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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1922)
t BRINGING THIro l-b HONOLULU AREN'T You COINC A'bHORE; Rb .oic MATI4 RATTAI IflM I i d""i Vi't" 'm''1 L--"-1?! FK BEyi HycsE8 ' AOIl KENT- -HOUSEIKEEKINQ MONEY H ,AN FOR SALE REAL ESTATE III Hill I In I I Ml Him n 1 e,ki tin wajibu woman or nign bciumi si run uis-i i rive room itirnisneu ZZ . TOi.n.w LEADER 10 SPEAK HERE NOVEMBER Col. Dan Morgan Smith, leader of the 1st Battalion, 35Sth Infantry, 90th, Division, A. E. F., will deliver a stirring lecture In Medford Wednes day, November 8th, at 8:15, when he will address a community meeting in the First Methodist church. Col. Smith, whose battalion was known as the Battalion of Death be cause of the desperate position it oc cupied during the St. Mihiel drive when it was surrounded by three German regiments, will tell of his ex periences overseas. He will give a graphic account of the part the bat talion took in the St. Mihiel drive at Faye-en-Haye when it advanced on Hill No. 350-4 Les Quatre Chemins, and fought its way through. Col. Smith, who has been speaking to crowdod houses all over the Uni ted States, was born in Virginia, reared in Florida, practiced law in Savannah, Ga., entered the Spanish American war, practiced law and serv ed as assistant corporation counsol of the City of Chicago, Illinois. When the World's war enlisted money and men, he entered the A. E.'F. as nia- jor, led his troops in the fiercest fighting, was wounded several times and promoted to lieutenant colont" on the field. The meeting will !be held under ho auspices of the World Leaguo Against Alcoholism. Admission will be free and all are invited to attend. Court News ' (Furnished by the Jackaou County Abstract Co.) Circuit Court. E, F. Berryman, vs. Mabel Berry man. Divorce. Harvey Walter vs.1 Elizabeth Tou Vclle. For money. First Nat Bank of Portland vs. J. T. Oagnon. For money. Stato vs. Joacphnie Sargent. Mo tion. Stato Vs. Davo Crononiiller. Order. Stato vs. James Klnzer. Motion. Order. Pearl V. Collins vs. E. A. Collins. Reply. Jordnn Electi'ia Co. vs. Lester Ste vens. Chattel lien. Medford Furniture Co. i vs. M. F. Hanley. & Hardware Reply. Frank Messlno vsli Walter Wood, ft al. Verdict. Hutchison and Lumsdvn vsll Joe Gagnon. Dismissed. State Land Board vs. Fred E. Miller, et al. Summons. Itoguo River Valley Canal Co., vs. Hugh L. Storey. Default. Howard J. Oden vs. Tatent Irri gation District, et al. Motion. Ileal Estate Transfers. A. Alford, et ux, to Edgar Adams, W. D. to lot 7, blk. "C" Talent Fletcher C. Stout to William Gerlg, W. D. to M interest in W14 of WVfc of sec. 12, twp. 36 8., R. 1 East Julius A. Manke, et ux. to S. I". 10 10 Hunter, W. D. to land In sec. 11, twp 38 S., R; 1 East . . . T. A. Culbertson, et ux, to .Tas. 4000 Call for Bids Bids are requested by the Board of .; Directors of School District No. 49. for the erection of a play shed G0x90 V ft- at the Washington School. Plans and specifications are on view at the offioe of the Clerk, High School Build ing.; Bids should be submitted by 4 o'clock ihursday afternoon, November 9th. The Board reserves the right to ' reject any or all bids. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 49. 19G PERL FUNERAL HOME At Tour Service Dy or Night - Information Cordially Give Cor. 8th and Ogkdnle UP FATHER NO-CAPTAin, SOClAL. CORRES)POND - ENCE To Do: A. Took, ct ux. W. D. to land in D. L. C. 45, twp. 3!) S R. 1 East 2300 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as working house keeper. Box M J, Mail Tribune. 19G WANTED Cooking, porter, chamber work or any kind of work. H. Yakota, Tel. Central Point. 19b WANTED By experienced woman, housework, or nursing, by hour. Phone 95G-L. 200 WANTED Plowing Phone 407-X. with tractor. 194 WANTED Plain sewing by the piece, Mrs. Sample, phone 880-Y. 19S WANTED Wood to saw. Call 452-.I. 195 HELP WAWTKL MALE WANTED Wo want to got in commu nication with a practical placer min ing foreman, one who is capable and can get results. Address Yellow Metal Mining Co., La Grande, Ore. 196 WANTED Box makers. Apply Ore gon Growers Packing Corporation, Roseburg, Oregon. WANTED Miners, gardeners, sawmill men, loggers and wood cutters on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. tf WAN TKD msCMjLANEOITB WANTED TO RENT A piano in good condition. Give muke and prlco. Address R. W. It., Mail Tribune. t WANTED Room; with stove, for light housekeeping; near cannery; widow lady. Address Box 103, Central Point, Ore. 195 WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phono 4SS-M or 48S-X. WANTED Chimney sweeping, fur nace cleaning and eves cleaning. First class work. Steeple-Jack. Phone 988. 199 WANTED To rent apartment or small cottage, furnished, close in. C. R. Lucy, Holland Hotel. 194 WANTED Second-hand horse hay rake. Phono 571-R-l. dump 198 WANTED Seo Rlioads for window cleaning, houseoleaning, floor wax! ing and polishing, odd jobs and jani tor work. Prices right, satisfaction assured. Phono 705-W. 194 WANTED Tractor plowing, guaran tee good work. Prices reasonable. Phono 137-R. 19C WANTED Small house I can buy like rent. X23 care Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, Household furniture, talking machines, pianos, recoras, real estate ana personal or real nronertv of all kinds. 'Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers , & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tf WANTED Upholstering and varnish ing. Work done at your houso. Phono 909-R. 194 Riverview Park FOR SALE Beautiful river front lots and acreage 'tracts overlooking Rogue river in one of the most scenic districts along this wild and turbulent stream in RIVERVIEW PARK five minutes drive from Gold Hill and just off the Paved Highway. Select your lot at once. 25 lots fronting on the high river bank and the river front Boulevard, to be constructed at once. . All under irrigation; the best of soil for garden purposes. All lots 100 feet and over, frontage, and 150 to over 400 feet in depth at prices of $250 to $350 each and terms very reasonable; only 5 on deferred payments. Acreage tracts in the natural wild, overlook ing the river, are very desirable for home sites poultry farms and fruit growing all more or less wooded some with beautiful groves. All very fine free soil and all having a mag nificent view of river and mountains, at the following prices: 5 tracts of 2.2 to 2.5 acres each for $250.00 each 5 tracts of 2.2 acres each for.... 200.00 each 2 tracts of 7.3 acres each for 35000 each I tract of 2.8 acres for 350.00 1 tract of 3.3 acres for 1 300.00 1 tract of 9 :5 acres for. . 600.00 ' Very attractive tearms; only 5 interest on deferred payments. Just North of Gold Hill Bridge. Opening Sale on the Property NOVEMBER 9, 10, 11 AND 12 J. W.DRESSLER Medford, Oregon Gold Hill Bank, Gold Hill, Oregon MEPFOTil) MAITJ TRIBUNE, ' ITS A BEAUTIFUL COUMTR-f- , "i; Ija , c:" PI OUST TAKE A LOOK t W Sm J, t L A : . . .s&sv l I f VI.. u x 'V esmsrrr 'z. "Jw WANTED Woman or high school girl for housework; two in family. Phone 24-X. 195 WANTED Experienced cook and sec ond maid; good wages. Telephone 741. 195 WANTED Housekeeper. 330 S. Fir. 190 WANTED Stenographer, general merchandise, phonograph and piano sales people. P. O. Box 1094. FOB BENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. hot water heat. T. A. Waternmn, phone 321-X. 10G S. Ivy. 194 FOR RENT Room, bath adjoining, one-half block from library. Gentle man only. Phono 59. 195 FOR RENT Sleeping room with bath. 322 S. Riverside. Phono 401-J. 197 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, also storage for cars and trucks. 124 King St. FOR RENT Largo comfortable sleep ing room with bath privileges. 325 S. Riverside Ave. tf For Sale or Exchange for Property or for Touring Cars ' 1 Two-ton Nash truck in first class condition. 1 One-ton Konl Truck. . 1 Linht Ford Delivery. r ,- 1 loao l''orl Sedan. 1 loan Ford Sedan, late type, never driven. - 1 1010 Dodge Roadster. '-.' 0. V. MYERS MOTOR CO. Valley (iai-nxo WANTED WANTED TOWN PROPERTY Wo want town property, 3, 1, K rooms priced right nd on easy terms. RANCH PROPERTY CIoso to town, wo want tracts of 1 aero to 10 acres or more, improved or unimproved. ' ." ' 'SEE US TODAY POUR-SITE SALES AGENCY REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSURANCE Medford Building, Medford GIVEN 80 acres Bungalow Barn Silo Orchard given away, owner asks is that you buy his water right at what it la worth. 98,000 REASONABLE TERMS This water right is out of Table Rock district. Abundance of water. 50 acres under ditch. Very finest of Alfalfa and garden land. Part in alfalfa, part In grain. 10 acres in orchard. Orchard alone worth price of place. G-room bungalow, fire place, eloctrlc lights, phono, good well. Barn 50x70 feet. Silo. Hog houses; other outbuildings. Running water, near Table Rock school. Boautlful oak grove. A gentleman's home. - - ' J. C. BARNES Phono 78-t-L , Nash Hotel Corner ME'DFORP "OKKfifty, SATURDAY.' KOYKa. nr.T?. i. 1 HdllKH. JAIIOIV W M n IM-lll ItI'M'n FOR RENT Modern two room fur nished house, $20. Phone 593-L. 19,4 FOR RENT Five room modern bun galow, newly tinted amd paiutetf, new garage and woodshed; no chJ.l- . dren. P. E. Wynkoop, 423 S. New town. Phone 898-Y. ,191 FOR RENT Six room furnished house; no children. Phone 831-lt. 194 FOR RENT Furnished house 6 roojns modern, gas; garage, 1 acre of good sandy loan for garden, about five blocks from Main St. Will give - lease. Phone 191-L. 194 FOR RENT Houses. Brown & White. tf FOB EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Team of mules for car. Phono 131, Central Point. 19G FOR TRADE Comreto household furnishings of four room house for l"ord car. Can at ll22 W. Fourth 3t 1'94 AWAY, All Ivor rent- Light housekeeping suite men only. 445 S. Front St. 1991 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 511 S. Central Ave. 190 FOR RENT Suite of housekeeping rooms and bath. 140 S. Ivy. 191 FOR RENT Modom housekeeping rooms, upstairs; no children. Phone 753-M. 315 N. Burtlott. tf FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR REN'T Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. . U FOR RENT Ranch. Campbell G01-R. I'houa E. N. 195 FOR RENT l!n furnished four rooms, modern, adults. 425 S. Oululalo. 194 IOR RENT Hearing orchards, alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, some Irri gated, some on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf BUSINESS, CICroaTCNITIKSi FOR SALE Shoe Repair business 'in southern Oregon town. invoice price. Write 11, Mail Tribune. 190 IO ST LOST Leather suitcase and black walrus grip on road betwoon Yroka and Ashland. Finder please express to Judgo M. J. Roche, ilensun Hotel, Portland. 194 LOST In Evans creek district, fox hound, white with black markings. Information rewarded. Claude Miles, Hittson Motors, Medford. 195 LOST Between Dakota Ave. and high school building, small gold honor fraternity pin Phi Delta Kappa. Finder return to Supt. Schools of fice, high school bldg., or Mail Tri bune. Reward. 191 FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALIC Attractive five room modern home, close In, corner lot, . nico lawn; trees. Seo owner, 213 N Ivy. ; 197 WHY NOT? PATRONIZE AN INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION Our prices are the same FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE Quality Oils JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. $ TALKS The Best Used Cars in Town PEERLESS TOl'lil.N'O . i Wcsllnghouso Shock Absorbers, Wind Ita'lcctom, Bumpers, Spot, Light, l Wire Wtieoln, (I Tin, New Taint. 1018 Sedan, new pninl S.iriO.OO 1021 Overland. New .paint, new tires 9:!tr.oo 1D1JI) Touring. Starter. Overhauled. 1017 Tourings- Completely over hauled. 10IO Touring. Overhauled. 1021) CIilv S2;t,-.m 1020 Truck. Starter and stake body $100.00 StndclMikcr fl 1918 ............1112.10.00 Ovcrlund 1013 $10.00 OimuToco. Don't Forget tlio Armistice Day Celebration, Medford, November (J A moo By George McManus $"00 at S percent on good VOH SALIC AUTUSlUlllLRS FOR SALE Closed car in Kood con- ri lion or will trade for smullor car. iOi N. Ivy. 194 FOR SALE Dolge touring car, new to; and new batteries. Will tako wood- as part payment, $250. Phono Presl-0-l.ii.-j Lattery Btmiun. 3 34 FOR SALIC Dodge touring car, me chanically first class, practically all new rubber, two spares, extra tube', twq buni;cri.i. chi;ap. llardon Stout, 119 W. Tenth, between Fir and Crape. 194 FOR 8M.K Traiia c'.d automobiles for new. Pennlger Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 N. St. Phone 405-J. tf "OR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALIC One black horso weight 1100 lbs., good worker. Apply 414 S. Riverside. Phono 217-R. 191 FOR SALE Team of German coach geldings, five years old, 1 and 1 100, broken to lariu work. . C. T. Hamilton, Central Point. .191 FOIt SALIC Young saddle maro an.l Baddlo, electric or gas hoist. Inquire 15 N. Urapo St. tl FOR SALIC Six beautiful fresh milk tows. Walsh's place, one mile NIC of Medford on Crater Lake road. 312 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALIC One of tho finest home places on Pacific Highway 3 link's south of Medford, beautiful homes ad loin this property. W acres, 3 room house with attic, garage, wco.l shed, bearing fruit, part creek hot-, torn soil, all suitable fur alfalfa. For quick salo, $1S00. Brown & Whitf, or phono 855-L. 11) I FOR RENT Why rent? Buy Modford homo. Pay like rent, bold Ray ; Realty Co. Sat" j FOR SALIC Lease or exchange, real estate Gold Ray Realty Company. Sac FOR SALIC Hearing pear and appia orci'Mids nr.crlficcd at $100 ucro aud up. 1 aero tracts and up. Easy terms. Near highway. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phono 723-R or 134-Y. Sat FOR SALE Modern 11 room house with 20 lots, nearly five acres. Rest Portion of Medford. Can divide into G upartments with $200 month In come. Will sell at half cost. $3500 will handle, balance from income. Live In one apartment, pay for and live off of rest. Might take smaller residence as part payment. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phono 72S-R or 134-Y. Sat FOR SALIC Alfalfa, grain and stock ranches from $5.00 per aero up; long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Co. Sat FOR SALE Rent or trario ICOT ncres. Would nssumo from $1000 to $2500. U. F. Kiuchuloe, G37 Pino. 198 FOR SALE 280 acres logged off land near Butte Falls; will boII cheap anil give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. Fult 8ALI!, Houses nab uuugalows, furnishod or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butterfield, Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone ass eocxoox3coooooooooooooooo USED CAR BARGAINS BUG No reasonable offer re fusedmust sell within a week it's a dandy, too, with four new tires. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Main and Riverside Medford, Ore. FORD 99O0O0O0OOOO0P00OOOO0OOOOQ """lit PAGE NTNfi , FOR yALE Cearms orcnards, alfalfa. grain and stock ranches, some irri gated, 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Spitzonburg culls 35c per box. Conner's Packing House. 199 i oil SALE S'jurkrnut 76c per gallon. Bring your pail, itugue River Apiary, plume 403-X-2. 199s FOR SALE Pure ureu Faverolle cc.ckerels; . also (liant Bronze tur keys. R. A. Price, Route 3, Medford Cokui' Hutto road. 1 19G l'OR SALE First class alfalfa hoy, ar.y amount. Phone 591-R-l. 213 FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 stamp mill. Gold Ray Roalty Co. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. Sat FOR SALE Victor phonograph, 104 W. Sixth St. Phono 72S-R or 134-Y. Sat FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One Edison projecting kinetiscope, type B. Am leaving Monday. 112 E. Twoll'th. 194 FOR SALE Winter Pearmaln apples. Phone 201-X, Arnold. , 195 FOR SALE Blue Persian kitten; nice for a child. Phone 390-L. FOR SALE Wheat hay near Beagle. Can be fed on place. Phone Med ford 550, or write P. O. Box 1072, Modford. ; " 195 FOR SALE Ilaby buggy in A-l shape, aiifl a lew pieces of furniture, 'bed, dresser, Columbia Orafonola with records. Phone 475-L. I 194 FOR SALE Solid mahogany buffet, r. M'.op oak desk, two small oak t.'.blea, two oak rockers, one largo heater, oil stove and couch.' Phone 423-Y or call at 725. S. Central Ave. , .194 FOR SALE Buzz saw, $150 cash, or will trado for wood, cordwood pre ferred. Cull at 428 Hamilton St. 197 FOR SALEJTwo set of double har ness. Vulley Fuel Co. FOR SALE Heater. St. 115G W. Eighth 194 FOU SALE Purebred Mammoth llnms'.o turkey toms and hens. Call Chas. Ray, 134-Y, evenings. . 194 FOR SALE Spitzenberg firsts and culls at O'Hara ranch NE of Tolo overhead bridge, 50c and $1 a box. llring your boxes. Or call Chas. C Ray, 134-Y for delivery In Medford. 194 FOIt SALE Cabbage for kraut. Phone 1S9-W. C. M. Parker. . ; 195 JOR SALE Spltzonburg culls 35c per oux. uonner a I'acmng nouBe. id FOR SALE Mission grapes, 3c pound. J. A. Manke, east of Jacksonville, - adjoining Clancy orchard. 195 FOR SALE Fresh grape juice while It lasts, $1.00 nor gallon at Soda Works. Phone 22-R. ;'.' FOR SALE Everybody buys cheaper from owners than agents, all kinds of phunographs and pianos, both new iind old. Guld Trading Center and Music House (owners), 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrower Dank. ' FOR SALE Apples. Get them of , Rogers on old Ilrown place on Crater Lake road, adjoining town. 50 cents per box and up. Phone 8G5-W. 195 FOR SALE 80 acres alfalfa pastur age for sheep. 801 East Main. Phone D13-L. . tr FOR SALE Vlctrolas, Brunswfcks and Patho talking machines and records and pianos. Will buy or sell or exchange talking machines, rec ords and pianos. Music Shop, 'No. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 405-J. 1 FOR SALE First class hunting coat John A. Perl. Phone 47. ! tf FOR SALE Trade oia records, phono graphs and pianos for new. Gold Music Shop, next to Farmer & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 N. Grapej St. , Phone 465-J. .. ' tf FOR SALE Trade everything you don't want for everything you do want. Gold Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bauk,. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 465-J. - tf FOR SALE Two General Electrio motors, 35 h. p., 40 degre9, 60 oycla, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacouia logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. .. - Accounting ERVICElft y. p. sciuirrr 2nbT Floor ' H-'"' ""'"'MeafoTo! Bide FlrSurajcc7 !