PAGE FOUR MEDFOIID MATL TKTBITyW.. 'MKDFORTl OTCEfiONV WEnVKRTUYi' XOYEMF.ER 8. 1922 (Wkdford Mail Tribune N INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OHIJSHED KV-r.KV AFTEHNOON EXCEPT HUN DAY, 11 V 'I UK MR1JKUHU I'ltl.NTlMl CO. T Urdford Sunday Morning Sun t furnished 'JScrfMri deatrtng mvcu day dally onwDur Otflc. Mill Tribune Building, S637-I9 North fir utrrti. Phone 76. 4 consolidation of tli D-mocrstlc Ttm, tht MmfonJ Mat), U Mrtlford Tribune, the ftouUieru Qron.n, TL Art Und TriUwe. ROBERT W. RirilL, Editor. - BUMPTLH B. 8Uli H, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS. BT MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Bunda; Sun, year $7.60 Dally, with Sunday Hun, month 75 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year 0bO Dally, without Sunday Sun. month Weekly Mall Tribune, ont year t.00 Sunday Sun, one year 1 00 Y OA Kit IKK In Medford, Ashland, Jarkaon- Tille, Central Point, lt.uenlx. Talent and oo Hichwaya: Dally with Sunday Sua, nonth 7 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 0f Dailr. without Hundav Sun. war 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8-60 j au lenni by earner, caan in auvance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackaon County. The only patwr between Emfrn, Ore., and fUcramento, Calif., a distance of over 600 ml lea, bail tig leaned wire Auoruitcd l'reaa Service. f-wont daily average cifrulatton tor aix month tfidtnif April 1, I it'll, 8:2H, more than doubU the t if ul .Hon nf any other paper publlaued oi clrrtilaU.. in Jit-kton County. fnutrcd aa recond clam? tnntrei at Medford Oteg.m, under the act of March 4, 1871. MRMUKHS OF TUB ASSOCIATED I'BESS. Toe Aaaoclated Tretm la eicluaively entitled to the uae for republication of all new oiapatchea tied I ted to It, or not otherwlae credited In ebi paper, and alto to.tha local newa publiaued ere In,. All rights of republication of ipedal dla atchea herein are also reaerved. Ye Smudge Pot - By Arthur Perry. Tho election of Walter M. Pierce, the Demo-Klano candidate fur gover nor hows what a few tears and a lot of wind, liberally mixed with aoft soap, will do for a chronic officcseek er. Mr. Pierce, the most amiable poli tician who ever slapped a bach, or tried to tear out a hand by the roots, . will have a republican legislature to hold him down, and keep Oregon from giving an imitation of North Dakota. Me has been a consistent admirer of Rentier forms of radicalism, such as the Non-Partisan league, and some times looks with longing eyes on half baked socialistic notions of high-powered niittlness. The human larnyx also demonstrated by Mr. Pierce's , 200 speeches, that it can stand a lot of wear and tear. His big majorities came from the city of Portland, whoso exposition dream for 11127 was substan tially slapped on the face of early re turns. The Compulsory School mil, a Uol-Bhevlki-tiiinted measure, apparently carried, and the red flags wave a trifle gayer today in Moscow and Petrograd. Portland, the great religious and pur ity center, the fires of its unholy relig ious bigotry burning brightly, also put over this Injustice. Multnomah county gave it a majority that the sano dis tricts are not liublo to ovorconio. When the smoke of battle has cloarcd away the commercial clubs will send out literature to attract new settlors, and wonder why they do not respond. There will also bo hotnlr caravans from metropolitan spots manifesting i great interest in tho future welfare of "Oregon, My Oregon." Throughout the cumpaign the high muck-a-mucks of the republican party manifested no soul stlrring lnterost in the party nominee. They profossed not to know what ailed them, but the rank and fllo did, Irrespective of how they voted. They issued a platform which was n maBterpicco of tomfool ery, and a conglomeration of nothing, that will never bo equalled. It was not worth a tlnkor's unathoma, and any one placing that valuation upon it Is liable to prosecution for profiteering. They ondorsed and approved every thing that by no stretch of tho imag ination could be an isstio in the cam paign, und from start to finish fougut the victor on a battlefield of Ills own chousing. For Instance they glorlflod tho Harding administration, and fa vored tho iniincdiato removal of Ainor lcnn troops from the Khlno, along with 40 other IssueB of similar vitalncss to this great and undeveloped common wealth. The republican 11122 platform takes the cake for pirfle and childish ness. The democratic party in the state used good judgment, for once. They fretted some about tho Hsklmos of North librudor. but issued no plat form of any stupenduousness. Ilonco, the pooplo do not know how they feel towards a helping hand to China, and olhor bunk that was of no moro con cern to Oregon than a band of Kurds In the desert wastes of Abyslnnln. The noxt important work is to equip th'o republican party In Oregon with a backbone. Otherwise, a political vam pire, with a spno and a good pair ot lungs, will como along in 1924. and win something besides a moral victory when tho votes are counted, i Nationally, there was a strong Incli nation to go crazy and democratic, but Providonce saved tho day. Eight yoara Is not a long time, but tho musses, in spots, forgot tho Wood row Wilson fizzle. A Jlryan has finally been elected to Something In Nebraska where tflcy know them well. . The solar Bystom, despite the elec tion, is pottering along as well as ..1.1 I. nvnnilnil with t ll t ('lllini'l its got. There is an excellent opportunity for the state to recover from lis folly. It canio through tho Great War, and . several ovangollsUc meetings, without holmr bunged up permanently, it. ai ways looks gloomy the morning alter. As Coorgo Collins remurked, when his Store burned up: "It might have been worse." . ' , i . . there wllf be a union prayer service tomorrow, Thursday afternoon, at 3 .). in. In the First Metnouisi m'icuiui church- Quill TIhj new skirls make the women Too many young men who .long The olil-rashioned religiuus revival depended on faith. And so does a business revival. Xo doubt Europe thinks of Columbus as the man who 'discovered soinetliing to blame for everything. y ' Russia must remember, however,-.that one can't have a southern exit without having a southern exposure. Knowledge that space is infinite brings little consolation to the man who is looking for a place to park. "When planning a modern parly, the hostess must provide some thing for the young folks to do between kisses. The greatest enemy of the Christian religion isn't the Turk, but the prciieher who has to explain and resign. A western surgeon snys health btomaeh lining. Don't forget the Correct this sentence: "Merciful goodness!" cried the husband. "Have you been running the household on as little as that?" Jack: An instrument used to raise a ear. Also a menus of lift ing people into high society. Paris may dictate fashions, but , Franco for naughty novels. The chief objection to inalienable rights is the amount of fighting required to keep them inalienable. The concert of nations will be and France decide which is to piny Our own notion if) that divorce luwyers would starve to death if all husbands helped with the supper dishes. . -M'LODD ITEMS Mrs. C. C. Ferris and .Miss Dorothy Peterson and little Los Stewart were visitors nt the school this month. Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson spent two days visiting rrlcuds and attending Teachers Institute. In Medford. . O. II. Stewart, chulrmau of District 81, Bpcnt Friday at tho Teachers Insti tute. , W. G. McDonald and J. E. McDonald made a business trip to Medford last Monday. . " Miss Ikola and Gladys McDonald were pleasant callers at Mr. and Mrs. Tusser's Sunday. Mr. Ikola made u business trip to Medford lust Satur day. Mrs. Young, Mrs. llasklns, Mrs. Emory woro Medford cullers last Fri day. N. T. McDonald visited his brother, W. O. McDonald and family for two weeks. Mrs. J. E. McDonald's friends are sorry to learn of hor rotum to Roches ter, Minn., for u second oporatlou of Inward goiter. Joyco Scott celebrated her eighth birthday Oct. 21, 11)22. Those present were Misses Sicned Ikola, Gladys Mc Donald, lloulah Phillips, Vivian Emory u! ho Raymond Phillips, Uirino Phillips and Glenn llasklns. I.. M. Plillllps invited everyone to attend Sunday school at Trail, from 10:30 n. m. to 12:30 p. m. Dr. Van Scoyoc of Mod ford, spent last week at his resort on Elk creek. Lester Phillips, who completed the grammar grades In tho Hatchery school lust year, entered high school ut Springfield, hut decided it was too far from home and returned. The Hill Construction Co. has blast ed tho big roek between tho Iloguo River ranch and .McCloud store. It will bo very difficult to travel this road for some timo. Tho Hatchery school has nn atten dance' of fifteen pupils. Tho work Is progressing nicely and tho children nro Intensely Interested. The construction work on this part of tho Crater Lnko highway is noarlng completion, L. M. Phillips repaired the school houso roof last Saturday. Mrs. James Casey la suffering from a very soro finger caused by u splin ter. She has had to make several trips to the doctor. C. C. Ferris took a week's vacatlon to hunt In tho Meadows district lust week. They report no luck. James Casey, Miss Vera Casey and Miss Dorothy Peterson and some friends made a plcusant trip to Med ford last, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson were pleasant callers at the Stewart homo last Thursday. Mrs. llasklns of tho llasklns and Hayes saw mill has beou quite scriotia ly III from n fall. She Is confined nt the Sacred Heart hospital in Modford. Miss Dorothy Peterson Is helping Mrs. Winifred S. Stewart during tho school year. Miss Gladys McDonald was sick with a cold ami was unable to attend school the first of tho week. .Mrs. Susanne II. Carter and Miss E. Htirr visited the Hatchery District last week anil were thoroughly shocked over tho miserable condition ot tho Hatchery school building. People nro tad so high to run tho county these days that tho school districts are neglocled. County officials ure com plaining of poor wages paid those In the educational field, little do they know or care what the farmer realizes for his year's hard work after his taxes and living expenses are paid. Points look lunger, but not the men. to make n killing, begin on time. depends on the condition of the brake linings. it is no longer necessary to go to more harmonious when Kngland second fiddle. Goorgo Sanders took dinner with the Stewarts Sunday. W. A. Stewart and Nels Olson made n trip to Abbot llutte for cattlo this week. It was a stormy, snowy trip. The larger school children and their teacher, Mrs. Winifred S. Stewart and Miss Dorothy Peterson dressed as gob lins and witches visltod somo of the homes and reminded them that it was Hallowe'en Tuesday evening. An en joyable time was spent at the Rogue 101 k Resort listening to music furnish ed by the Victrola until after 10. - Miss E; llurr, school supervisor, pre sented to O. It. Stewart,- chairman of District 84, a picture, copy of tho fa mous masterpiece, Sir Galahad; pro viding the district would framo It. S. W. Hutchinson and O. It. Stewart are pondering the situation. They feel that the picture demands an elaborate framo, but fear that the district can not afford this added expense. . Pupils of the Hatchery District whoso names appear on the roll of honor for this month are Violet Phil lips, Beulah Phillips, Roymond Phil Hps, Joyce Scott and and Fern Gordon. Colds, grippe and tho blockade in the road have caused many absences in 'the school this month. I Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson was a pleas ant visitor at the school this month. Resolution Whereas: The Medford Hospital So ciety, Inc., has sustained a great loss in tho death of its secretary. Dr. I Charles J. Nichols, therefore be It Vosolved: That we horoby express our . tloep appreciation ot his worth and 1 work both In his profession and as Bocretary of this society and deeply deplore tho termination of his associa tion with us in our work. Do It further RESOLVED: That this society ten ders to tho mother und tho widow and to tho other relatives, of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy In tholr be reavement which wo sharo. Ho it further RESOLVED: That a copy ot these resolutions bo forwarded to Dr. Nich ols' mother and his widow, nnd that they bo spread upon the minutes ot 'this society and be printed In tho Med ford newspapers. Signed: MRS. J. C. PENDLETON. COY R. SIMS. WM. I). HAMILTON. 197 National Fruit Cleaning Machine DomoiiHtratlons of tho new model fruit cleaning machine inado by The National Fruit Cleaning Co., may bo seen soon In Medford. For further In formation address Miss E. Renter, Jacksonville, Ore. 200 With Medford trade is Medford mado. REAPING BENEFIT Fmm Hie Kx'.H'rU'i.eo of Mi'iKonl I'roplr. W'p are fortunate Indent to bp nblc to profit by tho oxperionee of our noiKlil.irH. The public uttcrunreR of Mod font ri'Mdonts nn tin? following? tuibjttrt will Interest and benefit many of our readers. Kead thin statement. No better proof can be had. K. 1.. Kaufnuin, 3-411 N. Crape St., Medford. says: "I know the value of Doan's Kidney Tills as I havo used them off and on for years with good results. At times my kidneys were disordered duo to n cold settling on them and toy bark was lame and ached severely. My kidneys acted Ir roKUlarty at these times, too, but Doan's Kidney rills have always re lieved these troubles and put my kid neys In Rood condition." Trice tiOe at all dealers. Pon't simply nsk for o kidney remedy get loun's Kidney Pills tho same that Mr. Kaufman had. Foster-Mllhurn Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. . Adv. BAY STATE SLENDER i BOSTON, Nov. S. Campaign man- agcrs of Colonel William A. Caston.f announced this afternoon that a re count of the ballots cast In yester day's senatorial election would be asked. . On the face of the returns compiled today Colonel Caston was defeated by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge by a plurality of 1913 votes. ' DOSTON, Nov. 8. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, republican leader of tho senate, led William A. Gaston, democrat, by 1503 votes in tho re turns from all but two precincts in the state. The vote was Gaston 413,' 008; Lodgo 414,511. BOSTON'. Nov. 8. Senator enrv Cabot Lodge was reelected over Wil liam A. Gaston,, democrat, yesterday o ya plurality of 1945. The vote of tile stato complete was: Gaston 414. 730: Lodee 41C.fl7."i. A rnennnt of the vote-for senator undoubtedly will be aBked by Colonel Gaston, his associates said. DOSTON. Nov. 8. Senator Lodge held a lead of 3583 voter, over his democratic opponent, William A. Gaston, in returns from all but 13 election precincts ,ln tho state tabu lated early today; . The missing pre cincts woro in Worcester and Boston. 1 44. NATIONAL RESULTS (Hy tho Associated Press.) . United States senators elected or leading their opponents in todays returns were: 4- Arizona, Ashurst, democrat. California, Johnson, republi- can. Connecticut, McLean, repub- llcan. Delaware. Bavard. dnmnomt Florida, Trammcll, democrat. Georgit, George, democrat. 4s Illdiuna. Ralstnh. riemnrrat. Inwn Tlrnr-,lrliiivt i-nnnMinnn Maine. " Hale.'' (elected last September.) 1 Maryland. Bruce, democrat. Massacliussetts'. Lodge, re- publican. ' ' Michigan, Ferris, democrat". Minnosotn. Snlnstend. fnrm- er-labor. leading' Kellogg, re- v publican. - ' " - Mississippi. Stephens, demo crat. ' " 'Missouri, Reed, democrat. Montana, Wheeler, democrat. 4- leading. ... . Nebraska, Ifvell, renubli-' can. , 1 , , 1 Nevada. Plttman. leading. , , .. , New Jersey ."lldwards, demo- crat. ' t New Mexico. J6nes. democrat. leading on fragmentary returns. New York. Coneland. demn- crat. North Dakota, O'Connor, democrat, leading. S Ohio, Fcss. republican. Pennsylvania, Pepper and Reed (short and long term) republican. Rhode Island, Gorry, demo- cral. Tennessee, McKellar, domo- ?.crnt. , Texas, 'Mayflold, democrat. Utah. Bamberger, renublican. Vermont. Greene, renublican. leading King, democrat. Virginia. Swalison, democrat.' Washington! Thill, democrat, West Virginia! Ncelcy, demo ! crat. leading Sutherland, repub- llcan. v Wisconsin, La Follctte. re publican, i Wyoming, Kendrlck, demo- crat. ' ' HOARSENESS ' I I Swallow slowly small pieces rub well over the throat v V A F O Rum Ova 17 Million Jan Used Yeatlu Hidden beauty in your haii IN every womin'i hair hidden beauty is wait ing to be brought out by the Wildroot treatment. You will be nurprised to ee how quickly these two preparations will change your whole appearance. WILDROOT Hair Tonic mi Liquid Shampoo For salt tv Strang's Drug Store SHOT, PIG FANCIER FORHERjSENATOR DK'S MOINES, la.. Nov. 8. Smith Ilrockhart, -who . was ..elected L'nited States senator from Iowa Is a farmer, b soldier and a lawyer. He . raises Duroc Jersey nits, e rune a and nnulp trees on a farm at the. odge of Wash ington. He is a nationally known In structor in rifle and small arms shoot ing and ho is one of." three brothers who conduct a modest law oUice on tho main street of Washington. He was born in a log cabin just south of tile Iowa line, in Missouri in . His hobbies are rifle shooting, self education and politics. He has carried off medals in all parts of the country for marksmanship. DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 8 Re vised figures compiled by the Associ ated Press from returns from G29 pre cincts on soldiers bonus give: Yes 129,474; no 55,209. DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 8 Re vised figures compiled by the Associ ated Press at eight a. m. from 10S3 precincts out of 2348 for United States senator gives Brookhart, republican, 193,651; Herring, democrat, 120,050. DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 8 Re turns from C31 precincts In the state for the soldiers' bonus: Yes 121,099, no 52,971. - OBITUARY Mr. and Mrs. Ray Satchwell left this afternoon for Shedd, Oregon, where they were called by the news of the suden death of H. U. Satch well, brother and postmaster at Shedd. Death was due to heart fail ure. Deceased was one of tho first representatives of tho PJ & E. in this city, where ho was well known. No more has iHftte 'from yottrjace, mother!0 S, S. 5. It the Great Builder of Red . Blood-Cells and Rheumatism Muit Go! Juat Try It! "RhtMimatlftm? Me? No, Indeed. It's all gone, every bit of it! It's sunatiioQ anil joy for me now for the first time In years. I feel a wonderful glory ajvttiin In the free motion I used to bare wbca my days were younger. I look at my hand had think of the twists and swellings I hey used to hare. I hend way over to the floor. I haven't been able to do In ai.iny Tears. I can thank S. S. S. for It all! To me It hqs a rlslnff sun of Joy nnd liberty. Brothers and sisters in misery, do not close your eyes and think that hrnltu, five motion nnd strength are pone fmm oii forever! It Is not so. It la here nnd now for nil of you, S. B. R. Is wait ing to help you." There is a reason why S. S. S. will help you. When you Increase the mini her of your red-blood rells, the entire sj stein undergoes tremendous -hsnpe. 1'rrrytbinR depends on blood Mrrunth. Mood which Is minus sufficient red-eells lends to a Iour Ht of troubles. Itheuinntlftm Is one of Ihera. S. S. S. it the great blood-cleauser, hlood-bullder, system si rctiM liener, nerve Invigorator. It steps skin eruptions, too, pimples, blaek heail. acne, boils, eczema. It builds up tun don-u. tired men and women, benutl is .i.mplexlnns. makes the flesh firmer. mrt S. S. S. tortuy. It Is sold at all drug stores in two sizea. The larger size bottle is the more eronuiulcul. v rthfc rori real m bS$9 i3 e yourself again The Place to Shop for Xmas Ideas Finished Luncheon Sets, Centers, Towels, Pil lows, etc." ,3 Everything in the line of Stamped Goods foryou to work. ''S, Gifts in Pottery, Bags and Ribbon Goods. The BEST OF EVERY THING at The .... Handicraft Shop H BK r HOW TWO V APEO ISO Doctor Advised Use of LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound . Happy Results St Joseph. Mis?ouri. "Both of my sides swelled and hurt me so that I could not move or do any of my work. There was heavy pressure and pains through my lower organs ami the doctor told me to try l.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for these troubles. He said I had this one chance, and if the Vegetable Com pound did not help me nothing but an operation would. After taking several bottles I felt it was helping me ami now I am able to do my own work. If , my testimonial will help others I shall . be glad for them to read it and hope your Vegetable Compound will do them as much good as it did me." Mrs. Wm. Lockman, 613 N. 4th St, St. Joseph, Mo. ' White Plains, N. Y. "I had such a pain that I could hardly walk and the doctor said that I needed an opera tion. I was sick for a year before I started taking your medicine and I could not work. I saw your advertise ment in a little book and that is how I came to take Lydia 11 Pinkham's medicines. I have been taking the Vegetable Compound and Lydia . I.ydla K. I'inkhamN Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Lydia ll. Pinklinm medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts, This book contains valuable information. FOR ncautifiil heavily wooded lots for summer homes on the banks of Rogue river, 20 miles from Medford on the new Ornter Lake High way. Lots nro lOOxitOO with road to each lot. Only 800 feet from Highway to back of lots. .Special price till January 1st, $100.00 per lot. A number of Med ford's best citizens have purchased these lots and you should select now before they arc nil gone. - 45 acre unimproved ranch. Qnnrter mile frontago on the beau tiful llognn river, 20 miles from Medford nnd on Crater Iiko High way. Plenty of timber anil good soil. A wonderful buy at $20.00 per acre, it bought soon. ' Ottawa- deng hw with buzz ready to go. Very low price for Dodge Touring Cur. Starter, lights and good tires, 'condition mechanically, and u real ,cnr, for $273.00. ; r ,-'. ,iT SKl Owner, D. ,E. Mil. LAUD v . 321 W. lltli St., or Phone tiii. , , HAVE YOU HEARD THE MOST UNIQUE MAN OF THE HOUR? - MR. HAL H. URDAHL 'Author, Lecturer and Teacher of that most notable work ? "The Key of Knowledgee" Mr; Urdahl brings to Modford' a message of . intellectual 'and spiritual invigoration which will lift. ybu upward and onward regardless of your position and condition. The Portland Orcgonian says of him: "In his address last night Mr. Ur dalil proved himself a gifted and forceful speaker witli tJic -capcibility of commanding close interest and rewarding that interest with thought worth while." ; P6 you want Health? Can you command Suc cess? --iDo you yearn for Prosperity and Happi .'riess?? Then. arouse the Giant Genius sleeping in your subconscious Soul. - There fe'only one pathway. You pursue it knowingly or unknowingly. "With "The Key of Knowledge," in your pos session you may knowingly unlock "That Some thing," which is the Secret of every Success; the creator of .Masters among Men; supplying to you and ine our prosperity and abundance.' To You: Reading this announcement, tele phone to your friends, bring them with veil to meet thus author while in your citw .. NATATORIUM ;-.: 8 o'Clock TONIGHTNov. 8 ' - You are most cordially invited to attend. Silver ' collection. OPERATIONS in Both Cases Pinkhnm's Blood Medicine, also Lvdia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and the capsules and prescrip tion recommended. I am doing all my work and have gained twenty pounds. nm taking the medicines still, but I feel fine. You have my permission to use this letter for the good of others. " Mrs. MARYMARK,37HamiltonAve., White Plains, N. Y. Somo female troubles may through neglect reach a stage when an opera- . tion is necessary. But most of the commoner ailments are not the sur gical ones; they are not caused by serious displacements, tumors, or growths, although the symptoms may appear the same. When disturUng ailments first ap pear, tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound to relieve the pres ent distress and prevent more seri ous troubles. Many ietters have been received from women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound after op erations have been advised by attend ing physicians. . , , .' SALE! saw nltacliment. Nearly, now and iinmcdiiito snle, $03.00. In perfect