Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 18, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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TheLe will be a Joint prayer meeting
servlcb of all the cliurche's at the Bai)-1
tlst eljiirch on North-(Central at S p. m.
on Thursday tue"rtth.' The meeting
will b led by Cash Wood, the county
Y. M. iC. A. secretary; We hope for a
large 'jattendance from the various
enureses. Each church -in laying Its
plansjtor Xirtl nil "wliiterj and in order
that nielf 'frojk "may count for-, uhe
most Je need a deep earnest spirit df
(cooperation and praper.
The Ministerial association has set
- Sunday, Oct. 29 as "Go-to-Church" Sun
day when every one in the city, men,
women and children is urged to attend
The Ameriran Legion' at a largely
attended meeting lam night formu
lated plana for a bigger and more
elaborate celebration of Armistice
Dny, November 11th, than was held
last yea)' and committees are already
working to make it a greater success,
i Armistice Uuy tills year falls on
Saturday, but the merchants have
agreed to keep stores open Friday
evening and close at 11 o'clock Sat
urday as fitting observation of ihe
day that should stand out pre-eminently
in the list of the nations holi
days. The plans for the celebration
include entertainment from early
morning until midiflght: Street vuur
deville, continuous performances at
the theatres, a football game auto
races, open house in legion hall.
Medford City Tax Levy Talks
the church of their choice and make I monster parade, a boxing card, and
the resolution to bo found in the house
of worship every Sunday during the
months following. The greatest finan
ciers and statesmen of our nation have
reiterated over und over again the
great need of the country nt this time
for a widespread revival of the old
fashioned religion of reverence and
devotion to God and His Bon, Our
Savior, and the church which He has
established. Another joint prayer ser
vice will be held," week also at
the Presbyterian jchurcU. on Thursday
afternoon at 3 p. m.' Plarf'to be pres
ent at onaor both of those meetings.
KIVEIt 20 miles from Mmlforil,
mile of ft ho new Outer ljiko High
way, just bcilow tlio new big hrklKc
across the ltotrue. IfauiiUful heavily
wooded lots, one of the most puctnr
csouo snots in Southern Oregon.
Iiai'ge pine, oak and fir trees.
SO liOTS 100xSOO--IteHtrlcUM. pri
vate sunmunv Jlome, 4.Site8-, finest
fishing. ami batliitm, , Timber enough
on each lot to builtl log cottage. On
one of the prettiest stretches of
water on the Rogue.
1ST. .1123 lOOxSOO- lot- $100.00
earth, or $125.1)0,' tormc, $2r.0() down
L and 93.00 iMr.monUt. ;;" ;
' ' i Soi ol-neiO ;t
cai w.
See Owner,
i.Iil E. MJUjAlU),
to close the festivities a beautiful pa
triotic bull. The following commit
tees have been appointed and .'will
meet in body in legion hall at 7:30
Friday evening of this week to per
fect arrangements.
Executive committee Thos. Swem.
Floyd llnrt, Seeley Hall.
Advertising committee K. C. Fer
guson, .Milton Schuhard. ; a:' J.
Crose, Horace Bromley, : v . .
Parade Committee Colonel' Payne.
Hon Newberry, Elmer Wilson, Carl
Tengwald, Ralph t'owgill.; , j
; Races ' committee OeorgQ' ; Gates.
Tom llerrlman, Eurl Brown, ' . Wm.
Offutt, Cole Holmes. " -i
Street decoration . . committee
arren Rutler, 11, H. Patrick, Fred
York, W. O. Pierce,. Bruce Fleming.
Street ''entertainment committee
Paul McDonald, 'Wilson Walte, Rus
sel Coleman, Merle, Garnet, "Wm.
.Mltehel.) i j : '
Danco ' committee ' r Or- Elliot.
C.eorgo Codding. Frank Farrell, Mark
Leonard, L. D. Bragg, Warren
Robrer. '
After the post session, the ladies of
tile auxiliary served refreshments
and entertained with an attractive
program. Mrs. Sasnett-and Mrs.
Maude Anderson each sang, and Mrs.
Jacobs and the Rev.: Mr. Sasnett
gave short interesting talks.
Xl'.MRKH 1.
Figures are said to be dry and uninteresting, however In those times
of heavy and increasing tax burdens, the tax levy of Medford is not unin
teresting reading.
For four or five years prior to the' wnr (1913-1917 just prior to the
Gates administration) Medford tax levies nke those of other towns, school
districts and counties had remained fairly stutlonary, with an average tax
levy for the period of about 14 Vi mills.
Then came the war with Its galaxy of cost plus contracts, trebled wages
and other inflation and taxes increased generally.
Tax iovles In the ten other cities in Oregon of about Medford's size
all showed an Increase, Increasing in the case of Bend to more than double
the pre-war figures, the average Increase being approximately 4 0 per cent.
Yet Medford's tax levy for the last six years (the six years of
the GntcN administration) still nvtiiiircs tlu same as it did for the
period before tlio war, H M mills.
Here are the figures:
Before Gates' administration .
1913 tax levy
1914 tax levy
1915 tax levy
1 91 G tax levy
Average for the four years 14 & mills
During Gates' administration
1 9 1 7 tax levy
1918 tax levy
1919 tax levy
1920 tax lew
1921 tax levy 1 15.8 mills
- Average for five years 1 4 M 'mills.
.12 mills
..10.3 mills
..21 mills
..14.6 mills
.12 fi mills
.12.9 mills
.15.0 mills
.15.9 mills
Fifty Years Ago
a woman in Lynn, Mass., was steep
ing herbs in her kitchen stove l
cording 'to aj rootpe-Wf fhef fpwWUo
furnish" medicine '"'for "the' women" of
the neighborhood. Today, a stone's
throw , from . the little house where
she. lived, thor.e" is-a four-story labor
atory," 'making, the stime. .medicine for
the women of the wortdi. "During the
last year almost COO' tons of tare
tUlly. selected herbs were used in the
'manufacture of Lydia E. . Pinkham's
Yuge.table' compound. '
.-A woman's medicine for woman's
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 18 Protest
ing that doctrine contrary to the Pres
byterian confessiou of faith is being
preached from the pulpit of -the First
Presbyterian church of New York City
the Presbytery of Philadelphia has
petitioned the general assembly of the
church to take cognizance of this
alleged fact, It became known here, to
day. The pulpit of the First Presby
terian church of New York City Is
occupied by the Rev. Harry Emerson
Fosdick. a Baptist clergymnn. The
Baptist minister occupies the Presby
terian pulpit through the efforts of the
New York congregation which consld
ored him an unusually brilliant preach
er. 'It '
The action of the Philadelphia body-,
i. ij understood devolves: around. j, a
sermon preached jy f,hej IlBV.Mr. FOte
dick; last May entitled ''Sliali the fun
damentals, win?", and was calculated to
deliver 'a hard blow WtHe hmUanaiSib
talistfe, who have created a contro
versy! within the.Bo)tist church
Another criticism madis !of the Rev.
Mr. :Fosdick's',iimcilriilsr.thlit he
compared the. Bible with the Koran.,
"When Jack Month, srvho station
operator fur the Ahsoi-IuU.! Oil rum-
puny, opened the tuiithm this morning
he was of tho oonvietion that the
company office had heen robbed of
the station cash during the night.
Every nlK"t after closing tho sta
tion a small amount of which
has not been banked in placed. In an
unlocked drawer in the company of
fice. There Is another drawer next
to the one where the money Is kept
that in always locked during the
nlht. , Lant night the latter drawer
was open and Heath dropped the
money bate Into It and closed ft. This
morning ho opened the drawer where
the morvy is usually kept and
nothing there.
Certain that he had heen robbed
and visualizing himself wandering
around all winter without the new
overcoat he has been planning on
buying Jack went ncross the- street to
the Oaks restaurant and borrowed
HO to start up the business at the
station with.
When Herbert Alford. accountant
arrived at the office the loss was re
ported to him ami he discovered the
moiu?y lit the wrong drawer.
A joint meeting of the members of
the mVnibers fo the Medfurrl cham
ber of Commerce and the Jackson
County Kami Bureau has been called
by Presidents V. H. Vawter and V. IS.
I'pton. This meeting is for the pur
pose of hearing a discussion of the
marketing problem and will be held
at the public library aKsembly room
at eight o'clock on Friday evening,
October 20.
Ceorge A. Mnnsf ield, president of
the Oregon Slate Farm Bureau will
outline the subject from the pro
ducers' viewpoint. W. I). li. Dodson,
executive secretary of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce will give the
viewpoint of the business men. There
seems to be a prospect of a unity
of action between the producers and
the business men.
Members of both organizations are
urged to be present because both of
the men who are to present the sub
ject have given same careful study
and both are Interesting speakers
who stand as leaders of the men
whose viewpoints they will present.
Please remember that classified ads,
locals and small ads are cash In ad
vance. Bring In your ads and do not
line telonhnn tf
To Momlers of Lincoln Club:
Congressman llawley will open the
republican campaign at 8:30 tonight
nt the Nat. Congressman Hawley is
an Interesting speaker and all mem
bers nnd friends of the Lincoln chili
are requested to ho present.
President TJneoln Club.
Teams for work -m; th lied Cross
thrift shop campaign are. all organ-ui
Ized and the work will begin on FrW-;
day, October 20. It will continue'
until the town has been canvassed; , f
thoroughly. If you have' your things
ready on Friday and no one cal'.s, do t
not decide that thty are not wanted J'
for they are. ' ,'" ... .; J; 1 ;
Please nave thorn a dny or two, and.
then If no one comes, phone the Red'
Cross office, 4rt, and leave, your
name and address there, and Bome
nno will call as soon as . possible.
There never was a time when a good
supply of materials was needed ho
badly at the Hed Cross storerooms
now. People are coming dally for
things that are not in stock. .
It Is hoped that a very hearty re
sponse will bo made at this time
when the need Is so great:
Spasmodic Croup Is frequently
relieved by one application ox
Oder 17 Million Jan Uted Ytatly
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 18. Allah
Hussane, San Francisco wrestler. Is
expected to arrive here today for his
match with Ted Thye Thursday night.
Hussane, according to reports, 'will
weigh about 185 pounds and Thye
about 170.
There will ho two preliminary
bouts. One will he between Paul
Amort former collegiate champion,
and Walter Arndt.
. ! -- ' .
a ut i ii r.-t lMwiiio LIU ailment. Hnvc von tried It A(iv
mm mbip mm
kMm wmm , ;. Ic4&h
- llftl.- .: wMMDe patient! .Uyerhead Iptjra'l :
a iHVSli TKe skies were drear and dim; KtJJI .
iks Pgm And lo! the thought ot him lliif
f WWl Smiled onnyU-andtUVvWSM -:.
ilmm IhebunshoneMaainL
A'1 JamesWhitcombRileu Mpi
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 18. The
boxing situation here seems to he
straightened out, ' with announce
ments 'that tho Portland boxing com
mission would go ahead with the
shbv originally -planned on ' October
26 'while the Milwaukie boxing com
mission iwtll hold its next show Octo
ber. 8t.";. o : . . i
Friction between the Portland box
ing commission andl'FYed ' Windwor,
manager of Sammy-Cordon has been
rqmoved,-' which' -wrtuld mean1- ' that
flpiidon meets Ad M-nck -In one-of the
tnfround'( bouts Ttt!s''thc feather
weight tournnment'tfnA th other -will
bft-ibetweh Joe floVman nrnl Oeorge
Burns, as originally planned,
i : I, - -'' - ."-v "'' ' ' .
Winchester Special
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Forged from Crucible Steel, Adze Eye, Perfect
Hang and Balance.. For the Three Days, or until
supply is exhausted blip
Do you remember the Axe Special. Well! This is a better one. -
Grater :Ealte Hardware Go. II
- More Records Smashed
.iiONOtULU,' Oct. ifMnr Associ
ated Press.) ' More world's 'records
were Bmaahed here lo,st, nightV(tlve sec
ond night of the swimming trials in
the, Outrigger club tank. -Warren Kea
loha broke his pwn world'a recqrd for
the 100 meter back stroke by swim
ming it in one minute, 12 and 3-5 sec
onds. ' His former record was 1"; 14.
Gwitha Shang of New Zealand swam
the 440-yard free style in six minutes,
fourteen and two-fifths seconds, thus
bettering the Bauer record of 6:16.
Mariechen Wehselati made a new
American record when she swam Ml
yards free style In 28 4-6 seconds. Tbe
Doorfner record had been 29 flat.
LOS ANGELES, Oct 18. Arrange
ments were completed for tbe actual
opening here today after several post
ponements for the third trial of Arthur
O. Bnrch, ;of Evanston, 111., for . the
murder of J. Ilolton Kennedy, a Los
Angeles -broker, s -
Burch's previous trials resulted In
the Juries disagreeing. Two trials of
Mrs. Madalynne C. Obenchain, also of
Evanston', jointly indicted with him for
the murder of Kennedy, her former
sweetheart, ded similarly. She is in
the county jail waiting for her third
BOSTON Oct. 18. Getting married
will not stand in the way of the must'
cal career that her father valued at
1100,000, Mrs. Paul Taylor White, who
was Miss Josephine Kryl of Chicago,
said today, when It became known that
she had given up that amount pro
mised by her father, Bohumlr Kryl, If
she would remain unmarried until she
was thirty.
"Paul and I are going to do a great
deal in music this year," she said
"It is silly to say one has to give up
music for love.
Radio Service
Complete Sets ,
and Parts .
in : . '
Paul's Electric Store
How Many Words
Can Yon Find
in This Picture
Commencing With
the Letter "F"!
For example, you will
notice "Fire," "Fiddle," '
"Foundry," etc. Are you
able to find 20 words
commencing with the
letter "F"? The picture
is very clear: there can
be no mistakes. You will
find it very interesting
to look for these words,
and may win the big
prize. Anybody can try
costs nothing. Why
should you not be the
winner of the $2000.002
The oerson havine the lamest list of'
words beginning with the letter "F" will
Bet the First Prize. You surely have a
real chance of winning at least one of the prizes offered there are fifteen of them. Whynot try for
tne Dig prize ana win uw.uu oomeuuuy wm win u yuui umuivcs o-"- -
Tut think what you could do with the money. $2000.00
could buy an automobile and leave enough balance to
make a payment on a cozy home. Perhaps you have in
mind just the thing you would like to do if you received a.
check (or 12000.00. Certainly you owe it to yourself lo try
to solve this puzxle. You will find the trying very easy
and pleasant.
The Way to Win One of the Twenty Prizes
You do not have to spend a penny to Ret into this contest.
,t X tvcrVbttly icept em
it Is not necessary tor you to order any Yeaatolax. If your
list is adjudged to be one of the twenty best you will re
ceive one of the cash prizes. Without your order for
ployea and nlitfvesof ths Yutolu Co.
2Th Kirs! PriM will bm awarded to tha
parson nivlng- tha larffeit nambar of
worda baginnintr with tha Utter "t". To
tha naxt In order will b awarded tha
Second Prise and io on down the Hat of
Twenty Priwa. The awards will be made
on the baaii of tho words submitted and
not from a predetermined list, Hhanld
there be any ties the full amount at tha
prixa will be awarded to each contestant
m tying.
VaotlnlRV if Aiir liar nl tunrrla mmmmrino with the let
ter "F" is the largest you receive the first prize of ftO-00.
!f the judges award you the second prize, without your
order for Yeastolax, you will get a check for 125.00; ana
o on down the line as shown In this announcement.
Win the Big Prize $2000.00
If you choose you can win a great deal more than the
Class A prizes. All that Is necessary for you to qualify
your list for the BIGGER PRIZES is to send in an order
for one or more packages of Yeastolax. Look over care
fully the schedule of prizes as classified in this announce
ment. You will find that if you send in f 1.00 for one pack
age of Yeantolax and the judges award you first prize yuu
will get $300.00. If you send in $2.00 for two packages of
Yeastolax and your list is awarded first prize you will get
a check for $600.00 ; and so on up. If you send In $6.00 for
6 packages of Yeastolax and the judges award you the first
prize, you will receive the Big Prize of $2000.00. Should
your list be judged a- the second best you would receive
$1000.00; and so on down the list. Remember, there are
twenty prizes offered, as shown. All the opportunity one
could desire. Go in to win the best prize.
$700.00 Extra Award for Promptness
Dec 15th, 1922 Is the last day for receiving your solution
to this puzzle qualifying you to win one of the prizes. But,
note thisi For every day before that date that your order
for Yeastolax Is received an extra prize of $10.00 for each
and every day will he added to any first prize won. If
you send in your order today you will get a receipt for the
money; then you can send in your solution any time before
Dec. lMh and your list will be qualified for any of the
prizes. We will award an extra $700.00 in thit monner. You
should try your very best to earn this additional award.
It will cost you little additional effort. In case of ties we
will award duplicate amounts of $700.00 to each contest
ant so tying. Don't overlook reading about our extra
premium of 50.000.00 Genuine Russian Rubles, whether
or not you enter this contest
An attmr th Ris Priwi-don't delav start rlsht away
get inio the com on. now many wuroa can you nna wua
Ihe iruer r r jrci amusc-mcni Kcn upwrwuujr.
$7000.00 is awaiting your can. now is we tune to acu
3 Words of amonymoot meaning
nrH. nt th mm nclllno but Si
ent mean In a will count aa only ona. Use
ither tha intrnlar or plural of a word.
, nn1 .H. .,..rlnv In Whaters Die-
tlonary-and not obeolato words will bo
consider to,
4Worde most b numbered 1, 1, 9, sts.
Judaea will award tha prise. Tho con
testants aore to abide by tho decialona
of these Tudgoa. snd It Is undertood that
U'-h dsdtloni are to ba eondusife. Tho
names ot wlnnera and winning Jista of
of words wtll be published aa aoon aa pos
sible after the eontert. A eopy of thia list
will be furnished to anyone apon receipt of
a stamped, addressed antelope. Two or
mora persons may co-operate In Wife coo
lest, but only ona prlsa will be a warded to
any inch co-operation croup.
6UiUof namea moat be received ttoor
omcelany time during retcular office)
hoarsjonor before Dec.l6tfi,ltt2. Kor every
day before (or ahead) of this data that
your order for Yraatolaa la received req ,
will get an additional award of 110.00 par
day, added to any first prise yon wia. In
case of tie this award will be duplicated
to every contestant so tying.
si' A A If too adt from "mwnHltiw," CeaeMatl,
f ViaaTOtAX, Amana llB Mlaue iMMSSi
Vaselsiaa eeaUtns the htaatst sin! meet potent Hiimint, whih ih aeUntifle world hu found to
i fay of ottUct tiMitn nd jHmMj. Veaeealea also Tiea tke
lad mildly laxative, rat iu aatfon la mr.
mal that eooetlpstlon raapnnaUile to a efeatmuy bedlre
aniara from lertMlttUy vardloaj sal oleaaM aoa ela aa
t tot tble eaodlUoa.
b bnlutl'
uthorltlH have lone reoosoll
Vea'atelai U ablably aDeoUve n
. IMPOHTANT Special Introdnctory Premlam
n ird.r to qnleklr In trodues VMstalas Into rtf f ommunllj, we will IS to aa aarsvD. rscareV
ImiuU arbeUiar Of oot be sends la Mlulhto U this vuile. .
Absolutely FREE 50,000.09 Rubles
mil wiin urn mo i
tm RaMtaa ftaftle rMMttiwH worn as. w ranie, siwS mamijwNrvyn
mtnbn this ffr bJ5t"& wh.ui.r or not yon ' tr for the putile pritta, : Saveffii
ttntlo o' Afn.riro aroj.jts of olUnd other InrfwtrtejJ that are """."
" tn, .hinni.yh.i...aRiiUU. d.tmn. PTtl. and Csatral Asia. ttarMtm m naw
of raw malar lei (or th Bu-o-Grrn"'n rrfnbin, itaclallr oil. momnji and tew .and opwa
Ins op lh rich ufix and Ceniral Aln tra.f b. (irmanv and Ruifia. Think wht lM WWfl
-lr r-0 raanot affnrd to pa. up tha optwtunTty 1" arqulr tba ftublaa W will ajvaiO.OM
R.ibl fr with r It .no erdur to tha who ntor th own t aa woll aa thoaa who da aot.
Twenty Prizes $4,000.00
Clau A - CtaM B
1st Prlia
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
4!h Prize
Rlk Prlu
Yeastolax Co. "'iJoooo' Chicago em i. ism ra
sent la
! 2.00
t 30.00
Clau O
latent ?n'iv
) 7.00
Claaa D
Ml 8f'&
. 1000.00
-; 400.00
u,, 250.00
. 130.00
. 1S-0O.
;f ift';
Main and Central '