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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1922)
,-'7 - 'l'AUE SIX MttUFORD MAIL' TIH.MJNE. AIMDKOK'D 017TX10N. FI.TDAY. NOVEMBER H. 1922 i Chief Timothy was seen walking down the street this morning with a gallon bottle of denatured ukolioj au-l it was nt first thouKlit that he hud taken it from one of the deluded barbed-wire topers, of which there are several in the city, it developed, how eyer that ho had not confiscated the liquid but had been forced to buy it to keep his flivver from freezing. Ho was at the time on the way to intro duce it Into the radiator of the faithful Lizzie. ' Pavilion party fair crounds Sat. 194 If you want to know of the qualifica tions, and the high regard in which CrM. Thomas, republican nominee for judge, was held In his homo town in Iowa read Judge J. I'". Lett's letter on page three. Adv. H. H. Smith of Ashlnnd, was a Med ford business visitor yesterday. Trade old records, phonographs and pianos for new. Gold Music Shop, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. 15 N .Grape St. Phone 4C5-J. tf The graveling of purklng space at the fair grounds pavilion has been pro cessing rapidly and is now neurly completed. This will 'Insure adequate parking facilities for the hundreds of cars that gather at this popular amuse ment center every week. ! Pathe talking machines and records j titi.l iitinu Will hnv mill nr v fli ji n ire i """ ' " "" " " talking machines, records and pianos. Music Shop, Hill Peninger, Mgr., No. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 465-J. j Milk and crenm nt DoVoe's. tf Dance at Kagle Point Sat. nlte. 217 Armistice Day should not find you with a soiled and untidy suit on. Have it dry cleaned and neatly pressed now. Forsythe. Dyer and Cleaner, 11C Mis tletoe. Phone 341. 190 The lnterurban Autocar company has provided transportation for the l pavilion dance tomorrow night and stages will leave the corner of Mam and Front streets at 7, 9 and 9.30 p. m. Dance at Eagle Point Sat. nlte. 217 Another large shipment of hats nt Lottie Howard's, 109 N. Central Ave. For Rale Extra fancy Blue Triangle Bosc and Comlco Pears. Telephone 205 or 128. tf W. O. Drew of tho homo office dl-! Eight car louds of pears were ship- vision of the Ciilil'ornla-Oregon Power pod to tho eastern market from hero company, loft this morning by. auto lust night, making 129a cars that have for Copco, Calif., on business in con- been shipped so far. As near, as can nection with the big celebration to be be learned there are still 40 more cars held there next Sunday, Nov. 5th as a of pears to be shipped yet. The apple result of the starting of the second shipments up to date number 33 cars. lS.GOti h. p. generating unit of the; There's a busy rsusluess College iD Copco plant. your home town. OWN. Auto insurance. Ilrown . White. Judge A. J. House, of the district court of Maquoketa, Iowa, tells of C. M. Thomas' success in his homo town as a member of the bar and prosecut ing nttorney, as well as his studious Special prices on high school type writer practice paper at this office, tf Last night Medrord and surrounding territory experienced the eldest weather of the season and a heavy frost. The minimum temperature was habits, fairness, honorable character. 24.8 degrees or 8.2 degrees lower than See letter on page three. adv. Wednesday night. According to state statistics up to Lime tor spray. Medford Lbr. Co. October 27, 1922 there have been reg-i Trade old automobiles for new. istered and licensed in Oregon 53C Pennlger Trading Center, next to motor vehicle dealers. 11,804 chauf-; Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 feurs, 211,4911 motor vehicle operators, 1 north Grape St. Phone 4C5-J. tf 31112 motorcycles and 131,834 passen- Sam Van Dyke, young son of Mr. ger and commercial oars, from which and Mrs. Vern Van Dyke, who has the total llcenso fees aggregate $3,- been very 111 Is reported as greatly im 207,073.98. Tho fees, less admlnistra- j proved nnd on the road tJ recovery, live expenses, aro distributed one- Dance, Jackson Hot Spring Sat. nite. fourth to tho counties from which the i4 John M. Root says: "We need more industries to make our city prosperous : All year around payrolls are the foun ' dation of prosperity." Adv. 194 John Tomlin. Dr. L. A. Salade anil j T. E. Daniels have returned from a jduck bunting trip to Lake county, Ore 1 gon, where as usual, they bagged the limit. Kit i si .11 Marshall and F. Corning Kenly, the two other members of the party will return late tonight or to morrow. Dance at Eagle Point Sat., nlte. 217' Prof. Putnam, who for some time has been incapacitated from his duties at the public schools here left for Portland Friday where he has been ordered for convalescence. Gold Hill News. The latest fads In applique Swiss and drawn work borders. Handicraft Shop. ' Al'STIX. Texas. Nov. 3. Imme diate Hi'tlnn bv the state ill an effort to dissolve the Groesbcck injunction which seeks to keep the name of Earle P.. Mayficld off the November ballot as democratic senatorial can didate was Indicated here today when Secretary or State Staples tele graphed a number of county election officials that relief from the latest restraining order, granted late yester day, is expected Boon. National Fruit Cleaning Machine Demonstrations of the new model fruit cleaning machine made by The National Fruit Cleaning Co., may be . n in Medford. For furthor in formation address Miss E. Koiiter, I Jacksonville. Ore. j Cherro Flour ;Cherro Cereals' " Cherro poultry Feeds Ciierro Stock Feeds Made from theest qulaity goods, at the right price. Ask your merchant for CHERRO OC301 01301 2 ANNOUNCEMENT Having bought the Anderson Grocery store on South Central Ave. I take this means of asking the people for their patronage. 1 Specialsf or Saturday Only 11 lbs. Spuds for . .... 25c 1 pkg. Dromedary Golden Dates 19c 1 carton Lucky Strike Cigarettes . .,$1.59 1 2i poung pkg. Olympic Pancake flour ,. ... 24c Also a nice line of fresh vegetables Prompt and courteous service will be ac corded customers at all times. DALE H. FRANKLIN registrations nre received and three fourths to the state highway fund for use in road construction nnd Improve ment throughout the state generally. The distribution of tho registrations up to September 15, 1922 shows thut in JackHon county there were regis tered 23 motor, vehicle doalers, 42j chauffeurs, 7011 motor vehicle opera tors, C9 motorcycles, 4348 passenger cars, 3 ambulances nnd hearses, 23 biiHses and stages, IIS commercial cars of loss than one ton capacity, 340 trucks of from ono to five tons capaci ty, 340 trucks of from ono to five Ioiib capacity and fivo trailers of from ono to five tons capacity, or a total of 4840 licensed pas sen go r and commercial motor vehicles. You can set it at DoVoe'a. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. The Catholic Ladles will give a card party Fi-lday evening at Parish hall. Everybody welcome. 193 Three car londa of groceries were shipped from Portland last night to the MaBOn-Ehrman branch hore, which are expected to arrive by fast through freight tonight or Friday morning. John M. Root sayst "Dollar water would soon put ua In a bad financial nolo. Wo ahould have plenty of pure water for all and at as low a rato as possible." ' Adv. 194 This office Ib prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them prlnttd out ot Medford. Phone us and we will call. . tf Word was received In the city today that there are seven inches of snow at Fisli Lake. Hear tho election returns in your own homo by radio. Sets $14 and up. Virgin Radio Service. 198 John M. Root says: "Steady work could be provided for the laboring man by a forceful effort to develop our nearby resources." Adv. 194 In spits ot the Liberty Ulils. fire Dr. Lincoln Kallen will continue his work uninterrupted as ho has a laboratory available at the Sacred Heart hospital. Patients can find him by telephoning 714 or Cl-J-2. ' Tho latest New York ribbon novel ties nt the Handicraft Shop. 1U3 Tho Ashland Lumber company was robbed Wednesday night of $2SS in cash and checks. Tho combination to the sate was worked and the inside blown open with apparent ease. The burglars made good their get away. Horn a bayherry candle for luck and wealth and happiness. Handicraft Shop. 193 See a sample Job of rebored and honed cylinders at the Riverside Garage. tf 7A. Jrf?3 Nilk.Chot'oIalosi "MkH Nuts;. .V ' O o c c a s i o n is (if loo festive for 7 Tan. Jar the sweet- h meats that love good company. wherever I hey ell food t'undy I ' 1 1 "v a torcciui eiiort 10 develop our .tXi " inn it ini ini im 1 ni iru tirm i'f ;i..Tr.. . Adv. 1941 rwamBM.. I ' w w w w I' Dmr. RAf AWi fiA CXXMtCEWtaP',-- . . Christmas Rush ClLSt THE BOOTERY O o. NOW PRESENTING Exquisite Assemblage of Exclusive Footwear for Fall It is with decided pleasure that we offer an endless variety of beautiful footwear to the women of this community n Among our latest offerings are many new novelty strap designs and the ex tremly new "Colonials" recently ac cepted with much favor by the well gowned women of New York and Paris. c Beautiful Shoes are always the source of much.admiration O n THE BOOTERY Featuring Exclusive Footwear for Women Cor. Main and Bartlett Phone 37 Select Your Toy Gifts While the Stock is Complete Showing the Most Complete Stock of Toys Ever Displayed in Southern Oregon Attend Our Toy Opening This year we have, hy far, the largest display of toys ever shown in this part of Oregtra. Our floor is a veritable wonderland for the kiddies Our prices aro much lower than they wore laat season and our direct buying in quantity lots will enable us to offer better values than ever before. .. CHECK OVER THIS LIST THEN SEE OUR DISPLAY BUY EARLY BEFORE THE USUAL CHRISTMAS RUSH. New line of baseballs nnd rubber balls. Books foi kiddies. Painting and drawing books, story books and rhymes. Games of every discription for old and young. Stuffed dolls, dogs, monkeys, teddy-bears, etc. Horns, tops, bird cages with mechanical birds, toy machine guns, toy violins, mechanical autos, fire engines, steam rollers, armored cars. Large selection of wooden toys. Tricycles, carts, wagons, autos, kiddie kars, wheel barrows, etc. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS Monday, November 6th Display Monday, Nov. 6 HERE IS A SMALL LIST OF THE TOYS WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK - FOR OUR CHRISTMAS TRADE, Trains from 35c to $60.00, Eing and Lionel quality. Mechanical autos, bugs, boats, etc, Musical Toys of all descriptions. The most complete line of DOLLS ever shown in Southern Oregon, to gether with hundreds of pieces of doll furniture. Splendid display of doll stoves, trunks, dish sets, doll buggies, cradles, porch swings, dish sets and cooking sets, carpet sweepers, etc. - Toy garden sets and wash sets. Gilbert sets electrical, engineering, magic, glass blowing, weather bureau, erectors, toy making sets, telegraph sets, chemestry sets, tool chests, wheel toys, etc. Tinkertop sets, "Bizzy Andy" hip hammers, dumping Sandys, Panama pile drivers, etc. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS WEEKS & ORR 'Complete House Furnishers' 't i i v i r is ft Wf' it'"" " '''