iEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE," MFiDFORD. OTJEflOX. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1-1. 1922 PAGE TITREE So many of our customers were disap pointed, we are offering for Wednesday, Delicious Hams, sugar cured, tender, juicy, quality guaran teed, weight 10 to 12 (Yn lbs., per lb. ... ... . . OIK For those who desire h ham, per lb. . . 32c LOUIE'S We dliver, C. O. D., if you like Phone 271 real coffee "VTOUXL say so too when v. .v.j. -I ., y,tty Folgcr's Goldcp..., Gate. It is the coffee that"hits therightspot"withthosewho demand quality. Tcllyourgroceryouwant it. J. A. FOLGER & CO. Jan Francisco Kansas City - Dallas Shizuoka, Japan Service r Counts on your Winter Journey to CALIFORNIA Observation Cars with comfortable chairs, wide windows and broad rear platforms; Through Sleeping Cars with latest travel luxuries; Unexcelled Dining. Car cuisine, and picturesque scenery will add to the pleasure of your Journey. Through Standard Sleeping Cars Viit the Scenic Shasta Route to San Francisco and Los Angelbs ' . For LOW ROUND TRIP FARES, sleeping car reservations, train schedules, or picture. books, inquire of agents, or communicate with JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. I LtNESl J The football game at Ashland Thanksgiving day promises to be the biggest event of its kind in tho history of southern Oregon, and already is an absorbing topic of conversation, Reese Haughinan, halfback star of the locals, who was kicked in the temple last Saturday and rendered unconscious for a couple of hours, is now complete ly recovered. This accident was free ly predicted. Quarterback Beaney of the Medford team, was under instruc tions from Conch Dumo not to carry the .ball, and played under wraps all afternoon, for fear lie would be the victim of an accident. The rough stuff did not stan until the beginning of the second half. After the game there was considerable belligerent talk from adherents of both sides, but no action. The officials for tho Turkey Day game have not been announced, but all from water carriers up, will be from neutral territory. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf R. W. Anderson of Boston is a guest at the Hotel Medford as are Edward II. .Gallon of New York, S. M. Rennie and M. A. Dobbin of Eugene, E. Galena of Chicago, S. M. Cooper and A. 11. Cooper of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Hlggius and two boys from Seattle, C. F. Spaulding and family of Visalia, Calif., F. S. Iluffham and .Mr. and Mrs. K. M. llolden of Idaho Falls, Ida. ... Every garment reduced in the big sale of ladies' ready-to-wear. M. M. Dept. Store. , 201 A number of Medford and Ashland young people expect to leave Thursday and Friday of this week to attend the homecoming festivities and the O. A C.-U. of O. football game which will be played Nov. 18th on Dell field at Corvallis this year. Among those who will jimke the trip this week-end are Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Terrell, Iola Rubeostein, Edith Lumsden, Wilbur HartzeU and a number of high school students and members of the football team. Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's? tf Geo. Smith of tho Kelly-Sprlngfiold Tire. company, is in, Medford on busi ness having arrived last night from Portland, Ho. will leave this week-end for a brief business visit and duck hunt at Klamath Falls. Holland bulbs priced lower this yean Monarch Seed Co. Phone 2G0. First, class marcelling at Mnrlnello Shopi after Ncv. 8. 201 The elaborate decorations at tho fair, grounds pavilion for the Armistice ball which have caused favorable com ment by all who have seen them, are still on display and will remain for tomorrow night's dancing party. Considerable attention is being at tracted to Weeks & Orr's display win dow, where H.;D, Force; lightning artist, has been painting outdoor and marine scenes. Mr. Force's work is remarkable and there is always a crowd watching him work. 1 Armistice day in Ashland was con spicuous by the lack of citizens, prac tically the. entire town having migrat ed to Medford for tho celebration there the chief features of which were tho parado at noon, the football game In the afternoon, the smoker and boxing at ..night, and tho patriotic ball in the evening. Ashland Tidings. In connection with their regular drill meeting tomorrow night Separate Company A will hold a banquet and good time, "at which also will be launched the company's campaign to got new members for the organization. A number of outside invited guests will bo present. A. II. Cornell of Grants Pass, spent Monday in the city attending to busi ness matters. Ji F. Morrill left Sunday afternoon by auto for Del Monte, Calif., after sponding a week in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Swayne of the Applegate, spent Monday in the city attend lug to business matters. 1G0REMARRIED SEATTLE- GiRL AT nner pitv qwmk nuoi bin ounuM for rhildivn of all ukcs is un rxliibit. sum tu carry awny with them nuy Thi so hitvo lu't-n flmsi-ii for tlu-ir con- kckiUhim fr t'hiistmas xlvitiK. tcntu :unl the quality, npi ai an i-1 Id addition in the l-nuks, tli.'i e is ami pri.-e v( the editions. Some are a wry attrattive exhil'it f ptisters iMiimwully ii lustra ted liy t lie finest I made by tin- pupils of the different interpreters of ehiUlren's literature. wrath s of thf diVrd si-hools, all nf I'areiUrt and teaehers. as well as t very whi. h epre.s st;u ariaricn of the friend of books lor ehlldron. mo urged theme of "better books for c hildren" to examine the display. All will be 1 and "more honks in the honm." WATCH YOUR BATTERY I'K.KST-O-UTK H.VTTKltV STATION for Quick Service Phone 11U .lay 1. Gore, a well known and popular young man of this city and valley, and -Miss Dorothy Dial of Scut- tie, Wash., were married at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. M. .Maurine in Port land, a high noon, Sunday, Novem ber. 12, 1W22, in tho ptesence of friends and relatives. Tho ceremony was performed by the Uev. W. F Shields of Wallowa, Oregon, former pastor cfithe Medford Presbyterian church, and an old friend of the tioro family. . Ho came to Portland for tho occasion. Tho wedding oamo as a surprise to tho many friends of tho groom who told no one of his matrimonial! plans, except his relatives. Ho is a graduate of the University of Ore gon and the Medford high school, an ex-service man, a magician of no ex ceptional skill, and superintendent of tho Gore farming interests in this valley. Miss Dial has resided in Seattle, Wash., for a number of years, is a talontod musician and vocalist, and an attractive young lady, of marked tnltmW. The newlyweds will make their home, in a new bungalow recently erected on tho Oore ranch, west of this city. After a short honeymoon In the north, Mr. and Mrs. Gore will return here. 1 Children's Book Week At the County Library' F LR E SA 17 Still Continues at THE COLONIAL Latest Arrivals at Auto Camp Grounds Five cars and fifteen people tsop pod at the City Auto camp last night. They are as follows: John Argen brlght and two others from Kenny, Texas, on route . to Los , Angeles; John Johnson and one other from Seattle, . en route home; Wm. Kohlmes and party of four from Clin ton, Wash., en route to San Diego; E. D. Kneiple and two others from San Diego, who may localo here, and W. La rone and one other from Vreka, Calif., en route homo.' Used by Three Generations "I, use Foley's Honey and Tar per sonally, give It to all my children and now to my. grandchildren with the same good results. I tried many kinds ot cough "medicines, but never want anything but Foley's Honey and Tar," writes Mrs. E. K. Olson, Superior, Wise, . Foley's Honey and Tar was established In 1875 and has stood the test of time serving three generations. It quickly relieves, colds, coughs and croup, throat, chest and bronchial trouble. Sold everywhere. : Adv. The fourth nunual Children's Book ; Week i9 bolng observed this week at ' the county library. This la a part of; a nation-wide campaign conducted by libraries for wider use, especially, in the homes, of more and better chll-i dren'.i books. A collection of books They are 9 g GOOD! IV IL 3 EVERYTHING GOING Many Prices Gut in Half Big Bargains in Women's Coats, Dresses and Suits PIECE GOODS, BATH ROBES, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, AND JERSEY COATS. Buy now for Christmas. Most of this stock is not damaged No Goods Returned No Approvals No Alterations Liberty BIdg. &e Colonial Phone 298 COME EARLY IN THE WEEK DON'T WAIT! .1 !,'-1.l ,-'' R. A. M. No. 32. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 ' Special Convocation Tues day. Nov. 14th, 8 p. m. Royal Arch degree. Visi tors welcome. Refresh ments' served." ' 201 ' A. F. NOTH, Secy. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALK liulck Six, excellent con dition, cheap. Phone 90C-H. 207 FOR SALE Fine young Jersey cow just fresh, with heifer calf. J. B , Stevens Tolo. . 2MB A Special Sale Some Unusual Winter Time Values You Shouldn't Miss WETTERS KITCHEN RANGES Welters Range, No. 8-14 ..... $39-50 Wetters Range, No. 8-14, Enamel Oven Door $42.50 Wetters Range No. 8-18-A, Polished Steel Top'?'. ....... . . $49.00 ' Wetters "Active" No. 8-18-B, Polished Steel Top .'. .... . $64.50 ' Wetters "Active" No. 218-18 Enamel Front, Polished Steel Top $72.50: Wetters "Superb" No. 298-18, Enamel Front, Polished Steel v ? Top.. . ... . . . . ........... . . . . . . $79100; Wetters "Gallic" 8-18 Cast Enamel with Nickle finish '. . . . $107.50 J MONAllGH RANGES Monarch, plain finish, nickle" trimmed . . $110.00 Monarch, white enameU nickle trimmed K l '. ..', . $135.00 UNIVERSAL RANGES Universal blue enamel, cast $135.00 Universal white enamel, cast . . .......... .... . . . . , . . . ... . .,. . . i . ; . . . $110.00 WEEKS & . ORR tZS COMPLETE' HOUSE FURNISHERS "1