PAGE FOUR Medford Mail tribune . AN INPKPENDENT NKWSPAPKR ITBUHUIUJ. EVKHY AfTRHNOON KIOEPT BUN DA V, BY THB II ED Ft) III) PRINTING CO. The Medford Sunday Morning Sun is (urniihed Mibscribera desiring a seven day daily newspaper. Offle Mull Tribune liullilitif, ifi-27-28 Nor Hi fir tttrfi't. I'lione lb. A eonnolidfltUni of the Democratic Times, the Medford Mail, the Mod ford Tribune, the SouUieru Oregonlan, Tlie Aslilund Tribune. ROIiKHT W, HL'HIi, Kdftor. BUMl'TKIl S. SMITH, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: BY MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Hum lay Htfb, yenr $7. SO Daily, with Hunduy Sun, month 76 Dally, without fcuutfuy Sun, year 8.60 Daily, without Sunday Sun, month 83 Weekly Mall Tribune, una year 2.00 Sunrtny Sun, one rear t 00 Y CAUIUKU In Medford, Ashland, Jackson ville, C;iiirl i'oiut, l'hoeulx. Talent and on Highways: Daily with Sunday Sua, month 76 Daily, without Hunduy Sun, month 66 Daily, without Sunday Hun, year 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one yeur 8.60 All tenna by currier, cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford, Official paper of Jackxon County. Tl only paper beiween &iifejitj, Ore., aijd Banmincnto, Calif., a dirtUnne of over f00 miles, tuifintf leaned wire AaaociuU'd 1'reun Service. Bworn daily average ovulation rur six monthx ndltitf April 1, ar.28, mure thun double 'the circulation of any other paper published oi ciroulutt'd in Jackson County. Entered fib Hecorifl cIar mittiei nt Medford Oregon, under the uct of March 8, 1879. M KM HliKS OF TDK ASSOOIATBIJ I'HKSS. The AHSoditted I'ri-KH is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newH ulspatcliett creaiicu 10 it, or noi omerw'tHB creaited in tills paper, and also to the local news published bereln. All rights of republication of special dis patches herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Kiim Kale, a Turkish town In gun shot,of tlie IlrillBh wurshfps, sounds 111(0 the treasurer of an opaque organi zation, the members of which uro lliude purer thnn ivory uoaii, hy simply putting on a nightgown. Lot ub bIiik a song, nnd Rot the rot- ten pour out of tho exhibit bulldin window. r'Tlia ultra smart" of Pmis are now shaving thoir logs, with specially made safety razors. If thore is anything smarter than this, tho proletariat would like to know It. .An 111 wind lilow laBt night, hut it might liavo been a lot sicker. THE MUFFLED KNOCK (Oregon City Enterprise) A most enjoyable event was that of last Friday night when a recep tion to tho teachers wns given In tho high school nudltorium, under tho auspices of tho 1'. T. A. There wbb u good attendance quite dif ferent than on somo fonnor occa sions, and all seemed to enjoy . themselves. , Tho Demokrntlc candidate for gover nor Is suffering from foot tVouhlo, and somo pooplo think thore Is something wrong with the other end of hlni. Gold money Is coming hack Into cir culation, which will result In the reha bilitation of a nuiubor of dismantled watch chains. It has been a long time since a citizen has showed up with $200 strung across Ills bosom. A Mexican la always fascinating In Ills ornoryiics Tako Captain Vul vurde of Juarez, strutting around in his uniform, nnd caught redlinnded In the miilst of a pleasant revolution-to-bo. Tho genoral told Mm of Us folly, the sunrise, and tho brick wall. Cap tain Valvarde was not subdued by early dying with his Oxfords on. Ho said: "Senor, I glvo a d nil" And what could tho general Bay to that. WANTED A good boy to do chores for. room. Call at 554 Jofforson. (Want ad Corvnllls .Gazette-Times). After a ehamberlad. ( A COZY STALL (Salem Journal) TO bed early working woman or 'student may liavo furnished room and use kitchen for help; first floor, car lino; 2 ladles. 1910J. Tho Multnomah county grand Jury investigating tho operations of tho .lames Itoys at tho primary, indignant ly Indicted Section 311 of tho election laws. What tho country noeds In the White House right now. Is a leader who can peck out a flambouyant note to Europe announcing that tho portion of Immunity located In America Is dy ing of a broken heart, because it la nnablo to give an Imitation of Slkl the Songnlose, In the Near East. There Is no mandate over Armenia! but tho US has fed the ltiisslnns until they are nearly fat onough to tear down Civilization, A lynching was narrowly averted at tho week-end rassel. An exponent of tho Jawbone cuddle, utilized tho pump handle stylo of dancing for II getaway. WANTED A FORD THAT WILL WASH DISHES 1 (Polk Itemlzer) There tire still lots of evergreen blackberries in tho Pedoe valley . and the Falls City Canning com pany's truck Is still gathering them, . ' Somo' candidate for biirgnmeistor ought to como cut for viaducts around selioolhouses, nnd antagonize, the spued Idiot vote. , , THE LESSON OF THE NEAR EAST CRISIS. WK LIVE ami learn. The recent unpleasantness in the Near East effectively clemoiiKtratos the truth of a recent Quill I'oint, "Mijclit may not lie risilit, but it is seldom left." Turkey wins all ij 1 t i r (lie line because she had milil on her side a well trained army ready to fiprlil. ami bis; jans ready to open fin-. She refrains Constantinople and Thrace, and enters the Armistice parley with the winnitijj; cards lucked safely up her sleeve. Meanwhile tlie League of Nations adjourns sine die, a pitiful and pathetic example of the futility of Kijrht, when it has no Might to en force; ils principles. The lesson provided by this spectacle is obvious. The League of Nations must have force to back up its decrees, or it is doomed to immediate extinction. As the tffirld is today, moral recommenda tions are not enough, for internationally there is no moral standard. rVe Turks, for example, are fighting for their selfish interests, just as the Creeks and the liulgarians, the Serbs and the Slavs, have fought for their selfish interests, and till under the banner of- na tional integrity. Now, somewhere in the mix up, there is, from the standpoint of world welfare, certain discernible principles of right and wrong. The League of Nations is probably qualified to distinguish those rights. Hut as long as there is no force to support them, the selfish scramble merely continues with war as the inevitable outcome. One of the most popular arguments against the League of Na 1ons, was the charge that the League involved the imposition of a super-government. The charge was well founded. Hut without such a super-government, without a force outside of the nations them selves, and great enough to compel obedience by all the nations' no league covenant can 'be worth the paper it is written on. The Near East crisis clearly demonstrates this. If the nations of 1ho world are not ready to accept a super-government organized for pence and capable of enforcing peace, then the old .struggle fur sr. premacy will certainly continue, and wars will recur in the future as they have in the past. It is a disniul prospect. It looks as though the world must, suf fer more agonies before it realizes that pence is worth the price, the siic'riTA's of a selfish nationalism, that must be made for it. YANKEE HITTERS EXCELL GIANTS .319 TO .318 AS SERIES OPENS Latest Gossip From European . Social and Political. Circles NEW YORK, Oct. 2 in offensive strength there Is little to choose be tween the possible contenders in the 11)22 world's series, as they appear grouped upon paper, and only with the aid of the fates that decide that some player shall hit when a lilt is most needed or that another shall fail when failure is most costly can a preference be made. Of course It is by the arrangement and distribution of the butting strength that a manager obtains the moat possible out of his team, and the actual attacking value of a bull blub must be gauged by what the line-up produces. In evaluating the teams, moreover, consideration must be given to their offensive abilities in relation to their defensive character. An instance of this is an infield that may lead all the other infields of the league 1n batting, yet be so poor In fielding that its rating would place it third or fourth among all tho eight clubs. The maximum offensive power of un Infield, which Includes the three basemen, shortstop, catcher and best hitting pitcher, is batting strength. Ouill Points 1'Icssed are the pact! piiikers, for they sludl get a raise. If tho meole inherit much now it is proof that their deceased sire wasn't noted for meekness. It might be well to remind Turkey Hint many an initial success is discounted by an attack of swell-head. "When both sides wish to compromise, it isn't because both are reasonable, but because both think they arc licked. Smoking may become general aiming women, but you'll never see one pulling on a cigarette vlile mixing the dough. Correct this sentence: "Isn't it nice," chorused the family "to have no place to go ami to spend the evening at home like this." PGf a r Wslt Mason SURGERY. THOrCJI I'm in a fierce condition, with diseases nine or ten. I don't seek the learned physician in his highly ornate den. In the dear dad days now vanished to the doctor I would fly. and my divers ills were banished in the twinkling of an eye. He'd in dulge iu harmless banter, making me forget my ills, then he'd hftnd me a decanter of his compound juice of squills. This was long ago my masters, when man wore a liver pad, in the days of porous plasters, ere the saw became a fad. Now, no matter what my ill is, all Hie doctors talk the same; ostracised the good old pill is, curving is the only game. I was sick with Texas fever, and the doctor sabl "I!y .Jim. your one hope is in the cleaver let me rend you limb from limb." If there is an ill I catch it, eery ail ment 1 endure; and the doctor says, "The hatchet is the only cer tain cure." "Drugs are but a useless fizzle," says the healer, with disdain "with my bucksaw and my chisel I will rid the world , of pain. Long research has taught, us better than to dope away your life; 1 will cure your mumps or tetter with my ax and drawing-knife." And the surgeons still pursue me, as they follow other hicks, asking for a elianee to hew me anil to pile me up in ricks. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? 1 Who died saying "You will find Calais written on my heart'"; 2 When was Newfoundland discov ered ? ' , II How many coalitions were there against Napoleon? I What American reptile has horns on Its bead? 5 Which nre the five largest lakes In tlie t'nited States outside of those known as tltatlreat Lakes? li Where am the most plus made? 7 What Is the name of the wing less and tailless bird found In New Zealand? S In what year was held the first l'. S. presidential election? It What three ancient rivers flow through the Holy Land'.' to What was tlie Missouri compro mise? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 Why is England sometimes re ferred to as Albion? Alls. Albion means white and this reference Is made to tlie chalk cliffs of Dover. 2 Who was called the American .Montaigne? Alls. Itnlpb Waldo Emer son. I Who wrote "Poor dynt?" Aim. lleurlk Ibsen. G Who was the Admirable Doctor,? Ans. It was a nanio given to Itoger ltucon. 0 What is Hie origin of tho cata racts of tho Nile? Ans. They are dams built by t lie Pbarolts In a scheme to furnish Egypt with better irrlga tlon. V Where is British Honduras? Ana On tlie Caribbean sea south of Yuca tan, Mew .8 Who wrote Tier's Plowman? Alls Will l.nngland. 0 When did England relinquish sovereignty over the American Col onies? Ans. Jan. 5, 17St. 10 In what two parts is Armenia divided? Ans. Russian Armenia ami Turkish Armenia. Russian Armenia Is a Soviet republic, Turkish Armenia is under rulo of Turkey. Card of Thanks We wish to thank the friends, noigh bors, Woman's Relief Corps, LadlcH of the Kirst M. E. church, Olive Uebehah lodge No. 28, It. 1'. O. E. No. litis, mid the Elks band boys for their sympathy and beautiful floral offerings iu the hour of our sadness, for our loving wife nnd mother. F. it. Putney, Mr. nnd Mis. Arthur M. Putney. Mr. and Mrs. Jesso W. Putney, Mr. anil Mrs. Chester II. Putney. Mr. and Mrs. I,. 11. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Piirsell. Mr. ami Mrs. Edward C. Root, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Dickson. 16 J On the latter basis the New York Yankees lead the Oianis by one point, having a total of .319 to the Nationals' .318. Considering the St. Louis club, which had a, fighting chance to win out In the American league up to the close of the season the Giants are still one point under the club that will rep resent tlie younger league. The Browns too, bit .319. These figures are based on the hit ting of Kelly, Frlsch, Bancroft, Groh, Smith Snyder and Nehf of the Giants; Plpp, Wards, Scott, Schang and Bush, Dugun of the Yankees, and Sisler, Mc Manus, Gerhor, Foster, Severeid and Van Gilder of the Browns. In outfield strengtli Die Giants are superior to either of the American league clubs, a nild-season-average of .335 being totalled by Meusel, Young, Cunningham and Stengel of the Giants to .324 for Witt, Ruth and Meusel hit ting .316. The batting averages of the three clubs, including those men likely to cut a figure in the world's series, for and including the games of Thursday, September 14, follow: New York Nationals G 77 71 90 Stengel Cunningham Snyder Kelly 138 liancroft 138 Meusel 138 Young ....134 Frlsch 117 Robertson 38 Nehf 33 Rawlings 80 Smith 83 Groh 10G Barnes 35 McQuillan ! 42 King '. 32 Sisler 132 Van Gilder 40 Tobin 133 Williams 140 Severeid 127 Jacobsen 132 McManus 140 Collins , 53 Austin 15 Kolp 28 Bronkie 23 Shorten 53 Foster ' 77 Gerber 140 Robertson 17 Ellerbe 85 Bnyne : 24 Shocker 44 Bush 34 Schang ,111 Ptpp 138 Meusel 107 Ruth 9 llofman : 3fi Witt 12G Dugnn 130 Baker OR Murray 22 Smith SS ' Ward 1 Scott 140 McMillan 30 McNally El Mays 33 .lones 10 Hoyt - 33 DeVormer 24 Sbawkey 35 Skinner 27 AH R H HR SB AV 22G 42 SO G 5 .354 190 34 GO 11 .347 272 29 94 4 ' 0 .340 541 81 184 15 , 11 .335 580 113 193 4 15 ' .333 551 90 182 Hi 11 .330 50 4 9 0 1(54 7 1 8 . 3 2 5 4110 91 119 4 27 .324 '44 5 13. 1 0 .295 89 9 25 1.0 .281 279 41 78 '1 7 .280 223 29 62 9 1 .278 390 59 107 2 4 .274 71 0 14 0 0 .197 73 4 14 0 8 .192 69 14 13 2 0 .18S Louis Americans ' 550 124 232 7 47 - .422 83 15 28 2 0 .337 571 111 192 11 G .336 533 116 174 37 33 .327 484 45 155 3 11 .320 501 79 157 8 18 .311 549 S3 170 11 8 .310 92 10 ' 27 7 0 .293 31 6 9 0 0 .290 .53 6 15 0 0 .2S3 G4 6 18 0 0 .281 129 21 ,35 2 0 .271 255 37 ' GO 0 3 .267 558 75 146 0 E .262 23 2 6 0 1 .2G1 319 37 78 0.1 .245 25 2 -6 0 0 .240 109 11, 22 1 1 .202 ' York Americans 84 14 29 0 0 .315 359 43 ' 121 1 11 .337 527 89 174 9 5 .330 421 54 135 13 10 .321 352 S6 113 32 2 .321 88 13 27 2 0 .307 447 , 93 116 4 G .30G 539 83 159 6 3 .295 232 30 (15 7 . 1 .280 18 1 ' 5 1 0 .278 257 44 71 7- 0 - .277 .515 G7 1 12 7 0 .276 509 GO 110 3 2 .275 ,75 0 20 0 4 .267 145 20 .38 0 3 .262 87 6 22 0 0 ..253 78 14 19 1 0 .244 84 3 10 0 0 .226 59 8 12 0 0 .203 101 11 19 1 0 .188 33 1 6 0- 1 .1S2 By JIKKISKItT M. lAVllSOX. lilU-ruaUoiml es Servile Stoffj Correp-poiKlcnt. PARIS. Oil. iJank pii-scuiis, which, date from centurit-s past; bk-ak colo nial coasts, where all work and no play makes Jaciiues a living skele ton: even the gleaming blade of the hideous guillotine Itaeir thought of none of these Is deterrent enough to stem the crime wave that Is sweeping over France in general and Paris in particular. Official figures . now confirm tlie intensity yith which. tho, city of Paris is being infected with tho crime germ and reveal the alarming fact that an astounding proportion of the Increase of crime is uniting .the youth. These figures, taken from a re port by Kluile Massurd, municipal councillor, are quoted by tho Paris Midi. "Tho sad end of Meclstas Charrier who killed a man in the course of robbing an express train and expi ated bis crime under the guillotine hasn't halted for one minute those who walk in his footsteps, or even tboso who .go him one better," is the comment made. "In one year the total number of arrests for all crimes has exceeded, in Paris alone, the astounding figure of 40,000! "Hut the most disquieting tiling of nit is . the recrudescence of juvenile crime. "Four hundred culprits were less than fifteen years old; thirteen hun dred were from fifteen to seventeen, and 3200 had not yet attained the age of twenty! "And that is only the boys. Mure than 1150 young girls appeared be fore the courts. One hundred of these were less than fifteen yeurs old: 3r,0 were beuveen fifteen and eighteen years old." I 1 ! 1.,.., ,l,..f ...lllnnj ..uuriuiuii in ui'ii mkii v,.....- tion and the extension of home influ ence are the best remedies. Modern new-spnpers record more miracles in a week than there are re counted In all ancient literature, sacred or profane. There nre stranger things 'twlxt heaven and earth than were ever dreamed by tho most ambitious trick camera man that ever inhabited Hollywood. ' . La Presse doesn't put it just ex actly that way. but that's the effect of Its conclusion after summarizing a series of bizarre happenings that have set the Paris public wondering recently. Throe of these curious events con cern mushrooms. The mushroom has been a favorite plaything of cooks, botanists and court poisoners for centuries, but it never behaved the way it has been doing the last few weeks. First of tlie disclosures was that of.u tinv, but persistent species of the fungus was destroying the wans of ,1. Iiist.-ric palace of Versailles. cms,- upon the heels of this tiling under the sun" came the an nouncement that another mnshio. .. distantly related, was preventing tin. development of ibis season's oysters and making it necessary to eliair. prohibitive prices for the succulent hall'shell. But that was nothing to what a mushroom could do if it got really riled, as the next few days came to prove. Tills master mushroom blew up a house in Valenciennes! Whether Monsieur and .ii.iu.iii"- Mils, newlyweds. saw the musn rooms before their house exploded, or whether traces of mushroom were found among the-ruins is not eieauj expluined. ,,u tli.nt certain beams sup ported the house. It was these beams that were attacked' by me malicious mushroom. One dav the crash came. The young couple were seriously injured. Some insist tbat tlie nouse naturally fell la. But the young couple and others will listen to no other theory than that the mush rooms blew up and thnt they were "set off" by spontaneous combustion. Enojigh for mushrooms. Let us turn to fish. It has been reported from Angers that fish have been drowning themselves by thousands in tlie River Mayenne. -Fish that drown themselves in a: river are miraculous enough. Thero is no joke about it. The fish have been seen, according to several reports gasping and spluttering, nnd their poor drowned bodies are strewn along the fiat river banks legem, 'or Infants, Invalids & Children The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLunchatHome.Omce&Fountains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract in Pow der&Tablet forms. Nourishing-Nocooking. KS" Avoid Imitations and Substitutes Watson Auto and Furniture Painting Co. We Do Auto and Furniture Painting. All Work Absolutely Guaranteed. 609 N. Grape St. Phone 663 Bible Questions And Answers Questions. 1. 'When linalum was on his way to appear ijj'fore King Balak, what obstructed hrs passage in tlie roud? 2. What phenomenal thing hap pened to Balaam's ass on tho roud to Moab? 1 3. Why did Paul have to flee from Jerusalem? 4. What did tlie heathen at Lystra call Barnabas and Paul? 5. What made tlie heathen look upon llarniibas and Paul as gods? 6. Did Dcillah bind Samson with tile seven green withs us he had told her to do? Answers to Satiirilay's Qifc-stlons : 1. God first, prevented Balaam from sending a curse upon tho Israel ites. 2. Halak, king of Moab, wanted the Israelites cursed because he fear ed they could overpower his army. .1. The Lord comforted Abraham when Abraham was grieved at" the thought of casting Wagar and his son out of ills house, by telling him that He (Lord) intended lo make each of tbeni a great nation. 4. The Old and New Testaments are the two parts of the Bible. 5. Ood. the Holy Spirit, directed the men who wrote the Bible. n. Saul made three missionary Journeys. Bifrig Thought yr Ibdiay l.OVE HEFRACHS NOT: Owe no mini any thing, but to love one another. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not covet. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Romans 13: 8. 0. Virgin Radio Service Complete Sets and Parts Paul's Electric Store Main and Central A TIP FROM RDRTZ - -, To Apple Growers and Packers , We are avised daily the quantity of apples loaded on steamers 'for various European ports and when consigning we try to stay clear of markets where heavy shipments are being made. For instance, If shipments to London, Liverpool or Glasgow are heavy we consign to other European markets where shipments aro light, so when shipping through us you get the best net results. The slight difference in freight via the Pacific coast is nothing compared to tlie vast difference in price we can realize for' you on shipments via New York. By shipping via New York we can select the best European markets on account of the Pacific coast steam ers taking so long to reach destination and being loaded too heavy, nnd, fur thermore, they only land at a limited number of ports, so .we would only have very few markets to select when shipped via tlie Pacific coast. It would not be profitable to re-ship your apples after the Pacific coast steamer reaches her European destination, and they have not the proper cold storage facilities in Europe. Our European connections are of the highest standing financially and other wise and their. places of business are so located that they are always in position to command the highest mar ket values. We nre in a position to look after your Interest in every detail nnd give you the best possible results on any cars you may have for New Y'ork mar ket, so keep us 'closely advised as to what you have. We have connections In London, Liverpool, Hull,' Birmingham, Man chester, Bristol, Knglnnd; Glasgow, Scotland: Cardiff, Wales; Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden; Copenha gen, Denmark; Christinnin, Norway; Paris, France; Valencia, Spain, and other European cities. References nil Mercantile Agencies, also Irving National Bank. New Y'ork, or any reliable apple packer and ship per oi Washington and Oregon. W. F. KURTZ CO. Exporters Brokers and Distributors Established 1904. New York, N. Y. COUPE $730.00 F. 0. B. Medford Completely Equipped As Follows: HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS, STEW ART SPEEDOMETER, METAL SUN VISOR, DASH LIGHT, FOOT THROT TLE, 4 U. S. ROYAL CORD TIRES AND SPARE. This makes the most completely equipped car on the market for comfort and service, at a price far below the cost of other cars withou, the extra equipment. Sedans with the same equipment. $845.00 , F. 0. B. Medford C. E. GATES AUTO CO. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAlIiY EXCEPT. SUNDAY Lv. Medford 2:00 p. in. Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE 11A1LY KXCEPT SLND.W Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. ni., 5:00 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. ni. SUNDAY ONLY L. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. City. We connect with stages for Portland, Marshfleld and Crescent INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Phone 301)