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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1922)
MEnFQr,) MATt TTCrRUXfl, MEDFOTvP. OTCEOOX. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ., 1P22 I Tocal and I " Personal ncrtkl-ounj Southern P:icifn liaius s::e'l'.i!ed lo arrive this morn- Iiuc aro again luce and dul not arrive until' afternoon t:daj Yesterday the I trains were held up by a freight wrec! in northern California. It is unile- stood that the wrecking crew cleanei up the wreck and hen enroute back . iu u division point caused a tunnel to I be torn down. It was reported this morning that one of the wrecking I crane arms swung around and pulled the timbers from the wall of the tun 1 ne! and thereby caused It to cave in ' ' Iiave you tried that big milk shake J at DeVoe s? tf I Pavnion party fair grounds Sat. ISI I See Miss Towue a pattern hats on js iie at the Colonial Shop. 193 j The initial sacred concert of the (First liaptist church, under S. M.'Scott iwill be given next Sunday evening. A varied and strong program of good : music will be given, and all who want (the best in sacred music will enjoy : tli is special musical service. The full Jjirosram will appear in Saturday's (iaper. Ee sure you see Miss Towne's pal 1 tern and tailored hats on sale at thr (Cclonial Shop. 193 I I. line and cement. Medford Lumber Co A great improvement has been made in the crossings for pedestrians at (the S. P. tracks on Main street. Since jcne introduction or tne wooden rack 3 Jrit the crossings, persons wearing low . shoes are not bothered by getting sand Jin them. J Baws. knives, scissors sharpened. IW hitlach Second Hand Store, 101 S 'Central. 191 I Make reservations now for big 73c (Sunday chicken dinner at Plaza Con ifectionery, Ashland, lo be ready a: lp.m. 194 ! Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Haumbach ar rived in the city Wednesday night and are visiting at the home of James Campbell near Phoenix. The Baum J bach's formerly resided In Medford land have many friends here. They 'will make their home near Los An J Seles. When better automobiles are built, (Btilck will build them. tf I Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial I Garage. The high school stock Judging team i left this afternoon for Portland whore I they will enter the stock judging con . test at the Portland International I Livestock exposition. Although thev I will likely compete against teams from Montana, Washington, Idaho ' California and a number from other points In Oregon they are confident of at least taking a place. The boys on (he team are Mason Murphy, George Hlles, George Lowe and they are ac companied by C. D. Thbmpioji, In 'stnictor In agriculture at the ' local high school. Italnh Cowclll will sneak' on hav- Juiarket square Saturday, Nov, 4, at 3 B. m., at which time he will. read the speech of Judge Wm. M. Colvlg, de livered at Ruch, and will comment thoreon. For Sale Large seven room house. with bath and lights. Suitable for Ijlarge family. Lot 60x200, best garden fjsoil. Really giving It away. Price tmly $1750. Vory reasonable terms, i. W. Dressier, 147 N. Holly St. Phone I5S9-W. 194 1 Great interest is being shown In the political ball which will be Btaged at jtlio fair grounds pavilion on election ."night. A big program of campaign .comedy stunts Is being prepared by the management. Election returns Iwill be received through a special wire.' All indications point to a bis fittendance on this occasion. Buy Medford tiome. Pay like rent rold Ray Realty Co. Mattress worn ati kinds. Medford !nto Ton Co. Phone 104. tf Attendance at the city auto camp nst night was larger than It has been or several weeks, fourteen cars and , hlrty-nlne people having stopped hcre over night. The visitors last light from the greatest distance were i. O. Juady and one other from Chl kiaso. fll. 1 1 The American Legion wishes to call JJie attention of all ex-service to ,the fact that new claim, ror compen raiion or vocational training must be j'uade before Decemoer 6th of this Vear. Any claims that are not In by that time will not be considered by tfie government. H Wheel, the witches will be there. f lio black cats and big "jailer" faces. fA here? At the Riverside Community fTliili Friday night. Nov. 3rd. Kvery-jrjdy- is coining so follow the leader, j . 193 ! The Dixie Study club will meet Satin-day afternoon at J.S0 at the public library. ' Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Take your kodak films to Palmer's Wudlo. First class work and prompt service. ' ' tf Riverside Community club will give their Hallowe'en dance Friday nlte. ffoveniber 3rd. Fancy costumes If de sired, but masks forbidden. Dance as Ipng as you want. Jewel orchestra peppy music and plenty of Jaiz. Good fiipper. All nw decorations. 193 f V. J. Emoiick who lias been confined to his home for the past week Is re ijortcd as Improving. The Hope of the World The war of 1914 laid half the na tions of the world III Ihv dust. Their ilomcx, their iiidumihs, their peace must be rcKtorod by the rising sene-l-ution. in llii'in In the hope of the world. . To inuke motherhood easier, to ecure for every baby u clean bill of Health, and n fair' start In life that la the problem. . ' i,. I.ydia K. l'lnkham's VeRtnblo Com pound Is on excellent medicine for mothers and for future mothers. For fifty years this medicine hns been used successfully in nil non-surgical pases Pt women's diseases, Av,i J. K. Itollinson. K. D. II Jpkins am! J J. S. Hopkins of San Francisco ar-?' - at the Hotel Holland. Other' -u:-.ts !r. Ui'i- Mi. ,ind Mus. ('. lian-u.-.n f .Men ill. Ore., lii-niamin Hai:i s n an ! family of Ii:ay. Calif.. George V. .Melntyre of Kupene. J. J. Berg of Portland. E. X. Hurt. M. J. Senter and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Carter of Spokane. Trade everything you Cun t want for everything you do want. Penniger Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 N. Grape St. Phone 463-J. tf Wanted Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds, will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trad ing Center. 15 N. Grape St. Ehon 165-J, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Chick Hawk arrived yesterday from Union Creek and reports that the weather is uncomfortably cold there. He left this morning fur the river after having secured a shotgun witn which to hunt ducks. It is reiiorted that the duck hunting on the river is goad at present. Dressmaker ill go out by day or hour. Call at 22" South Central or phone 379. 19S Political speaking, dancing and a basket supper at Trail Saturday, Nov. 4. 194 There will be a 2312 dance at the Vat Sarnrilnv nti?ht After tho Rnehirrr Medford football game and the Rose-! burg players as well as those accom panying them are invited to attend. It is expected that a large crowd will be present. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 East Main street. Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. The local chapter of the Order of De Molay held a meeting at the Ma sonic hall last night and eleven candi dates were taken Into the order. The membership of the local chapter will soon reach one hundred as eleven more candidates are to be initiated next Thursday evening. Although the Medford chapter was the second to be organized in the state It is the first capter In Oregon to organize a patrol. Hear the election returns In your own home by radio. Sets $14 and up. Virgin Radio Service. 19S John M. Root says: "All of the great natural resources 1 fuuud here sixteen years ago are Just where they were then. Don't expect Opportunity to break the door down trying to get in: he won't do It. We must work to gether for good results." Adv. 194 Election results received by radio will be heard at Paul's Electric Store, the headquarters of the Virgin Radio Service, next Tuesday evening. Re sults will be plainly audible and will bo received from nil over the state. Recently the reception has not been as free from Interference as might be ex pected "jut It was found last night that burned out street lights were causing the Interference and It Is believed that the difficulty can be easily overcome There's no place liko Holmes for complete Insurance service . Provide against loss, Insure with Redden and Canaday. Another handcuff escape king gave an exhibition this forenoon on hay market square. This Is the third per former of the sort to appear here this fall. Jackson's Pavilion to reopen Sat. nlte. 191 System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd floor Medford Bids, tf Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Findlay leave tomorrow morning by auto for brief visits with relatives in several Califor nia cities. 1 LostFox fur collar, natural grayish color. Return or phone Mall Tribune. Reward. 193 Get your winter supply of Spltzen burg apples now. Guthrie packing house near Jacksonville. 216 Walter Bowne returned yesterday from Portland where he has been since the first of the week on business. Mr. Bowne drove a new Overland Four touring car back. See the new DeLuxe special pistons for Dodge, Ford and Chevrolet The price Is lower. Riverside Garage, tf New novelty orchestra Hot Spr(ng3 Sat. 194' Norris Nadham of Berkeley. Calif. is a guest at the Hotel Medford as are Paul O. Brlttaln. L. M. Smith and C. A Joles of Los Angeles, G. A. Gordon of Chlco, Calif., C. W. Jolly and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. De Burgh of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed of Portland, J. Bassett Wlllard of Lebanon. O., and G. O. Melby and W. B. Baker of Eugene. Vote for Martin McDonough, Inde pendent candidate for City Recorder. 195 "No Hunting" signs at Mall Tribune office. ; ' A. C. Gragg of Salem arrived yester day in Medford on one of his periodical visits and will remain for several days transacting business. A real buy 14.50 spotlights at the Electric Shop. tf The new Xmas handkerchiefs have arrived at tho Handicraft Shop. 193" A snowstorm of about fifteen min utes duration occurred Wednesday evenlng in Ashland. It was the first of the season and according to reports the grass was soon covered with a thin blanket although the large, fluffy flakes melted as soon as they struck on the sidewalks and paved streets. Everybody buys cheape- from own ers than asents. all kinds of phono graphs and pianos, both new and old. Gold Trading Center and Music House (ownersl. No. 13 N. Grape St.. next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Sash and doors. Medtord Lumber Co. Pat Welch of the Rogue River Valley Canal company, arrived this morning from the north and will remain in Medford for several days on business. For Sale Puppies. Call at 906 N. Central. 19: Pavilion party fair grounds Sat. 191 .Iob Alnutt and family arrived Wed nesday night from Klamath Kails an ! have i::uvcd into a'!ice un 1 v st:-i.'ft lir the winter. They ti.u.u- tir !;. ::-.itn arid re;orted that at t!: tniie ihvy came over tne Green rin grade that thore were places on the road covered fourteen inches dce: with snow. When In neeu of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street Pavilion party fair grounds' S'at. lt'ts Residents of the Talent Irrigation district to the number of 15'i in a signed statement on page three, say the time has arrived to decide whether a few lawyers shall dictate who will be judge or whether the people should elect the judge. ' 19:;' Rev. Joseph McVeigh, pastor of the Presbyterian church at (Jlendale. Ore-, is In .Medford today visiting friends. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 194 Finest lloor, best crowd, most won derful music! "A maximum of pleasure at a minimum of cost!" Tickets $1.10. Fair grounds pavilion! Sat! 194 Read the challenge to the Indejien dent Voters Lengue .by 156 landown ers, voters and taxpayers of the Talent district whose names are signed there to, ou page three of this section of to night's paper. 193 J. Uassett Wlllard. advance agent for Col. Dan Morgan Smith is In Med ford making arrangements for Col. Smith who will speak Wednesday night at the Methodist church on the Battalion of Death. An effort Is being made to have Col. Smith speak at the chamber of commerce forum luncheon Wednesday noon. Dainty ribbon garters in an attrac tive assortment of colors. Handicraft Shop. 193 Pavilion party fair grounds Sat. 194 Launspach's 7-plece Pavilion orches tra, "masters of melody." pavilion Sat. Tickets 11.10. 194 QUIT TOBACCO o -asy to drop Ciirarette,! Cigar, or Chewing habit Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng 8c per yard. Button! covered. "No-To-lIac' has fiolped thous ands to break the costly, iitrve-sliut-terinK tol acco habit. Whenever you have a longing fur a cigarette, cigar. pile or for a chfwt just place a harmU-H.s No-To-IInc tablet in your niouih instead, to help relieve that awful denlre. Shortly the habit may be completely broken, and you are better off mentally physically, finan cially, It'i? so eauy, so simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and if it doesn't release you from all cravlnfr for to bacco, in any form, your druggist will refund your money without question. Adv. Si TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I KOR SALE First class alfaifa hay. any amount. Phone 591K-1. 21S FOR SALE Pure bred Faverolle cockerels; also Giant Bronze tur keys. R. A. Price, Route i, Medford Coker Ilutte road. 196 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, hot water heat. T. A. Waterman, Phone 321-X.. 106 S. Ivy. 194 FOR SALE Closed car in good con dition or will trade for smaller car. 4MS X. Ivy. 194 FOR RENT Room, bath adjoining, one-half block from library. Gentle man only. Phone 59. 19G WANTED Cooking, porter, chamber work or any kind of work. H. Yakota, Tel. Centra! Point. 19i WANTED Tiy experienced woman, housework, or nursing, by hour. Phone 956-L. 200 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One Edison projecting kinetlscope, type B. Am leaving Monday. 112 E. Twelfth. 194 FOR RENT Five room modern bun galow, newly tinted and painted. . new garage and woodshed; no children- P. E. Wynkoop, 423 S. Xew town. Phone 89S-Y. 194 NOW PLAYING 9 A Super-Luvui-lous Drama Thrilling and Appealing "RICH MEN'S WIVES" with a rnst of great artists HOUSE PETERS CLAIRE WINDSOR ROSEMARY THEBY MYRTLE STEDMAN GASTON GLASS BABY RICHARD HEADRICK J NOTE: SATIUDAY and '.StXDAY COXTINTOUS t PERFORMANCE IL':30 TO 11:00 V. M. SUNDAY 'Hl'ItRICANK'S GAL" with DOROTHY- PHILLIPS. It Slakes Thrills ThrilH! Starts Monday, November 6 AT THE COLONIAL Liberty Bldg. Phone 298 Special values in women's wear and Piece goods COATS SUITS DRESSES SWEATERS SKIRTS JACKETS WAISTS APRONS SCARFS UNDERWEAR HOSIERY GLOVES NECKWEAR BEADS BELTS VEILS PURSES BARETTES HAUNETS KERCHIEFS CORSETS BRASSIERES GIRDLEETS UMBRELLAS SILKS CREPES GINGHAMS FLAXONS DIMITIES LINENS SHEETING TUBING DRY GOODS PERCALES TOWELING OUTINGS CRETONS BATH TOWELING COMFORTS BLANKETS TABLE LINEN NAPKINS CHEESE CLOTH KOTEX KHAKI GOODS BOUDOIR CAPS LACES STORK PANTS JBl&st Kiiore stumps aj per dollar CHEAPER land-clearing has come thru your being able to buy now for a dollar one-half more powder than you did before we could sell you PACIFIC STUMPING the new du Pont powder which has been cutting down land-clearing costs in this section during the past few months. E-erv 50-pound case of PACIFIC STUMPING has abcut.135 l)f x8' sticks, other standard srarrrping pow ders having about SS sticks in a 50-pound case. Ycu get 50 more sticks, every one doing the same vcr't any stick cf other stumping powders. And there's no thawing crd no headiche attending the shoottnc cf PACIFIC STUMPING ! Ccrnc in n"d V3 C'--- -i estimate of cost o: PACIFIC STL'MPINC fn: x-ur -a-d-cki inc. MEDFORD FURNITURE 6 HARDWARE CO. MEDFORD, OREGON CAMOUFLAGE THE PROHIBITION QUESTION WAS SET TLED BY THE PASSAGE OF THE 18TH AMENDMENT. TO ATTEMPT TO INTRO DUCE IT INTO THIS CAMPAIGN IS AN EF FORT TO CLOUD THE REAL ISSUES, WHICH ARE THE KU KLUX KLAN AND THE QUESTION OF THE FITNESS OF THEIR CANDIDATE, MR. THOMAS, FOR THE BENCH. WE WARN THE PEOPLE AGAINST THE ELEVENTH HOUR CAMPAIGN OF WHIS PERING SLANDER, AND THE ANONY MOUS LEAFLETS DISTRIBUTED ON THE EVE OF ELECTION. INDEPENDENT AMERICAN VOTERS LEAGUE PAIIl AIV.