two yearn. Tho five minora whlita. are not bound by tho draft agreement lire: Ameri can Association, International League, l'aciflc CoaMt Lcapuc, Southern Asso ciation and Western League. Dart White Champion. NEW YOKIC, Nov. 15. Tho crown of world'H champion broncho and st cor buster rests today on the bond of Dave Whlto of tho cow punching stars who appeared during tho last week' at tho rodeo held at Madison Square Garden. Wtiito won hia honor by going through' aJregulation week of cowboytng without being tossed off once. Huling with White is Mablo St rick land, who was crowned q-tieen of tho cow girls. Other honors went to Frank Me Carroll, who threw a steer in eight seconds, and Leonard Stroud for his fancy riding. LONDON Negotiations aro pro ceed ing for a bout between Joe Itt'ckett, Hritish heavyweight cham pion and Georges Carpcnticr. HOME-All the boxing clubs in Italy closed their doors to I tattling Siki as a result of tentative efforts to arrange a match between Siki and Ciiiisoppc Sapalta. COMMUNICATIONS WITH MEDFOPD TRADE IS MED FORD MADE. Who Or Which? To tho Kdltor: You surely do owo Mrs. Merritt some compensation for the bitter dis appointment she must have suffered at not seeing a picture of her beloved governor-elect when she opened Wednesday's Tribune. 1 suggest that you do all In your power to procure a life-sized portrait of him and send It to her forth-wtth. ltut if you con ducted an un-American campaign, what can be sjitd of candidates who. sent out, months ahead, a "scandal monger" who advertised talks "to women only," knowing well that the ignorant would bo there "with bolls on" to hoar some "dirt," and later sent out fake peddlers of cleaning preparations, knife sharpeners, etc., nmong tho country i districts, who frightened the housewives intovoting down "the powerful Catholics." who were gett ing so powerful that even with the stand-pat republicans' help they wore "beaten to n frazzle." Now, they are wondering which was the stronger, the poor old Catho lics or the Ku Klux Klan. A DlSOrSTKI) PKOTESTAXT. Central I'olnt, Ore. TONSILITIS I Apply thickly thickly over throat- cover with hot flannel ViCKS V Vaf-oRub Ot f 7 Million fan (AedYeartf "What a wonderful thing it would be, if all the worn-out, miserable, suffering people would heed this great truthwhy it would mean everything to them just as it did to us." Makes You Eat Better Sleep Better : - Feel Better Work Better : These glad tidings have been heeded in millions of homes and tens of thousands of grateful men and women in all walks of life have testified that this great tonic medicine has brought back the sunshine, the laughter and happiness into their lives. v Make up your mind to profit by their experience. Gratify your wish for radiant good health determine that you, too, will be well. Start to-day take Tanlac. ion Bottles Sold America's Home Shoe Polish FT V MAKES SHINING YOUR OWN SHOES A MATTER OF A FEW SECONDS The Genuine Bristle Dauber cleans the Shoe, gets into all crev ices and applies polish quickly and easily. The large Lamb's Wool Polisher ' brings a brilliant shine with a few strokes. Shinola Always 10c Black, Tan.White, Ox-blood and Brown. HOME SElSi . mm ' MP Treat Your Shoes to Shinola Shine and See Them Brighten Up. It's best to say "SHINOLA" 38ESB33 Apples! Apples! Apples! GET 'EM NOW! All Varieties ' All Prices Special This Week ' Winter Bananas 50 cents to $ Spitz, Newtowns, Black Twig, Arkansas Black, Jonathan, Bellefleur, Ben Davis. Oregon Growers End of North Central , Phone 128 GIM CHUNG China Herb Store . SIS' 0l .hRS cu", mo at Jf? T"i?,m?f h trouble. 8. M. Lonrd, J ot., Grants Pass. mZiJ8 A oetlfy that Olm Chnnir of Medford, Ore., has cured me ot rupturo 413 S St., Grants Pass. Ore. TM M'dfurd. Oregon; Jan. 1, 1J7. i.Jh L" f c""tlfy that I. tho onder. !h k ' . J'1 vey stomach trouble and had been bothered for several year Mvi .""J vAuir,ut '"as not expected to ii.?!. nerln "f Gim Chung (whose uir ,0,.1; aL214 Soutl Fnt street, Medford) I decided to get herbs for my stomach trouble, and I started to feeling better as soon as I used them and today am a well man and can heartily recom r?,d5nyone ffl'cted as I was to K Qlm Chung and try his Herbs. (Signed) w. R. JOHNSON. itneases: JVm Lewis. Eagle Point. 5- I Chlldreth. Eagle Point J. A. Anderson. Medford. S. B Holmes, Eagle Point. C. h.. Moore, Eagle Point J. V. Mclntyre. Ragle Point Geo. Von der Hellen. Eagle Ptnt Thoi. K. Nichols. Eale lomt. V T 1 t