p:vge-f1fvent' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus MEDFORD MZTE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD OREcTQX TTTTTRsDXT. TOYEMrF,R. 9. 1022 I PUW" 1 1 lUT T I s I SSoT1"0"' I m I AOFT. ni-'p I I OOM'T THINK , J I X?h) i wih i could IIbFW"3' " WkT .J ? plax.tV ' 1 I 5 : jjL. 5 ra 's -S-lfp i II , "T 1922 er Intc' Fcature Service.-Inc. V muni i at I iiATrr I i-r . . . . k. , ;. '. i i ; i ; rlnll HII I lll I I U ft I II I UI-UAlu I A V I (1 II ica i-uuieran cnurcu ot : Amer- HELP WANTKP FEMALE FOK KENT FUKX1S1TED KOOM9 FOR KKN1 HOC8E3 i iiiuiivi iiuiuii in lu L in nu u ME GOVERNOR, PHILADELPHIA'; .'Nov. 9. Clifford Plnchot, Pennsylvania's republican governor-elect, planned to Blip out of the city, for a few days rest and, lie announced, to study his plans for n new state budget and for a state gov ernment re-organization scheme to be presented to the legislature. Late returns indicated that Mr. Pin chat's plurality was increasing as re mote regions of the state were heard from. Figures received from 7560 of the 8021 districts in the state gave liim 795,009 votes to 539,577 for John A. McSparran, his democratic opponent, a lead of 255,492. ' The returns showed that the demo cratic candidate carried 27 of the 67 counties. Major David A. Reed, republican, elected to the United States senate for the lull term beginning next March, led his democratic opponent, Judge .Samuel E. Shull, by 359,039 votes in ?! 269 of the districts. The figures were Reed 742,276; Shull 383,239. ; i George Wharton Pepper, republican, present United States senator, who was elerted to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Doles Penrose, had ii lead of 331,241 over Fred B. Kerr, the democratic candidate In returns from 7304 districts. The figures were Pep per 753,577;' Kerr 422,250. ,-.r Unofficial returns Indicated that the democrats gained six congressmen in Pennsylvania giving them a delegation of seven and that they also had in creased their representation in the legislature. Delay Naming Cardinals ; ROME, Nov. 9. (Uy Associated Press.) Tope Pius has decided to postpone the appointment of the new American cardinals to a consistory, to lie held next year, it was learned to tlay. The report that both Archbishop iMundfelein of Chicago and Archbishop Hayes of New York, would receive the red hat,. however, was confirmed in an authoritative quarter. wasted naavmjjJLcrKOVB WANTED Owner of five passenger car to drive small party about the Valfey Sunday afternoon. . Rate per hdurfnlist'ue reasonable. Mail Tri bune, AH. 200 WANTED To rent small furnished house or apartment, heated opart ment preferred. Phone 771. 201 WANTED Boiler, 6 to 10 horsepower, horizontal tyie. Phone meal time 697-R-2. G. E. Pierce. 199 WANTED 299 umbrellas to Tepair. Liberty Repair Shop. 193 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co.. 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED Plain sewing by the piece. Mrs. Sample, phone 886-Y. 19S WANTED 'Folding chairs, 60 orless. Phone 411-R-l. 201' WANTED TO RENT A piano in good condition. Give make and price. Address R. W. R., Mail Tribune, tt WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. WANTED Chimney sweeping, fur nace cleaning and 'eyes cleaning First class work. ' Steeple-Jack. Phone 988. . 199 WANTED Second-hand horse hay rake. Phone 671-R-l. dump 193 WANTED Small house I can buy like rent. X23 care Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, Household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy, sell 6r trade for anything. Gold Trading Center. No. 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tf PEMi FUXEKAXi HOME At Yonr Serrtea Py or Night "Information Cordially Given lor. Oth and Oaidale I mm 'DRY AS VOLSTEAD' ST. PAUL, Nov. 9. Only one con gressional seat in Minnesota was un decided today that in the eighth dis trict, where Representative Oscar J. Larsen, republican, was leading Wil liam L. Carss, democrat, with slightly more than half the district heard from. Many of the precincts in the eighth district are scattered throughout the nortli woods section in northeastern Minnesota and reports are slow in coming in, Returns from 211 precincts out of 409 gave Larsen 22,995 and Carss 20,209. ST. PAUL, Nov. 9. Rov. O. : J. Kvale, of Ilenson,. Minn., elected con gressman over Congressman Volstead) In the seventh district, is pastor of a Norwegian Lutheran, church In that' town. Ho was born February 6, 1869 near Decorah, Iowa. After attending schools, he went to Luther college at Decorah, graduated in 1890, 'and then attended Luther seminary, graduating in 1893. He afterwards studied at the University of Chicago, taking the M. A. degree at that institution and has been Lutheran minister for the past 28 years. , .. Rev.,, -Kvale received the endorse ment of the farmer-labor and democra tic party district conventions. Prohi bition was not an Issue in the seventh district when Kvale filed, and he in sisted he is "as dry as Volstead, with possibly a little to spare." Mr. Kvale is a member of the boards of education and finance of the WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as housekeeper. or cooking, Mrs. W., 361 Mountain ' Ave., Ashland, Ore. 198 WANTED By reliable young mail, 27, situation with firm or store. All round office man and good salesman, eight years experience. Box L C, Mail Tribune. 19) WANTED A position as cashier. Write to 426 A St.. Ashland.- 207 WANTED Wood to saw. Phone 462-J. v 202 WANTED Bookkeeping to do, 'either steady work or few hours. Salary reasonable. Box 35, Mail Tribune. 199 WANTED Cooking, porter,' chamber work or any kind of work. H. Yakota, Tel. Central Point. -108 WANTED By experienced woman, housework,' or nursing, by hour. Phone 956-L. 200 Riverview Parle ... ...... . ir- -fit .---. , FOE SALE Beautiful river front lots 'and acreage tracts-overlooking Rogue river in one of the most scenic districts along this wild and turbulent stream in RIVER VIEW PARK five -minutes drive from Gold Hill and just off the Paved Highway. Select your lot at Once. 25 lots fronting on the high river bank and the river front Boulevard, to be constructed at once., Ail under irrigation; the best of soil for garden purposes. All lots 100 feet and over, frontage, and 150 to over 40Q feet, in depSh at prices; pf $250 to $350 each and terms .very reasonable; only 5 on deferred payments. Acreage tracts' in the natural wild, overlook ing the river, are very desirable for home sites--poultry farms and fruit growing all more or less wooded some with beautiful groves.1' All very fine free soil and, all haying a mag nificent view of river and mountains, at 'the; following .prjees: - ,i : ". ... . , . 5 tracts of 2.2, to 2,6 acres each for.,....Vft,T...w..,......., ' 5 tracts of 2.2 acres each for 2 tracts of 7?3 .acres each for ,...... ' I tract of 2J& acres for..,..:.. ;.. - - 1 tract of 8.3 acres for . 1 tract of 8:5 acres for. , V Very attractive teams; only i Opening Sale on J. Medford, "Oregon HARTFORD, Conn., Nov. 7. Morgan Ci. Mulkoy, former United States senator, died at his homo here last night. Ho was the first president of the National llascball league. At one time ho owned n stable of horses and lie was an official of the Na tional Trotting association for thirty years. FOR KENT nOU8EKKEKINQ ROOMS FOR RENT Two light rooms with closets, for housekeeping; furnished or unfurnished. Phone 7ifi-H. Palm St. West tit Kenwood. Mrs. B. F. Neff. las FOR RENT At once, furnished apart ment in Mail Tribune building, steam heat, hot and cold water, elec tric lights, gas stove. tf FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 511 S. Central Ave. ins FOR RENT Housekeeping 310 N. Bartlett. rooms, - 199 FOR RENT Light housekeeping suite men only. 415 S. Front St. 190 For Sale or Exchange for Property or for Touring Cars r v. . ,. ; .- r. 1 Two-ton Nash trucft; in first class condition. 1 One-ton Ford Truck. !" :' "I'1. 11023 Ford Sedan, Into, type, never driven. 1 1010 Dorigo Roadster. 0. V. MYERS MOTOR CO. Valley Gu rage GIVEN SO acres Bungalow Barn Silo Orchard given away, owner asks is that you buy his water right at what it is worth. $8,(100 REASON. 1IJI,E TEHMK This water right is out of Table Hock district.. Abundance of water. 50 acres under ditch. Very finest of Alfalfa and garden land. Part in alfalfa, part in grain. 10 acres in orchard. Orchard alone worth price of place. 6-room bungalow, fire place, electric lights, phone, good well. Barn 50x70 fqot. Silo. Hog houses; other outbuildings. . Running water, near Table Rock school. Beautiful oak grove. A gentleman's home. J. C. UAItNEg Phono 784-L ' ... Nash Hotel Corner LISTER! LISTEN! BUSINESS OPPORTUNTY , Wo have listed for immediate sale a dandy little business in a nearby town. Good equipment Worth twice prico nuked. Positively clearing from $250 to $:tOli month. . . Net profit for October IfiMlO. This placo can be hnd for n few hundred dollars. Little, cash down, balance paid ont of profits. Now is your clinnco to get a business of your own. , , . ,. ,,, ., , 4. , , , . . . SEE US TODAY . , ... ... ,' , , , FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSURANCE Medford Building, Medford 6' interest on deferred payments. Just North of Gold Hill Bridge. the Property NOVEMBER W. DRESSLER Gold WANTED Experienced girls for con fectionery work at Crowson's. Apply at once and in person. tf WANTEL family. Housekeeper, throe middle-aged. 330 S. in Fir. 200 WANTED Woman or girl for general housework. Airs. Emma York. 210 Laurel St. ' l'JS WANTED Girl for general house work. Phone 507-J-2. 1US WANTED Stenograpnei, general merchandise, phonograph and piano sales peoplo. P. O. Box 1094. ' HELP WANTKU MALE WANTED Unincumbered middle nged man -to take charge of small ranch, Box 55, Mall Tribune. 199 WANTED Boll boy. Medford Hotel. Apply In person tf WANTED Box makers. Ron Orowers Packing Rosoburg, Oregon. Apply Ore Corporation, WANTED Minors, gardeners, sawmill men, loggers and wood cutters on shnfes: Gold Rhy Realty Co. tf AWAY, All ...$250.00 each .. 200.00 each ,.: 350.00 ,. 350,00 ' ,' 300.00 . 600.00 each ' '.' ( 9, 10, 11 AND 12 Hill Bank, Gold Hill, Oregon FOR RENT Furnished room, hot water, heat. Phono 321-X. S. .Ivy. V 199 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, also storage for cars anil . trucks. 124 King St. FOR RENT Largo comfortable sleep ing room with bath privileges. 35 S. Riverside, Ave. tf IXlIt 8ALK IjIVKSTOOK' FOR SALE Milk . cows, pure bred R. I. Red pullets, canned fruit, prac tically new wator motor washing machine, boiler, tubs, ironing board, baby's bed. Phono 132-.M. . 199 FOR SALE .Milk cows, Shorthorn, Durham, or Jersey. Also, turkeys and few shouts. J. Nary, phono 132-L 198 FOR SALIC Horse fivo yours old, broke, to work, weight about 1250 lbs. Address Box 45, Jacksonville. 198 FOR SALE Cheap, matched team mules, good suddlo pony.' 607 Pino St. 200 FOR SALEr 'Young team , sorrels, weight about ,3000,lb. , Apply Gltzen Barn. 20.2 FOR SALE Young saddle mare nn'd saddle, electric or gas hoist. Inquire 15 N. Grape St. tt FOR SALE Six beautiful fresh "milk cows. Wnhih's place, one rnlle NE of Medford oi Crater Lake road. 21 2' 1XJBT LOSif Chi Omega sorority pin, name engraved on back, sot with pearls. Reward. Return to Tribune of cull 546-W. 198 LOST Man's brown traveling, bag betweon Eagle Point and Butte Falls t Reward. H. H. Low, Butte Falls, Ore. 201 LOST Small earring with square crystal stone, on Main or Orape StB. Return to Mull Tribune office. 200 WHY NOT? V PATRONIZE AN INDEPENDENT ., SERVICE, V: STATION Our prices are the same FREE CRANK CASE . SERVICE Quality Oils . . JONES & KIRKPATRICK Ncx; to Nat. $ TALKS'! The Best Used Cars in Town PEERLESS TOIRIVO Wesllngliouse Shock. XlfMirbei-x, W lnji, iKrflectors, litiinix-i-K, Spot. Light, (1 Wire Whcols, 0 Tii-cs, .Vow I'ulnt. 1018 Sedan, newj pnint.J..,.....$!M0;oo 1021 Overland. 'New .'paint, ncw'tirrV :iu.-.t)0 Toiiringr Sliirtor. Overhauled. 1017 Tourings Coniplclcly over hauled. ' . . 1010 Touring. Overhauled. 1020 Chlv .-.':.......:;..L.2.-tr..0l) 1020 Truck. Starter and stake body $100.00 Studebnker 0 1018 $230.00 Overland 1015 ......;...$4().00 C- E. GATES AUTO CO. Don't Forget the Armistice Pay Celebration, Medford, L'ovciiibcr .11 FOR RENT Five loom modern fur nished house, adults. Inquire Mi; King St. liis FOR RENT Houses. Brown ft White. . tf Ft IK KK. T M ISCI ; LIA X KO US FOK R10NT Store room, 20xl feet. :i05 S. Oakdalo. 2u I FOR RUNT Garage at 1103 W. TeiuU St. l'inne 62. tf FOR RENT Hearing nrctiariis, alfalfa, grain and stork ranches,. Bume Irri gated, some on sliiii-es. Child Ray ReultyC'o. I'liono 72S-R. tr FOR SAI.lWtmi.miriILK.s" FOR SALE Ford car. 11121 model, self-starter, shock absorbers, l'hone jy3-.j,A.. i -v. . . 205 FOR BALK Model SS-1 WIllys Knlght touring car. a real bargain. Call 021 N. Riverside. 201 FOR SALE Dodge. Ford, Reo, and u two-ton truck, almost new. Clark Motor 'Company. 11)8 FOR SALE Trade c'.d automobiles for new., Femilgor Tradlug demur, next to Farmers i Fruitgrowers, : Bank, 16 N.'Orspe St, I'liono 405-J. " '' ' , - ........ tf FOR SALh HOMRS FOR SALE One of the finest home places on Pacific Highway :t. mlloui south. .of Medford, bountiful homes, ,adjo.l.n, t!i5..pr!Lcrt5;li 2'i; acro.'-.S- j room house wliii aVlicrganige, wood shed, bearing fruit, part creek b-t-1 torn soil, all suitable fur all'alt'u. Will sucritlue for quick sale. Drown & White or phono K50-L. mil , FOR SALE Fine largo home ou pav ing, plenty of shade, close in, $:!.". (Hi per month income, leuvlng r rooms for family tiso. Terms, U. S. Utitter field. liis FOR SALE Must sell, attractive five, room bungalow, modern except beat. 1 Three lots, garage, chicken house.' wood house. Terms. See ownyr. i Phono 488-Y. . 21) FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acres .of i land on Coleman creek, gooil liouno ! and barn; also cow. Joseph Kanlor, ; R: 1, liox 84, Medford. 201 FOR LEASE OR SALE 110 aero ranch, noar Chlco, California, sandy loam, plenty wator, nearly all in fruit. This Is a moneymaker. See me today, "R-U'-CMirk, 127 N. 'Rlviir side. , 198 FOR SALE Hearmg orcnards, alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, somo Irri gated, S to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 72S-R- If FOR SALE 2S0 acres logged' off land near Butte Falls; will sell cheap and give terms. Big Pines, Lumber Co. FOR SALE Houses aba bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. 8. Butterfield, Medford. National Hank Bldg., Phone 389. FOR SALE House . nnd i garage., on 100 foot corner lot close in on pave ment. 12,100, small payment down, balance like rent. See owner, on 'property. 203 N. Grape. 201 FOR SALE RKAfi KSTATK FOR. SALE Irrigated, farm In Apple gate valley. Address 613 N. Fourtn St., OrnntH Pass, Ore. . , - 2oi BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO USED CAR BARGAINS Overland 4'' Touring SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. . i Main and Riverside Medford, Ore. wooooooooooooooooogooeooiM l'OIt SALE KKAIj KSTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Ranch of one hundred and sixty acres, is located close, to Applegate postofflce one nuarti'r mile to both high and gram mar school, all fenced, a good seven room house." eight hundred apple trees, mostly winter varieties, good well on back porch, outdoor cellar, lanced, ham that holds forty tons of hay, h'.x horses, three cows, wagon sh"d. niiiile house, gasoline engine t.i spray with, aiiple press, ladders; a ,",ood creek runs through the place m it can be irrigated at small ex IMrise. For further Information Write Dr. 1). J. Turner, Qridley, Calif. 199 i'OH SALE Small ranch at S1Q0 an acre; good property, close in; make first class chicken ranch, llox M M, Mail Tribune. 199 FOR SALE Rent or 'trade 100 acres. Would hssumfl from 11000 to 121100. C. 'F. JCInckeloe, 037 Pirie. 198 FOR BALK MLSCF.IJiANKOUS FOR SALIC Gentlemen's wardrobe . trunk, used once, cheap If taken at 'onc,e. , phono 220-R.) 205 FOR SALE W. Ipullets. and R. I. R. Cockerels, line birds, and well devel ope.d. .Call ,S0,V., - 200 FOR S ALEnareda:ffalfahay m warehouse., First class and clean, J23 per ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. . Fir - St. Phone l-il-J-2. .... 221 l'0R SALE Dining table and 6 chairs, ( rockers, beds, 'rags', range, ice box. all 1nnv; must sell at once; am leav Ins. Inquire at Crater Lake Auto motive Garage. , i " 198 FOR SALE Good portable house, -607 Pino-St. -- ,r-,20O- TOR SALE Barrel Plymouth "Rock cbck-erels, bred from selocted heavy laying O. A, C. hens and Oakland Auditorium- prize -winning Tompson Ring.cts male; also White Rock -pul-leta and two fine W. R. males and . .Manimath Hronze turkey gobblers. Mrs. C. S. Lammey, Central Point, Rmta . . ; 198 FOR SALE Late model Cletrac and plow. I'hone 869-Y. , 201 FOR SALE Cider press, 910. . B. F. Uutiirie. Phone 232 Jacksonville. 188 i OR SALE Large ton Call 1002- Y. fur, . cheap. ". 1. 198 FOR SALE Marshal 'ft Wendell piano first class Bliape, 'bargain, $175. 13. F. Guthrie, phone 232 Jacksonville. ,i , . 200 FOR SALEHeater. -Phono 371-W. '' . 198 FOR SALE Underwood typewriter In -splendid condition. Price $50.' Call 73, Central Point. ' '200 FOR SALE Spitzenburg culls 36o per box. Conner's. Packing House. .199 v OR SALE Sourkrqut 75o per gallon. Bring your pall. Rogue River Apiary, phone 403-X-2. , -199 FOR SALE First class alfalfa hay, any amount. Phone 691-R-l. 213 FOR SALE Blue Pqrslan kitten; nice for a child. Phone 390-L. - FOR SALE Two set of double har ness. Valley FueL Co. . FOR SALE Everybody buys cheaper . from owners than agents, all kinds 'of phonographs nnd pianos, both new . and old. Oold Trading Center and . Music House (owners), 15 N. Orape St., bext to Farmer & FruitsTowers 'Bank. - - - - ' - FOR SALE 80 acres alfalfa pastur nge for aheep. 801 East Main. Phone 013-L. tf FOR - SALE Victrolas, Brunswick! and Paths talking machines, and . records and pianos. Will buy or sell or exchange talking machines,; rec ords and pianos. Music Shop; No. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 465-J. "v " FOR SALE First class hunting Coat. JohnA.PerL Phone 47. ' tf FOR SALS; Trade old records, phono grnphs and pianos for new. Oold Music Shop, next to Farmers ft Fruitgrowers Bank; IS N. Grape St. Phone 405-J. . . ' tt . FOlt SALE Trade i everything '' yoi , dont want for everything you do want. Gold Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 . N, Grape St. Phone 465-J. tf FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycle, 2200 voltage, complete With compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. - Big PIries Lumber Co. . . Auditing, jf Accounting. fifSTENAERVICElO: ksjf Itvsurarvcc ; f I rvveatment s V. p. HOiLiirrr , "J j .- 9n(l finer JJedfortl HUt V. . . A