mm. r PA HE TWO MKDFOTCD TTITRUNE, MTCnFOnn OIJF.CJOX, FIHDAY, NOVUM HKIi 10. 1)22 "focal and 'i-X,(l't SUfi All business will cki.s.' Tor the ik.y at 11 a. ni. tomorrow exijt with til-.1 reataurantB anil tobacco stands ar..l confectionery stores. All tlio sijii(t' titatinna will clcse fur the day at 1 p. ill. The pustorfice will lie cluaeU all clay ami there will be only one city and rural delivery. - Mattress worn aii Hinds. Medfortl Auto Top Co. Phone lOi. tt Special Armistice oa dance Katle Point. Nov. 11. Crescent orchestra. 199 Tl:i public market will net only b fjpi-n '.-minnow morning and I'Tin'iiooi i; , rv. al, bin i-;M'cts a larger putrn,! a:.-? tiiiin lisu.i!. i ine b'M'f and H.uii-a'.'i in; advt.'i lisod in tins paper to be in sale there. Trade everything you Oon't want for ei'ei ythiiiM you do want. I'ennlger .. i Tradir.i; Center, next to Fanners & rruligrnwers Hank, 15 X. Grape St, Plume 4115-J. tf Kresli erapc juice, while It lasts. $1 per Ki:Ilt;n at Soda Works, phono L'li-K. tf IJuncinx school, 210 K. Main. iW Mrs. It. V. Criini and son left Thurs day evening for several months visit ClreSK review-dictation. Night school ! with friends and relatives at Cresco, .Mcdford Business College. I05jlowa. The Uoy Scouts are to have a special ! AH kinds of rough and dressed luni meetinK tonight In the baseuient of (her. Wallace Wood, phono 108. 7)1 the Christian church at 8:30. All I East Main. Scouts are urged to be present. The ! Outing flannel, n fine heavy grade, special business to consider is the! 15c per yard. Hutchison & Lumsilnn securing of a hull that can be had and j all boys Interested should be present, i Don't forget to remove your hat Auto Insurance Blown & White. ;when tho flag passes by. Yakima Netted Gem potatoes. No. 1 ' This is the first trip C. W. Ashpole grade, delivered in town, $1.C5 per 10" j has made to Portland in the past six lbs. Hutchison & LuniKilen. 201 '. months. Mr. Ashuole is a stockman o.' Dancing school, 210 E. Main. 200 Medford and he has been shipping to The Elks club restaurant will be the California market instead of into open lis usual tomorrow noon and I Portland. Portland Oregonian. evening, and Steward Kailo uniiouncats The thoughtful woman Is already that there will be special feeds at b t!i ' selecting her Christmas gifts. Noth- meals. ' J lag could bo more acceptable than our Take your konnk films to Palmers' Pacific package goods on sale at the Ktudlo. First cluss work and prompt Handicraft Shop. !! service. tf Wanted -rr Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds, will buy, sell or trado for anything. Gold Trad Ins Center, 15 N. Urapo St. , Phone 103-J, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. Don't forget to remove your hut when the flag pusses by. -Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Wallaco returned j from Portland Tuesday, arter having I spent a few days there. They nttnnd-! When In neeu ot sasli and doors, call Wallaco Woods, 108 or coma to 711 K. Main street. . All members of the official board of tlio Christian church are urgently re fluosted to meet at D. K. Millard's to night at 8 p. in. Regular meeting and important business. Some good music is announced for tlio services at tho First ltaptist church Sunday. Tho following selec tions will bo given. At the- morning service unthoin, "Hark, Hark My Soul" by lluck. Violin solo, Melody, Ciluck, od the livestock exposition while in by Mr. Carlton Janes. Evening ser tho city and report that tho Jackson i vice tho choir will render tho anthem. comity agricultural oxlilbltlon is the finest of its kind at tile fair, and say that It Is almost impossible to get by Iho exhibit owing to the crowd that Is continually pressing around to see what Jackson county raises. The crowd was estimated nt 20,000 peoplo the day that tho local peoplo attended tho exhibition. Ashland Tidings. Stamped Infant dresses, special, 50c Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Han dicraft Shop. 1S1I Goodrich tiros and tubes nt Colonial Garage. Tho American Lesion invites the ox-service men and women of nil the allied armies to participate in the ArnilHtlue Day parade. Appear In uni form If possible. E. E. Wilson, com mander. v ,- 1IW Hunter Coleman Is again on duty at tho Mann department store following a short Illness. " . Haby beef and pork at Public Mar ket tomorrow. laa Yakima Netted Gem potatoes, No. 1 grado, delivored in town. S1.05 per 100 lbs. Hutchison & Lumsdon. 201" A real buy $4.60 spotlights ut the Electric Shop. tf IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with 'Tape's Diapcpsin" As soon ah you eat a tablet or two of "Papti'a JiaicnH.n" your indigestion is gouot Heavy pain, heartburn, ilatu lctiuc, guses, palpitation, or any misery from a sour, acid stomach cndn. Correct The Shadows of the Evening Hours' Man i-Shnlloy. Soprano boIo with vio lin ohllgalo. "Faith," by Mrs. Lor raliio Harrison Scott, and a violin solo, "Long, Long Ago," by Carlton Janes. Dressmaker Will go out by day or hour. Call ut 227 South Central or phono H79-1I. 199 Fresh grape Juice, while It lasts $1 per gallon at Soda Works, phono 22-1!. tf Special for Armlstico Day: extra choice young beef, ISooth 11, Public Market. Elton Ileeson. 19:1 II. (). Frohbach, secretary of the chamber of commerce, is expected homo tomorrow from Portland where he lias been in attendance nt the an nual meeting of the state commercial club Bocretaries. , . Everybody buys cheapo" from own ers than agents, till kinds of phono graphs and pianos, both new and old. Gold Trading Center and Music House (owners), No. 15 N. Grapo St., next to Fnruiurs & Fruitgrowers Hank Outing flannel, a fine heavy grado, 13c per yurd. Hutchison & Liimsden 201 Don't forget to remove your hat when the flag passes by. HcnJ. M. Collins was among the litis! noss visitors here from Grants Pass yostorday Maddux & Uonnoy, florists, wish to announce to the public their new opon- ins at the Shasta, 212 10. Main, on Friday, Nov. 10, 1922. Phone 812. 199 Just received another full load of Itoguo Hiver sorghum fresh from the mill, 10c per lb. Hutchison & Lunisdon 201 Oregon Journal service, phono 81-1 210 Messrs. F.dwards and Stafford ot tile manufacturers dopartmont of tho As sociated Oil company, nrrived in the city this morning from San Francisco Miss I.eona Mars of Ashland, andj One of the finest of musics'.! treats i: May l.indlcy of this city, leave for! In store for those who attend tin Eiigeno tonight lor the annual borne oining. Attractive patterns la stamped buf fet sets, 45 and 00 cents. Handicraft Shop. 1U9 Dance at Eagle Point Sat. nite. 217 Don't forget to remove your hut when the flag passes by. Work on the paving of the south slope of Sexton mountain has lieenj .. .... ....,,, ... Don't forget to ...r. i. .1.-11 in. ii i.iii..aii)iu to lily liio; .j hot Btuff while it is wet. There Isj sacred concert at tho Presbytoi iai church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shearer, organist and sc piano are to appear in concert. Milk and cream at DeVoo's. tf Joe O linen's new barber shop at .Medford Hotel. tf Armistice Day bargain. A chicken dinner for 50 cts. served by Haptlst women at cottage opposite the church Home cooking. l'J9 ' remove your hat en the flag passes by. but work for five days loft ; and as soon j Americnn ,eagu6 cml) ,., 1)lay as tho sun stays out for thut length of time, the road will bo completed. Tho highway will be completed over the mountain und open to travel this win ter. Grants Pass Courier. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallaco Woods, phone 108. 711 East Main street. Get your winter supply of Spitzen burg apples now. Guthrie packing house near Jacksonville. 210 There's no place like Holmes for comploto insurance service. George T. Collins left for Portland Kenneth Williams of the St. Louis bull with the Grants Pass team ut Grants j Pass Suturduy .morning at 10 o'clock against the Weed, Calif., team. It will be a rare treat to see how Williams looks while In action. Have you tried that big milk shake at Devoe'B? :'..'",':'''' tf Jackson Hot Spring pavilion will liuve a dance 'Friday, Nov. 10 instead of Sat. this week only. 199 Tho ladies of the M. E. church, South will serve a fried chicken dinner in the church dining room, corner .M:i n mil ( tltL-iI-iln I.1.'!,!..' avnnin'r , u. i.. " Nov. 10th. Will begin serving at 5:30. your stomach and diRcstion for a fow I d will give a lecture, illnstraled with cpnt&. Each druggist. packngo guaranteed by Ilnndlcrnrt Shop. llemtillK hlng Ploollng Ms per yard: Humoiih covered. moving pictures mid Blides, to show the local employes of tho company and others interested, t lie different oils and how best to use them, nt the American Legion hall tonight. Mason, Ehrmnn & Company will be dosed from Friday night until Mon day morning. ...... . 199 tjush and doors. Medtord Liimbor Co. DON'T MISS m& J$mWm aemisticeday s Kja . MimMMimi attraction Z K'''' K i i li iimn lo grip you; tln-llt, to get a hk mystery, Rij 'ji f l om.-iiM-o, imiirkable pore ni wiK Milton Sills nnil KJ I CONTIM (11 s I'Kltl'OllM.WCE j Cl I I itli.W ,! si MMI. 12: ill! to 11:00 T. M. j jjii 'i l Note: All former service imn lu uliiform niliiiltteil tV Five Tomorrow 'till (1:00 I'. M. j .- BVWAX OOXXIB iXALMAlKiK In "A WOMAN'S 1M.ACK" F J I M-'----111p,l,'Vl'.'lliW'l)WIl II winmiiiiM.B tho livestock Bhow Very choice home grown chrysan themums and other cut flowers, ferns, potted plants, etc. Maddox and Hon- ncy. Phono 374. 200 Provide against toss, Insure with Keddcn and Canaday. Very choice home grown chrysan themums and other cut flowers, ferns, potted plants, etc. Maddox nnd Hon ney. Phono 371. 200 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hedge, formerly of Medford, and son Hilly loft yester day afternoon for San Francisco and their homo In Honolulu. They have been visiting Mr. Budge's father Wil liam Dudge for the past two or three days. The Pago and Rinlto theatres run continuous performances tomorrow from 12:30 to 11 p. ni. The managers of both theatres have extended tho courtesy of their houses to all former service men In uniform till 0 p. in. A special feature of the Sunday evonlng service at the Christian church will bo n vocal solo entitled, hank God for a Friend," Sir. Mil lard's latest composition in song wrlt- tlng. Don't forget to remove your hat when tho flag passes by. Dance at Eagle Point Sat. nite. 217 There's a busy Business College In your home town. OWN. A number of Medford high school boys were In Ashland on Wednesday placing window cards over the city announcing the big football game for Saturday at Medfortl. This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them prluttd out ot Medford. Phone us nnd we will call. tf Maddox &. Honney, flurlsts, wish to announce- to the public their new open- i lug at tho Shasta, 212 E. Main, on Friday, Nov. 10, 1922. Phono 843. 199 Families from the country aro invit ed to eat a chicken dinner Saturday, Nov. 11 th, nt cottage opposite Haptlst church and rest in the church parlors. 199 George P. Hccknell of St. Ixiuis is a guest at the Hotel Medford as are F. C. Tutge and Fred W. Hall of Chi cago, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Winthrop and V. M. Hilary of Eugene, F. L. Patton of Sail Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Palmer and Hen Lachmnn of Seattle John M. Scott of Portland and L. C. Falkenliagen of Grants Pass. Just received another full load of Roguo Hiver Borghuni fresh from the mill, 10c per lb, Hutchison & Lumsden. 201' For Bulo VIctrolns, Drunswlcks and Patho talking machines nnd records and pianos. Will buy, sell or exchange talking machines, records and pianos. Music Shop, Hill Peninger, Mgr., No. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 405-J. All the stores of Medfortl will be open until 8:30 tonight nnd close at 11 o'clock Saturday, November 11th for tho' balance of the day. All people should do their Bhopping before II o'clock Saturday for over Sunday. 199' O. O. Horner, formerly of Wlnna inncctt, Nov., accompanied by his wife and two sons arrived tho first of the week by auto and will mako Medford their homo. Mr. Horner bus taken u position at tho local telepliono repeat er station. Special prlcea on high school type writer practice paper at this office, tf In spite of the Liberty Hldg. firo Dr. Lincoln Kallcn will contlnuo his work uninterrupted as he has a laboratory avaihiblo at the Sacred Heart hospital. Patients cun find him by telephoning 714 or 01-J-2. Traue old automobiles for new. Pennlger Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 north Grape St. Phone 405-J. tf Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Salade have moved from their home at Seven Oaks and will spend the winter at tho Hotel Medford. You can get it nt Defoe's. tf Limo ror spray. Modtord Lbr. Co. Marlnollo Shop, Medford Hotel. 220 American 1-cglon men are urged to be at tho hall this evening between 30 and 7. Transportation to the pavilion has been arranged for. Assis tance in decorating tho pavilion ror the Armistice dance is needed. Trado old records, phonographs and pianos for new. Gold Music Shop, uext to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 15 N .Grape St. Phone 405-J. tf Dunce at Eagle Point Sat. nite. 21 1 Auto Insurance. l"ruwn & White. E. C. Gaddis, future mayor of Med fortl, und Volney Dixon, his business partner, of thut city, are registered at the Imperial hotel for ft few days. They are heads of the firm of Gaddis &. Dixon. Portland Journal. Attention! Spanish War Veterans will inert nt orflco of tho California Oregon Power company to take part in Armistice day parade which will form at 12:30 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 11th. Adults plates 50c and children tinder 12, 25c. 199 W. V. Harntiin and family of Phoe nix left this morning by auto for Santa Barbara, Calif., their former home They expoct to bo gone until Decem ber. Dancing school, '210 E. Main. 200 Hard times made easy, buy ranches without money, pay with sharo of crop, like rent. Gold Hay Realty Company. Sat Attention, ex-Soldiers: Ranches sold under Soldiers Bonus plan or pay with share of crop, like rent. Gold Ray Realty Company. Sat Mrs. I. L. Hamilton of San Francisco former Medford resident nrrived yes terday for a few days visit with friends and relatives. Her son Lorenzo is living with her in San Francisco and is purchasing agent for a large business house there. All the stores of Medford will be open until 8:30 tonight and close at 11 o'clock Saturday, November 11th for tho balance of the day. All people should do their shopping before 11 o'clock Saturday for over Sunday. 199 All the stores of Medford will be open until 8:30 tonight and close at 11 o'clock Saturday, November 11th for the balance of the day. All people should do their shopping before 11 o'clock Saturday for Over Sunday. 199 For rent on shares dancing pavilion, hotel, restaurant, fishing, hunting, bathing nnd camping privileges cover ing 1000 acres. River frontage. Gold Ray Summer Resort, Gold Ray Realty Co. Phono 728-R or 134-Y. Sat Lime and cement.. Medford Lumber Co. , Local huntors expect to make a. big killing on ducks on the liver as soon as tho "present j rain abates. It is reported by inhabitants of tlio coun try along the river that during tlio rain tho ducks have come in by the hundred and that the hunting should be good following the ruin. Jackson Hot Spring pavilion will have a dance Friday, Noy. 10 instead of Sat. this week only. 199" Pat's Second-Hand sotre will pay highest prices for all kinds of house hold goods, clothes, rags, and motals. 41 South Front St. Phone 410. 222 fiystom Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd rioor Medford Bldg. tf Eight automobiles and twenty-two people stopped at the city auto camp last night. The visitors from the greatest distance being a car from Wimpaco, Wis. Pig danco Jackson. Hot Spring, Fri. nite as Sat. Is Armistice day. 199 A wet day is the prospect for to morrow and a slippery, slow field where a hard tiling fight will be waged is the outlook for tho football game between the local high school eleven and tlio eleven from Ashland high. The ladles of tho M. E. church. South will serve a fried chicken din ner In the church dining room corner Main and Oakdale, Friday evening, Nov. 10th. Will begin serving at 5:30. Adults plates 50c, and children under 12, 25c. 199 AM stores will remain open Friday night, Nov. 10th on account of closing at 11 a. m. on Armistice day. 199 Notice AH members of the Grand Army Post. No. 47, Dept. of Oregon, are hereby notified to meet at the North east corner of tho park on Armistice day at 10 a. m. . WM. HAYS, 199 S. R. Vice Commander. trSfihe round fSfffi vacuum tm is of a delicious Wltull flavor' Golden Gate TEA Will Be Formed at 12:30 p. m, Saturday, Nov. 11 and will move cast on Main street from Washington school to Riverside, by. 5th and 3rd streets to Fir and by Cth street to Oakdale. . Organizations military in origin and their auxiliaries will form on West Slain street. Social and fraternal orders form on South Oakdale. Pu'blie service and relief societies and organizations form on North Oakdale. Floats of business organization form on Latirel street. Decorated automobiles form on Mistletoe street. Representatives of the American Legion will be present to form the parade. The Parade Will 1 p. m. MissTowne Has a few . Good Hats left Be sure you see these first before you buy elsewhere Prices from $2.50 $10.50 Hemstitching, rreotini" 8c per yard. Work finished want it. ' . when you THE VANITY SHOP Ccr. Main and Bartlett. AMERICAN LEGION BALL Fair Grounds Pavilion SATURDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 11 Launspach's Big 12-Piece Orchestra Everybody Invited . Admission $1.50 Don't Miss It! ; Everybody's Going! Peerless Bakery BUTTER-NUT BREAD IS THE STANDARD OF BREAD QUALITY : ' . . , The sanitary conditions under which Butter-Nut Bread is made, the modern methods and machinery employed the nutritious ingredients used and the generous weight it offers markes BUTTER-NUT, THE STANDARD OF BREAD QUALITY Next Time You Order, Ask Your Grocer for It PEERLESS BAKERY I I I I- I -""-'' -"-l Committee. 199 !l!llilllll!l""llll!!lllllllllltli ' I -