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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1922)
PAGE SIX BIG ELKS' SHOW TUESDAY NJGHTi! ASHLAND, Oct. 30. "The Big Show Special," a regulation seven-column, six-page paper, In general 'circulation, is a main vehicle in which the Elks are ,u-77 - '""" ions musical comedy, "Ue Should broadcasting tile merits of their hilar Worry, to be staged at tho Vlnlng theatre, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this week, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. This presentation is given In bohnlf of sweet charity's sake, as is customary with the Klks during the approach of the Chrlstniastldo holiday season. A dozen editors conduct the various departments of tho paper, the contents of which are brimful of cu rent gossip, also Items wise and other wise. "Wo Should Worry" is one of the funniest of all musical comedies, with 60 people In the cast, including 40 pretty girls, 20 big song hits, nnd 10 big numbois. Moreover it is tuneful with music, dazzling in effects, and gllttoring with costumes. In the pres entation of "Wo Should Worry," by Ashland lodge No. 911, this year, tills town will witness one of the Btiappiest and fastest musical comedies of the season. Tho McXaughton Production company, which nre producing the play for tho local Elks aro carrying all their own' special scenery and cos tumes. . ' There will bo a apoclal orchestra In the pit under tho direction of Mr. Frank Powell, who Is perhaps one of the best musical directors on tho coast In the musical comedy field. Tho show will be staged in the same lavish stylo as was maintained in tho many coast cities where "Wo Should Worry" scored the hit of tho season. The en- tire cast Is rehearsing faithfully, and j When tho curtain goes up on "We Vote 314 X YES and ' t Free Public Schools ' '('' i ...... OPEN to All ; GOOD enough for AH ATTENDED by All ' All for the Public School the Public School for All One flag! One School! One Language! Reoreseiitative Mason, Ehrman & Co. . Wholesale Grocers Cig'ar Importers Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston Medford Iron Works GENERAL FOUNDRY : and MACHINE SHOP MANUFACTURERS OF QUARTZ MILLS ' MEDFORD BLACKSMITH SHOP Repairs and builds springs - All new springs guaranteed. General repair, Blaclcsmith ing. Only Spring Furnace in Southern Oregon. 118 S. Bartlett., Phone 183-J ,, T THE CLUB Confectionery, Cigars, Soft " Drin&s, Pool, Billiards Kliould Worry," patrons will see a j-ltiiw I hat has all tile pep. snap anil smoothness and laughs of the llK road productions. Notable characters in the cast are as follows: Richard Tompkins Henry Enders.Jr. Jim Johnson Elwood liedbcrg Thomas Bouncer . Will Allen he three butlers Karl Nims. .Millard Cirubb, Clyde Young (Diana Johnson Hoberta Ward Betsey Houneer Lovnilla Smith Tootsie Tompkins....Mrs. Frank Powell Mrs. J. W. Shortridge will be a prominent solo leader, other mombers of tho personnel Including Genevieve illensley, Lola Kolly, Wyvon Wilson, ..,'.. ,,,,. Adeline Coovling, Doris Montgomery, Louise Ruger, Dorothy Kellogg, Ileth 'Johnson, Joyce Johnson, Margaret Campbell, Huth Flackus, Dorothy Pad dock, Paulino Johnson, Effie Hazen, Olive Koeton, Delphlne Sackett, Alice Huger, Dorothy Heed, Dorothy Lam son, Maxlno Monger, Inez Wilhito, Volinu Clapp, Lois Russell. Tho Fashion Plate models include Hobble Powers, Dorothy Plymate, Esther Kleinhammor, Margaret Van Dyke, Florence Marrett, Pearl Hodkin son, Jessie Guthrie, Edyth Hazen, Violet Gale, .Mrs. C. O. Harklns. and Mrs. Gerald Wenner ns tho Old Fash ioned Girl. At a recent harvest home ball, under Klks auspices, tho entire cast of "We Should Worry" wero guests of the committee In charge, tho management of tho play chaperoning their famous Pony Pallet on tho floor, rehearsing tho opening 'chorus of the hilarious musical comedy to tho edification of all present. Tho seat sale began Saturday morn ing at tho Vlnlng box office, the rates being $1.G0 plus llio war tax tor the cntlro lower floor, boxos, and the first four rows in tho balcony, tho remain der of the balcony being nn even dol lar plus 10c war tax. Patronize this novel entertainment, for it will not only render value re ceived, but at tho same time will en- able tho Elks to augment their holiday charity fund In generous measure. Have and V; P. S. MALCOLM, 33. Inspector-General in Oregon, Ancient and Acceptud Scottish Kit, (raid Advertisement) Medford B Vilmo and Harmony Flour STRICTLY GUARANTEED. Ask your dealer for one of these brands. ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. BE A BOOSTER FOR HOME When purchasing any kind of products or liavink any kind of work done, always insist on having homo products or using home labor. NICK YOUNG HORSE SHOEING 101 S. FirSt. Phone 754 MKDFOliD MA1TJ TK1L5UN12, MKDFOIM). OHKliOX. EAGLE Pdl EAGLETS A. C. Howletl On Tuesday the 21th inst 0. W Dunn, the regular nominee of the re publican party was around among the voters of our town and vicinity. He does not appear to be of the mud slinging class of candidates U3 he says nothing against his opponent but stands on his record as county judge, and It was so straight that the Jack-sonvllle-Medford political ring com bined to koop him from receiving the nomination again. Ho was a pleasant caller at the Sunnysldo for dinner and wo spent a very pleasant hour togeth er and then went out to see some more of his old friends, who can be counted by tho score. A. H. Dnugherty, the traveling agent for Raleigh's med icines and Earl Matthews were also hero for dinner the same day. Mr. Fernland and wife, two newcom ers who have moved into our commu nity were In town trading with George Brown & Sons, tho first of tho week, and while 1 was there Frank lirown asked mo to take a ride with him ovor to his Antelope creek farm, and when we reached there found a man harrow Ins u large tract of plowed land that had been plowed early in the Beason with a tractor quite deep, sowed with wheat nnd harrowed down, but the ground was quite rough, but Frank told tho man to keep on harrowing until it was thoroughly pulverized. He seems to have the right idea of putting in grain, but what attracted my ntten- tlon most was a small tract of desert! land of perhaps fifteen acres he had Bowed to clover where he had cut two crops of hay, realizing about seventy tons of hay and then pastured some olghty head of beef cattle for Frank, llybeo this fall. lie Intends to put the entire placo In hay, the desert part of some twenty-iivo acres in ciover ana the bottom land In alfalfa. And that brings another thought to my mind and that la that Mr. W. II. Hamilton who owns a largo tract of land JUBt north of our town, camo In from Cres- cent City a day or two ago and in con- versntlon with him tho subject of our cannl from lilts Ilutte JiiBt below Hutte Falls came up and ho asked what I thought of the idea of having a cream- ery established hore and I assured him, that I thought it would be a fine pro - jeot, espoclnlly after we . have the: water In nnd tho thousands of acres of land that is now useless except a littlo spring pnsturo was brought into cultl- vatlon nnd tho largo tracts cut up into small tracts, sowed in different kinds i of grasses nnd grains and families set- tied around un, nnd those who can Kelly opened the meeting by accusing koop a fow good milk cowa, a few pigs his opponont of playing dirty tricks at and chickens will make this Ilutte their mooting 'In Talent, and if the Creek country one of tho richest Bpots charge ogalnsl'Mr Thomas, his bppo In Oregon, for the farmers hero nre nent for circuit juCge was Btrlctly cor yot In their swndllng clothes. . i rect he should bo shut out entirely, but Wm. Holman and w(fo who live on' I see in the Friday-Daily Mail Tribune Salt creek, Lako Creek postoffico, tho rinmes of Jwenty-threo prominent passed through hore the first or tho citizens of tiiat section denying the wek. They had boon down to Ashland correctness of the statement, that is to attend tho funeral or his uncle. that Mr. Thomas had packed the house Wm. Lewis, the sheep king of this with K. K. 1C, and hoodlums to break section was in town this week and up the meeting, etc. Well, I conress when asked about his sheep said that ' that I was surprised hear such a they wero all right now but had had a speech from such a man as lion. E. E. hard fight to got thoso through but Kelly, for it only added to the friends that tho price of sheep and wool was of C. M. Thomas, for I met mold hard looking up. j boiled democrat the next morning who Roy Stanley has rented ono of the was a Kelly man and he told mo that houses bolonging to Mrs. Jonios Owens ho nnd several of his neighbors, win wlfo of our county commissioner, and wore going lo vote for Kelly would Is hnvlng it fixed up to nuiko It more voto for Thomas Nov.- 7th. comfortable for tho winter. Thomas Mr. Kelly was followed by Mr. Col- Rlley is repapering and repainting the vlg with a Bpicy speech telling us to interior. scratch our tickets and vote for tho Our two hardware merchants, T. F. best mon but bo sure to vote for Gov. osme Automobile Springs Merriman's Blacksmith Shop THOMAS T. MEKKIMAN, Proprietor. 20 South Riverside EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Phone 315 Niclliils mul Tttv AIitu,1( t:irtprl Milt .-i'luiii ,i,iut ',... '., I,,, mim. .. i ti'nund had'not returned up to Thiirs day evening ' I F. C. Drew, head timekeeper, and O. W. R. & N. R. R., Portland, came',, met Mr Oowgi the g'treeti n for a few days Tuesday and have ad he eated it that ne wouId been looking for agates most of tho ,,,, ,,,, ,, , tlme.since They started home Friday, uihojiiuuii juieuuing lo mitt luu nam Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitley of Elit as it was expedient, into the workings creek, spent Tuesday night at tho0t tne K. K. K., but he kept back i Sunnyslds. what he wants to use in tha trial, but! F. F. Howard, formerly of Rancherla Prairie, but now living near Sacra monto, culir., was a passenger on tne j Hanley. Miss Alice Hanley then stage for his farm eight miles from oamo forward and in a very few words Ilutte Falls. told us that she was a candidate for a Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Campbell nnd!Hettt in the legislature and desired to Mr. and Mrs. John Slater, guests of 'EO there-to help reduce the taxes. Mr. and Mrs Campbell were here tor; Everything passed off very pleasantly; dinner Wednesday. Earl Mathews andjand at the close the floor was cleared , .-.irs. niusKopr and tnree caiiuren were: also here for dinner Wednesday. Mr. Hannaford who lives on the C H. Natwlck ranch was a business caller Wednesday. Mr. Conley is sending some very fine lumber from the old Hawk mill since he moved and repaired it Mrs. Lawrence Ferguson and two children spent Wednesday night at the Sunnysldo. Mr. Ferguson was called to Medford on business for Frank Rhodes, who owns tho farm they arc on, and while .they were here In town 1 Mr. Ferguson was called on tho phono by Mr. Rhodes so he had to leave his wife and children ut the Sunnysldo while ho was away. Mrs. Hill of Derby was a business caller Wednesday, and so was O. E. . Tblen of Butte Falls. Wednesday -the handbills that had been distributed around town announc iug that there would bo public speak- lug at the dance hall that night by Hon, E. E. Kelly, Judge Colvig, A. E. Kennies and -Vjlss Alice Hanley caused a large niiuiucr ot our cuizens 10 coi- loot to hear them as almost everyone Is interested In hearing the Issues of the campaign discussed, especially as there wore two prominent hard-boiled democrats and one half-boiled ropubll- can, Judge Colvig, for the first time 1 hoard hlin he was advocating the eloc- tlon of Snm J. Tilton for president of tha United Statos, and tho next time 1 heard him he spent most of hlB time trying to explain to the voters why ho , had left tho democratic party and flopped over to .the republican, and so I don't know how hard-boiled he is, and Miss Alice Hanley, also a repuhll- can, and we had reason to believe that wo would hear something worth while, but well 1 will not find fault although many of us were disappointed. Col. We Guarantee our work at all times Experts in Cleaning end Dyeing The Pantorium Phone 279-J Veterinary Hospital AND Sale Stable DR. Q. A.GITZEN 111 N. Fir St. Phone 551 PHONE 75 , for First-Class JOB PRINTING Firms .MONDAY. OfTOBKK SO. Oleott and F. Douvell. the democratic 'candidate for state treasurer and for - 1 AU,:U M",,I!-V f;,r tl,e lesislature. an 1 i l,y "ay of a 'iu'B !iet' '-e referred to a i reinuriv maue uy ruiipn luhkiii, .-.iia Hanley's opponent, something detrl- Mr C()Mg wa's ro.awed uy Hon A. E. Reames, in his soft and manner, giving us an insight, polite as far I cautioned us not to vote for C. - Thomas and be sure to vote for Miss; ror a dance and your Eagle Point cor respondent started for home. HALLOWE'EN HARVEST E AT Tuosrlay evening, October 31, there will be a Hallowe'en aocial for I'hoc nlx younf? people, at Clyde Hall, Kiven by the C. 10. society. UkIU re freshments and a good time lor all. Wednesday afternoon the Aid so ciety will hold ita regular November meetinK and tea at Clyde Hall with aluo an address by Mrs. Peroral of Ashland, on "The Issues of Our Com ing IClection." . A general invitation is extended to include all Idles of the community. Tho address will begin promptly at 2:30 and shuuld be heard by all. On I'Ylrtay evening, November 3rd, at 0 o'clock, tho .Ladles' Aid society and the Mens Brotherhood will co operate in nerving a "Harvest Home' supper at Clyde Hall, to which every body is invited, tho proceeds to be divided between the society and the brotherhood. Tlana aro foot for making this annual event equal to or hotter than those of previous yoaT3. It will bo uidquo in that tho men of tho Brotherhood will help prepare for and serve tho supper, in lieu of their own usual monthly meeting. LITTLE APPLEGATE Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pursel were transacting -business in Medford last week. .'; - Mrs. Cora Crump and son. Jack, spent n few days In Medford lust week. Juck is taking examination for -forest service. Miss Grace Churchill and Elnoro Orth Kpont the week-end visiting at the home of Mrs. Crump. 5 - Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kleinhammor accompanied by William Pursel nnd Mrs. Walter Zoirtler made a trip to Prospect last Saturday. They report an excellent time. t r Mrs. Dora Snltmarsh called on Mrs. Randier last Wednesday. ,. Nlcholns Mitehel and wife, nccom- pnnlcd by Mrs. L. J. Combcst were vblthiK In Jacksonville nnd .Medford ItiHt Haturday. ; Prank Sllva Is hauling produce to Jacksonville in preparation for Ills movlni; to California where hO has purchased n farm. Mr. John Orth nnd fnmily'of Med ford wore vlsitine relatives on the I.lttlc ApploKatc hint Sunday. Otis Huck and William Hcckman are harvesting their crop of beans Mrs. Walter Zeldler, who has been spendinK the last two weeks in Med ford, returned last Wednesday, brins Intr her three little nieces with hnr. The nelres expect to stay with Mrs. Aciuier until their mother returns from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James Duckley spent n very plensant nnd social evening at the homo of Frank Cameron Inst Thursday, We carry duplicate sales slips with blank headings for use In any line of business. Call 75 for sorvlea. tf Notice of Special 4Electlon For issuing road bonds for Jackson County, Oregon. , . , . , Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the 7th day of Novomber, 1922, In the County of Jackson. State of Oregon, a special election will he held to determine whether the County Court shall issue bonds of said Coun ty, to provide for permanent road construction to the amount of SIOO.OOO, to mature in ten years. All may be issued in one year, and to bear inter est at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum; said bonds to be redeemable, however, at the option of said County as follows, to-wit: $10,000 thereof at any time after one year from tho date thereof, S 10,000 thereof nt any ti:na aftor two years from the dato thereof, J1U.0UU thoreof at any time after three yearn from the date thereof, 110,000 thereof at any time after! four years from the date thereof. 110,000 thereof at any time after fivo years from tho date thereof, S10.000 thereof at any time nfter six years from the dato thereof. $10,000 thereof at any timo after seven years from the dato thoreof. $10,000 thoreof at any time after. eight years from the dato thereof, $w,000 thereof at any time after nine years from the date thereof, ;ind the lands so raised shall bo ex pended in building permanent roads. described as follows, to-wlt: Sevonty-fivc thousand dollars ($75 000) shall be expended on tho road known nnd commonly designated as the "Ashland-Klamath Falls Highway' more particularly described as fol lows, to-wit: lU-Kiiinlng at a point on the Pacific Highway 1 20 feet East of the Section corner common to Sections 23, 30, 31, and 32, in Township 3D South, Kange 2 Kast of the Willamette Meridian, in Jackson County, Oregon, thence in an easterly direction along a route now staked out and being graded over the Green Springs Mountain, and termi nating at a ooLut on tho Jackson Coimty-Kiainath ' Connty lino, near where tho present Ashlnnd-Klamnth i alls road crosses said lino in SeUiuu -1022 3C. Township 39 South. Range 4 East jor nie Willamette .-leiHiiaii. I Twenty-five Thousand Dollars I -"' ecu) shall be expended oil the road nowa and commonly designated as the Pacific Highway, tho portion thereof UKn which said sum of money shall be expended being more particu larly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning nt a point on said Pacific Highway in Section 22, Township 36, South. Range 3 West of the Willam ette Meridian in Jackson County, Ore gon, which said point of beginning is at tho end of tno paving now on saw highway on the easterly side or Rogue River, said point being approximately 1227 feet south and 795 feet east of M.I tho quarter section corner which is common to Soetlons 15 and 22, Town- ship 3G, South of Range 3, West ol the Willamette Meridian, and being also station number 4SS-50 of the Pa cific Highway survey of the State of Oregon Highway Commission, nnd from said point running thenco in a westerly direction approximately 1550 feet along the route of said Pacific Highway as now laid and slaked out over Rcgue River, and terminating at a point in said Section 'it nt tho end of the pavement now on said Pacific i-ilghway on the westerly side of said Rogue River, said point of termination being approximately 817 feet south and C41 feet west of said quarter sec tion corner which is common to said Sections 15 and i'i, nnd which said point of termination Is known and designated ns station number G04-00 of said survey. The termini of said roads as herein described are definite and permanent; the lines above described between the termini thereof shall he as herein stated, and shall follow tho most practical route, and said rouds shall be permanent roads and highways through said county; which election shall begin at oight o'clock in the morning, and continue until eight o'clock in the evening of said day. . Dated October 17th, 192:!. CHAUNCEY FLOREY, County Clerk for Jackson County, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement . In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the matter of tho estate of Joseph H. Lydiard. deceased. Public notice is hereby given" that tno undersigned has filed in tho Conn ty Court of Jackson County, Oregon, tne nnui account of her administration of the estate of Joseph H. Lydiard. de coas6d, and that said Court has fixed Saturday, November 4th, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock: a. in. of said day, at tho court room of said-court at the court house in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and for settlement of said estate. All persons Interested in said estate aro hereby notified and required to make or file their objections to said final nceount, if any they have, on or Detore the time aforesaid, fixod for tho hearing and settlement thereof. Date of this' notice and of the first publication thereof is October 2, 1922. MARGARET D. LYDIARD, Executrix of tho estato of - ' " ' Joseph Hi Lydiard, deceased. Call for Bids Sealed bids will bo rocoived by the "nn,eslf nu' recoruer or tne City or ! Medford, Oregon, at his office in Med- lv'u -"ukuii, uuui twelve o ciocit noon ' lne "ln aa m ivovemuer. 1S22 ror ? construction oi a new city reser- j VOIr accordance witu the plans and specifications heretofore submitted anil now on file ,tn the office of the City Recorder. Uidders will be required to bid with out condition or resarvntlon. A certi- u vum-n. (ui u JWI vent Ul UIU uiuuuui uiu pu.tHuiu uj uiu recoruer oi me uity of Medford must accompany each bid. The chock so deposited will bo re turned if the bid accompanying same is not accepted. In case tho bid is accepted and tho. bidder falls to com ply with the terms of Ills bid the amount of the check will bo forfeited to tho City of Modford as and for liquidated damages. Tho city reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Modford, Oregon, this 27th day of October, 1022. (Seal) M. I,. ALFOUD. Recordor of the City of Medford, 1 OroKon Loansto o Farmers Under Federal Supervision Money for to refund existing Mort gages; buy more land; provldo build ings; improvements, equipment; live stock; or for somo other agricultural purpose; on a non-maturing mort gage at G per cent Interest for a term of from 20 to 33 years; under an amortization plan; with privilege of. paying any or all payments aftor fivo years. Wo have ovor two millions of available cash on hand, and can give prompt attention to applications on good orchards nnd farms la aniouittb from $3,000 to $30,000. California Joint Stock Land Bank . SAN FRANCISCO For applications and particulars Seo E. II. Uuril, 402 Medford Hltlg. Medforil, Oregon. Virgin Radio Service Complete Sets and Parts j; in if , "Paul's Electric Store Main and Central BUSINESS DIKKCTORY i ATif.rrnctr MURRAY 11ROS. & VAN vuui.- Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County . ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Title) System in Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. Bulldln Materials MEDFORD- ' CEMENT BRICK ft - BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir nnd Tenth tr"Qt- Assnyer F. W. CARNAHAN Metallurgist, En gineer, Management. 114 N. Central, Medford. Attorneys O. C. BOOOS Lawyer. Specializes in Real Estate and Probata Low. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. E. E. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office with Porter J. Neff. Medford Nat'l Bank Rids. - . .-a Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Thernpy. 427-2S Medford. Bldg. Phone 905. DR. A. R. HEDGES Noo-Ecloctl'? Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDQHS Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me chano - Therapy, Spondylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Stewart Uldg., 235 H. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Physician. . Office lira. 9 to 12, 3 to 6. Thursday excepted. Suite 203-O4-05-0G Liberty Building. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll son, C. P. A. Attention given to anj thing in accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look into our simpli fied accounting method. Libert Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6Vt Applications should be on file by Oct. 25th for October appraisal. E. H. Hurd, Secy-Tiens., 102 Medium Bldg. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Mon moats. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, Bales manager, 10S li. Sixth St., Medford. , tf" Osteopaths ' i" Un. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS uaiiluw-usteopathlo Physlciar.i, 416418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-. Residence 26 S. Laurel St, PR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention gives to eye, ear, nose and throat. . 3U6 Liberty Building. Phone 490. Physicians and Surgeons DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician an Surgeon. Practice limited to. ey- ear, uose and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. IL Co., Medford Bldg. - Phone 667. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 111 5. Residence 118 Oeneees St. Phone 166-J-2. , ' . DR. A. BURSELL Physician, ami Surgeon, 312 to 314 Modford Bldfr. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phono 29. . DIL LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. Medical and .Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bld& Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 ut; 2-fi p.m. Telephone: Office, 61; resident). 81-J-2, Piano InMi-nctloii FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ut Piano and Harmony. ComKsln Arranging. Studio 313 Liberty Uldg. Phono 72. SADIE E. LACY Piano - Instructor. Special work for children. StUaJv 301 Liberty Bldg. Phono 167J. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the boBt equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir SL Rug Wruvttii! MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 708 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAQB CO. Of rice 4 2 North Front St Phonu 31a. Prices right. . Services guar anteed. . ?. DAVIS TRANSFER ANrjTsTbtlAGi CO. Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. ?9 3. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206. tf Upholstering J. WK19 Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We dollvur and will call and show samples. Phone 191. PICTURE FRAMING swem's Studio it 7 K. Mnln m. Mrlforl