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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1922)
PAGE FOUR.. MEDFOTtD MAIL TRIBUNE!, MfiDFORD, OnEfiOX, WEDNESDAY, XOVTCMDETJ 1, 1022 Medford Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED EVEKY AFTERNOON EXCEPT BUN DAY, BY THE MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Th Medford Sunday Uorutng Bun ll furnished Dbacrlberi desiring kvcd clay daily newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building, 2S-S7-S0 North fir street. Pbcuts 75. A control illation at tti? Democratic TlttiM, tlit Ifrdiord Uiill, fit Mitlfurd Tnbunt, the Southern Qregoiuaa, The AfJiUnJ Tribune. ROBERT W. Rl'lTL, Editor. 8UHPTER S. fcUIlll, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: BY MAIL In Advance: Dully, with Sunday Sun, year Daily, with Sunday Sun, month.... Daily, without Sunday Hun, year Dally, without Sunday Sun, month. WeeJUy Mttil Tribune, one year 7.60 .75 fl.60 .60 1.00 t 00 Sundar Sun. one year Y CARRIER In Medford. A ah land. Jackson ville, Central Point, Phoenix, TaJuit and on Highways: Daily with Sunday Sua, month 76 Daily, without Sunday Sun, month 66 Daily, without Stunt ay Sun, yeur 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year H. 60 All terms by carrier, cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. Tha only paper between Eugene, Ore., and Sacramento, Calif., a distanoc of over 600 miles, Baring leaded wire Associated I'reu Service. Sworn dally iTerage circulation ror six months nding April 1, 1W22, 852S, more than double tbe circulation of any other paper published 01 euvuisieo. in acison county. Entered as second clam matret at Medford Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1879. at EM D ERA OF TUB ASSOCIATED I'RRHM The Associated Press is eicluaively entitled to the use for republication o( all new olspatchea credited to It, or not otlierwiae credited in thia paper, and also to the local news published feerrln. All rights of republication of special dls- mtcne nerein are sibo reaerreo. - , . - j Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. The electorate will forget the elec tion in ten days, but it will be 3U0 years before memory falls to function on the bold, fearless, upstanding, and outspoken stand of both the Demo cratic and Republican parties, on everything not an issue in the present campaign. If a political party came along that did not asBay over TO per cent nuttiness.-they might enllBt, by hard work, the nucleus of a now polit ical organization. .The main tngredl- ents of the two now in operation is bunk and mush and fear. . . The Fire Demon never lays its lurid hand, upon anything that ought to bo burned down. v Congress will re-conveno November 20. They will voto huge Bums for the relief of famine stricken Kussla, and exercise great care to prevent the wur forofltoors from losing a nickel. ANY CASUALTIE87 , (Roseburg News-Review) Albert Cunningham, the song leader, lod In the service and got a response from every person present. .' - Detectives whittling out the sordid facts, in the murder of the Hov. Hull and Mrs. Mills, a more fascinating killing has not occurred in Homo time, have discovered that the pastor hud 140,000 in gold In a New Urunswiek, N. J., bank, but did not bankrupt him self buying gifts for his companion on many a romantic jaunt down country lanes. AH he ever gave her was a pall or silk stockings, and a box of choco late eclairs. A known and brandod einnor would havo done somo squan dering. Evon though ho did not write sentimental notes on the Hereafter and the Soul, there would have boon no indictment of parslmonlouRiiosg. And Mrs. Mills had n new dress, a cheap affair, but it wna an event in her humdrum life. She wore it proud ly on the last love adventure. And, the lover with $10,000 in the bank, out of the goodness of bis heart, guvo her a red ribbon off last year's Christmas tree, to uso as a sash. There are great many poople who will always think that St. Peter ought to give tho revorend gent something extra. There ought to be a rocnll election some time in February, to koop the valley trout dying of lack of oxcito ment. John Francis Mann, ago 3, Is exces sively smart Ho can road and spell. words of four lettors in tho 'hostile press." John is n he-boy. ALIVE, IF NO'S DEAD , . (Pendleton Tribune) , C. M. King, whose physical con dition for the past three weeks has been alarming, lias been bet tor and much worse the past week; generally, fair and bad, describes It. " What tho Btate noeds worse than another railroad, is a reduction of re formers with political ambitions. This would, fatten up the pocketbooks, anil add to the peace of mind in general. The work of putting the Klan out of Klansas, Is now under way directed by Gqv. Henry J. Allen, and "his con science must be hurting him." VOTE FOR JUDGE TOU VELLE. T N THIS uiipreoVileiitetl political hodno porie the people, of South- ern Oregon should not overlook the fact that they have for the first time in ninny decades, a candidate for an important public of fice. Former County .Incite K. I,. TmiWIIc of Jacksonville in a candi date for the position of slate treasurer and .should lie elected. Not i'c-eause he happens to live in this particular neighborhood, but be cause he is the best man for the job. Jud;;e TonVcllc's oponent is O. H. Ilol'f. the present incumbent, 'ihe Mail Tribune opposed Mr. Hoff in the primaries and opposes his re-election. There is, regardless of politics, not u single valid reason for returning Mr. Hoff to office. His record has been to say the least, a poor one. Hoodwinked by the Morris bond house managers, the state treasurer had to submit to a grand jury investigation and vhile lie was exonerated of any criminal negligence, he was formally condemned for laxness and inefficiency, it being .shown that his easy j.oing methods hist the state thousands of dollars. It makes no real difference to the people of Oregon whether the man who handles their finances wears the label of one political party or the other, it makes a great deal of difference whether their state treasurer is a competent business man or a time-serving politician. Judge TouVelle should get a big vote hi Jackson county and southern Oregon. ' Quill Points Any normal college boy can name the eleven greatest men in America. Nine parts of righteousness consist in an intimate relationship be tween one's nose and the grindstone. The greatest service that could be rendered the Christian peoples would be to convert them to Christianity. Correct this sentence: "After ten years of married life the man kissed his wife's hand and she survived the shock."' Some of your automobile tools are so seldom useful that the ga rage mechanic doesn't feel justified in keeping them. The election probably won't prove anything except that different sections of the country fire mad nbout different things. The fellow It. II. 0. S. Boyd who is working on a perpetual mo tion machine lias at least made u commendable initial start. Correct this sentence: "We like your sermons very well," said tho Deacon, "but we must insist that you make them a little longer." "What is it the palms are saying?" sighs the poet. Well, if they belong to the American porter, they are saying "IV bits, pleuse." Correct this sentence: "I know you arc wealthy and handsome and good," said she, "but I can't love you enough to marry you." RipplingRhijrass a mi l .Jt INDEPENDENT. Oil,. MY FEET are bruised by gravel, I have walked until I'm lean, but I'd rather walk than travel in a mortgaged limousine. Dealers come to sell me autos with Iheir tires that will not skid, but I show them sundry mottoes I have pasted in my lid. "What is home without a bundle" is the one I can't for get, as along tho road I trundle, striving to keep out of debt. On tho plain and by tho river still I plod on aching heels; lictter that than tool n flivver that is mortgaged to tho wheels. Thoughts of creditors don't grind me as I journey through the land, with my wiener dog behind me and my cudgel in my hand. In this world of debt and pleasure I'm a delegate apart, for I think inan's greatest treasure is an independent heart; it is great if ono is able to remark in trumpet tones, and be guilty of no fable, "None can say I owe him bones. There's no man beneath our banner who can say I'm in his debt ;" tliu.t I speak in stalely manner while my eaves drip honest sweat. Ho I walk beside the river, so I jour ney up tho hill, and I will not own a flivver till I'm fixed to foot the bill. COMMUNICATIONS High school boys In Fortlnnd arc wearing peon pants, but this major vice has not hit here as yet, due to lack of moral, courage or funds, or both. , USE THE CAT, NOW (Pendleton East Oregonian) . Adam Schwant of South Milton, has lost his tree toad which has long been his barometer, the cat . having devoured it Tly it Mr. Schwant has been able to tell two days beforehand the approach of rain. . A. straw vote was taken Monday by Walter Piorce, of Walter Plorcc, nnd . resulted: Pierce 1,' Olcott n. .This shows a drift towards Pierce. Hoggs' .Statement Denied, To tho Kdltor: A misleading communication ap peared in the Mail Tribune of Tues day night from which it was made to appear as if an actual majority of the bar was ondorslug Mr. Thomas for Judge., and a list of names was ap pended to tho statement giving the lmnrosslon thnt. the gentlemen nam ed had signed It. A casual Investigation this morn ing immediately disclosed tho fact thnt most ot the gentlemen hud not been consulted in the matter and hud not authorized the uso of their names. It is truo that the gentlemen nam ed did not sign tho Kelly endorse ment, but several of them were ab sent, others ot them for various rea sons wero not In a position to tukc u definite public stand on the stib jeet. while still others are not actively engaged In the practice of the law, and u few are openly supporting the Ku Klux Klan, to whlcn of course. Colonel Kelly Is unalterably op posed. IN'DEPKXDKNT AMERICAN VOTKIIS l.KAC.PB. Question for ('. M. Thomas. To the Kdltor: , I a land owner, under the Hiph Lino ditch of the Talent Irrigation district, wand Mr. Thomas to an swer the following questions, the snme questions asked him nt the Tal ent meeting. Tho mailers Involved, directly and seriously affect mo. (No. 1 Is it a fact that tho Sterling Mino water rtgbt wus for mining purposes only That after it was used by tho Sterling mino for mining purposes, it had to bo turned back into tho llttlo Applegato to Irrigate the ranches alonr; tho Llttlo Apple gato below tho Sterling mine? That theso ranches along tho Little Apple gato below tho mino have been using this Sterling mino water for irriga tion for years nnd that every foot of it has beon confirmed to them by de crees for Irrigation purposes -No. 2. Is It a fact that wo got nothing for the $20,000 given to Uullls nnd that the tnxes amounting to $3000 wero not then, nnd aro not yet, paid up on tho "nothing" we sot? No. ". Were you not highly paid nt the time, both-by Hullls as his nt- tornoy, and by us as our attorney? I am a plain farmer and want a' plain answer without unnecessary le gal phraseology or Salem "white wash." .101 hN A. OAM MILL. In Ho the Circuit Judgeship. To the Editor: Permit me a few words apropos to this subject. 1 stand exactly where 1 stnnil towuril the Ku Klux Klan during tho effort to recall Sheriff Terrlll. My opinion of that organiza tion and of its apologists has not changed. During those strenuous days I was Impatient toward Mr. C. M. Thomas because of his retlccnse. I have made everv efofrt to deter mine the truth of Ihe things that hnve been charged imniust him. I have investigated the Talent affair and read what has been published In re gard thereto and my .conclusion Is that Mr. Thomas acted In a dignified manner and within his rights and du ties to his clients whose stampede was sought by his opponents. Mr. Kelly and his supporters are friends of mine and I would not wi.-h to he unjust to them, but I do believe that they have become hysterical and have been using the unfortunate af termath or tho Klan fight as an ex cuse to accomplish a personal and po litical scheme. Tho fiKbt they are malting seems to mo to lack that dig nity and deliberation that the occa sion demands. Jlun methods, whether in peace or war has been condemned by the civilized world. In choosing our judges more than In j selecting any other of our offices. personal spite and political mud sllnglng ought to he ta-hoo. It Is strange that so bad and in competent a man as his detractors try to make out Mr. Thomas to be should havo brought to him tho honors w hich have been bestowed upon him followed by such an overwhelming vote in the primaries, if the things they Insinuate are true; passing strange that something of this char acter which they now try to fasten upon him did not find Its way to the surface before. It is strange that the lawyers of Jackson and Josephine county should have made him presi- will think befits the. dignified posi j t'on he seeks. Exercising my best ; judgment and my sense of fairness and my belief in the fitness in the men t shall on November 7th vote for , Thomas and Cowgill. 1 C. II. WATSON, 'f.old Hill, Ore., Oct. :: 1 , Ki2. ias l:liilfs, :! Killed. KNOWN. I. K, low:.. Oct. 51. lib hard llradlcy. aiail fix of Oska looa, ined today injuries sus tained last ninht in an explosion at a Kasoline filling Hlatlon. bringing the death list to three inrudin Mrs. Leonard I'-radb-y, :t2, mother of the boy, and IJlack, "1 year old oil station employe. BUSINESS MEN'S TICKET For Mayor, E. C. GADDIS For City Recorder, M. L. ALFORD For City Treasurer, MARY HA SWELL WEBBER ConncIImen, First Ward, f J. W. JACOBS J. W. BUTLER Councilmen, Second Ward, r E. II. JANNEY O. O. ALEXDERFER Councilman, Third Ward, B. W. PAUL. Pd. adv. Assessment Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that jnn, v,i- r , , , "II instalment, oi paving assessments dent of their Bar Association, if his i i,,i.i .i. .. .i iiimai-LiM-us a lawyer is sucli as tliosc Bancroft Act on Cottage Street from now subscribed against him say it is. j East .Main Street to south end of Cot- Mr. Thomas may in this campaign ; tage Street is now due and payable at have been too dignified to suit their '"e olfico of the city treasurer, preset, rough-nock campaign. But NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that to many it will stand to his credit. "!1 insti,lmnnt3lof assessments on the Who. - . .u . , ... alkive named street will be delinquent ...... ne lU.,u.. UiU IIIBlllOUS (JI Uie!.,ln, Hilrtw ('Nil f-m r.f two candidates I believe the quiet ernest voters will see therein a strong quality In Mr. Thomas which they Thin? Run-down? Sure Way 1 Gel Right Weigh! Increase Your Red-Blood-Cellt. TW' the Sure Wayl S. S. S. Builds Blood. Cells; This Means Strength! Do you know why Innumnce compa nies refuse to lnsuro n jrrent mnny iiied lierouso they are under weight? Sitnpl; because to be under weight often prsvti low flghtlng-power In the body. It oftpn means you aro. minus nerve-power, tnlniin reil-cells In your Monti, minus henltti, minus energy, minus vitality. It is se rious to he minus, but the moment you Inrrcnse tho number . of your red-blood-cells, you beffln to heeomc plus. That's why K. 8. 8., slure Jffio, has meant to thousands of umlprwolcht men nnd women, plus In their strength. Hollow cheeks fill out. You stop being a cnlamltv loi.lo r. lou Inspire coufldenco. Your body filiH to tho point of power, your flesh heroine firmer, the ngo lines that come from thin ness disappear. You look younner. firmer, happier, and you feel it, too, nil over your body. Mora red-lilood-cellsl S. 8. 8. will build them. Ladles and gentlemen, a peaky, bony face doesn't mnke vou look very Important or pretty, does it? Tafco V.- . . . contains only pure vccetnhle medicinal Ingredients. S. 8. S. la sola at all drug stores In two slies. Tho larger also bottle Is the more economical. SC? rnakes'youfeel (?? Wit yourself again this notice. Upon the expiration of such thirty (30) day period such instalments shall bear a penalty of five per cent (5') upon the amount of such delinquency in addition to the bond rate of interest upon the principal sum so delinquent, the property will then be advertised and sold pursuant to Sections 147 and IIS of the city charter. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 1st day of November, 1922. ' MARY HASWELL WEBBER, Treasurer of the City of Medford, Oregon. ANNOUNCEMENTS COUNTY TfCKET .- STATE REPRESENTATIVE Having been nominated by the people at the May primary, I hereby solicit your support and votes as one of the two State Representatives in the legislature, to be elected at the November election. Adv. JOHN H. CARKIN. Candidate for Representative at the November election. - If 1 go. I go to servo the best interests of tho state, and of Jackson county especially. Adv. J. O. RIGG. Having been nominated for Repre sentative to the Legislature from Jack son county. Oregon, I solicit your sup port and votes as one of the two Representatives from Jackson county, at the election on November 7. 1922. Paid. odv. ALICE E. HANLEY.. STATE SENATOR I have been nominated by the Re publican party for State Senator and hereby solicit your support1, at the election on November 7. Adv. . GEORGE W. DUNN. CITY TICKET. TREASURER I am nn independent candidate for City Treasurer, nnd if elected promise to dn my run duty according; to law. 0 i Jrr ma me ?Jobcrs Golden Gate" rr"HAT is the order which insures L good coffee, because Folgcr's Golden Gate has a flavor that never disappoints. It is "different in 'taste from other cof fee and better." i ' Find out for yourself how good it is.Tell your grocer to send you Folger's Golden Gate. J. A. FOLGER & CO. San Francisco - Kansas City . Dallas Shi;uoka, Japan I will appreciate jour support on No vember 7. L. E. BEAN. Adv. In announcing my candidacy for the onice of city treasurer of Medford I feel that my thirteen years of clerical work qualifies nie for the .ition. II elected I will obey the law in every particular, will transfer no funds ex cept as provided by law and will keep each account in its proper plate so that any taxpayer can ascertain 'the general condition of the city without delay. LINN1E HANSCA.M. Adv. I am a candidate for re-election for the office of City Treasurer at the , general election- November 7th and hope my past record will entitle me I to your support, , which I will duly AdvlMARY HASWELL WEBBER. RECORDER I am a candidate for re-election for the office of City Recorder. 1 havo faithfully conducted my official duties, my books are open for inspection nt any time, and I will appreciate your support- M. L. ALFORD. Adv. - Rowles lentho-Sulphur' for itching Eczema, Rash, Erup tions and irritations of the skin and scalp. Lpts of this splendid medicine is being sold by Heath's Drug' Store ' 109 E. Main The San-Tox Shop Phone Eight-Eight-Four ARE YOU Getting Eggs? Egg prices are up and will without doubt go higher. There's money in eggs, so why not feed your hens MADRONA "A" EGG PRODUCER For More Eggs We guarantee Madrona egg producer to be made of the best, f It i3 positively ; ; MACHINE MIXED ; Which insures an evenly blended feed, uniform at all times. SECOND IN QUALITY TO NO OTHER MASH AND PRICED LOWER Buy your supply now feed, prices are advancing Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Phone 260-529 " 317 Main A Medford-Made Feed Made Better 'THE TALK OF THE TOWN" Pacific International Livestock Exposition Portland, Oregon, Nov. 4-11 Your friends are going! Why not join them and see the largest livestock exposition In tho world 10 acres under ono roof, the ribbon winners, the manufacturers exhibits, land and dairy products, and the NIGHT HORSE SHOW Greatest Show in the. West It's spectacular Cnd will till you with thrills. . . LOW ROUND TRIP FARE $15.28 FROM MEDFORD Corresponding low fares from other stations. For train schedules or further par ticulars ask Southern Pacific agents or v.-rite John SI. Scott Oen'l Pass'ngr.. Ag(,. Portland, Oregon. 1 IlTnesI 1