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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1922)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDTORD., OlfWiON, MONDAY, Of'TOUKR f!0, 1022 VC,F. SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus 111- CL.KO -I r-rr-, L WtlVR. BEARD": i'l i I l'MCLAO "yoo ARE COirso to the: er-mRTAitN ment - THE: CA.PTM:m HA'a A'bKE.O Tv.E. TO blisi-C, V y J is i, ; g Frti m I (c) 192; by Intl. FcATune Service, Inc yo -ho:: voOFi ( wire. hao J r irii-jMEO ALL RlSHT HAUL IN THE &oat:: ft FiMCMMl ."TW Ss-ii:?"- IS RETURN 10 G!TY When the Medford high school foot ball squad returned last night from Us week-end trip to Albany and Cor vatlls it was met by one of the most enthusiastic delegations of rooters which ever stood on a station plat form. The night was cold and chilly and many of those present should hove been in bed at 10:50 p. in., but the curfew law was disregarded and the rooters were there forty or fifty strong. Although regret was felt at the in ability of Albany to play, everyone is overjoyed at the showing made by the team against the O. A. C. Rooks. A large rally-was held at the high school building this morning and, more than 400 loyal Medford high school stu dents assembled in the auditorium to do honor to the scrappy squad which . made the trip and made possible the low score of 20-14. Yell Leader Jacobs led the students in a series of yells which made, the decrepit old high school building tremble as though suf fering a stroke of palsy and Superin tendent Smith made a speech compli menting the team and praising Coach Eddie Durno,-- I ; - Principal O. R. Campbell and Coach Durno spoke for a short time and Cai tain Willis ("Fat") Stockam, of the team rose and announced that he didn't have anything to say. Although Coach Durno is well pleased with the showing made by his men against the heavier and more ex perienced Rooks he warned the stu dent body and the team in his speech this morning not to get the "big head" and advised that "cockyness" was the downfall of many champion elevens and that it was just as great a detri ment In football as in any other lines of endeavor. The impressive feature of the game at Corvallis which elicited many re marks from th college students was the spirit of fight which permeated the Medford team. The eleven men who started the game played It straight through with time out for only one man. Medford Beems to have plenty of pen and fight so far this year, even in excess of the amount which has been evident for many years pant, but it is a certainty that it will be needed as a football season has never yet passed, nor a Medford-Ashland game has never yet been played durfng which Ashland did not demonstrate a bulldog tenacity and a spirit of fight which lasted from the kick-off until the final whistle. . , . ' ' Market News Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 30. Cattle steady "to 25c hiKher: receipts 2732. Choice steers $0.75 & 7.50; medium to good J 5.75 6.75 ; fair . to medium $S.257.25; common to fair $3,760 5.25; choice heifers $5. 25: choice cows hnd heifers $4.505; medium to good $3.504.G0;. fair to medium $3 !i3.S0: common cows $2 ff 3 : ennners $1.002; bulls $384: choice feeders ?5Hi.'.r0; fair to good 4ifi5; choice dairy calves $8.50 9.60; prime light Is.ri0fjf9.60; medium ? 7.50 -gi 8.60; ...heavy $5 (ft 8. "Hogs slow and weak; receipts ISO!). Prime light 10.2510.85; smooth heavy 230 to 300 lbs., and up '-' 99 9.50: rough heavy $7199; feeder pigs 8.759.25; fat $9.50910; stags ' $5 7.50. Sheep steady to stronsr; receipts ; .-. 1659, East of. mountain lambs $10 .111: choice valley $10i3U: medium. $l)O10; common $89:. culls SG.SOJ 8: light, yearlings $8j8.ri0: heavy. PERL FUNERAL HOME At Toar Service Iar or Night latsrmatloa Cordially Gtrea . Cor. Otb Md OakiUle $7.5038; llKbt wethers $6.50(6 heavy $5.500.50; ewes $2(8'5. nutter. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 30. Butter steady; extra cubes 41M2c; under prados 39ff40c; curtons 47c: prints 4tic. Buttcrfat steady. No. 1 churn ing cream 48 49c f. o. b., Portland; 45c at stations: uridergrades 45(547c. Portia ml Wheat. PORTLAND. Ore.,' Oct. 30. Wheat hard white, bluestcm. baurt $1.28; soft white, western white $1.18; nor thern spring $1.14; hard winter $1.13; western red $1.10. Today's car receipts: Wheat 115; barley 1; fuor 15; oat3 5; hay 5. Sau Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.'' Eggs, Extras, 6-8c; extra pullets 47c; under-sized pullets 3 5 Vic. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30. (State Division of Markets.) Fryers 20 SOc; . broilers 28(g32c; young roos ters 2S)80c: old 14g18c; hens 1S 29c; ducks 1820c; live turkeys 30 40c; dressed nominal; hares 15 18c lb.; squabs, dozen, $3.003.50; jackrabbits, dozen, $2.0002.60. WIDOW AND WIDOWERS' CIA'U LATEST WRINKLE SLYDIA, Ohio, Oct. 28. Mrs. It. E. Stull of No. 428 Third St., de cidedly attractive, is organizing a "Widow and Widowers' club," which is to hold social gatherings once a week. These gatherings are to serve in bringing together "lonesome couples and to make them forget their former partners." it is said. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Age 25, expert bookkeeper, typist, clerk, several years Oregon legal and commercial experience. Want part or all time work. Uox 35, Mail Tribune. 191 WANTED By married man, orchard to take charge of; 30 years experi ence in California and Washington. Apply Box 75, Tribune office. 139 WANTED Upholstering and varnish ing. Work done at your house. Phone 969-R. 190 WANTED By experienced woman bookkeeper, permanent position or work by the hour. A-l reference. Write Box B N, Mail Tribune. 190 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Competent woman for general housework. Phono 4S4 or 5 1 3-J. 191 WANTED Girl to stay with two chil dren two evenings each week. 245 N. Holly. .189 WANTED Woman for general house work. Good wages. Mrs. Walter Bowne. Phone 6S5-R-1. 189 WANTED Competent woman for general housework. Phone 1020. 189 FOR RENT ATARTMKNTS FOR RENT Three room apartment, close in. Apply F. L. Clark, 127 N. Riverside. 189 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room with bath, 322 S. Riverside. Phon.e 401-J. 192 FOR RENT Largo comfortable sleep ing room with bath privileges. 325 B. Riverside Ave. tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, men only, $2.00 per week. 445 S. Front St. - 193 HELP WAWTia. WALE WANTED Bell boy. Apply In person. Hotel Medford. WANTED Boy with bicycle to deliv er Oregontou on the East Side. Phone 1035. 190 WANTED Man to pull stumps by contract. Tel. 010-.I-3. 189 WANTED Stenographer, . general merchandise, phonograph and piano ... sales people. ,. P. 0. Box 1094. . . WANTED Box makers. Apply Ore gon Growers Packing Corporation, Roseburg, Oregon. WANTED Miners, gardeners, sawmill men, loggers and wood cutters on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. tf WANTED MIBUmAiANEOUS WANTED To buy feeder lambs. C. C. Hoover. Phone 685-R-6. WANTED To buy hardwood in either 4-foot or pole length. Call D. S. Clark. Phone 67-J-3. 190 WANTED White oak logs or timber. Address Nordby Lumber & Box Co., 702 Couch Bldg., Portland, Ore. 190 WANTED Small bouse I cau buy like rent. X23 care Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, rhouo 465-J. . . tf OAKDALE AVENUE HOME Two-story house with seven rooms, sleeping porch, largo screened back porch, bath, toilet, fireplace, hardwood floors, stationary tubs; stone fruit room; garage j largo lot, cast facing. Arrauge to see this; the price is right,' ' Real Estate Bennett Investment Co. 113 West Main St, ...,.,, ., Insurance GIVEN AWAY All 80 acres Bungalow: Barn Silo Orchard given away. owner asks is that vou buy his water right at what it is worth $8,000 REASONABLE TERMS This water right is out of Table Rock district. ' Abundance of water. 50 acres under ditch. Very finest of Alfalfa and garden land. Part in alfalfa, part in grain. 10 acres in orchard. Orchard alone worth price of place. 6-rooin bungalow, fire place, electric lights, phone, good well. Barn 50x70 feet. Silo. Hog houses; other outbuildings. Running water, near Table Rock school. Beautiful oak grove. A gentleman's home. J. O. BARNES Phono 784-L Nash Hotel Corner FOR KEN1 ROUSk FOR RENT Five room house, fur nished, pleasant locution. 803 0. Jackson. Phono 381-W. 191 FOR RENT Houses. Brown & White. tr FOR RENT HOUKRKEEHJNG ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly St. 191 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartments and bachelor apartments 219 Talent Court, Medford. Phone 965-R. 192 FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms, upstnlis; no children. Phone 753-M. 345 N. Bartlett. tt FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 240 acre ranch four mileB north of Centra) Point. For particu lars Bee G. W. Howard at Hutchison & Lumsden Store. 191 FOR RENT Bearing orchards, alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, some Irri gated, some on shurea.' Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf I.OBT LOST Saturday evening on N. Holly or Muin St., purse with $15.00 in curroucy and some silver, two bank books Tor N. H. or F. C. Stanton and ono for F.thol K. Ploaso return to 221 N. Holly. Reward. 189 FOUND FOUND Hunch of keys and padlock attached. Owner cull at office and pay for ad. 189 FOR EXCHANGE V WANTED $700 at 8 per cent on 160 acres in Jackson county. Phone 321-X. - - . tf WANTED Hons morma and re ' nalrlng PhOD 48R-M or 4RR.Y tf FINE QUICK SALE BARGAIN $2500 OWNER MAKES SACRIFICE, WITH . 1 HORSES, COW, CHICKENS INCLUDED. 10 acres, two miles from city; 7 acres in alfalfa, 2 acres pears, 4-room house, fnir barn, chicken house, spring and well; 2 horses, 1 cow, 100 chickens, hay In barn. ALL GOES FOR $3500 on good terms. Will trade. TOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . INSURANCE Medford Building, Medford . Stop Paying Rent Own Your Own Home in East Main Addition This is the most sightly HOME tract in Medford, and the only available prop erty fronting on East Main Street. NINETEEN , ' V : Largo beautiful plots of ground only six blocks from the business district; located between Main. Street and Roosevelt School. The water pressure in this district is the strongest in the. city. Your HOME will always have the magnificent valley and mountain view unob structed. ' . 75 of the new homes built in Medford fho last year are in this part of the city. THE LOTS ARE LARGE AND PRICES LOW. ' Buy one of them and I will finance the building of your HOME on your own plans and you make monthly payments like rent. My proposition is too good to last long. Come and see me and let us talk it over. J. W. DRESSLER Phone 559-W 147 N. Holly St. FOR TRADE Portland income pro perty consisting of 36-room apart ment house and corner lot 132x135 feet, earns gross 300 monthly. Will trado for Medford clear title modern , resklonue of value to $4500 and part cash for my equity. You assume at $60 month 6 per cent. Owner, Geo. W. Tarr, 203 Stanton St., Portland, Ore. 190 WHY NOT? PATRONIZE AN INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION Our prices are the same FREE CRANE CASE SERVICE Quality Oils JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. $ TALKS $ The Best Used Cars in Town PKKJILKSS 101H .Sedan, new puint !...Q330,(M) 1021 Count- New body, fendws, llasslcrs, WpeiMlomrrter. 11)2!) Touring. Ntiirti-r. Ovcihuiili-d. 1017 Tourings Completely ovrr luiulrd, 101(1 Touring. Overhauled. 1021 Overland. Xrw .irnint, nt-.v tiro $:l(l,-i.iO 1020 Clilv $24..0( 1020 Truck. Stut ter nnd stake hotly HUOO.IIO Studeliaker fl 1018 . V2.iO.00 Overland 10I.V..., "110.00 C.E. GATES AUTO CO. T)on't Torset lln ArmlxUeo Pny IVIehrallcn. Mi-drnrd, Noveinlier 11 rOB 8ALK -tnr"Monn,KS FOlt SALE Oft TRADE T.ate model car, standard make. Clurk Motor Co. 1S9 FOR SALE Trade old automobiles f ir new. Pennlger Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers liank, ID N. Gntpe St. Phone 4fi5J. tf :)lt SAut LIVK8TOCK FOlt S.M.K Fine Duroc sow nnd pigs, one mile west of Phoenix. M. .1. .N'orrls, llrookbauk Orchards. 191 FOlt SALE Six beautiful fresh milk cows. Walsh's pluco, one mile Kb! of Medford on Crater Lake read. 312 FOn SALE URXL ESTATE .' FOlt f;ALE earmg orcnards, alfalfa, gnun and stock ranches, some irri gated. 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Meaily Co. Phune 728-R. tf; FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS : FOR S-M.E One National cash regis tor, one 9-colitnin lliirroughs adding miu-hlne. Write SI, caro Mall Tri bune. 1.190 FOR SALE Threo months old dale pup. 822 S. Holly. Alre . 191 FOR SAL'ii Onrd t.WJi mules. R. VI. Urowue. Phono 67-R-3. . 189 FOR SALE Sorghum, $1.00 per gal lon. Furnish your own bucket. ,F. W. Nelson, K. 3, l!ox 68, Medford. v., . 101 FOR SALE Ten gallons first class outs tie white paint, cheap. SO Granite St., Ashland, Ore. Phona 435-R. , 191 FOlt BALE Young purebred Hamp shire h'nr. ol.l enough for service. Bargain. $20. ToJd t McDonald. Trail, Ore. 190 FOR HALF Fifteen head of stock cattle. L. D. Tiu'lior, Urowusboro. 190 FOR SALE Irish terriers. "Hob Double Shear," by Double Shell", undisputed champion of the "iltixor" his sun, dam Mo.-ii by Currlcksan dnitn by lllarnor Antlm-lty, -h'iii- pion. W. C. Lnngdun, vetr.nnur an, FOR SALE! Good team, wagon and harness, one black pony, safe for children; one cow, will be fresh 8n.ii; sumo plows, boxos, and eec end hand furniture cheap. Schiller iiin 'h one niilo south of Hampton Orchard. ...'.. ffi FOrTsALE Peaches. Phone R-lJ-B. 189 - ; . I., FOR SALE Hay. R. C. Ward. Phono li'-F-n. , 19 FOR SALE Mission graphs. 3o pound'. .1. A. Mnnke, oast of Jacksonville, adjoining Clancy orchard,.' ... 195 lfl 8. Orange St., 1002 Medfurd, Ore. Y.'l 190 FOR SALE 30 Angora does. oaei Phono GSo-J-3. tH.r.o bo FOR SALE Weaned piss, $4.03. C. Hoovor. . tr VOH SALE nonrj FOR SALE Strawberries $1.00 per r.i.ilf. Coma pick them. Berries ore fine.' C. H. Howell, llerrydalo. i; irt'X SALE Fresh grape juice whilo it lasts, $1.00 per gallon tit , Soda Wo lis. Phone 22-R. ' ' FOR SALE Flvo room house, gant've, chicken house, one aure in s'nrv berries nnd fruits, irrigated with water right paid. C'loso in on high way. A snap ut 12300. .$1000 will handle. Phono 31 1-1 191 FOR SALE 6 room house, Bust Ninth St., on easy payments, or for rm. Jackson County ltldg. & Loan. ISO FOIl SALE HEAL- ESTATE FOR. SALE Farm wagon, gang plow, h V, h, engine, light harrow, larfts I heating stove. R. II. Browne. Phona . ' C7-R-3. ' v -189 ... ' . F i; SALE First class Delicious ap , pits. W. N. Campbell, No. 9 N. Fit: 188 , FOR SALE Walking plows, sulky . plows, nearly new, steel harrow; I t nllers, light Burrey, hack, buggies , nn I wagons, also heaters. Call or I w Ito Jon. Applebaker, blacksmith; Jexl.snville, Ore. Box 167. 192 FOR SALE 13 ',4 acres west or Cmi- tral Point, half in pears und aret;.! soil suitable for alfalfa. For quick sale, $1500. 33! S. Central Ave. m FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acres on VVeBt Fork of Illinois river, 7 uillea south of Korby. Will tnko car an l $5000 cash. Bost offer will bo uc coptod. Box It L, Mall Tribune. 189 FOR SALE Ruth mines group or four claims, gold, silver and platinum. Eight assays ranging from $5.78 to $'24.79 In gold nnd silvor on 0 assays, (fold und platinum on two assays $15 70 gold, $13.50 platinum, based on $90 per 07.. Another sample $3.10 gold, platinum $207. Come to Huth minn hendquarteru, three miles eoulh of Talent. Jas. A. Kane. Talent, Oro. 192 FOR SALE House una bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also crease Insurance. C. S. Butterfleld, Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone 389. F07t SALK Hem or trado 100 acres Would ossiime from $1000 to $250u. U. F. Kincheloo, 637 Pine. 198 FOR SALE 280 kcm logged off land near Butte Falls; will sell cheap and. give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. jJSEDCfiR I BARGAINS I FORD 5 BUG No reasonable offer re fusedmust sell "within a week it's a dandy, too, with four new tires. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Main and Riverside Medford, Ore. gooooooooooooooooooooooooa FOR SALE Everybody buys cheaper from ownors than agents, all kinds of phonographs and pianos, both new end old. Gold Trading Center nnd Music House (owners), 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. , . . - FOR SALE Simplex lroner. Phone ovenlngs 851-Y. 190 FOR SALE Stock carrots $8.00 per ton topped. Jacksonville-Central Point road. it. C. Maury. 190 FOR SALE Apples. Get them of Rrg ;r.'t on old Brown place on Crater Lnko road, adjoining town. 60 cents per box and up. Phone 8C5-W. 195 FOR SALE Ono Fordson tractor, 1 Roderick disc harrow, 1 3-sectlon sprinxtooth harrow, 1 No. 7 Oliver J 2-Inch moldhoard plow, 1 No. 23 Oliver disc plow, 1 John Deere bin der. 1 Van Brunt seeder, 1 Big Six mower, 1 double T harrow, 1 spring tooth harrow, 1 3-sectlon splketooth . harrow, Ford car 1921 model, sulky plow, hay fork, carriage and cable, emery stone for mowing machine, 3 lendbnrs and stretchers, 1 Honnltt ger & Ayors steam pressure can ning outfit, 15 tier of oak wood. Phone 220-R. 189 FOR SALE 80 acres alfalfa pastur age for sheep. 801 East Main. Phone 513-U tf FOR SALE Vlctrolas, Brunswick and Pathe talking machines and records and pianos. Will buy or sell or exchange talking machlnos, rec ords And pianos. Music Shop, No. 15 N. Grape St. Phone 4C5-J, . ' FOR SALF First class hunting coat. Jolin A. Perl. Phone 47., . ,tt FOR SALE Trade old records, phono graphs and pianos for new. Gold Music Shop, next to Formers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 1 N. Grape St Phono 465-J. ... . t FOR 8ALE Trade everything you don't want for everything you do want. Gold Trading Center, next to farmers & Fruitgrowers Bnuk, 15 N. Grapo St. Phone 465-J. tt FOR SALE! Cheap, spring wagon, hack, buggy and saddle. Phone 591-R-l. 191 FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycle, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators, l Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. i Auditing, O Accourxtlna y lrouracejlrvahTvts itnii moor i ' MertfoHl fm BenrlC 1 bom