5 PA of: two iocal and Personal u inch, c .irr. da j and J S 1 Si-rit. ; dwriaa- tie- 5,-th.. . it i-r2:-d !-r tca-git as 5 far e -tri er is i rrer-atted i&r Ti-riiT- Pans sr fiie-5 fir -liforra-' i::t for ai: odcarintt V,"e ia lit as ai tie rU:::nit s?ic;l Ivt ' Vi;t'.f Eir-..er Si:-;- fcr-r!; at ; Ncni ts.tr: areata Er-.:s - rtia-Sr Jot aai v3! U f-MwJ u fr.Mls aS ' r lie rtT ckkZ 541 -gii t.i;wajahir.FLra. D. C, W. A. Sttrtui of: aJ.ts.nl aeur.s i.a re; J. re r2 ari.i-a erea.tir- a -it -attr ... t-04.ri u ule iiarre of ani sjr5,ilai. lb citj" wat: ariax -ii"a orei'.; cf siitte 5 lor ;i.ife vit T-esiar B.fit j Kc.;ai tin at De Toe't. ii" aijr&Trf tie C:it Pu.--nr orn.2:i-! Yao i t ii at DeVc"a- if jc a;.;ot-s of !(iy:r Oaxe. ii 1 Her J. I- as Mr. 14 Sltt. U. i jri;Wiiid TwtliT. Tie ;:-t3 i-:3D- cue, acaf-atii d P:tr J. Nefl. a:-j ie;e ie wi! eater iirita tj J:-is H. Cartic aDi Ctr M: intfT j.jor ; ar i LelaS Staalori ai JSeara J! iraw tie water ijira cr:i-! leraftr. caz.; tetj ia; J-or jAf.sfe jv w4 te.sras-oe, yet aaosld m See lie DtLcie ; ssarfits Gtf! a- Tea. ofSc wlti JacLKm L-l. i'... .,.,":.r- .'i Eati PoitTsii. S;i. ? !'.; i Aa Toit;&4 ti-T f:r! ior le tie tv? iartx-iltiur.sta c tie Korje: Vr. aai ilra. IVjijaffl A RisiJ tiisjS:Tf T TaS;ej- as an a:1t rifacrj Ejtirm.iis. se.eii-'er ' trie 1 j-jat oti n wjij w use vj.rt - rafter Kaieranr Hrr sa Me.ctrL;-!rrtarl Ait-aar Deaxwrai Mri. Res-;! fcir&erJT Vroe' I Ease. Eatie Poiot. Sit- Se;t- I'v Karler. daasiter c-T Dr. ui lira M. C.j - Barter o city. Tt i;aae cJ ir.j M::k asa erf am at DeVt-e't if aiuS Mrs. Ra3 i -a KSpari B. C For Ptr" imaraace ee BeaaeU. Ill Lea: a4 tes;er.t. iCe.i!3r4 LaalieriWnt Ma!a rrreet. '-' Co. 'j Vr. Bd Mra. A. S. V. Carptnt hare Wiea fa ed of aaai ata 4n.f ar!iT4 in Paaaieaa. XTajlf, tere tier can WaEac Woo 6, it cr eone toi ia $;cd the -rater. Til E Va s atreel ! Wita fa neeiS c rtag:e aofl roof- At tie term of lerl cevn f :rj teg caii WaSaoa Woods, 14. 711 E. sstiera Orer a to S beli tere, esa-l Maia. ' ioiB Toeatfar. Oct. irl. J jar Bea' Saa aad ecor. Welfcrd Ln!br Oo. arai f resrie lia-;ea4 of Jaite oarer-l toaa. aa fcal rrTx":T t-eea aaaoeac-j ei Tie oiier c&an off5c4la aba Sjti Vciaa PatifSc. H. E Lcvanterrr be ia attealaaca from Poniaad are'aiJ J. A- Nt c tie 1"o5ob Pacific ibe f06ioii faited State Mariiai asl L T. Sparka of lie Soatiera Pa Hotcakn&. Chief Depoty Martial E T.jeirSe aa ajrired ta: mtm&t froai lie Siretcfcer. Deputy Marshal Moreioca, j ooni to take fan ia tie L". P -S. P. Dejroy Clerk E M- ilorioa. a ad Dep-: eiTorc direatxxm biea tot piae at oty t"auJ State Attorney Tra a-f(be eiaffll-er of conu&erce foroa avasre. No tadiaa cases are" rfc'inld!!OT!riera at tie Knt Meilford li t for lii term. i Radio icuire at tie Siasta. WesJaes. day aifht. J All nei om aatweriae datifid adda with box aaober or tettra mzat aaawer ia ear of Mail TrilraBe iaateiad of calliae ca teVrioae- Iti Tbe fc-rae River VaJley tVetil so ciety uaaa to meet In Grants Patt ' Friday. Sept. IS. berjicains witi a 5:I banquet t tie Hatel Josepiioe. Th Grant Pasa teea will act a bost Vat tie eiaaic and pa?rs will be fa aisied by (be AciUsd deet-H. - Fresca caiad Ice cream at tie Staata. '' tf1 Godrici tiret aad tttbea af OotosSal Garage. tf ' H C. Saaiii and Join A w eriaisd Lt lui ir for Sa!a to attesd J the state fair. Done. Basse Poem. Sat- S-f i- lil Men! Wbew yon need those new i shoes or bocts. ft win save ya moaey J Hear tie Jesait mlssioiiarjes. Catix to try -Biden'i Model Boot Eiop." S1 1 lie ciirci. Sej. U to Oct. 1. Erery Sooti Ceatral. Medford. !' j body wefrc. 1T4 Regarding tie tramp oaisacc wiii J Newooica for dry mill blocks. Piose aiica Asiiaad bat been botieaed fjrjtjl. li sotae tans lateiy Vecaasw of bean ! CKaace. E5e Point, SaL SeL W. railroad darnrioo pwat. lie Atilandj 5S Tidiupt ajs: -Jatsic of lie Peacel Tie Ycet is diMriboted by tie Goady bat beea kaodliaf; o-a:te a ana-j Vaaette IWstritfBtia.e Co- Medktd. berof ''Kjurit r-A tie Hiciway- rases I Ore- J tbe last few days, birt fted tiat it Uj Jc is I leaser. f?rajerly cf Medford sot rerr riaD!rairve. as Trscrjcajs." aU of ibeia I roc si: t befwre bra: are. "t?rote, aad as lie ctniy ce?3ti not detire to tave taeaa seen to tbe Jacksocviue iai tie? fcav ifvl re leiased. waiir taooey feas teea forti toffitee or SK. T :c rt took a ciamw yesterday, wbea 1 taxa. bo were ar rested by tie railroai jc:ke. were broisit if?re tie coart- Fiv of tie number id fines, tire were sent tn il for tea days, and II were di riaraed aad loM t kit tie i:ciway acta. Start yowr Xaws tie. Tie stlk and isttrertroa books -at lie Haadarraft Si 07. - T-'t office S jtrerjared to print I'jiprr sieets. bills, etc, used on tie bnokkeeriirs rjaci'e. Dca't fSve joar orien to traveixx aea aad have tieat imnted va of Medford. Pioae c ass we wj!l caU. tf Tee iary 1-M tat tbe Ortc4r teJTn of tie ctrcait eocri w il! be draww Wed-net-iay. Oe1oler f.a. Tie grand Jar? wai ieet Moedav. OrrTber lvOi. aid tie je-trt jary wiil toeet a ek later. Slcciay. Oor TTrd - New too soon so rrepar tbot ck-tiea for wialer: trttg tieta or I -tone and we will call. Forsytae. Dyer and Oeatwr. 11 Mtstletoe- Pboae ttl. Aiso ilea all weci sails - made us taeasnr. t! af as- 5J Whi trfr aatiKnASea are bailt, Biikk w-.li Vjf.d tieas- tf Tclerhe Nmnbers ;? to Eemember i Fire Department 50 (Fire calls orJj) Insurance Any Kind 123 ; JlcCurdy Iiisuraiice Agency Medford Xatl Bank Bidg. j It:. Geerre M. Ravens retimed' ) itji crstrg from a several days visit ' ;i Portal. t .. Uie i B-f y--rri' Pl r-S i:--e- par it rer-t -ty Or. Mr. Virki w.il 1 tilt tie J setting :t '-"- - tf , s.'ad i kMw j a -ciy a::r iez recent eii-'W at St.. V.n!t i batata! in Foniai.;. Dai:. Esgie Point. Sat. Se;L j". W e a-t u jEJtia. ft rafi rester! Xk k ry sTJ iv:tt- P a cs What kare o cf!er? t5,J- ' r ail Mr. G. C of s , K H-fr.'T of Kcetaf;. Cail-p-u-, it ti Mrf.liuirt-e4 to ioce Mor-iar ar.er a " "q,. g'j fetiode T. i p. iicrttiej v ri y.eti. Va. A. G. Hed5trti an3 LJki u ar.4 Lcri a-.ier-! jj.-J left Tsie.-di!r alvertiocn (:-r Palo; a-.i rM kirt trr- wriM pnti( i liS office, tfj" ora? t 1 S5isr S. Brk& of yi:orl. oe of; ti?- a Arthcr Speaoer. caief eoraa5 for aoott. Home mi.de caie and pie Pal-Ut Market. SajKrday njoraj. D. A. R-' tater btcefil. lil' Auto lasaranoe. Browa & TSTute- , Tie raia tiat feil Tsaeaday was w el eotae. To tie tan ten it aorsra better ffw- Ar riir r a&d to tke farmer It means aa early start ea tie fan prwi5. Tier will be Egbert reacies aai Tokay rrapes from ooaatain raaca at market Thartday a&d Saturday. I5 Uome &ade sorshaaa. fresh. 3c per' lb. Hntcfaiua k LcuBadea. - lil. Tie r-!tkis and parkiae of Winter, NeJia pears Will berfn peaerally tiro-; oat tie vaT.-ey aeat week. Taere are1 wm Caafce ajd ITAeyvns left in' onne orciards. Tie KJasatb aad Modoc orciards of lie Palmer Invert-' seat coepaay sai;fd betweea aad cars of frajt tais aeasoa. doable lie amoaat of previOKs years. i itat now lomra m si - - - tie city yettterday vitiuEg fneeit and relative. Mr. Deatiaer wto tat ieea away from Medford t. seven vears wa rarrTitd,at tie many rm proseeneau and marked growth of tii cttv daring tiat titoe. Cm. Eagle Point. Sat- Sr4 1 Have yea tried ttat big mk aiake at DeVoe s ,f" Radio entiastatw attend tie tavilion dance at tie ta:r grvn2i to aigit to tee tie new broaeas:.r.r :n rtrameat in actual o;rtxai. A vanew prograat of tbe latest dance B3CS5C w-II be prortied by tbe aviliOB ercbestra wbsrb will be broadcasted fte- linnireds of mies- Tbere's no piace THre Holmes for cocni'et Inttrraace ! it- For Sa2e Attractive fix room b-a fartisied or nnfaraitiel. EaceiSeat iocaUoa. paved street, comer lot, gar age, woodaocse. tbade treea. fkjwers Telepacae 1 or n eveamg. if Edward Doraa of Ganelle. Calif . t;iet lie f:rt of tie week ia lie oily and rai'.ey oa stock bas net. I c'.t. Jew creaaa. delivered. J-r Pioa . - At Deael s art dartieal. staai;d edlres. scarfs, jwliow fcijw aad hiccbeoa sets. A ew mtstcal orgaaitatk a. lie a rearanc cf wik-i rrrca vet to ceake a til wits Keffcrd tsnsic lovers wil! i&sae its deVM by ra4 in tie near furore Tie new orgacitatxta. wiici MeKord tas fe-it tie need of far scare f.e. i knowa as lie Imperial Saaa- p&one Qiiartet and it cvrrrrei c-i M-s.rt- rtfer 'b-flat a'.tct. Alford. tsrelodyi. Cormany tiflat teeori. aai !W, Vawter e-Hat Ua.-.Lcxie. It is ; Planned to taie tie Q-aret g,i a tiradjo o. rxe-1 frc-ns tie Wcraans li'S ;ng at tie fair g-rvwttds ia tie sear' fjijr ' New sorgfacat yest reoeived. W a III sell lki year s sorgicai at lvc aer IK Hatcissoa k Lcnssdea 11, Goodrki tires and tubes at CoJrwwl Garage. " Handicraft fTtej. Hearttttciirg Plcotmg ft per yard. Bsttoci cCTerel. MFTDFOTiD MATL TRTBrXE. ran Wiiteiieid rersro.a Taetday fnjc Gre.:tat City. Ci-if, and rr.c-r-.s tiat ie ai lire deer tad:ng in lie 1 a.i m-:oi, Jew ni-ei r":rf :r.i.r.a. rrca k V'i.-.e. Tit y:.r k.'iai to fi-E.tr f ir: :.:. Putt cats vork aai it.; A. i:. K- .kr ! !!.:) as a ':l-.s rfutr tie ci'.r TL-?i7 a:urr'L ; Ftjt;J txaiist lost. lassre w:'-S. hiita & Caair. tT3 E in lie t:iy. Hear LiKs;4;i a " pie orchra at Parf jia partr tcite: Orcre- S'dKil ;t drr H: bc-:l. Pir 1 Vts. Hoi er Cooii Ti5::M xr. i3 rt near C-iEtrai Ptl lcia-. Mra. Cc-!-if $ -r.-fr!j iSrs. Z.rr..er.iB of Mcfcri arj waa a iaisiter of Hr ari Mrs- &erf:e Koiff irao lirei is tie J!akscaTi:ie rasd- :?t. ffiiiise Wood, j-icse Ivi. :;i Eaa la re. Siatirts irork aJJ kisia. Jleifori Atrto Tc? Co. Piece 1M. tf Ti M:t artrt afij IXcotlea ETireoe 1 a:vert:ty Orer&n t year, tie fon&er as fritiaiia asd tie latter at a tnrir. , ar;d Mrs.. Krttrsaa w12 report on lie Tiere a a baty Bosiae'sa joSesa fa ' Seattle cocreaiic. Jfra. W". E Ait j-bt bcc&e town. G. c ;er ir cotasiiU't tE va-re ciarce f Pariiica rrty! Fair pKraads! iC'E::e' tie s:cial bcw. Every ocier is arred r 11 . ia efirv-3! for serTice- Claire Wlndwr . N C Joseph Dowlfcff '- V! I fc Is3 pZrJm Doripaw, . k " .:. PgSg KV,Xiaw-SSi Kf Ik -3 P?ff 1 THEN, ' MEDFOTSD. OREGON". Tee rera-ar D;.3.ti;-T rjit- o lit Gcidea Lai B:i eis wiU be brfd Tir-s-iiy altera:.: a. S; r.'li- it lie icre Mrs. Fred Pirr.l. ii-i A'. . ;.rM-t lie lariit pre;arel :, :e)i r:.1 loy ever itari rresa tar rrale arriaa. busier tbaa erer ari do-ra u :r jr !i Hal Gi-er'w-. a fcra&rr rferii.t c-f lii citr. i3 tsgareij ia iortx-tsra -ra Jl tie raey aa-J i aaJ imti, iir a rridaite of Corren. ; ia tie Near East r I'.ne. He ieft ie; 2M: a year tea to nt.t ti rt-tiei-. io li.es ia C-:tti3tiE.::r:3e. Hit litt er d;-i draig tie Great War. aa-3 a a large '..t fnvfr ia tie Sryrr.a c: tnin. Gieritr it aa Axncu t:t.itttt. and a a toijer sn lie war. Katri-a-ji k Laotiea haTe reotfre; a freti iot tf n-v wrrari, 1 ptr 5: Auon.ey Jete TV. Graais Pasa. a:taJe-3 to i?al i.s;- ;n tie c.ty and co: t Taet- day. Sjtteai ServK t. wrtte Fire aad all otier lararaoce- Stroae ecspaniea. OfSce Jd floor Meifurd Ear. tf Tie jacks: scbool Pareut-Teiciers as.:!iatiwi. wtB Friday at 3 o'clock. Tie teaciers "'J! be sztro- doc.a ly tie jiresaferu K55. C. C- Mc- Crrir. Mrs- Ra!es Moore w:"J jUy This splendid John M. Stahl production has so many remarkable angles to it that it is hard to pick the best for it is ALL good from end to end. The splen did cast the story the direction make for the perfect picture that you expect to see and that you WILL see. It can't be beat! THERE'S A COMEDY, PATHS NEWS WEEKLY BETTY"' at the Mighty WTJELTTZEP. . SCXDAY AKTTA STEWAiT WEDXFDAY. SEPTEMREIi 27. 122 Tie :: "v-en I-Ti? fc-j tweta fe-itlle and Aiaiia ..-.. wa: r?irr- on a rati aif &rvt:si Gci- - :r. a lie :;:. f :ii tie jiiiei.Srrt-- fe iare a iritsiii Urriia ia seiiCrd-iaad type-arfttr at cJfiri Ketry E. Waltial! more tiin Ties ; t j re;tit::-a at lie "MaasCeli Stail' f-rcdii:a. -Dae Cear Cl- ai tie Pare tieasr- Pari: racer. "V. :i .2 ttr-et ire asciir siew r nr-. rerr:-?-!. Go:-d s'e-tj-ii? rxn i-Jt ar l ciCd water ar:i tati. st; ' PtC5: iaacf ;any. fair rrcmif .Tc:t. 5;ec-iil f r-a: -rr-r riiii i rc-a.i-ratt-ix: Tki-U Si !. Hi' ,J-: A jarre a ctat cf lie Grails Patt - . Cres-i-esi City iifl.way will ':p put cf ' iiier eC'Cttracti-s li-t fai. iidt t-t-ivg airerCseiJ l:r rxijes of lie ew ;.r&-ct .i$ are afie-i for H i S5:iet t-ete-a Fairi-iis Creci aci Aii-ars St;oa. tj4 Lie i.i i--s itweea 'tVali axi lie state lilt U acaa te irr averusid- Lrt taa i-:is iavia Jt a-s:x..ued. teTerai otier eetraa t : r iaviri; iea oj tr a iarDrid iride cQ sre Sxctie-ra Pa:ifx-- Tieie 'frjdt wiJl op-i:e-J :a PVirCiid o Ort '.'ier j- at 1-j o'c2:ck Grax:s pa5 C-Dcrier. Prfc5-0-ii;e Battery Static f:, f-maat 5rr;re. r&cse US. tf Parijcii fiarvr: Fair Er: aci" t:.a.:e 11' . Words Cannot Express This MASTERPIECE! "HORSE TEARS," with in "Question cf Bo-or" and BCSTEE K EATON" in "The Boat J pric-jpal of' "--ia W. lb J a k an iitrjer:i o Keru, lc-ra: wb--l sad forcer eute-'-r scbiols at Lai-eview. Ore- a ! :' r-i ;,.:r:i v::v, this .X : fi putisstr. It 5 rrM-4 t:'il fc raci rar Tra: t- a i.itie s!:ii?ry , -jlsj t:gi; itaus tf tie ligat ra:n -i;j liit tie a-eatitr ai lie 1 r still iiesl t.1 is POLLUTED OR SUSPICIOUS WATER Eh-. Dakin, of World War fame, recommends the use of HALAZONE tablet. One tablet sterilizes one quart of water. Wherever the purity of water is in question, this handy Pharmaceutical should be used. A word to the wise is sufficient. Heath's Drug' Store 109 East Main Street The San Tox Shop NEW TODAY! New Thrills! New Throbs! New Smiles! New Tears! "QUEENIE," the trained horse SEGULAS PKICES Adults 35c.; Kiddies 10c Ttjr yiklyou rouy fair oeoed at Yri.-Ka. i,am.. jraiuriu., - - btr of Kxal people Un on Tlthin tbe exhitjitlon the laat of the week, if the wnnthhr loe not become too bad. 'I!; au(iiiolil lair plat vbich u.uy rar (-n'rm Ia':l on their Ea 'fjinr l advertise the Jackwm (wanty (air have (served their purjse, and Secretary H. O. PrcAbach reiueau that th tin i,!at- be removed and placed carefully aay lth roothbaiU until next year when they may be lan oat and thrown in the aah can.