Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 10, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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The Weather
Prediction Rain
Maximum yesterday 56
Minimum today 35
Precipitation 08
vVealher Year Ago
Maximum 60
Minimum 23
Oally Seventeenth Tear.
Weekly Flfty-MeconiJ Yer.
NO. 199
Practically Complete Returns
Give Republicans 226 to
206 for Democrats in House
53 to 42 in Senate G. 0.
P. Losses Enormous, But
Majorities Were Also Big.
WASlllNC.TOX. Nov. 10. Thore
will be twenty more republicans than
UomocratH In the next house of rep
resentatives and eleven more repub
licans than democrats In the new
Hcnnto unless results indicated by
pnu'tieally complete- returns are over
thrown. In the house the republican ma
jority over the combined democratic
and scattering vote will be seventeen,
while In the senate It will be ten.
In the present congress republicans
have a house plurality of ltiti over the
democrats and a majority of 165 over
all. In the senate the republican ma
jority over the democrats Is 24 with
no scattering votes.
The lineup of the new house here
tofore listed as Including 225 repub
licans and 207 democrats was alter
ed to republicans and 20ii demo
crats today through a change In tech
nical party affiliations hy one of the
successful candidates in Tuesday's
election. Representative Guy 10.
Campbell of the 3Gth Pennsylvania
district who in the past two cam
paigns has run as a "republican -democrat"
but has been carried here
tofore on the. official house member
ship roll as a democrat, requested the
house elerk to list him hereafter as
a republican. The request was com
plied with. -
senate Kopubl leans CO;
Totals 90.
New senate
Democrats 42
- rtepubllcnns
Totals, 90.
Present House Republicans 296;
Democrats 130: Socialists 1: vacan
cies 8; Farmer-Labor 0. Totals 435.
Now House Republicans 22G;
Democrats, 20G; Socialists 1: inde
pendent 1; Farmer-Labor 1. Totals,
Daily Report on
the Crime Wave
TRINIDAD. Colo., Nov. 10. Two
masked bandits this morning held up
an automobile carrying J14.000 pay
roll to the American Smelting and
Refining company mine at Cokcdale.
A posse of officers and citizens are
in search of the bandits.
On account of wet weather
uoto races have been cancelled.
: 8:30 a. m. 'Daiid concert
and street entertainment.
11:00a. m. All stores close.
Armistice Hour.
12:00 noon. Two minutes
silence. Taps will be blown.
I In commemoration of the Uu
! known Dead.
12:30. Parade forms Main
and Oakdalc.
1:00 p. m. Parade start?.
line of march: Main street to
rivorsido; Riversldo to Fourth
street; Fourth street to North
: Central: North Central to Main;
Main to Oakdale, Disband.
Football Game immediately
following parade, Medford vs.
7:00 p. m. Smoker at Nata-
torium. Excellent card.
9:00 p. m. Grand Armistice
Ball, Fair Grounds Pavilion.
FREDERICK, X. D.. Nov. 10.
While a crowd clamored outside the
walls and bent upon the doors for
admission to the jail yard, William
A. Stultz was hanged here today for
the murder of Policeman John H.
Stultz maintained his Iron nerve to
the last. As the shroud was placed
around him In his cell, he said: "Let's
He carried a basin of water to the
galfows in which he Washed his face
Even Henry Ford
Can't Get a Ticket
For Michigan Game
A NX ARBOR, Mich.. Nov. 10.
Tickets in the Michigan-Wis-
consin football Rume to be play-
erf here 'November IS, are at'
such a premium thuti Henry
Ford was unable to obtain them
today. Mr. Ford's secretary
telephoning from Detroit, re-
quested that a box bo reserved
for the manufacturer and his
party. He was informed that
every seat at Ferry Field had
been sold.
SKATTLE, Nov, 10. Clarence C.
Dill, democrat of Spokane, whose
election to the L'nited States senate
is indicated by returns in which
Charles Hubbard, republican state
chairman, does not expect "any ma
terial change," will be the youngest
member when he takes his seat
March fourth, it is said here.
Mr. Dill who was 38 years old three
weeks ago, is a bachelor. Besides
Ernest liister, former governor, he is
the only democrat to win In a state
wide contest In Washington since the
populist wave. He is the only demo
crat ever re-elected to congress in the
slate, having served from March,
1915 to March 1 !!!. George Turner
of Spokane, the only other democratto
senator in the history of the state,
was put in by a fusion of populists
a iid democrats in the legislature in
Mr. Dill was born October 1G, 188-1
near Frederick town, Knox county, O.,
and graduated from Ohio Wesley an
university in 1907. He has been
school teacher and a newspaper man.
His profession is the law. He was a
His profession is tho law. He was ai
deputy prosec uting attorney and was
secretary to the late Governor Lister.
"I based my campaign pretty
largely on the sealing of Senator Tru
man H. Newberry," said Mr. Dill.
That I conceived to be the weakness
in the armor of my republican oppo
nent, Senator Miles. Poindexter. I
talked the ICsch-Ounimins act, taxa
tion and farm legislation in my cam
paign. I believe that these are vital.
"But I gave the people a pledge
that if they would elect m"o I would
go back to tho Henato and work for
the unseatfng of Newberry. I nssumo
that older men in the senate will take
the lead In this fight. It appears now
that nine senators who voted for the
seating of Newborry were defeated
out of the thirteen who were up for
re-election. Newberry kept his seat
by a vote of 40 to 41."
Dill's supporters are declaring that
when tho figures have nil been as
sembled his campaign will be found
to have cost almost nothing espec
ially in the turn-over, said to be un
precedented In this state.
Rich men, it is related when asked
to contribute to the Dill campaign,
pointed :out the improbability of a
democratic senator being elected in
Washington. Tho largest gift is re
ported to have been $100 from Pat
McCoy, a Skagit county lumber man.
As each expense was incurred the
money Is asserted to havo been gath
ered In donations ranging from $1 to
$10 by the personal solicitation of
Robert P. Oldham of this city, demo
cratic vice-chairman and Harry K.
Collier of Tacoma. i
Liberty Bonds.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Liberty
bonds dosed: 3Vi's $100.02; first
4',4's $99.00; second 4'A's iOH.'li:
third 4i's $98.94; fourth 4V4's
$98.92: Victory 4Vs uncalled $100.32
Victory 4 's called $100.00; V. S.
Treasury 4Vi' $99.90.
The Mail Tribune will close at
11 o'clock Saturday morning an
other business houses in the city
to allow its employes to particl-
pato in the ArmisMco Hay cele-
bration. There will therefore be
no issue of the Mail Tribune Sat-
urdtty afternoon but there will he
the regular Issue of the Sunday
Sun the following morning.
and hands, declaring this would
purge him of his sins. He then
launched Into abuse of local authori
ties and blamed them for causing his
As his last "goodbye to you all
ran out. Sheriff Jones sprang the
lnst August 9, stultz shot and
wounded two deputy sheriffs who at
tempted to seize his automobile for
a debt. When Policeman Adams
went to arrest him for the shooting.
Si u UK shot him.
Ex-Premier of France On Eve
of Departure. Says He Will
Leave U. S. Politics Alone,
But Will Point Out Neces
sity of Some League
Rarin' to Go.
PAUIS, Nov. 10. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Georges Clcniencean
suils away Tor America tomorrow,
happy in the spirit of adventure. To
day ho was pay interested and in
teresting keen to he off. Consider
ing hit great ago, he was 81 last Sep
temher, the eagerness with which the
Tiger of France anticipated tin ex
periences that are soon to coma to
him in the United Stales is quito
touching to those who see him and
talk with him.
What impresses the American call
ers most is his youthfulnoss of out
look. Ho talks ot the present and
the future in the manor ot a man in
middlo life, ho refuses to bo rcm
iiiFcent. "I never was much of a chap fori
the past," Ch-nionceau remark'ii to
the c.t respondent, who lm;ulnct
nhout the former premier's earlier
vUiis to the) United States. This Is
no', his first tr'p to America, ns le
commonlv Mip,ioted, hut his third.
".My intentions in going to Ameri
ca are good. I feel sure of that," ths
j aged politician said, "I sco with con
- - -
to the moral and material interests of
siderable clearness now it will ii?
the United States to exainlno Euro
pean difficulties with other concep
tions than those they have at pres
ent "
Clemenceau expects to enlarge his
own judgments of Kuropcan situa
tions by putting his ideas into con
tact with American views. He docs
not go to New York with his mind,
made up and ciosed to what would
be to the mutual and collective ad
vantage of the United States, Franca
nd Kurope generaly.
"I shall talk about the League of
(Continued on Pagn six.)
Modford North Main 109 1021 98 !I3 82: 12S 69 122 125 1201 52 79 82 1 03 111) 08
Medford South Main SO 6 72 03 Gtij 82 46 89 79! 71 .'id 67 42 90 6(1 75
Medford Xorth Central 67 1151 89 73 351 136 81 84 92 109 57 53 81 71 94 62
Medford South Central 140 139 134 132 9.8 191 111 153 163 159 71 93 87 158 147 101
Mcdiord Xorf.1 Riverside.. 107 151 102 128 74 j 177 104 121 118 111 79 97 88 132 98 137
Mediord Oakdale 97 8lj 91 7!) 64 118 72 98 116' 95 37 77 56 105 105 53
Medford Newtown 146 HSj 134 11D 104 192 101 181 171 103 72 117 '109 168 152 111
East Modford 120 126 129 112 77 107 6 i 134 1 15 14(1 60 90 83 111 138 80
West Medford 150 135 1 31 j 134 1 92i 191 103 158 181 169 59 95 111 153 171 89
Southeast Medford 73 119 89 90 50j 140 91 91 115 117 53 52 91 81 110 60
SouthweBt Medford 116 158 132 1261 75! 192 121 139 142 169 ill 93 107 133 131 132
Northwest Medford 71 12G 101 83 39 156 104 72 90 123 Glij 60 81 86 73 101
Total Medford 1270 1466 1305 12621 856; 1870 1104 1442 1542 1579 7.'!0j 983 979 1331 1062 809
Ashland (Total) 678 1079 916 61 1 296j 1371 486 1043 752 659 819 512 877 688 700 374
Antloch 19 23 28 1S 17I 35 19 30 25 27 25 ,j 20 28 2 52
Applogate 42 76 55 67 j 47 60 45 06 50 53 46 4 1 42 57 . 20 OS
Uarron 21 30 35 IT j 23 30 llj 41 20 19 23 25 26 22 31 25
Uelleview 32 51 55 28! 23 61 27 57 30 53 39 20 35 41 45 39
Unite Falls 38 47 50 3oj 33j 62 41 j 3-1 i 31 47 30 27 27 61 68 28
Climax 10 3j 7 6 9! 4 2 11 9 9 1 3 2 8 2 11
Derby 13 9 8 12 8i 13 6 12 7j 10 4 11 7 11 4 1H
Eagle Point 122 87 93 98 87j 123 54 1 1,8 120 110 41 911 41 149 81 136
East Phoenix 69 51 54 58 44j 74 29 86 60 66 48 39 74 43 73
West Phoenix 91 63 61 76 62 85 47 88 91 72 57 34 99 55 87
Flounce Rock 28 48 39 27 19 55 29 36 35 49 20 26 43 20 39 29
Foots Creek 29 16 16 28 18 30 19 16 8 19 10 33 18 SO
Cold Hill 30 172 109 79 46 152 122 73 72l 122 110 46 121 61 93 107
Griffin Creek 32 34 27 28 33 33 27 34 39 28 1 7 2 6 23 38 14 ' 61
Lake Creek 62 12 42 36 65 21j 16 56j 43i 28 14 43f 7 69 8 68
Meadows - 6 21 17 9 9 18 15 121 9 11 12 II 7 17 5 22
Mound 42 52 51 35 18 73 31 6-1 1 41 61 26 18 30 63 35 57
Xorth Central Point 55 132 140 36 15 167 99 12i 93 129 ' 70 28 118 58 33 146
South Central Point 58 143 143 121 40 160 106 821 76 110 83 41 98 76 47 111
Orchard Home 31 4S 60 27 26 56 35 42 41 52 29 231 36 31 58 50
Perrydalo 36 79 73 311 27 90 42 67 53 85 41 29 65 43 55 51
Hock Point 8 41 33 11 12 33 27 16 23 30 19 ll 35 15 41 28
Rogue River 44 125 93 50 12 160 7j 77 60 98 65 41 103 69 48 108
Roxy Ann 93 88 68 102' 80 103 74 91 106 83 51 77 65 94 92 79
Sams Valley 20 46 24 33 321 331 33 29 27l 12 25 35 22 85 12 60
South Jacksonville 99 40 80' 69 21 117 89 40 20 88 38 89 46 89
North Jacksonville 89 75 69 85 7l 83 40 114 85 60 45 95 63 94 66 86
Sterling 14 15 12 16 20 11 7 22 161 12 7 15 4 23 0 31
Trail 28 51 26! 54 30 48 32j 38 26 21 38 36 14 63
Union 62 41 38 43 63'i 38 31 j 66 46 40 25 42 53 38 17 7(1
Watklns 16 21 24 10 16 22 1S 18 21 21 13 12 19 15 10 27
East Talent.- 38! 89 74 46 11 111 5oj 65 66 71 61 25 83 30 43 76
West Talent 52 113 84: 67 22 141 601 92 68 95 54 60 80 71 40 110
Willow SpringB 261 41 31 32 22 46 24 41 33' 40 23 28 18 37 19 47
Wimer .. 14j 87 62 34 26 76 48 48 3l 4lj 49 69 58 38 26 75
Total .7. 331lj 4612; 1002 1981 2300; 5607 2951 j 4450 354 4106 2681 2763 3262 3637 3270 3713
An Armistice
Sift pM
ESS! la I? MKE-
1 rilfmwi ,
On iho gates of pros aro nonces
posted by tho burgoinatser calling at
tention of passersby to pauso and
remember that 90,000 soldiers lost
their lives in defending Ypres against
the Iluu. Counterparts of these signs
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 10. The
state of Washington won first prize
of $500 for the best herd of Holstejn
cattle, offered by the Holstein Frel
sian association of America, judges at
the Pacific International Livestock
exposition decided this afternoon.
Oregon won second rUo of $300 and
Idaho won -third prize of $250.
V. S. Judge Suicides.
HONOLULU, T. II.. Nov. 10. (By
the Associated Press.) Former Fed
eral Judge Horace Worth Vaughan
was found, dead in his home here to
day with a bullet wound in his neck
and a revolver hy his sido. Ho had
been ill six weeks with a nervous
breakdown. Judge Vaughau was
born in Marion county, Texas, In
Day Reminder
are outng pouted on the Dover road
tho gateway to London llridso and
the city. This milestone is eight
miles from Loudon llridgc, and in
eludes the data relative to the Brit
ish losses at Ypres.
PARIS, Nov. 10. (I'.y the Asso
ciated Press) "Rattling" Slid, aspi
rant for the .crown that sits upon .lack
Dcmpscy's head, today was standing
with reluctant feet where the chain
pious und has-beens meet.
Last night tho French boxing fed
eration . snatched away hls.tltlu of
lighlhcavywclgbt champion of France
and suspended him from practicing
his business In Franco for a period , of
nlno months. Only a few hours be
fore, tho black conqueror of Georges
Carpentier had stumbled into anotber
block of bard luck. tho liritlsh borne
office forbidding his scheduled fight
with Joo Reckett to tako placo on
British soil.
The action by English authorities
was taken because Sikt Is a negro
nnd Reckett is white, and It was
deemed that "all sorts of passions
would be aroused," if they met in the
(U D. o
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Yes No Yes
Cissy Loftus Held
By London Police
As Morphine Fiend
LONDON", Nov. 10. Cissy
! Loftus, for more than 25 years
a well known actress on tho
: stages of lint li Great Uritain nnd
the United States was arraigned
today in police court nnd chnrg-
cd with being an unauthorized
person in possession of morphine.
She appeared to be ill. Through
her counsel she pleaded not
guilty. The magistrate admit-
! ted the actress to bail nnd ad-
4- Journed tho case for a week.
SAi FltAXCISCO, Nov. 10. Pro
hibition enforcement ill Californ!:
apparently has carried, as a majority
of about ;i000 In favor of the mens
uro was revealed today by a re-
check of the Alameda county vote
which showed a large error in tabu
lallon at the county clerk's office in
Oakland. ,
majority against prohibition ouf'trce-
ment in California was 21,374, t.c
cording to figures from Sill! pre
cincts In California out ot 0681 com
piled at 1 p. in. today, although
these figures wore disputed by tho
Alameda county campaign commlttoo
for enforcement which claimed that
Its recheck of the Alameda county
vote today would show a stntn-wide
majority for enforcement ot 211 03.
OAKLAND, Cullf., Nov. 10. Tho
Alameda county campaign committee
for prohibition enforcement claimed
today that tho moasiiro had carried
in California at Tuesday's election,
on tho strength of a recheck of tho
Alamodn county voto mado by Rev.
D. O. Colegrove, tho county chair
man who said t lut t it reduced the
county majority against enforcement
24,279 votes, thus wiping out a pre
vious stato wide unfavorable m,a
pority of 21,371.
Rev. Cologrovo said his recliock on
the comploto county vote Bhowed 42,-
810 votes for und 45,04 7 against,
negative majority ot 2207. The un
official olectloii count mado by coun
ty officials was: For 32,284 ; against
58,770. A mnrgln of 20,846 against
tho measure. Tho county clork re
chocked with Rov. Colegrove, but do
cllnod to comment on tho result.
LONDON, Nov. 10. (I'.y the As
sociated Press) Sir William Ilar-
wood, chief of Hcotland Yard ami
commissioner of metropolitan poll
is suffering from the effects of an In
sidious attempt on bis life, it became
known today. Utst night ho was
seized Willi what was thought to be
a heart attack, but today it became
definitely established that ho was the
victim of malicious administration of
poison, the origin of which is uu
Dll'iglblo Arrives Hartford.
HARTFORD, Conn., Nov. 10. Tho
army dirigible D-3, largest airship
In tho country, arrived here loday
after a trip from llaltimore via Mlnn
ola, N. Y. Tho ship landed at a field
where un aviation meet is being held.
liillmnlc Plague On Shlii.
HAVANA, Nov. 10. Discovery of
a case of bubonic plague uboard the
Spanish trans-Atlaiitlo liner Barce
lona, resulted In tho ciuarantlning of
the vessel and passengers at Marlot
for seventeen days.
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. A simple
wedding and a democratic life like
other plain folks Is tho plan of Miss
Dellora Angel!, $40,000,000 heiress,
who turnod down princes, dukes and
other scions ot royalty for her child
hood swoetlieart, Lester iNorrls, 21,
artist and son ot Cal Norrls, tho vil
lage undertaker ot St. Charles, III.
.Miss Angell, who Is 19, and heir
ess to the estate of her undo, the lute
John W, Gates, announced her en
gagement to young Norrls last night.
Their romance began when they at
Ex-Governor Frazier Finally
Passes Democratic Oppo
nent and Election Is Con
ceded Two Women Elect-
ed to Legislature Dill's
' Lead Increases Washington
FARGO, X. D., Nov. 10. Former
Ciovornor Lynn J. Frazier ussumed
his long defered lead in the race for
tho United Statos scnatorship witli
tho report today of 1717 precincts
and the tabulation of 172,937 votes,
tho former governor having a load of
three votes, SC. 470 to 80,407. Tha
vote of 391 precincts is needed to
complete the total.
KAROO. N. D., Nov. 10. With tha
loud ot .1. K. T. O'Connor, Uuitod
Stales senatorial candidate, over
Lynn J. Frazier, non-partisan, Hear
ing tho vanishing point as returns
in Tuesday's election from tho rural
precincts were rescued from tho mud
that held them. North Dakota found
itself today with two woman mom
hers ot the legislature for tho first
time in history.
Tho women elected are Mrs. Min
nie D. Craig, of Ksniond, Ronton
county, unit Miss -Nellie Daugherty
of Minot.
Mrs. Craig made a pronounced suc
cess of her campaign In tho primar
ies, having tho endorsement ot tho
nou partisan league.
SKATTLE, Nov. 10. With' but
107 small procincta In the stato miss
ing, C. C. Dill, democrat, maintained
a lead of 4 84 7 votes over Miles Poin- ,
dexter, republican, in tho Washing
ton senatorial contest when returns
worn tabulated this morning.
Roturns from 2339 precincts gave
Dill 128,400 nnd Polndexter 123,-
Overnight returns from tlve Califor
nia eloction last Tuesday swelled the
majority against prohibition enforce
ment to 24,627 votes. Tho tabula
tion today from 5256 precincts was
for tho measure 336,421 and aguinst
tho measure 361,048.
DF.NVF.rt, Nov. 10. William E.
Sweet, democrat, was eloctod gov
ernor of Colorado by a majority of
approximately 4,000 votes over Ben
jamin Griffith, republican. Ten
scattering precincts which will not
be available until the official count,
tho republican stato chairman con
ceded, will not change the result. -
SPOKANE, Nov. 10. Rotlromont
to prlvato life that ho may do work
with which his public duties havo in
terfered, was given out as his future
plan by retiring United States Sena
tor Miles Polndexter, believed defeat
ed hy C. C. Dill, democrat.
Senator Poltldextor declined to dis
cuss tho possibility ot his accepting
a federal appointment under the
Harding administration.
lie did not divulge the nature ot
the work he plans to do.
"I feel deeply grateful to tho thou
sands ot friends who so unselfishly
aided mo in this campaign," Mr.
Polndexter said.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov, 10.
Governor MacMaster, republican,
candidate tor reelection on, the re
publican state ticket had advanced
his lead in Tuesday's election to ap
proximately 26,000 ovor Louis N.
Crill, domocrat, with comploto un
official returns compiled from,.al0
of the 1768 precincts in South Da
kota. , : .i .
tended the village school together.
"I always liked Les, even when he
beat me In a swimming contest," sho
said. 'I was in the fourth grade.
Lester was ahead of me; he was in
the sixth."
Tho couple plnn to live in the old
Angel homo at St. Charles until their
new bungalow on the banks ot the
Fox river is completed. , . - . '..
"I don't want a fancy wedding,!'
Miss Angel said. "It's going to be a
quiet family affair, the first' part ot
next May." ' 1