pace rora rFTFOT?n matl TT.iT.nxE. MFDFonr ohfc-ov. friday. xovembf.1? 1922 COUNTY COUR EXPLAINS BOND I SSUE. TO BE VOTED UPON NOV. 7 Latest Arrivals at Auto Camp Grounds ',: - - I:;. ' J . 1 a,-TH V-" --- . -- -"- - - 4 - -. .. . " .'1 , - -ri - : - ' i "?- - ' 4 in tie ?o; o Jaksn cur.ty I ts-eJ to co-operate the stite a iiecf "-..' -? aiii to com: 'tie tie Pacific hisiway at i to i ttsr4 to -o-o;rate :ta state Ooli liiil where tae highway crossos aai ii leral xhr:ue ia ecr-str-xting tie r.ver by tie builitag of bridge rciis- and sura construction as will be re- , V iti t-e $. .-:? voted for c-e oc c-:red to tie crci.rg up to K"- card state requirements, ani eiiTit Alice E. Hanley :h Crater Uze Lifr-way. arranr e ; n.rt tire been ma.te foe comiiety.a of sa:d t.rr.wiy to tie l-ark l.-e wtta ; 4r c:s t ea-ij liraiie-i. 1 . i-'- rr that cxe:t &eei a i c:-c;rt 'Trrifr i tie Cnt-;r Lile ' V.'iti $:;.' Tit--i f-.-r cj t--Ashlii J rAiii Tails iisi.v. srk ! hu tea eli idTicJ in Jcts3 - C-'-nty. in -1 Klar ?- oactr bis Tot'M ' I 13 i;ni$ to t 'ie-J la lis'. Ico-cty. The work t-n tie AsiUoi- KJa ati Fi:ij h:rtwsy is car ' r.e-1 friri on a S-) t-isis witi tie '-, f i'.e :a iota KlaEili ini Jar'tssa . C'-nt.. With tieir bond Uu? Klaia-, &th ouatT Is aiie to oxn; le-te tie : k;;lTr in tilt couatr. ia Jactsn ; c. caty thr wiii be zioct i:-;.' ' :ictrtze L f.aiih tie co;n!OT ' :th tie sate. ha? tie t'i.Vri too l whifi tof Kber -;ti some sen-i .; order to save the expense of a spe- eral real f-iaes -iJ oon;:ete lie roid iaj e:eotion. which iroo'.d have beet County Jcdse. JAVE5 0".VEX5. Coccty Commissioner. VICTOR BVRSELL. County ConaniissioEer. cars iii :i:r;;--.r.e ; v f'.t s;o;;-t-i a: tie C::y A-;j ca:? -aft c:gi:. Tie rc-s:ered are as 5ol'os: A. O. J-day and one o:ier Ciiicazo. ill., en tx--te to Sacramento; : Kssell Stone aid party oi foar Jroai icatrose. Colo., ea rcate n-orti: E. Suse aad party c-! oar frosi Meat rose. Cclo, ea rcf.e srth: J. Beakies aai tire oilers Iroai Moat rose. Colo., en roate north: A. S:eT easoa and oae other front H-ston. Tel.. ea rsoie south: E. F. Tio:iS tie crade erc-siice- Any coaeys four froas Ca:ralia. Wash . ea rfrd from tii pro;se-i Us; be route soti; V. H. Howard and two ase-i fcr co-orat;oa wort caiy. ic tiers from SilTer Laxe. Ore., ea With the c?rap:etka of tie stal? ro-te to Reba: W. J. Morgaa aad fciciwa??. twit: PaciTK- h::'nir.'t'n other from Portiacd en roate Crater Lake high and A5iUa3Kiam-(soD:h: L. Gresson and two ethers ath FaTs hisiway. the stte will as- froai Bstte. Ioat-. ea roate aoxe: suaie tie maintenance tiereifter. C. J. Cramer and ote other from which will mean a xxiz.c to the coaa-'. Seattle ea rocte to Saa FranciKo: C. ty cf tictisaads of dollars eirh year. W. Neicyer frcai Ponland. en route The loads are to be isitied as 10 year south; C. E. Breech aad one other reriaJs. which would mean for-tenths from Modesto. Caltf.. ea route home; i ! cf a mill levy or V) cents oa each G. W. Shears aad two others from Jl-XO raluation after lit. Portland, ea roate south, attd J. S. One hundred thctsaai ttlWMWOi .Smith and one other from Yakima, dollars of the 1?1J bond Us;e will be ( Wash., en route south. retired in IMS. thus no additional lery ; orer the Dre-sent airount will be re-t quired to retire the proposed issue. The couaty court favored submittin the matter at the November election ilUUUU I LU UllV THIS IS Fur Coat Season Have You Selected Yours Yet? We Have a Beautiful Selection of FURS Some made into fur Coats, others into Chockers, Muffs and Coat Trimmings. You are Cordially Invited to See What We Have in Stock. W BARTLETT Taxidermist and Furrier W. Main Street TO THE JACK-SOX CXl"XTY VOTKRS: Thil Cosimittee compered alite cf Lftor-g Ee3iocrats atd lifvloas Republicans appeals to you to support Miss Alice E. Hartley, our independ ent caadidate fcr the Legislature. She has made a sc-crts of her own farming bofine? la this Coucty. aad like you. his suffered front high tales and she r? a remedy for there, and is in ererr repect entitled to your support. Her campaira has teea farticalarly made araicst Ral;h Cog;!l for reasons which we feel ;oa will know as api'lyrrg tj Mr. Cowgi'.I's qualifications. Sinccrc-iy yours, IVrKfj:.MFXT AMKKlfMX VOTKKS l.V.Ai K. Ily Alan nrarkinrcl, raid adr. Secretary Essc'ttivc Commi::i-e. to tie county line. The cora; ietxa of this hishway. tie curt liieres. is of Tful imrortancel in mar'tetis? produce ;n tie Klamath) owntry. and mill otherwise be of great l uMic utility when fully graded and I rrara-iimire-i. Bid for completion of; this road hare already been received ty the stat-; highway commission, and are held subject to the outcome if lie losd issue neit Tuesiay. 1jb the approval of the band issue tie coutty court would be authoriied to cooperate with the state f jr the c-jru- up the liij.ii propose-d issue is t) STATEMENT A. J. CROSE CANDIDATE 3R WARD MCSKEGOX. Mich Xov. J Rosalie Shanty, the H year old swimming star who was kidnaped Sunday and aban doned in the jack pine wilderness of Manistee county, probably will be brought back to Muskegon late today or tomorrow, it was said at tie child's borne here ttday. Rosalie's condition had improved late last cigit- Her abductor. Raymond E. Ws:n. j entered Marquette prison today to I serve from 15 to 40 years. ASPIRIN Ow:n; to the fact that I have re-t Celebrate at Panama ceived the endorsement of groups ap-1 PANAMA All work was suspended ra.-er.tly opposed to each other in the ' " Panama aad ia the Canal Zone to t vn i'r a celebration cf Panama's inde- rresent campaign, I have been re-' i guested to make my position public Say "Bayer" and Insist! TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEB URG STAGE DAILY PXCK1T SCVPAV Lt. Medford !:'' p. a. Lt. Rosebarg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE DAILY K.YCTIPT SCXDAY I.. Medford a. m. :;' t. ra.. 5:0 V m Lt. Grants I'aaa 7;J0 a. re.. l.OO p. m.. 1:0 p. nt. SUNDAY ONLY L. Medford 10:0 a. m.. 4:J p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m.. 4:34 p. ra We connect with stages tor Portland. Uarshfield and Crescent City. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Cbooe SUW WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. I b1a you see the name "Bayer " on I pariajr or oo tablets you are not prC j tins; the penume Barer proiuct pre : smtjnl py pf;yscaaC4 over tweaty-two , vcars arjd prowl safe bv miiliocs fjr t Oolif Hwdacbe I ! Toothache Lumrso I . tarae'le Rirair-atisni ' j Neuralgia Pain. Pa:a j Accept "Ttjfr Tablets of Ap'rin" ' orly. Each unroka package contains ro'i'er 3:rect:ocs- Hacdy boles of J : tw-!ve tat4et eort few cent. Drue- ; ri j pista aim tell bottles of 2 and l'. lar.:ifact'ire cf of . throueh the press. For that purpose I wjh to make the following state ment: I am not now and never have been I pledged to support any particular fac tion or group. The endorsements 1 have received have been given unsolic ited with the understanding that 1 would maintain my independence and without any obligation on my part- The only pledge tint I LaTe made and one that I now repeat, is- that if 1 am elected as councilman from the TMr.4 War-H I wi'l K. faithfnl in mv luties to the city. auLrill endeavor to solve every problem to tie -best inter-: est of the community. Paid adv. A. J. CROSE. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Pear Market News NEW YORK CITY, Nov. J. Spe cial sales reported yesterday follow: Oreron Bose. $4.10: Oregon Jumble-. Oregon Nellis. extra. $3.S: fancy. II. 5: Clargean. fancy. II. II: Anjoes. choice. II.C9: Cornice, extra. 11.50: Cornice, fancy. II. 3: Cornice, combination. 11.40: Cornice, choice. 1I.M; Cornice, (half) ll.; Banana, fancy. $1.57. A 1 M Doesn't hurt a bit: Droo a little I "Freczone on an aching corn, instantly teat corn st?ps enrtmg. tarn saortry r yon lift it right cS with cngers. Trujy ! Your drugeirt sells a tiny bottle of . "Freerone'' for a few cents, sumcient to '. remove every hard com, soft cor", or ; corn between tie toes, and tie caSuses. withoot soreness or irritaacn. ) COMING THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE 9 THE I.SSUE IS LAW ENFORCEMENT POLITICAL CONFIDENCE WE HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN THE POLITICAL JUDGMENT OF LAWYERS WHO ADVISE US TO SUPPORT E. E. KELLY FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. WE DO HAVE CONFIDENCE IN C. M. THOMAS, WHO IS OUR CANDIDATE FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. WE WANT A JUDGE SELECTED BY THE PEOPLE AND NOT BY THE POLITICAL LAWYERS. C. M. Thomas C. M. Thomas, our candidate fcr Circuit Judge has made a record during his residence in Jackson County, Oregcn, which commends him to every law-abiding citizen as the proper person to be elected Circuit Judge. His record in the Legislature and in the State Senate and as School Director has always been right. He has always stood for law enforcement, for the enforcement of ell the laws for all the people, not some of the laws against some of the people and for a violation of some of the laws by other people. E. E. Kelly E. E. Kelly's record in Jackson County is such that no person who stood for the enforcement of the Prohibition Law could possibly support him for the office of Circuit Judge. His entire record and especially his record as District Attorney has been such as to ally him definitely and absolutely as a sympathizer of the Liquor traffic and most of the men who are going about the district campaigning for him are known sympa thizers of said illegal liquor traffic. We have a-wet Sheriff and a wet District Attorney campaigning for E. E. Kelly. His campaign managers have always been wet and are so now. OUR APPEAL We appeal to very law-abiding citizen of both Jackson and Josephine Counties to work for and support CM. Thomas for the office of Circuit Judge. A man in .whose integrity, honesty and gocd character we have the utmost confidence. A man in whom our confidence is increasing every day because of the campaign he is making, demonstrating that he is a man of clean character, judicial temperament and in every way qualified to fill the office of Circuit Judge. The campaign of E. E. Kelly and his followers has been the most malicious and vindictive campaign we have ever known to be carried on in the state of Oregon. In contrast is the campaign of C. M. Thomas, one of the cleanest campaigns we have ever seen carried on in this state. Unlimited sums of money are being expended in Kelly's behalf. We say to all the Christian people that it is their duty to lay aside at this time all other occupations and devote their time to securing the election of Mr. Thomas as Circuit Judge. Paid Adv. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION OF MEDFORD OREGON