PACE ETG1TT THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S ADVANCE WORK OF MANX'S CHICAGO. Sjt. iiiua Oim4 tut jjrjiazn u xad n, ctrryLf ft. taj -.aitr- -w-ert -n. r-rr-uS.j ittt fMe ;4."u u Cr wl 1 ut4 U tai:nar of X' !!; : -fc". r ; -f ' jai litres. itaiUiao-t ti-e car-a c:t eajttrei.' , Tiji was Z"aiU? r;. act ft lirfu? wf JUrtfEJiiaJW 7it2c-"". "ri ii . CiJCft- frt nwmi kr imJ uw. Janje Ktija. Yari. iw :. t; ( tin -r-tirr f tie Cri.s."X it C -3.4. aj rtiijei t& tit Ciy:r.a. :-. us ; Aotcr'k XT li 3r- flit H guv h:lL ! Tk riEtje at li n-jktkii-T I ciozufl a iit n:furi u ! TifL It i ei era! w. u yscrL.'rj trtnc iiijrii aJ tre lis rt , ruktf in rtsi-a. Tl Titii terrxcTj in? 12. tit betsi C - s 4 prviaiae. SK.1'1M--L, w.--i.' 5 fc-ta.ub tie of t.uf;n-.' tifa fasti -je ji zn'.et.i .t-Jity oi-; EUr-.trjta lire beta waU yrzj-jK&rf ij re-:i iLlir cij Ue y.A;I .e. VSl'TT'f.: fre'.-tit ja fiiw. ruM lire tj;tl jt rre i iuij Ti cintaucarl. jCuxxjut mi I'jt, tie Belt tea ;fcra. t.2 Jyr fvc- J -i " wiiew ttiejioi) w.i wiX-i t Lt.k ij til wiiel-y vt;nvel s-a-a buu, a4 fcrjr two-ju-r:r air-. aiasts sta wiVti to retti tSieni ( C O. P. RILE ASSVPED (Cccxiced frra pit ok) la ib tw k;j lirt ot6U tit f.Lt wka to ckt O nix of cti lfU, rtwuntft as4 offx-ixi ooli wu tii- Most act!; prti. n a ia'Lxt Jroa C'JljzM AV. X Gftton. UK b waald ijtmasd a recount in faU fa-' zeaiBM Btaator Ii;e of Muu tbuett. rtiiiiicko lea-ltr, dtspit tt Utter i increui lead, Ojrocrt jr.Treetxm of a tally error. Iron 1M5 U ( t:i. Btcabvr Do Pont of Deia-rare. ftvibiican. defeated on the f' of re'umi by Tbojcaa F. Jjarard, demo crat, refuted to eonvtde defeat tod ti a.aiuer said an official reoonat oaM be rrarht. Senator Poindeiter tn Wajhinrton alto tu akine a re aarau while the botue race in the remaining Kaaua district, the third. J -j hot that it vaa aaid aa official ooaot misbt be neceuarr to tip the aa deciaiTelr- TO MODIFY DRY LAWS (Continued from page one ) In Xebraka the only aiowtd!y wet f-andldat. John Kirnth, runninK on a beer and l:irht wine dtirnauon. in the sixth diKtrit-t was d?fatd. In tfle first Nraka distru-t. John 11 lloorhead. dmwratr oppostd by th fftate Anii-Kaloon league, dtfeattd Mrs- K. Luclla Iirton. jrohiMtionist acd W. Anderson, republican, en dorw.d by the l-aicue. v In Iowa Kred Ilaeeman. democrat, ftilrd dlMrii-1. the only avond wet candidate sas d'-f'-atfd. "nicr-i-Ituin Harry K. llul'. ae-ond Iowa dl tcVt who did not run on a wet plat form, but who was opMsed by the antt-aatoon forces, waa re-lened. In Mihiaran Ilotert II. Clancey. tfemorrat. first distrirt and Clarence J. aicl-eod. nfubllcan. thirteenth dis trict, both endorsed by wet organiza tions were elected. Otherwise there were no announced moist eonsreas m . -.o.f -i Ml'-hlran. R I ALTO Now Playing! k picture of wholesome entertainment, cppealing to all classe and agei. OUT OF THE SILENT NORTH A tale of real men. Its theme is as big as the frozen north itself, starring Frank Mayo Coming Sunday Charles Ray in ';'lR: 'S. v. P. iilllililiiil r ' DO YOUR SATURDAY SHOPPING FRIDAY Store open until 8 :30 p.m. Closes Saturday at 11 a.m., in honor of Armistice Day. opening rfie sfqle 6aYe to winher sporFs clohhes The Secret to Success Depends Upon the Foundation WLi-i-b mfr&LS the proper cors-t or gir dle. uA ibidem ear. Your lck:. your comfort, your enjoymett in fact ev erytiiirz depends upon the attention you girt to these things. Elastic Girdles for sports wear, priced frora i3.98 to $6 00 Long and short Corsettettes. very new, pair.....! - $1.75 to S5.00 Women's and Misses' Bandeaux. vaiaes. This sale . 3 for S1.00 .Sjxrts Bloomers, all silk, in navy, bro-svn and orange. Priced from, pair $4-98 to $6.00 Kayser's Union Suits in white and flesh. On sale Friday and Saturday, suit $100 Women's Fleeced Lined Union Suits, heavy quality, all styles and sizes. Splendid $1.75 value. This sale, suit $1.50 Agents for Athena Underwear. EXTRA SPECIAL 22c Gingham 17c 1 case new Dress Ginghams in the latest fall and winter pat terns, fast colors, good quality, our regular 22c grade. On sale Friday and Saturday, yd. ... 17c Lest You Forget Those Little But Important Details Women's Hair Nets, double mesh 3 for 25 Women's Beaded Xecklaees. new styles, each " 69c Blue Rose - Talcum Powder, 31k values. This sale, can 25c Zenith Lemon Face Cream. Regular 1.00 jars. Special, jar 55c Face Veiling in new patterns. 39c values, yard 29c Women's Vanity Cases and Hand Bags in a great variety of styles. Priced from, each $1.75 to $12.00 New Sport IIandkerchiefs,'all linen, in the new shades in plain in initials, priced from, each -29c to 69c Gloves That Defy Jack Frost Good, warm and "eunify" gloves of all the better makes, yet our prices, because they are special, would indicate otherwise. Women's Knit Gloves, heather shades, f L25 values. Special, pair 9S Kayser's Leatherette Gloves in the new shades, 2.93 values. Special, pair . .$2.50 Misses Scotch Wool Gloves in blue, grey and brown. $1.25 values. Special, pair 98c Special values in Women's and Children's Wool Mittens for cold weather, pair 25c to $1 I TT Sport '& Coats CacJ Coats New Sport Extra Specials 81 inch Unbleached Sheeting, extra fine quality. Regular jai'-e G0e. This sale, yard 50 Turkish Bath Towels, large size, heavy quality. Cheap at 6-V. This sale, each 18c Linen and Piqiii- Brantley Collar and Cuff Sets, 1.25' values. This sale, set $L00 Children's Fleeced Line Vests and Pants, all sizes, 7oc values. This sale, ea h 59c Women's Silk Jersey Pettiroats in all colors. A splendid 5.00 value. Grand Clean Up Pii. c, cacli $1.9S V . A Scarf for Comfort Nothing like it for real comfort. Nice big wooly ones that have warmth without weight. All colors in plain and eontrastingshades in combination. Some new stvles in Scarfs, straiaht line and belted stvles; also some buttei-fly styles in all the new shades. Priced from, each VX.. : $3.98 to $10.00 l Special Values in Fur Coats Made in the latest styles lined with silk. Priced from, ea h ..$50.00 to $150.00 A Autumn's out-d,-r awakens, the key of fashion un-k-vks the style gate and there is revealed the new whi ter clothes for sorts' wear of every description, and in whi. h every woman is interested, whether one takes an active pan in sports or not. one must wear sport clothes. SPLENDID DISPLAY OF WINTER SPORTS APPAREL FOR WOMEN New all Wool Tweed Coats, mannish styles, .2"j.OO" values. This sale, each.-...- -$18.00 Xew heavy Sports Coats with good Fur Collars, 33.00 values. Saturday, each .$25.00 "Tweed o' Wool" Sports Suits, the best wearingbest values. Friday and Saturday, each $25.00 Kenyon's Rainproof Sports Coats, all . new styles, $25.00 to $50.00 each . Children's "Rain Capes." Ken'yon brand, ages 4 to 14. 5.00 values, each -'. : $2.98 Wear an Attractive Sweater Women's all wool Coat Sweaters, Tuxedo styles," $10.00 values. This sale, each '. $6.98 Women's all Wool Slip Over Sweaters in plain and fancy colors, all .sizes. On sale Saturday, from, $3.48 to $12.00 each' ' Children's Wool Sweaters in all styles and colors. priced from, each $2.50 to $8.50 Children's Winter Coats in all colors and styles. Ages 2 to 14 years. Priced froni, ca $5.98 to $15.00 Sport Skirts Just in A laeautiful new line of the fa mous 'Korrect make in plain and pleat ed stvles. Made of all wool materials in plaids and stripes. Priced from, each $5.98 to $18.00 $6.50 Umbrellas $5.00 For this sale we will sell our regular 6'.50 all Silk Umbrel las with fancy tips and hand les, regular pri'-e 6.50. Spe cial, each $5-00 Women's Golf Hose While they are called Golf Hose, thousands of women who never play golf wear them during --old weather. For, not only are they com fortable, but they are smart and durable. Women's twtr-toned Silk Sport Hose in black and cordovan. This sale, pair $1-69 Women's Silk and Wool Sport Hose, all colors and sizes. Special, pair $1.75 Women's Wool Spurt Hose with clo-k. all color, fine quality. Special, pair $2.98 Smart Hats A collection of smart sport hats which arc inexpensive but very stylish and becoming. The PFsortment is most complete. 20CJ off on all Sport Hats. 2.50 values now $1. 2.50 vals. now $1.75 -3.00 vals, now $4.00 6.00 vals. now $4.80 8.00 vals, now $6.40 10 vals, now $8.00 Special values Children's Hats. in 3P Mantrs Department Store The Store for Everybody Entrances E. Main and N. Central Med ford, Oregon Blanket Specials 1 case heavy Cotton Blankets. 64x76 size, in fancy plaids. Full 3-pound weight, fine quality, 2.75 values. Sale price $2.19 See Big Display in Window. Only two pair to a customer) Pendleton Robes and Blankets ' Exclusive agents in Medford for these fa-i mous Blankets. Robes, Couch Covers, Shawls and Pillow Tops in excellent iat terns. Priced from, each $10.00 to $25.00 These make excellent gifts. V' MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED POSTAGE PREPAID AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS