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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1922)
I :PAW TWO MEDFOTJ MAHJ TftTTiUXTC, MTCDPOftP, OTlTCfiOX, TUESDAY, OfTOI.KT? P.I, 1 f )22 It; Tocal arid Personal One of the boldest auto thefts yet reported was the taking of A. S. Hilton's Ford ear of the 1920 vintage from its parking place In front of the Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank this morning, since which time no trace of the car has been found. The police of 1; the towns and cities north and south ; were 'promptly' advised to he on the loosout for the stolen car. Mr. Illiton j.liad just left his car with the key in ii for a few minutes, preparatory to I soins over to circuit court, In which be Is a Juror, at Jacksonville. Everybody buys cheaper from own ers than agents, nil kinds of phono ' graphs and pianos, both new and old. Gold Trading Center and Music House (owners), No. 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers liank. Very choice home grown chrysan themums and other cut flowers, ferns, potted plants, etc. Maddox and Hon ney. Phone 374. 191 Three piece jersey suits for small boys 3.85. Deuel's Art Dept. 1110" The police warn the youth of the city to be very careful in their Hallow e'en pranks of tonight, else they will be placed under arrest. The officers will patrol the city In autos In their lookout for offenders. System service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd floor Med ford Bldg. tf Why pay .M or $t0 for a vacuum cleaner when you can get the Vacuette Tor $29.85. Phono 527-X. 192 The Modern Woodmen of America will hold their semi-monthly meeting tomorrow evening at Altlica hull Nomination of officers for the ensuing year will be made at this meeting and all members are requested to be pres ent and help select a good set of officials. C. D. Miller, No. 228 Haven street arrived home last night with an eight point buck, one" of the largest shot this season, which he ' killed near Sugar Pine in the upper Elk creek country. Dig popcorn that will pop big at Warner, Wortmand & Gore's. 191 Kodak films at DeVoe's. tf Very choice homo' grown chrysan themums And other cut flowers, ferns, I Kilted plants, etc. Maddox and Hon- noy. Phone 374. ' 190 "With three wins and no defeats for tho season, Ashland high school Is making a dent In southern Oregon football opponents, the third victory coming at Klamath Fulls last Saturday where the local aggregation won by a 1 to 0 score. This was a return gamo. Another return gamo will be played next' Saturday when the boys will Jour ney over to Grants Pass." Ashland Tidings. Have you any office furniture which you wish to sell, flat, top. dck$. tablep or filing cabinets? Call or see j. W. Dressier, 147 North Holly St.t Phone 659-W.' 191 Dr. Geo. J. Klnz, chlroprnctor, has opened an office In the Medford build ing. Ho has had a number of yonr practice, has been In Ashland Over two years and will move to Medford. Fire! Fire! Sale. Miss Towno'S mil linery nt the Colonial Shop on salo beginning Friday, Nov. 3rd. 191) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Normlle of Portland left for home last night after a few days visit here; accompanied by Mrs. Jack Kerr who will visit her sister, Mrs. J. W. Judy and family, and friends there for a week or two. Provide against loss, Insure with Redden and Canadny. ' Jackson's Pavilion to reopen Sat. nite. 194 Every bat In perfect condition, no damage by the fire, on salo Friday, Nov. 3rd at Tho Colonial Shop. 190 T. N. Sclinller of Chicago, is A guest at the Hotel Holland. Other guests in clude Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White, H. V. Ireland and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hurnslde of Portland, A. B. Bennett 6f Hood River, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes of Hornbrook, Calif., H. A. lllrch of DunBmuIr, Calif., R. I,. Mc N'alr of Los Angeles and J. U Somes of Haywurd, Call. There's no place like' Holmes for complete Insurance service A wonderful chance to get $25 pat tern hats for $10.60, $20 pattern hats for $8.50. S)ort hatB $8.75 now $3.60, on sale Friday, NOV. 3rd at The Colo nlHl Shop. 190 John M. Root says: "All of the great natural resources 1 found hore Sixteen years ago are Just where they were then. Don't expect Opportunity to break the door down trying to get In: ho won't do It. We moat work to gether for good results." ' Adv. 194 Supt. K. j. King of the Southern Pacific railroad Was a visitor in this city and Ashland yesterday. A real buy $4.50 spotlights at the Electric Shop. " ' tf Special meeting on Armistice day at Region ball. All committees report. 1S9 Auto Insurance. Brown & White. The city budget committee will hold its opening meeting tonight to prepare tho budget for the city's expenses for 1923. ....... Sing l.ce Laundry, 123 Riverside Handwash. 190 STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapcpsin" Corrects I . Soar, Upset Stomachs "Pape's Disprpsin" is Ilia quickest, surest relief fur indigestion, gases, flntu- lenee, bertburn, sourness, fermentation or stomach distress cMincd by acidity. A few tablets giva almost immediate stom ach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a. few cut. Drug gists sell millions of packages, Vniuue favors will be distributed at the Hallowe'en ball at tho pavilion to night. Refreshments will be served free of charge throughout tho evening. There will be a varied program of musical numbers by the pavilion en tertainers and the full orchestra. Dancing will start at 9 p. in. and con tinue as long as the crowd cares to dance. There will be no Increase in the regular price. See the new DeLuxe special pistons 1 for Dodge, Ford and Chevrolet. The I price is lower. Riverside Garage, tf 1 New novelty orchestra Hot Springs : Sat. 194 Not one hat Injured in the fire, just as good as the day they were pur chased. Sale starts Friday, Nov. 3rd. Miss Towne's at The Colonial. 190 At the state board meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution In The Dalles last week a resolution indorsing tho "Old Oregon Trail" as the name of the road extending from Independence, Mo., to the Pacific northwest was adopted and official recognition of this name for the high way was urged upon tho state ieglsla ture. The Giants PaBS Courier pays a high tribute to the qualifications and prominence In the state of C. M. Thomas and compliments him for tin gentlcmnnly campaign lie has con ducted. See page three. Adv. This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them prlnttd out of Medford. Phone us and we will call. tf' John M. Root says: "We need more Industries to make our city prosperous All year around payrolls nre tho foun dutlon of prosperity." Adv. 191 T. H. Ness of the California-Oregon Power company returned this morning for a visit of a week or ten days on line twelve. Hallowe'en ball, Pavilion Tues. 190 See a sample job of rebored and honed cylinders at the Riverside Garage. tf Dance, Jackson Hot Spring Sat. nite ' ' 194' Mrs. Kathryn Eddy, who travels In Europe a great deul in the interest of tho Y. W. C. A., left last night for San Francisco after having spent two days in Medford on business In connection with the local branch of the Y. W. C. A. I.lme for spray. Medford Lbr. Co. In spite of the Liberty Bldg. fire Dr. Lincoln Knllon will continue his work uninterrupted as ho has a laboratory available at the Sacred Heart hospital. Patients can find him by telephoning 714 or til-J-2. Trade old automobiles for new Pennlger Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 north Grape St. Phone 465-J. tf . Fishing was good Sunday, fisher men bringing back largo numbers of the stoellieud.. .The river -.bus cleared off and Is still qnltb low.. Tho fish Appear to be striking best just bolow tho Savage Rapids dam. They are being caught nt all points along the rlvor now, however. Grants Pass Courier. John M. Root says: "Stoady work could ho provided for the laboring man by a forceful effort to dovolop our nearby resources." Adv. 194 ' llallowo'en ball, Pavilion Tues. 190 Thore's a busy Business College In your homo town. OWN. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sheets havo returned from Onkland, Calif., whore they attended tho marriage of Mrs. Fama Horshaw, daughter of Henry Sheets, to Floyd Leaver of Snn Fran cisco. The bride and groom expect, to multo tholr homo In Medford. The republican committee Is prepar ing for a big meeting nt Ashland Sat urday night, Nov. 4, when Robert A. Booth, highway commissioner and one of Oregon's most promlnont and suc cessful men will speak. They are All doing If so nro we. Hallowe'en dance at Rlvorsldo Co'm mnnlty Club, Friday nite, Nov. 3rd. "Yaller" pumpkins black cats and tho witches on brooms will bo thoro. Wheel ' 19P Special prices on high Bchool type writer practice paper at this office, tf ,T. F. Hale loft this morning for Portland after having spent the last fow days In Modford on business. John M. Root says: "Dollar water would Boon put us In a bnd financial hole. We should have plenty of pure wnter for all and at as low a rate as possible." Adv. 191 All kinds of rough and dressed lum her. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. Big Hallowe'en dunce at Riverside Community Club, Friday nite, Nov. 3rd. Big time assured. Jewel orches tra with nil of the populAr music. Dance as lato as you care to. 191 J. A. Nott, traveling freight agent for the I'nlon Pacific Railroad com pany left this morning for points north and will return to Modford after a brief visit. "No Hunting" signs at Mail Tribune office. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 194 For Sale Extra fnncy Blue Triangle Uosc and Cornice Pears. Telephone 205 or 12S. . . tf Hallowe'en ball, Pavilion Tues. 190 Now that the lust lap of tho cam paign Is on Interest in local, county and stato politics Is Increasing fast. So far as can ho learned no prominent outside speakers nro booked to speak In .Medford this week. All the political oratory will be done by local shakers. The big event of the week In this line witl le the debate on city issues Thursday night between Benj. Lindas, one of the candidates for mayor, and Mayor C. K. Gates. Judge A. J. House, of the district court of Maquoketa, Iowa, tolls of C. M. Thomas' success In his homo town as a member of the bar and prosecut ing attorney, as well as his studious habits, fairness, honorable character See letter on page three. adv. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf For Fire Insurance see Bennett, 113 ft'est Mnln street. tf Henry M. Chiller,, representing .1 Friedman and company of New York arrived In Medford today for a brief business visit. John M. Root says: "Our city affairs must be conducted along sound busi ness lines and a conservative policy maintained but necessities provided for on a fair basis to all." Adv. 194 by send your cylinders out of town to be reground when with the new honing process In connection with n first-class job of reborlng we guarantee as perfect a Job as by re- grinding nnd It costs you less. See a sample of our work at Riverside Garage. P. F. Close. tf For sale Victrolas, Brunswlcks and Pathe talking machines and records and pianos. Will buy, sell or exchange talking machines, records and pianos Music Shop, Bill Peninger, Mgr., No. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 465-J. Walter Bowne left last night for Portland where he will spend the next two or three days on business. If you want to know of the qualifica tions, and the high regard In which C. M. Thomas, republican nominee for Judge, was held 1n his home town in Iowa read Judge J. F. Lott's letter on page three. Adv. Political speaking, dancing and basket supper at Trail Saturday, Nov. 4. 194 Order personal engraved greeting now. Swem's Studio. 192 Having won his first start as a light heavyweight grappler, Ted Thye, Port land's wrestling wonder, has issued n defl to other 175 pounders posing as champions. Thye's first challenge has been directed against Ad Santel, Earl Saddock and Clarence Ecklund. San tel Is In San Francisco and may accept the defi. Portland Journal. Wanted Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds, will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trad ing Center, 15 N. Grape St. Phone 405-J, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Our new creations of personal Christmas cards are unusually attrac tive. Place your orders now. Swem's Studio. 192 Seven ears and t,wenty:tliree people registered at the city auto camp last night nnd remained In tho camp over night despite the rain. The visitor at the camp last night from the greatest distance was a car from Detroit, Mich. Hallowe'en ball, fair grounds pavil ion, Tues. nite. Special music, stunts and prizes! A real party, from' start to flnlBh! Don't miss this! 190 The Koizur Transfer and Storage company have changed bands and after the first of Nov. will be known ns tho Medford Transfer and Storage Co., managed by Guy Cox. 190 The wonderful efficacy of Mall Tri bune advertising' was again shown when Inst Saturday the Economy Gro cctcrla advertised to sell fine Idaho potatoes at '$1.49' per sack of 100 pounds, and sold out an entire car load 303 sacks, that day. A few days prior to that the J. C. Mann department store advertised a special bargain in cotton blankets at $1.G9 each, and next morning the entire stock of such bar gains, 100 blankets, was sold out in forty minutes after the store opened. United States Senator A. II. Cum mins of Iowa, pays high tribute to character and ability of C. M. Thomas, republican candidate for judge. See his letter on page throot today. Adv. All kinds of rough 1 And dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 East Main street. . Grover Corum and' Hob Deuel' left yesterday for their homesteads In the Butte Falls district and will remain there for several days. They expect to bag a buck before the 1922 deer hunting season closes at sundown to night. Buy Medford home. Pay like rent. Gold Rny Realty Co. Trade everything you don't want for everything you do want. Pennlger Trading Center, next to Fanners & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 N. Grape St. Phone 485-J. ...... tf Mr. Ormnndy, assistant general pas senger agent of the Southern Pacific lines, arrived here this morning from Portland on his regular periodical visit, nnd expects to remain for sev eral days. He was accompanied by A. S. Rosonbiuun, former Medford resi-. dent and Southern Pnciflo agent. Mattress wort aii kinds. . Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. . . tf Hallowe'en ball. Pavilion tues. 190 "The annual moetlng of the Rogue River Association of the.B. Y. P. V. convened nt tho Baptist church Sun day afternoon and evening, beginning at 3 o'clock," says the Ashland Tid ings. "Twenty-two members were present from Modford, and 24 from Grants Pass, among whom was Miss Mildred Taylor, president of the soci ety, who had chargo of tho meeting: also Dr. G. II. Young, from Portland, who Is educational director of tho as sociation. A banquet was served In the basement during the recess time between afternoon nnd evening ses sions." Auto Insurance, Brown & While. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work nnd prompt service. tf Mr. Panlserud of Ashland, was a Medford business visitor today. When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf W. J. Hoyden of Snn Jose, Calif., Is n suest at the Hotel Medford as are Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pierce and G. U Chan dler of San Francisco. J. M. Inmnn of Sacramento. O. D. Herbert of Eugene. John Plouffe of Chicago.' II. L. Dyer of Seattle, E. R. Shlmonek of Oakland. Calif., and R. W. Sawyer of Providence Rhode Island. Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garago. When In need of sash and doors. cnll Wallace Woods, 10S or come to 711 E. Main streot. F. M. Gerdes left yestesday after noon for Yreka. Calif., to make a short business visit there. Llmo nnd cement. Medford Lumber CO, . Mrs. Norman Christy, general secre tary of the Y. W. C. A., in Portland, who lias been here on Y. W. C. . business connected with tho local branch of the association, left this morning for her home in Portland. See the editorial of the Orcson Dally Journal on page three of this paper on what the qualifications of a judge should be. Adv. The public market of this morning was good but somewhat light. The freeze of the past two mornings put an end to the many unpicked tomatoes, and peaches. The latter were about gone anyhow, and almost everybody has been loaded up with tomatoes, of which there was a heavy crop this year. , You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Two men booked under the familiar and mythical name of John Doe were fined $15 and costs in police court tills morning for having had two small bot ties of moonshine in their possession last Sunday night. They were arrested by Night Patrolman Adams. Big popcorn that will pop big, at Warner, Wortman and Gore's. 190' It rained spasmodically all night and early this morning. During the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. today the rain fall amounted to forty hundredths of an Inch, which was the first real down pour of the fall season. Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's? tf The Liberty building elevator, which was put out of commission early yes terday when its motor was flooded by water injured on the fire on the second floor, had sufficiently dried out by this morning to resume operation. The Colonial ladies' wear store and the Young Hardware store were open for business today as usual, although the insurance adjusters have not arrived and begun their estimate of damage on the stocks of those two establish ments. Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. A. Stewart, Southern Pacific special detective is In Medford today on bust ness having arrived tills morning from Rosebiirg. Sash and doors. Medtord Lumber Co. The Standard Ol employes of the Medford, Ashland, Gold Hill and Grants Pass branches held a "hard times" dancing party at the Natator- ium last night at which about thirty couples were present. Music was fur nished by Launspach s orchestra and prizes wore given for the man nnd womnn presenting the most disreput able appearance. W. R. Speck, Med ford special agent, won the men's prize while Mrs. Reese Chapman of Jack sonville took first prize among the ladies. The prizes were a pair of dunce caps. Trade old records, phonographs and pianos for new. Gold Music Shop, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 15 N .Grape St, Phone 4C.6-J. - tf Political advertising cards are be coming more numerous In the Btorc windows, although It is tho policy of a number of merchants and business men to permit no iiolitical literature of any kind in their show windows. Empty refrigerator cars for ship ment of fruit to the eastern market are coming here more freely now. Fifteen more carloads of pears and two cars of apples were shipped out last night, making 12(i(! cars of pears and 33 cars of apples shipped this season so far. The shipments from here will con tinue for several weeks yet. Bids aro now being sought for the erection of the first unit of the Wom en's Christian Temperance Union farm homo for orphans that 1s to be built on the recently acquired place north of Corvullis. The first unit will be a cottage valued at $15,000, in which will be housed 20 orphans and four attendants. Tho Pythian Sisters of Grants Pass will visit the Medford Pythian Sisters temple tomorrow night, Nov. 1st. There will be Initiation, and all Med ford Bisters are urged to attend. This is the Inst day of the season for hunting deer, quail and Chinese pheasants. The open season closes at sundown. It is reported that thero Is just a light sprinkling of snow on the Green Springs mountain road, but tho recent rains are soaking the thoroughfares and mnking the new section, especial ly, rather bad going for cars. The Medford-Klamatli Falls stages are still operating daily over this route but will have to stop for the winter almost nny day now if rain continues and the road becomes thoroughly soaked. If the bond Issue for money to complete this road carries at the next election the stages will operate all noxt year be tween Medford and Klamath Falls. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed Charley of Brownsboro, are the proud parents of a 6'i pound girl born last night at the Sacred Heart hospital. It is reported that both mother nnd baby nre getting along nicely. Bert Winne, of Ashland, who Is a junior this year at O. A. C, nnd who Is taking a mechanical engineering course, played against Stanford uni versity last Saturday at Corvallls when the Beavers were beaten, GO. Wlnne entered the game In the second half and played well at the position of right halfback during the time he was in the game. Tho decorating committee for the Hallowe'en hall met at the pavilion last night and perfected arrangements for tonight's affair. T,he large hall has undergone a big change anil goblins, witches and ghosts are every where In evidence. . F. I.. Tou Velle. candidate on the democratic ticket for state treasurer registered nt the Imperial hotel at Portland last Saturday from Jackson ville. With Medford trade In Modford made. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Pico ting 8c per yard. Buttons corereJ, 0. C. BOGGS DEIS LAWYERS FOR KELLY To the Editor: In -Monday evening's Tribune, there wus a statement to the effect that a majority of the lawyers (if Jackson and Josephine counties had endorsed E. E. Kelly as candidate for circuit Judge. Permit me to call your attention to the fact that the follow ing lawyers of Jackson and .losenliine counties did not endorso Mr. Kelly for circuit Judge, namely: GLENN O. TAYLOR, FRANK FARRELL JOHN CARKIN, 'FRED MEARS, II. A. CAXNADAY, W. E. CREWS, H. K. HANNA, O. C. BOGGS. T. W. MILES. GEORGE A. CODDING. W. E. PHIPPS, E. D. BRIGGS. W. M. BRIGGS, W. J. MOORE, L. A. ROBERTS, NEWTON BORDEN, E. E. BLA.NCHARD. JUDGE O. H. GILMOI;!-;, V. A. AIILF, W. R. GAYLORD, C. B. WATSON. A. E. KELLOGG, E. H. KURD, B. F. PIATT, GEORGE TREFEX, D. W. BAGSI1AW, W. T. MILLER. A majority of the attorneys of Jackson nnd Josephine counties did not endorso Mr. Kelly for circuit judge. A majority of the practicing attor neys of Jackson county, Oregon., did not endorse Mr. Kelly for clrcnlt Judge. O.C. BOGGS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE A Majestic range and combination wood nnd coal heater. Phone 975-R. 705 Palm. 191 WANTED Girl for general house work, 50 dollars a month. Mrs. Walter Bowne, 6S5-R-1. 192 FOR SALE $500 will handle 5-room modern bungalow, garage; immedi ate possession. Will trade 20 acres Willamette valley for R. R. valley acreage. New 4 room house, nice lot, $900, 14 cash. C. S. Butterfield. 191 FOR SALE Ford touring, good condi tion, $140. Inquire Mrs. Whiteside place. Central Point. 192 FOR RENT Modern four room house iimu ,. central. Phone 375-R. , 193 LOST Small ear-ring with square crystal stone, on Main or Grape Sts. Return to Mail Tribune office. 191 "Cascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, . Constipated To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, tnko Casoarota. oick Headache, biliousness, gases, indi gestion, sour, upset stomach, and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-ups and chil dren. 10c a box. Tasto liko candy. Hemstitching, Fecoting 8c per ynrd. "Work finished want it. when you THE VANITY SHOP Cor. Main and Bartlett. TENTS ANY SIZE We Make 'Em Med. Tent & Awning Works Oppose S. P. Depot NATIONAL APPLE WEEK OCTOBER 31 to NOVEMBER 6 ! This is National Apple Week and we are offering for sale 50 boxes of good Orchard Run Newtown Apples at 90c Per Box Order your Winter supply now Personal Attention Prompt Service H. E. Marsh Phone 252 .' GROCER : Phone 252 Don't Forget tho Big Armistice Day Celebration, Medford, November 11 OBITUARY KA.MSKY Lilly .May Ramsey died October 30, at the age of two months and nine days. She was born in Agate on August 22, 1922; later with her parents mov ed to Ashland where they live at pres ent. Funeral services will be held at the Rogue River cemetery October 31, at 2 p. m. ... DR. GEO. J. KINZ CHIROPRACTOR : EXAMINATION FREE Tenth year successful practice, of straight Chlropractio methods Two and one-half years in Ashland. ', Office Hours: 1 0: 00 to 12 :00 and 1 : 00 to 5 :00 Phone 700. 40S -Medford Bldg. NAT BALLROOM Management Merrick Bros. WATCH FOR OPENING Date to Be Announced Later Just a Little Surprise Costing $5000 DEAR FOLKS: Gee, Buster Keaton and I hate to leave Medford tonight, 'cause you have given us such a grand welcome during our stay here. But we'll e back agin. Good bye till next time. ' Jackie Coogan ' Attention, Phoenix Voters! Tile Independent Voters League will hold u meeting in Woodmen's hall at Phoenix, Wednesday evening ;it eight o'clock. Judge W. M. Colvig, Porter J. Neff, W. H. Gore, and Colonel E. E. Kelly will deliver short addresses on the Issues of the campaign, and ' qualifications of candidates. District Attorney Kawles Moore will also speak. (P1- adv.) With Medford trade Is Medford made. BEGINS TOMORROW! A super-luxurious society drama of 1922, with a cast of great artists. HOUSE PETERS CLAIRE WINDSOR BABY RICHARD . HEADRICK ; fc ROSEMARY THEBY GASTON GLASS MYRTLE STEDMAN :'