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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1922)
VACF, FOUR rRDFOT?T) Tr7in TRIBUNE. MEDFOttD, ORFiON. RATUT?T)AY. XOmAmFT? 4, 1922 Medford Mail tribune .AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPKR tTBUSOEO EVERT AFTEIt.vOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY THE 1IEDF011D PRINTING CO. Tb. Mtdtord Sunday Morning Pun It turnlihed deviring wo d.j daily newapiper. Offltt M) Tribune Buildii,f, 6-27J North tr streft. lliori. 76. THE THREE MAIN ISSUES. A consolidation o! the Democratic Time, the Med ford Mail. tb HtnHord Tribune, the Southern Urgotuan, lne Asa land i rtovme. BOHKRT W. TtniTL, Editor. 8UMITKR 8, SMITH, Uinaer. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: BT MAO in Advanc: Dsilj, with Sunday Hun, year . ...$7.fi0 DUj( with Sunday Sun. month 75 DkUy, without Sunday fiun, year 0.60 lHSly, without Buinlay , Bun, mpnth 66 Vfe.llj Mail Tribune, one yw S.00 Sunday Run, one year I 00 Y CARRfER -In Med lord, AshUrul, Jaciaon- Tille, Ontral Point, J'hMiiU. Talent and on Hirhwayo: Pally with Sunday Sun, month , .76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 65 Daily, without Kunday Sun, year 7.50 Daily, with Sunday San, one year 8.60 AU tnn by carrier, cash to adrance. Official paper ot the City of lied font Official paper of Jackaou County. The only paptr between Eugent, Ore., and Bacrnmeuto, Calif., a distance of over 600 miles, kkrtng leaned wire Auociuted Press Service. nding April 1, 1122, 8fi2S, more than double j Che circulation of any other paper published ot cutnuaiea ui jacaaon county. Entered m ecoiul Cla rnottei at Uedford Oregon, under ttie act of Uarcb H, 1670. MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated I'rena la exclusively m titled to cne use lor repuoiieaiton or ail news q.k patch credited to It, or not otherwise credited fn tiiia paper, acd alao to the local oewi published Herein. All rights of repuMlcatton af ipecial dia- yaicuea perem are aiso reserveo. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. In super-hysterical circles, it 1b feared that the sun will not come up next Wednesday morning, unless their prido and Joy is elected, lint astron omers Btato emphatically that Old Sol 'Will make it all right. The Ixud Nose Blowers Union, No. 430, huvo started their winter contest with Espee freight engines. Tho only thing .that can be said in favor of peon pants, is thut they ure better than none at all. A LADY TALKS 'Iflelievo mo, I will bo glnd when this jawing is all over. Thoy used to coclc their pretty selves up to the counter, and tell me what a fine ma chine thny had, but now they go wild over a baby just like themselves.. It don't make any difference to me, but I hate to listen to a campaign speech, before I have to tell 'em 1 can make It hqme without 'em. (letting me to the front door, Is one of the vital issues of this campaign, if 1 read my list of mimes, thore would bo, well, I'd liuto to say whnt In this town. I'm free, white and 24, and I don't have to sling hash, except to eat, but if the worse conies to worse some of the angels Will have horns. I nln't got a mean disposition, but does my chin look weak? I'm the type of girl that has n backbone, and when I Blap 'em, they don't get funny and say: 'Ain't the akeetors bad this evening?' The last ono I smacked claimed he had the harbor's Itch, his mug was so red, next ay. He never showed up for three days, and when ho did, I nsked him Where lie had been, and he fouled me again, lie said, 'I've been writing n letter to my mother in Montana Hain't tho men the cats pnjanuis?" T" ROM the opening of this campaign The Mail Tribune lias had one jL supreme object in view, the welfare of this state and this com munity. To preserve and further that welfare three things had to be dune in this election in the view of this paper. The defeat of the compulsory school bill. The re-election of Governor Oleott. The election of Mr. Gaddis and the business men's ticket in Med ford. "With the personal issues in this bitter campaign this paper has re fused to become involved, for the simple reason that it seemed rather :: waste of time. "We have no political nxe to grind. Whether this party or that gets this minor office or that, will make very little dif ference to this paper or to anyone else. But whether Oregon is to amend its constitution, so that the mother of a child will not be allowed to educate that child as she sees lit. Whether the affairs of this state are to remain in the hands of an efficient and industrious 'business man like Ben Oleott, or handed over to a political emotionalist like Mr. Pierce. Whether Medford's sound and businesslike financial policies are to be continued or overthrown, all these issues are supremely im portant, something to materially and permanently effect the welfare of every resident of this state and this community and it was there fore on these throe issues that The Mail Tribune has concentrated. ' We believe very few people will vote for the Compulsory School bill if they understand exactly what it means. For we believe very few people will vote against their own self-interest. ' Disregarding the spirit of religious intolerance which actuates tho measure, disregarding its unquestioned unconstitutionality, this bill if passed will not only increase state taxes by over a million dol lars a year, but will render any immediate growth and development of this state absolutely impossible. In only one other state in the union has the ennctmVnt of a similar measure been attempted, in Aliuhitiau. and there the people voted it down over two to one. It should be voted down here as emphatically. ' It will do no good, it will, if passed, do great economic harm. Our opposition to Mr. Tierce is not because he is a Democrat. We don't fare a hoorah about the political label he wears. Our opposition is based upon the fact that Mr. Pierce is a typo of tho old-fashioned, glib-tongited professional politician willing to do anything or say any thing to get votes,-lacking in sincerity and sound judgment, and we are everlastingly sick of the whole tribe. We don't want a politician at Salem.'-'They are too unreliable and ultimately too expensive. Xow as to the city election. This is really more important than anything else to the people of Hertford, for the proper administration of city affairs, effects every individual in li is everyday life every clay. On the verge of financial collapse seven years ago, Medford's finances were reorganized, placed upon a sound business basis, arid by rigid economy and good management over $200,000 was paid off the city debt and the city water system put upon a self-sustaining basis1.'- The election of Mr. Gaddis and Councilmen Jacobs, Butler, Alcnderfer, Janney, Paul and Dressier mean a continuation of this policy That js the only real issue in the city campaign. We can't belicvo the people of Medi'ord will be so blind to their own self-interest, as not to elect them. Eleventh Hour Mud-Attack on Gover nor Oleott is Made NO WONDER MR. PIERCE WEEPS , : (Eugene Register) Governor Hon W. Oleott has ( been so busy campaigning over ; the state that It Is feared hero , that lie has had to ncgloct some ot the duties of his office. That conclusion bus boon rcuched by , reason of the fact that ho seems ', to be failing woefully in his efforts . to find for Mrs. H. Pumphrey, ot ( this city, what she describes ns a i beautiful and vicious bulldog , -which wns picked up several weeks ngo by a tourist passing . through tho city. , The hero list of Mr. Carnoglo, for which medals and cash are awarded each year, was issued today, and no candidate from Oregon 1s thereon. -Otto Ourgel niovod on Wednesday Into his now bungalow at 10:116 Church St. (Pendleton Enst Oregoniun). But he don't do it any more. Instead of laying tho blamo for beat ing the bruins out of a lady, with a clawhammer, on the gossips, where It belongs, tho Los Angeles lady on trial for tho crime, says her companion did It. Nobody knows which Is tho most harrowing the brutal, fiendish mur der, or tho brutal, fiendish tattling that Inspired it. Turkeys that havo been subsisting on grasshoppers all summer, are now represented to the public as milk fed. VOTE FOR GEORGE DUNN. TITR MAIL TRIBUNE is glad to endorse George Dunn of Ash land for the slate senate. An old pioneer, universally respect ed, Mr. Dunn can be depended upon to show that good judgment and fairness, in the state legislature that he lias always exhibited in his dealings with his fellow citizens in Jackson county. Mr. Dunn should be elected by a large majority. SMASH THE SNEAKING POLITICIANS. AN ELEVENTH hour cause is a bad cause.'' Any political argu ment that has to be shoved under your door under cover of night, that can't stand the light of open day or tho free play of op position has something seriously wrong with it. If you are . tired of these sneaking, underhanded political methods the only way to stop them is to vote against any candidate who seeks to profit by them. When tho last-minute squad find such practices don't pay, they will stop and not until then. The endorsement given to Governor Oleott by a number of prominent Ma sons, its published- in the press, should do much to counteract the contempt ible - mud slinging" campaign that is now being conducted by the opKisi tion. The "independent press" Is so hard put to find legitimate material with which either to attack the Oleott official record or to defend the official record of Mr. Pierce that it resorts to the puny tactics of crying "mud sling ing" when the Pierce record Is ex posed. They do not attempt to deny the-record, no allegation has been made that the charges against Mr. Pierce are even In the slightest degree incorrect. Part of his record has been published by actual photographs, other parts of his record relating to legisla tion have been published by inetns of citations of particular bills endorsed and voted for. Throwing .Mr. Pierce's record at him Is called "mud slinging." The record is indeed a rotten one, but it is no fault of those who are expos ing him. When a man is a candidate for public office it is not only a legiti mate piece of campaign work to give the people his public record, but it be comes tho positive duty to those in charge of the campaign to publish it. Were empty charges preferred against Mr. Pierce, such as are being spread ull over Oregon by those who are trying to elect him, there would be some ground for complaint, for if any body In this campaign has a real griev ance over "mud slinging" it should be the governor of Oregon. Malicious ru mors are being circulated about him in every part of the state, rumors that take advantage of tho depraved state of the human mind that permits it to become permeated with religious prejudice. For example, one is to tho effect that the governor has appointed Fath er O'Hara as a member of tho board of regents of the University ot Oregon. This is not only absolutely false, but is an appointment that never was even considered. There has also reached every corner of the state word to the effect that Mr. Oleott is a Catholic, that his wife is a Catholic and that his children are at tending a Catholic school. As a mat ter of fact the circulators of these stories know very well that the Olcotts are Protestants, have always been Pro testants and that the children attend a public school and a Protestant Sunday school. It is bad enough to drag the candidate through the mire of religi ous warfare without dragging in his wife and little children. Another favorite yarn of Pierce ad herents being maliciously spread nround among the fulthful Is that the governor is a member of the Knights of Columbus. The distorted intellects which serve as purveyors for this niece ot gossip oven go so far as to cite the place where he was initiated That kind of stor:es may very pro perly be designated as "mud slingin because of their utter falsity; they are propagated in the minds of bigots spread by the tongue of slanderers who roll these sweet morsels of gossip beneath their slimy tongues or hti them to their bosoms with a frenzy of delight that normal minded people find it difficult to understand. They take advantage of race and religious prejudices to accomplish an end which they could not gain by fair means This indeed is real "mud slinging." The efforts of the "independent press" to designate the publication of the Pierce official record as "mud slinging is but an effort to defend Mr. Pierce with a smoke screen of sym pathy to which he is not entitled be cause his official record is such that it has no other defense. The frank avowal of O. G. Drown grand master of the Masonic lodge Milton D. Myers, Frank J. Miller, John B. Clelland, Earl C. Kronaugh, Wm. C Hristol and Wallace McCamant, all past grand officers of the grand lodge of the state of Oregon or high officials in the consistory, to the effect that they believe Mr. Olcott's defeat would be a public misfortune, should at least silence these serpent tongues of slan der among those who have been clrcu lating these stories under a false ap prehension. COMMUNICATIONS Another Dflmte WantoU. To the Editor: PU'uh proHont this challense through tho columns of your paper. To ltnwlos Moore: 1 hereby challenge you to debate the issues of the campaign, with me at Antioch schoolhouse Monday niKht, November G, 1922. You to open debate, .10 minutes, I to have 35 minutes to Ben I your oratorical obituary. Very Truly, I,, M. SWEET, licaglo, Ore., Nov. 2, VJ'2'2. Objocts to Fnljcr's Stand. To the Editor: In regard to the issue written by E. C. Faber, he has the same old story to tell in regard to our sheriff and other officiate whom he calls wet. I want to say to the people and voters of Jackson county that just such men as Mr. Faber and his few followers cost this county three or four thousand dollars for a recall to try to put Sheriff Terrill out of of fice. And I want to say that the tax payor is the ono who pays the bill. I want to ask Mr. Faber if ho is a law-abiding citizen, does he believe in the voters having their rights at elections and does he believe that the majority of the -people should rule? No, ho does not, or he wouldn't be harping on things that's passed. If this man Faber and a few of his followers would read the Bible with it they might be J. B. "WATSON, Central Point, Oregon. has nor Mason Opposes School Bill. To the Editor: The Grand Lodge of Oregon never said officially at any time has it undertaken lo compel its mem bership to say that it or any of them were in favor of the nresent desig nated "Proposed Bill for an Act On Compulsory Edueation to Amend Soetlnn 5259 Oregon Laws." ANNOUNCEMENTS Quill Points .0 Religion, what political games are played in thy name! The meek not only inherit the earth, but manage to keep rather good cooks. Bcnuty hints are unnecessary, liiuting. Beauty gets what it wants without RipplingRhuiiiQS p won rieon . ,-WAMhU f arm hand to am on ranch. Innulro August Carlson, Col- lego Inn Cufc. (Coos Hay Tlnios). All applicants will probably suspect as much. '. The sorrowful announcement Is mndo that "Armonla needs flour," as they always do, at this time of the year,' the Idea being to bury every Armenian beneath six feet of dough. i The member of tho Hates delegation who bolted the family ticket and start ed taking tho Portland Journal to get tlio truth about Pierce, digested one tHBiie, and is thoroughly convinced he is not tho man for gov. I ; . i WILLAMETTE VALLEY NUTS HAVE WORMS" (Salem Capltul Journal). Same here. THE WISE AUNT. M Y AUNT .TANK is passing wise, and her husband's love she holds, for she feeds him up with pies ea-e she lectures him or scolds. As a cook she's hard to beat, gorgeously her husband fares; it's a privilege to eat anything my aunt prepares. If she thinks it right to. say things unpleasant to ear, she won't speak while Uncle Jay is hungry as a steer. For all hungry men de spise words of warning and advice, 'but when they are full of jiios they will listen once or twice. Wives by thousands every day on the path of error tread, throwing household pctwe away, jawing men who should be fed. When my Uncle Jane, sereme and chaste, tells him of a hat she saw. For that hat she makes a hid, saying, 'Now, so help mo John, I have worn my old bum lid till I, blush to put -it on. You can buy yourself cigars, you can play your bil liard game, while my wornout bonnet jars every fibre in my frame." Filled with pastry, Uncle Jay. heaves it wide forgiving smile i "Go buy that hat today -l would see my wife in stylo." and affirm with serpent tongues that ha hns even taken the "Fourth de-'nntl keep with it they ..'... ... . . . fh.-tuttnH irwnr. " '1-lila u O ln Pin I. T II I flP n f Hill f - circulated for tho express purpose of satisfying the bigotry of the class of people to whom this sort of stuff ap peals and create an enmity and ill will against the governor, who is not only a member in good standing of the Masonic fraternity, but is also a mem ber of the Shrine. The governor s calumniators are not satisfied with dragging the governor, his wife and little children into the mire of their filthy bigotry, but in the roll of ghouls they desecrate the graves of the dead and circulate a story to tho effect that tho governor's sister is a Catholic nun in San rran Cisco, when the truth Is that the only siister that the governor'ever had died serveral years ago, and at the time ot her death wns a teacher In the Metho dist Sunday school. Hecause the governor has direct con trol over appointments at the peniten tiary, lies havo been viciously circu lated to tho effect that BO per cent ot the employes in that institution are Catholics. Investigation shows that thero is but one Catholic employed at the penitentiary and he is a flax ex- Vert who was brought there by the into Governor Withycombe. REPUBLICAN TICKET For -Representative W. C. HAWLEY For Governor HUN W. OLCOTT For State Treasurer O. P. HOFF For Justices Supreme Court GEO. 'H. BURNETT JOHN MeCOURT JOHN L. RAND For Superintendent Public instruction J. A. CHURCHILL For Xnbor Commissioner C. 11. GRAM For PWbllc Service Commissioner T, K. CAMPBELL For Ju-dge Circuit Court C. M. THOMAS For Stato Senator GEORGE- W. DUNN For Representatives JOHN H. CARKIN RALPH P. COWGILL For County Commissioner GEORGE ALFORD Republican County Central Paid adv. Committee. BUSINESS MEN'S TICKET For Mayor, E. C. GADDIS For City Recorder, M. L. ALFORD For Cltv Treasurer, MARY HAS WELL WEDBER Councilmen, First Ward. J. W. JACOBS J. W. BUTLER Counclliucn. Second Ward, E. H. JANNEY O. O. ALENDERFER Councilman. Third Ward, 0. W. PAUL. Pd. adv. The Ministerial iixsoc ialioil of the eilv of l'urlland.took the dignified and right position that It was not within the proper province of that association to take aution on a quasi politieal question upon whi'-h nn'in bers of their own conzreKatiens were divided ill opinion. Surely the dignity which imprc.-i-i-'! ili-elf upon thai a ( iatien. Ii.r nite ii Mniiii-r and more fulsuine n-asmi, ;ipiili'- v.'ith im pelling force against involving In dignity, the honor anil the nneiei.l fame anil rite of -Masonry in any of its branches in an unnecessary and undesirable politieal controversy such as this. It is time for the public to know and to understand, and therefore to be taught, that -Masonry does not sanction nor permit its votaries to use Its organization in political de signs. It is lime now, the instant, for the uninformed members of that honorable and ancient order to know and to teach that no one has the right to subject the opinions of Its indi vidual members to any cult, any pur pose, any design or any object sub version of the liberties of each man's opinions and the rights of American I cilizenhip. The great body of men In Oregon, who mean to be fair and just In their conduct, behavior and contact win, their different societies and bodies of Masonry to which they belong, ci.,-. tainly :ire entitled to use their own Judgment and act iti conformity with real right. So one has the right t ihroitle their opinions or the expr.-H-i..iis of (hem. No one, olwetseil with the overwhelming importance of their own turhulant ignorance, whatever his rank or title, has any right to suli vert doctrinal truths and teachings of our order to suit and support the cause thus created. Leadership is an ordained duty of sacred obligation not to mislead: and there does not yet live that man in this world, who can. for his personal ambition and unsat iated bigotry, subject the actual ,M. sonic teachings to base design. No body of men will remain associated together any length of time in any cause when their leaders subvert the principles of that cause to a purpose which the principle denies. V. C. BRISTOL. Vast Grand Master of Oregon. Portland. November 4. COUNTY TICKET STATE REPRESENTATIVE Having been nominated by tho people at tho May primary, I hereby solicit your support and votes as one of the two State Representatives in tho legislature, to be elected at the November election. Adv. JOHN H. CARKIN, Condldate for Representative at the November election. If I go, I go to serve the best interests of tha state and of Jackson county especially. Adv J. O. KIGO. Having been nominated for Repre sentative to tho Legislature from Jack son county, Oregon, I solicit your sup- port and voter 'S one of the two Representatives irora Jackson county, at the election on November 7, 1922. Paid. odv. ALICE E. HANLEY. STATE SENATOR I have been nominated by the Re publican party for State Senator and hereby solicit your support at the election on November 7. Adv. GEORGE W. DUNN. CITY TICKET. TREASURER I am an independent candidate for City Treasurer, and If elected promise to do my full duty according to law. I will appreciate your support on No vember 7. L. E. BEAN. Adv. In announcing my candidacy for the otiice of city treasurer of Medi'ord I feel that my thirteen years of clerical work qualifies me for tho position. If elected I will obey the law in every particular, will transfer no funds ex cept as provided by law and will keep each account in its proper place so that any taxpayer can ascertain the general condition of the city without dolny. LINNIE HANSCAM.' Adv. I am a candidate for re-election for the office of City Treasurer at the general election November 7th and hope my past record will entitle me to your support, which I will duly appreciate. Adv. MARY HASWELL WEBBER. RECORDER I am a candidate for re-election for tho office of City Recorder. I havo faithfully conducted my official duties, my books are open for inspection at any time, and I will appreciate your support. M. L. ALrVKO. Adv, lJnri mnn, .'m-ni"-i j : f v ' IP'"1 rV. V, '4 5 r - Juki r 4t'i 'V". .- kT 0C'-? k Alice E. Hanley TO THE JACKSON COI XTY VOTERS: This Committee composed alike ot lifelong Democrats and lifelong Republicans appeals to you to'support Miss Alice E. Hanley, our independ ent candidate for the Legislature. She has made a success of her own farming business In this County, and like you, has suffered from high taxes and she has a remedy for them, and is in every respect entitled to your support. Her campaign has been particularly made against Ralph Cowglll for reasons which we feel you will know as applying to Mr. Cowgtll's qualifications. Sincerely yours, . - INDEPENDENT AMERICAN VOTERS LEAGUE, Hy Alan Brack in reed, Paid adv. Secretary Executive Committee. Hittson makes his last offering of the season on Used Cars. See that superfine used Big Six he is of fer ing at $1250.00, the real bargain of the season. Overland Sport Model 90, wire wheels, in excellent shape, an exceptional snap at the price we offer. One Ford roustabout, good condition, $175.00 ,A party left two good cars here t j trade for sheep or cattle. , ... , Hi the Trail for Hittson's Hittson Motors Don't Forget the Armistice Day Celebration ' J Medford, November 11