MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON'. FRTDAY. NOVEMBER P., 1922 VACF, SEVEN TALENT GIRL !S M R. A. BOOTH SPEAKS To keep the 1 " patter ol tobacco t '-i CheS 111 jfrjfJ ! i snnid u as5r I . ' Ligoett & Myers Tobacco Co?-, 't Cut down the Fuel Bill Fill a good oil heater with Pearl Oil. At the touch of a match you have a cheery, friendly heat, for' very little cost. And you can easily carry this comfortable warmth from room to room wherever it is wanted with no heat wasted in . unused rooms. Pearl Oil is economical. Every drop delivers real heat when and where it is needed. Pearl Oil is refined arid re-refined by our special process, making it clean burning -no dirt no smoke no odor. Sold in cans and in bulk by dealers everywhere. For your own protec tion order by name Pearl Oil. . PEAKLOIL - (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT igrSC u.n..l lr -a HSSjm STANDARD Oil. COMPANY with wmrwv traps i mvjQW wape. FOR EFFICIENCY CORVALUS, Nov. 3. KMa Lu etic Holilrldge or Tulont, made tho collego co-ed record for efficiency. Schnlder's efficiency test was Riven to the O. A. C. co-eds for the first time. Miss lloldrldce. a sophomore ill homo economics, made the highest record that can be obtained IS points. "The southern climate and the Rogue River valley apples did it." says Miss Holdridge. "I spent many hours in my father's apple orchard." Schnlder's test of efficiency is based upon a system of scoring which tukes iuto account the heart rate during reclining und during standing, the Increase in the number of the heart beats when; changing from the reclining to the standing position, the acceleration of the pulse rate by the exercise, the time taken by the pulse to return to normal, and the rise or fall In tho systoler blood pressure on standing. The scores for each of these items vary between plus 3 and minus 3. A total score of 9 or less signifies physical deficiency. TAX REDUCTION TO BE SALEM, Ore., Nov. 3. Recom mendations for legislation designed to reduce taxes In Oregon will be in troduced in the legislature next Jan uary by the state committee on tax Investigation appointed by Governor Olcott under an act of the legislature of 1921. The recommendations are summarized in a report made to the governor yesterday. A final report is being prepared. Recommendations to be made to the legislature are: "Stato income tax, equltahlo pri mary assessments, supervision over local expenditures in the muny units of government that have taxing pow er, consolidation of state depart ments, organization of statistical bu beau, sinking fund for the redemp tion of all bonds issued for public purposes, law to prohibit filing on water power sites for speculation, that all payments for inheritance taxes be converted to the irreducible school fund and a recommendation against further issue of tax exempt securities by the stato of Oregon or by the United States. KELLY MEETING AT NAT TONIGHT The political pot in Jackson county took on new boiling vigor today and oratory will flow freely on both sides, and down the middle, until the closing Monday night. The campaign was enlivened further by the appenrance of the first wild canard of the season in the country districts. Medford will have its first political meeting at the Nat tonight, where V. H. Gore, Porter J. Neff, Judge Colvlg, and District Attorney Raw lea Moore will be the speakers, under the aus pices of the Independent Voters league. The same organization will hold a meeting in the courthouse at Jacksonville Saturday night. There will be a big mass meeting at Grants Pass for the same cause. The cam palgn will close Monday night, with mass meetings in Ashland and Med ford, Attorney Evan Reames being the main speaker. Thursday night the Independent league held a meeting at Williams in Josephine county, and at Central Point in this county. The Central Point meeting was meagerly attended, but the Williams meeting wag large .'.. enthusiastic. The chairman at the latter place was a Pierce fan, and his wife for Olcott, and some good natured fun resulted, both claiming they , would convert the other to his viewpoint. ', W. R. Coleman, former county clerk, predicts the heaviest vote in the his- torv of Jackson county Tuesday, both city and country, and both sides agree with him in his forecast. Look for the Mark! (The Norwegian "Fwher- I man Mark" of quality and I goodness that is on every I Scotfsfmulsion Visultti.hnilrlirur. I AUI JfV ..V"...- -- vitamine-bearing cod-liver jk oil in its purest form, fj. pleasant to lane. raP readily assimilated and transtormed into strength. I nv wiwiiiiwi Mark" should be on every bottle of emulsion iou buy. Scott ft Bowti. BtoomStU.W. M-ll .5 Sunday, November Silt, is the open ins date, and dedication of tho Cali fornia OreKon Power company new plant at L'opco, on the Klitmuth river and also the dedication of the com pletion of their l!M-mili iiniiHinission line of (iti.OUO, volts from IM'onpect to Springfield, Oregon. Invitations have hern jent to n'.l of the company's patrons and stock holders to bo present on this occasion: and Indications are, from the many replies received that there' will be several hundred attend the ceremo nies, among which will bo the elec trical men of the entire Pari fie. coast: as this is one of the really lare projects of tho west, and both the line construction and the plant Is at tracting the attention of nil interest ed In electrical development. Tho conditions of the weather, being dry and cold, insures good ronds to the plant. The road has been marKed with signs and guides will he stationed at various points, to assist In directing the traffic, on the better roads. Tho company is arranging lunch for everybody and are having all the employees wear a host badge, so that the visitors will be able to know to whom to apply for informa tion of any and all kinds. Tho Elks band of Medford and also music from other sections, will assist in tho entertainment of the com pany's guests. It is advisable for ears to leave Medford and vicinity. hot later than S a. m;, on account of the program arrangements. it. asMasHiHaw j Safe Milk For Infant; Invalid A Children The Original Food-Drink for All Arcs. QuickLunchatHome, Office dsFountains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract inPow derbTabletfonns. Nourlihlnj-Noeooktnj. W Avoid Imitations and Substitutes One of the best speeches In this campaign will bo delivered by Robort A. HiKith In tho Lyric theatre Satur day evening. Nov. 4 at S p. m. This will lie tho last meeting of the republicans in Ashland and the people who want to hear tho state issues dis cussed in a clear, clean, practical way should hear Mi;, llooth. Ho is chair man of the slate highway commission, is a large property owner and tax payer. Republicans of .Medford and the val ley are requested to attend this meet illR. mmmrn for- e flavor vou it's uum packed mmms TV A Golden Gate AAjJTSL Hemstitching, Fecoting 8c per yard. Work finished ;whcn you want it. ; ' THE VANITY SHOP Cor. Main and-Bartlett. Unfair and Unnecessary Tax The Taxpayers' League cf Portland are advising the voters here to vote against the fair measure for the reason that taxes should net be used fcr Cms nature. We advise the taxpayers cf your community to do the same. You cannot escape your proportion of this tax, no matter what the propc rents of the fair may say to the contrary. Therefore, vote 305 NO, so as not to in crease your now bverburdenscme tax. TAXPAYERS' LEAGUE Paid Advertisement L. J. Goldsmith, Secy. 1 30S Piatt Bldg. Go. Mason -Ehrman Wholesale Grocers TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, ETC. Distributors of Rogue River Valley Canned Pears Apricots, Peaches, Tomatoes, String Beans, Apples, Blackberries' Apple Butter and Cider, etc. Medford, Klamath Falls, Portland, Astoria,' Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston, PISTON Rl fl Si m (S3 GS, PISTONS & PINS A motor that's wasting fuel and shy on power may only need McQuay-Norris Piston Rings to put it back in first-class condition. But if it should also need new pistons and pins to fully recover, its bid-time power and economy you can now obtain McQuay-Norris equipment for . We Carry a Complete Service Stock all three of these vital parts.! Regardless of where you plan to have your car overhauled, you can secure a quicker job by ordering McQuay-Norris Piston Rings, Pistons and Piston Pins because we can supply the proper sizes or over-sizes promptly. ' , OFFUTT'S GARAGE For Pinion and Tins Cylinder Reboring h' i.M McQtsay-florrfo Wnin rlSlOllB wriiht PiBton nd Pinn J D; - Bray iron pUtont at ana rinSiight In weight Mfety permits specially designed for replace ments available in standard sites and over-sizes also in semi -finished form 75 thousandths over-sue pins of special hardened steel, ground to exceptional v: curacy. J1 OS f an ? s- esclusive to " piece detifn. pre Per Ring venting low of gas and compression. Gives equal pressure at all point on cylinder walls. For all imton , grooves eicept top, whichshauM have Kuptrovt. Each ring packed la prchient container, jiU rtO 8mwe Keep B ' lubricating oil Periling xion chamber. Collects excess oil on each down stroke of piston and empties on esrrn up stroke, which ordinary grooved rings cannot do. Each ring packed in a parchment con tainer. RIVERSIDE GARAGE T. F. Close, Trop. Vor riHton HiKH Cylinder Holoring one piece ring. Non Per Ring butting joint, which can be fitted closer than ordinary step cut velvet finish quick seating. "Seats in jiffy." .To keep them clean and free from rust, each ring is f tacked In an individual glass ne envelope. - - Snap the highest rede. Raised apova ; the average by Me JXingS Quay-Norris manu facturing methods. Their ate insures all the satis faction possible for you to get from plain snap ring. They are packed twelve rings to tha carton and rolled in waxed paper.