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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1922)
, MEDPOTiD MjJIJ TRIBUNE, MKDFOkJ"), ORKtiOX. .MONDAY, NOVKMMKIf 1.!. I!L'J PA (IK FIVE By George McManus well dd you ever. helar me uctore? etNO BUT I -bHAUU HAVE LltTENEC t!VE THE to mx. wife: H?1 mt I M COllNC, TO , lecture: on mount blanc": OH.' Tt-IAT'O fine:- " " I THOUGHT LECTURE HERE CE. INC. Ml II (c))922 BY INTL FCATURE STV1VI 11-13 AS IS GLOSSOP, Derbyshire, England, Nov. 13. "No person has ever But tered from overwork." With that sentonoe Professor William Palmer Wynne, the celebrated nerve special 1st, astounded a select guthering of I neurasthenics and a fashionably jad ed crowd at a public health meeting. "The condition which is generally y attributed to overwork," went on the professor, "was ulways due to a mor egotism, bad habits and the weak ling's craving for sympathy. Undue excitement about trilling derange ments of functions leads to that hor ribly degraded mental state describ ed as 'neurasthenia,' 'nerves' or 'ner vous breakdown.' "Our great-grandmothers called It 'vapors' a much better name. But in their day that condition was gen erally confined to the hysterical young woman. But slie was not en couraged. Besides, it was not fash ionable in those days. Nowadays it is quite fashionable for men as well as women to have attacks of 'ner vous breakdowns,' and they are treated with sympathy, bottles of medicine and a 'clmngo of air,' in- y stead of bread nnd water and solitary confinement. The 'illness' was gen erally attributed to overwork, where- ' as in tho wholo of my wide medical experience I have never seen a person suffering from the effects of overwork. d'tim valley $9.50(?f 10.50; common valley $S.50i9.S0; culls $6. 75' 7.00; light yearlings SS.fiOWO.OO: heavy $8. 00 9.00; light wethers, $7. DOC'S. 00; heavy, $G.50f(i7.00; ewes $2.0oif5.$0. , Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Nov.- 13. But ter steady t extra cubes 41ff43c; under grades 3240c; cartons 47c; prints 4Gc. Butterfat No. 1 churn ing cream 4S(S'49cc f. o. b. Portland; 43c at stations, undergrades 454? 4 7c. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Oro., Nov. 13. Wheat: Hard white, bluestem, Baarf $1.3S; soft white,, western white $1.22; northern spring $1.20: hard winter $1.17; western red $1.14. Today's car receipts Wheat 134; flour 13; corn 2; oats 0; hay 11. San Francisco Mni-kct.s SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics.) Eggs, extras G2c; extra pullets 4 9c; undersized number one 41MiB. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov.- 13 (State) Division of Markets.) Fry ers 2S30c; broilers 28!4c; young roosters 2830c; old 1418c; hens 1830c; ducks I820c; livo turk eys 3240c; dressed 35t7c; hares, pound IHiSlSc; squabs, doz., $3.00 (ffi3.50; jackrabbits, doz. $2.00 $2.50. You. and each of you, are hereby or dered and cited to appear before the unuersigned judge, in the court room of said Judge, in the court house at Jacksonville, Jnckson County, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. on Mon day, tho fourth day of December, A. D. 1922, and then and there show cause, if any there be, why a llcenso should not be given to the said George F. Clausing, guardian of the said minor children, and their estate; to sell the following ' described real property, lying and being in Jackson County. Oregon, belonging to the 'said minor children, to-wit: ' Iot numbered 4 In Block numbered 17 of the city (formerly town) of Med ford, Oregon; also beginning 25 feet north of tho southwest corner of Lot 5 in Block 3, west Medford, as design ated upon the plat of Baid sub-division nbw of record In the office of the coun ty recorder of Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence east 1S9 feet: thence north 108 feet; thence west 189 feet; thence south 108 feet to the place of beginning, all being in Jack son County, Oregon. , In witness whereof, I 'hnve hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, to bo hereto affixed, all on this 1th day of November. A. D. 192: G. A. GARDNER. County Judge. (Seal of County Conn) II EM WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady 25 to 40 years of age to assist with work in small room ing house.- Steady job and good homo for right party. Address S 11. Mail Tribune. 201 WANTED School girl to assist with work morning and evening for room and board in country homo. Free transportation to and from school. Box 39, Mail Tribune. WANTED Stonogrnpliers for special Qregg roview-dicUition and machine bookkeeping night class. Medford Business College. 201 HELP WASTE1 MAI, P. FOK KKX1 frorSES FOR SALE UFA I ESTATE WANTED Box makers? Apply Ore gon Growers Packing Corporation, ltoseburg, Oregon. FOR RENT- WANTED Minors, gnrdoners, sawmill men, loggers nnd wood cutters on shares. .Gold Ray Realty Co. tf WANTED Experienced girls for con fectionery work at Crowson's. Apply WANTED Housekeeper, three In family, middle-used. 330 S. Fir. 200 WANTED Stenugrapr.oi, general merchandise, phonograph and piano sales people. P. O. Box 1094. EDEN PRECINCT JUDGE EXONERATED ON BOOZE CHARGE FORT WORTH, Tex., Nov. 13. Federal Judge James C. Wilson was exonerated of all charges against him today following a two months' inves tigation by a committee of lawyers from tho Tarrant Bar association. The investigation was demanded by i Wilson's friends, folowing publica tion in a Dallas church paper and statements in sermons here that Wil? son was easy on bootleggers, that he ate nnd drank with them and other wise encouraged them in their operations. Market' News ( Livestock ' t ; ..TV PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13.- -Cattle steady; receipts 1891. Choice Bteers $7.007.50; medium to good $6.257.00; fair to medium $5.50 0.25; common to fair $4.005.50; choice heifers $5.005.25; choice cows and heifers, $4.5005.00; me dium to good $3.504.50; lair to medium $3.003.50; common cows $2.003.00; caners' $1.502.00; bulls $3.004.00; choice feeders $5.005.50; fair to good $4.0 5.00; choice dairy calves $8.00 8.50; prime light $8.00S.50; me dium light $7.50S.OO; heavy $..O0 5.50... Hogs steady except extreme top 10c higher; receipts 1614. Prime light $9.259.85; smooth heavy 230 to 300 lbs $6.009.00; 300 lbs. and up, $7.508.00; rough heavy $S.0Q 7.50; fat pigs $8.759.25; feed ers $8.759.001 stags, subject to dockage, $4.006.00. Sheep steady; receipts 1055. East of mountain lambs $10.50?T11.50; choice valley $10.50(311.50 mc- 1 Bighorn Bros, wero looking for some of their cattle in this locality last Monday. Miss Murie Faldlne, county nurse, visited the three "Evans creek schools Monday and Tuesday and made seve ral other calls on sick persons while she was In this loculity. J. L. Welde and Mr.' : Cavo com pleted their wood contract for' the Mays creek school Inst week. Hob, Roy nnd Mr, '.ChFter'. wore Rogue River nnd Orants Pass visitors Wednesday. CoTsiderable interest was shown In the ek- tlon in this locality, over a hundred votes being polled In tho Wimer precinct.. C. M. Thomas and Mr. Plfrco seem to bo the fa vorite candidates here. Frank Mayfield. and Mr. Cottrell were in this locality buying steers last week, but not many cattle changed hands though , as the buyers are not paying much for cattle this year. Tho buyers and butchers seem to have formed a combine to lower the prices of cattle. It seems to be up to the stock men to organize nnd set a price on beef cattle. Every other industry except the farmer and stockmen are organized und control , tho prices of their products and It seems the only wrty for the farmers and stockmen to better their' condition. ' Mr. Thompson Is circulating a pe tition to change the road from the Wimer bridgo to the Hazelwood place and then south to meet the Orr Grove and discontinue the present road and take out the old bridge. f.qfipped small farm bargain Elegant small tract adjoining Modford City limits A three-ocre tract, nil good tillage, under irrigation, dnndy JS-room plastered bungalow, good burn and outbuildings, all lighted with city light. Dundy brick cool house, modern chicken houses, etc., also goes with place 30 cliickens, Jersey cow, ton of wheat, alfalfa in burn, JWINTER INCOME OX THIS PLACE. For ono week we are authorized to offer, lit $3000. Might (rade for modern bungalow in Medford, might assume sonic difference. SEE VS TODAY. FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY ' Real Estate Business )pMrtuiiitics Mcdfoi-d Itldg., Medford Insurance For Sale or Exchange for Property or for Touring Cars 1 Two-ton Nash truck in first class condition. 1 One-ton Kord Truck. 1 1023 Ford Sedan, late type, never driven. 1 1010 Dodge Roadster.' 0. V. MYERS MOTOR CO. Vnlley Garngo Order In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. -In the matter of the Guardianship Jf Francis George Clausing, Arthur Roland Clausing and Walter Orvill Clausing, Minors. To Francis Georgo Clausing, Arthur Roland Clausing and Walter Orvill Clausing, Minors, nnd to George F. Clausing, guardian of said minors, and next of kin thereof, and to George F. Clausing. PERL FUNERAL HOME !T5-lif'-t,J.t1. 4 W5.CSJ .W .'-1 At, Tour Service Day or Night Information Cordially Otvev - Cor. Oth and Oakdal WHY NOT? - PATRONIZE AN : INDEPENDENT SERVICE1.' ' STATION 1 Our prices are the same FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE Quality Oils JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. , LISTEN! LISTEN! BUSINESS CPPORTUNTY , - Wo have listed for immediate sale a dnndy little business in a nearby town. Good equipment worth tivico prico nsked. Positively clearing from $2T() to $300 month. Not profit for October $300. This place can bo had for a few hundred dollars. Llttlo cash down, balance paid out of profits. Now is your chance to get a business of your own. . , SEE VS TODAY ... . FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSURANCE Medford Building, Medford GIVEN AWAY All 80 acres Bungalow Barn Silc Orchard given away. ownor asks la that vou buy his water right at what It is worth. $8,000 REASONABLE TERM This water right is out of Table Rock district. Abundance of water. 50 acres under ditch. Very finest of Alfalfa and garden land. Part in alfalfa, part In grain. 10 acres in orchard. Orchard alone worth price of place. 6-room bungalow, fire place, electric lights, phone, good well. Barn 50x70 feet. Silo. Hog houses; other outbuildings. Running water, near Table Rock school. Beautiful oak grove. A gentleman's home. J. C. BARNES ' Phono 784-L Nash Hotel Corner A GOOD BUY ' '(''.': 1 ' '- Six-room bungalow, on pavement,' comer lot, 00x123 feet, luirdwood floors, white enameled kitchen and bath room, built in features, large fireplace, large garage and woodshed, electric range included. ; ' ' i j U s " ',! , This beautiful home is offered for $3700.00. Part down, bal ance to suit. I'nvcment paid in full. Phone 887-L after 6 p.'ni. Addiwis Box Alt, Mull Tribune "APPLEGATF." IRKKJATF.D SMALL RANCH WILL TRADE FOR 5 OR 10 ACHE TRACT FEW MILES FROM TOWN. I.MVIOVEI) OR UNIMPROVED, fid acres on Little Applcgatc, 20 acre cultivated, mostly alfalfa, all bottom hind of tho very ltt, dclcd water right with place, close to school, 4-room house, barn, etc., clos- to range). Tho chcnpcNt irrigated small ranch in Southern Oregon. Will trado us above, l'tMiIly want small chicken ranch. SEE IS TODAY FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Real Estate. Business Opportunities. Insurance ; .Medford Building, Medford, Oregon Unfurnished four room mil .wi.- nr ,.i lint, modern, adults. 4.'5 S. Onkdale la,, ",... ,;, ,...,. i,lrm.t ,,',' , or JO acre tracts, $:i5 per acre. Luke Ryrn, -Ij K. Jackson St. Phono 3."1 R. . 200 Ai' FOR RENT Fire room furnished house. Inquire 210 W. .Main St. 2011 WANTED STTCATION9 WANTED Family washings dono by dozen, work guaranteed, prices rea sonable. Call 10S Almond St. 201 WANTED Cook, porter, chamber work, any kind work by Japanese. G3U Ivy St. Phone 4M-J after 0 p.m. WANTED A position as cashier. Write to 42t! A St., Ashland. 207 WANTED Wood 152-J. to saw. Phone . 202 WANTED By experienced woman, housework, or narsing, by hour. Phone 9511-L. . 200 WANTKI) lHINcm.tiAIWCOOS WANTED Owner of five passenger car to drive small party- about the valley bunilay nlternoon.' Hate per hour must bo reasonable. Mail Tri bune, A H. , 200 WANTED To rent small furnished house or apartment, heated apart ment preferred. Phono id. 204 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., E41 N Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED Folding chairs, Phone 411-R-l. 50 or less. 201 FOR it KNT Furnished four nu.'de::i house, l.'o. I'hnno 'r io:n 9;SX-.I. 201 FOR HEN t, H.iiuwb. Drown & White. tf FOK S.H.r .-riiT-o WANTED Will give cash f ir' Dodga , or Ford; must be rinht; n: dealers. Address J H, .lui( Tribune.. . -M Wilt SALE IIOMS FOR S!,F- Must sell, attractive five roup !miii ;:iIov, modern except heat. Tin I ,- ims, guraue. chicken house, wo'ul house. Terms. See owner. Phone 4.vvY. i 220 FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acres of bind on t'oloman creek, good houso and Iim in ; uls; cow. Joseph Kuntor, R. 1, Mux SI, Aledford. 201 FOR SALE 1'rr I two month;!, lit Candy Co.. 20 C; tiHti'ing .car, sacrifke. apo St. FOR SALE Kurd ca 1921 self-starter, sbocli absorbers. 220-11. (Il Iven Viil'ev i 200J j model. Plume 211.-1 i r Oil SALE '.rearms orcnards. alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, tome irri gated. 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co. Pliune 728-R. tf FOR SALE Model f' I Willys-Knlglit touring car. a rutil bargain. Call U'f I I N. Itlvcrslile. 201 ,1'R FOR SALE 2SR hcros loggod off . land near Ru'.te Falls; will sell cheap ami give tortus, illg Pines Lumber Co. . FOR SALE Trade cv-. nutomoliiles for new. Penniger Trailing Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bunk, 15 N. Orspo St. Phono 405-.I. tf LOWI LOST Saturday morning on (lieeu Spring road between .lennv Creek and Klamath Falls, a 2.1x1 Giodycur cord tire, mounted on rlni. Reward If returned to Medford Auto Co. 201 BA Li.' house? una Diingalows. furtrlshod or unfurnished; alio acreage. Insurance. C. S. Rutterfleld, Medford Natloou! Hank (lldg.. Phone ;18'.I. . FOR .SAL17- I'utise and garage on loo fcot corner let close in on pave ment, t210il. small payment down, balance like rent. Boa owner on property, 20'i N. tlrnpo, 201 WANTED TO RENT A piano in good condition. Give make und price. Address R. W. H Mull Tribune, tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 4SS-X. . WANTED Small houso I can buy like rent. X23 cure Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, reul estate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will i buy, sell or trado for anything. Oold Trading Conter, No. 16 N. Grape St., ' next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers iBank, riiono 405-J. ., tf FOR KENT FOTlNlBirEB ROOMS LOST Pair tan and brown gauntlets on or near W. Main. Return to Home Telephone Office. 2H1 LOST Man's brown truvollni; htl . between Eaglo Point and Untie Falls Reward. 11. H. Low, Butto Falls. Ore. , 201 ! Oil SA LL MISCELLANEOUS 1-jR SALE Puppies, thoroughbred, leal beauties. Phone 591-R-l. FOR SAI.'-7 Eureka electric cleaner, finn condition, wilh or without at LichinenlH. Phone 527-X. 200 IVU SALE Three dozen thorough " l.b;l Hatred Rook pullets. Inquire .1l .V. tliiipe St. Phone 465-J. 201 LOST Small earring with snunro, crystal stone, on Main or tlrnpe Sts. i Return to Mall Trllnino office 200 TOR SALE LIVESTOCK, FO R S A LF-'r7i rco calves" TeT" Jacksonville. FOR S LF Ilachelor outfit and good ca!:n lor rent cheap. 326 Alice St. ' 201 I'CR SALE Steel range cook stove, i nearly new. Owner leaving towh: :to j 201 wil! sell at half price. Phone 857-M. 201 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot imd cold water, also storage for cars and trucks. 124 King St. ' FOR RKNT Large comfortable sleep ing room- with bath privileges. , 326 S. Rlvorslde Ave. tf FOR KENT noPSEKEEKiNO ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, kitchenette und bath in con nection; stenin heat. fi07 S. Central. Phone 574. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 140 S. Holly. ' 201 FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ments;, garage,. 310 N. Bartlett. 200 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Store room, 20x40 Toet, 305 S. Oakdale. 204 FOR RENT On rage at 1103 W. Tonth St. Phono 82. tl FOR RENT Bearing orchards, alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, some irri gated, some on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R tf $ TALKS $ The Best Used Cars in Town PEEBLE.S14 TOI liIXt; ,. Shock AlisorlWrs, Wind Deflectors, BuiiiK'rs, Spot, Light, 0 Wire Wheels, 0 Tires, New Paint. 1018 Sedan, new pui!it..........S;l."0.t)O 1021 Overland. New .paint, nrw flic-i S:!(!.-,.00 1020 Touring. Starter. Overhauled. 1017 Tourings Completely over hauled. 1010 Touring. Overhauled. 1020 Chiv 2;l.-..0tl 1020 Truck. Starter and stake body $100.00 Studebnker fl 1018 $2.-0.00 Overland 1015 $10.00 CE. GATES AUTO CO. FOR SALE OR. TRADE on powor spray, two milch cows. Phono 403-J-5. 20 J FOR f think, onco. ALE Gentlemen's wardrobe iiSLd once, cheap if taken at Phono 220-R. 205- FOR SALE OR TRADE for milk cow .. . giving milk, one 1400 lbs. horse. I Apply 414 S. Riverside. Phone 217-R.I : 200 FOR SALE Baled W. L. pullets and R. I. R. cockerels, fine birds and well devek ored. Call 8ti-Y. 200 FOR SALE Five beautiful milk cows, some fresh and coming fresh. Co:i Jersey Dairy, lllddlti "Road. ' FOR SALE 600 stock owes at Table Rock. Chaa. Dunls;-, Central Point. Oro. 201 FOR SALE Weaned pigs U each, G85-R-6, phone C. C. Hoover. alfalfa hav in warehouse. First class and clean, f23 per ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. ,;- , , - 22l; FOR SALE Cheap, matched team mules, good saddle pony, tiOJ Pino St. , 200 FOR SALE Young team sorrels, ' weight about 3000 lbs. Apply Gltzon Burn. ! 202 FOR SALE Young saddle maro nnd saddle, electric or gas hoist. Inquire ID N. Grape St. tf FOR SALE Six beautiful fresh milk cowr. Walsh's place, one mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake road. 212 KOlt SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Irrigated lariii In Apple gate valley. Address 013 N. Fourtii St., Grunls l as';. Ore 20i 8 BOOcoooooooooooaoQcooooooq SACRIFICE 1920 Ford ring Good tires," self starter, fine top a real buy. BUSY CORNER HOTOR CO. Main and Riverside Medford, Ore. . FOR SALE Good portable house. 607: Pine St. 200 FOR SALE .Marshal & Wendell plono iiist ciass siiape, uargain, $175. K. F. Guthrie, phone 232 Jacksonville. 200 FOR SALE Underwood typewriter in splendid condition. Price 50. Call 73, Central Point. 200 FOR SALE First class alfalfa hay, . any amount, t'liono 591-R-l. 213 FOR SALE Bitio Persian kitten; nice ror a ciiuu. rnonu ssu-tj. .. FOR SALE Two Bet of double har ness. aiiey fuel Co. FOR SALE Everybody buys cheaper irum owners man agents, all kinds of phonographs and pianos, both new and old. Gold Trading Conter anil MtiBlc Houso (owners), 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmors & Fruitgrowers Bank. . - . FOR SALE 80 acres alfalfa pastor- fl (11 fun nllnnn (IAI .' U .. I fl 613-L. tf FOR SALE Vlctrolas, Brunswick , and Phthe . talking machines and records nnd pianos. - Will buy or sell or exchange talking machines, rec ords and pianos. Music Shop, No. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 465-J. FOR SALE-rFirst class hunting coat John A. Perl. Phono 47. . tf . FOR SALE; Trade old records, phono.; graphs nnd pianos for new.. Gold .Music Shop, noxt to Farmers &i Fruitgrowers Bank, IK N. Grape SU Phono 405-J. i . FOR SALE Trade everything you don't; want for everything you do want. Gold Trading Conter, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15. N. Grape St.. Phono 465-J. tf; FOR SALE Two General Electric? ' motors, 35 h: p., 40 degree, 60 cyclo,' 2200 voltage, complete with compensators.- 1 Tacoma Jogging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. Auditing, Accounting, . iYSTENERVICElO: ' f Insurance gf7 liweshnenrsgf Mr p. cwtr !-. 2nil Kioor. w MedfoM.JMd Serrtoa Pboae 47 B00gO0O0000000O000K99000