PAGE FOUR MEDFORD ftfATL TRTTUTXE. lyfEPFOITrv. QRKfiON. . T FESDAV. 'NOVEMBER 14. 1D22. Bedford Mail tribune AH INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER CMUSHKD EV.KKY AFTERNOON EXCEPT hi:nday, by the uel'fokd printing co. Th Mtdford Sunday Morning Hun li (umlthcd Offlo Mall Tribune Building, t&-S7-19 North consolidation of the Democratic Time, the Hlford Mall, Uit UMford Tribune, the Southern Qtegonlan, Tbe Aaulaod tribune BOBP.RT W. RUIIL, Editor. BUM Ki t H 8. SMITH, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: T MAR, In Advance: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year 97.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, month 73 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year 0 6" Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 63 Weekly Mail Tribune, one year t-00 Sunday Sun, one ver 1 00 Y CARRIER Id Medford, Aahland. Jackaoo Tille. Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on High ways: Daily with Sunday Sua, month 76 ' toily, without hundiy Sun, month 06 Daily, without Sunday Sun, yeur 7.60 Daily, with Suiiday Sun, one year 8.60 All term by carrier, caah in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackaon County. Tbe only paper beween Eugene, Ore., and flerramento, Calif., a distance of over 600 miles, fearing leaned wire Aasociated Preaa Service. hrnri. rfaHy average circulation ror aii monthi rclina; April 1, MizS, 8f28, more than double It'. . irrMaU,-a of any other pper publiahed ot efwilLr'4 in Jackwn County. ' Ki'tered aa aecond daa tnatret at Medford fTgm, under the act of March 8, 1B7Q. 11 KM HERS OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Aiwocittwi Preaa ta eicluaively entitled to the uae for republication of all uewa olipatchea credited to It, or not otberwiae credited in thia paper, and alao to the local nawa publiahed aareln. All rlfftitj of republication of apeclal dla Vatchea herein are alao reaenred. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Parry. The first problem confronting the liow governor, Is to niako 11,000 Democrats fit In 289 political Jobs. i Pancakes are the order of the day Somebody mistook a sack of conient for buckwheat flour. There will bo a presentation of In dian music and souks at the Pace this eve. It is a performance of merit and rare artistry. As it Is worth while local music lovers aro shying from it like there was going to be another Custer massacre. Thero is not a toma hawk. In tho cast, and tho most dun Serous weapon Is a flute. Tlioso at tending will positively not be scalped, as reported. WAS THERE A WAR? (Springfield News) The only observances of Armis tice day In Springfield was the blowing of whistles at 11 o'clock and the displaying of flags. Some had even forgotten that It was Armistice day and turned out to see the flro when tho whistles blew". ' Orcgou, according to a full page ad vertisement In tho Portland Oregonlan of Monday, November 13, Is going to launch a campaign for new settlors They will spend $300,000 doing it. It Is doubtful If this sum will overcome the advertising the state got last Tuosday for nothing. The human race, in possession of money, is prone to be heckled. Thoy invariably congregate In sections that do not think tin noblest function of the legislature is to annoy with fool laws. Oregon now has eight peoplo to tho square mllo. Unless the proposed lino works excep tionally well, thero will not bo that many when tho next census Is taken. One of theso days n careless autolHt will forget to lie himself down, whllo pursuing tho Main Stem, West, and bounce up on tho Lib. lUdg. A NOTABLE THINK8 FAST (Albany Democrat) Two masked burglars cntorod ttie house of Iliigham Young ut Kings Valley ono evening this .week and demanded his mono)'. Upon his refusal they placed him on a stove, when his screams frlghtenod them away. Fortunate ly the stove was not vory hot. The ' Thanksgiving footbull game promises to be an Interesting affulr, ir the wet nnd dry Issuo .becomes In volved in it. , James Mlddlclon Cox, and a major ity of the rubber 'stamps formerly dis guised as cabinet officers, havo emerg ed from their holes und commenced to wall In unison, about America's cruel and inhuman treatment of Kur ope. , It will break ' their hearts ir Kurope goes to hell, without America as a chaporone. The flinty smiled Harding administration of "puny men," diabolically purscs that Kiir opo go to work and save herself. For pure diplomatic cussodiiess, this Is enough to make Nero turn over in his grave. "TOKO OWNKRS! CAN' VK COUNT ON YOU NEXT Kill DAY? (Ad Marshflold Times). Chorus of volcos: I wasn't raised to be a black board! While cranking his Papa's cat Mon. pm. Sam Illchardson sustained two lacerated digits on tho fork hand. It's a long way from tho hay to tho airhole these mornings. .' NOT KNOCKING ANYTHING ' (Klamath Falls Herald) V , In 312 It. C. tho Applun Way leading South from Homo was be . gun, and parts of it are still trav eled today. An old road, but It's a' more Infant besldo "THE EVERLASTING WAY" .Pastor's Sermon Topic at 11 a. in. : Evening Topic, 7:30 p. m. i "IT MIGHT BE WORSE" - .j WHY ADVERTISE IT? OKEGO.N needs mure settlers. In a full page advertisement the Portland OriTgoiiinii udvociiti-s mi extensive advertising eaiu- mi lth to pet them. A few days ago this would have been n .step in the right direction. Hut in fairness ti the prospective settlers, it would seem only proper to inform tlieni that none of the 17 odd million Catholics in this ci.imtrv need apply. Oregon, by the passage of the school bill has berved notice that only citizens of There are about two million Day Adventists, several million lists. -Many ot tiiese people send in the east. They better not comu up what they supposed was an inalienable American right. The Ore gon law is "agin " them. ' ... A few years ago an invitation settle in Oregon, lie would, in our before he semis out his household furniture might )t not be wise to inform him that he can't send his children' to tfie'sehool he or "his father attended. Colonel Roosevelt, it seems, was not a "100 per cent American." lie graduated at a private school. Much as we need settlers, no self-respecting Oregonian wishes to misrepresent things in order to get them. Until the present school bill is declared unconstitutional or is modified materially, better go slow on an advertising campaign. It might prove to be spending money in the wrong direction. IS MEDFORD Those people who fail to attend the concert at the Page Theatre tonight will undoubtedly miss a rare musical treat. Medford once had n high reputation as a musical center. Is that reputation de served now? The size of the audience at the Lieurunce concert to night will go far towurd providing an answer. Quill The grin worn b"y a "good loser" Crime is neuter, but acquittal Home is a place where some women darn socks. Apparently the unspeakable A hick town is a' place 'in which park. Still, it's mllier unreasonable to feel sorry for the dog because he has fleas and express no sympathy for the fleas that have to live cn a dog. Thoughtful parents are those who children. High taxes arc occasioned -by; who dodges his. ' About the only prominent war since the event is Bcrgdoll. AVhy shouldn't men pluck their. eyebrows? They don't intend to be brow-beatcu 'by the women. You can say one thing for football heroes. They have crowded bathing beauties off the sport page. In a small town a man is considered hard-boiled if he expresses a doubt about Jonah's sojourn in the whale. If there is no other way,' why not park honest people in jail in order to protect. Ihcm from criminals? Thero nre (wo kinds of business men: Those who wait for pros perity to return, and those who go after it. Man has his little faults, but we seem to remember Hint Kvc was responsible for pulling the first boner. Correct this sentence: "Let's go home now, liiDthor," said the small boy; "I've seen the parade and that's enough. Kvery time an English statesman gets peeved at France he tnakiv a speech declaring that England must pay what she owes America. ' Correct this .sentence : "Cut director; "the public won't stand RippI i rig fy Walt S GOOD INFLUENCE. w IIII.K singing, angel-throated, I cleared my place of weeds, and all the neighbors noted mv wise and righteous deeds. The neighborhood was shabby, much rubbish was in view, with here an old dead tabby, arid there a kangaroo. The houses were iinpainted. as were the gates' hnd stiles, aild all 1 ho air was tainted by many garbage .piles. T stvid, "Tliouglwill my. neighbors may, let things go to smash, I'll spring some useful labors and clear away my trash. I'll make my place so nitty that passers-by will stand, in groups of ten or fifty, and say it beats the band."' My deeds the neighbors noted, and cried, in terms re fined. "That bard, so fat and bloated, can't leave Us all behind. If he. in hat and sweater, can make things neat and clean, we too can make things better, we wot and wist and ween." And so they all got busy, and labored through the day; in barrow and in Liz zie they bauled the trash away. And now when strangers wander along our village street, they gaze and mark and ponder, and say we can't be beat. They say, "This town is giving new curves in human bliss: there is some sense in living in such a burg ns this." certain religious beliefs are wanted.! Lutherans, about a million Seventh Episcopalians and Christian Scion - tneir children to private schools1 to Oregon- unless they want to give was sent Teddy Roosevelt, Jr., to opinion, "be it groat addition. But MUSICAL? Points is chagrin. is feminine. Turk has become the unspankable. nobody cares a darn where you try very hard to live up to their two things: War and the fellow figure who hasn't lost prestige ' ' out. those naughty parts," said the for sex stuff." Rlu) too s Mason ml Mr7U-2afc Ye Poet's Corner JUDGE NOT Adelaide Anne i'ructer. Judge not; the workings of his brain And of his heart thou canst not see; What looks to thy dim eyes a stain. In God's pure light may only be A scar, brought from sjme well-won ficldt Wllero "T wouldllt on!y falnt " ' a 'token that" beloV''" " The soul has closed in deadly fight With some internal fiery foe. Whose glance would search thy smil ing grace. And cast thee shuddering on thy face! The fall thou darest to despise, .May be the angel's slackened hand Has suffered it, that he may rise . And take a firmer, surer stand: '. Or, trusting less to earthly things, May henceforth learn to use his wings. And Judge none lost; but wait and see, With hopeful pity, not disdain; The depth of the abyss may be The measure of the height of pain And love and glory that may raise This soul to God in after days'. Itel. Telescrope. Gov.BenW.Olcott Den W. Olcott made a conscien tious courageous and sensible gov ernor." one of Oregon's best governors. As the years pass he will be appre ciated as such. Hut he was not 'con spicuous in his well doing. His blun ders were so few that they attracted attention without the saving grace of being regarded aa the froth of an ill- balanced personally.. He wasn't even drunk. The good he did was steady, but was done soberly without dra matic effort. There was nothing of the picturesque or rugged about Ol cott to captivate popular Imagination. He made enemies who did not forget, but lie made them by his right doing. Tiie public was unimpressed by his right doing and promptly forgot It. A governor should be more Impres sive. That was Olcott's great lack as a candidate ho could not impress the multitude. "Well done, thou good and faith ful servant." if you had weighed fifty pounds more we would have re elected you. Oregon Voter. 1 cat .Wim Cured without Knife, Operation or Confinement THOUSANDS of repu table and responsible Northwest people can tes tify to my unfailing skill in curing Piles. Why suffer the pain and discomfort when my non-surgical method will cure you to stay cured? I rmov ftll doubt mm to rosulu br Broelng to refund your fee If I fell lo euro your Pile, no natter howwHn r.t chronic the caie. Write or call to day for mr FREE booklet. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN CND AND MORRISON PORTLANO.ORICON MENTION THIS PAPER WHF. N WR I T (Nt MOTHER -THIS IS FOR YOU I; . . ' Relief for your baby's spasmodic croup which grips your heart with fear in the night hours Sleep for the coughing child and peace ful rest for you FREE SAMPLES waiting for you at your drug store. BRONCHI-LYPTOS Doctors recommend it! TRY YOUR DRUGGI ST JAKE SCHAEFFER BEATS NEW YORK, Nov. It Two matches are on the second day's program of the international 18.2 balk- lino billiard tournament. Welker Oochran !oP San Krancisco meets Roger Contl, Cham pion, of France, this .afternoon and Willie Hoppe will play Edouard Hoi-se-mans, Belgian champion, tonight. j,.'.. Jacob Schaeffer, 18.2 billiard cham pion, defeated . Enrich Hagenlaciter. champion of Germany, 000 to 328 in the first match last night.' Hagen lacher ran 105 points in his second inning and Schaeffer 140 In his fourth. Schaeffer was always In the lead after that OKLAHOMA CITY The 12 round bout scheduled to be held here Novem ber 17 between Harry Greb and Jimmy Delaney of St. Paul has been post poned. CLEVELAND Fighting against a handicap of nine pounds. Prank Scholl of Iluffalo won a referee's decision over Bryan Downey of Cleveland in ten rounds. PHILADELPHIA Sailor Friedman of Chicago stopped K. O. Laughlin of D ROADWAY AT STAR K 1 Portland, Ore. You Are Assured a Personal Hospitality and Individual Attention through the combined efforts of a staff, who I "t after yeas of training, understand the needs .t . I of the traveling public. ' l X', i MUSIC, DANCING and the BST TO EAV ' ' Arthur H. Meyers -Manager Protection for little lungs . against dan gerous deep-seated coughs r .Confidence that in .BINZ Eucalyptus, ' Cough Drops arid BINZ Bronchi Lyptus there is nothing harmful no ' narcotics no alcohol only .sure, safe, . pleasant relief from winter ills. . Rethlehom in the fourth round of their scheduled eight round bout. WICHITA Toots Mondt, Colorado trappier, was unable to return to the mat to continue his match with Dirk Daviscourt and the latter was declared the winner. . , SPOKANE. Nov. 14. Harry Greb of Pittsburg, light- heavyweight boxing champion of America is slated to ap- I pear here against Hauling Ortega ot i Portland, December 2, according to " liat Freeman, local promoter. KG BAKING POWDER SAME PRICE for over 30 years g CJ Ounces for g EJf Use less than of higher priced brands. You save in using KG. Millions of pounds bought by the government. c 3 FIRST BUSINESS IUKKCTORY Atwrractr MURRAY ItKOS. & GREENE. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 ant) 6, No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Title System Iff Jackson County. Abstract! of Titla and Title Insurance. rtiilldtni Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRlCK & BLOCK WORKS Speclallie In all kinds of cement building product. Cor Fr and Tenth rrt. Aswayer R W. CARNAHAN Metallurgist, En gineer. Management. 114 N. Central, Medford. . ; Attorney! -1 1 6. C. BOQGS Lawyer SpeclalliaB In Real Estate and Probata Lw. 30 North Central Are. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, offle to Liberty Building. E. E. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office with Porter J. Naff. Medford Nafl Bank Bldg. Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chlrc practlc and Electro-Therapy. 4274 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. '-,; II DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-EoletfUc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HBDOK8 Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me- . chano - Therapy, Spondylotherapf, Food Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main- 8t Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-B.', DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlropraotlo Physician. Office hrs. 9 to U, 2 to 5. Thursday excepted. Suits 203-04-05-06 Liberty Building. DR. GEO. J. KINi Chiropractor Tenth year successful practlce,of strfliKlit chiropractic methods. 08 Medford Hldg. Phone 700. ' Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 E. Main St., over-M. M. Dept." Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 689; rB. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.-? p. m. Evening and Sunday by .appointment Kxpcrt Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. son, C. P. A. Attention given to any thing in accounting and lnqome Tax requirements. Look into our iltnpU. fled accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. ' Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6 Applications should be on nle by Nov. 22 for November appraisal. K. 11: Hurd, Secy-treas., 402 Medforn Bldg. .' . .. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monw monts. K. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 10 E. Sixth St.. Medford. tf Osteopaths DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAJN8 JAKL.UW osteopathic Physician 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904J- Residence 26 S. Laurel St, DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath la Physician. Special attention glveq to eye, ear, nose and throat. SOI Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician n Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. It Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. .' DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Phyiiolao and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. , Phone 165. Residence 118 Qenetee St. Phone 165-J-2. , .. DR. A. BURSELL Physician UC Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. ' DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. Meaicai and Dental x-ltay Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bdg. Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-6 p.m. Telephone: Office, 61; residence, 61-J-2. - , ; Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher uf 1'iano and Harmony. Composing) Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. . . f Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., baa the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing system, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Kir St Rug Wearing MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE 00. Office 42 North Front St Phone 315. Prices right Services guar anteed. AV1S TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day dr night Service guaranteed. 24 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644. or resi dences 647-R or 206. tt rphouiterlng . WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone lot. JarksnnTilln, Ore.