P A HE TWO ocal and 1 Personal Tcilay Is Columbus day, a national holiday, commemorating the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus 130 years ayo. However, the day Is not a stato holiday aud was not ob served in Meillord, although in past years : the banks of the city have ob served it by closing. The postofflce iere also dirt not observe the day. The stock markets in the eastern stato, however, were closed today. Just received a new shipment of caps for the little tots. Handicraft Shop. , 177 MIbs School Teacher, stop at Heath's Drug Store and let us present you with a box of Armand's face powder for your purse. 174 Mrs. Carter-Homes, county school superintendent. Is a very busy woman this week looking after the details of the Jackson County Teachers Institute which convened here at the high school Wednesday morning and which comes to a close Friday afternoon. Much to her efforts is due the smooth ness with which the big institute is being conducted. Reliable person would like to join auto party going to California. Good careful driver, willing to share part expenses. Leave word at Elks Club or phone S17-K. 174 System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. 'Strong companies. Offieo 2nd floor Medford Bklg. tf Bryan Coleman, prominent attorney of San Francisco Is In the city on busi ness. . . ., , . Mattress worli all kinds. - Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. , tf Dance, Eagle Point Sat. Oct. 14. 176 Crater Lake chapter D. A. R will meet Saturday, Oct. 14th, at 2:80 p. m. at the home of Mrs. C. C. McCurdy, 1207 W. Main street. Miss Anne Lang, state regent, will be present. 'All mem bers are earnestly requested to attend. Elks are expected to come early tonight to attend the lodge session, especially those who have business with the secretary so aa to have it completed by 8 o'clock. Immediately after the Initiation of a class of candi dates the big Bmoker of the lodge will commence. , A box of Armand's face powder for your purse, Miss School Teacher, free at Heath's Drug Store. 174 Trade old automobiles - for - now. Ponniger Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 16 north Grape St. Phono 485-J. tf A. Hohcnsteln of the Valley Candy company, arrived home this morning from Portland In which city ho had .been taking treatment at a sanitarium for the past ten days. While much benefitted by this treatment he would have liked to -continue it two weeks longer, but was unable to because of the stress of business. Men! When you need those now shoes or boots, It will savo you monoy to try "ilidon's Model Hoot Shop," 21 South Central, Medford. 276 You will find alt the now shades and kinds of yarns nt the Handicraft Shop 177 Mrs. T. W. Beagle and ' daughter, Miss Gladys, were visitors In Grants Pass on Wednesday. l"or sale Victrolas, Brunswlcks and Patho talking machines and records und pianos. Will buy, sell or exchange talking machines, records and pianos. Music Shop, Hill Penlnger, Mgr., No. 15 N. Crape St. ' Phone 405-J. "No Hunting" signs at Mail Tribune office. Mombers of the state lime board recently met In Salem and docidod to lease the quarry at Gold Hill plant on a royalty basis. It was reported at the mooting that approximately 2000 tons of lime had been sold this season, 1000 tons of which had been delivered. Knitting done to order. Original designing and stamping on all kinds of materials. Free Instruction In knit ting, crocheting and painting when matorlals are purchased at Deuel's Art JJOPt. 1(1)' Trade old records, phonographs and ptanoB for new. Penulgor Music House, noxt to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers Bunk, 15 N. Grape St. Phone 4G5-J. tf Mr. and Mrs. K. Leigh Swlnson will arrive today from Seattle for a fow days. They are on their way to Call i fornia for the winter. i Chinese Illy bulbs, extra largo flow er, 25c. Jap Art Store. 178 Dunce, Eagle Point Sat. Oct. 14. 176 A bond Issue of $75,000 was author Izcd by the land owners of the Grunts Pass Irrigation district at the election Tuesday for the completion of the pro Joct, of the 104 votes cast 91 being in favor of the bonds, while 13 registered their opposition. One hundred and one of the voters supported the proK sitlon for contract with the state of Oregon for the Btate payment of Inter est upon tho bond Issue for the first five years, only one voter expressing a wish to refuse acceptance of state assistance. Election for two directors of the district was also held nt the saino time, Oeo. Keldmnlor being elec t ed to succeed himself for a three-year torm. O. L. Hussman wns relected for a one-year term to serve out tho un expired term of Clias. Smith, doceased. Grants Pass Courier. Flower pots flower pots. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. Phone 2ii0. tf ' Tho most fashionable dress trim ming Is buttons, all kinds made to order at the Handicraft suop. m J. A. Nott, traveling freight agent for the Vulon Pacific arrived In .Med ford yestorday nfternoon on a brief business visit and left this morning for Roseburg. I Wanted Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds, will buy. ell or trade for anything. Medford Trading Center, Bill Penlnger, Mgr., 16 N.' Grape St. Phone 465-J. next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. You can get It at DeVoe's. tf County Clerk Chauncey Florey ro- turned this morning from Portland where he has been for the past lev, days, having been called to appear as a witness in the United States court. When In need of shingles and roof ing call Wallace Woods 108. 711 li. Main street. Lime and cement. Medford Lumber Co. Miss Doris Kindle who graduated last spring from the local high school and who is teaching school at Lake creek arrived in Medford yesterday for the purpose of attending the Jack son County Teachers Institute. Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garagt. tf Provide against loss,. Insure with Redden and Canaday. O. W. Chlsum was among the busi ness visitors in Grants Pass from Med ford yesterday. See the new DeLuxe special pistons for Dodge, Ford and Chevrolet. The price is lower. Rivorslde Garage, tf There's no place like Holmes for complete Insurance service. A number of Masons and parents of the members of the local chapter of the De Molay will attend the reception and dance to be given In the Masonic hall this evening in celebration of the arrival of the charter granted to the local chapter. Mayor C. E. Gates, Gus Newbury anil A. G. Smith -will make short addresses after which there will be a dance. The California-Oregon Power com pany announces that their preferred stock has been listed on the San Fran cisco Stock and Bond Exchange. Ac cordingly the Stock appears under the head of "Listed Stocks on the financial pages of the San Francisco dully pa pers. The stock Iibb been quoted the past several days at "93 'A bid." Special prlcoo on high school type writer practice paper at thls,offlce. tf Bert Smith of Ashland was a Med ford business visitor yesterday hav ing come down to transact business with the main office of the California- Oregon Power company. A real buy (4.50 spotlights at the Electric Shop. tf When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. -tf The lady Elks will give a dance Fri day, October 20th, at the Elks temple which promises to be well attended by members of the lodge and their wives. A; E. Levitt of Ban Francisco Is a guest at the Hotel Medford as are Ray R. Hewitt of Corvallls. V. M. Hilary of Eugene, J. O. Ward and E. B. Stanley of Seattle, H. A. Lewis and P. F. Rossa of Washington, D. - C, F. L. Wlsherd of St. Louis and J. H. Martin of Chicago. Just received 200 more gallons of Rogue River sorghum 10c per pound. Hutchison & Lumsden. - J77 The new protective tariff measure, passed September 21st, provides for an Increase In the duty on Imported toys and novelties from 35 percent to 70 percent. We have already secured our Christmas stock of novelties and toys and our noxt shipments will cost more. Buy now and take advantage of the lower, prices. 5 porcont bit for pur chases ovop'$5.00; 10 porcent off for over $10.00. Reductions this week only. Jap Art Store, Medford. 178 It Is tough luck that the school chil dren have encountered so far on their three days vacation this week because of tho county tcacherB Institute being held, on account of the rainy and threatening wonthor. When in need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street. There's a busy Business College In your home town. GWN. A. L. Hill returned this morning from a brief business viBlt In Portland Trade everything you don't want for everything you do want. Ponniger Trading Center, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, 15 N. Grape St. Phone 4H5-J. tf No more to sell at Murphy Junk Co. 174 'The old house ou-the lot across Front street froui the Southern Pacific station Is bolng moved to make room for a new one-story concrete building which will have two store rooms and which Is being erected by W. S. Bar num. This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printtd out of Medford. Phone us and we will call. tf Dunce, Eagle Point Sat. Oct. 14. 175 A large crowd attended the Amer ican Legion post Harvest ball at the fair grounds pavilion last night and danced until midnight. The pavilion was attractively decorated with orange color crepe paper and corn stalks. The music was broadcasted by station K.F.A.Y. of Virgin's radio service, and several local amateur radio fana report that thoy recelvod it with unusual clearness and audibility with small crystal sets. The ball was a distinct success but It Is believed that atten dance would have been even largor had It not been for the incloment weather. Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garago. , Buy Medford home. Pay like rent. Gold Ray Realty Co. After a visit with Mrs. W. R. Banks at Grants Pass. Mrs. R. K. Banks of this city rotumod homo yesterday. Dance, Kagle Point Sat. Oct. 14. 175 A largo attendance Is expected from Medford at the Hand-Gustavo wres tling match at Gold Hill tomorrow night. Flower pots flower pots. Monarch Seed anil Feed Co. Phone 20. tf Arthur Spencer, chief counsel for the Vnion Pacific railroad company will address tho chamber of commerce forum of Grants Pass at a luncheon to be given In Grants Pass Monday noon D. M. Ijowe returned this morning from Portland where he went the first of the week as a delegate to the Knights of Pythias grand lodge con vention. For Fire Insurance see Bennett, 113 West Main street. tf MTvDFOT) MATTJ TRIBUNE. F. L. Ton Vclle, former county Judge of Jackson county an 1 democratic can didate for stato treasurer, will be one of the principal speakers at the meet ing of the Pierce for Governor club to be held Wednesday evening at S o'clock at the club headquarters In the Gordon building. Judge Tou Velle is planning a statewide campaign fur election to the treasurership during which he will visit the voters of every section of the Btate insofar as possible. Portland Journal. , For Sale One good all around mare, black and pretty, good, size, also har nesses, wagons and several houses and lots all going at a sacrificing value. Call on T. Edy, Plum street., west side or address P. O. Box 107i, Medford. .. 179 Miss Katheiine Edmeadcs who was to have appeared at the American Le gion Harvest ball last night in a soc ial dance number with Miss Rowen Galo Is confined to her home with a severe cold. A much appreciated and heartily applauded solo dance was given by Miss Gale Instead of tile spec ial dance number by the two young ladies. Rogue River sorghum 10c per pound. Hutchison and Lumsden. 177 Guy VV. Conner, local fruit man, re turned this morning from Portland where he has been on a brief business visit. Lime for spray. Medford Lbr. Co. McKinney and Carpenter who have been giving their airplane a complete overhauling have nearly completed the job and expect to be flying and carry ing passengers again as soon as weather conditions warrant a , ride through spaco for pleasure. Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. TrtnlcM nt 7-an nt tllft-Chllreh of the Nazarene. corner Central and Jackson streets, Rev. G. S. Hunt of Seattle, dis trict superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, will begin a revival meeting. 7 Auto Insurance! Brown & white. n v Mvora lpft this morning for Grants Pass where be, spent .the day on business. Alt k1nrln of rnueh and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. ai Bast Main street. In addition to all of the school teach ers in Jackson county there are a number of high school seniors and nnnt-exnduate students in educational cnnrspR wlin nrp attending the Jackson County Teachers Institute being held at the high school this week. - , Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoo's? x tf Mr nnrl tin .T R McDonald of Trail arrived in the city Wednesday after nmin nml thin ninrntnir Mrft. McDonald departed for Rochester, Minn., to re sume treatment there, for goitre trou ble.' She spent three months at tne rnmmm hnnnltni there about two years ago incidental to tho goiter being ro- moved by operation. Mr. Mcuonoiu returned home last evening. i The Vacuotte Suction Cleaner UBes No Electricity. Free demonstration. Phone 527-X. ; i 177 Rnmnv Miller. E. C. Post and B. E. Glnton of Eugeno are guests at the Hotel Holland. Other guests mciuue S. C. Mitchell and Charles W. Heck of Cottage Grove, Harold S. Tuttle of Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Berg nf Snnknno. Mr. nml Mrs. F. E. Weldon and Mr. and Mrs. A: Davenport, of Van couver, B. C. Dance, Eagle Point Sat. Oct. 14. 175 Fltl Lnmnort. Charles Reamos and rtnn Plvnmln nre expected back the end of the week from a duck hunt In the vicinity of Lnkeview. Kodak films at DeVoe 8. tt Walter L. Wilson, ranger from the east entrance of Crater National park, and his mother, Mrs. H. L. Wilson, re tnriieri hnn'in vestordav. Walter was the last ranger to bo released from the park service. ' Milk and cream at DeVoe a. (ti Pollnwlnir the action taken by lum ber operators of that section, the chamber of comnforce board or dlrec fr nf iciimiiitli Fulls Tuesday unani mously accepted the report of the rullroad committee ravoring tne ssoutn trn Pacific In tho nnmerger contro versy nml Announced that a mall refer endum would be taken to decide tne opinion of tho membership. Should iia mamhora nirrpA to the. committee recommendation, the Interstate com- mnrm commission will be BO advised New lamns. Bhades and wire frames nt neiini'H Art Dent. Frames and shndAH niniln to order. ' ' 173 Tho menihers of the Elks band are nrirod to be nresont at the Elks temple at 8 o'clock tonight with their instru ments, as the band will play at tne lodge smoker. Toko vnur knriak films to Palmers studio. First class work and prompt ftprvlcn. . It TVoiirirk Dndilvsman. a Medford boy who graduated from the Pratt Institute of Fine and Applied Arts at urooKiyn, X. Y., Inst spring, sailed rronv fsew nrk- nn .innn sth for a voyage around the world Via the Panama canal for the Orient. bunding; at Yokohoma. Japan for the first strip ho Balled from Yokohoma for Shanghai and from shnnirhni Aiiciist 23. for Singapore and tho United Kingdom via Hong Knnir nnd Manila. He sailed Irom Manila Soptember 5 via Singapore and the Suez canal, stopping at various ontinental ports Including ltottcraam, Hamburg, Liverpool and1 London ham ha will snonil the winter 'In tak ing a special art course at the Nnttonal Academy of London, after which he :ili sail for home via New ork. fTea rick states in a letter Just received from Cebu, by his mother that he Is having a most wonderful and interest iiik mi'- Sine I-ra Laundry.- 12S Riverside. iiamlwash. 190 A feature of the main lobby of the high school are large tables witn eou ?atlonal and other current magaslnes for the visiting teachers or the insti tute to look over and make or renew thAtr annual subscriptions. R. Hollopeter, draftsman and builder Phona S59. 1 MFDFOTtT), (TRFiON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, TO . In ordtr that ModforU people may bo given advantiiKtv. equul nnd In onn respect, even Hiiperior, to advnntiiKes fiuciired In lurfre cities 50 Medford husinPHs men. professional men and musicians have entered into n co operative agreement and have guar anteed a certain amount of money to obtain the performance of three nationally famous artists in Med ford during the winter. The firm performance umU-r the aunplcca of the local association will be given on October 27th when Major Powell, nationally famed lecturer. will appear nnd give an interesting lecture accompanied by some re markable motion pictures. The aecond performance will be the appearance of the Laurence Concert company on November 14th and the third performance will be the oc casion of the appearance of Arthur Middleton. Metropolitan Opera com pany baritone on January S, 1923. In order to engage these famous artists It was necessary for the asso ciation to post a heavy guarantee. Season tickets for the three perform ances will be sold for the remarkably low price of three dollars. Middleton was heard in Portland i last season at an admission price of (5.00. Season tickets, of which there are a limited number for sale, must be purchased before October 27th. It is believed that Medford, people will realize their opportunity and that the tickets will not last any great length of time. Alt performances are to be singed at the Page theatre. The effort has been put forth by the local association tor the better ment of the community and as can be seen from the prices at which the tickets are 'being sold, the undertak ing is on a non-profit basis. Such an undertaking' should receive the hearty support of all of southern Oregon. Tickets may be purchased at the Pago theatre, at the Toggery, Root's Afusic Store and ' Palmer's Piano House. The wrestling season will bo of ficially opeiicd nt Gold Hill Frldny evening wlrn 'a match between Ad Gustavo, champion of South Ameri ca, and Ralph Hand, the "pride of Gold Hill."" under the direction of the Gold Hill Hoxing .. commission. Gusntvo Is hold to bo n tough cus tomer on the mat, and able to give Hand a tussle. There will be throe good preliminaries, nnd as Gold Hill Is noted for Its athletic entertain ments, thero ought to be a good crowd on hand. . Hand is in good condition, and all ready for the busiest season of his wrestling career. I Latest Arrivals at Auto Camp Grounds Eleven cars and thirty-seven people stopped at the city auto camp last night. They are as follows: Ray Bogle and ono other of Pittsburg, Kas., en route to San Francisco; C. Martin and one other from Butte, Mont., enroute to Los Angeles; P. Waldren and one other of Minneapolis enroute to Los Angeles; Sam Maxfield and one other from King Valley, Calif., enroute north Frank Stanton and three others from Lewlston, Ida.,, who may locate here Win, Hlombern nnd four others en route to Portland; Sam Senegal and three others from llllford, Neb., en route to San Francisco; Ellison Eddy and party ot six enroute from Eugene south; J. Ruffe nnd three others from Portland who may locate here; J. N. Eddy from Eugene who may locate here; O. Pearson and party of five from San Francisco enroute home. Helped Hit Back ' Backache, ' rheumatic pains, dizzi ness, and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney trouble. "My husband had bad back," writes Mrs. M. McCitf '"ugh, Easton, Pa. "When he sat dowr. he could hardly get up and then he would be drawn over to one side. He tried Foley Kidney Pills and they cured him." Foley Kidney Pills suick- y relieve kidney and bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. Adv. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Barber for Saturday White s Barber Shop. 174 FOR SALE OR TRADE One work horse. Phone G. L. Schermerhorn Phone 54S-J. . 176 FOR SALE One sprlngtooth harrow G. L. Schermerhorn, Phone 648-J. 176 FOR SAI.E--Cabbage. Phone 189-W C. M. Parker. 179 FOR SALE One large work team, one driving mare, also three saddle horses: must be sold at once. Across Jackson St. Bridge. 174 ITcmst itching, Pccoting 8c per yard. ' Work finished want it. ' ' ' when you THE VANITY SHOP Cor. Main and Bartiett. DEATH CLAIMS ' . , News of the death of Vincent Cook, kell known citizen of Portland, was received in the city yesterday after noon by Mrs. John II. Orth, a niece. Mrs. A. II. Miller and Mrs. Cora Crump of Medford are also nieces, and the departed man was also wide ly known in Medford' and vicinity, having formerly been connected prom inently with - the Sterling Mining company. His son, Floyd Cook, is also well known in the city. Relative to his prominence, last sickness and career, the Portland Journal yester day contained the following: "Vincent Cook, who has been sc rlously ill at his home. No. 42G Fifth street,' for several weeks, is not ex pected to live through the day. He has been unconscious for more than 24 hours, and at noon it was reported from his home that he might not last more than another two hours. 'Vincent Cook, one of the city's most respected citizens and pioneers, has been one of a remarkable group of far seeing city builders who have contributed much to the establish ment of Portland's present commercial activity. "He came to Portland in 1S34, from New York, with his mother on the Star of the West, one of the ear liest passenger ships from the east, and, journeying via Nicaragua, thence to San Francisco, arrived in Port land, where he spent five years on his father's donation claim in Wash ington county. Since that time he was in business in the manufacture of tents," awnings, bags. etc. and dry goods, his store, at First and Wash ington streets, being the first de partment Btore in Portland. He went into partnership with Captain A. P. Ankeny and H. E. Ankeny (n 1888 in mining firm known as the Sterling Mining company, and retired from ac tive business in 1896. Mr. Cook mar ried Oronoco L. Ankeny, who died in 1897. In 1907 he married Mrs. Mar tha G. Crowell. One son, Ray A Cook, lives in southern Oregon. An other son, Floyd J. Cook, lives in Portland, and his daughter, Leila A. Mrs. George Maxwell, lives in Asp- grove, Klamath county. CARMEL, Cal., Oct. 12. Mrs. Ella Reid Harrison, So years old, widow of the late Judge Ralph C. Harrison, for many years a member of tho Calitor nia supremo court and a niece or Whitlaw Reid, former ambassador to Great Britain, was burned to death here today in a tire which destroyed her home. She was a cripple and un able to escape the flames. U'REN HAS NEW PLAN (Continued from Page One) stance, who now make up the ma jority of legislatures, would be en titled to' representation only nccord-Ing-to their proportion. If no occu pation includes one-sixtieth of the total registration, it would be classi fied with kindred lines." Until: Saturday ... "".Only' "IN THE NAME OF THE LAW" The Picture with a Soul. a o 2 Sun. i ".MY DAD" and LARRY SEMON In "The Show Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching ' Pleotlng 8e per yard. Buttons covered, fl It's Just 100 Human That's All 1022 Circus Elephant On Rampage, Runs Thru House and Factory WILMINGTON, X. C, Oct. 12. The cIicub elephant which for 48 hours has been celebrat ing in the vicinity or Wilming ton by wrecking everything in sight, was chained again today to a stake in a quiet spot near Cedar Point, while 'ier wear ied keepers kept her supplied w'th extra rations of peanuts and other elephant dolicucles "to calm her frayed nerves." The big animal escaped from a circus here Tuesday after hav ing! become frightened by the barking of dogs. She went through fences, flower beds, a negro cabin and a dye factory, and turned over several automo biles. She swam Cape Fear river and penetrated the alliga tor infested Brunswick swamp without apparent damage to herself. She was recaptured late yesterday. in oeare They are 9 10 GOOD! Mil Hittson Says: Sell Close These Cars Out $100.00 up. OnMdays :i me v jaHrwi r ' Cherro Flour Cherro Cereals Cherro Poultry Feeds Cherro Stock Feeds Always Good and 'Uniform', .' At Most Dealers S2T Beads Beads Beads For Pm'ses and Bags, both Knitted and Cro cheted; also for Dress Trimmings in all the new shades. Here are a few of them: ; Periwin kle, Maplico, Henna, Maroon, Peacock Steel, Flame Tangerine, Jade, White and ; Black. You will also find Purse Twist to match. Handicraft Shop We are not going to give them away, but that 1921 Chevrolet, run 6000 miles, looks like new, is a great bargain, as is also a 1920 model we have. A late model 5-passenger Paige, repaint ed and in fine condition. Very low priced. 1920 Big Six Studebaker, rebuilt, repaint ed and new top. A superfine used car. Fords, Maxwells, Reos and others. From i Hit the Trail for Hiltson's ; Hittson Motors P EUROPE Shortest ocean route to Europe.' Two days down the St. Lawrence and only ;4 daysopensea. Sailingseverydayorso Irom Montreal and Quebec. Land at Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg. .Antwerp, Liverpool or Glasgow. . Canadian Pacific Before You Plan a Journey See a Canadian Pacific Agent, .! Third Street PORTLAND Broadway 0090 W, H. Deacon, General Agent, Passenger-Dept.