1 BRINGING I VAMT YOU TO KCfHP (;f I A WATT FROM DSTY (j feu NCORE-I'MCETTIINC JL V WA 'ICK AND Tirco or JTVp- IJ TALK INC TO YOU" rVr7 -nilli - AH I HAVEN'T ;' A MOTICEX) k i z GIRL FORGER GLAD TO "BE IN JAIL ' SPOKANE, Nov. 2. Fay McDonald 1 was Id Spokane today for a short stop over before Blurting service of a three ,. year term in the irenitentiary for for gery, and told officers she was glad to get hack. : Her re-arrest was the result of a two year search extending into Mexico. Miss Alma Sundin, an accredited deputy sheriff, brought Miss McDon- ald to Spokane from Beaumont, Texas, where she finally was re-captured. Miss McDonald had left the state while under bond pending an appeal from Jjbnviction on the charge against her. She outwitted a Spokane detective who followed her to Tampico, arrang- . itig with Mexican officials she knew to have him wanted out of town, she told newspapermen here. Market New Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2. Cattle steady, except calves 60c to $1 low- er; receipts 2 47. Choice dairy calve3 ! $8.008.50; prime light $8.008.50; ..' medium light $7.50g8.00; heavy ; , $5.005.50. , i Hogs, prime 15c lower; rest 1 steady, receipts 371. Prime light J Hl0.2SlQ.G0. Sheep steady; receipts 314. T $ lJultcr PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2. Butter and butterfat firm. Prices unchanged. i Portland Whrcnt PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2. Wheat: Hard white, bluestcm, Baart ( $1.33; soft, white $1.19; western white $1.18; northern spring $1.17; western reu 91.43. Today's car receipts Wheat 41; flour 2; corn 1; oats 5; hay 3. Poultry and Eggs PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2. Eggs, selling price, case count, 45c; buying price, white 5053c; current re ceipts 48c;. selling price, candlo'd 50 5c; selected candled in cartons 5!c. Poultry Hens, light 1233c; heavy 22g23c lb.; old roosters 10c; turkeys, live 33c; dressed 4042c; ducks, young white Pckins 23c; col ored nominal. Grain and Hay ), PORTLAND, Nov. 2. Wheat, Baart or bluestem $1.33; barley $32.5533.50; oats $35.50; corn, No. 3, yellow $31.5033.7u. MillBtuffs Bran, millrun $32.00; middlings $44 per ton; scratch feed $44.50; chick wheat $47. Hay Buying price, timothy, east ern Oregon $22; valley $21; alfalfa $18.5019.00; grain $18.00(19.00; clover $19. po. Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) . Circuit Court Jackson County bank vs. Welborn Beeson et ux. Execution. State vs, B. F. Collins. Transcript from Justice court. State vs. Tom Murphy. ' Transcript from, justice court ' Lee Robert Raymond vs. Hazel Edith Raymond. Divorce. Jasten Hartman vs. Frank C. KiBer et al. Execution. V Isabell Rowley vs. City of Medford et al. Execution. A. O. Bennett vs. John Rocho et ux. Summons, writ of attachment . Jacksonville Cash Store vs. J. W. Gwin. . Writ of attachment. Medford Furn. & Hdwe. Co. vs. M. F. Hanley. Answer. PERL FUNERAL HOME 3 , B T7T'. At Tonr Service Day or Night Information Cordially Given Cor. flth and Oakdale AaabnUtBce Bertlca I'iOj 7 UP FATHER Charles. Kell vs. Crystal Warnock Wilcox. Chattel lien. D, F. Kay et al as Automotive Shop vs. Square Deal Grocery. Release of chattel Hen. W. N. Offutt et al vs. H. M. Dawson. Return of sale. City of Medford vs. A. A. Dalcom et al. Judgment.. C. E, Gates vs. W. H. Gore et al. Writ of habeas corpus. Probate Court Est. T. G. Dawson. . Bond, oath. Est. Robert Riley Minter. Motion, order, bond, oath. Est. Davis, Vawter and Howard (partnership). Admitted to probate. Est. Emma Simpson Moore. Proof of publication. Est. Ernest Grovcr Darneille. Proof of publication. Est. W. S. Peppers. Order. . Est. Joseph S. Miller. Proof of pub- Marriage License B. Clyde Smith and Flora Whltaker. Real Estate Transfers Herman Levinson et al to Harry Woagant, lot 5, section "E," R. R. V. Or. Tract $ 1 E. E. Lester et ux to Wm. Brad ley, lot 2, blk. 3, Page Add. to Medford 1150 Win. Bradley et ux to E, J. Ober ct ux, lot 2, blk. 3, Page Add. to Medford : : 10 E. J. Ober et ux to E. M. White et ux, lot 2, blk. 3, Page Add. to Medford 10 Carl A. Hellstrom et ux to L. W. Hills, land in D. L. C. 42, tp. 37, S. R. 2 West 10 John T. Zimmerlee et ux to John C. Stille, pt. lot 5, 'sec. 15', tp. J! " ' 34, S. R. 1 W 600 Marie A. Johnstone et vir to S. H. Boardman, lot on Nutley St., Ashland - 10 Council Bluffs Real Estate & proof of publication. Est John W. Chandler. Report, licatlon. Est. Elizabeth J. Mclntire. Order. Imp. Co. to 1st Nat'l Bank of Council Bluffs, land in sec. 24 and 36, tp. 35, S. R. 3 East 1 Alice Hughes et vir to P. E. Wyn-, koop et ux, pt. blk. 3, Barr's Add. to Medford 10 Anna E. Moore et vir to D. Z. Colbaugh, lot 4, blk. 10, Laurel hurst Add. to Medford 875 City of Medford to Earl L. Web ber, lot 5, blk. 1, Fabrick's Un recorded plat to Modford 100 M. L. Jones to U. S. National Bank of Salem, land in sec. 1, tp. 35, S. R. 4 W. and in sees. 35 and 26, tp. 36, S. R. 4 W 10 Sheriff to Martin Perry, lot 4, blk. 5, Oakdale Park Add. to Central Point '.. 100 Sheriff to Earl H. Fehl, land in sec. 7 and 18, tp. 37, S. R. 1 W...208.07 Sheriff to Vf'. Schmidt lot 10. blk. 5, lots 9 and 10, blk. 6, lots , 21 and 22, blk. 7, lot 9, blk. 8. Berrydale Add. to Medford 120 Rivervie w Park FOR SALE Beautiful river front lots and acreage tracts overlooking Rogue river in one of the most scenic districts along this wild and turbulent stream in RIVERVIE W PARK-r-five minutes drive from Gold Hill and just off the Paved Highway. Select your lot at once. 25 lots fronting on the high river bank and the river front Boulevard, to be constructed at" once. All under irrigation; the best of soil for garden purposes. All lots 100 feet and over, frontage, and 150 to over 400 feet in depth at prices of $250 to $350 each and terms very reasonable; only 5 on deferred payments. Acreage tracts in the natural wild, overlook ing the river, are very desirable for home sites poultry farms and fruit growing all more or less wooded some with beautiful groves. All very fine free soil and all having a mag nificent view of river and mountains, at the following prices: 5 tracts of 2.2 to 2,5 acres each for $250.00 each . 5 tracts of 2.2 acres each for... 200.00 each 2 tracts of 7.3 acres each for 350.00 each I tract of 2.8 acres for '. 350.00 1 tract of 3.3 acres for 300.00 1 tract of 9:5 acres for.. - 600.00 . Very attractive teams; only 5 interest on deferred payments. Just North of Gold Hill Bridge. Opening Sale on the Property NOVEMBER 9, 10, 11 AND 12 J. Medford, Oregon MEDFOTID MAIL TRIBUNE, I'LL "aEE. THE! CAPTAtrs HAVE HIM POT OOft FfvlEtrsO DIMTY OFF THE. BOAT AT Stella G. Green et vir to Q. D. Fnris et ux, land in sec. 5, tp. 39, S. R. 1 E 10 Cathorine S. Kreeberg et vir to Birger O. Wallsten et ux, lots 3 and 4. blk. "O", R. R. Add to Ashland . ; , 1600 Eliza A. Hlldreth to J. B. Huin ing, lots 3 and 4, blk. 16, Butte Falls 10 Maria S. Dewhurst to Mary D. Hemphill, NE, E14 of NV, SW of NW, SW and SE, sec. 32, tp. 40, S. R. 1 E. ..: 1 .Mary A. Webber et vir to O. V. Myers et ux, lot on South Oak- , dale Ave., Medford 10 Mary A. Webber et vir to O. V. Myers et ux, lot on South Oak dale Ave., Medford 10 W. T. Kennedy et ux to Virginia A. Yates, W of NE. W of SE see. 22. tp. 32, S. R. 1 W - 1 Jackson County Bank to Mary A. Webber, lot on S. Oakdale Ave., Medford 10 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED -Wood to' saw" Call 452-j 195 HELP WANT Eli AUD - WANTED Stenographer, general merchandise, phonograph and piano sales people. P. O. Box 1094. WANTED Box makers. Apply Ore gon Growers Packing Corporation RoseburK, Oregon. ' WANTED Minori., gardeners, sawmill men, loggers and wood cutters on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. tf HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl for general house- work, 50 dollars a month. Mrs. Walter Howne, 685-R-l. . 192 .35 rrr i WANTED WANTED TOWN PROPERTY Wo wuut (own property, 3, -1, 5 rooms priced right and on easy terms. JtAXCH PROPERTY Close to town, wo want tracts of 1 acre to 10 acres or more, improved or unimproved. SEE t'S TODAY FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSURANCE Medford Building, Medford GIVEN 80 acres Bungalow Barn Silo Orchard given away. All owner asks is that vou buy his water right at what it'is worth. $8,000 REASONABLE TERMS This water right is out of Table Rock district. Abundance of water. 50 acres under ditch. Very finest of Alfalfa and garden land. Part in alfalfa, part in grain. 10 acres in orchard. Orchard alone worth price of place. 6-room bungalow, fire place, electric lights, phone, good well. Barn 50x70 feet. Silo. Hog houses; other outbuildings. Running water, near Table Rock school. Beautiful oak grove. A gentleman's home. ; , J. C. BAJINES , Phono 784-L ' Nash Hotel Corner W. DRESSLER Gold MEDFORD ORKfiON". THURSDAY. X0YEMTJ1TO 2. AHO . I'M tORRY BUT THE CAPTAIM CAINMOT BE. DttTOREEDr ft 1922 bv Int'l WANTED MIBUKULANKOCS WANTED To trade car for carpenter work. Phone 826-R. 193 WANTED Second-hand horse dump hay rake. Phone 671-R-l. 19S WANTED See Rhoads for window cleaning, housecleaning, flour wax ing and polishing, odd jobs and jani tor work. Prices right, satisfaction assured. Phone 705-W. 194 WANTED Tractor plowing, guaran tee good work. Prices reasonable. Phone 437-R. 196 WANTED Heavy matched team of young mares. Address P. O. 1021 or phone 48. 192 WANTED Children to take care of evenings. 220 Haven St., Medford. 192 WANTED Two children to care for. For particulars apply Box 39, R. R. 2. Medford. 193 WANTED 1250 to 1300 lb. mare: must be sound and truo; not over 8 ' years old. Phone 23xx2, Central Point. 192 WANTED Small houso I can buy like rent. X23 caro Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, household furniture, tailing machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tf WANTED $700 at 8 per cent on 160 acres in Jackson county. Phone 321-X. tf VvAiNTBiU riousn movmt and re oalrtng Pbon 4RR-M nr 8-X tf WANTED Upholstering and varnish ing. Work done at -your houso Phone 969-R. - 191 AWAY Hill Bank, Gold Hill, Oregon MUM YOU TELL. HlM. MRr3. UICC"b vyANTti x TO HIM Feature Service. Inc. FOU KKN1 ROUSES FOR RENT Furniiflied house 6 rooms modern,' gas, garago, 1 acre of god sandy loan for garden, alKiut five blocks from Main St. Will give leaso. Phone 191-L. .194 FOR RENT Modern four room house 1030 N. Central. Phono 875-R. 193 FOR RENT Five room house, fur nished, pleasant location. 305 E. Jackson. Phone 381-M. 192 FOR RENT Rouses. Brown & White. tf FOU BENT HOrSKKEKKINQ ROOMS FOR KENT Large housekeeping room. 310 N. Bartlett. 193 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartments nnd bachelor apartments 219 Talent Court, Medford. Phone 956-R. . 192 FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms, upslnlis: no children. Phone 753-M. 3-1 5 N. Bnrtlet:.. tf FOR RENT K1'i:NINI(EI ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in, stove, electric light, bath, clean. Phono 333. m FOR RENT Sleeping room with bath, 322 S. Riverside. Phone 401-J. 192 FOR RENT Large comfortable sleep ing room with bath privileges. 325 S. Riverside Ave. tf FOR RENT Sleeping only, $2.00 per week. St : , rooms, men 445 S. Front 193 FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS FOU RENT Unfurnished four rooms, modern, adults. 425 S. Oakdale. 194 FOR RENT Bearing orchards, alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, some irri gated, Borne on shares. . Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf liOST LOST Between Dakota Ave. and high school building, small gold honor fraternity pin Phi Dolta Kappa. Finder return to Supt. Schools of fice, high school bldg., or Mail Trl buno. Reward. 194 WHY NOT? PATRONIZE AN INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION Our prices are the same FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE Quality Oils JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. $. TALKS J The Best Used Cars in Town . PEERLESS TOURING Wcstlngliouso Shock Abwnbors, Wind Deflectors, Bumpers, Spot Light, 6 Wiro Wheols, 0 Tires,, New j'aint. 1018 Sedan, new paint 9:130.00 1021 Overland. New .paint, new tlrca 9:1(15.00 J020 Touring. Starter. Overhauled. 1017 Tourings Completely over hauled. - 1010 Touring. Overhauled. 1020 Chiv S2.W.00 1020 Truck. Starter and stake body $100,00 Stndebaker fl 101 S 9250.00 Overland 1013..'. ; $10.00 C.E. GATES AUTO CO. Don't Forget file ' ArniMtlpp Pay Celebration, Medford, November II v j i . -n -.i wr-i nywi iii- -- - AAW y lvC Y 1022 By Georg'e McManus I'm tORR-r-BUT LUMCH VITH MR. "bEC MONEY T lOA TO LOAN $500 at S percent on i security. Box T, Mull Tribune. r.iod 191 FOR KXCJIANRK TOR TRADE Team of mules for cnv. Phone i:il, Ccntrul Point. l'J FOR ri fl.'.DE- Com'i.cto household furnishings of four room house for Ford car. Ca'l at :022 W. Fourth St. 191 TAhT-K I I" TAKEN UP Ono Holsteln cow and three calves. L. A. Murphv. Phone l-F-13. 192 FOJt S.XI.K At'HiMOtlll.KS FOR SALE Ford t.iurlng, gold c-ndl-tlon, $140. Inquire Mrs. Whiteside place, Central P!nt. li"i FOR SALE Dodgi touring car, me chanically first class, practically nil new rubber, two spares, oxtra tube, two bumpers, cheap. Gordon Stout, 119 W. Tenth, botweou Fir anil Grape. , 191 FOR SALE: Trailo old automobiles for new. Pennlger Trading Center, next to Fanners & Fruitgrowers 1 Bank, 15 N,. drupe St. Plu.ne 465-J. tf I TOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOU SALE Team of Herman c?ach geldings, five years old. ITiC-O an 1 MOO, broken to farm work. 0. T. Hamilton, Central Point. 191 TOR SALE Cheap, or will trade fo4 milk cows or Ford car In good con dition, dandy nuilo team, harrrss and 1-ineh covored wagon, nearly new. Address J. V. Wright, 2j ! " Mountain Ave., or phone 231-J, Ash land. 9:: FOU SALE Young saddle mare and saddle, electric or gas hoist. Inquire 15 N. Grapo St. v tf " FOR SALE Six bonutlfup fresh milk cows. Walsh's placo, ono mllo NU of Medford on Crater I. alio road. 212 FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE Throe room house, largy lot, shado treos, berries. Pay like rent. Jumes D. Stewart, end W. Eleventh St. 19J FOU SALE Attractive five room modern homo, close in, corner lot, nice lawn, trees. Soo owner, 243 N. Ivy. 197 FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE FOU SALE Ruth mines group of four claims, gold, silver , nnd platinum. Eight assays ranging from $6.78 to $24.79 in gold and silver on 6 assays. Gold and platinum on. two. assays $15 70 gold, $12.50 platinum, based on $90 per oz. Anothor sample $2.10 gold, platinum $207. Come to Ruth mine heudiuartors, three miles south of Talent. Jas. A. Kano, Talent, Ore. 192 FOU SALE rearm ortmarfls.' alfalfa, grain anil slock raucbes. Borne Irri gated, 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. " tf FOR SALE nont tlrTrartn 160 acres. Would assume Trom $1000 to 250U. G. F. Kincholoe, 037 Pine, . 198 FOU SALE 280 here- wgged off Innd near llutte Falls; will sell cheap and give tonus. Dig Pines Lumber Co. ' USED CAR BARGAINS) r. - FORD BUG No reasonable offer re-: fused must sell within a week it's - a 'dandy,' too, with four new tires. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. . Main and Riverside Medford, Ore. ooooooooooooooooooooooooog TV iTfe urn -a PAGE FTTTT HE'S HAVirsc DlMTY r FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOU 8 ALE Solid mahogany buffet, I rolltop onk desk, two small oak tables, two oak rockers, one large heater, oil stove and couch. Phono 423-Y or call at 725 S. Central Ave. 191 FOR SALE Houses una bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; alio acreage. Insurance. C. S, Butterfiold, Medford NatiouM Rank llldg.. Phone '339. .. .... FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i'"OR SALE Uluo Pornian kitten, nice pet for a child. Phone 309-L. tf FOR SALE Luzz saw, $150 cash, or will trade fo:- wood, cordwood pre ferred. Call at 128 Hamilton St. 197 FOU SALE Two o?t of double har 3. Valley Fuel Co. ' TOR SALE Heater 11C6 W. Eighth St. 194 FOR SALE Purebred Mammoth Bronze turkey toms aqd hens. , Call Chas. nay, 131-Y, ovonlngs. . , 194 FOR SALE Spitzenberg firsts and culls at O Hum ranch NE of Tolo overhead bridge, 60c and $1 a box. Bring your boxes. Or call Chas. Hay, 131-Y for delivery In Medford. 194 FOR SALE Ladles' suit, wool trlco tine dress, d.irk blue charmeuse and an evenliii; dress, sizes 36 to 40. Phone U9C-L. 191 FOR SALE Mulleablo range, whle i chilli's bnd. and water power wash , ni-1-.'hinc. Tolephone 604-M or call at 60 S. Grapo. . " 193 FOP. SALE Rhode Island Red, Brown LuKiioin and. White Leghorn pullets $I.0J each, Te'I.;951-L. . 192 Full SALE Cabbage for kfaut. Phone JMMV. C. (. Parker. . ,' ; f 195 FOR SALE 9 stands of bees. Phone ; 2JXX2. . , .' V '. 192 .-: : : -W i VOV. SALE Spitzenburg culls 36c per b .'x. Conner's Packing House.i;.'194 FOU SALE Good team, wagon ,-qnd hnmesH, ' one black pony, safe for children; ' ono cow, will be fresh ' GQim; some plows, boxes,' and sec ond hand furniture cheap. Schuler ranch one mile south of Hampton i Orchard.' ; j ' - ; 192 FoTfsAI.EHay. It. C. Ward. Phone 19 F-21. ... , .. j '- 192 FOR SALE Mission grapes, 3c pound. l i. milium, east UL jucKBUUVllie, j adjoining Oanpy orchard. . . 195 FOR' SALE Fresh gtape juice while It lasts, $1.00 jier gallon ,at Soda Works.' Phono' 22R. ., FOU SALE First class Delicious ap ples. W. N. Campbell, No. 9 N, Fir. ' ', . '; 192. FOU SALE Walking plows, sulky plows, nearly new,; steel farrow, trailers, light surrey, hack, buggies anil Wagons, also heaters. Call or write Jos. " Applebakor, blacksmith Jacksonville, Oro. Box 15,7. ; '193 FOR SALE Everybody buys cheaper . from ownors than agents, all kinds of phonographs and pianos, both new and old. . Gold Trading Center and Music House (ownors), 15 N- Grapo St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. , ! :;'. FOR SALEAppIcs. Clot them ?of lingers on 61d Brown plttce on Crater1 Lake road, adjoining town. 50 cents per. box.und .up.., Phono 865-W. :,15 FOR SALE 80 acres alfalfa pasttfrt age for sheep: 801' East Main. Phone 613-L; ' . ; '1- tC. FOR SALE-ViCtrolas, .' Bruniwiclts . and PaUie talking . machines and "records nnd pianos!.'' Will buy or Sell r or exchange talking machines, rep ! onls and . pianos. . .Music Shbp, No. . 18 fi. Crape, St.-.Phoae 465-J. - FOR SALE First class hunting coat John A. Perl. Phone 47. tf FOR SALE Trade old records, phono- graphs and', pianos for new. Gold i Music Shop, next to Farmers & , , Fruitgrowers Bank, IS N. Grape St 1 Phone 465-J,. j . tf FOR SALE Trade- everything - you ' don't want for' everything you do want Gold Trading Center, next to ' rnrmers & Fruitgrowers 'Bank,- 15 N; Grape St. Phone 465-J. . tf? FOR SALE Two General Electric . motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 -cycla, 2204 voltage, complete with com lien, sa tors. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. " .. Accounting ERVICE10: irvvesTmfttfs f M. P. SOIIMIT 2nd Floor .., ... ... Medford Bldg 1 CI Auditin.4 CI l rvs u rarcc ff