Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 19, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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EMcffiSf of oreWn swaTn rMM
DUUUiumuniiii i LrtmL nuLU u
Jackson County Expended
$1766.55 in Last Three
Months S. B. Sandefer
Received $1357.24 for Ser
vices June, July, August.
Romance of Half a Century
Culminates, Chicago When
Edward Fox of Albany and
Mrs. Ellis of Evanston, III.,
Are United. .
Prohibition enforcement in Jackson
county for the months of June, July,
ana August of this year cost $1700.05,
according to vouchers In the county
clerk's office. . ' ' r 1
Of this amount, the records show,
$1,357.24 was paid to Prohibttioii'En
forcement Officer S. B. Sandefer, and
$409.51 was expended for incidentals,
largely to the Standard Oil for gaso
line, and to Bert Moses and W. H. Lig
gett, former Medford policeman for
assisting in tracing evidence.
In the month of June, paid in July,
Sandefer received a warrant for
$007.23. In July, paid in August, he
received a warrant for $220.32. Ho
was on his vacation this month for
two .weeks. In August he drew $529.49,
paid this month.- In the pursuit of the
illegal moonshiner, and the illicit still
in August, the gasoline cost $01.77.
In June, former Medford Policeman
Liggett received $00.90, in July $133.49
and in August he drew a warrant for
Bert Moses, 'who is now courthouse
janitor, received $20 in June, in July
nothing, and in August a warrant for
The above is not an accurate ac
count of the total amount expended,
because Borne ot the items are listed
under the prohibition enforcement
fund, and others under the current ex
pense fund, and the digging out of the
various expenditures Is a complicated
jdb for a layman, but the above is ap
proximately correct.
CHICAGO, Sept. 19, A romance
that endured through a half century
approached its cllnias today when
Mrs. Ella H. Ellis, 73, of Evanston,
111., and Edward F. Fox, 70, of Al
bany, Ore., exhibited a marriage- li
cense. They were sweethearts when
they attended Whcaton college to
gether in 1SGS and became engaged
then, but .Mr. Fox left to finish a col
lege career- at the University of Mich
igan. Then he went west. They drift
ed apart until both married others.
The.wifq of Mr. Fox died two
years ago. When ho camo east and
called on his old sweetheart while
passing through Chicago, he learned
that her husband, John Ellis, a Con
gregational minister, had died thir
teen years ago.
Old memories were rapidly recall
ed and other events forgotten.
"There's nothing half so sweet in
life as love's young dream," quoted
Mrs. Kills as they planned their
honeymoon. i ? -.
St. Louis Nosed Out in Last
Inning of Final Game ' With
Yankees Fans Still Confi
dent Browns Will Cop the
. Jerry Barnes, a well known resi
dent of Talent, was run over by an
automobile on the Pacific highway
near Talent, last Friday evening, and
IS now in the Granite City hospital
at Ashland, suffering from a severe
cut on the head and a broken right
iThe accident occurred just before
dusk. Barnes had ridden to Talent
in a machine, and started to walk
down the highway, south. The auto
while attempting to pass another car
Hiy going around, crashed Into Barnes,
knocking him, according to William
Holmes, of the Barnes Realty com
pany, "15 feet or more." The driver
of the car did1 not stop to ascertain
the damage, or render first aid.
Barnes was picked up by a passing
car, and. taken to Ashland. for medi
cal treatment,. He is now. believed to
be recovering.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sup:. 19. (By
tho Associated Press.) Hope is not
lost but the Browns' road toward the
1922 championship of the American
league has been made rougher.
This appeared to bo the thought of
thousands of St. Louis fans today fol
lowing what they termed the heart
breaking defeat tho Browns suffered
yesterday at the hands of the leading
i,"ew York Yanks, 3 to 2, in the final
game of a throe game series which
had been heralded as an indication in
the pennant race of the New York
and St. Louis teams this season.
Tho Browns today open a three
game series with tho Washington
Senators. The locals are a game an,d
a half behind New York with only
nine more games on their season's
schedule. New York has ton more
games to play. ...
After the game the Yanks left itu
mediately for Detroit where they in
augurate a three-game sories with
tho third place Tigers today. The
remainder of the schedule, according
to tho "dope" seems to favor the lo
Tho Browns have a three-gnmo so
ries scheduled with Washington and
Philadelphia, considered tho weaker
teams of tho league and a three game
Berics with Chicago, while New York
faces Detroit and Cleveland, regarded
as two of tho strongest teams, in six
Local experts pick the Browns to
win at least seven of tho last nine
games and If they accomplish this,
New York must win seven of its 10
the Browns, 3 to 1 ana gave the Goth
nmltes a margin of a game and a
half as they started a series In De
troit today.
While Ty Cobb has lost ono laurel
wreath to Sisler, he accumulated an
other yesterday by pounding out his
200th hit of the season as the Tigers
trimmed Washington 11 to r.. It was
the eighth year of his career in which
ho has passed the two century mark
and tied the major league record held
by Willie Koelcr ot tho old Baltimore
states that In his opinion the practice
of broadcasting Bormuns will Increase
rather than diminish church atten
dance. Stntoments were made that
many persons would not go to church
if they could get the sermons over the
COLUMTirs. O.. Sept. 19. Kirk
Doli st n, chuirmttu of tho Coin minis
boxing conCinlsHion saUl bore today
thitt at ;th$ roRiilnr meeting oC tho
commission . Wotinoatlay it is-probable
that the commission will order uu
linvostinatiofi into last nlKbt'H Mu-
lone -Downey fi&ht in which Downey's
body was rove red with a liniment in
tho twelfth round.
Malone today is roeoRnized by box
ing I'ominiHionH in many states as
the middleweight champion, having
received thij decision over Downey
last night.
(Hy International News Service.)
HONOU'LU, Sept. Defending
the practice of broadcasting sermons
by radio, recently inaugurated in Hono
lulu, Rev. Albert V. Palmer, pastor of
Central Union church of this city.
WEXATCHEE, Wash., Sept.
At a meeting of representative
growers of the district at the com
mercial club Monday ufternoon, the
following wage scale for orchard
help was afcreed upon:
Picking, forty cents an hour, or
five cents ft box. Sorting 35 cents
an hour, pncklng five cents it box off
tho grader and seven cents u box off
the bench; all other orchard and
warehouse labor forty cents uu hour.
These wages are about the same na
last. year. Thov were agreed to after
discussion of, the prevailing prices for
labor at tho present time. This scale
will help clear up the uncertainty of
both employers and employes that
has existed since the apple harvest
Charter No. 7701. - Reserve District No. 13
First National Bank
At Medford, in the Slate of Oregon, at the close of business on Sept. 15, 1922.
I. a Loans anil discount!', Including rediscounts, acceptances of
other banks, and foreign bills ot exchange or drafts sold
wit It indorsement of this bank $ 819,239. (12
4. U. S. Government securities owned:
a Deposited to secure circulation U. S. bonds par
value) $100,000.00
b All other United Stales Ooverniuent securities
(including premiums, if any) 1-10,479.39
Total 246,479.39
5. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.: 1(3,832.37
0. Dunking Uouso. $S2.6ui: Furniture and fixtures, $lu,000 -.
7. Ileal estate owned other than banking house
8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Hank
10. Cash in vault and amount duo from national banks...- 194,605.02
11. Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies
in tho I'nited States (other than included In Items 8 and
12, Exchanges for clearing notiso
Total of Items 10, 11, and 12 $213,033.78
14. Miscellaneous cash items
15. lledemption hind with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S.
Ashland Granite Meeting
All persons who ure intorested In
the development of a biff granite pro
ducing industry for tho Roguo River
valley are invited to attend a meeting
upstairs in tho Ashland City Hall at
7:30 p. m Wednesday, Sept. 20th.
Come, bring your friends, ask all the
questions you wish, and net aecurato
first hand Information regarding this
project and the great opportunities 4t
lledemption hind with U.
1 reasurer
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
Undivided profits ...
There has been a mad rush at the
officii of the secretary of the Fair
association for checks - by thoso em
ployed at the fair grounds last week,
but it was impossible in the short
space of time to audit those claims
and make out the checks, none have
been paid nor will any be issued until
next Saturday.
All having claims against the as
sociation should file same -with the
superintendent of the dlvsion under
whom the work -was perrormea and , 0rder to cop tho flag. By
h0 superintendents are asked to fl e J vlctorlouBi New York would
possible to enable all to receive their 1 have no better than a deadlock with
I tile Browns ana ir luey uiviua euiiui
j ly their remaining games, the Browns
! would noso them out, provided, of
course, they won the seven of their
( tames.
George Sisler broke his string of
hiltlne in consecutive games at 41
yesterday, stopped by a Yankoe
pitcher. During tho batting spree
Sislor bagged 76 hits out of 17 1 times
at bat for a .batting averago of .444.
pay at the end of this week.
Charter No. 15S. Reserve District No. 12
Jackson County Bank v
At Medford, In the State of Oregon, at tho close of business on Sept. 15, 1922.
1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts $ 728.761.9..
3. U. S. government securities owned, including those shown In
items 30 and 35. if anv
Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign gov
ernment, state, municipal, corporation, otc, including
; those shown in Items 30 and 35, if any
Stocks, securities, claims. Hens, judgments, etc
Banking house, $30,000; furniture and fixtures, $5000.!
Real estate owned other than banking house
Lawful reserve with fedeial reserve hank
(be) Cash on hand In vault and due from other banks, bank
ers and trust companies . 261,592.06
Exchanges for clearing house and items on other banks in the
same city or town as reporting hank
Checks ;n banks outsldo city or town of reporting bank and
other cash items
Totnl cash and duo from banks, Items 8, 10,
and 11 .. I - $360,205.72
Gold dust -. .'.
WENATCHEE, Wash., Sept. 19.
Tho apple shipping season is on. The
fimt. Rulid train load of apples, 52
cars, left Saturday night for eastern
points. A second train load, 56 cars,
left Sunday and from now on a train
wilt go out almost every day. The
first solid train this year went out
ten days earlier than last year, due
to the fact that all fruit is ripening
earlier. Tho trains wero made up of
winter bananas. Jonathans and suin
mor apples.
Total shipments of all fruits up to
'and Including Sunday, September 17,
were 1348 cars, comprising 267' cars
of .apples; 339 cars .of mixed fruit;
3J2 Dears; 128 peacbeS:' It (prunes
audit; tho remainder cherries
npriHoti. '
Wildes Veazie of G. E. Miller and
company, the' well known bond house
of Portland, ' is in' town today. Ho
states that the Eagle Point Irrigation
District bonds are highly regarded in
tho general market and that not one
has been offered for sale by the inves
tors who subscribed for them. The
Talent Irrigation District bonds con
tinue to hold strong In tho market and
none are offered under par or a prem
iums. Mr. Veazie says ho lias held
$25,000 bonds of the lowest bonded
irrigation district Issue, over offered,
for friends of the Roguo lliver valley.
of Last Night
On Guard!
Protect your Move against nut and wear
by using
y STOVE polish H
Easily rplied ind nrwili to the Iron If t part
of It, All lt dvnriges have ben proved over
and over again by millions of women everywhere.
Used by dealer on cample stove and for exhi
bition work.
Sold by hardware and grocery dealer. Liquid
and pJte one quality. Oaf m can today. .,,
Black Silk BtoTo Poliih Work -
1 Sterling, DliDoie
TJa Mwk title Air Drying Ire Cmmf) OB grata,
Uie B(ch Silk Mtal PotUfej for ailrer, pjrkal, of
NEWPORT, a. I. Dr. Horatio P.
Storer, the oldest living-graduate of
Harvard university, is dead at his
home here. He was in his 93rd year.
DUBLIN' The Irish free state will
apply for admission to tho League of
Nations when the time Is opportune
but will not apply Immediately as the
result ot a vote of tho Irish parliament
yesterday. .
guson, charged with having swindled
a priest anil other residents of Chicago
of large sums, was. held without bail
today to await extradition proceed
ings. His operations are alleged by
the police to havo netted him more
than $100,000. Ferguson said his wife
was a noted motion picture actress.
ROME The Messaggero today
serts that Italy has decided to send
back to Constantinople the small Ital
ian contingent which was sent with
the British troops to the neutral zone
around the Dardanelles.
National Ixagilo
Philadelphia 3-5; Pittsburg 11-2.
Boston 4 I St. Louis C.
Brooklyn 3; Chicago 4.
New York 7; Cincinnati 2.
i American League
Chicago 7; Boston 0.
Cleveland 3; Philadelphia 4.
Detroit 11: Washington 5.
St. Louis 2; New York 3.
76,400 0'!
23.081 8
:i Uuuui-vmiI rnr intui-tiut ami t.-ivpM accrued 2.231.15 $14,350.26
c Loss current expenses, interest, and taxes paid.... 7,243.99 7.10G.27
Circulating notes outstanding 99,997.50
Amount duo to State banks, bankers, and trust companies in
the United States and foreign countries 16,786.81
Certified checks outstanding 366.66
Cashier's chocks outstanding 8,214.80
Total of Items 23, 24, and 25 ..$25,367.27 y
Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to
Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days):
Individual deposits subject to check 636,434.96
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for
money borrowed I 79,353.22
State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge
of assets of this batik or surety bond . '. 126,630.60
Total of demand deposits (other than bunk. de-. . i :.
posits) subject to Reserve, Items 26, 27, and :
US ; $S42,468.78 , . -
Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or ,
more notice, and postal savings):
Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 134,203.35
Othor time deposits 410'S62'?
PoBtnl savings doposlts : ' 1,706.16
Total of time doposlts subject to Reserve,
Items 32, 34, and 35 $545,970.13 "
United States deposits (other than postal savings), including ; .; ..
War Loan deposit account and doposlts of United htates
disbursing officers - 19.004.19
Total - .....l,S,14.i4
State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss:
I, Oris Crawford, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the host of my knowledge and belief. -
Subscribed and sworn to before me this USth day of September, 1922. ' ';
T. W. MILES, Notary Public.
Correct Attest: B. E. Harder. Jno. R. Tomlln, Henry Hart, Directors.
. . t -rVr , . -
Charter No. 8236.
CHICAGO, Sept. 19. (By the As
sociated Press.) wbitey Witt, vic
tim of a pop bottle thrwri from tho
bleachers in the first, gome of the
crucial sories between the New York
and St. Louis Americans, was the
Yanks' sonsational ninth inning vic
tory In tho third contost. Witt's sin
gle drove McNally und-Scott across
with tho run that spelled dofeat for
In the humim body If -you will use
Trunk's Prescription. It is ridiculous,
absurd and preposterous, In laci, u
is a pity and a shame to stirrer wun
inflammatory, mucsular. sclutic or
nn other form ot lihoumatism.
Trunk's Prescription sells for
$1.75. This prescription DOES NOT
ruin the stomach, it DOES NOT do
press tho heart. Eat all tho meat
and good food you wish while taking
Trunk's Prescription. . It DOES NOT
contain harmful drugs or narcotics
of any kind, but it positively oyor-
onmea anv kind of Kheumatisirl
rtout on earth. WHAT MORE DO
YOU WANT? Thorods nothing Just
as good,: and it-Is -impossible to got
something better,. , Tor, sale Jii Has
kins' Drug Store, Medford, Ore. Adv.
WASHINGTON A constitutional
amendment to deprive congress of the
power of making tariff schedules has
been proposed in the house by Repre
sentative Ansorge, republican, New
York. Under tho plan congress could
decide only whether the country
should have a tariff based on tho prin
ciple of protection or of revenue only,
with detailed application of tho fa
vored, policy left' In the hands of a
permanent tariff court appointed for
. ' . .Take Klalil Mm.
I MONROVIA. CbI., Sept. 19. Gar
land ".lake" Ktahl, formerly major
leasuo baseball .player, and college
athlete, and president of the Wash
ington Park National bank of Chi
cago, died at a sanitarium here to
day, where he had been endeavoring
to regain his health. . .
Here's tho service
you want thoro,
quickly, , reasonable .
for real 'clothes
economy. ,
Total ' $1,249,378.81
Capital stock paid In . ? 100,000.00
Surplus fund . 20,000.00
(n) Undivided profits $ 20,709.29
(b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 6,515.89 14,lt3.40
Dividends unpaid 48 0.0
Net amounts due to other banks, bankers and trust companies 22,397.04
Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve:
Individual deposits subject to check, Including deposits due
tho State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds.... 657,142.25
Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 4,998.39
Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand 8,122.62
Certified checks outstanding 3,220.16
Total of domand deposits, other than bank do
posits subject to reserve, . Items 23, 24, 25
and 26 - - $073,483.42
Time and Savings Deposits, subject to resorvo and payable
on 'demand or subject to notice: '.
Time certificates of deposit outstanding 136,197.21
Savings deposits, payable subject to notice 273,089.14
Total of time and savings deposits payable on '
demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28..$409,286.35
Liabilities other than above, if any Reserved for Contlngen-
cies - - - - ' 10.000.00
Total $1,249,378.81
.Rlnio nf OrpB-on. CnlintV Of Jackson.-SS. 1 J ' 1 -'.''-I- ' ;-' '
I, V. H. Vawter, cashier of the above' named bank, do solomnly swear that
the abovo statement la true to the best of my knowledge ami ootiei.
t - - V. W. VAWTER, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of September, 1922.
MYRTLE W. BLAKELEY, Notary Public.
My commission expires January 8, 1926. 1 ', ....
Correct Attest : C. W. McDonald, C. I. Hutchison, Directors.
.'. ...$263,109.88
Charter No. 45. ' " ' ' Reserve District No, 12
Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank .
At Medford, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on Sept. 15, 1922,
1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items
29 and 30. if any .; -
2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured -'
3. U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in
' items 30 and 35, ir any i..- -'
4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, Including foreign gov-
uioio miiniMiinl rnriioratioti. etc.. Including those
-w.,. i,', imma an nml UK. If iv 4,978.04
6. Banking house, none; furniture and fixtures 4,739.78
9. (ah) Cash on hand in vault. ana uue rrom nanus, u.uiiwio
,r, ,,, nnioo .inoiL'tinteri Hnd annroved reserve agents
' of this bank - ; 80,504.54
in vv,.uantrna f.ti finni-infr hnnnp. and Items on other banks in the
o.imn t-itv nr town an renortlng bank 4,510.22
-it .... t.nt.ta M,uiria Mtv nr town nf renortins bank and
othor cash items 2,152.20
Total cash and due from banks, items a, iu, nnu
jj $ 87,166.96
Capitat slock paid in
Surplus fund
(a) Undivided profits
Yh1 Lens current exnenses. interest and taxes paid..
Reserved for taxes, interest and depreciation
Dividends unpaid ..J...- -J...
Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve:
Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the
State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds
Demand certificates of deiwsit outstanding
Cushlcr's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand..
Certified checks outstanding :
' Total of demand deposits,'' othor than bank de- . ,
posits, subject -to reserve,, Items 23, 24, 2o,
- 20 ;i.v.....ij.:. -- .....$230,688.86
Time and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and payable on
demand or subject to notice: , .
Time, certificates of deposit outstanding ,
Savings deiwslts, payable subject to notice '.
Total of time and savings deposits payable on de- - '
' ' ' ' mand or subject to notice. Items 27 and 28 ...$ 66,891.02
Liabilities other than above, if any Contingent account..- J.:
...... 10,000.00
- Reserve District No. 12
Medford National Bank
At Medford, in the State ot Oregon, at the close of business on SopL 15, 1923.
' :. .- RESOURCES ' ....
a Loans and discounts, indludlng rediscounts, acceptances '
of other banks, and foreign bills of exohange or drafts "
sold with indorsement of this bank .-. - 526,163.2-
U. 8. Government securities owned: u : ,r-
a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par -. ; ,'j
value) $100,000.00 .;-. ; :-
b All other United States Government securities i
(including premiums, if any) ma.Duu.uu
Total ...i-... :
Other bonds, stocks, securities; etc.: -
Banking House, $43,800; Furniture and fixtures, $2500..;...:.......
Heal estato owned other than banking houBe !..-
Lawrul resorve with Federal Reservo Bank.
Cash iu vault and amount duo from national banks
Exchanges for clearing liouso
Miscellaneous cash itoms - '
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S.
16. Othor assets, if any New Construction Account..:........
. 20,750.00
, Total
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund - -
Undivided profits ' ';'oi
c Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid.... 10,277.81
Circulating notes outstanding - J...........
Certified checks outstanding -
Caslilor's checks outstanding ...
Total of Items 24, and 25...........
Demand deposits (other than bank
.. 100,000.00
...$ - 4,794.20
subject to
ueserve taoposiis payauiu niLiiiu uojo;. . v 'iednnbt
26. Individual. deposits subject to check., - 4t,i4U.Z3
27. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than .
. for money borrowed) , - Wfili.ii
28. State, county, or othor municipal deposits secured by pledge , n ,;
nf n Quoin nf this hank or surety bond 170.M&.US
Total of demand deposits (other than bank de--
posits) subjoct to Resorvo, Items 26, 27, 28 $i00,097.57
Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or
subjoct to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings) :.
Certificates of deposit (othor than for money borrowed) ..
Other time doposlts '
POBtal savings deposits '
Total of timo deposits subject to Resorve, ,
Items 32, 33, 34, and 35 $340,325.73
, ..;. . $1,277,532.28
Stato of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss : .. -. :- ., i;l'..:.vv v. ''
I, John S. Orth, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemniyswear that
the above statement is true to of my knowledge n"1 thter ' '
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of September, 1922.
G. M. ROBERTS, Notary,,Public.
My commission expires August 23, 1924. ,- ,"
Correct Attest:- J. A. Weslorlund,-W. H. Gore. F. E. Merrick. Directors. ,
,. 300.00
State of Oregon, County of Jackson,. ss. ' ' "' ' ' ,.',
I F E Wahl, cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is truo to the best of my knowledge and belief.- -
, .... ;:, ... , . - F. E. WAHL, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of September, 1922.
DON R. NEWBURY, Notary Public.
My commission expires December 4. 1925.
Correct Attest: Uus Newbury, C. E. Gates, Delroy Getchell, Directors. .
Next Time You Order; Insist On
A Rogue River Product
Makes delicious and nutritious breads and
;. . . COSTS LESSTPER sack ; W;
1 . t . .'. -
Rbguc Valley Milling Go,.