Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 08, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    edford Mail;
'"it,. 1
Weather Yfe!jjKO
Maximum 65
Minimum 30
Prediction ....Raln
Maximum yesterday 48
Minimum7 "today 35
OmHv Kvntinth Yur
Weekly Fifty-Second Viu.
NO. 197
,-,The" Weather
10 OC QU !
10 0U,0U4 :
Neck and Neck Race for Con
gress in First World Fair
Bill Behind School Bill
Ahead 1 1 ,000 Swamp All
Other Amendments Half
of Precincts Counted.
PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 8. Re
turns from 1241 precincts complete
out of 1729 in the state give for gov
ernor, Olcott 78,536;- Pierce 103,880.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 8. A
neck and neck race between Repre
sentative C. N. -McArthur, republican
and Elton Watkins, democrat, in the
third " congressional district and In
creased lead for Walter M. Pierce for
governor and Increused total In favor
of the: compulsory public school bill
featured the tabulation of the latest
returns from the Oregon election at
noon today.
.McArthur had 31.305 In 390 of the
426 precincts in the third district,
and Watkins 32.299.
In 1093 precincts out of 1729 In the
state. Pierce had 103,956, Olcott 67,
691. Of these figures,.' Multnomah
county contributed 28,081 for Pierce
nnd 23,503 for Olcott In 803 complete
The initiative constitutional amend
ment intended to permit Portland to
bond itself to finance the proposed
.1927 exposition was running behind.
In 827 precincts in the state the total-
was yes, 45,150; no 46,263.
The compulsory school bill figures
from 973 precincts were: Yes, 68,
744; no, 57,730.
For stato treasurer, 1010 precincts
give Holt 94,479; TouVelle30.533.
1012 precincts for public instruction
give Churchill 84,704; Oeorge 46,257;
1017 precincts for labor commissioner
give Gram 84,746; Hnhscn 35,759.
899 precincts for public service com
missioner give Campbell 61,161;
Erlcksen 23,342; Kerrigan 21,232.
799 precincts on single tax, yes 23,
503; no 63,061. 804 precincts, Income
tax, yes 26,013; No 53,372.
. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov.' 8. Re
turns from 404 precincts out of 426
in the third congressional district
of Oregon (Multnomah county) Blve
for representative in congress: Mc-
Arthur, republican, 32,326; Watkins,
democrat, 33.S39.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 8. Com
pilation of the complete returns from
Oregon's election Increased the lead
of Wnlter M. Pierce, democrat, over
Governor Ben W. Olcott. Figures
from 823 precincts out of 1729 in the
stato gave Olcott 56,322; Pierce 73,
860. Returns from 760 products on the
Initiative compulsory public school
bill gave; Yes, 47,866; no, 40,199.
Latest figures on the exposition tax
r. isure from 651. precincts gave yes,
2i03; no 30,619.
For state treasurer 737 precincts
give: Hoff 70,050; TouVelle 28.964.
For public Instruction 669 precincts
gave: . Churchill, 66,088; Gourge 35,-
For labor commissioner, 737 pre
cincts: Gram 65,550; 'Hansen 26,190.
For public service commissioner,
734 precincts: Campbell 64,272;
Erlckson 19,960; Kerrigan 17,008.
Latest figures from the second
4 congressional district, 234 precincts,
Urnham 8226; Slnnott, 11,645.
PORTLAND, Ore!, Nov. 8. Re
turns totaled today on the state legis
latlve tickets showed:
SUito Senator.
. Senator second senatorial district
(Linn county) 19 precincts, give L
M. Curl, republican 1638; S. M. Gar
land, democrat 1613.
Senator fourth senatorial district
(Lane and Linn counties) 42 pre
cincts give: E. D. Cuslck, republi
can 2788; Fred Fisk, democrat,
4297. v .
Senator nineteenth senatorial dis
trict, Morrow, Umatilla, Union coun
ties. 68 precincts give: C. B. Eber-
hard, republican 1915; H. J. Taylor,
democrat 2100.
Senator twentieth senatorial dls
trict (Umatilla county) 31 precincts
give: L. A. Relneman, independent
1178; Roy W. Rltner, republican,
democrat. 1469.
State Representatives.
Representative second district (Linn
4 county) two to be elected. 13 pre
cincts give R. S. Acheson, republican
(Continued on page eight) '
Turkish War Danger
Arises Anew, Yankee
Cruiser On the Way
(By the Associated Press.)
The Angora government has
reiterated its demand for the
evacuation ot Constantinople
nnd the removal of the allied
warships, according to informa
tion from authentic quarters
here today.
The cruiser Pittsburg, flagship
of Vice Admiral Long, in conf
mund of American naval forces
In Europeun waters, has left
Gtbralter for Constantinople
"for eventualities," the navy
department announced today.
Gov. Olcott Congratulates Mr.
Pierce On 'His Very Decis
ive Victory Oregon More
Than His Personal Fortunes
! Chair One of Stress. '
SALEM. Ore., Nov. 8. Governor
lien W. Olcott, defeated republican
candidate for re-election for governor
of Oregon, in a message of congratu
lation sent todny to Welter II. Pierce,
successful democratic candidate, com
pliments him on his "very decisive
"Please accept my congratulations
upon your very decisive victory," the
governor's message to Pierce says.
If there is any way 1 may assist you
In your new duties, command me.
Oregon means more than the per
sonal fortunes of any man or set of
men and it is my hope that under
your administration she may grow
and prosper."
Governor Olcott accepts his defeat
gracefully and says he "has no re
gret In leaving the governor's chair.'
"Not that I have been anything but
proud to servo the people of a great
state in Iho enpacity of their chief
executive," he .continued, "but be
cause it is a chair of stress and
trouble, and during the npproachlng
years, with new and great problems
facing the executive. It will bo all the
more so."
FARGO, N. D., Nov. S. Lynn J.
Frazier, republican, and non-partisan
candidate for senator, will probably
climb to a lead of 12,000 to 15,000
over J. F. T. O'Connor, democrat,
when rural returns come In and the
gubernatorial race will he very close
with William Lcmke, non-partisan
possibly defeating Governor R. A.
Nestos, non-partisan league head
quarters here claimed this morning.
FARGO. N. D., Nov. 8. Inability to
secure rural returns due to bad roads
in North Dnkota has, left tho senato
rial contest between Lynn Frazier. re
publican, non-partisan nnd recalled
Governor J. F. T. O'Connor, demo
crat, In doubt. Returns from 300 pre
cincts, almost all urban, gave O'Con
nor 30,818, as compared to 18,686 for
Frazier, a lead of more than 12,000
but it is considered certain that
rural returns will cut this down ma
terially if not wipe it out.
Ship Apples Ry Dont.
WATSON VI LLE. Cat., Nov. 7.
Ocean freightens may soon be loading
Watsonvllle apples and Salinas valley
products ot Moss Landing, a Monte
rey bay point near here, according
to hopes expressed by William Sand
holdt, Monterey publisher, who re
cently purchased the Moss Landing
wharf, warehouses and three miles or
ocean frontage. Sandholdt says he
will cut n channel through to n
slough at Moss Landing nnd dredge
a harbor deep enough for ocean
going vessels providing financial ar
rangements can be made.
Defeat Comes to Public Men
Close to President lodge
Runs Behind Ticket Miss
Robinson Beaten Bever
idge in Doubt Wilson Foe
, Re-elected in Missouri.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Tho repub
licans had elected 200 house mem
bers and the democrats 190 of the
218 majority needed for control, ac
cording to returns completed today
at 4:30 p. m. eastern time. Thirty
seven districts still were missing
from the returns, which showed a
total net loss to the republicans of
66 members. In the senate contests
the republicans had lost eight, the
democrats winning seven and the
farmer-labor party one, the latter in
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. (By .the As
sociated Press) The Associated
Press tabulation of tho vote for the
house of representatives 'showed at
8:30 o'clock this morning: Demo
crats J7S; republicans 171;,. pocills(,'
one. " " - , .
Only twenty states were then com
plete Two hundred nnd .eighteen
members are required for a majority.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. (By the As
sociated Press) Returns today sup
plementing those of last night show
that republican seats in the senate
from Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey,
New Y'ork, Michigan and West Vir
ginia aparently had been captured by
the democrats and that the republi
cans had captured senate scats held
by democrats from Nebraska and
Ohio. In Delaware, Montana and
Minnesota the results were too close
to be counted in either column.
Tho returns, so far, would reduce
the republican majority in the sen
ate from 24 to 16 with prospect of a
further reduction.
. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The re-election
of Representative Scott, republi
can, Michigan, tied the democrats and
republicans in their race for control
of the house of representatives. It
gave each party 178 votes toward the
majority of 218 for which they were
straining. Only 21 states had report
ed a complete vote, however, and it
was plain that the deciding figures
were to come from the west and mid
dle west.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. (By Associ
ated Press.) Democratic gains in the
national elections continued to pile up
steadily as belated returns came In
from all parts of the country early to
day. Throughout the night democra
tic gains in the house of representa
tives accumulated without counter
gain for tho republicans in a single
congressional district.
The great majority which rolled up
for the republicans in the Harding
landslide of two years ago was gnawed
into by the democrats in all debatable
states until there seemed a chance
that It virtually might be wiped out or
at least reduced to a slender working
force for the administration.
Some important figures in the re
publican administration went down to
defeat and some members of the sen
ate and house personally close to
President Harding will retire to pri
vate life, with the rising democratic
tide. . '
. The republican forces , failed to
break into the democratic ranks In
the south and lost one congressional
district which they have held there
for years the ninth Virginia. Speaker
Oillett was elected; Uncle Joe Cannon
passed on his scat from Illinois to a
republican; Miss Alice Robertson, re
publican of Oklahoma, only woman in
congress, was beaten by a man the
democrat whom she defeated two
years ago and the present house got
nn additional woman member, a re
publican, In frs. Wlnnifred Huck, a
daughter of the late- W. M. Mason of
Illinois, who bad served in both senate
and house.
She was elected to fill out her
father's unexpired term and will only
serve until next March.
With the defeat of Governor Miller
of New York by Aldreil E. Smith, the
(Continued on page eight)
Great Britain's
Latest ) b n t o graph of P.onnr l.nv,
County Judge Race Proves to
Be Walkaway in Both Coun
ties Total Majority Nearly
4000 Pierce Leads By
Over 1000 Count Com-
plete in 40 Precincts.
For Governor, Pierce.
For Circuit Judge, Thomas.
For State Senator, Dunn.
For Legislature, Cowglll and
In 40 out of KG precincts in Jack
son county complete, the vote stood
at press time today;
For Governor
Olcott 2774
Pierce 3788
Majority for Pierce 1014.
For State Treiuiurcr
Hoff i 2396
Ton Velle ; 2141
Hoff's majority 235.
For Circuit Judge
Kelly 1000
Thomas 4660
Thomas majority 2760.
For State Senate
Borden 2444
Dunn 3653
Dunn's majority 1209.
For Ijcgisluturo
Carkin 3331
Cowglll 3389
Rlgg 2297
Hanley 2322
Carkin and Cowglll elected.
Compulsory .School Hill ,
Yes 2689
No 2897
-Majority against 208.
County Road Bonds
Yes 2152
No 1880
Majority for 2 72.
A telephone messago from Grants
Pass at 3 o'clock gave the vote there
for circuit Judge in 23 out of 25 pre
cincts complete:
Thomas 1631
Kelly 682
Thomas" majority In Josephine,
Thomas' lo'-il majority In Jose
phine and Jach-son counties with!
(Continued on page eight)
m M . I
unuiiuun uu,
New Premier
new prim e minis tor of Grca t Ttrl t u I n . '
Pomerene Behind, and Demo
cratic Lead for Governor Is
Cut Kellogg Beaten By
Visionary in Minnesota
Michigan Race in Doubt.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 8. Con
gressman Fess, republican, had in
creased his lead: ovor Senator A.
Pomerene for United States senator
to 32,030 in 7621 precincts out of a
total of 8167 In tho state. Tho vote
at 3 p. m. was: Feso 727,784;
Pomoreno 695,754.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 8.
Carml A. Thompson, republican, had
cut tho lead of Vic A. Donahcy, dem
ocrat, in the gubernatorial race to
19,573 in a total of 7,687 precincts
reporting at 2:45 p. m. The vote on
governor was: Thompson 735,860;
Donahey 755,438.
COLUM.HUS, Ohio, iNov. 8. Re
turns at 31 a. m. today from G501
out of a total of 8167 precincts In
Ohio gavo Fess, republican, a lead
of 15,098 votes ovor Pomerene,
democrat, for United States senator,
Tho vote was: Fess 802,205;
Pomerene, 593,107.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 8. Re
turns from G535 out of a tota'. of
K 1 67 precincts In Ohio today gave
Donahey, democrat, a lead of 32,350
votes over Thompson, republican, for
sovernor. The voto stood: Thomp
son 614,397; Donahey G4G.747.
ST. Paul, Minn., Nov. 8. (By the
Associated Press.) Frank B. Kel
logg, republican, junior senator from
Minnesota, was defeated In yester
day's election by Dr. Renrlk Shlp
stcad, farmor-lnborlte, it was shown
in unofficial returns available here
late today. .
MILWAUKEE,' Wis., Nov. 814?
precincts out of 153 in tho sixth Wis
consin congressional district give for
Berger, socialist, 28,899; Stafford,
republican 25,205.
DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 8. (By
tho Associated Press.) With but
G31 precincts of the 290G in the state
missing this morning, former Gov
ernor Woodbrldge N. Ferris, demo
crat, apparently had been elected to
the United States senate over Senator
Charles E. Townscnd, republican.
Ferris steadily was increasing his
lead as additional returns were re
ceived from Wayno county (Detroit.)
Th voto stood: Ferris 235,525;
Townscnd 280,450. - . ...
Woodrow's Last Letter
Bitter Against Reed,
But Proves Ineffective,
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8. ( Ry tho
Associated Press.) A lotter
witteu by former President
written by former President
Stephens of Missouri October
2 7, designating Senator James
A. Reed as "a man without
party," und stating that If
elected Mr. Reed would he In
the Simula "repudiated by demo
crats nnd elected above their
own man by republican voters
was made public this afternoon
by Stephens. Reed won with
east In the .Missouri election.
Wet Senators Win in Illinois
and New Jersey California
Against Volstead Act
Reed, Prohibition Foe, Easy
Winner in Missouri.
hibltion enforcement apparently was
defeated in California at yesterday's
election, on the face of Incomplete
returns from the most populous ccn
tors which reported n majority of
51,560 against It. Lnter returns from
rural districts showed returns In favor
of prohibition that might affect the
result. The voto at noon today was
66,730 for and 108,2110 against
Tho voters defeated a proposition
for development of wuter and power
resources by the state.
.CHICAGO. Nov. 8. Returns from
3605 out of 6800 precincts with the
vote of Chlcngo virtually complete for
tho. wlno and beer referendum give:
For 009,077; ugalnst 247,313.
CHICAGO, Nov. 8. Proponents of
relaxing tho present prohibition laws
scored heavily in at least four states
yesterday, according .to compilation
todny from the natlon-wldo election.
In Illinois an expression of sentiment
on tho Volstead act favored modifica
tion by approximately 600,000 votes
to a negative 200,000 with one-half
of tho states reported: California de
feated the stato enforcement act by
an indicated two to one. Missouri re
elected Unltod Stntes Senator James
A. Reed, an avowed opponent of pro
hibition and New Jersoy, It Is Indi
cated, sent Governor Edward 1.
Edwards, also avowedly against pro
hibition, to the United States senate
over Senator Frellnghuysen. i
prohibition enforcement measure on
the California ballot providing for
making the eighteenth amendment
and the Volstead act the law of Cali
fornia, has been defeated, nccordlng
to figures compiled at 11:30 a. m., to
day. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. The
prohibition enforcement measure on
the California ballot providing for
maklng the eighteenth amendment
and the Volstead net the law of Cali
fornia has been defeated, nccordlng
to figures compiled at 10:30 a. m to
day. San Francisco reported a majority
of more than two to one against it,
while Los Angeles county returns in
dicated tho margin In favor of the
act tlvro to be only a sllyht one, .(he
ratio being 16 to 15.
Out of 6681 precincts In the stato,
2401 complete precincts gave Rich
ardson 164,223; Woolwlne 132,812;
Alexander Horr 12,489.
For senator 2365 complete pre
cincts showed Johnson 184,491: Penr
son 67,003: Upton Sinclair 17,010;
Henry C. Ncedham 12,555.
Rally Swimming Champ.
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 6. Mickey
McBun, 3 years old, 1r a I.oh Angeles
claimant to tho title of fastest baby
swimmer of the Pnclflo Coast.
Mickey has already won four
medals for the fifty-yard bnck
staoke. the Australian crawl the 10
foot dive and for tho fastest baby
swlmmed on the const when he wns 2
years old, and he Is looking for
Gaddis and Business Men's
Ticket Sweep the City Every
Candidate Being Elected
Thomas Has Landslide in
Medford Pierce and Cow
gill Carry City.
For Mayor Earl C. Gaddis.
For Councilmen
Butler, Jacobs; 1st ward. ,
Alenderfer, Janney, 2nd ward.
Paul, Crose; 3rd ward.
City Recorder MoBes Alford.
City Treasurer Mrs. Weber.
Enrl Gaddis and the entire busi
ness men's ticket wus elected in Med
ford yesterday over the Lindas ticket
by a big majority, In some instances
over two to one. The clqsest race
was between Mrs. Webber, the pres
ent city treasurer, and Miss Hansoom,
the former winning by a majority of
137 votes.
In the third ward, B. W. Paul
was the only candidate for council
man endorsed by the BusineBB Men's
ticket, A. J. Croae, though favorable
to the business men's platform, ran
Independently and ex-Councilman
Dressier, who supported John Root
for mayor, and also was in favor ot
the policies ot the Gates administra
tion, was not endorsed by the Busi
ness Men's ticket. Paul led the field
In this ward'wlth a vote of 394, with
Crose second, with 337, Dressier
third with 2G3, and Bowman last with
For some unknown reason four
precincts In Medford did not report
on the -water commission charter
amendment, nnd two did not report
on the county road bond issue, bo the
final result will have to wait until
the official count. Both these meas
ures wore leading however, and will
probably carry in the final count.
Pierce carried 'Medford by only
190 votes, the vote standing Olcott
127G and Pierce 1466, Hoff won
over TouVelle by the scant margin
of 4 3 votes, the vote In Medford be
ing Hoff 1305, TouVelle 1262.
On the other state officials Med
ford voted against all the so called
Klan candidates, giving strong ma
jorities for Churchill, state school
superintendent, Gram for labor com
missioner, Campbell for the public
service commission.
Thomas Has Landslide
On the judgeship race in this city
Thomas, as was generally predicted,
had a land slide, beating out Kelly
over two to one, the total vote being
for Thomas 1870, for Kelly 856;
Thomas' majority being 1014.
Newton Borden, for the state sen
ate was beaten by George Dunn of
Ashland by a vote ot 1104 to 1442, a
majority for Dunn ot 338 votes.
Carkin and Cowglll staged a pretty
race In Medford, it being neck and
neck throughout the count, with
Cowglll finally winning out toy 57
voles, and Miss Hanley nosing out
Rlgg of Ashland, the Klan candidate
by a vote ot 983 to 730. .
The vote In Modford complete ex
cept for the rounty road bonds and
the water commission amendment,
which are incomplete, follow:
Olcott ..1276
Pierce .1466
State Treasurer. .
Hoff 1306
TouVelle 1262
Stnto School Superintendent.
Churchill -,..1672
George 754
Jjibor Commissioner
Oram ...1379
Hansen 744
Public Service Commissioner '
Campbell 1321
Erlckson 684
Kerrigan 8l
Circuit Judge. .
Kelly 836
Thomas 1870
(Contlnued on page eight)