PAGE TOUR MEPFOHD MATH TR7TU7XE, JUKPIXHM) OIMKIOV, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER. L 192: PI i dr. tcl im ti'l 1VC nil Ft tli At th ar nil IK' tk in. tli 1 ql LI V I'l I'l .It II tl 81 y. T a ii ii Top lift yNw Don -vm Vvrhy Vthe"DeLuxe" Tastes better Smokes better $0 Fragrant Filler Vrapper and Binder marblehead shape? BECAUSE It is scientifically and sensibly built. ' The rich, mellow Havana filler is laid from tuck to" head so that when the thin vrapper cover over the head is cracked you will have a free smoking, fra grant, smooth burning cigar. Select THE NEW 1922 "De Luxe" 2 for 25c You can obtain the slim shapes in the Carabana, but you will get a fuller measure of enjoyment from the "Dc Luxe" shape because the proportion and volume of fragrant filler produces an aroma, flavor and bouquet not obtainable in the slender shaped cigar. MASON EHRMAN & CO. Distributors of "THE NATION'S FINEST. CIGARS" Portland Seattle Spokane THE UNIVERSAL CAR THE FORD SEDAN is a classy, comfortable, warm and economical car for winter. It fills every need of a family, being roomy and easy to oper ate. Although primarily an 'AU Year 'Round" car its en closed feature is appreciated in the winter time more than any other time of year. We will gladly show you the new little Sedan and it costs you only $702.80 in Medford , Equipped with Starter and Demountable Rims. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Cor. Sixth and Pacific Highway. - j. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE , DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAY Lr, Mod ford 2:00 p. m. Ly. Roseburg 1:00 p. in. $ , -- MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE i DAILY KXCKIT SI XDAY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. ni, , ' SUNDAY ONLY 1 Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m 4:30 p. m.' Li. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages for Portland, Marshfleld and Crescent City. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. j 'Phone mid ' ' FOR PEACE WITH ONE ."MEXICO CITY, Nov. 2. (By the Associated I'resn. ) A mure optlmis tic spirit regarding the pacification of of -Mexico could he sensed in govern ment circles today as the result of the execution of Oenentl Francisco Murguia, rebel leader and enemy of President Obregon, by a firing squad at Tepehuuntes, Durango, yesterday. All suspicion that the capture of Murgulu while ho luy asleep In a tiny room behind tho high altar of the Catholic church at Tepehuuntes Tues day night wus a cuso of mistaken Identity was scouted here. Dis patches describing the execution which folowed a hurled court mar- tlal, said the body had been exhibited at Tepehuuntes and had been recog nized as that of the rebel leader by many persons, Including several Northern American miners who were well acquainted with -Murguia. Tho hastiness of the court martial which decided the fute of the rebel leader, shortly after his arrest .was explained by the fact that it was known thut Murguia wus seeking le gul restraints to prevent an imme diate trial. - WIFE FINDS JAIL IS AXDHnsOX. S. C. Nov.. (By I. N. S.) Vlun Fnink Andrews wont to tho chain k'iik for violating the prohibition laws IiIh wife, Mra. Ito hmIIii Andrews, Horrowcd. With tru wifely regard nho felt that "hubby" wuh fnlHoJy accused and muchly abutted. Not now. Ills h(x months' sentence Is nowhere near what ho deserves, according to her way of thinking. Recently Airs. Andrews decided to call on, friend luiHbanU at tho camp and choer him tip. Ho didn't need it. When she arrived she found him sitting In an automobile billing and cooinff with another woman and with ono arm encireliuK" her. Mrs. Andrews went strlght to J. Muck KIiik. supervisor of Anderson county, told him nbout it and com plained that "hubby's" work was en tirely too light. Ho was transferred from kitchen work to breaking. rocks. ' "Rich Men's Wives," Page" A story rich in human appeal, set tings rich and in good tasto, a cast rlclrin talent and feminine beauty are the outstanding characteristics of "Uleh Wen's Wlvos," which opened yesterday at the Pugo theatre for a stay of four days. While tho Btory, which Is tho col lal)orat(ve effort ot Frauk Dazoy und Agnus Christine) Johnston, turns the searchlight on tho lollies of tho Idle rich, It nevertheless shows doep under standing und sympathy for the unfor tunate girls who aro born, bred, and imprisoned in glided cngos. ' A cast of extraordinary quality has been selected for tho Interpretation of the story. House Peters, tho "he man" typo of artist hits tho leading mascullui) rolo, und .Claire Windsor, one of the most beautiful women on tho screen, plays opposite him. Then thoro is llnby Kichurd Headrick, the scrcon's moat wonderful child; Oaston Glass, the unforgettable hero - of "llumorosquo"; Rosemary Theby und. Myrtle Stednutn. At the Rlalto "Out of tho Dust," the current at traction at tho Rialto theatre, is splen didly directed, well enst, and scenical ly 1t has western settings which leave nothing to he desired. There is heart Interest throughout tho story which holds the attention. ltnssell Simpson is an actorof un questioned nullity. As tho comman dant of Fort Sheridan iii the days when It wus considered a western out post of civilization, -ho is culled uixm for serious work, lie meets tho re quirements of tho rolo nioro than satisfactorily. Robert .MiKim hlso has an impor tant rolo. Dorcas Matthews bus the leading feminine role, which she han dles satisfactorily. Tho story Is of the popular type. It bus in Its make up Indian fighting and post cavalry. If you huvo enjoyed tho many dram as of tho burning desert sands which have been shown in motion . picture tlieutros lately, you should see Neal Hums us tho Shoik's naughty boy fol lowing In his father's footsteps ' in "That Son of a Sheik," a special com edy In which the Arabian desert flints come in for a bit of gentle "kidding,1 on the same bill. Suspect Russ Hunters Killing Relief Man MOSCOW, Nov. 2. (Uy tho Asso ciated Press.) Throe Russians who went hunting on October 15 tho day Philip ,T. Shield, American relict worker, disappeared from Simbirsk aro suspected by the polioo as his pos slblo murderers, according to Colonel William N. Haskell, chief of tho American rel'ef forces In the field, who bus returned from Simbirsk. SEES HARD PARTY SPOKAXB, Wash.. Nov. 2. Pre diction that the third party movement will "sweep the country in 1H2 4," un less there Is a complete change of program on the part of the republican party by the adoption of a liberal and constructive policy," was made by Vnited States Senutor Willium K. Horith of Idaho here today. Senutor Horah arrived hero en route to Lewis ton, Idaho, on a speaking tour of that state. " Aman is totally blind to political conditions In this country who does not understand that thero is practi cally a polltlcul revolution on," he declared in a newspaper interview. "The people are going to have relief and if they cannot get it through the old parties, they will get it through a new party." "Tho economic conditions in this country," ho said, "growing out of, among other things, governmental ex travagance and oppresisve taxation, demand a change of program and policy and if tho! republican party does not give It, another party will." HUSBAND SUES AS 200-POUND WIFE OUTDOES FLAPPER DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 2. (I N. S.) Tho spoctacle of his forty-year-old, 200-pound wife apparel ed in knee-length skirts and strlv nssiduously to keep her locks shorn as short as those ot any bobbed-haired flapper was too much for James Howson, he told Samuel G. Houghton, in circuit court totlny. , Mrs. Graeo Howson appeared In court und asked for temporary alimony pending tho outcome of her suit for divorce. Judge Houghton awarded her $50 a nionlh, Bowson also said that his wife copiplulned continually thut there weren't nny beds In tho house into which she could crawl and keep warm. Auto Wrecks Landmark LEYTONSTONE, Eng., Nov. 2. An ancient stone placed hero by the Ro mans and a landmark for centttrlos has fallen before progress. A wild motor car driver upset the stone which the centuries hud failed to displace. It's different from others because more care is taken in the making and the materials used are of higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Mattel a brilliant, s!l!ty polish thnt does nut rub off or dust i-li.nuJtlmslilnelasta lour times na lone ns ordinary stove polish. Used on sumpls otovos and sold by iiirdwnro nncl croccrv dealers. All wa nsk Uu trinl. t)nu it on your cook ntoM, rmir pnrlor ntova or your (tub rnnqa, If you don't lliii it tho bamt Btova polUh you ever, your nemer it in;nTUtl 10 tcixma your Oionf y. InsUt on H!i.-Jt Slik Stovn foliati. juauoiri nquia or luduj ono quality. Black Silk Stovo PolUh Works Sterling, Illinois Um Blnclt Silk Alr-Drylnv Iran mmt ot. I Bntfft.retf'tn.ttove-i.itN-f-rrevante runirur, I Dwj Black Silk Mmtml Poll-h foraiivor. nfckoi wiuimdv. (lUHuunjuii wit usooo auioniobUes. i Lets Get Acquainted YOU have IDEAS about the kind of clothes you want. You WANT a good, smart, SENSIBLE style that will become you. A fabric that will wear as well as it looks. Tailoring that's right from TOP to BOTTOM A price within your means, and FULL VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR. Those are mv IDEAS about TAILORING too Let's get together on this CLOTHES L' question. Glands Can't Prolong Life By DAVID M. CHURCH, International News Service Staff Correspondent. LONDON. The cycle or existence cannot be modified, not even by the iiho or monkey hIuikIh. Dr. John Matlieson, distinguished I0ni,rlish physician, is out to disprove the monkey-gland theory and he is authority for the statement that med ical science cannot abolish, or even greatly modify, the cycle of existence, growth, maturity and decay. Modern specifics, such as monkey glands, radio crystals and the like. may encourage and cheer but they do not affect longevity, according to the theories of Dr. Mntheson. Life without disease isn't even pos sible, tho doctor believes. Physical decay, which of course is responsible for senility, can be arrest ed, Dr. .Matlieson believes, but not by tho use of nny nostrums. Drugs can not prevent decuy, he states. Longevity, the doctor thinks, may bo attained by raising the power of resistance of the bodily tissues to the attacks of germs and their ixMsons. "Germs cannot bo extirpated, but we may make it more difficult for them to grow and multiply," Dr. Matlieson said. The greatest success in preven tative medicine is found in simple means, he believes. Personal hygieno, fresh air and sunshine give the body ample fortification against germs, and If coupled with wholesome food these should lead to longevity, the doctor believes. The statement of Dr. Matlieson that sunshine is un nid to the fight against germs bus led to considerable worry on the part of some lCnglish people, who ure predicting that this will be the most unhealthy winter Great Bri tain has ever seen. This is all duo to tho rainy summer which bus prevailed all over the Hritish Isles. The average sunshine during the summer was less than two hours a day. People were unable to get their accustomed exer cise because of heavy rains. Vaca tions were ruined and the population is nerve worn. It Is freely predicted In me. Ileal circles that the winter will he an unhealthy one, for the people are not prepared to resist the rigors of the English climate this year. Har ley street tho street of stethescopes and pill boxes already reimrts that early fall has brought an abnormal number of minor diseases to London. With Medford trade is Medford made. RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER I)wl Sonwd Uric AMU Deposits -Are 'jWbhuIvi'd and tho llhcuiimllc Voi fcon Starts to JLoavo tho System AVltliin Twenty-four Hours. Every druggist In tlilH county is authorized to say to every rheumatic sufferer that If a full pint bottle of Allenrhu, tho sure conqueror of rheumatism, does not show the way to stop the agony, reduce swollen joints and do away with even the slightest twinge of rheumatic pain, he will gladly return your money without comment. Allenrhu has heen tried and tested for years, and really marvelous re sults have been accomplished In the most severe cases where the suffer ing and agony was Intense and pite ous and where tho patient was help less. Mr. James IT. Allen of Rochester, N. Y., the discoverer of Allenrhu, who for many years suffered the torments of acute rheumatism, desires all suf ferers to know thnt he doea not want a cent of anyone's money unless Allenrhu decisively conquers this worst of all diseases, and he has in structed druggists to guarantee it as above In every instance. All drug gists onn supply you. Adv. Keep Painted , Woodwork CLEAN Clean wooden floors, linoleum, tile, marble, concrete, with la 1 1 1 i i i i i i I tJ I SAPOLIO Makes all house- cleaning easy. Large cake No waste 5.1c HiBBfict.rm Enoch Morgu's Sou Co. New York, U.S.A. PLAN NOW YOUR PLANTING Of Trees and Plants for the Season ORDER RELIABLE STOCK FROM GOOD ASSORTMENT CARRIED BY Salem Nursery Company 428 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Riverside Gar a g'e Headquarters for the Famous De Luxe Pistons and McQuayrNorris Rings Wo repair nil mnkes of curs nml gasoline engines. Brat equipped shop in Southern Oregon for cylinder rcboring und rebuilding motors. IjAthe womt a sruciALTir P. P. CLOSE, Prop. . D ROADWAY AT STARK Portland, Ore. v You Are Assured a Personal Hospitality and Individual Attention' through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training, understand tho needs of the traveling publie. 1 MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT AT Arthur H. Meyers Manag E. R IB F V. CARNAHAN Metallurgist, En . . .. in M Contra . gmeer. luuuueeuicm. Aiemoru, Attorneys niSIXKSS DinKCTORY Abstractors M I'KHAY IIKOS. 6c klitkNE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and B. No -i-i North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. Tho only complete Title System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. Ilullilri!? Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WUKM oinstiai" kinds of cement building products. i:or. fir ana ibui .-- Assnyer O. C. BOGGS Lawyer.- Specializes In Real Estate ana rruuuie 30 North Central Ave. - A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office in Liberty Building. E. E. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office witn rorier J. Neff. Medford Nat'l Bank Bldg. Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiru. practic and Eleetro-merapy. Medford Bldg. Phone 9C5. W DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectii Physician. DR. LOUISH. rJ. Hn.ijun.a. Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me chano - Therapy, Spondylotherapy, Fooxl Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. V. HOFFMAN Chiropractio Physician. Office hrs. 9 to Vi, z to 5. Thursday excepted. Suite 203-04-03-00 Liberty Building. llentlsts DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 E. .Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 009 ; res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.-G p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to any thing in accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look into our simpU. fled accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW BV4 Applications should be on file by Oct. 25th for October appraisal. Ii. II. Hurd, Secy-Treas., 402 Medfora Bldg. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Mom. monts. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medford. tf- Ostcopatlis UK. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAIN3 CARLOW Osteopathic Physicland 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-i!. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. ' DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention gives to oye, ear, nose and throat. - 30C Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons DR. J. J. .EMMENS Physician an4 Surgeon. Practice limited to ey ear, nose' and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for 8. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. DR. VVM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to Bpine. Phone 29. DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bldg. Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 mf 2-5 p.m. Telephone: Office, 61; residence, 61-J-2. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. t Phone 72. SADIE E. LACY Piano instructor. Special work for children. Studio ' 301 Liberty Bldg. Phono 157J. 88 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St Rag Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 70S Pino St. - 'JSi Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 4 2 North Front St Phone 315. Prices right. Services guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. 2 9 S. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206. tf rpholntering J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. I'hoce 201; Jacksonville, Org,