4, PAGE RTX MEDHOIIP MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON'. TtTESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1922 Say "Bayer" and Insist! Unites you soo the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you arc not get ting the genuine liayer product pro scribed by phyftieiane over twentytwo years and proved safe by million for Colds Headache Toothache IumbaKO Karnehe llheuniatiBm . Neuralgia l'ain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Ilandy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cunts. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 nnd 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of llonoaccticaoidestcr of Ralicylieaeid. VOTES CAST TOUOfll LONDON, Nov. 14. (By Associated Press.) The Inst words In Great Bri tain's election ciiuipalKU will be spo ken tonight. The cloctorato will go to the polls tomorrow nnd pick a parllH-; Louis J. Orres et ux to Nettle E. blk. X. It. It. Add. to Ashland.. Chas. L. Wimer to Mrs. O. E. (Jroenwood, lnnd In 1). L. C. 45. tj. IIS, H. H. 1 K John 1-'. I'ratt et ux to J. If. Slane et ux, lots 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, blk. 11, Phoenix Emma E. Uoberts et vlr to A. R. KouerlH, lot 12, blk. 8, Itnper Add. to Mcdford H. L. Dermond et ux to W. S. liainuni, blks. 10 and 11, lots 3 nnd 4, and 9, blk. 14, College Hill Add. Medford Eber T. Weed et ux to T. A. Culbertaon et ux, land In sec. 8, tp. 37, S. K. 1 W 10 10 10 10 10 for Baid City and duties and powers." (11 AR I EIt AM KNDME.NT. C'lmpter 15. BOAIll) Ol." WATKIl COMMISSIONERS Powers and Duties. prescribing their hereby expressly conferred upon the Hoard or Water CommistiioiierK of nam City with reference to the funds ul said board. Section 1M. It shall be the duty of said board to make full reports to tlio Citv Cmlnril nf the hii;inPK4 lr;intinpt- Section 173. There Is hereby creat- ,i i,v it n,i ,,r iim rnwiiti.m p itNin.i tr. the iinurovement or extension ed a Hoard of Wntor Commissioners fnn3 nn0(, ln overy tbree months, and I thereof, ns may from time to time be in anu lor mo city or jueuioru. Bum it shall also make special reports on anv matters relatinK to said water .-yst.-mi v. h' ii called 1' r by th" -'"' Council. Section 1&-'. Fa:d board shall als possess such other riKhts and power with reference to said water system. conferred or imposed uixm it by ordi nance of the City Council of said City. Dated nt Jfeiiloni, Oregon, this lltii (lev ot November, Hi-':!. (digued I C. E. GATES, i Seal of City of .Medford) Mayor. ATTEST: (Signed) M. L. ALFORD, l uy necoruei Legal Guarantee Giveru No nmmd tf Knife no pain continue work. Art to icq Glc-o-nii Pile Treatment. V- HEATH'S VHVO STOKK Turkeys By Johnson Guaranteed Plan Last year turkey raisers received $llMHmoi'o ln money Hum if they had sold to local dealers at their so called murkot pi'lco. Wo liuve the same plan (his your. Not with the Fnnn llui-cau IOCATEl) AX 211 X. Fill ST. Medford Phono 07 . ment from the 1.18G candidates seek ing seats In tho house of commons. In 373 constituencies tho fight will be a duel between candidates of two parties. In 242 other constituencies I the buttlo Is complicated by the pres ence of three or more contestants. During tho campaign events have led to a revision of some of the more san guine estimates, notably tho case in I Glasgow and western Scotland where the united front presented by the 1 unionists nnd Lloyd George liberals originally Induced considerable com- placeucy. But now a Glasgow dispatch to the Times says tho greatest concern Is felt over seats which were regarded as safe a fortnight ago. "Labor Is making its highly concert ed efforts in Clyde nnd Is attacking with renewed confidence," the dis patch reported. Although some doubts have been ex pressed regarding Honor Law's safety ln his campaign for election from the central Glasgow district, the corre spondent says nobody seriously be lleves tho premier will be rejected. Sir Robort Home, who wus chancel lor of the oxchequer In Lloyd George's cabinet is regarded as an almost sure choice of tho votors In the Illllhoad division of Glnsgow but Sir William Mitcholl-Thomson Is loss safe in the Maryhlll division. Everywhere the great puzzle per plexing tho organizers is how tho women will vote. It Is the experience of canvassers throughout the country that womon aro taking more personal Interest ln the elections than ever before 10 10 TO Our equipment as sures thorough work no wear promptness. Try us. 'we are UNLESS "SATISFIEO YOU ARC' Furniture Upholstering Mattress Work . Soo Our Samples of -Art Ticking , Medford Auto Top Co. 80.82 N. Grape. Phone 104 m mat x-j Tho student's cyos nro rested, strengthened, by proper gluKscs. Wo fit correctly.. . , PICTURE FRAMING SWEM'S STUDIO 17 R. Main St. MM for GRAFTON, W, Vil, Nov. (By I. N. 8.) Tho Boizuro of several zinc moomihino Htilln In Taylor county has prompted CIhu-Ioh It, Lilly, maRlHtrnto un! former, federal prohibition field officer for Went Virginia, to ituiuo a warning nguinst mooiiBliino . liquor that is petUllod about in this koi-Uoii. "A drink of liquor from ono of those inooiiHhlno KtlllH," he mild, "would kill tho BtrontfuHt man in tho county." Ijchs than ono per cent of drinkable liquor Ih being Hold in tho county, he declared. AnalynlH of liquor recently conflncatod showod that "rough on rata," Hliavlng concoctions and lye were mixed In it. 10 10 10 150 Court News (Furnished by the Jackaon County Abstract Co.) Circuit Court . G. C. tlolsingor vs. C. C. Bond et nl. Certificate of Levy. Aioaford iJomnstlc Laundry com pany vs. Frank Schotfleltl. CoBt bill. Alice Holon Manna vs. Frank Han- na.. Divorce Thos. F. Foloy vs. Tortor J. Noff, as administrator. Alias Summons. Mngglp S. Prlco vs. Harry S. l'ellolt et al. For money. F. L. Tou Vollo vs. Farm Bureau Cooporattvo Exchange. Motion. Isnholle Uowloy vs. City of Medford et al. Summons. , State vs. Urnost S. Wolgnmott. Mnn dato dlstnlsslng. Probate Court Annie L. Holmos, estnte. Oath. In ventory nnd approlBomunt. Kst. Samuel Rosenberg. Affidavit, list. Jennlo Elmore. Kcturn of siilo nnd petition. Kst. Annlo L. Holmes. Onth. list. Krnost S. Wolgomott. Inven tory and appraisement. Est. lico A. Stovors. First report. H. W.' CONGER UNDERTAKER ; ftucrrasnr to Weolss-Coiiirnr Co. .MiMifold, Ore, Real Estate Transfers Jennlo E. Morrltt to O. H. Mor ritt, land In U. U C. 62 nnd 64, tp. 37, S. H.JJ W. h. J. Schndo et ux to Oscar Ly num et ux, lot 10, blk. 1, Fruit dalo Add. to Medford KHz. A. Smith to U J: Hessen nuer ot ux, SW of NV or NW sec. 14. tp. 30. S. It. 1 E A. L.. Lamb et ux to Arthur Erlckson et ux, lot 4, blk, 1, I'rnrht's Alaska Add. to Ash land A. L. Lamb et u.v to Carl Love-, land et ux, lot 3, blk. 1, l'racht Add. to Ashland C. W. Wlilllock ot ux to W. A. Hollow-ay et ux, lot 6, blk. 6, floss Add. to Medford K. O. Trowbridge ct ux to Emhia L. Trowbridge, U'H of Stfc lot 6, blk. 9, I'ark Add. to Med ford Chas. Collins to Olivo V: Crump, lot 7, blk. 35, Jacksonville Nancy A. Dirk to Marcus T. Mck lots B and , blk. 3, Lewis Sub division Jacksonville 1000 Emerson Wheeler et al to 11. E. Smnllwood et ul. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, blk. 8; ltutto Falls Kfrle L. Taylor to J. M. rtader et ux, lnnd In I). L. C. 43, tp. 38. S. It. 1 W Jennlo A. Bratney to Wm. Hum phreys, lot 11, blk. 1, Newtown Add. to Medford It. K. Hall et ux to Ian N. Semi Ot ux, jots 3 and 4, pint lot J, 10 10 10 10 10 400 10 2SO0 Good, lnnd in, Ashland 100 R. F. Willis et ux to W. C. Rice et ux, lot ln blk. 2, Burr's Add. to Medford Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn to W. C. Boliou et ux, lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1C 17, blk. 2, Laurelhurst Add. to Medford Lewis Ulrlch et ux to Roland, Part block 1, Humphrey- Andrews addition to Med ford $ F. E. Martin to Robert Clugs ton, ot ux. South half of NW., N half of SW. sec. 21, Twp.,33 S., R. 4 W $3,500 Charles C. Million ot ux to Wm. B. Million et ux. Lot on Onk street, Ashland.... Aubrey Redlfcr et ux to Jas. A. Sewell et ux. East half of north hulf lot 15, Ash land Homestead Associa tion tract : W. W. Hlttlo ot ux to Law rence Whitsett ot ux. Land In Soc. 22. Twp. 36 S, R. 3, Wost Margaret Fry ot vlr to Milton A Houston. Land ln Sec. tionB 26 and 27. Twp. 36 S. R. 3 West - Lidn T. Garnett et vlr to Chester E. Anders ot ux. Part blcok 2, Mlngus Sub- division to Medford '5,000 William McLcon to James Taylor ot ux. SE. Sec. 10, Twp. 41 S. R, 1 East James Taylor et ux to Frult- Orowors Supply Co., SE. Sec. 10, Twp. 41 S, R. 1. East 2,402 N. H. Harrison et ux to Josso A. Flooner. Land In , Ash land , James H. Whipple et ux to Oscar M. Shepherd et ux. Lnnd In Sec. 16, Twp. 36 S. R. 4 Wost Alfred J. Weeks et al to W. W. Hlttle. Land ln Sec. 22, Twp. 36 S R. 3 West.... Elizabeth Douol to W. W. Hit- tie. Land ln Sec. 22, Twp. 36 S. R. 3 West B. F. Lindas et ux to Geo. R. Llndlcy. NW. of SE. 36, Twp 34 S. R. 1 East Antwliio Dupray ot ux to First National Bank of Redwood Falls. Land ln Sec. 28, Twp, 36 S., R. 3 east .j R. E. Carloy ot' ux to John Mace ot ux. Lot In Block 1, Burr's addition to Med ford Fred Pratt et ux to S. II. Clus plll et al. Lots 1 and 2, block 11, Phoenix D. S. Simpson ct ux to W. II. Caseboor et ux. Lot ln ' Central olnt 3,500 board shall consist of five members who shall be citizens of the City of Medford,, and who shall serve without compensation. They shall be appoint ed by the Mayor nnd before assuming office RliaU be confirmed by the Coun cil and shall subscribe aud file with the Recorder nn Oath to faithfully perform the duties of their said office. Said hoard shall be appointed by the: Mnyor os soon uftor January 1, 1923, us is practicable. The torm of the mem bers of said board so first appointed shnll c-xplre ln one, two, three, four and five years respectively after their appointment, und when their succes sors Bhnll have been -appointed and i qualified. The members so first op pointed shall determine by lot their respective terms and thereafter on January 1st of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, there shall be appointed one member to serve for a term of five years and until his suc cessor is appointed and qualified. Vacancies occurring in the Board from any cause shall be filled In like man ner for the unexpired term. Section 174. The treasurer of the City shall be exofficio treasurer of the said board, and the recorder of said City shall be ex-offieio Clerk of said board, nnd tho bonds of said officials shall hereafter be conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties and safo keeping and prompt dolivory of all moneys or othor proner tv of tho City as required by the City Council or by said board. k Section 175. Tho management, con trol, operation, Improvement nnd ex tension of tho water system of tho City of Medford, and all future addi tions thoreto, is hereby vested in said board. Said board ahull have power to establish rules and regulations for 10 ! the sale, distribution and use of water from said system and to fix rutes to be paid therefor. Section 176. All moneys received by the Board from the sale of water, or otherwise, shall be doiioslted in tho Treasury of the City to the credit of a fund to be known as the Wntor Fund 1 j and shall bo kept separate nnd apart from all other moneys of the City, anu shall only be drawn from said fund upon demand previously approved by vote of three members of tho board nnd taken with "Ayes" and "Nos" spread on the minutes. Section 177. It shall bo tho duty ot said board to fix and maintain rates for water to bo sold nnd distributed by I It from said Batem ndenunto to raise ! i funds sufficient to pay the operating I : oxponses of said system, together with : I all Interest accruing upon outstanding ; I bonds and obligations of tho City here-, ' tofore or hereafter issued for the pur-; , pose of constructing, Improving or ' oxtondlng said wator system, together with such amount to bo placed in si sinking fund as shnll be determined I upon by the City Council, purauant to Section "2 of the Charter of said City, i Soction 178. ,Tlio City Council shall have power to, draw upon said water ' fund for tho purpose of making pay ments of interest on outstanding water bonds nnd for no other purpose whatever, und shall have power to draw upon the sinking fund croatcd pursunnt to Section 177 of this Act for the purpose of paying the principal of said bonds, nnd for no other pur pose whatever. Section 179. It shall be the duty of said board to furnish water to tho City of Medford for fire protection and other municipal purposes, and to re-, celve Into the hinds of said board from ; the general fund of said City such ; amount as may be mutually agreed j upon by the said board and the City Council. Section ISO. AH the lights and powers conferred upon the City Coun- is or tins unnncr wun 10 10 10 10 30 10 300 UX7 When lime m jvj . K 111 Cut This Out It la Worth Money Cut out this Blip, enclose with 6c anil nail It to Foloy & Co.. 2835 Shoffleld oil bv Section Ave., Chicago, HI., writing your name respect to the funds of said City are nnd address clearly. You will receive " In return a trial packages containing Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foloy Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder nllmonts; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowols. Sold Bvprywhera. Adv. Proclamation WHEREAS, tho City Council of tho City of Mod ford, Orogon, did by Ordi nance No. 1365 propose and submit to tho legal voter's of suld City, nt the special election duly held in Bald City on tho 7th day of November, 1922, the following proposed Act of Municlpul Legislation, entltlod: "An Act of Municipal Legislation amending the Chartor of tho City of Medford by adding thereto a new Chnptor known as Chapter 15, consist ing of Sections 173 to 182, both Inclu sive, providing for the crontlon of a Ilourd of Water Commissioners In nnd for said City and nroscrlblnir their duties and powers.'. And wniiKEAS, the Hocordor of said City has, In my presence nnd In tho presence of the City Council duly can vassed tho returns of said election nnd it has boon determined thereby that the total number of votes cast at said election was Twenty-Flvo ' Hundred Soven (2507): that the total number of votes cast In favor of snld Act of Municipal Legislation, above referred to, was Thirteen Hundred Eighty (13S0), nnd the total number of votes oust ngnliiBt the snmo was Eleven Hundred Twenty-seven (1127): and It appears that suld Act of Municipal Legislation received an affirmative majority of nil the votes cast at Bold election; NOW, THEREFORE, Uy virtue or the power vested In mo us Mayor of the City of Medford. Oregon, I. C. E. Gates, do hereby Issue this proclamation that tho votes cast in favor and against said Act of Munic ipal Legislation was as above set forth; und I do declare said Act of Municipal Legislation to be In full force and eflect in said City of Med ford, Oregon, from und nfter the publi cation of this proclamation, as required by law; und that (he following is n rull title and text of said Act of Municipal l.eglslution und of the whole thereof. "An Act of Municipal Legislation amending the Charter of the City of Medford by uddlng thoreto a now Chapter known as Chapter 15. consist Ing of Sections 173 to 1S2, both Inclu sive, piovhllng for the creation of u i.oiiid oi Wiiu-r Commissioners n and t nt Leans money jON'T slight the preparation of your seed-teds in order to plant on time. Better; seed-beds mean more bushels per acre. Fordson power and the Roderick Lean Automatic Engine Disc, specially built to work with the Fordson, will get your land into shape for planting in plenty of time. 25 acres a day, can be covered with this compact, one-man outfit, The Roderick Lean Automatic Engine Disc prepares a deep, level and finely pulverized sed-bed in one harrowing. With the Fordson it provides the most rapid, thorough and economical means of getting your spring tillage done. We will gladly show you the many advantages of this C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Representative Medford Business Firms Mason, Ehrman & Go. Tobacco Cigars Cig'arettes, Etc. Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugeno, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, .Spokane, Lewiston We Guarantee our work at all times Experts in Cleaning and Dyeing The Pantorium i Medford Iron Works GENERAL FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP MANUFACTURERS OF QUARTZ MILLS Automobile Springs Merrinian's Blacksmith Shop , , .. THOMAS T. MERRIMAN, Proprietor. ' "' 20 South Riverside Phone 279-J MEDFORD BLACKSMITH SHOP Repairs and builds springs All new springs guaranteed. General repair, Blaeksrnitli- ing. Unly bpring Jnirnace in Southern Oregon. 118 S. Bartlett Phone 183-J Vilmo and Harmony Flour STRICTLY GUARANTEED . Ask yonr dealer for one of these brands. ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. BE A BOOSTER FOR HOME When purchasing any kind of products or havink any kind of work done, always insist on having home products or using homo labor. Veterinary Hospital AXD Sale Stable , DR. G. A. GITZEN 111 N. Fir St, Phone 551 THE CLUB Confectionery, Cigars, Soft Prinks, Pool, Billiards NICK YOUNG HORSE SHOEING i 104 S. Fir a ; Ph9ne754 EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Phono 315 PHONE 75 for First-Class JOB PRINTING