MEDFORD MAIL THTBUNE. MEDFORD. ORKCiOX, TUESDAY,' XOVKMBKK 11, 1022 . page fivr:: 3feag& - : &g?3s; Cvestefa JV ..S3i... : VV vs Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. f yo I Personal Greeting Cards .The advantages., of., ordering greeting cards now are obvious, but nevertheless apt to be overlooked. By ordering now one can choose with proper discrimination. Engravers have time., to., do., their best work and greater all-around satisfaction is the result... We have many fine exam ples of the engravers' art from which you can make selection now. Swem's Studio 0jmrJ?W-'Mil!llWrn9..Miillllllin TIME TABU! EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SCJTDAY L,vt Medford 2:00 p. m. Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD GRANTS PASS STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. ra., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Lt. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. SUNDAY ONLY Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. L. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m.. 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages for Portland, Marshfleld and Crescent City. INTERURB AN AUTOCAR CO. Pbone 809 - S.S. THIS THURSDAY A tfopd delegation of Sunday school wurkiTB la expected rom nil over the county to hear tho following pro-1 Kram at Phoenix Thursday nnif Fri-J Uny. llrlnn your basket lunch and plnn ti stay throtmh the day. Thurwlay. November IB. 10:00-T-Ucvolionl E. C. Fuber, Central Point 10:30 Address of Welcome.'. i ... Hev. Joseph W. Angell, Phoenix 10:45 Koll Call What Aro Our Hunday Schools Doing? . Tell Homo Encouraging Features. 11:30 Annoufficements and Apoint- ments of CommlttM?. 11:46 (let Acquainted. 13:00 Hasket Lunch at Clyde Hall. (Coffee and tea furnished) 1:00 Devotional . ... . . . -ttev. J. S. Chancy, Ashland 2:00 -Hound Tablo Conference ... O. F. Carson, Ashland 'Punctuallty-Reverence Mixed Classes Music. 2:43 Instruction in Missionary Work Mrs. J. W. Angell, Phoenix 3:00 long. . 3:10 Address, "Using the Black board" ...Prof. Aubrey O. Smith, 3:30 Reports of County Officers and Miscellaneous lluRiness. 4:30 Social and Supper at Clyde Hall. 7:30 Praise Service ....... ...Clarence Meeker. Medford 8:00 Address, "Lessons and Im pressions From the International Convention at Kansas City" .... ...Miss Georgia Parkor, Portland S:t0 Address, "Itellglous Education" ftev. C. F. Kochler, Ashland Friday. November 17. 10:00 Devotional . .Itcv. W. Judson Oldficld, Ashland 10:30 "Object lessons" . ...Rav. John E. Day, Butte Falls 11:00 Discussion. 11:10 Address, "Tho Teacher" "Who?" . .Miss Mars- Spencer, Ash. "What a Teacher Should Teach" Itcv. E. P. Lawrence, Med. "How?",. Mrs; H. A. Canaday, Med. lt:4ri Convention Picture. 12:00 Basket Lunch at Clyde Hall. (Coffee and tea furnished). 1:30 Devotional . ,.W. W. Robinson, Ashlnndj 2:00 Workers' Conference "Rural Schools" ; . .Mrs. II. W. Davisson. Central Pt. "Departmental Schools" .. '..State S. S. Supt., Portland 3:00 "Tho Hoy in Sunday School" Cash Wood, Jackson County 3:16 -Reports of Committees and Election of Officers. 7:30 Praiso Service .Ashland Sunday School Orchestra 8:00 Address, "Sunday School Evangelism" . v . . ...Rev. B. C Millor, Ashland 8:30 Phoenix Quartet. 8:40 Installation of Officers. ' 8:56"Tho Single Head of Wheat" Mrs. C. C. Hulot. Anhlund 9:00 Benediction ..Rev. Joseph W. Angell, Phoenix JUDGE GARDNER LAUDS WORK OF Li Decisions of U. S. Supreme Court Washington The supreme court de clined today to review an untisuakcase from the Philippines involving convic tion of 77 former members of the Philippine Constabulary on charges of attacking the Island police, for which eleven Don-commissioned officers were sentenced to life Imprisonment . in chains and sixty-six privates 7 years Imprisonment In chains. Appeal of tho Philippine supreme court changod the sentence of the non-commissioned officers to. death and of the remainder to life Imprisonment in chains. - It was contended In behalf of the prisoners that the action of the Philip pine court In increasing the penalties violated "due process of law," by put ting them twice In Jeopardy of punish' ment for the same offense and that tho sentence to servo In chains was cruel and unusual punishment. Washington An effort to have the supreme, court pass on the constltu tlonallty of thew cotton futures net failed today in-. a case brought by Fred Hrown against A. W. MaginnlB of New Orleans. OLYMPIA. Wash.. Nov. 13. Tho decision of the United States supremo court today holding Japanese ineli gible for naturalization, was viowod by Attorney General L. L. Thompson who argued the case of Charles Hlo Koko against the secretary of stale be fore the high court, as the final set tlement of the long-controversy in which some .scientists and Japanese attempted to show that the Japanese aro of tho origin as the Caucasian race. . "It will take an net of congress to amend tho present statute before oapuncsc con bo classified with free white persons and thosu of African descent as eligiblo for naturalization said the attorney general.' "Had the supreme court ruled . against us It wound have virtually nullified our alien land law as evory Japanese of good character could havo become naturalized. Such a decision would also havo affected the political situ , ation of the far west states." Tho attorney general said the stato I supreme court hero held Japanese in eligible for .naturalization fifteen years ago, but this was tho first tlmn that tho United States court had been called upon to pass on the question. Helped His Back Backache, rheumatic pains, dizzi ness, and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney trouble. "My husband had bad back," writes Mrs. M. McCu7 '"ugh, F.aston, Pa. "When he sat dowr he could hardly get up and then he would be drawn over to one side. He tried Foley Kidney' Pills and they icurcd him." Foley Kidney Pills illicit y relieve kidney tnd bladder trouble. Because of his intimate knowledge of what the Medford'' chapter of the American Rod Cross has done for tho needy in Jackson county, Judge G. A. Gardner wrote the following letter, which 13 self explanatory: American Red Cross, Modford, Oregon. Esteemed Workers: Tho work S'OM havo been doing in Jackson county cannot be estimated in dollars and cents and tho county court feols that your efforts aro worthy of tho support of the pub lic. Some of tho reasons being as follows: 1 You havo helped many poor children procure clothes so that they could attend school without shame as to tholr appearance. 2 You havo helpod to find homes for dopendent chlUlien as well as ok! folk, thus relieving tho county and Btnte from additional burdens. 3 You havo helped to locate friends and relatives at a distance so we could place care of dependent poo ple where they belonged. 4 Your aid in welfare work gen erally has given a perosnal touch that has not only givon immedlato rellec t the poor, but has inspired them to help themselves, so that many homer, are now self supporting which would otherwteo bo dependent on neighbors or the county. Hoping that you will receive the necessary support fortlm continuation of your good and userul work, I am, Yours very truly, G. A. GARDNER, County Judge. With the direct evidenco of what the Red Cross has dono in tho coun ty, as this letter prosenls, there Is no reasonable argument that may be presented why tho local chapter should not receive tho support of evory Individual ill tliu county. SOVIET KKI CROSS MAX .urniKKi:i in iui.gaiua SOFIA. Bulgaria. Nov. 14. Dele gate Agheff, a member of the soviet red cross delegation recently installed here, is dead from woumlB received several days ago when he was shot from ambush. Ills assassination was attributed to political adversaries. Swy. of Ijtbor at Mowo Meeting. LOS ANGELES. Nov. 14. James Davis, secretary of labor and supreme dictator of tho Loyal Order of Moose, will preside at an initiation here No vember 20 of more than 200 candi dates from a number of southern Cn'lfnrnln cities. Why the Nation s Kidney Disease Clean Up Poison Soaked Kidneys Advises Dr. Carey Tiiey Allow 1'Oi.smiotiN ihksun u Aeeumululo la Kidtii'jH Don't. flUBh your kidneys with hni-nh makeshifts, naya Dr. Cnrey; they aro too frail and delicately con structed to treat them rotiKh. For 40 years I have been uslne my famoiiH Prescription No. 777 for kid ney and bladder sickness and now that I have retired from activ prac tice I have made amusements with leading- dniKtflBts to dispense thiff wonderful prescription at it moderate price. Hewaro of kidney disease thous ands die of it every year who flUKht to bo enjoying tho blosjinns of life and health. If you have specks floating before tho eyes, puffs under eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache or sldeaoho you ought to get a bottle ol Dr. Carey's Prescription No. 777 right away. It has conquered thousands of cases of kidney nnd bladder diseases and Is the medicine you can always depend upon, Adv. BEST CXjV TEST J&fljlf because it has more than the ordinary leavening strength; it raises millions of bakings every day to a light perfectly baked perfection that cannot be equaled, because it contains white-of-egg the vital element that gives the housewives protec tion against using a baking powder that has lost its origi nal leavening strength. It ' assures light, tender, tasteful things every time you bake. ' because it is economical pure, sure and wholesome. That's why the sale of Calu- : met is over 150 greater than that of any other bak ing powder. A pound can of Calumet con tains full 1 6 ounces. Some bak- .j,, ing powders come in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounce cans. Be sure you get a pound when you - want it. ' 'i The Economy BAKING POWDER THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER We Must Vacate! Our Lease Is Sold We Are Closing Out Our ENTIRE STOCK Prices on Everything Reduced Regardless of Cost BUY NOW! Everything Is Going With a Rush The buying has exceeded our fondest hopes, the buying public realize THEY ARE REAPING A HARVEST! Every family who is anxious to save should VISIT THIS SALE. Nothing Should Keep You Away SATURDAY SPECIAL To the first 50 people buying $2.00 worth or more of mer chandise in any department with the exception of the grocery section, is entitled to a 50c can of K. C. Baking Powder for 10c. This is for Saturday only! This is the Big Week of Our Sale C. A. PRUITT 327 E. Main St. Medford, Oregon Sold everywhere. ' Adr. IV jr