PAGE FJOITT rEDFCRD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFQRD,v OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3.- 1922 TfTl K .1 Quit QmcKl S. S. S. Will Prove to You in Your Own Co the MHowM and "Why" of Ha Remarkable Blood -Cleansing Powerl Tbtr ) reason for eTprythln? that Lapio. Cowuidu-sviife kill misery. I.VDitunO'trnne also eto bolls! S. S. S. U ttt rcmcdj tor bolls, bt FinpU May b Small BoiUl rOft It li built on reason. Scientific an tliorttlrt admit lt power I S. 8. S. builds lWtMf-Iower. It bullili red-blood-cells. That la what makes fibtlDR-liloud. l-'lebt lutf-blvod dri'.roys liupurlttea. It flLta ht,I!a. It always wins I It lights pim pita 1' It fljbta skin eruptions! It bullda uerrc power, thinking power, the tlslit fitted power that whirl a man op Into It gives woim-n the health, the auirellc ccmpl-xlttn and the charm that mures-the world! Thep ore the reaaoa ttwt bare made S. S. S. lotiay the great l lutfd cleantcr, body-builder, ucces build er, and It's why results bare made tears of Joy flow from the amis of thous-ioda! Mr. V. l. Srfaaff. 15th St., Washing ton. i. C, writes: " fnW for vcra to gtt rtiief frrm a bad eats bods. Everything faiUd until I look S. S. S. i am no.r aliottly curtd, and if S. S. 3. that did t." Try It yourself. S. R. S. Is sold at all drul flares In two six. The larger tlx tut: la It the niurv e uiiuoilcaL C C CI makes y&n feel lasVla7Ur Kkt yourself again COCKROACHES WATER BUGS ANTS EASILY KILLED BY USINQ STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It alao kill rata and mice. It force, thaaa peat, to run from building; tor water and freah air. A 36c boa contalna enough ia kill 60 to 100 rata or mice. Oct It from your drur or general store dealer today. READY FOR USE-BETTER THAN TRAPS Our equipment as sure s thorough work no wear promptness. Try us. - UNLESS SATIS FIELD YOU ARE' oLoansto (0 7 Farmers ,:.v-" Under Federal Supervision . Money for to rotund existing Mort jnge! buy more land; provldo build ing: Improvements, equipment; lire utork; or (or aomo other agricultural purpoao; on a non-maturing mort gage at 6 per cent Interest for a term nt Irom 20 to 33 years; under an atnorlitatlon plan; with prtvilega ot paying any or all payments atter five yars. We have over two millions of available rash on hand, and can give prompt attention to applications on good orchards and farms In amounts from $5,000 to (50.000. ' California Joint Stock Land Bank SAN FRANCISCO For applications and particulars See E. II. Hurt, -102 Medford Uhlg. Modford, Orcrjfon. : ; , OHM CHUNG China Herb Stora ' Bli Js t eertlrj ttmt Olm Chun ot Madford, Ore., has curvd me of goltrt sad atemnch trouble. 8, M. Leonard, (0k J St., Omnia l'an. This la to certify that Olm Chunr of Medford, Ore., haa cured ma ot rupture of four yenra' atnndlnfr. h. Q. Iahanx 4 It H St., Omnia l'aaa. Ore. Mfdfnnl, tireiton. Jan. IS, 117. Thl la lo ci-rtlfy thai I. thn under- tlgtiwd, had very anvere atomach trouble orj bad been Itothered for acveral yeaxp Sid laat Aujruat niia not expected to va. and hearlnf of Qtm Chung (wheme ert) alore la at SI 4 South I'ront atrcet. . adford), I decided n get herbn for my JitOffnatfb trouble, and I atnrled to feellns teller aa aoon an I uaed them and today am a Well maji nnd ntn heartily recom mend anyone afflicted aa I wai to so (Jim Chung and try hla Ilorba. (Waned) W. R. JOHNSON. Wltneaaea: Wtn. lewla. Eagle Point. W. L. Chlldroth, Katie Point M. A. Andtraon. Me.1ford. It. V. Holmca, r'agle I'olnt. ft. 11 Moore. Kaxle Point. J. V. Mclntyr. Engla I'olnt 0"0. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point ' TlltXk IS. Mobola, fial Point -a" KV SELECTS AMBASSADOR J El'GKNK, Ore., Nov. 3. Richard i Shore Smith, an Eugene attorney and one-time all-Ainerican fullback, bus ac-j I cepted the post as University; of Ore-j j gon ''umbassador" to the University of ( Washington homecoming, November , 10 and 11. Washington and Oregon have their homecoming celebrations -on the same dntea this year and will exchange courtesies. Judge Klngi Dykeman of Seattle will represent Washington at Eugene. Smith played on the Oregon eleven from 1896 to 1901, and with Columbia: university, New York, 1901 to 1903. 1 Texas Election Brings Out Big Damage Suits SA.V ANTONIO, Texas. Nov. 3. Two auitH for $500,000 damages each were filed in the district clerk's of fice today In connection with the con gressional race in the fourteenth dis trict. Stute Senator Harry Hertz berg, democrat, filed one suit against his opponent Harry Wurzbach, re publican, nnd Ibe San Antonio Ex press, nlleglng libel. Congressman Wurzbach filed the other suit ugnlnst Senator liertzberg and the Kan Antonio l.iebt, allt-gliig libel. Wurzmach's suit follows the reading of a letter by Senator Hertz-, berg at a Joint debate here Wednes day night. Hertzberg's RUlt Is filed for statements alleged to have been made by Wurzbach in a campaign Bpeech. Wire Report On Foreign Money NEW YORK, Nov. 3. German marks slumped to another new low record here today being quoted at 1 a hundred. Swedish kronen registered a new top price for the year at 26.S9 cents each while Dutch guilders equalled tho year's previous high at 39.21 cents each. German marks later dropped off another sixteenth to 1 9-lfi a hundred. They returned almost Immediately, however, to . SPORT BRIEFS NEW YORK Control of the Amer Icon trapshootlng association will be turned over to amateurs by December 1, If they can perfect a body capable of handling the affairs of the associa tion, It was announced. CHICAGO Commissioner Land la announced that Pitcher Jack Ileutley of the Ilaltlmore club cost the New York Glunts $60,000 cash and three players. CHICAGO Commissioner Landls last night re-Instated Pitcher "Mike' Pronderga8t, formerly of the Philadel phia Nationals who had been placed on the suspended list for playing with Inellglbles. SOUTH BEND, Ind. Gus Desch, right halfback of tho Notre Dnmo foot ball team, will be out of the game for the rest of the season, It was an nounced. Desch's removal was ssid to bo due to an Injured heel and the de sire to preserve his services for tho track tournament. CLEVELAND Robert Cnnncfax of New York and Frank Lopex of Cleve land broke even In their Inter-statc three cushion billiard league series hore. KANSAS CITY John Pesok, Ne braska wrestler, won two straight falls from Dick Daviacourt, Wichita, Kas., here last night. Ed (Strangler) Lewis world's heavyweight wrestling cham pion, successfully defended his title hero against Demetrius Tofalos of Greece, by taking two straight falls- Market Nem i IJvceuock. l'OUTLAND. Oro., Nov. 3. Cat tle strong; receipts 126. Hogs fol lower. Receipts 163. Prime light. $106 10.55: smooth heavy S30 to 300 lbs.. $!9.50: 300 lbs. nnd up SS. rough heavy $7'S 50: fat pigs 19. DO 10: feeder pigs S. lit 9. 25; stags 5f 7.5. , Sheep strong; receipts 107, POKTLAND, Ore.. Nov. . Putter nnd butterfat steady; prices un changed. San Francisco Market. SAN KHANC1SCO. Nov. J. (V. S Kurenu ot Agricultural Economics) Eggs, extras 59 Vic; extra pullets aSHc; undersized SSHc SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S. (State Division of Markets) Dressed tur keys 3i to 4 7c. Portland Wheat. POKTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 3. Wheat, hard white, blue.nem. baart $1.33: soft whife $1.19; western white hard winter $1.13: northern spring $1.17; western red $ Today's car rvcvliit. Wheat 4; flour 5; oats 3; hay 6. Liberty Pond. NEW YOliK, Nov. J. Liberty bonds closed: 3Vs $100.St: first 4's blank: first 's $98. St: second 4V, 's $7.:; third 4a's blank: Victory 4'a un called $100. 3S; Victory 4 'a, called. $100.04. 100 NEW MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Extra nice patterns and big values. Very finest percales, cut large and roomy, in sizes 14i,o to 17. Fast colors. Spe ciallv priced: $1.25 ELECTION TIME VALUES "Our Prices Tell the Story" Regulation Gym Middies Reduced One-Fourth All ready arc we with the new Mid dies for general wear and regulation style for gymnasium use, long and short sleeves, small round collar, lace front. Special nt $1.49, $1(88, $2.25 Paul Jones School Middies $4.88 Tho famous Paul Jones Co-Ed Mid dies that are so popular for school. These are made of absolutely stand ard navy blue flannel, lace front, col lars and cuffs, trimmed with sou tache braid. The new price is $4.88. American Boy Suits With Two Pair of Pants $8.50 to $12.50 Better hurry up, boys, and mothers, too, as these suits at this price are exceptionally good. They have been reduced, and the colors are pretty blue, brown and gray mixtures. All sizes, 6 to 1G years. Boys' Outing Gowns $1.25 The boys will soon need new gowns and naturally Outing garments are the best. Coatings and Suitings $1.98 Yard and up Hundreds of yards of the new Voolens for coats and suits for women or children. The materials ate all wool, and included in this showing are many handsome pat terns. ' Children's Munsing Union Suits A pre-war price. Dutch neck and elbow sleeve, ankle length, or high neck, long sleeve, ankle length. Women's Munsing Union Suits Complete new stocks of Muusing Union Suits in every weight and style. Munsing suits are made of finest Sea Island cotton. Very specially priced. New Chintz at 43c Yard Lovely new patterns in rretty Chintz draperies. Every wanted color. Swiss Handkerchiefs With Embroidered Corners 35c each or 3 for $1.00 . Dainty, pretty new Handkerchiefs of fine Swiss mull, made with embroidered corners. Many pretty new designs, conventional size. REMEMBER TILE. BIG AR MISTICED AT CELEBRATION MEDFORD, NOVEMBER 11TII Gymnasium Bloomers $1.98 A new lowered price for the best standard cotton twill Bloomers, made in tho approved regulation style, scientifically made. Sizes 2-i to 34 waist. R. & G. Girdles $1.25 and $1.50 Exactly half of last year's price and these are better made, of good qual ity coutile with elastic sides, in a pretty pink color. Every wanted size in stock now. Wonderful New Coats at $18.50, $25.00 and $35.00 Here's your opportunity to buy a won derful new coat at an extremely low price. New, clever styles, made of Velours, Polo, Boliva, Pollyanna, Normandy, Tweeds; also some plushes. Colors arc brown, reindeer, navy, sorrento, black, Pekin. Made with fur collars of nutria, beaver- ette, Hudson seal, raccoon, opossum. Most all are, silk lined. Sizes 16 to 48. In Our Beady-to-Wear Section . Dress Sale Beautifully Tailored From Fine Poiret Xwills and Velvet. The most unusual values secured through a special purchase just received. Beau tiful Dresses of fine Poiret Twill and Vel vet in a full variety of the new season's styles and colors in sizes 16 to 44. TVe consider this sale to be one of the most important underpriccd events it has been our good fortune to present for many a dav. Don't miss it $12.50 to $35.00 Wool Sweaters Wool Sweaters, light in weight, yet comfortably warm." Tuxedo, slip-on and ruff-neck styles in plain and fancy weaves. Belted or with braid ed sashes. Jockey, fuchsia, henna, tomato, jade, tan, brown, and navy. Slip-Overs $2.98 to $3.95 Tuxedo Styles $5.45 .to $5.85 Black Cat Hose at 25c, 35c and 50c pair This item is another demonstration of our buying power. Hose like these cost nearly double in most stores. They are fast color and come in black, cordovan and white, and in all sizes for children.- , Prettiest Hair Bow Rib bons Repriced 35c to 75c Select Hair Bow Ribbons now. In this lot are many pretty plain and fancv ribbons in every wanted color. v? niTl DTK Pay Less Men's Munsing Union Suits $2.25 Our t.pening Fall price on winter weight, fine cotton Union Suits. Last season's price was $2.75. All sizes, all styles. Scotch Heather Wool Hose for Misses 75c Pure worsted Scotch Heather Hose, in brown heather shades. All sizes, 614 to 10i. Genuine Red Seal Ginghams 1500 Yards at 20c Yard A price not justified by the whole sale price, but for a limited time we will sell this widely known Gingham at 20c yard. Pretty Japanese Crepes 32c Yard A direct importation of these very fine quality Japanese Crepes to sell at a low price. All sport and plain shades. Look ' elsewhere for the cheap quality we carry only the best. It pays. Children's Pretty New Handkerchiefs 5 and 10c Make the children happy by giving them an abundance of pretty new handkerchiefs. VTe have carefully selected our a ssortments, and in plain and fancy handkerchiefs. School Boys' Blouses. Kaynee of Course $1.00 Every boy and mother, too, knows that "Kaynee" labels on shirts and blouses mean the finest of materials and workmanship. Kaynee Blouses are fast color. Splendid new ones at $1.00. . . - AH Linen Table Cloths at $7.50 and $8.50 Pure Irish Linen Table Cloths, size 70x70, in rose and poppy patterns. A wonderful value at this sale price. Viz? New Kid Gloves, New Price $2.50 and $3.00 Buy new Kid Gloves of best make nnd of superior imported leathers at a new low price. All colors nnd all sizes. Gloves fitted at the counter. - HAT VlXDiT Dress Better Ensign Percales A New Shipment at . 20c Yard The lovely finish, the attractive pat terns, make these appeal to women, and then, too, the little price 20c is far less than they are worth.-, .' Large Size Turkish Towels 25c and 35c Good size, fine, soft, .absorbent Athletic Turkish Towels. Buy Draperies Bordered Scrim 1 8c Yd. 36-in. Bordered Scrim, repriced to 18c a yard. Ecru and whiPe. 36-in. Marquisette 29c 300 yards of Marquisette Curtain-' ing, in white, cream or ecru. Special, 29c" yard. - 36-in. Filet Nets at , 35c to 65c - Dainty patterns in Filet Nets, ecru, cream and white. An Unusual Sale of Trimmed and Tailored In Lyons, Velvets, Duvetynes, and other favored materials, in new charming shapes and every wanted color. Special $2.98to$12.50 HATS