Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 01, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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1 ' ; ; : ;
. fcHidAGO, 8ept. 1. (By Associated
Fred).: Thdtifch outhit by Washington
twi) id one, the Yankees bunched the
four bingleB they obtained off Mog
rldge lii io innings and defeated the
Senators 3. to 1, for their sixth straight
A victory. -As. Cleveland beat St. Louis
with, 4 five run rally In the ninth
Inning ,1 to . 6, the New Yorkers, in
created (heir margin over the Drowns
in the American league race to two
and one-bait games. '
Brilliant ' fielding again - played a
prominent part In the Yankee victory
while Jos BUBh hung up his twenty
seedntt triumph of the season. .
drOOKlyn again got the jump on the
Giants and cut the champions' lead In
the; National league to six games by
making it two in a row, 7 to 4.
Jess Barnes was driven to cover In
the; third Inning after the Robins bad
tallied five times, while Mammaux ef
fectually, checked the Giants In the
seventh when Smith weakened.
, THe. White Sox pounded three De
troit pitchers, including Herman Pll
lette, tor 21 hits and a ten to one vic
tory) the last place Boston clubs
pulled themselves nearer seventh po
, slt'Wn by trouncing Philadelphia, the
proves taking a pair from the Phillies
yyVacoj-eB'of "6 to 4. and 7 to 2, while
the Bed' Sqv' blanked the Athletics 3 to
01 a five ipplng affray. , '.
;,''.';.'- ''-
''H-', ' .' American . ;
Philadelphia 0, Boston 3.
': Hew-yofk -3, Washington 1.
. Mroft J, -Chicago 10. ...
b6veJand.7, at.Wuts 6. ..
v-ht-;vivf-::-?pi'"';.t.-.; - .
Ronton 6-7, Philadelphia 4-2. . N :
Jlttrdklyn; 7. New Yorlj '4. :-, r ' .
;flt,; tjuls-pittsburg. rain. :'.. '' ,
;.N) Others scheduled. .
' Coat ;' .! ,
. p8kland'6f7; Salt Lake 1-12." " '.
Vot i AligeleV 5 Seattle 0. ' :
Bacrariienta 1, 'Vernon
Bftti Francisco ,7, Portland 4. '' :" .
'.flif iSf 6: Practief .Starts Sept. 15
: BUaENS; Ore'.,-Sept.' 1. The .. Uni-yfmt-
of Oregon football, team will
Mfttt training on September 15. . ;
'-' M -but twp of1 tre6 of the 'players
fiJI.Jie' bfeck tpistart'ln where'they lbft
6tuMntl Maut?i:a'J920 veteran, also Is'
tefi&tfed tp'retufu.jhjs fall; . ;.. , .'
r '.;'.'' .: . ." 11 ,11 ' . .. .
WATTLE, - Sept. l.-r-flussell Callow
wag; lat night elected by the Associ
ated Students, e.xooutvo board coach
of. (heTpiyersity of Washington crew.
He' succeeds Ed Leader, jvho accented
B' cpachB8 offer, from: Yale university.
Callpw was captain of the crew In 1916.
Latent Arrivals at
'6 Camp Grounds
Thirteen caxs and forty-six people
stopped' at-the city auto camp last
tlighti ;THoae, registered are as fol
lows:. B' C Thurston' and party of
lour en route' home . to Portland
after having ivlsited Crater Lako; C.
Hi Wilson and one other of San
FtttnolseO; "Calif, on route home from
.th north; E. Allbcnn and party of
tnree en route to Santa Rosa, Calif.,
after having visited In Oregon and''
Washington; John Schmidt and party
Of three -of Los Angeles, en route to
tlflpkiiio, wn.: B. W. Garten and .one
?tnsi- of Spokane, Wn., ,cn route to
.ds Angeles; S.".H. Bruns of Ala
meda, Calif., on the way to Crater
Lake; It.- H. McKinnas and party of
nvei en, route from superior. Mont.,
to Modford where ho mav lopate: W.
"Wj Vllliam and one other of Rogue
Kiver, Ore., . In for the day; R. H.
Byles iipd party of three of Belllng
hanti ,ffni en- route to Loa Angeles;
L. Weaver and party of six from Pa
citlcV ' Wn en . f oute to " Medford,
wherfe they may locate; C. C. Robinson-'
and one other of Portervillo,
Calif., .on tho way home from the
north) .f, 'ft. 'Bender and party of
thred; bf Lanc, HVVo., on tho way
"bifid from the north: F. R. Bonder
Sua. party of, three of Lance, Wyo.,
en jMjiite to Seattle, "Wn,, and George
Cllpeft iand party of four, en route
.hotilO tb Tacoma, Wn from Crater
Jackson county will ohserve libor
Day next Monday at Ashland, where
a ptcnlc-barbecue will be given ly
the Modern Woodmen of America,
the Woodmen of the World, and tho
railroad labor orgnnlzations. The
program will be given in Lit h la park.
The official parade of the day will
be held at ten o'clock. This will bo
a free-for-all event, and some Inter
esting nid startling floats and fea
tures are predicted, as a cash Yrize is
offered for the best marching unit.
Tho barbecue will occur at 12,
noon, and barbecued beef aad 'mut
ton, coffee sugar and milk will bo
furnished free. Aftorlho feed the
band will play.
Oratory for the occasion will be
unleashed nt two o'clock. Walter M.
Pierce, democratic candidate for gov
ernor will speak on "Fratornallsin,"
and Walter Nash, r will speak-, on
"Labor Troubles".
At three o'clock this following pro
gram will bo started: ,
Fat man's race, 100 yards. -ti
Fat woman's race ."SO - yards. 1J
Ladies' ball throwing contest.
Plo eating contest. ' Ago limit, 12
years. ' . .
Girls' race, SO yards. Age limit
12 to 15 years. .
Ladies' free for all race. 25. yards-.
Boys' sack race, 20 yads.
Tug of war, M. W. A. vs. W. O. W.
(Railroad -organization -cliallongcs
Cash prizes will be awarded for. the
largest Woodman family present, the
ofdest Woodman. - the tnllest -Wood
man and the shortest -Woodman on
tho ground. , .
As side.amusement features there
will be dancing at the Armory and
the Bungalow, and a boxing bout nt
the Lyric theater between Lawrence
Daw and Battling Frlck as tho main
The largest crowd that even attend
ed a labor Day celebration in Jack
Kon county Is expected to be on band.
In the main event nt the Medford
Athletic club smoker last night Bol
ton Meadows and Battling Frick
boxed what was called -a draw, a
popular decision. A majority of the
ringside critics gave Frick u shade,
but not enough for a. verdict. Mead
ows was given the first round the sec
ond was even and Frick the last two.
Both young men swung hard and
wild.' Tho preliminaries were fair to
medium and a good sized crowd saw
tho contests.
CHICAGO, Aug. 3,1. The Chicago
and Alton road was placed in the
hands of receiver in federal court to
day by Judge Carpenter. W. ti. Bierd.
president, and W. W. Wheelock, an
attorney, were-named as the receivers.
According to a statement by Silas S.
Strawn, apiwinted counsel for tho re
ceivers, the receivership was precipi
itated principally by the great fulling
off in the earnings of the company due
to the coal strike and by the extra ex
penses flue to the shopmen's strike.
At the office of Mr. Strawn, it was stat
ed the receivership will not In any way
change the operation of the road's
' T. W. Miles acted as chauffeur and
hot to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walker of
tios Angeles and took them tip to
Rogue Elk for the week end and will
then go on to Crater Lake. Mr. Walker
is connected with Loeb, Walker ' &
Loeb, prominont attorneys of Los An
geles and he and Mrs. Walker were
here some three weeks ago and re
turned yesterday from a trip to Van
couver, B.C. . '
Ben Rosenfeld was In town yester
day representing Rosenfeld Hat Co. of
Coffey Only 33 Votes Behind
PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 1. John
R. Coffey stood thirty-three votes be
hind R. J. Klrkwood, low man on
the republican legislative ticket, at
tho close of this morning's' session of
the recount proceedings before Cir
cuit Judge Knowles of LaGrando. sit
ting in Portland.
Coffey showed a net loss of one
vote in this morning's count. In pre
cinct ll'J ho lost two and Klrkwood
lost three, and in precinct 10 Coffey
lost two, while Klrkwood neither
gained nor lost. Coffey made a net
gain of five votes yesterday after
noon." cutting down Klrkwood's lead
of 37.
We repair your
: ' ' Picking Bags
Med. Tent & Awning Works
Opposite S. 1. Depot :
Packed ittfvacuwn because
its flavor is worth keeping
To bring you a delightful; tea fla
vor.That is the purpose of the round
vacuum tin which holds FOLGER'S
Golden Gate Tea.
' This new vacuum tin brings you
, tea of the finest quality with all its ' . '
rare fragrance and flavor preserved.
Black Tea or Green. . . ' ,
Ask your grocer.
: V4r-. "
A. F. i A. M.
'Special communication Sled-
v.fbd Ixdge 103, Friday even-
i lhg, Sept. 1st, 8 p. m. Work
ih;!),.legree. - L. E. WILLIAMS. .
gyy:".-'. - ; Secretary.
(Iit, n 1. liitm'.tv. l.mnns
Into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White which Any drug
stdro will' supply fdf a quarter pint
of harmless and-" delightful lemon
bleach. Massage this sweetly, frog
rant lotion Into the rat,neck. arms,
and hands each daj. then, shortly
nbte the beauty and- whiteness of
your skin. .
Famous stage beauties use '- this
lemon lotion to bleach and bring that
soft, clear, rosy-white complexion,
also as a freckl sunburn and tan
blench because it doesn't Irritate.
. Adv.
Men Wanted
for. logging camp, saw mill, box factory
and lumber yard. Good wages, good ac
commodations.' ' Write or Call
Fruit Growers Supply Co.
' Hilt, Calif. ;.
Medford 7:45 a. m., 1:00 p. m.
Lv. Roseburg 8:30 a. m., 2p. m.
Lv. Medford 7:45 a. m 1:00 p.m., 4:45 p. m.
Lt. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:30 p. m.
Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m.
' Lt. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m.
We connect with stages for Portland, Marahfleld and Crescent
: City.
... . Phone 800 - -
Women of today tloptMid n koo1
deal upon tho modorn modiste :m a
knowledge of the cosmetic ftrt to
mako them attractive. Too often
there exiHtn beneath it all n suffer
inp woman whose nervous laush or
forced smile cover a pans' of ukomv
caused by Rome femiiil io ill. 'IV
Huch a woman Kydla K. -!MnkhamH
Vegetable .'omouml will brinp
health nnd a happy relief from her
suffering, that will make her far
more attmctivo than costly urowns
and cosmetics.
For nearly fifty years American
woman have relied upon this root nnd
herb medicine to relievo their ail
ments. Adv.
It also kills mlco. gophers, prnlrt doss,
coyotes, wolves, cockroaches, watur bug!
nd ants. A 360 box contains enough tc
kill 60 to 100 rats or mice. Get it from
your drug or general storo dealer today.
Hub Auto Painting Co.
Wo (iunrnntoo Our Work.
SHH'lnl PrtiH's to Dealer
i'M N. ltlversblr PIkiiki 20
Auto Tents and
Med. Tent & Awning Works
OpiHwitn S. P. Ki'txit
Crank Case Service i
Have your crank case drain
ed before that Labor Day
trip. -
Next to Nat.
Jackson County Fair, Medford, Sep
tember 13 to 16. tt
Mann's The Best Goods for the Price No Matter What the Price Mann's
Now is the time to plan so as to have everything
ready when school starts. So far as we 'are con
cerned every plan has been made and executed to a
nicety, when it comes to having what the children
will need when school starts.
i, Romper Cloth
for School! Dresses, ju . a
great' variety of ' styles and
colors, 25c value. Saturday,
5 Yds. for $1.00
. Dress Percales
30 inches wide, in excellent
patterns for school dresses,
22c value
Saturday, yard
Devonshire Cloth
32 inches wide, in 50 differ
ent patterns. ' Regular .price
39 c. On sale' Ofi.
Saturday, yard ..l..:P
' Dress Gingham
27 inches wide, in fancy
plaids and stripes, 29c value.
On sale Saturday, OC
Kyrth Cloth
32 inches wide, for Dresses in
plain colors. Regular prico
29c. On salo pC
Saturday, yard atijfJV
Jap Crepe . "
32 inches wide, in the heaviest
quality, both plain and fancy
colors. Saturday, QC
yard ........... . ..VOC
Wool Batiste
Black and White
Shepherd Checks
36 and 40 inches wide. Up
to $1.00 values.
Saturday, yard
Wool Serge
3G inches wide, in all the best
shaded. On salo
Saturday, yard
Fancy Wool Dress
in plaids ' and stripes, 40
inches wide. On salo
fine quality in a great va
riety of colors, - 3G inches
wide. On sale
Saturday, yd...
Wool Challie
27 inchs wide, in a fine line
of patterns. All woil. On
salo Saturday, d1 OC
Silk and Wool
3G inches wide, in a fine lino
Saturday Sale of Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear
Children's Kid Oloves, All
sizes, $2.25 val. 1 QQ
Sat., pair P O
.Children's Chamoisette
Gloves 89c values. : On
sale Saturday,'
Children's Leather Belts
All styles, ; -
From 25c to 69c ea.
Children's Hose Supporters
35c values. On OA
sale Sat., pair 6UC
20 Off On All Children's
Muslin; Underwear
Pongee Silk
12 Mominic, $1.35 grade.
Saturday, 1 Q
yard , P
Children's Athletic Waist
Suits On sale
Saturday, suit
Children's Union Suits All
sizes, $1.39 value. ' QQ
Saturday, suit '"V.
Children's Richlieu Union
Suits On salo "7C '
Saturday, suit .: f J C
Phoenix Sport Hose, for
women in black, brown and
beaver. On salo d 1 "Ofl
Saturday, pair P vPU
Children's Bobcttc - Combs,
" 69 each
Children's Wool Sport
Socks On sale 7El
Saturday, pair
' Children's Derby Ribbed
Hose in black,, white polo,
cordovan and beige. On sale
Saturday, dCkr
pair .J. , ...Oft
Children's Annette
: Suits Jjil.Gl) value
suit ..........
Women's Phoenix Silk Hose
in black and colors. On sulf
Children's Sport Sox
Clocked. Special, 7Q
Sat., pair
Children's Silk Hose In
black, white and cordovan.
On salo Sat.,
Mann's Department Store
The Store for Everybody
Entrances E. Main and N. Central
Medford, Oregon
Children's Cotton Hose In
black, white and cordovan.
On sale Saturday, OQ
pair OVC
Children's Princess May
Pants All sizes, 75c value.
Saturday, tQ
pair , OUC
5G-ineli Poirct Twill and
Serges. Up to $3.50 values.
Saturday, CO QQ
yard V&.VO
Store Closed All Day
Labor Day
Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Portage Prepaid Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns
Barrettes, with colored stones.
On sale Saturday, from
35c to 75c each