PAGE FOUTC MEDFOTtD MATTi TRTBUXE. MEDFORD. OT?lX;OX. MOXPAY. OfTOTiER ?0, 1022 ?RDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKPENDKNT NKWfll'AI'ER HWMSHEO KVEItV A FT Kit NOON EXCEPT SUNDAY, HY THE UKDKOKD PUINTINO CO. T Mrdforft fiumiay Horning Run ( furnlabed KtMcrlbtra desiring ft leveo day daily nwapapr. Offlc Mali Tribune Building, S6-S7-S0 Nortl. fir trt. I'bon 76. A nwiiolldation of the IVmncratic Time, the M.-dfortJ Mail, the W ft! or. I Tribune, the HouLbern Oiegonlan, The Ashland Tribwie ROBERT W. RtJHU Editor. SUMITKB S. 8WITH, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: T MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Hun.luj Sun year .17. fid Dailj, with Sunday Bun month....,.., 1 -76 Dally, without Sunday Sun. year...... . fl.M Dally, without Hunday Bun, month -8." Weekly Mail Tribune, one year ;. Sunday Run, one venr. . i . t 00 Y CARRIEK In Medford, . AahUnd. Jbceboq Ttlle, OrntraJ Point, I'huenli, Talent and on Rfaiiwayai W Dally with Hunday Rim, oionth -76 Dally, without Hunday Hun, month....' ,HS Dally, without Hundav Sun, year 7.fi0 Daily, with Sunday Run, one year 8.60 AU Urma by carrier, cauh In advance. OffiHal pPr of th City of Medford. Official papeT of Jackson County. Sworn dally average nreulktion Kir tlx month tndlng April 1, 1W22, 8ft2H, more than double the circulation of any other paper published ot mmiiatej id J ar son uounty. The only naptr bnwwn Eugentt, Ore., and fUcrumftito. Calif., a distance of over 600 miles, saving l-ui4d wire Aanociated lreas Service. pTiterwl an second elfin tnntrei at Medford Oregon, under the act of March H, 1879. MEMI1ERH OV THE A8HOOIATH1) PRESS. The Associated lrw is exchwively entitled to the us lor republication of all news ulnpaUiif credited to It, or not otherwise credited In thla oaper, and also to the local news published nsreln. All rights of republication of speclsl rile patrhes herein are also mtorved. Ye Smudge Pot ' By Arthur Perry. It Is only a week until the world will know the truth about the woodpile in the nigger. DON'T BE FLIM FLAMMED. The Impudence of France In sug gesting that the United States enforce the Prohibition Laws nt home, beforo she starts to Inflict them on Kuropo Is astounding, considering what sho owes us. France has certain laws, which conflict ' with the Volstead Act, and should repeal them. The present pol icy of, regulating far-away landB, and washbnller distillers, whllo keeping .Way from thornfolnlsourcea of Amer ican supply tho Canadian and Mex ican '. borders ought to stamp out Demon Rum by St. Patrick's Jtoy, if not soouer. It Is like curing tho tooth ache by cutting off. a log. In the meantime, reformers, given nn- inch, only take half of it. tE HIGHER EDUCATION t. (U. of O. Hello Book) i '! Hollo!' Class of 120. loam ' to sav tills, damn you, and keep on saying It! Forget the little ono by two' high school with Its cllnuos oaA , clans and Its torrlbly bliiHO . atmosphere," . ,, .;'.' ''Athletics ljut ,'whatevor you be,' performer or bench warmor or rooter, howl to beat hell when the yell monarch says we're going to beatO. A. C. Because wo are!" An Espee freight meandered thru Sunday, and carelessly forgot to block the Main Stem crossing over 30 mlns. , Perhnps you have noticed In tho Los Angeles clnwhnmmot- killing, that the movie bathing girls, connected therewith, are chorus girls. The political situation has been helped a lot by a number of poets being unable to control themselves. CH008E THE LESSER EVIL (Pendleton East Oregonlan) Christian people let Webster . , City know your desire. Do. you ' want me or the devil in your midBt? I am on tho independent ticket Nov. 7 for constablo, Louie Cantonwlne. A LADY TALKS - "I, told him to dry up, when ho told me he favored four more dances a weok, nnd two mora saxophones in the orchestras. I ain't got the strength to stand two of 'em, and what wouldn't four do to me. Hut Elsie fell for his line that womun would wind up In the reform school if It wasn't for mo. Her sweetie is III, somebody told him horse liniment had a kick. For seven hours he thought he was a horso, and tried to curry the Chov. The gentle man who favored tho Compulsory Dance Attendance Hill, told our heav iest coffee drinker, that I was nguinat him, but anybody who says so tells a falsehood, even if he does swig the Java but of a saucer, and wipes off his mustache on the tublecloth. He told Elsie' confidentially, that ho was a man's man. He must be. All tile girls I knajv will be for his onomy. He's going to run like my wrist watch. Decorate the mahogany before you stroll; into that campaign meeting by the bjoor. A fellow got out without paylnttlyestcrdny, on that stall. iii! ' " ' Armistice Day is Novombor 11, and it sure Is needed. LET lS Sl'I'l'OSE you want to build n new house. What do you do? Give the. iolj to tin; first man who asks for it. Hardly. Xor do you give it to the man who talks the loudest or claims the most, or truarnntees to save you the must money, or runs down his com petitor most maliciously. You either enswe some man you know personally, and you know will do the job as you want it done, or you engage a man whose past record shows he can he depended upon to deliver the goods. 'It is the same, or should he, with the man who asks for a public ntfiee, whether it is rimiiinjr your home city or your state, or any de partments of the same. It is your business to he conducted, not his. J t is your job to see that Ihc applicant is something more than a mere political wind .jammer, to know that he can deliver the goods. What is needed in the coming election, more perhaps than ever before is just ordinary good sense, an exercise of the same care and ciserimination in choosing the man who wants to run your public af fairs, as you would toward choosing the man who wants to run some department of your private affairs. Now take Mr. l'ieree who wants to run this state the next four years. He is a very pleasing gentleman personally, he is exception-' ally plausible regarding how he will mince taxes, how lie will bring prosperity, how ho will do this and' tho other thing if only allowed a desk in the state house. Before you fall completely. for this'solling talk" would it not be well to look up his record? .Mr. l'ieree 's record, which has never been denied, shows that when he held dow.n n job for the state before, he voted for approximately 95 of the tax burden against which he now complains. This is not the statement of his political apponent. It is the statement of the legislative records. lie promises prosperity, lint at iho same time he promises his support to the iniquitous compulsory school bill, which regardless of its defiance of the Stale and federal constitutions, would raise taxes, by at least a million dollars the first year, and would be the greatest! blow to tho material development of Oregon for the past half cen-1 tnry. ! Mr. Tierce deplores religious intolerance and yet in order to getj a few more votes, he signed on the dotted line to gain tho support of' ttie Ku Klux Klan, founded on religious iutolerauac and responsible! for the most deplorable domestic disruption, dissension and destruc-j tion this state has ever suffered. And so on and so forth. It is doubtful if n public man has ever: aspired for high office in Oregon whoso record has so belied his! claims, whose insincerity was so flagrant, whose willingness to prom ise anything to get votes was so unbounded. ' A great many people want a. change. The spirit of blind revolt is high. But there is a good old saying ubout jumping from .the fry ing pan into tho fire. If the people of Oregon as a whole are as alive to their self-interest in the case of choosing a man to bjiild up their fctate as they would bo in choosing a man to build up a house or barn or woodpile, complete incineration will bo, safely avoided. ' Latest Gossip From European Social and Political Circles l)y 1'IUXK K. .MASON, j JutcrnaUonul News Service Staff CorrcsiMHidcilt. j TAnrs, Oct. Tho marriage of for-, nur Kaiser Wllhelm with the house ! of Kcufig ends a feud.' which started between Wilhclm and his. fiancee's' futher, according 'to Le Cii de 'Paris.'1 Herniiue of Keuss is the daughter of Prince Henry XXI I. ' Prince. Henry r XXII ia alleged to have had his own j tastes In the choico of his amours : and one day n pretty young stable j (firl Klruck his fancy. "Oh, my only little Bin'," caressed Henry XXII. t : I :,',!, "Oh, my twenty-second," cooed the stable girl. I At least so the story was told to; WIllicliii nnd Wllhelm loved to re- peat it as an after-dinner story. The ', fact that Wllhelm was telling this! anecdote got back to Henry XXII and he Immediately called In tho editor of tho newspaper in his small princi pality and dictated a choico collection of scandalous bits-about the court uf Potsdam. This was tho beginning ot a bit ter feud between tho houses of llo henzollein and Heuss, a feud which will be forgotten In, the mariiagu of tho two !iuusch: suit, many farmers are selling of f i their cows, a condition which is be- j Klnnlnx to imperil the milk sources, of the lurge cities and country towns. , A dress illuminated by electricity t will be worn by .Mademoiselle Oraco j Ovide when she performs the new il- ! lumimitcd dance adapted from "Ivan the Terrible," a novelty which will surprise all Parisians. The costume i is mode of beautiful colored trans- parent silk and will b lighted during certain periods of the dance by spec ial Inventions, consisting' of electric incandescent filaments. ! "Leave shells on tho battlefields," is tho latest warning to tourists and others who continue to expose them selves to great danger by bringing souvenirs nnd war relics- to cities and public places. Within a year no fewer than 0000 shells, hand gre nades anil rockets have been collected by the Municipal Laboratory which takes care of all the dangerous things they rind. Ouill Points "Mon Oncle," who Ik the "L'nclo Bonny" of Franco, refuses to .loan money on bank not oh. HavinK -need of ready onnh and not wishing to part with a little souvenir of a one-hundred franc bill mounted in a small frame Monsieur MeHIer carried his treasure to the central office of the "three Rold hallH.'. '" "No, Monsieur," tho dlrector:of the hock shop told him, "tho law of 1891 absolutely prohibits the loaning of money on currency,'1 . ... "Hut you accept ' gold," Insisted Monsieur Mellior. ' . v : . "Yes, but a piece of sold nlwnya re tains its original value. A bank note Is nothing but a scrap of paper. Imagine what would happen if every one would bring us paper bills. Sorry, sir." l'nclo Benny lends money on old mattresses, old iron, etc., but recognizes no value whatsoever in tho paper signed by tho honorable treasurer of Franco. Moro milk-inalds wanted In sunny France, is tho call that comes from Monsieur, Cheron, Minister of Agri culture, who says that the causo of the' milk shortage and the resulting high prlco of milk Is tho great lack of maids to milk the cows. As a re- If smoking compartments, why not one for nurses and women with small children and babies? say Frenchmen who are annoyed by the infants' cry ing in railway carriages. Monsieur liven, a representative, has recently proposed putting n special couches for the use of mothers and nurses accompanied by minors. '"This mens ure." he says, "in for the good of the child as well as for the comfort of the travelers." Checking hats nt dance halls has become necessary for ladies- who fol low the mode nnd wear the elephant sized affairs that aro becoming nil the vogue. "Impossible to dance with girht who wear theso hugs cart wheels. You cnn;t get near enough to put your arm around 'em," d claro all tho young cavaliers- these days. . Tho "Divine Sarah" has just re turned to Baris from Belle Isle, her summer home, where she found time and energy to correct the proofs of her novel "Le joli Sosle." which was published in a serial and is now to be issued in volume form. Madame Bernhardt also devoted some of her leisure timo to writing a new book en titled "Consejls ux Jcuncs Come dlens." After thirty performances of "L.a Oloire" tho indefatigable actress intends to give a revival of Cornellle's tragedy "Hodoguno," nnd will later appear with Lucien Ouitry in a new work-i "Adanr-and. Kv?," , IB- Living wage: Any existing wage. When "a-, woman indulges in burning glances she usually makes fuel of a man. An educated man is one who can quote Shakespeare without crediting it to the Bible. The question to be decided was whether England or Lloyd George should lose prestige. ''..'. The British forces will find it much easier to control tho straits than tho crooks. It isn't probable that there ever will be a war to make the world safe for the losers. "Minorities in Tliraee are tense." Ami in a littlo while, we fear, they will be past tense. -The only consoling feature about the coal situation is that it can't bo Warned on the flappers. ' ' . There is little reason ia hope that conditions in Europe will be settled until the debts aro. , Page, Showing Jackie Coogan Tackio Coogan, In "Trouble," the current attraction (it tho Pago theatre, merits the attention of tho show weary who are seoklnff diverting en tertainment. Ono might easily bo misled by the title to asBurae that this is ' essentially a "sob-ftlcturc." That Is far from being the case. There are more wholesome laughs contained in this Interesting feature than there aro In many alleged five-roel comedies. Tho work of the little Btnrlet is really remarkable. IIo registers the comedy with as much facility as ho does the pathos. Interwoven with tho comedy there is an oxcellent story running through out the feature. It Is dlfforent and tremendously enjoyable. Another dlRtluct feature offered by the Page is Buster Keaton's new com edy ."Cops.", j- ... .v ,' ' i lluster Is a joy hjways, and in "Cops" he fairly outdoes himself In comlq contrivance and hearty humor. He is in love Cluster usually, is in love, : in picturee'-ahd the girl bids him begone, and become a successful business man before she will talk of marriage with him. He starts out with a great determi nation, gets a horse from the bone- yard, and a wagon from the scrap hear, anil sets up as a junk man! . "Hetty Ilrown presiding at tho Wurlitzer has an attractive program of music. . .. Cattle Walk-Off Earth I In "Stop On It," the attraction star- ; ring Hoot Gibson at the Rialto theatre, the sotting is in Colorado, in a section unknown to the outside world. A couple of mountain ranges would have to be moved to find it. ' Gibson has the role of an intrepid 1 rancher who faces the puzzling disap pearance of hundreds of his cattle, I evidently "rustled" to the edge of a I deep slunceway that runs from higher mountains to the plains below, and i thero swallowed up so completely that not a footprint tells of the "whereto." Barbara Bedford has tho leading feminine role and makes satisfactory use of opportunities for an unusual portrayal. ANNOUNCEMENTS Republic: A state in which everybody is forever wondering why somebody. doesn't do something about it. . , . . This row at tho Dardanelles .shows us that the League of Nations is going to be a fine thing in time of peace. . Every once in a while the world has to muddle through a day without knowing what Ford thinks of the situation. AND THEY HIT IT (Eldorado, Kas., Times) . Discipline In this office has been wrecked since Ham Bergcr added a shiny new )3 cuspidor to his of flco equipment. . Even the girls around the place are trying to spit through their tocth. Many preachers aro experiencing difficulty theBa days'lh keeping ser mons jrom becoming stump spoeches. Tomorrow Is the lastU:'Chance for hunters to be shot for deer. ' TTT- The next thihu'ou the program is to get plenty of heavy gravel In the crows of Thanksgiving mrlty..t s; , RippIingRhumgs p wan naron IDLE RICH. MY LOT is cast whore millionaires arc thick as they can be, and, grouchy as so many bears, they sit' beside tho sea; and every moment some one swears their weird is hard to dree. Oh, every moment some one sighs, and wishes he were dead, for ho is tired of swatting flies, of eating daily bread; he's tired of swap ping futile lies concerning days long sped. These rich men never learned to play, or loaf long hours through; when in their prime each busy day showed some one they could do; some other rich men they might flay were evermore in view. They never learned in all their days the nsu of useless things, like arguing with idle jays of cabbages and kings, of finding out, in fifty ways, the joy that loafing brings. 1'hey never learned to play vain tricks that do not bring in kale, to make toy houses out of bricks or read an Old Sleuth tale; and so they file their weary kicks, and say that life is stale. Oh, parents, teach your sons to play and have a bully time, and do not let them lireak away that they may nail a dime, or haply, when they're old and gray, they'll say that life's a crime. COUNTY TICKET STATE REPRESENTATIVE Having been nominated by the people at the .May primary, I hereby solicit your support and votes as one of the two State Representatives in the legislature, to be elected at the November election. Adv. JOHN H. CARK1N. Candidate for Representative at the November election. It I go, I go to serve the best Interests of the state, and of Jackson countv especially. Adv. J.' O. UIGG. STATE SENATOR I have been nominated by the Re publican party for State Senator and hereby solicit your support at the election on November 7. Adv. GKOKGB VV. DUNN. CITY TICKET. TREASURER I am an independent candidate for City Treasurer, and if elected promise to do my full duty according to law. I will appreciate your support on No vember 7. L. E. BEAN. Adv.' In announcing my candidacy for the otilce of city treasurer of Medford I feel that my thirteen, years of clerical work qualifies me for tho position. If elected I will obey the law In every particular, will transfer no funds ex cept as provided by law nnd will keep each account in its proper placo so that any taxpayer can nscertain tho general condition of the cltv without delay. . U.N MB HA.NSCAM. Adv. I am a candidate for re-election, for the office of City Treasurer at the general election November 7th nnd hopo my past record will entitle me to your support, which I will duly appreciate. Adv. MARY I IAS WELL VEB1)ER. RECORDER I am a candidate for re-election for the office of City Recorder. I have faithfully conducted my official duties, my books aro open for Inspection nt any tlmo, and I will appreciate your support. M. U ALKORD. Adv.. - ; - ... - ' WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors Day or Night Let's Get Acquainted YOU have IDEAS about the kind of clothes you want. You WANT a good, smart, SENSIBLE style that will become you. A fabric that will wear as well as it looks. Tailoring that's right from TOP to BOTTOM A price within your means, and FULL VALUE FOR EVERY COLLAR. These are my IDEAS about TAILORING too Let's get together on this CLOTHES question. NEWTON W. BORDEN FOR STATE SENATOR i i -i j. .' ; . . ,. . Stands for' a'v GRADUATED INCOME TAX LAW and for general retrenchment in GOVERNMENT EXPENSES. I-'''. 'A ' , ' - " "'-' J Believes that the PUBLIC SCHOOL is the best place to make good citizens, and therefore stands for the COMPULSORY EDUCATIONAL BILL. , , r Is opposed to teachers in our public schools wearing any gatb or insignia of their church. Is opposed to the appropriation and use of public funds for sectarian purposes. . Paid Adv. THE UNIVERSAL CAR ; i jrj THE FORD SEDAN i3 a classy, comfortable, warm and economical car for winter. 1 It fills every need of a family, being roomy and easy to oper ate., Although primarily an '.'All Year "Round" car its en- i? closed feature is appreciated in' the winter time more than any other time of year. " ,; We will gladly show you the new little Sedan and it costs you only .. . ' ,; ' '' '" : "' '' ;! il ..'V. . ; . , $702.80 in Medford . ; - 1 : Equipped with Starter and Demountable Rims. .' C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Cor. Sixth and Pacific Highway. ' '71 0 Broadway at Stark Portland, Ore. You Are Assured a Personal , Hospitality and Individual . Attention through the combined efforts of a staff, who after j-enrs of training, understand the needs . of the traveling public. ' MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT AT ..','' Arthur H. Meyers Manager . TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 M EDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUXUAY Lv. Medford 2:00 p. m. Lv. Koseburg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNPAY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m.. 2:00 p. m.. 5:00 p. m. Lt. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. SUNDAY ONLY Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lt. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages for Portland, Marshfleld and Crescent City. . INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Phone 309 - - WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE.