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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1922)
MEDFOED MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD OK'KciON', THURSDAY. OVEM15Klf ). HY2-2 PAGE THREE Medford Mail Tribune IN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER nJBLihHEU EVERY APTKRNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY THE MElttOKU rillMlNU CO. Th Ufdtord Hunday Homing Sun tf turntuhed otMcrlbtra (lairing a f?u day dally oewipaper. Office Mil Tribune Building, 26-S7-S0 North fir tret. Pboas 76. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Mtdford Mail the Medford Tribune, the South ero Oregon! id. The Aahland Tribwue. ROBERT W. RUITU Editor. BUM ITER 8. SMITH, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMSi BT MAIL In Advance: Daily, with Sunday Sun, year.... $7.60 Dultjj ltb Sunday Bun, month 76 Daily, without tiunday Sun, yvar fl.fiO ukttjt without Sunday Sun, month OS Weekly Mail Tribune, one year......... 1.00 Sunday Sun, one year S 00 Y CABBIE R In- Medford, AahUnd, Jickaon Tlle, Central Point, Phoenix ft'aient and on nifhwaya:- ' fl Duy with Sunday Sua, aonth. .76 Daily, without Sunday Sunv month... .06 Dally, without Sunday Bun. year..., 7-60 Dil, with Sunday Sun, one-year 8.60 All terroa by carrier, cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackaon County. The Only paper between Eugene, Ore., and Baonunento, Calif., a dfetanoc of over 600 milt, having leaned wire Associated Preaa Service. Sworn dally average circulation ror all month ending April 1, lidi, 8.128, more than double cbe circulation of any other paper pubUaaed oi eirevlatedr In Jaokson County. Entered at second da matrei at Medford Oregon, under tne act of March , 1870. MRUBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use lor republication of all now dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited in this paper, and, also to , the local amws published reefo, All- rifflita of -republication of special dla patcnes herein are also reserved. The startling nowB comes from Lon don, that the Duke of Downing has joined the British army and gone to India, after being jilted 149 times by the Duchess of Joyce. The duke should have possessed some persistency and mado it 1D0. ' - One .of .these days high school and college young men, will display a little originality and tear a pair of peon pants off somebody. It is a trifle early for slick gents to organize the Sons and Daughters of the 1922 Revolution, with a three-pea game operated on the side, under the guise of religion. "LOWER REGION'S TO BE RE CLAIMED" (Hdline Stockton, Cal., Star). What is the best slogan for this work? i Enthusiasts who figure that the charming new governor is going to re duce the taxes in 30 minutes, might as well get rid of the notion now as any tirtie; Nationally, it looks like ieight; of Democratic .poppycockery untior Woodrow Wilson, Nooty Baker, and the Crown Prince was not enough. ' IN HIS TRACKS (Eugene Guard) Mr. Stop, hardware dealer in Florence, certainly believes in the "Conservation of Natural Re sources" since Hallowe'en, for he lias transplanted A number of fir . trees from his front porch to the middle of Main street. A gentle rain is falling, and. soon everybody will be the same. "For Sale Pants, suitable for out door wear by gentlenen. Acme Store.". (Want ad Coos Bay Times). The place and the species. The election results were a great victory for everybody mad at Ben Olcott. IT MIGHT BE WORSE" (Poetry Mag.) ' All that I had of wings And they were not large nor bright I broke against the harshness of your grieving, Night after night. All, that I had of song It was weak and low, I fear Was sung to ease the ache of your own Borrow; But you would not hear. All that I had of tears And my tears were warm and blest Were shed to make your agony less lonely, Upon your breast. . All that I asked to share Was the pain that you would not show. Now I have given you all that I hart to give you, Will .you let me go. . : , Aline Kilmer In Poetry. GRAVE UNDERTAKINGS (Oakland Trlbuhe) James BayllB was a jovial per son and . well liked. He was a partner with the lata Edward Daily in the undertaking business and was ever ready to take part in any undertaking. Unless there is a recall launched at an early date, Jackson county is liable to Be without anything to fight about. Cut This Out It is Worth Money . Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c anil jaail It to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. - You will receive in return a trial packages containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder dimiant.' unci Fnlev Cathartic Tablets. n hnlennmn nnd thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness. headaches, and sluggish bowels. Hoia evenrwbera, Adv. Ye Smudge Pot y Arthur Perry.' A POST TIIK election wasn't as bad as it soonis. They never are. Med ford refused to abandon hound business principles of munici pal nmnatrciuent, Jackson county refused to endorse the Compulsory School, bill and as a whole re-elected minor state officials who should have been re-elected and snowed under all the constitutional amendments. The rest of the state didn't do so well. The Mail Tribune is natu rally disappointed over the decisive defeat of Governor Oleott, and the passage of the Compulsory School bill, but no disappointment as to the result of the state elections can completely over-shadow the joy that the political performance is over. It Was all in' all the worst mess this state has suffered, and it is reasonable to expect that nothing quite as depressing will occur again. at least for a number of years. " , Of course, in some quarters it is felt that while the operation on the political boil was successful the patient has died. We doubt it. We still have sufficient faith in the sense of tho people of Oregon, to believe that if they had fully understood the meaning of the Compul sory School bill, they would have voted it down, and that as the ten sion decreases and, the atmosphere clears, tho feeling regarding this measure will materially change. For it was not n vote for or against the' public schools, it was a vote for or against personal liberty and the constitution.'. That fact will be clearer as time goes on. ..,. At any rate tho thing to do now, is to forget it. Oregon needs harmony, it needs, more settlers, it. needs industrial development, it needs a lolig pull and a strong pull together. The Compulsory School bill allows a four year's breathing space, before it becomes effective ; instead of continuing the arguments pro and con,' it is far better sense to abandon controversy entirely, and sec if a little decent order and constructive achievement can't be brought out of the chaos. . Moreover there is this to be thankful for. Taxes arc coming down fifty per cent. That pledge was what- elected Governor Pierce, and he is, we hear, a man who carries out his pledges; So it really isn't as bad as it might be." In two or three weeks it will look even better than it does today; Two years before another election! That is quite a time. Let's make the most of it in a non-political practical way. VOTE 'ER STRAIGHT, B0TS 1 7lIO SAID something about voting the ticket straight? VYr If we recall correctly that stirring slogan was the key note of a delightful banquet recently at the Hotel Medford. What n horde of naughty Republicans inhabit this beautiful state of Oregon and all the surrounding country, this gloomy day of No vember. What are. tho political commanders going to do about it? Let all these party traitors go unpunished? .'Wo can't believe it. There must be something drastic done, or what will become of party discipline J , , ,. Only two years ago, there were in Oregon than Democrats. lint today, according to the returns, there arc about forty thousand more Democrats than Republicans. In Now Yurk. state two years ago there, were a million more. Re publicans than Democrats, and today there are more Democrats by the hundreds of thousands. .","' ' ' .'!'. ', :, , -'!";;.;'';: And so in Indiana; and to a greater or less extent in Massachusetts and everywhere else. - The Republicans of-America are apparently voting the ticket, about as straight as the ' B. and 0. . ' ... Some people think we have just an election. It was a political revolution, and no one can understand the results in Oregon without taking this factor into account. , Just as two years ago the people -didn't vote for Harding, but against WilsOii,.;so. on Tuesday; they did not vote iso 'much for the Democrats as against the Republicans. . They didn't know exactly what they wanted, except that they wanted a change.; And now they have got it. Two from now it will be interesting to will swing in the other direction. It probably will. The tidal wave aroused by the world war is still agitating the seas of politics, as it is agitating the seas of human life everywhere. Stability appears far off on tho distant horizon.. . Quill i Bolts can't injure n party with them. Wo don't need an invention to to keep movie patrons from it. Correct this sentence:; "Mama," a bath tonight, please? . Women suffer much more than learn to buy shoes large enough; If women really had a sense of waste so much sympathy on a great The man who. objects to that the one who tells that kind of stories. Bcveridge really isn't more conservative; it is just the definition that has changed with the passing Let's see, what were front pages the knack of shooting husbands and Somebody is always balling things up. The idea of having a na tional laugh week when Congress If both are poor, and hc is bow assured it is a love match. ' , The world isn't really growing better; it just seems that way 'because writers have quit talking about "he-men." There is always a brighter side. hard, but think of the long, long There arc certain fundamental tain principles thai are wrong.-Political go, but the principles of right and MORTEM. forty .thousand more Republicans had a political election It wasn't years from now and ,four years note whether or not the' pendulum . Points they, usually take the nuts along make, movies talk, but something said the small boy, "may I take men, but they probably nover will humor, a tiny little wife wouldn't beefy. husband, who has a pain kind of. pipe in tho smoking car is years.. used for before women developed lovers? isn t m session ! - legged and she chews gum, rest Successful candidates worked rest they will have now. principles that are right and cor -campaigns may come-and wrong go on forever. - NOT TO PLAY IN SAN FltANCISCO, Nov. 9 Foot ball teams representiiti; (he Univer sity of Southern California and the University or Washington loomed to day as candidates for tho tusk of rn- resentW the west in the Kast-West football game at Pasiult nu, Cal., New Year's day following hist night's an nouncement that tho University of California did not cure to be consid ered for the game. Penn State will represent tho east. California's champion team has represented tho coast In thu last two Pasadena names,' winning from Ohio Stnto in 1921, and playing Washing ton and Jefefrson to a tie in 1922. CORVALLIS, Ore.. Nov. 9. Dr. U.. G. Dubach, president of the Pa cific coast intercollegiate conference. when informed of the action taken last night by the executive committee of the Associated Students of the University of California calling upon the executive committee of tho Pa cific coast conference not to con sider the University of California in any plans for inter-sectlon:il football. with particular reference to the Kust vs. West, New Year's game at Pasa dena, snld he could make no com ment until advised officially and un til ho had taken up tho matter with the executive committee. "The conference went on record in favor of the lnter-sectional game." he said, "and It would be useless for me tomnke any comment on the uc tlon by tho University of California." COMMUNICATIONS Irt't's Have a Hope Party. To the Editor: The community in general made every allowance for your un-Amcrl-can method of campaign, and gave you full length of the "proverbial rope." Not content with hanging yourselves, you dare to hang a pic ture of Great Britain's new premier upon the front page of today's Mall Tribune, instead of giving that right to (ho Honorable Walter M. Pierce, tho new governor-elect. It has created no small comment among the 100 per cent Americana, all of whom voted for .Mr. Pierce. Yours Is the only daily paper in Medford, and what a splendid oppor tunity you have hud to give tho peo ple the news in an unbiased, unpre judiced' way Instead of the monitor in which you-dish It out.. "'At this time the people aro much more Interested in seeing the picture of Oregon's new 'governor than In seeing t' Great ; Britain's New Pre mier.'.' - .. If., tho adage, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap," , is dependable, you and your Ilk, aro no doubt aware of the fact by this time, that In good old Oregon's soil, where roses bloom so plentifully, there Is no chance for the harvest of thistles. ' GRACK WICK MERKITT, Central Point, Oregon. I.O SANflEI.KS. Nov. 9. Walter Miller, middleweight wrestler of Los Angeles has sent a challenge to the wipner of the bout between Johnny Meyers, Chicago, claimant to -the world.'s' i f ddleweight championship nnd Helnio Engle of Dubuque, Iowa, at Chirago next Monday. El Sidelo's Havana and m! jj Connecticut tobaccos m J . are running exception- . 1H H ally fragrant and tini- -' Iffll Jq form. Its workmanship III ISWv has never been finer M ESERVE IS EO 10 SAVE WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 President' Harding, by executive order, has cre ated a new government fisheries reser vation in Alaska to prevent the de struction of the salmon fisheries Indus try. Tho reservation which was created on the recommendation or Seeretury Hoover nnd Fish Commissioner O'Mai ley includes Hristol Hay, Cook's Inlet and the waters adjacent to Kodiak nnd Afognak Islands In Alaska and Is to be continued until legislative action can establish more effective control of salmon fishing. Unrestricted fish ing Is said to bo seriously jeopardizing the salmon Industry which produces a food supply valued at ' $:(5.O0O,00H yearly. A commerce department statement tonight said that restrictive legisla tion heretofore had been bitterly op posed by the fishing Industry, but that recently Seeretury Hoover in confer ence with representative canuers, ob tained unanimous agreement as to the necessity for such legislation ' if the industry is to be preserved. Scientific observations by Commissioner O'.Mal- ley, the department's statement as serted, determined the necessity for the reservation just created, as a tem porary measure pending an opportuni ty for congress to act. CAMBllIDOE, Mass., Nov. 9. Head Coach Fisher of Harvard an nounced today that he would start Clark at center, Jennings nnd Holder at the ends nnd Captain Buoll, Owen Ghorke nnd Chnpln in the backfield In tho game against Princeton Satur day. - Fltts nnd Cnburn are expected to Overcoats We leave it to you Plaid lined, belted models for - young men, plain styles for older men $20 $25 $30 $35: (. . ' ... Special for this week, young men's Coats, $30 values $25' .V Boy's Shirts and Waists, grey and tan Flannel $1.00 Men's xtra Pants, $6.50 values $5.00 Men's Cashmere Sox, dark colors , 35c Men's .Night Shirts, Outing' Flannel 1 $1.00 A . - ntt- 7pwr- injur -r atart against Yalo two weeks later ami will stand as t'ir.sL ri-.-i-rvt-n. From I'rinci'tim ranie word that t'nach llojit'i- was still in tlmibt a to several jiiisitlnns. At iiiuirter-bai Ic It aiipe.tlt',1 V.iiK;t1e U;i likeU' !' st;irt iiiMleail nf i.n iiKin. The n;:ui to play Ktlard with t'upluin I U. Unison, ;ts.. was nut as yet assigned. FEELS PRETTY GOOD WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 Retention of republican majorities in both senate and house was declared to be "very gratifying" to republican leaders in n statement issued today by John T. Adams, chairman of the republican national committee reciting some of the causes which he considered re sponsible for the outcome of Tuesday's election. The spirit of unrest "following after the world war, an unusual prominence of local issues over national issues In many states, the use of "fake'' issues to befog the general Ituation. nnd the natural tendency of a large class of people to vote for a change In officers were credited by the party chnirmnn with responsibility for paring down ot the republican majorities or two years ngo. Camphor & Hydrastis Fine for Sore Eyes It la mirpLiKinff how Ql'ICK eyo in flammation is helped by camphor. hyUruHtiH, witchhazo), olu., as mixed in Lavoptik rye wash. One Inity whose eyes were weak mul watery for three years was helped AT OXCB. Another ease nf red, Inflamed eyes was also benefitted. One small bnttl Lavoptlk usually helps ANY CASK sure, weak or Inflamed eyes. Alum inum eye cup FRISK. I,eon Ft. lias kins, drupKist. Adv mm SAIES ? The Quality is Right , The Price Is Right Men's Mackinaws ill wool, $11.50 values $10.00 Boy's Mackinaws, all wool $5.50 to $6.50 - - . values,- $5.00 Boy's two-pants Suits, i . $9.50 values $8.00 Mann's Department Store The Store for Everybody MEDFORD, OREGON hi ,13 Ti.. W -r 'W-wv ate THURLOW LIEURANCE and assisting artists at the ' PAGE Tuesday, Nov. 14 Second number of Artists' Course Legal Guarantee Giveruf No nttd of Knife-no pain contiauu world Auk to foe Gloonis Pile Treatment. ' HEATH'S DliCa STORK ' Suits Come in and See V Them Sport models for . young . men, plain Suits, for older men. Dark colors in wors- teds, Jight and dark ' tweeds and cash- meres, ; .; $25 $30 : $35 $50 i ... . , ) Special for this-' week, 50 Suits, reg-; ularly sold up to $30, ; $25 Men's Flannel Shirts, navy, brown,; grey kiuki $3.00 r Men's Wool Union Suits, light wool and medium -weight 50 - per cent wool ' $3.00 Men's Cotton Union Suits. Regular $1.50 value $1.29 Boy's Union . , Suits . , $1.00 Mt.