.V I I -II il iy U ol PAGE FOUIt MEDTORD MAiTJ TRIBUNE, rFT)FORT, ORKOON". MONDAY, NOVEMBER fi. -1022 Latest Gossip From European. Social and Political Circles iviit lolls from Ins i-slatea. UuL 1 tear In: U'h-h not lift much nowadays. lly DANIEL O'CON'M'I.I., InU'J-imliiimil .Ncmh Keivirc Staff C'om'HiMHiilciit. DUNLIN, Nov. Uoi'b any Irlsh Aiwrlcnn wont a rustle or a mansion in Ireland? Jf so. ! run wuun; one rlirlit now nt a very moderate i harue. In fact they are koIiik ui-KKiiitc. Here In a rhnnco of a lifetime lor tin? win nt some former evicted farmer who was thrown on the roadside ly some aristocratic landlord to return and purchuRft tho lioino of tho lord of the manor. I'ustlcs and mansions, tin honied of ,fluk. lords and earls are now (in the market and can lie pur chased for the price of an ordinary suburban residence, but nobody wants tlicm. If you inireliiiBo a castle It Is not 1 Call a physician. Then begin I "emergency" treatment with V A PO RUB Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly rertnin that you will hv uWowviX to live there. Nothing is your own now adays In Ireland, hnruufto nt any mo ment your most valuable poHHeXMbniH may be com man dee red by rovintc KanKK of int'ii to help them In their fitfht for the republic. Mun.slonH citi turies old have In many parts of the country been razed to the ground in fiames. in them were priceless treas ures, stub as ()hl pietureH and lurni t ure t hat an never be replaeed, but somehow no one wenis to mind. The Duke of Uevonsh ire's castle at Lis towel, which Ih nald to be more beau tiful than Kintf (leore's rustic at Windsor, was lately tho scene of a desperate flnht hetwei-n the republi cans and free staters and was saved from the flames only by the greatest of luck. Usui ore castle, which is on 1 1 10 hanks of tho Illackwutei (the Irish Khiue), Is surrounded by a 1iukc wall more than a mile in length. Hk furniture and pictures nlonn arc worth, It Is said, more than a million dollars. Tho duke, who was formerly tfovoriior-Konernl- of ' rn inula, owns hutfe eslates in Ireland, bi-sldes beiiiK ground landlord of almost half of 'ork city. He used to draw immense l for (he women the l.ilb-ii out ol un ion;' imo. They act as dispatch car riers and brinfc t he revolvers and bombs to the am bush e r s who make their attack from Mreot cor ners. They carry on a propaganda campaign w i t .li mit ceasing, and in o v e r y way ' even more ih.tn . men. A new role L1 . ,n,,y have recently' I adopted, and that " is they have bo- come nmbushers in Dublin. They throw bombs and fire revolvers at t h e froo state Xamt icVucyo-'v I troops now as reg ularly as their brothers do. A few days ago three of them standing most unsuspectingly in the street hurled t hriii bombs at a parly of froo state soldiers passing In an automobile. The bombs missed their objectives, but n number of oi her 'Wot ne n st a tiding near opened fire wlih six-ebamher revolvers. Two Had it not bci'i IimMoiii would li.i Ue Valera parly Wi - - f men and a boy were Injured, but none (if tlie free state soldiers were. A horse and cab passing took flight and dashed in... a railed area. Tin horse wiiij mi injuied thai he had (o be killed. Tlie booze bosses in I'lster are tak ing serious alarm at the contem plated action of the government of making shorter hours for saloons. Tho Distillers and Wholesale Spirit .Merchants association, which is back ed by tho interests, has decided to fight the Craig government upon the issue, Mrs. Maude (lonne MaeP.rido, tho well-known Irish woman republican leader whoso husband was shot by i ho .British for his connection with tho JOaster week rising In liiltl, was addressing n meeting in Dublin with several other women republicans. Shp. was denouncing tho froo staters and had as a platform a jaunting car. Tho horse wont to sleep. Tho women woro pitched in the roadway and tho mooting broken up. UVK ltUiHT TO-DAY : Bonwt not thyself of to-morrow; for thou know est not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs J ; 1. OLDER BOYS MEET EUGENE DECEMBER V The Western Oregon Older Boy's conference will convene at Eugene December 1-3. Delegations of boys from different parts of Jackson coun ty are planning on attending. It will be remembered that similar confer ences have been held in different cit ies of southern Oregon in past years. I.aHt year the state committee of the Yong Men's Christian Asssociation held seven or eight such gatherings in different strategic localities in Oregon and Iduho. ' This year it is planned to hold a fewer number but to Include more territory In each con ference district. The conclave a! Eugene will probably be atteudod by 500 boys at least. Any bby of fifteen years of age or over may attend. The Ashland dele gation from the high school Y. M.. C. A. Is planning on driving through to the conference. It Is probable that Prof. Briscoe will accompany them. Medford Hl-Y has a committee ap pointed to work up the delegation. THYE TO GRAPPLE J. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 6. Jack Dod. of Sacramento, Calif., was here today for a wrestling match 'Wednes day night, with TUye of Portland. Dod was sent here by Ad Santnl of San Francisco, claimant of the light mid dleweight championship whom Thye had challenged, but who refused to meet Thye except at catchweights Thye weights 172 and Santel 190 and Thye declined to meet Santell unless the latter could mnke his weight Dod, who weighs 173, wrestled San tel to a draw three weeks ago. With Mertfnrd Trade Is Medford mrtde. WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors Day or Night Copy of the Official Ballot for Tomorrow's Election MAKE A CROSS (X) BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND THE NAME OF EACH CANDIDATE VOTED FOR State and District For Representative in Congress, FIRST DISTRICT, Benton Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia! Coos, ' Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Folk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. Vote for One IB W. O. IIAWLEY, of Marlon County Republican Fr QoTernor. Vote for One IS HEX W. OLCOTT, of Marlon County Republican 14 WALTER M. PIERCE, of Union County Democratic For State Treasurer. Vote for One 15 O. P. HOFF, of Multnomah County Republican 16 F. L. TOU VliLLE, of Jackson County Democratic For Justice of the Supreme Court. Vote for Three 17 GEO. H. BURNETT, of Marlon County Rep.-Dem. 18 JOIIX McCOUJtT, of Multnomah County Rep.-Dem. 19 JOIIX Ij. HAND, of Raker County Rep.-Dem. For Superintendent of Public Instruction. Vote for One 20 J. A. CIUUtOIIIM,, of Baker County Rop.-Dom. 21 S. 8. OHOltOK, of T.nno County Independent For Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and In spector of Factories and Workshops. Vote for One 22 O. If. ORAM, of Multnomah County nep.-Dom. 23 11. If. HAN8KN, of Multnomah County Independent For Commissioner of tho Public Service Commission of . Oregon. Vote for Ono 24 THOMAS K. rAMl'ltluMi, of Multnomah County Rep. 25 Gl'S K. KRIfKSKX, of Multnomah County Independent 26 T. M. KKRUKJAX, of Multnomah County For Judge of Circuit Court, First Judicial District, Jackson and Josephine Counties. Vote for One 27 15. K. KKI.I.Y, of Jackson County Democratic 28 O. SI. THOMAS, of Jackson County Jtepubllcuii For Senator, Sixth Senatorial District, Jackson County. Vote for One 29 NKWTOX W. Il()lll)i:x. ot Jackson County Democratic 30 (iKOlU'iK AV. DL'NX, of JackRon County Republican For Representative, Eighth Representative District, Jackson County. Vote for Two 31 JOHN 11. CAHKIV, of Jackson County Republican 32 33 llAl.I'H 1 COWUILIj, of Jackson County Republican J. O. ltl;. of Jackson County Democratic 34 ALIOK K. HAXIiKV, of Jackson County Independent County For County Commissioner. Voto for One 35 GKOHGE AliFOKI) Republican-Democratic For Constable, Medford Justice District. Vote for One ItEFERRED' TO THE TEOI'IE BIT T1IE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Submittal liy tlis Irinlature AMENDMENT PERMITTING LINN COUNTY TAX LEVY TO PAY OUTSTANDING WARRANTS rurpoit: To mni1 ntetioa 10 of article l of the ronatitulk'ii of Uie Hute of Oregon so to require tlie auaaal levy of a tax of two mitle on the dotler on all tualile property of I.lnn county, Oregon, until all warrants of aald county outstanding December 31, 1021, are paid with h'-riil intereat and permitting such levy to be made in exceaa of tlie Ihnitatiorie flxiil by atild grrtlnn III nf iirliile XT. . Vote YES or NO 300 Yes 301 No Submitted by the Lcfrlnlaturr AMENDMENT PERMITTING LINN AND BENTON COUN TIES TO PAY OUTSTANDING WARRANTS I'urpoif: To imend ectioti 10 of article XI of tlie const i tut! on of the State of Oregon, 10 as to require the amiunl levy of a tux of two in 11 In on the dollar on all taieble property of Linn County. Ori-Ron, until such time an all wttrrtinU of said county outstanding December 31, 10:11, are paid with legal interest and to permit an lsue of bonda by lienton county when authorized by a nmjorily vote of the jwople of said county votlnj tlierpon, In tho amount of Hnid county 'a warrants ouretjiittling December 81, 1921, for the payment of which no fundn were Uipii available. Vote YES or NO 302 Yes 303 , No PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Initiated by the Orejfon Single Tux League: Arthur Hroclr. -President. 006 Harold Avenue, Portland, Oregon; Alfred 1. C'rldgr, Vice President, 54 Kant 22d Street North, Portland, Orepon; Christina H. Mnr-k, Secretary, 310 Stock Exchange HuiHhifT, Portland, Oregon (residence address, Umatilla. Oregon); and J. it. lliTiminti, Uun.tirer, 1)10 Stock Kxclimifrc lluildiiur, Portland, Oregon SINGLE TAX AMENDMENT Purpose: To amend section 1 of article IX of the const Uh tion of the State of Oregon to read aa follows: From July 1, 11)23, to nod Including July 1, 191! 7, nil revenue for maintenance of e-tate, county, municipal and district government shall be raised by a tux on land Irrespective ot improve ments therein or thereon and thereafter the full rental value of land. Irrespective of improwmentfi, shall be tuken In lieu of all other taxes for the maiutainaitee of government, and fur such other purposes na the people may direct. Vote YES or NO 304 Yes 305 No Initiated by the Atlantic-Pacific IUjrhwav and Electrical Exposition; Franklin T. Griffith, (ITI) KUiott Avenue, Portland, Orciiim; !eo, h. Uuktir. 045 East 28th Street. ' Portland, Oregon; Krucry Olmstead, 03fi Tillamook Street, Portland, Orenon; Win, I lun ley, liurn-t. Oregon; A. II. I. en, 660 Thompson Street, Portland, Qreiftm; J. b Daly, (125 I laker Street. Portland. Oregon: Guv W. Talbot, 252 Klny Street, Portland, Oregon; V. W. Hurrah. 018 Tuslin Strflet, Pendleton, Oregon; V. II, Peckehuih, 4() 1. Street. Salem, Oregon, coiistltutlng the ilanngimj Com mittee 1925 EXPOSITION TAX AMENDMENT Purpose: To authorire the city of Portland to rulae 3,000,000 by levying ami collecting a special tax of $1,000,000 each year for three years beginning not later than 1924, and expend the mime as authorized by the voters of said city nt any general or special elec tion, to pay tlie expense of holding an exposition in the year 1925 or as soon a posilile thereafter to advertise the resources, product, commerce, Industrie nud general advantages of the State of Oregon and city of Portland, and validating any preceding or concurrent city legislation carrying same Into effect. Vote YES or NO 308 Yes 309 No Initiated by State Taxpayers League of Oregon: W. J. Fulerton, Warren, Oreg. n; Win. Ilunley, It urns, Oregon; C E. Ingslls, CorvallM. Oregon: K. C. Judd, Astoria, Oregon: II, I-. Kuhl. Canyon Oity, Oregon; A. II. I.aKollett, Salem. Oregon; E. W. iU'Comna, Pendleton, Oregon; Clyde M. McKay, Uend, Oregon; George Miller, I,n Grande, Oregon; H. W. Sleeman, Portland, Oregon; II. O. Steams, Yoncalla, Oregon: 1. V. Temple, Pendleton, Oregon: Ohas. II.- AVieder, Albanv, Oregon; legislative Committee INCOME TAX AMENDMENT Purpose: To require thut one-half of the tax levy for state expenses each year be levied on net Incomes of natural persons and corporations beginning with 1924, the annual rate of income tax to be fixed by dividing the amount of tax required by the total net amount of all incomes subject to such tax; providing personal exemptions of from 5S00 to $1,000 for unmarried persons and from 91,000 to f-1,500 for married persons and $200 additional for each dependent, also life insurance, gifts, betnieuts, devises and inheritances, and charitable corporations and cor porations exempted br United States income tax laws. Vols YES or NO 310 Yes i 311 No : Initiated bv Ira H. Sturges, Ilaker, Oregon; Iir. Robert O. Ellsworth. Pendleton, Oregon; Harold U Id win, I'rineville. Oregon; B. Daggett, Itedmond, Oregon; Lewis II. Irving, iladraa, Oregon; Colin K. Davis, The Dalles, Oregon; Leslie O. Johnson, M and, field, Oregon; t). A. Swope, Grants Pasa, Oregon; W, K. Harris, Roseburg, Oregon; John It. Penland, Albany, Oregon; J. It. Jefferv, Seaside, Oregon; F. C. tlolilmugli, St, Helena. Oregon; O. O. Ilolon. McMimiville, Oregon; E. h. Johnson. IhllalNiro, Oregon COMPULSORY EDUCATION BILL Purpose: Requiring t any parent, guanllan jr other person having control, charge or custody of a tlii Id over eight and under sixteen -rears of ace, from and after September 1. lyif., to send aueh child to a public school during the entire school year, ex cepting: (a) children phvaioalv unable; b) children who have completed the eigiith grade: c) childreii between the sgea of eight and ten living more than one and one-half miles, and children over ten years of age living more than three miles from a public school, except when transportation is furnished; d children taught by parent or private tencher. Vote YES or NO 314 Yes 315 No City of Medford For Mayor. : Vote for One 36 E. C. CADDIS 37 KEXJ. V. LINDAS 3S JOIIX M. ROOT For City Recorder Vote for1 One 39 M. Jj. ALFOIIO 40 maktix Mcdonough For City Treasurer. Vote for One 41 Ii. E. DEAN 42 I-INNIE HANSCAM 43 MARY HASWELIi WEBBER For Councilman First Ward. Vote for Two 44 J. II. RUTLER 45 J. W. JACOBS 46 P. V. MEDYNSKI 47 M. G. MORDOFF For Councilman, Second Ward. Vote for Two. 48 O. O. AI.EXUERFER 49 50 II. K. GUDEIIUE E. H. JAN'XEV 51 52 C. O. MURRAY JAMES STEWART For Councilman. Third Ward. Vote for Two 53 J. II. BOWMAN 54 A. J. CHOSE 55 J. W. DRESSIJSR 56 It. W. TAIL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractor. MIItHAY lUiOS. & GKEENE--bstI'acts ot Title. Rooms 3 and 5. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Title System in Jackson County. ' Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. 1 BuiliUn Slaterlula MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cnr.Flr and 'renin wr"""- Assaycr F VV. CARNAH AN Metallurgist, Efl ; Eineer. Management. 114 N. Cent Medford. ' . Attorneys O C BOGGS Lawyer. Specialize In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A? E. REAVES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. E E KELLY Lawyer. Resumed 'practice of law. Otfice with Porter J. Neff. Medford Nat'l Bank Bldg. Chiropractic Physician pit. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427-28 Medford Bldg. Phone 9tl5. ffl 517 a! R. HEDGES Neo-EclectiJ! Physician. DR. luuibe. m. rtB.uun.ci Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me chano - Therapy, Spondylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Stewart BUlg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170;, Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Physician. Office brs. 9 to 12, s to 6. Thursday excepted. Suite 203-04-05-06 Liberty Building. DcntlstH DH. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 E. Main St.. over M. M. Dept. store. Medford, Oregon. Phone MS; res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.-O p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll boh. C. P. A. Attention given to any thing in accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look into our simpU. fled accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6Vi Applications should be on file by Oct, 25th for October appraisal. E. H. Hurd, Secy-Treas., 402 Medfora Bldg. " i Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Mon- ments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 10! E. Sixth St., Medford. tf- Ostcopatlis DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN8 CARLOW Osteopathic Physician. 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-K. Residence 20 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention glvelo to eye, ear, nose and throat. SUV Liberty Building. Phone 490. Physicians and Surgeons DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician an4 Surgeon. Practice limited to eyy. ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. K, Co., Medford Bldg. Phono 6G7. 1 DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. ' Phone 165-J-2. r a nnnapi t ThnininH Bj I surgeon, in to ai Meaiord mag. Entrance 3G N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. DR. LINCOLN KALLF.N X-Ray spec- iallst. Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment. Laboratories 211-213 Liberty llldg. Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-5 p.m. Telephone: Office, 61; residence, tfl-J-2. iyno Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher 01 Piano and Harmony. Composing Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bid Phone 72. J SADIE E. LACY Piano Instructor. Special work for children. Studio 301 Liberty Bldg. Phono 157-J. 88 Printers and Publishers MtrJUb-Urtu PKINT1NQ CO., has ttu haal ontiinnnri nHnl no nllln. t Southern Oregon. Book binding, Itwse leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. t-ortiana prices, 27 N. Hr St. Rug Weaving .ut.uruftu ruurr nuii WUHKiJ makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 706 Fine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE 0CJ Office 42 North Front St Pinna ili. Prices right. Services guar Jlitecd. D VV IS TRANSFER AND STORAGE; o.t Anyming moved day or Jiigh t. Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape.i, Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206. tf Upholstering . WEIS I'n.'iolstery. Manufacturer of overstu.Ut, 'd furniture. Full line' of materials.. Draperies made toi order. Wo ij all kinds ot uphoW -o.iiiK. na ...ii una will cair nd show Bsnni 'es. Phoce 202. Jacksonville. itt