Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 13, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    toEDFOftT) M3TL TTITBH MT!T)FOTiD. OliEflOX, FRTDAY. OCTOHEtt 1.1, 1022
I ! 1
By Mary 0. Carey. 1
building a neat little store building on
the corner, of his father's lot on the
highway. Mrs. Wilder started with a
little stand, during the summer, and
now she has such a trade that she. will
have to have a building before the
raldy season sets in. Many orders
come to her from town for the edibles
Which she has for sale.
No wonder Mrs. Liza Hoblcy was so
quiet whon interviewed last week.
Who ever guessed that she was con
templating a quiet wedding that fol
lowing Saturday? Your correspondent
aurely did not.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Henry of Sunny
Cliff orchard, and Mrs. Henry, mother
' of Mr. Henry' who is viBiting her son
from the east, were at C. Carey's last
Sunday afternoon to buy some cut
" flowers. Mrs. Henry, Sr., is in .love
with our valley and the climate.
' Mrs. E. D. Wlllson, mother of Mrs.
Karnes of Phoenix, came down from
Tncoma again last week to finish out
her visit, the hot weather during Aug'
ust causing her to go back home this
Buinmer. Mrs. Wlllson likes our fall
wppther much better than she did the
Mr. Slain of Phoenix has been hired
by the Fish Lake, or Modford Irriga
tion company, to look a,fteT their work
on the ditch wlilSf Vuns through Phoenix.-
- '
VfS. Louis Colver and Mrs. C. C.
Cats hart the fun of being with Mr
Cute When he killed the big buck at
tost Prairie. The Colver and Cats
families went, out on Saturday, and
Sunday morning by 8 o'clock they had
their game. The Jadies say this was
1118 first ueer they ever had ever seen
taken lu a hunt, and that they both got
VVery excited. There was also gome
f tin when they got caught in the black
sticky on the mountain when the rain
came down as It can in those hills.
They were until late in the night get
ting home after starting at 10 o'clock
Slinday morning. The roadbed is soft
being newly made this summer.
J. W. Watklns of North Talent, has
been furnishing the winter's wood for
(hp Phoenix school and - the county
tftfm. Mr. Watklns has some fine
body timber of yellow fir, and it makes
fltio furnace wood.
O. A, . Mack of Phoenix haB taken a
position with the Mason-Ehrnian Co.,
ot Medford, for whom he formerly
C. Carey hag gold their stock in the
Pltoentx Rural Telephone company to
J M. Norrls, who In turn sold It to a
son-in-law of, E. E. LitUoflold. -
.Mrs. -Walter GarrUon who has been
staying at the home of Mrs. Walter
Allen and keeping house and caring
for Mrs. Allen's little son Jimmy while
Mrt. Allen was helping her husband
with the packing at the Hartzell orch
ards, returned to her home at Ruch
one day this week.
Fred Wolff Is baling hay in the vicin
ity of Talent. He states that he had
at. loast a hundred tons to bale, be
sides several ot the farmers are con
templating baling some of their straw.
Mrs. Ed Robison and her daughter,
MfB, Ted Seaman of Wagner creek
were visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Colver of Phoenix Tuesday.
4r. and Mrs. Ona Jobe of Ashland
were visiting at the home ot Mr. Jobe's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobe of Fern
Mr. Shaw of North Talent was deliv
ering garden truck In Medford last
Saturday. Mr. Shaw has a fine little
garden tract on the creek bottom ad
joining the well known I X L garden
Mrs. Arthur Rose of East Phoenix
and Mrs. Morris were trading In Med
ford last Saturday,
j. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Barnum of Buena
Vlsfft orchard, was in Medford on busi
ness last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Colver of Phoe
nix,! who are one of the largest poultry
keepers in this vicinity were Medford
business visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Sheets of Phoe
nix spent Monday evening at the pleas
ant home ot Mrs. J. M. Rader.
The Ladles' Aid of Phoenix,- will
serrp dinner for the Ashland juniors
wild entertain, the teachers of Ashland
at tha Institute next Friday. The lad'es
gave a dinner last year, and everyone
was so well pleased that they asked
them to get the dinner again this year.
In an item some time ao I stated
that Lester C. Mack had bought the
O'Connor house and was moving It
across the street to the berry plot
which was formerly the Perry Stan
cliff property. It should have read:
Win. Logan. Mr. Logan is from Wich
Jta, Kansas and has come to Phoenix
to reside. Mrs. Logan Is a cousin of
Mrs. O. A. Mack. Lester C. Mack has
bought the O'Connor lots and will re
side on them.
Mrs. J. A. Maya of Talent was a busi
ness visitor In Medford last Saturday.
should not b "dosed." Tml
tlm xtarnally with
Ovtr 17 Million Jan UxJ YcarL
of Interest From the
ASHLAND, Oct. 13. A large placard
In the local postoffice announces that
W. F. l.oomis, representative of the
United States Voterang Bureau, will
be at tho city hall in Ashland, on Mon
day and Tuesday next, Oct. 16 and 17,
where any ex-service, men having any
claim for reliability, compensation or
insurance reinstatement, etc., should
bo on hand to perfect such claims, in
asmuch as all needed information in
these respects will be available at first
hand, the representative visiting this
locality for the espeeial puriwse as
outlined. The government not only
expresses a willingness, but is also
anxious to perform even more than its
part in assisting ex-service men along
the lines mentioned and it is hoped
that all so entitled will avail them
selves of this opportunity.
This early the local post, American
Legion, is planning the observance ot
Armistice Day, Nov. 11, which In the
main, will bo an Informal one, a brief
.program being outlined for the fore
J. W. McCoy of the First National
bank, has sold his place on Terrace
street, a site which commands a fine
view of canyon and city. . The property
was formerly known as the Howard
place, comprising quite an extensive
acreage of garden and orchard. The
family will move later on to their resi
dence on Oak street, known as the
Sherwln property,
Dr, Wilfred C. Carr, former well
known resident, graduate of the Ro
chester School of Optometry, has lo
cated in business at his old home town
Greensboro, North Carolina, the spe
cific address being 113V4 West Market
Oh Saturday, Oct. 14, Ashland will
play football with Klamath Falls on
local grounds. "Revenge" is on the
banner of the home team for the de
feat which they sustained from the
City of Courthouses last year. Game
will be called 2:30 o'clock.
At the Nazarene church, Wednesday
evening. Dr. J. B, Chapman, of Kansas
City, addressed a gathering of that de
nomination. He Is the editor of the
Herald of Holiness, a leading religious
publication of the central west.
After much delay, the cases tn city
court Involving a fracture of the anti
picnic ordinance which applies to out
ing parties desecrating the Ashland
creek canyon with their presence, their
sandwiches and their cake and coffee,
went to bat on Wednesday morning,
brilliant counsel being present In addi
tion to quite a few spectators eagerly
watching developments. In the Initial
case Georgia Coffee easlty took the
cake, not in proving an alibi exactly,
but confessing judgment that she was
present not as a guest, but merely as
an official reporter for the Sunday
events as chronicled In Monday's Tid
ings. The Judge took the matter under
advisement, and after, lunch on a
picnic basis, promptly dismissed the
case. Bert Greer for the defense. This
was Bert's initial pleading In city
court, and It was concise and conclu
sive, devoid of all legal bunk, not even
citing Blackstone or the Ashland city
directory. Moreover, It was quickly
delivered in a sound, practical way,
and convincing to the extent that there
was absolutely no cause for action.
The case of Jesse Wlnburn was tried
to a jury in the afternoon, with Farrell
and Kelly of Medford, for the defense,
Evan Reames not being able to be
present. Winburn himself was also
absent. Verdict against Winburn, with
prospect that the case will be appealed.-
In the meantime some sort of
league of nations might be organized
to make the world safe and sane In
picnic assembled up Ashland creek
The home of Major and Mrs'. C. F.
Egglman, of Springfield, was the scene
ot a surprise party recently, given in
honor of Mrs. W. G. Hill, president of
the Ladies of the G. A. R. in that city,
preliminary to her removing to Ash
land, visitors from Portland Eugene
being present. The guest of honor was
presented with a beatiful article of
jewelry emblematic of the order. The
Sunshine Trio of Eugene furnished tne
musical portion of 'the entertainment.
H. B. Stone, of this city has been
appointed captain of Co. 2, motor
transport staff of the R. O. T. C.
infantry unit at Corvallis, also J. L.
Porter of Ashland, first lieutenant of
Co. 3, same staff. More than a hun
dred students have been selected to
lead the various phases of army train
ing at O. A.' C.
C. W. Nlms, grand commander, Geo.
W. Dunn, past commander, and Dr. F.
H. Johnson, generalissimo, were dele
gates from Malta cotnmandery No. 4,
Knights Templar, at the annual con
clave of the grand commandery new
at Roseburg on Thursday, Oct. 12.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones, of 770 Iowa
street, have returned home after a two
months visit in northern and central
California localities.
A touring party of southern Califor-
nlans are visiting old homo surround
ings here, making the trip by auto,
with Earl Veghte at the helm. The
personnel Includes Earl's wife and
mother, also Helene Casey, represent
ing Santa Monica and Calexlco local
ities of the southland.
Delegates to the southern Oregon
nresbvtenr. in session at Klamath
Falls this week, include Rev. C. F.
Koehler, the pastor, and Augustus
Hays, elder of the congregation. The
Presbytery formulates the activities
The Jiggs Family Sails for China and Far East
I t 'vMO i I'LL t?ENO YOU S ''J 'OUf? DePARTURB'ifii I .
. IJlLr . fl COLUMNS OF THE At? A . ,
for the current year, also submitting
statistics relatives to status of the
same. The local church has lost sev
eral members during the past few
months, the deaths of five being re
corded, including Robert P. Neil, Harry
W. Andrews, Mrs. Gertrude Frost,
Mrs. Jemima Clyde, and Mrs. Mary
Badger, three of theso mentioned hav
ing passed away within as many suc
cessive weeks.
Joe Harner, -city -councilman, has
gone back to Missouri, where he will
"have to be shown," incident to a visit
extending over a month or so. The
family came from the vicinity of
Nevada In Missouri. i
The Beekman history prize, which
annually Is offered to students of the
high schools of the state for the best
essary on- a given topic of Oregon
history, was won this year by Miss
Dorothy Clapp, a student of the Grants
Pass high school. The subject of the
esBay was '"The Columbia River," and
the production in full was published in
a recent number of the Oregonlan. The
author lb a bright young lady of our
neighboring town, and personally
known to several residents hereabouts.
"Thunder and lightning" was an
expletive literally exhibited here last
Monday evening, when the elements
gave a display of reverberations and
electric pyrotechnics which reminded
one of ti e occurrences way back east
in former times.
Mrs. Grace Andrews of this city, Is
employed as substitute teacher in the
Medford schools as occasion requires.
Dr. Julia McQuilkin has returned
from Portland with the intent of re
newing a permanent residence in Ash
land. Jess Roseberry returned to his
home this . week from California,
where he has been working.
Mr. Elbert Glass mndo a trip to
the mountains this week to look utter
his cattlo and take up a load of haV
for his horses ready for gathering his
cattle. . .. .
Mrs. W. C. Chnpniun ' visited for
several days with Mrs. Theo. Glass at
Central Point. . . -
Mr. Fred Inlow was out to Beagle
Saturday and Sunday visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moore of the
Meadows, accompanied by Mrs. Rum
mel of Medford, started Sunday for
their cabin in the mountains to look
up a few struy cattle.
Grandpa Houston staying at Beugle
is very weak and low at times. Sun
day night they called scvcrul mem
bers of the family,
Clydo Caton happened with an
accident Frldny at the Modoe ranch.
In cutting a belt the knifo slipped and
went into his knee. The doctor was
out and took several stitches in his
knee, but it was thought neceHsaryl
to take him to the hospital. 1
Mrs. Laurence returned from
Washington this week where she
went on account of the death of her
Mr. Lucus Is helping Jess Glavs
with balling his hay this week.
W. C. Chapman is helping Mr.
Pendleton at Table Iiock for several
days this week. ,
Ada ltoscbcrry has bought a Chev
rolet car this week.
Mrs. J. W. St-ott and Walter
Shared visited friends and stayed
over night in Medford the fore part
of this week.
Several from this neighborhood at
tended the dance at Eagle Point Sat
urday night, as there was no dance nt
Beagle, although several were out ex
pecting a dance there.
BUTTE FALLS. The rain has put a
stop to Hie much rushed road work, as
after having to ston to get a larger
crusher, they intended to rush the : who will keep the lino In good condl
gravel on, and we hope the ruin will tlon.
soon pass on as it is somewhat early
for winter weather.-
This week being institute week, our
town will miss tne additional young
ladies and gents that are here attend
ing high school, as they will want to
visit home folks. The Bchool here has
doubled in attendance the last year,
and Btill more coming. An extra teach
er has to be supplied to teach Latin.
Mrs. Essie Albert was visiting in
Medford last week.
Tod Porter took his departure for
San Francisco where he will spend
most of the winter. His aunt, Mrs. F.
Carson, and Allelic Jackson, went as
far as Medford with him to wlnh him
luck on bis way.
James Jackson and wife have moved
Into Mark Baker's bungalow formerly
occupied by the Simmervillo family,
(hey moving Into their new home pur
chased of Dr. Buchanan.
Mrs. J. Obryan has roturncd to
Weed lumber camp, renting her borne
to C. Wooley.
The Albert Bros, have rented the bil
liard hdll of Carter.
Miss Letha Davis, a niece of Mrs.
Muhoney's has been visiting with her
for. a week returning to Bozemun,
Sum and Luther Hughes came homo
for a short visit with home folks. They
are working for the government in the
Klamath country.
Mrs. Hagen Is a patient at the Med
ford hospital; also Mrs. Chus. Patton.
Mrs. Chester Ward returned from
Salem where she was visiting her par
ents for a short time, they having
moved into Mrs. Ella Smith's small
house. '
Glenn Alberts moved Into the Clark
home, and Hugh Cox and family have
moved to the Chas. Edmonson pro
perty. Al Hildreth moved into his home
vacated by the Cox family.
Mrs. Mary Clevenger and daughter
Fern were visiting home folks from
Redding, Calif., for the past two woeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Marion have re
turned from Iowa where they spent the
summer with relatives, very' much
pleased to be home agam.
Ira Tungate and family drove out to
7 .
Medford the first of the week to meet
uiu rttiu WINCH tttUBCU lllCIll IU bjiciiu
the night there.
Mrs. Hay Spence Is making prepara
tions for moving to Tiller, Ore., for the
winter, where her husband is located.
The train makes its daily trips haul
ing logs out to the big mill in Medford
They have finished hauling logs out ot
the pond and are moving the donkey
to other quarters.
Mrs. Richardson has moved to Med
Mr. and Mrs. Claspell moved out to
Phoenix, where they have bought pro
perty having sold out up here.
Slim Norris and family were up from
Dunsmuir visiting at John Clark's and
looking for a home tor the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Alstrum are here visit
ing their son Cecil. They are now llv
ing lirLukevlow, Oregon.
Dave Pence and family motored-to
Medford last week.
The California-Oregon Power com
pany has been putting a "power lino
from Prospect to Roseburg and have
nearly completed their work, but are
hooping a few men busy. They are
building a cubln for the winter crew
Elmer Ivoy spent a woeks vacation
with his folks on Elk crock. Ho hus
been attending high school ot Butte
f ans ami is wen piuuseu
with the
Tho Persist school opened for this
term,' Oct. 2nd, with Miss Inez Wlllits
as teacher. Four pupils will attend.
P. C. Siindoz is building n' fence be
tween L. A. Whltloy's hoinestottd and
his place.
Dave Ponce and Weston Miller wero
Ironized Yeast
' Brings Marvelous
Beauty to Skin'
Science Now Proves How Com .
plexion Is Quickly Beautified
4' ; Through the Blood
Thoro is nothlnff In tho world to
day which Is producing euch a Hn
natton hb this simple diecovoryl
Pick out anyone who hns hoalthy '
rosy chenkn antl a ravlBhlnprly beau--tlful
complexion, anil you havo s
picked out an Individual whoso blood
"Irontoril Ycnst Ha Clrnrod Mr Skin
Quickly and Gloriously!"
Is rich wltb vltamlnea-and-lron.
This roclpo of Naturo, "Ironized
Yeat," In now bo Ing uand by -thousands
of mflri and women with start
ling:, yet perfectly natural, results.
It gives you ycuHt-vltamtncH-lron-lz(d,
containing Iron In tho form In
which It exists In the human body.
It is not b, mere mixture of yeawt
and Iron, hut is yeast Ironized, which
is a substance all by itself. Muddl
ness, that great beauty robber, gives
way to a.llly-purity which nothing
else on earth can produce. Pimplos,
blackheads, upots, eruptions? They
becomo practically an Impossibility !
Itosy cheeks, firmer and younger
looking skin, rose-pota! purity, vel
vety softness, all natural! Imagine
such a ekki further beautified by
your favorite cream and powder.
To think of it Is lovely. To havo
It, a modern miracle!. Begin taking
Ironfed Yeast today. There Is only
ono Ironized Yeast In the world, sold
by all druggists at $1.00 a package.
Kach package contains AO tablets,
each tablet Is sealed. They never
lose their power. M'frt only by
Ironized Yeast Co., Atlanta, Qa. dot
ready to bo euprooioly happy.
. Tents
9x12, 10 oz., $12.00
Med. Tent & Awning Works
- Opposite 8. V. Depot
looking for cattlo tho first of .this
week. Mr. Pence and Air. Miller have
been unfortunate in having their liny
wot during the ruiny wenther.
Ezra Whitley made a business trip
to town Oct. D. ; '. ,
Miss Inez Wlllits motored to Med
ford Saturday tho 7th, where she will
attend lnstituto.and visit'her rolatlvos.:
Tho Hill Construction company is
completing their constru.!!on work on
the Crater Lake highway
Hunters coming up the creek for
Golden Brown Waffles-
real maple syrup
M-mmmm how good!!
and then top it off with
a cup of mellow
Could you imagine a
breakfast more appetizing?
"cjfo Quality Ctfpp if touvcan
Plu O KWJlfH& Jreme uate
1 cups M J' B Coffee (liquid) 2 cupi whole milk 9
cup brown lugar cup granulated sugar tablripoon
gelarine teJipoon wit teaspoon vanilli 1 cup
finely chopped, toasted almonds or walnut meats. Combine
coffee, milk, gelatine. Scald over boiling water. Separate
egfti. Add salt, both sugars to yolks, creaming thoroughly
together. Add this to scalded miiture and cook stirring con
stantly for 3 minutes until mixture coats spoon. Chill, add
vanilla, fold in whipped eae whites and freeie in 3 P,rt
cracked ice to one of ke
aded when mixture is half
for garnishing of each serving.
Riverside Garage
Headquarters for the Famous De Luxe ;
Pistons and McQuay-Norris Rings
We repair nil makes ot cars and
bop in Southern Oregon for cylinder
ROGUE RIVER. On Friday evening
October 20th. the Rogue River high
school will give an entertainment lu
the form of a basket lunch.- The pro
ceeds will be used to install shower
baths and gymnasium paraphernalia
in the community hall for athletic pur-
School is In recess tor the last three
days of this week, owing to the county
Institute which is being held In Med
ford. Tho soccer football game ployed be
twecn tho high school teams of Gold
Hill and Rogue River In this city last
Friday afternoon, ended with a score
of 12 to 0 In favor of Rogue River.
Franklin Chapell of Portland, accom
panied by his mother, spent the day in
town visiting friends last Friday while
on thoir way to Los Angoles where Mr.
Chapell holds a position with the Elec
tric Motor company.
The got-togother rally which was
held in the community hall hora last
Friday evening was well attended. ; A
picnic supper was served In the hall,
after which followed a program and
tho talk by Rev. Wni. Lee Gray was
exceptionally fine.
- Hay Smith, who lias been employed
at. Crescent City for the last six weeks,
returned to Rogue Rlvor last Sunday
and is making preparations to trans
port his family to Crescent City whore
they expect to make their home.
' J. Wesley Ingram, an honored and
respected pioneer of Oregon, passed
away In this city last Sunday morning
at tho ngo ot 85. He came to Califor
nia in tho early days, and after spend
ing scvoral years in that state came to
Oregon whore he lived for the last. 55
years. While he had no relatives in
Oregon, several nlecos and nephews
live In Ctillfornin, who, together with
his host of friends, mourn IiIb death:
The funeral services wore held at
Hopo Presbyterian church of this city,
Rev. William L. Gray officiating. - The
remains wero interred in the Rogue
River cemetery. ,
, Mrs. Benjamin Marquis and . her
young son Lawrence left for Portland
lna( M,n,lflv an1 hca aviuiMail ti ml
turn later in the week. ,
deer , seem to be successful as they
have been seen to take out quite a
number. .
cream salt. The nuts should be
frozen and a few may be reserved
gasoline engines.
Bent equipped
or reboring and rebuilding motors.
AsPBaAwir, ' if '.4' "
P. P. CLOSE, PrbpP , .